(3) gc QnXlQ statim ASTORIA, OREGON: tttt'y n "' TUESDAY ISSUED EVERY MOBNING. (MDluy UxceidedJ. l. . IrrlautI, ftlifor ami IToprlctor A Marion Bnildinif. "W Street Terms 0 Subscription : v sorvoJ by Garrior. per week.... ..... Ceau seat by mail, fourmoatbp............ ..........55 00 dent he mail, one year.. ........... fiO Free f Pwrtaiec t Suborifers. rC Advortuetaents inserted by the year at the rate of SI 5H per flnuaro per month. Traniient advertising, by tho day or week, fifty coats per square for each insortion. Tlit Weekly .Worinn Is a mnmmoth heet. ueaii double the.-lie of the Daily. It is jie-t liie impel- for the fiivide,oontaining in addi tion to all the current new-v choice mis- cellnnj. agricultural matter, market re- ports, etc. It i furnished to single snb seribers at S2 00 per j ear in advance. j 3?"A limited nimioerof small aiher-j lisements inserted at established rate.! THE CITY. Thk l.ti. astokian tritl m matt ntljcatl a mmth.frteitf twf. ffd- cr who cttnt mtintt nitxrtictifritm titf cttn am Tn: AiTfutiAN fiUbiH- iitfm. Daily t,r Wbkki.v tilitUm . itt-tf!ke trttk- udiWitiHul ertn'Hiif'. JildffK hj lie cnumjed us tiftsn rt nrnlrM. lvc iH-der at thA itHiiUkw rmnn. Steamer California due to-dav. Common Council this evening. The Elder will sail out to-morrow. The Scottish Admiral was inkeu to sea yesterday. The schooner Alpha arrived from1 Yaquina yesterday. The Columbia, arrived at San 1-Yancisco on the morning of the !Hh. July liith a select parly will be given at the Sea-View house, Noith Pacific beach. Mr. A. Booth made a special trip to Brookfield yesterday with the steamer Clara Parker. Such nice fish; and so many of them as canneries are now pelting makes business livery. The little daughter of Lieut. Jones, sick with brain fever at fort Canby, died on Saturday evening. The Oregon Improvement companys stealer Willamet, froni'this port Fri-' day evening, arrived at Seattle Sun day. That miserable brute, A. Hoyt, was placed in the county jail last evening. Whether for safety or not depends upon circumstances. Mr. Albert Butterfiold of the firm of Butterfield Bros., watchmakers and jewelers of Portland, arrived last evenint' and h:is located with Carl Adler. Iu a private letter to Mr. C. Lei nenweber, of this city, received by last mail, Mr. Villard informs him that he expects to be in Oregon in .September next. Tho Glenperis will load wholly at Astoria with salmon. She is at Hustlers Main street dock, and has iaken on about 2,000 case3 for stiffen ing, before discharging inward ballast. There is alwaj's something to dis tract our attention, and intorfeie with editorial work. To-da3' wc under stand is the anniversary of the battlo of Boyne. When it isn't one thing it's another. The companion steamer for tho State of Ctlifornia, which Cramp A: Sons are building in Philadelphia for the Pacific Coast Steamship company, will be named Queen of the Pacific. The State is now Queen of the Pacific. Astoria is surrounded with wood; trees of immense size free of stump age, and yet not a stick can be bought for mone3T. Baldolet & Co. sent the steamer Clara Parker to Knappa, and up beyond Oak Point, for wood for their cannery. On Sundaj' last Dr. Craug made a professional visit to a logging camp -on the north side, going from Astoria io Knappton by boat, ihoncc on horse back over the trail to N"aselle .river, thence down the river four miles to a logging camp. Speaking of that region of country, about which but little is known, Dr. Crang saj's a wagon road can be very easily constructed, and the tide lauds and forests of most magnificent spruce timber are rich in the elements that constitute wealth. There are hundreds of acres of grass land now unoccupied capable of keep ing large bands of cattle rolling fat, and the timber is grand. Saturday night Charley Iveenc lost Itis purse containing S175 in gold coin. He peddles fruit, etc., on the streets and in saloons, and had sold out his store and stock intending to go below by the steamer Elder, and took this money to put into Geo. Hills safe for safe keeping, but before giv ing it to Mr. Hill sold something out of his basket, and laid the purse down to make change, and thoughtlessly went away and left it. When he went back, as quick as he missed it, about an hour later, the purse was gone, of course. Charley is crippled, and is decidedly out of luck, but if his purse fell into honest J hands it will be returned, after this notice. We hope it may. Charley will reward the person returning it to iiim. Don't Forget It. When a vessel loads -. Atstona iho value of the cargo foots up. Look at tI,e Mertmi $"-14,050. The Scottish 'Admiral loaded wholly at Portland. nor cnrgo loots tip iuluou over SI 00,000 lots than the Astoria cargo. When big ships are wanted, Astoria must loed'them; not Portland, neither Yaqmiia bay; and don't forget it. "Newepaper Thieves. The trifling sum at which The Daiia Ahtokian is furnkhed, twenty five cents per week; should untitle every citizen and family m the place t n Mittvwiikmii unv n siiulimr ! it; but we regret to "say there are . . . . 1 J newspaper thieves in Astoria, whom we give due and timely notice will be prooocuted, to the fullest extent, if we catch thotu in the act. A detective is on track E tlieiii now. Grief-Strickeu. A severe. iHerciiig, and hitter -rief j lias overt ken the family of our friimd Yin Cook, Es., at Clifton. Tlirfr little son Ralph Xeswilth was dm tied off the wharf there at nrday. IJtiigeiit search j has been made for theltody; the river j drajjgtnl, giant jxiwder exploded, etc., j but at ill the water refuse to tfive uu 1 1 -, . .t iik (toaii. i;ur iciMieroBt svnipniniea are expressed fortliem in their aadnes. j iVlr.Sencer,iHanietoTHKAsTii:M'. t says: "Jlalph was four 3'eais and ftnirj montliK tdd. A brighter or more af fectionate l4iy never lived; was all yon oiMild wisli for x boy f iW age; and his Jos falis heavily ia all of s." I Comet Claimants. The Midden and very unexpected appearance t.f the comet one morning last mouth, when will ho mist men, ex cept thoae cmiiected with the news paper business, stcamlvoMting, ami a few astronomers, were in IkhI; is likely to result in very serious civil atrife unless some way is discovered to .settle the claims of pj-iority if djsoovery. Alwlestly waiving our own claims; lo calise of the surpritn: to our Mr. Nor ris which caused him to fail to rejmrt it; in favor of the Captain and crew of the Canby, we Iiojm; ti see them jMit in their papers ami take the stakes. On the eastern sloje tliere are already I six claimants for the honor, and to the honor is added a $200 prixe, ottered by Mr. Warner, of Uochostor, New York. These six rival claimants are two from Penneylvxnia. three from Illinois, and one from Delaware, How shall the great question be set tled? Wc propose as the most feasible plan a fasting match, the survivor, if there be any, to take the reward, if no one survives, it will, of course, be a clear saving to Mr. Warner Hibernians Meeting. The annual state, con von lion of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, for Ore gon, was held in the parlors of Asto ria Engine Company No. 1, last Satur day evenin:;. There were present a full delegation from Portland and Asto ria, and the business of the evening passed off pleasantly. Thomas-Dealey, of Astoria, was elected S. I).; J. J. Byrnes, of Portland, S. S.; J. R. Wiley, of Portland, S. T. The fol lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The present difticuhies in Ireland demand a firm stand to he taken by all true Irishmen in the pres ent crisis. Therefore be it Resolved, That we pledge our united and undivided support to the holy cause of aiding our distressed counlty in securing those heavenborn rights which are withheld by the 13' rairy of a u sniping and heartless government base, selfish, and relent less England. And Whereas, An attempt has been made to assassinate our chief magis trate. I herefore be it Resolved, That this convention takes this method of expressing their abhonence of so dastardly an act. And express their joy at hear ing of his improving condition, hop ing that a few days may place hiin past all danger. On Sunday the delegation from Portland chartered the steamer Clara Parker, visited Fort Stevens, Ilwaco, and other paints, returning in time for dinner, and everybody enjoyed them selves and visit to Astoria and vicinity very much; which concluded with a pleasant social reunion at the house of our fellow townsman, Mr. P. J. domi nium Our visitors returned by steamer to Portland, yesterday. " Widow Bedott. In conseqeuce of the detention of the steamer G. VV. Elder, and also iu consideration (' thercrowded state of the house lait evening mnnir lirtino f 1 turned away wl were anxious to make tho Wiows facuuiintancc; Mr. .Tame P. locke, fir. Ilaverlys representative Jucre, lias xiirrangeu to give one fnore nWforilance of .Petrolofni M Nasbyl roailig play. Don'tforgetf therefore, th:f this is the illy clance of seeing Bishop as the Widder," and her amiable suit ors. The finest quality of Harness Oil is kopt at the harness shop, for sale by S. Gray. Gen. J. H. Eaton roturnod from the Sea-Side yesterday. He onjoyed the visit and sport of trout fishing very much. Warrantee deeds at Thk Astokian officc. Never go shopping without eon suiting the advertising columns of Thk Astokiax. They will toll you where the host bargains are to be had, and just what merchants are alive and doing business. Havorlys "Widow Bedott This excellent company opened last 1 night to a house that actually totted ! the capacity Uf Liberty hall. Many vr tuniAil Inwinv itnnlt'ii in find 1 I " S- : seals, or tfrcA itaiiding room. The . . .t roars 01 lnii"Iiter re incessant, and; no more AJiijoy boon fnien 11 entertainment has ! citv for vuar. I Bishop i B ti.u.unnri-i..,.,t;nv;.in.u.to suit. ijivcrpwu lactnry niKti. w riiui uiiiiiMij, u ! was really inn rouse, while Barrows, Sntherldjul, F; archill and Bishop Jr., 1 vied witll each Itther to make the per- j fonnance lively nil bright. The i Widow Bishop and her chickens will ! 1 give one mora entertainment to-night. "This is the only chance t lnh.' - Timot,,v X'JSK . Notice to Fixhernven ml Other on the Col My youngest .. Kiver. years old. blm niplexiou. fell ee. light hair from the wharf on .sat unlay evening, July ward ill le : A liberal re- recoxerynf his! ; imhiv. VIXfK.M IOOK. 1 iilton. Oregon, .July I), 1S31. Al leu I ion An adjournal uiclin Hook ami l.nticr cwnpau at their hallthis -enm I All membei are mhiiios' teiMlniice. r.JJ.j'.r.nr.i 31 rs. It. t'arrofliers -f-f. . Tal li-tireit cAlliUK lhe alleu- lion lad rrjeml.s, and ladies thatshtjF will have Lilts n JTJe JPrcsses for sale, ami forheirfat Portland piiees. oniccM to item. Sin le or in Miile of two. in Tin: A- toki v building. Prices reanoiialde. Coarse Liverpool Salt Kor sale by Ihe ton, at .Snn Franci-eo prices al N'arren and Katoiis A-toria market. Take A'otice. On after this date an additional Hi cents jer cord will be charged on all orders for sawed wood not accoitiHUiicd b the cah. at (Jrays- wkhI vaiil. Jiilv 1MMK1. ! -L A Xcvr Delicacy. Mr. J. T. IJorehers has just prepared a choice lot of piccd salmon iu ."lO-pound kegs. They are the finest eating for lunches, etc to be had. Call at once and Mvtirc your suppl. AJHUSK31KXTS. Hill's Ya 1:11m rs. Geo. Hill, proprietor ami manager, Fied Gere, stage manager, Thos. Culleii. leader of orchestra. Geo. Lambert, leader of brass band. Gnk ami Nickerson, the young mekes: Miss Lou Cook in Mings and dances, etc. New fust part. New olio, and new acts. Open air concert at p. m. Performance commences al ss p.m. Entrance on Benton sreel:pri ate boxes on Chenainus. Max. Wagner's San Fnuieisro timiai brewery beer can't be beat. Xa- Ice cream at Rococ.s oyster and re freshment aloon iu Occident liotel block. Mr. .John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc, in their season. P. WilheliH, Ross saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland. Oregon. Zephyrs iu all Colors and .shades at six cents an ounce, at the California store, iKst-oflce corner. A tremendous stock of home r.nule candies, at the Astoria Candy Facing, next door to the City Rook store. Oj Kisjtc the bell tower. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-five cents at Charles Stevens and Sous Citj Rook store. Charles Stevens v. Son are iu re ceipt of a fine stock of mouldings, and are now pre hi red to make picture frames to order. Call and iiispivl their stock. P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street, has just received the latest ami most fashionable style of gents and ladies lwots. shoes, ojc. To celebrate joyously on the coming till, go to tlie Astoria Candy Factory and get some of the fine mixture made for this occasion. Opposite the lel! tower. .1. II. D. Gray is now selling Wheat. Bran and Feed of all kinds at reduced rates, and has also a fine lot of Ash and Vine Maple YikhI on hand for sale. Sas one. Kendall's Spaiu Cure is the liet liuumcut for human llesh eer used, ami tlHHisands have extolled it in similar terms. See advertisement. The bcsl Carter's Cape Ann oil clothing, rubber boots, etc, sold at .Sin Francisco wholesale prices at the San Franciseo clothing store. S. Danziger. San Francisco clothing I store, has the largest and iiesi selected stock of clothing iu the city. Alo, gents furnishing goods, boots ami shoes, trunks- and alises. hats and cans. I Caramels. Molasses Chewing Pep J iiermint, Cocoannt D'ltalia, Cix-oaiiut ( Ice, Butler Scotch, and a lot of good ; things at Ihe Astoria Candy Faclorv,; opposite the hell tower. Before purchasing goodsof auylody eall and inspect my slock. You are welcome. I will gladlyshow inj goods, no matter whether you" Imv or not. New goods by every steamer. . Danziokk. Rcforc purchasing jour sewing ma chines, call and examine A. Van Dusen Si Co.'s stock. They have just received anew and elegant lot, which they are offering at bottom prices. Charles Gratkc has always 011 ha ml No. 1 XXX Premium Ale and first pre mium Lager Iker from the Albnnv brewery, San -Francisco, at his saloon on the kondwa. I Capt. J. II. I). Gray is now prepared I to supply the best qualities of fir, hem-' lock, vine maple, spruce limbs, etc. Leave orders at the wood yard, foot of Benton street. S. G laser & Co., successors to F. Sherman & Co., having lioucht the meat and vegetable market of F. Sher man & Co., would respectfully ask 1 continuance of the patronage bestowed on the former proprietors. Don't drive a spavined horse as long as you can get Kendall's Spavin Cure for Si a bottle. As a powerful liuament for deciHsealed pains on both man and beast, it has no equal. Bead advertise ment. Peter Wilhelm has established a first class saloon in C. II. Page's build ing, on oiiupmoqiie street, near the bell tower, ami has appointed Messrs. Wm. Bock & Co. his agents. The best oft everything in the line of wines, liquors, j beer, cigar., etc-, will be kept on hand, j Having made arrangements in New I lork and ban rranclsco ror the pur chase of all my goods, my facilities for buying are such as to enable me to undersell all others. 1 defy competi tion. S. Danziger, San Francisco cloth ing store, Astoria. limit: for fUUlf V At 1 iilton ill. SSI. f.d for the l.i(a ami IJtCit. ; g 0 Hi Vlert lywiltfDe iMSlil ati'EbO r. m. i lid U1h in al-: ON.freslMiu I : - -. j eV PV oil r 111 Zieiyai. Ldiewleadv I yi-.i .!.-...- IfihL 'fUn 1'urni.Hlicd lCooinf io lift At Mrs. Jfunoiis lodyinu Iwum. Xotlee to Fishermen. From one to 1.000 ikimiuIs of black ciiAiiMi frikitt wf niriinti wntitrwl flnili f 'fl.li ii-.i , .1 T.Roi7ciiKi:s How limn Inn. Sn.lt. Salt. Conr-tantlv on hand, and in Humilities Hay niu Hliil half rn,UMlL Sit (.5 1:0. W. IlrMK.- Itrick! ISrieU! Ilriclt! I have on hand a larse amount of brick for sale at from $0 to . per thousand. Call and examine, near Anuria ccmc iei. .Ioiix WlLMAM-OX. Sherman IStom. Kxprest Will receive onlers at the More of 1. W. Cae for upper AMoria or any other lrt of Hie city. Leave uiir order on the late ami "they will be prouijitly at tended to. itoscocs Spw I'laee. Koeoe. the ptijtHiar enlerer, inxile all hit old patrons, and a-, iiianv new ones as max le pleaseil to m.tkc him a isir. to call at his new Ice (!ream Sa kMii. on Clicuamiis slroet. Occident liotel block, which he ha- jnM fitlcl up in first claiie. Xu. I lee Cream. It makes all the difference in iLe world where ou act ice cream as to I quant). AH who hae tried it. ever iKHly, prfiiouiice r rank rulers the ia.-t in ojmllty. So. I Ice Cream, and equally as miteh'lo lliedish in quantit. The Central Hotel. One of the linot. cleanest ami IhM kept hotels in Astoria, itmi(cd near the steamer landing, with firt cln. air room.x.good board and er rea-ii:ib!e rates. Bar and billiard rHm. The I Inst of wines ud liquor., and an eeel- iciu swi" 01 rwni r niuciM'o necr. Antoin Biki.oii. Proprietor. YVillinmspnrt Property . Great bargains are now offered iu the eily of Williamsport for any ihtsoiis wishins: In locate from one lot to live acre. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or plctwtut hemes: well elevated, .situated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs baj. with a good graded road to the place. For further informtitioii call at my residence near the cemetery. .Ioiix Wii.mam-ox. To ra-e Jlpn. Tin: Astouiax has now reached 11 circulation which places it al the head or the list of Oregon dailies, and insures Io advertiser- thereof more benefit fur the amount paid than ma be secured elsewhere. To those ho ish to reach the largest number of readers at the smallest expense, we offer the columns of an attractive daily, the success nf which from the very start has been far lHyond the cvpertations or the mosl sanguine. A Fair Propositi!. From this date Ihe Astoria pltgraph gallerx will conduct business 011 the following plan. We will lake negathcs of any lad ami eu'rylmdy that will favor us with a call, we vill print a proof of tlu same free of charge, no one being under auv obligation to order j from such negatives unless they desire III III! st). Wc will take the Astoria engine com panies and all lodges and societies, any time t!ie. will assemble for the purpose, and present each lodge or Micictx with one picture of such group, either taken all together or in eparate pictures and groujied afterwards. We will take vifws of residences and buildings, hotels, eannei ie-. mills, etc, on the same term-, viz: We will take I the negatives free of charge. We uo this in order that our work shall stand on its merits, as we are pre pared to do good work. No one need wail until they go to San Francisco. Foi.i.owixit aim: en: imsici:: I'erde. '. iloz. i or full length loudoirs....fi 00 M .10 cabinets... -100 .TO cards '2 .".0 1 .".n ISust pictures and boudoirs. 7 00 ." () Vignettes cabinets Ti HO :: 1H cards :: Ps g on Tuos. (I. KuooKs a- Co. J3f""All citizens of Oregon who d&ire to inform their friends in the states of lhe.comlitiou and progress of this state, can have no more complete andconipre- licusiw volume ol facts lo semi them than by subscribing for this journal, and ImVing us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it as directed. For ." 00 iu advance, we mail three copies of Tin: Wkkki.y Astokiaxiiiu year. For a first-class oyster stew, fry, nan-roast or fancv ronsi.go to Koscoe Chenamus street. Occident hotel block. Families supplied by the hundred or the sack. ohii or in the shell. For the genuine .1. II. Culler old Bourbon, ami the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco Ikmt, call at the Gem, opposite the 1mH tower, and see Camp bell. JMAGXILS 0. CROSBY, DeahT in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. Plnta ai Steam Filters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Cannery anfl Fisliermeus Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None bat tlrst cIiuk workmen employed. A lare assortment or SCALES Constantly on hand. SI. B KANT, TIIE POPULAR IKEercliant Tailor AND CLOTHIER JUSCELLAOUS. CARL ADLER'S Pianos and Organs ! Of all tnakci eoibtaiitly 011 full stock of on hand. Also a VIOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- CORDEONS. CONCERTIXAS. HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Alo a large sto"k ofthe best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, A- well a e cry thins rise belonging to a HrM Cias Miimc Stm. 1'i.iti'Haml Onraiissolili-LtceinonthU i stalliiienl p'an erforrnit. CARL ADLER'sTbOOK STORE. Thf lai)"-st spn-k r Biank Boohs and Stationery of evry description.. sV!mi1 lttioks. HiWes, roetieal Works. All'iutis and tsitid Pens. liesides a full and complete M-M'K 01 ecri usually Kent hi :i well resulated B00K Store. AIo uchs dcHit and asency for everj i-apcr nnu ihtkhim-ju jmiihlsuciI. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE Watches. Clm-ks :nul .tftwclrv. CJ l'-H-ket aiid Table Cutlery. 1 1 -ja ljniM'c .mhhhls ami joys. lilt Notions and ss. i..i .- V-:....v .. ..:XiZz &-a-.-uu1liuit Art'lmrv otf New goods b every steamer. The public are In mil to cxaiimie my stock and prices, CHEN AMI'S ST.. - ASTOKIA. OREGON. HOTELS AND RESTAUR AKTS. a..i. mi'c.i.xi:. r.s. wuiuiir o'cni:.vr noTtn., MKULKR& WKiUlir. l-rftfrietora. Axlorie, Orvyon. fflli: X a inn ri:oii:iirroit.s akk iiaitv to ainHHiHcelliat the alntvc hotel has been r-Hwnltil:iHd rernilslMtt.:ul(llin greatly to the comfort of its quests and is now the best liotM mrth oi San Hraacistii. O. W. K.NOW1.KS. AI 7.1 KKKH. cr.A5:j-:i)t. iiTi-:r.. I'OKTbAND. ---. OREGON ZIEBER & KNOW LBS, Proprietors. Free coach to ami frtMM the house. CiarTiiK Daiia AsroKiA.v Is on file at the CtarctMHHi liotfl rrdlitK hmh::. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STKKirr. 3Ir. S. X. Arrlgoni. - ASTOKIA 3'roprictor rglHKTKAYt'MNG ITKS.tC WILL KIND JL the ramecr nrst class in ;dt rtviH.Tts.aiul a share or their ttro4.ase is respectfully solicited. fcsflfcinnl aad lodging 0 Hie day or week. Fair Wind Coffer Saloon AMI C3SQP KOXISE, WATER STREET. ASTORIA. Nel nWr io Dr. Kiiist "s. ConVe. Tea anil Chocolate, with Cake. IO CentM. C!o;s CuiiKpil to Ortlcr. Fine Wines. L.iuor.s ami CisarM OrtheltrstbraiHls. llaiu just opeitctl tlM almve establLsh mt'iit we co nl tally invite oar fnciiils aial the public t:euenll. lo n e ns a trial. .V.-tl KOARD E ANSON. 'ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STRXET. ASIORIA. mill', t N'OEKStGNKD IS IM.EASHI TO J. ailMOWIK'C Pi Ihe Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City lltat he is now n-tKiel to innioh for them, 111 tlrst class si U ami exerv style. oysti:i:. nor cukkkk. i:v. etc. r run Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, JUIN STREin". ThniM' ji e iim- a call. ROSCOK DlNnN. 1'ioprletor S.AIINDT& PKRCHEN, ASTORIA. - ORKC.ON. The Pioneer Machine Shop ISUVCKSMltll O 3 - 1 S ft 12 yf r - jt Doner anop sjrjv All khuls or ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORE l'minill atteiuleil to. A specialty HtAile of re-mlrim CANNERY DIES, XEAU KINNEY'S ASTOKIA KISHEKY. Piles for Sale. Mr. A. It. McMW-mi H Hewrrl In fHrnNi Fir or Hemlock Piles IX ANY AMOl'XT TO ORDKI.'. AND ON sitoirr NOTIPK. Ixae onlers at the tre f Trenclianl 5. rirtlmr, Astoria. 0r;ihlre. A. 15. .MrMU.L.VN. Olncy. Orcgou. m 7 & 'A -... ayjKg "St . jnr? &rm.-.as -irfv- zn rm.rrx TALK IS CHEAP BOYS !l BUT IT I Money to Buy Whisky! It Also Eeqires Money to Pay Expenses. I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but :cxsuiiiiiitiiisitiiuiiitiiiiii(iiiiiZaimiI1IXCHI. ! I CM AND WILL ! ticisii:3siiitiiiiitiiiiuasauiiaxiuu:iIa(itlxlnaIlluuu,lllllljVail8ta(liat1 Sell at Lower Pries i Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, who come before the public in flaming advertise ments only for the purpose of SWINDLING THE PEOPLE Notwithstanding the fact of since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which has only been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. . HTBW Oh 0 RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER. Rsmembev the Plac Vie Old and Reliahla ONE PEICE I X L DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE Mtmt Miref, 11 cur Parker II011.se, Astoria. C. IT. COOPER, The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot al WlBBff ifcaiS- El, R, HAWES TW'O D001IS EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER (IP ETTR.NITUPvE S? "BEDDING AND DEALEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades. Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CTItTAIN POLKS Complete hi every bnuwk. THE COLUMBIA && IS SUI'KKIOK TO MOST. AND I. JOHN HAHN, - CHENAMUS STREET, ee-Onlcrs left at the CKUMAXIA 1IKKU ASTORIA M. MEYER HA VINO KVKKY FACILITY FOK tide, I am novr iirejiareJ to furnii r LAGEEBEEE, AT HO OKXTS l'KIt (iAMON "WECOLE SATiE. Efft amilies and keepers of public heajei iritly ! retarlr mwHed. M. MEYER. Proprielor ' First Glass Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opiniMte tho Oie--m HmH- way and NavlfatMn ri wharf. The choIct?t hrmiils of freHn sad ihnnwtie WIXKS, LKITOKKAXI) t'K'ARN. carBcMt Chlcaro Ilet r.-Sa AcLKC HUUtc. John Rogers, Central Market,' Has receh eil a larg. htxte l j li.UtRELS AND HALE BARRELS! of the bot ita)Ry. Aud i now ready to Mipply BHtchem Om- neries aiid all otaen, cheap for cash. A SWEEPING REDUCTION Made en Oh rh4ce.t atl Wt aitiattmum MENS; YOUTHS AND BOYS OLOTHIS Also- The Finest Suits Made to Order and, Wzirimntedl TAKES UHtHMlIlH HII this being the dullest year JIAY RE HAD OE i E. R LIAWES SOLE AOKNT. Also. A-tt'Ht i4r ihe cclebratctl MEDALLION RANGB, ASTOKIA. OREGON. BREWERY i-J) KNCKl.t.hD K NONK ON Till COAST PROPKIETOK. ASTORIA, OREGON. 11AI.I. wiM Ih rrwtHHl aUHUetl !.- BREWERY. Proprietor. UK .MANl'KACTt KKOl A Klt?r CLA&S AK. tka imblic wltk Iho Scit tuNtT. Am ub. BOTTLED BEES, AT iM no pi:k 1ZI. ASTORIA. OKEUON. PETER 3aXJNrEir. ASTOKI V. tRFt;ON. BRICK L LAYER M-VIN AND OKNYMKNTAL 0i4vril-ktttlKrtVataMKti.rata aw-. Onkri Wt a liw tVwU H4L c at i T IME. SA D. R! tiJir.' I'LASTOK. IATII, 3,4 Kav C Wt QRa ssl- , w ua ay 1 CJfAgeitt Saw. Jwu aa4 Nest Tnownrn UtBc, . iJJanK is-MSia