m taea&miH&m tStmAttaBrnmam give &iii sXsteftm. ASTORIA, OREGON w ' SATURDAY. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. Oloaday EscoptO'l). U. V. Ireland, Ltllfor ami Proprlrtnr Astonan BniUUtuj, Cass Sired. Terms of Subscription : aeiTod by Garner, por vrek.... .36 Costa Sont by mail, four month...... -..? 00 ont by mail, one yonr. ..................... fl 0 Frco of I't)?laeo to Subscribers. &r Advertisements insertod by tbo year at the rate of SI .VI iter uaro per month. l'mnsiont advertising, by tbe day or week, Sfty-ccntfl ier square for each insertion. Ihr Ylrelilj Astonau 1 ;i liiainiiioth hlicct. nearly doable thefeizeof thel)ail. It i- just the pa per for the fireside, containing in addi tion to al! tin current news, clioice mis cellany, agricultural miuter, inaikcl rc poi t.s, etc. It is iiirnibhed to single sub scribers at S2 00 pei year in adanec. ZSf'A limited iiunmcr of small adver tisements inserted at established rates. THE CIT. IIIFT I)AH.V ATOUIA.N mill ; matt at?rcont a mimlli;rrccnf jtaiic. i:ontt- erx uihn conlsmiAatcalmcitccfitmx ilc cUtf can hatc Thk Astokian fiiXhnc ihem. Daily w Wekkuv iirtttitMi Ut ami jvtgl-nffiec with OHi nddltlonal criwntc. Addrcc may he ennnyrd an often ax desired. Iyavc order at lnr eottnttna roam. The Elder should arrive morning from Sau Francisco. this The Lurlino will arrive this even ing from Portland with excursionists. Jack Powers will probably live until a jury am decide that he ought to be hung. Capt. Geo. Flavel was anions the passengers rot timing from the intorior last evening. ClatSop county has 00G pupils, and is entitled to 701.04 of the state apportionment. Hon W. Gary Johnson, of Ore gon city, delivered the oration at Drain on the Fourth. ' L. I Sifuntinii nnimmi.i podfsnrari' boy at Booth A. fas cannery,' upper Astoria. Applyo-aay. ' Zx. I - -Miss Callie Munson has recovered from her recent illness, and will be able to resume teaching at the Fort Stevens school on Monday next. Mr. Ben. Cornelius was a member of Holbrook lodge of Masons, so named in honor of Oregous best Editor, the Hon. Amory Holbrook, deceased. After a voyage of five months the Zoe arrived at Honolulu from Liver pool on the 8th. She was to leave for Victoria on the 24th, thonce fo the Columbia river. Mr. IJ. 13. Franklin yesterday re ceived news of the death of lm little grandson, at Oystcrville on the fith. Mrs. Franklin was present at the time, having gone over on Tuesday. The state convention of the An- i cient Order of Hibernians will be held at Astyria to-day, agreeable to in structions from the Hon. Peter Kier nan, National Delegate of the United States. "Somebody," that ubiquitous car rier of false news, started the report yesterday that symptoms were against the recovery of the President. Hap pily such reports were false and un founded. What ever other periodicals may be patronized by an intelligent resi dent of the Pacific coast, the Califor nian should not be neglected. Mr. Selig, of The Astokiax, will take your order for it. Lieut. Price completed the bar surveys yesterday, and returned by steamer Lincoln last evening. He j turn, but the beast waived exammn had but one days work to do, but in tion. His personal appearance indi consequence of the bad weather itjeatedthat he felt that his days were took him three days to do it. i numbered if that crowd got a hold evening. At a meeting of Astoria jLngme , company No. 1, held last Thursday evening, Mr. C. J. Trenchard was unanimously nominated for chief engi neer of the Astoria fire department for the coming department year. The election will bo held next month. The Coos-baj' Mail of the 2d says: "The steamer Gen. Wright, employed on the government work at Yaquina bajr, came to this port Friday of last week after coal. She visited Newport Monday and obtained the desired fuel and has returned to her post of duty.' One of the finest strawberries that was ever produced was laid upon our table from the garden of Mr. Charles Stevens in this city, yesterday. It measures 5- inches in circumference, and the sight of it is enough to tempt j an epicure. It may be seen to-day at the city book store. The Argonaut yesterday had a tow from the bar fishing grounds of over forty boats. When she passed up along the city front she had thirty six strung out in a line, and the ap pearance was tint of a grand proces sion of gondolas, suggesting scenes at Venice, in Italy, or upon the canals. The usual batch of annual gratuit ous advertising lists fill the papers of this country from now on till snow flies, under the head of fair premium lists. We can see nothing fair in thus ad vertising, every year, hundreds and thousands who never pay a dollar in their lives for advertising. Clatsop Couuty Jail. The Clatsop county jail lias Loon indicted by every Grand Jury that has been cinpanueled in this comity i n tiiis county i and Y. . dc is. XYehftreiJrT' ugh this jail Ivoitler J for Uie Pnfc several years j never felt like going through this jail i personally, being porfocUy willing to take the words o juries for facts; but : .yostcrdav Sheriff Twombly insisted, 1J J ' j as we happened to be at the Court- j house on other businuee; that we -i. ii -i x- a- . i visit the jail. jow tnat we havej seon it w e are astonished at the reports j of those juries. They certainly have no regard tor anturaity. onoM ut ; Cicero! Look upon thos various in- ,. , ,, dictments and woep. The very smell J of tliat jail suggests something Old. j l Ulmiese stinkpots, sie4i as the lHmtc ' used lai month to capture the Oerntan Imrk Occident, in the niiiiiii . .1-. n,.tl,; t, (..tiiiinrn o to it; and as for ventilation, it is as full of liolefi as a Kansas corncrib. That jail should be nicklcd. camed or nroeerved be planted just a? it i, in the corner I of some park in a pous city, de- j voted to ancient architectural struc- "" '"'" wi'iiiii "- "" nectiug the dark ages with civilisation, it would certainly le considered very remarkable; and would no doubt oom maud as mttuh notice as the granite monolith brought over from Egypt last year ami set up in Central Park as a .sample of CJoopatras needles. The interior reminds ns of something ! e have read of the bastiles belonging to the French in the 14th century. Dy a stretch of the truth and a contraction of the fancy, wc might imagine smch a thing as this in use in Oregon in the days of the Hudson bay company, lint wc have too much respect for the motnory of those people to think for one moment that they would be guilty of such a thing as to confine even a drunken Indian in such an outrageous, disgraceful, nasty hole; a the present jail in Clatsop county. A Horrid Brute. Asloria was yesterday treatod to one of those most horrid, unnatural son sations. rf which our people have recoived ao nuich in telegraphic dis paiches from almost every part of the continent, but which we hoped would never fall to our lot to report in return. This crime, committed here j in Astoria, is undoubtedly the most horrid and disgusting one fthem ail. An inhuman wretch, by name J. Jloyt, a longshoreman whose brutish pro pensities have made him an obnoxious resident in every locality he has lived since he came bore, night before last committed a rape upon a liltle girl scarcely seven yeans of age, step daughter of Mr. S. T. Cokc, the details of which are t disgraceful for j publication, lie was arrested by the police surrounding the house whore he lived, on the beach above West fifth street, at two o'clock .. . yes terday. He waived examination Ins fore Justice Fox and was remanded to jail at two o'clock r. M., in default of $0,000 bonds. Enough of the facts arc known to entitle us to remark that the brute deserves to le hung. If ho livo3 to stand trial at the approaching term of the Circuit-court next month he will probably got the full extent of the law in expiation of his great crime. He is one of the very lowest, and vile of all Gods creation, and with the public pulse boating as it did yester da', it would not have been safo to attempt to take the prisoner to the County-corn t house for examination, from the city jail where he is confined, as there would have boon most cer tainly an attempt to execute linn on the spot. At least five hundred jer sons were in the vicinity of the city jttil, and in attendance at the court room, at tlie Hour set lor te examma- I .. upon htm Kelianle. We w ish to call special attention to 3Ir. LUfs notice. Thisyjentlenian has shown himself for thpiisi tbice j-ears one of the most legitimate business men ever known on the fact if. tbe globe. So ladies one hunded nt'iUs awaj can purchase anvthiivi of arn. and leel assured that it will giveerfect satis faction. The body of a man, supposed to be a fisherman, waihod up on the weather beach opposite Skipanon and was found July 4th. Xo particulars. The Chicago Timos considers the Oregon branch of the Union Pacific railroad one of the most important railways now in course of construction in America. It would be too bnd to spoil it by making its Pacific co'ast terminus at Yaquina ba'. The Oregon Improvement coni panys new steamship Willamet sailed last night for "Victoria and Sound ports. She has a large lot of freight lor OOatllC, principally Uimr. Olie r r. .,, 11 .1 Ol.- has.been thoroughly overhauled and i . i r - .-,i. .:,... put m complote order for work, since her arrival from New York on the -loti. . --Carbolic acid, a popular pei fu me , . , , . . . . . . , . which can be obtained at Astoria drug ened stores, preventod what threat- 1 . . . .. ,- to boasenons not on the A. Bciyntou. The Oregoniatt says: A to sa tne same thing ir present apiear- J , , 4l rn - lanc&ssignifj anjthing. general row occurred among the Chi-1 I 1 . nese possongera on this vessel which, J 3TThb Weekly Astokian is an for a time, looked serious. The row was j independent newspapei, devoted whollj quelled by the crew throwing a quati- ldy to the commercial and mate . ,. , ,. -, ,i n rial interests of Oregon, andAvdl be sent tity of carbolic acid ovorthe China-1 Wal fQUr mouths tQauy ndllress,n men, wliich restored peace. j the United States on receipt of Si 00. tiki Micciar comruuni Ion rumple Lod?:i Yo .7. F.K. A M eveninjsat 7k ifcleek: urda c in E.A. and V. f. dejiree. A full attendance of i ami sojourning brethren isde- Y. yi. Key Fotmil. n Ai"1!; bm,Ss fe t,mwhi$Vh on diss street. Owner can olttaiii ir at Tin: Atokian office. ' - - "" " nico to Rent. . .Single or hi suites of two. in Tin: A- ' " 1' " Coarse Liverpool Sail ,. . , .. . w. ,. . lorak?hy the Ion, at .san IraHciseo prices at arrcii ail F.ato Asria 'warkel.. Take Xoticr Oh after this ,hU- an additional in cents per cord will be charged on all '' lMwe mhi noi wcruimmHirti iiv ilie (fiMi.at Urjs vkmI -an . .ini im. ISRI. A Sew iJeliencA. kegs. Tliey art the finest eating fir HSfHoi?sS " II. It. l.itt Proprietor of the Ladies Wiit 1Ioum ot Portland i topping a tltf Occident hotel for a few days-. 1! IJs on exhi bition an elegant as.sortict of Ladies all wool drese. silks ajid dolmans. The gentleman is top won known to need comment. .Many lames are ac quainted with Mr. Lilt, ami are rcsiect iully invited to call at the? parlor at the Occident. AMCSKMKXTS. IIlI.lS Vakiktie- Hi!. I fill. ' t'lrnnriVtiir ami 'maiia-er. i i,'..i i:.ri vti.i.Mi'in.r Tim. Pillion I . .. ...-, ...f, ............. , .. ......... leader of orchestra. (Jco. Lambert, leader of brass band. Cook and Xickerson.lhc young iiMikc: Mis Lou Cook in songs anil dances, etc. New first part. New olio, and new acts. Open air concert at .S i m. Performance commences at SSW r. m. Entrance on IJenton strert:iui ate loes on Chenninus. Max. Wagner's .San Krancico tional brewery leer can't be bent. a- be cream at IJoscoes oyster and re freshment aloon in Occident hotel block. Mr. .John Uogersof the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep nil the finest fresh fish, etc. in their season. P. Wilhelm. IIoss .saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. Zephyrs m all Colors and Shades at si cents-" an ounce, at the California store, post-oilice comer. A tremendous stock of home .nade candies, at the Astoria Candy Factory, next door to the Cilj Book store. Op posite the bell lower. The New Testament authorized edition reused, for twenty-five cents at Chailes Stevens and Sons Cil Hook slore. Coiiipo?etlof powerful drugs so coin poiunled as to iirotluce almost miracu ioits cures is the history of Kendalls Spavin Cure. Read advertisement. -Charles Stevens Sc Son are in re ceipt of a tine stock or mouldings, and arc now prepared to make picture frames loonier. Call and inspifi their slock. 1. .1. ( IrmiluiHO. on Chpininiiis treet. 1 ha jiisl receivthl the latest and most fashionable at vie of gents and ladie boots, -hoes, etc. - i Tt celebrate joyously cm the oiHning 4th. go to the Astoria Candy Factory and get some of the fine inKlnre made for this occasion. Opposite the Ik'11 tower. J. II. D. Gray is now selling Wheat. Bran and Feed of all kinds at reduced rates, ami has also a line lot of Ash and i me Maple ood on hand for sale. The lest Carter's Cap, Ann oil clothing, rubber boots, etc sold at San Francisco wliolesnle prices at the Sau Francisco clothing store. S. Dniiziirer. Shu Francisco Hothiii" store, has the largest and best .selected stock of clothing in thecit. Also, gents furnishing goods, lioota and s1hhs, trunks and aliscs, hats and caps, CarameN, .Molasses Chewing l'ep pcrniint, Cocoanut D'ltalia, Cocoanut Ice. Rutter Scotch, and a lot of good things at the Astoria Candv factory, opposite the bell tower. l'erore purchatinggoodsof anybody call and inspect my stock. You are welcome. I will gladly show my goods, no matter w liethcr you hu or not. New goods by every steamer. S. Daxzuski:. 3In.sonlc Xollc TT A . (tmoiif Qtr tfilwtf wofl Uefore purchasing jour sewing ma-' Jlourbon. and the best of wines, liquors chines, call and examine A. Van Duscn j and San Francisco beer, call at theCeui. &Co.s stock. The haejiLst received opposite tlie 1k11 tower, and see Camp anew and elegant lot, which they are t IkmI. offering at bottom prices. i Ch. lie Oratke has always on hand . No. l XXX Premium Ale and first pre-! ntiuni Lager Reer from the Albany I lirowerv. Snn Francisco, at bis shIoou I I on the lioadway. Capt. .1. II. D. Gray is now preimreil to supply the licst qualiti&s of fir, hem- lock, vine maple, spruce limbs, etc. Leave ordersjat the wm.d yard, foot of lientcn street. S. (Slaser A: ("o successors to F. Sheriuan Jc Co., having bought the meat and egetable market of F. Sher man & Co., would respeetfulh ask i ) continunnce of the jiatronage bestowed on the fturiner proprietors. j n nen 3011 sec a promising coit wun spoiling the stile, go at once and procure uliottlcof ivcniinlls Knavm Cure. One. AnWnr iniActrwl in this irpnnt .rAinoilvM'ill ciwriralJdratoof etjuai as a iiuimeui lor man or ueast. ?l - Peter Wilhelm has established first class saloon in C. II. Page's bu ever thing m tue line ot wines, iquors, beer, cigars, etcwill be kept on hand. 11 iurr tiinfln rt-nitrm,nriitc in Tn, York and San Francisco for thepur- chascof all my goods, my facilities for t ""- ' -,i uuving an sucn as to enamc mc to; undersell all others. 1 defy comiwti- tion. S. Danzigcr, San Francisco cloth ing store, Astoria. Arr l) l.lcnn UMJcJnxtim enin.. ' of some of the cabinet photograplis which his branch gallcrj has already m(lo , Astoria. jt - een olicT 1Imf, it he sample shown when he first open- 'edliere. Each original has received a ( dozen just likcthcm and so will every j person who favors him with an order. Mr. D. advertised in the first place that , h(, wmml ,lcal onlv in ROo work nt reasonable prices, and dozens of Astoria people can testify that he has kept his wnnl alul hundreds more will be able FurnlKhcil Jtoom to Jet At Mrs. Minium's lodging house. Notice to FfoXicroif'ii. i'l-oiii cum In 1.000 iMiimds of black J spawn from turgeon wanted daily. Cash ' pant at.i. l. ieuciiri: uew urop inn. Salt. Suit. I Constantly on hand, ami in ojinmitics j to jmit. IjivcriHHtl factory filial. Hay J coarse, and half ground, at I (iKo. i . HrMKs. lirirU! Krick! JSrtcl:! I have m hand a larg autofint of brick for rale at from ?" to k jht tiKiiifand. Call and evamine. miir Astoria cenie- !1. .lOlfC Wll.I.l.VXIsrtV. Slterninn ISros. Hpro.. Will nvi'hi orders al the store of I. W. Ca-4 fr MpjHT Aloria or any tber IMirt of tlMeity. I.ee jour oniers on Ilie -late am! tmy will Ih- )roitit1 at tendi'd lo. IIsf4ps) ,i'v I'lare. !toctM. tin' MiHilar calerer. iuite all his old atron. and a main new oucsasiiviv Ihj pica-cd lo make him a visit, to rafl at his new ice Cream Sa hMUi, on t'heimmit stn-et. Occident hotel bhK'k. which Im' has jnt titlnl up in lir( elnss stylr. Xo. J Ice i'reain. It make, all the dilfereiuv in the world wlieri' yon get ice cream a- to qualitx. All w!m lmr tried it. every body, "pronounces Frank Kabcrs the lut in quality. Xo. 1 Ice Cream, and npiallj as much 'to the dish in quantilx. The Central Hotel. One of the finest. clenneM and 1ksI kept hotels in Astoria, situated near the steamer lauding, with first class airy rooms, good board ami er reasonable rates. Unr and billiard rooms. The !ost iif wines and liquors, and an evcel- Ii'" glass (f.'san traucisco iver. , Axtoix Hiki.oii, Proprietor. WUIinniHjiort Iropertj . Orcat Imnrains are now offered in the city of WHIiauisport for any nervous wishing to locate from one lt to live acres. It is well adaittcd for gardens. dair ranches or pleasauUJiemes: icll elevated, situated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs b.i. with a good graded road to the place. For further information call at my resilience near the cemetery. John Williamson". To Live Men. Tin: Astokiax bus now reached a circulation which places It at the head of the llsr of Oregon dailies. :unl insures to advertisers thereof more" benefit for the amount paid than niaj le secured elsewhere. To thoe who wish to reach the largest number of nwdcrs at the smallest expense, we offer the columns of an attraclhc dailj. the success of which fronu he er start has Ihvh far beyond Hie expectations of the most sanguine. A Fnlr Proposition. From this date the Astoria photograiili gallery will conduct .business on the follow ing plan. We w ill take negatives of any lady ami evcrylmdy that will favor us with a call, we will print a proof of the same free of charge, no one being under an obligation to order from such negatives unices the desire '. to do so. j We will lakelhe soiia eiigiiie com ! panie.s and all halaes and Mieielies. ftnv j time the will assemble for tbe pnqKise. and present e.u-h Iwlge or mmmcIj wilh t one picture of such grotm. either taken all together or in separate jiictures and ground afterward we will take vii'Ws of residences and 1 buildings, hotels, canncric-. mills. tin mi: -iiii- n't ins, ij.m hi tle nejratives free of charge. n the same terms, i.: We will take We do this in order tluit our work shall stand on its merit-s. a weart pre- parcu tTilo good work. o one need wait until the go to Sau Francisco. follow fxr; i:i:ot i:iMtu-K: IVrtlK. 't iIml ri r full length boudoirs...! on M TM cabinets... 4 00 -Jt .Vl cards '2 M I ." Ibist pictuivs and boudoirs. 7 IHI ." W Vignettes cabinets ." 0t) ." 00 cards :; (K) 2 00 Tuos. (;. HnooKs t Co. ! liTAIl citizens of Oregon W ho desire U inform their friends m the states of the condition and progress of this state. can have no more complete andcompre heitsne olume of facts to send tliem than by subscribing for tnis journal, anil having us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it as directed. For s, (XI in advance, we mull three copies i of Tin: Weekly Atoiii ax one year. For a Jirst-chtss oyster stew, fry. pan-roast or fancy roast, go to Roscoe s Chenainus strect.'Occident hotel block. Families supplied bv the hundred or the sack, oju'ii orJh the shell. -For the genuine .1. II. Cutter old A.AIUSEMENTS. LIBERTY HALL. .1. II. HAVERLV. - MANAGER j Wait for the Grand Comedy Boom ! ' ' ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday.July H.W81 k , , . Vork to Snn FrandM-o. I . AVBRLr.I.BIIKATBIl i IWID0W BBDOTTJENGINE, CANNERY, t -- - v r tttt rmm ' OO.tIKIV COJil'AXY, i j,), lrimt javurty mn Mret Theatre.' New York Clt. lutrtHliiciinc Amerl- ! ca's FaiiHHis Cnniedlaii ! ' ! wttj P.TTATCTT'Q Tt "RT5WnP ' r11"-' OHAllljili& li. Slfcnur As the Inimitable "Widow FainiHis l"aorite and the MR. JAMES 0. BARROWS, SiipiKirted by an eveeptlonall.v Slroug Cast of Talented Artists SST'Don't got mixed, hut remember the date of the HAVERLV ROOM. Monday, July H , 1 88 1 . No extra oliarse for re- I'nonl 'Serving pillar unocs. : seats at caw. aui.i-.k'.s WI. 23. KANT, THE POPULAR AND CLOTHIER MISCELLANEOUS. CAKL ADLER'S .jRszrssc sTaRE.!,, rr - ' Pianos and Organs ( Halt makes eoiLstantlv oti hand. Also :i full stock of VIOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS, AC CO RDEONS. CONCERTINAS. HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Alw a large stock of the heat of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC. AND MUSICAL INSTRU3LENTS, As wHI everything else belonging to a First ( lass Music Stort. Pianos and Organs miM on the niontliH in sialhiicut p'i.iu erfi-r rent. CARL ADLER'S BOOK STORE. The largest stock of JvSj Blank Boohs and Stationery Of ecry description. .Viiol IJooks, Itihlcs. Poetical Works. Albums and Cold Pens, lUsules a full aiwl complete Ht-H-k ot cverjt lug usually Kept in a well regulated Boon Store. ANo new -o depot and agency for ccr r.vr ami iH-mMiu-ai iHir.iisiieu. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE Watches, Clocks and .lewclrj", IWket ami Tabic Cutlery. aiikee Notions and Toys, Pit tare Frames and Chromos. Prfihj Carriages, a complete assortment. Areherv. etc. Xew giHMls li eerj stumer. The public arcjiixucn io cxaiiiuie i stock ana prices. CHEN.VMfS hT.. - ASTOIM A. OREGON. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A..L MKOI.FK. f.S. WKIOHT occiii:.'r iioTirr.. .MEOLKR & VTRlfJIIT. Pruptietors. Antoria, Oregon. rnmii pkopriktoils are n.vprv to JL aiiiMHimvtliat tlH'alwne hotel lias been n'lmoitcdaiHl reftiruLshcil. adding greatly to tee comiori m usgiii.isnmi isiiuw tlie Pest hotel north of San Fmnclsco. C. W. K NO WI.KS. A L. 7.1 ECRU. l'OllTLANH. - - - OREGON ZIEDER d ZN0WLES, Proprietors. Fne ciijh"! to and from the house. tf3TiiKl)u. Astokian iseii Bleat the ClamtlM I Intel reading nnHH. Pion&er Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STREET. -.III-., s. J. Arrioni. - ASTORIA E'roprietor WHKTEAVKI.IXG Vl'ISLlC WILL FIND jl I he I'ioHcrr Brst riis m nil respcels.and a slum of tlwir palnmnge is resject fully soheiNHl. Eanl and lodging 1 the dny or week. Pair Wind CofiW' Saloon - NI- CHOP KOUSE, WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Nel tloorln Or. Kiiise"s. t'oirce. Tea and Chocolate, with Calte. IO Cents,. Chop. 4'ooked to Order. I-'int Wines,. liquors anil C tsars Of the best brands. . IIaw!xjiit opened the alnivc establish ment wfcnrdialrt hi He our friends and the public cncrail to ie as a trial. .7C-ti FOARl) . EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. miiE i'ndei:sk;m:i is pleased to JL antiiHUH'c to tic Ladies and Gentlemen of this City riiat he is now iminrvri to furnish for them, in Hrst class sth. ami eer stjle, OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. T TIIK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Plea.se sive :hc a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor S. AKNDT & FEKCHEN, AaTORIA. - ORKOON. The Pioneer Machine Shop "3?S "JJj RLACKSM1TII -2 ; .- v?isJ x Jsis"y 1 .. - , BflllGr Sltfin S ' -r "' ' 1I kinds of STEAMBOAT W0EK Protuim) attended to. A siH'eialty made of rejwlring CANNERY DIES, NEAR KINNEY'S ASTORfA FISHERY. Piles for Sale. llr. A. 15. McMillan is prepared to ftinihh Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOUNT IX) ORDER. AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Iuave onlers at the i t'hur. .Vtoria. , Or address. ton' of Trenchard & A. R. MtiMILTAX. Olney. Oregon. I tn s 'A X 1 rA 55 l iJtMh- Sag si3L ITi 'J Xn kr m ai OlBK y TALK IS CHEAP BOYS ! j BUT IT TAKES j y .........,..,... ;..,. , (Money to Buy Whisky! I It Also Keqires Money to Pay Expenses.' I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but :iHii33iiisississiiiiBHiiiiiisiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiixiiiii3iiiiii:3iaaasiHBiiiaiai 1 1 CAN AND WILL j m m iiaasaisaHtmiiuiaaasataaEiiisaaaaasaixaifaaiaiasaaaiiuiuiaxii.isaxsigsaiaiiaaiiaatAi. Sell at Lower Pries Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, who come before the public in flaming advertise ments only for the purpose of SWINDLING THE PEOPLE Notwithstanding the fact of this being the dullest year since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which has only been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. mm mm RECEIVED BV EVERY STEAMER. Rememhev the Place, the Old an id Reliable, ONE PRICE I X L mr moos anb qlhthing house Main fifreei, near Parker House, Astoria. G. H. COOPER, The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot ncj n orff "ffBst i V&SSi&&eP i JS, R. HAWES, TWO DQOKS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - ASTQPJA. OREGON. CHAS. HEILBORN, 3IANUFACTUKER OF FTTKNITTTRE S BED33ING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. THE COLUMBIA T.AT IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND IS EXCELLED HY NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HARTS, - - PROPKIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. carOrdcrs left at the GERMANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to.-S ASTORIA M. MEYER HAVING EVERY FACILITY FOR tide, I am now prepared to furnU LAGER BEER, AT 30 CKXTS PER GALLON W gQJjES A TbE8. rJFamilie3 and keepers of public honses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail-' way and NahjatIon Co's wharf. The choicest brands of foreign and domestic AVIXES,I.MUOKSA3fD CIGARK. j jra-Best Cliicago Ecer.-ffu Take Notice. " , , . John Rogers, Central Market, Has-received a large lno!ce of JIAliRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality. Vnd Is now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. SWEEPING REDUCTION Made on the choicest and best MENS, YOUTHS AST) ' Alse: The Finest Suits Made to Hit oorx MAV P.E IIAO OK iM V. "R TT A XTTP.Q " MILE AGENT. Also. Agent for the celebrated MEDALLION' RANGE, BREWERY BREWERY. Proprietor. HE MANUFACTURE OF A FlUbTCLAbS AR the public with the finest quality, for cash. BOTTLED BEER, AT $1 50 PER DOZKI. peter, mxyxsFErsr. ASTORfA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER . WAIN AND ORNAMENTAL I OrderstettattheOecIdentIIotel.oratmy Warehouse, foot or Eeiiton'St reet, prompt ly attended to. T IME, SAND, RRICK, PLASTER. LATH, A- Cement, and all inateriaLs In my line, furnLshed to order. JHTSpccIal attention paid to Furnace work and itanges. uistcm wore warninieu gooa- - orno pay. ' g"Agent San J nan and New Tacoma Lime. assortment of BOYS CLOTHING Order and Warranted. 4 : .