Cz) - mttmrneasemem rMHttte Site gaits gtrcdaifc. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY... JULY Sr 1SK B.C. ICELAND .Editor. Latest wws from Washington indicates still more hopeful condi tion of the President. Surgeon General Barnes, heretofore skepti cal, now admits the probability of a happy result. The Portland Daily Standard has been sold to T. A. Sutherland and C. J. Christie. Mr. Noltner will continue the Weekly Stan dard. A Los Angeles paper notes the arrival there of quite a number of immigrants from France this year. A jrood class of settlers for south em California. Boston is going ahead with her project for a worlds fair in 1SS5. R. M. Pulsifier. of the Herald, is to be the chairman of the exec utive committee. There are now over a hundred inmates in the hospital for the in sane at Stcilacoom and an inciease of the number of wardens will soon be required. Portland has been having aie ligious upheaval, under the minis trations of JJe. Mr. Jlallenback, an enthusiastic and very successful young revivalist. Gov. Newell, of Washington territory, actuated by a deire to retrench government expenses and escape the dust and heat incident to the bricks and mortar of a city, lias removed the eecutiveofliceto the capitol building, Olympia. The world seems to have sud denly loosened its crazy people. Three have been arrested in Wash ington within a few days, two of whom were aimed. One said he had come to kill Blaine, the other said he had a icvelation to kill Arthur. 1:1 the Star route cases when congress passed the appropriations for the expedited routes, it relieved the officials from legal lesponsi bility. The com Is cannot inquire into the :icb of ofiieiuk after con giess, by special legislation, has given them its approval. There has been a sharp advance in the price of lumber in jan Francisco. The increased demand from Mexico, South America, China and Japan, has accelerated building material. Lumber which last year sold for 18 per thousand is now quoted at 25, and that which sold for $27, now rates at oo and $33. Sir. Joshua Mason, who died in England recently, began life as a street-hawker, lie afterward be came a great steel-pen manufac turer. He was almost entirely seif-educated. In 18G0 he estab lished an orphanage, where 500 children were gratuitously clothed, fed and educated. lie expended 300,000 upon the foundation of this institution. lie was knighted in 1S72 for his munificence. In 1880 he endowed tho Mason science college to the amount of nearlv a quarter of a million pounds ster ling. Twenty million pounds of oleo margarine "were made in New York during 1SS0. Almost any thing in the form of tallow can be worked up. Most of it is supposed to go to Europe, though consider able is disposed of in this country. The dairy interest has been already injured to the extent of a third of its vale, and the possibilities of the production of oleomargarine are immense, much exceeding those of genuine buttei. The states should compel the impure article to go under its own name, and not allow it to be sold as butter. The Seattle Post, referritig to the visit of Prof. Hilgard, says that in company with a number of scientists he is making an extended geological survey ol the mineral and coal bearing district of Wash ington territoiy west of the Cas cade range, giving special study and investigation to that part of the district lying in the immediate vicinity of Puyallup valley and Carbon hill. The professor has been happily facilitated in his ex pedition through the kindness of the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company, and as these rich fields are known to be interesting chapters in the great book of nature, it is hoped our learned visitors will favor the public with the result of their labors. Unhappy Brazil. Uoin Pedro, of Brazil, a few years ago extended his journey to this country and portions of Eu rope in search of information. Recently he has been devoting his leisure time to studying the affairs of his own empire. He made a trip through the provinces of Par ana and Minas Geraes. What he saw could not have been consoling to his national pride, nor near so entertaining as the spectacles he witnessed abroad. The Jlio News reminds him of this, frankly but sadly. It sa3's: Let the prov inces be contrasted with their con dition forty years ago when Dom Pedro ascended the throne. The News then adds: lie must have everywheie seen deserted villages, crumbling walls and grass-grown streets, the ruins of a prosperous era which has been succeeded by apathy, stagnation and decay during forty jTears of profound peace. I his period has, it is true, seen the population double, aud foreign commerce in crease nearly twenty-fold. It has seen railroads and telegraphs con structed, and a few leading cities enter upon the possession of all the benefits of a high civilization. But at the same time industry has been narrowed into a very few channels; foreign commerce has passed into the hands of strangers who absorb the profits, and neither the political position of the Nation nor the Emperors personal renown can obscure the manifold signs of industrial decadence. The News assigns causes for this decadence in what follews: The blight of slavery rests upon the productive industries of the entire Nation, and it must be re moved. The wasteful and repress ive system of bureaucratic govern ment, centering in the imperial capital, weighs upon the political and industrial development of the whole empire, and it also must be changed. Many opportunities have been lost in these 40 years to reform these evils and to build up this empire on a more substantial and lasting foundation, and the empire h:is undoubtedly lost many an opportunity to take a higher rank among the nations of the world. The evils have now out grown any casual opportunity to crush them, and their results are apparent to even eye. It is not any easy task to retrace ones steps and to begin ones work anew, but from that there is now no alternative. Brazilians should copy from Mexico, and make a bid for Ameri can enterprise aud capital to open up their country. It has many advantages to offer, but they must be offered in such a way as to be come an inducement. When the emperor and his people come to a realizing sense of this fact, the' will act upon the suggestion, and have the satisfaction of seeing Brazil enter at once upon a new career of prosperity. Star lloute Pruning. Is Postmaster-Gen. James pur suing a wise policy? We hope so, says, the Alta, but we confess that sometimes we are inclined to think that he is allured into too much pruning by the hope of winning fame as a reformer. He is show ing how much money he is saving to the government, but he must also show that it is a genuine sav ing, not a mere withholding of service. AVc find in some of our exchanges certain complaints about his economical work, the truth of which deserves inquiry. It is not well to sing too loudly the praises of this system of reduction, until all sides are heard from. If it be true that it is founded on a plan of depriving border settlements of adequate mails, it is unwise and unjust. If this be not true, we will all join in Mr. James praise. The Alta says: All good citizens will rejoice over all the economies that the Postmaster-general is able to in troduce into the administration of the postal service, provided that the items of expense which he may cut off are really in excess of the needs of the country. If he can make the service self-sustaining without depriving any of the set tlements of reasonable accommo dations, he will deserve high com mendation. It is very questionable, however, whether an' man can do this. An3' pruning of mail con tracts which will lessen the eflicien cy of the service is objectionable, and, if attempted, should be pre vented by congress as soon as the new session begins. The gov ernment has no right to expect all the border routes to pay expenses. The sparsely-settled territories have a right to adequate mail ser vice, and must not be deprived of it in order to make a reputation for anybody as an economizer. If there has been any fraud in mail contracts on Star or other routes, try the guilty parties and send them to prison. If routes have been improperly extended, remedy the wreng: but do this carefully, and make no blunders, 1 and impose no hardships on the border settlers. "While the Post-' -master-General is about his buM-' ness, let him also inquire whether J ; there has not been needless wnte . of public money in sustaining fast " mail service bctwen New Vorkl and other cities, for the purpose of, gaining a few hours in the delivery I of letters and papers. The country at large docs not desire to pay for such luxuries. If there is money , to throw away, expend it on ex- j tending the service in the far west. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick has sailed for Valparaiso, to enter on his duties as Minister to Chile. Shanghai has a schenn for an International exhibition in 1SS2 under consideration. Worlds fairs will soon be so common as to be a nuisance. A remnant of Yictorios nmrder our band of Apaches have massa cred a party of surveyors on the line of the Mexican Central rail way, forty miles south of El Pao. The Fourth of July was cele brated with much spirit in Victo-jDreSS GrOOClS, na. news oi tne improve ment in the condition of President! Garfield caused great satisfaction, i That they have hoodlums in! China was shown by an attack up- J on the house of an American mis- i sionarv in Pekinir recently- The? rowdies were dispersed by -Cht-j . .1 j 1. ?.. lrt. .!... I nese iroops ami wiu 'tj nnuci ai rested. Such demonstrations, how ever, arc rare in the Flowery Kingdom. NEW TO-DAY. FIUND. Ahont forty-UiC ratlMMM of H)l mesh. 11-ply new iict'vvflh ddllHe was iifnlrpil nti on 1'lllIsOt) Mlit afkHit.IUHCSSil. ' some ot the corks marked A A. 1. Co. j Owner can have same lr proritiK jiropert.v and pnvinc cliai-ges. I j WILLI VM .IOIINSOX. 7.8.Ct M .1- WilliamraMfy Point. wttir MiWbUi iiiiif ri Girl Wanted. r mi. OK MIDDLE AC.ED WOMAN lr t.... this: ikk r Ail. lilt. . .. ..... -- . ...... . Iimuireat THIS OFFICII. FOUND. On tin- liiorniHK of .lulv tith. near tlie Oreat Iti-piibhe. alnwi " ur0 Lithoms Harbours 13-ly 4 iikmi ; leans nuirked COOK. Owner ran have tlieMiine by proving proper! v and pav umi eharse-. Applto .I.W.Ki:iiN. 7.7.6 Wil Coast Pkj;. Co. IOUXD. On Fort Stevens ilat. Weduev : day inorniu. .lulv Mh. 1mihiph 1T."i to iOO fathoms of new and did web mixed, and corks of various marks. The owner em hav e the snine b.v e:illinat Ceo. .u times racks in Astoria, prov ing pniM'i1v ami jav -lii! clmmes. .1l)II STKAXll duly 7, lSbl.-7.7.ia S25 Reward. LOST. Saturdav nisht. between tin lell lower and mv shon laek id Haulms Jew ciry store a large wallet orjuK-ket book containing inone.v and papers. The fimler will receive a reward of i'00uixHi n-lurn of the same to me. LEWIS OILL duly 5th, 1SS1 Astoria. Oregon. "Tirr FOUXD. -On the nicht or duly SiJ, Li near Sand Island, about 20 fathoms. Imnv marked M.. I. Owner rau have same bv jlrovlnspropertv aud imyitu for this no tice. Applj at ASTOKIA FISIIKKV. NET LOST.-On the nteht cf .Inly I. near Sand Island, about .V) fathoms 4 mesh net, new. Harbours :-10 1 w hie, Ihmiv h:hi keil KM and corks diamond K ami h-ads K one side mid T on the other. Finder will ln rewarded b n-lnnung the sanw to the ASTOKIA F1SHEKA. Final Settlement. NOTICE IS IICKEKY GIVEN THAT tlie final statement ol tlie eeeutor or the estate of 1. Ferrell. deeeased. has lieen Wed, and Saturdav. the icthdav of .inly, 10 a.m. has been M-t lv the Count j -eonrt d I Clatsop count.. Tor the henrine thereof June ic, ISSi. i.i.w. . ,..i , ..y.n.-. 'Il-dlt-fn. THE ASTORIA PLEASURE GARDENS Will he ojHJn Every Saturday and Holiday rei: Pleasure, Fun, Exercise. Innocent Re creation and Games of different hinds, VI ITU Foot Racing and Horse Racine on Each Saturday. Prizes awarded to the winner in each game. Tlie Garden to he open to the fun loving citizens or Astoria and vlcinitvlor tin sea son by W-M. O'KDKK.S .v C ). THE NEW STEAMEK CLARA PARKER, s3teSe eiiex r.rAiiKEi:. - - mastei:. Is now ready for business. For freight or charter aiijdv to the Captain on board, or to 11. It. l'AKKElt. MAGNUS G. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Flute anfl Steai Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but flrst class workmen employed. A lare assortment of SCALES Constantly on liand. MISCELLANEOUS. fflPORTiXT t Oh Tltf W5W mn HOtJSE Ti make nwmi for an imuu-iiM'ook of mmU that an arrh Inp by e er steamer. I Hill veil r.K- th' NEXT THIRTY DAYS -AT Grout ly Reduced Prices ! My entire Miifk. rMrMm: llw llM th Fancy Goods, CloakSjDolmans, Ladles and Child rens Shoes unit Slippers AI.SO; t coMi-urn: i.ixi: of - - ' MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, IT04-C, I.-itac llclbr). VclUI. - Boots, Shoes, JSTC. ETC. Kl'C. Iteftwe MnrehKliH( voiir rkU elsewhere i.i (Tan in xifi ramiiM m khhi- ami h h-o, ir it will p.iv ih well fiM-viHir tnmlrie. S. SCHLTTSSEL. white iiorsE stoi:i:, Cihih r Mam and riM'ti.imits Mreels, ASTOJllA, OUEGOX. STEVEHS & SQH i llavi- jiist ivivived a l.irj;e stM-k of ! Picture Frame IVIouldinqs. Cor salt I. the fiot or made into frames to order. Tmv are now in-mnad t frame all tin I'ietures in Astona AT VERY LOW RATES. Also jnM n-rnved a l.irje hue irt" Vocal ami Insliumonlnl Sltecl Music. Musival Iuslmmeiils of all kinds always oh haml. ()iMr4ti tin IScli Tower. A.irw. ('. I.KI.NK.NW'lti:iCi:. HtK.VM nnow.v. ICSTAWMsllKil l.s4S. Leincnweber & Co., ASTOKIA. OKECOX. fTI 1 TvTMTtTl CI ATiTTl 071717177171(1 u mv n. n a u . n n ft n ft J.J.lJ., "il WWJ.WJJJ.l.W, Manufacturer and Intixtrlerso! 1.1. KINDS or Xjt35-'GL?1RrjfcLSJrL AND FINDINGS Wlwkrsnle Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MAXITACTl'lIEKS OK BOOTS and SHOES iwrllij;hest cash price iald for Hides ami Talkm. Washington market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGjU-LX C JiEIiJiY T ESrrCTI TLLY CALL THE ATTEX. Xj tion of tbo public to tho fact that the above .Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, vrholcailc and retail. Special attention picen tosupplj- nc shiin. S. GLASER & CO., ibitccewiis. to r. Sherman & C.) ! main sTitEirr, - astokia. oirnoox Is prejinred to snpplv Fresh. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Cornell meat, I'oultry. -ame, VAe. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables, suns supplied at lowkst katks. E3"I?rvsh saiisam-s- made everv dav or to j onler. T&2rfS''Z i-m-fi'twTTm iT U' i, Mil KiVT- 411U1WL1I VU1I1IJ11 i- CENTRAL MARICET. (leneral assortment of table stock constantly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. FOUXTRY AXU A3IIv In the .season. CIGARS XSn TOBACCO. Best or wnirr.s xsn taquors. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold, on coin mission. Opposite I. V. Case's store. J. HODGERS. THE CALIFORNIA STORE, (The Cheapest One Price Stove in Astoria) Corner Guposite the Post Office. A CARD TO THE PATUOXS OF THE CALIFORNIA STOltK. VV htttfMl mm a at nor -Hart. TO KKlU'LATK TI1K I' KICKS OF I)KY HOODS AND CI.OTHIXO IX ASTOKIA. Thi we ulnlm to hare done, awl shall (imtnme to ! so. We Originate. Never Imitate. T A mJ 0U1: 0FE ' . Blow your Trumpets inside Out, WcLeart. OLliers Follow. And Fire off your Guns. $13,756 Wi-luiif phIim-iI irHf h hi iMir sjoek t the :ittnHit of Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Flfiv-sK Dollars. tlni- giving intended -ntvliart a riuiiMf !i :ve AUmrv . UemeiHlter a Dollar sjiveil i a lollnr Earned. LAI )JE8 en: IKIv.SS .'001S OKIWKTIHKXT rtrt4ttrf Mack and Oditred ('ashmen. Mohair. Silk ami Vtnl l'tonl". Kmin (tuttit. Kiwadcv. Came! Hair Suitings, ami a iMMUitifa! swwy of Dtvs Hear Im nwMMrHi( fH elatlkatHHi. All at Cost Inre. SII.WVI.N. laCIX T.JKI:VKAI;. Hosiery. Unrns. Millim n :' . I'arasnt. Faw :wi. All :it Jot rrlre. CliOAti AX M'ST dritarttueMl emt-4 stkNf Diliu-it. Sarijut-. Vra. ilavHek. rverv ilMriio!i. uf t't-i Irtee. f.AOIKS. IiK? AX .'IEI5.IS:e:aS SlOZi m Co.t lriri. l'nieh Km, IW (at. C KM. h.MHlaN. SIhm.Iu Tart everything atrtamimr Ion MH-nt. Ijidtr-. ;lov- Kid. vir frettv and Npeeinltj. ANEW FEATURE, IP X 51 S In ruHeuneHt-e t tin meal inm-ase t trit amiMho arewnaMr toatimil in jierstMi. that we have placed an efReieut ekrk jMd Jfct pnee-s to petm who rfesire them, ami we "narantee to ererj perni "l.mll ree.e the sum aim an if iH-iHtaHyuptMintetHliiMCtheii own Hwlw. Our One Price System, TueHher with the faMHlhHts piiMiil intitteit- S L jiS. 1 MISCEI.LAXEOrS. &.W. H! Wlsotesnle aail Rstai! Dealer GFxOCEiil HK, !) ROVMOfliS. liiilllEii. KT(" KTC, ; TIN PLATE nLonc tin. iMt; i.kad, SKAMl.NG COIM'KI, SOLDKKIXC COITKUS SALMON TWINE, COTTOX TWINE, NKT LINKS. MANILLA KOI'K, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, FLOATS, M.VlTI-S IIAXDLKS, OAH.S, Oj3.SLS. MUK1ATIG ACJIXX LACQUElt, VAliNJSII, TUIIVKNTI N K. P. KNZI N E, COAL OIL GU.M UOOTS. HICK. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. AST!CIA, - - OlSItfOX. SEA VIEW HOUSE. i. untoit. - - rneruiKTOi: North I'aeiili He ieii, W. T.. Will be Often for Visitors July 4. 18SL It is one mile nearer llwaeo than last season TRBK(!IIiUI & UPSHUR! DEAI.EKS IX 8BIP GBANBLB&y PROVISIONS. mow, ST BEL. GOAL, yf Builders General lllll HARDWARE, PAIJSTTS. OILS, ETC. ACEXCV OK THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Ghenamus Street, Near.Olney, ASTOKLV. OREGON -AND- irf the verv latent and l.hwn Stthwf I'litlrrshirN. Drawer. NewMrt TJe. Infant ' iNt-laM-Shfe DejHrt- II.K UANDKKKCIUEFS A SrECIALTV. beautiful to near, a , I rnmk-. V.ilieH. xtteheN. aud ail kinds of Portmanteaus, OUli COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTJIENT. -TO IN T 23C 3 PISLD ! of onlers fnwi th (.'oMiitrv. we K!i to inform mrtie-. desirinir to mircha.-e "Oinlsatcoat Goods Marked in Plain Figures, Justice to Everyone, siN-k to st-'dt from, i- .i siuiifK'nt tniaraiidv tlie w ui's h ail cm 1h supplied and even the mojt DIR2SCT ALL GOHHUBTICATIONS, LOCK BOX 248. (The Cheapest One Price Store in Astoria.) Corner Opposite the Post Office. MISCELLANEOUS. V. V. VM.RN it. rnti Page & Aliens1811 BADS 3 Salmon Net Twine. fsfi'CtivMts r" 1". s 1.1.SKN.) Vhdia4aihl retail dflH-rs lit Peovisfon&j 0ftHei7.i j j Glass and Piaied Ware, TKOlMCAI AND UOMKSTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wioes.LipoToliaGcolCigars Tlie largest and most comidete stock of goods in their line to he found in the city. Corner of Cass ami Sijnemoeqlie Streets, ASTOKIA. OKEdON. New and Durable Scow for Sale.,NEW MILLINERY GOODS 20x44 feet, s Abo. one new 23) Anchor . VvWv 1'iircli.ised hj herself OnenewAnclmr.lfJ BoilllCfS. Velvets, Alxmt lrtv r.ithiHn new 3 Chain. Any one needing the above will liml it greativto their advantage to eall immedi atelv 011 W. K. TICI I EXO K. llrst tlsh station on hkipnnon, Ciatson. Warranty deeds, quit claim deeds and mortsases. for sale at this office. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Comer C.w and si.iem treeN, ASTOKIA, - - OKEOOX IlKALKK IN WALL PAPER AXI) WINDOW SHADES AXI UNDERTAKERS GOODS. e. k. .1 vrinv. .1. a. "wontoomkky. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Aeents for the ma 0, , , , Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTOKIA, - OKECOX. CLEAMWG and REPAIRING -eoke lovett. Celmannw St., uet Xichol.vs' Barber Shop. SHIPPING TAGS rnllK T.VT OTT4T.TTV. TT.T UK SOLD L by the hundred, or by tho box, printed or j Plain, to suit customers, at The Astoeus office. GEXTS 3:s:xs. voi'th.n. ai ijoys ciiOTinxa ie- IAJITJK7T rHiMMs or a full line of French and English Dl-agmal-.SitehTveetls and Cheviots. Mack Doeskins anil Kroad Motlis, riatn ami Fanes ('asinifre. in light and dark colors, all at "o.t lrire. SI ATS AJ?I) f.M'R. in .ill stvh. and cidors. at Cost Price. HOOTS AXI SIIOXIS of I-iibtern. C.thfornia. and Oreson Maniifaftnrj. at lev than eot or tnnniifaeture. KXTK FI'51X1IIJX 001S DEPAKTMKXT iissls ir tin verv latest stv le of White and Colored Dress Shirts. itlar. Neektie. Srarf. MihN. CutT llnttons. Suspenders, Hose, Oersliirts overalls and .ininiiers, at in thS department, who will forward samples onlerhu; thronRh this department, that tlie .MISCELL.XEOUS. Barbour's Cotton Seine Twin, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARB0UR BR0THERS' .! 1 market Street, S:in Frnnero HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. JIRS. H. A. DERBY, MVSOXICHAI.L. - ASTOKIA, OISEC.ON. Will open her new stock Oil Thnrsflay, May 501, 1881. Consisting of A FINE AfeSOKT.MENT OF The Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves Warranted to be the best in tlie market. Abo, a lanrc assortment of Infants Wear and Ladies Dres sing Saques. A large v ariety of Satins, Ribbons, Ruchings, Collars, Etc., Etc., . 3IAIX STKEET. - ASTOKIA, OREGON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Kknton Sti:pkt, Xeai: r.vitKEit House, ASTOKIA. - OKECOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND MAR1SE BNOINBS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. "Wass, President. J. (I. Hu.STr.EB, Secretary. I. V C vsf. Treasurer. JonxFox, Superintendent. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, I TEiVI.EK IX TIXE WIXES. LIQUORS, j beku, cioaks. andbesthrandsof ICEXTUCKY WHISKY, 104 South First street, roitTLAXD, Oregox. ! JBestSan Francisco Peel Table on the lireinises. v. T. JlAnCLAV. T. II. HATOH. HATCH & BARGLAY, , C01IM1SSIOX MEKCIIAXTS. I No, 20 California St., San Francisco, Cal. LETTER HEAD PAPER, "PRINTED OK PLAIN", OF THE BEST a. quality at The Astobus oScs.