(3) gXw puny stsrlaa. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUXDAY JULY n, 1881 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday Exco-Jted). !. C. Ireland, i;llor anil Proprietor Agfonan Building Gaat Street. Terms of Subscription : seived by Carrier, per week..............."ii Cents Sent by mail, four raonths..............S8 00 ent by mail, cno yenr............ -.- 0 00 free of Pastnuo to Subscribers. Z'tir Advertisements insorted by theyoar at the rato of SI 5J nor square per month. rransiontndtortisinf. by the day or weak, 5fty cents per smittro for each insertion. The Vioi-Lly Istorian is a mammoth sheet, nearlx double tilts size of Hit Dailj. Jt is jut the im pel for the lire-ddc, containing in addi tiontoall the eunent news, choice mis cellany, agricultural mailer, market re ports, etc. It is furnished to single jnh ciibers at ?2 00 pei xcar in advance. 23?A limited nuiiiocr of small adver tisements, hiseited at established rates. " THECITY. Thk Daiia Aroi:i.v tntl ir ly until otZiecHt a mtmth. ft tt W inMaij,: Haiti r Uetmt 'MitUtlralirnet ft am the citpi can hum Thk astokian foUH them. Daily or Whkkia" ulttntH U any p4t-ofief vltli ok I'.dtlitiomit j)irc. Address oyc cnung1 ' "ft a ntfrri. lutare ordoi a at Uir cittuilinu nm. Mr. Jos. Higgiu was able to he about yesteiday. The Bellaporte is at Capt. IJust leis old dock. Capt. llirani Drowns new dock is filling up xvith salmon. Mr. C. H. Bain is now gaining strength. He is still in Poitland. --Rev. Mr. Perkins hits lcturncd and will officiate at CJmcc chutch to day. Tlio Lurlinc with the e.cniiou ists will leave for loi tlund to-day at 12 o'clock. Muslin Hags, bunting ilags, silk flags, and flags of all nations, at A ti lers. Butler has added a third hand some wagon to the upper tow n passen ger and express line. A very- handsome flag of Our Nation now decorates the dome of the ( )ccident observatory. Mr. Kidder has moved into Mr. E. S. Larsons house, corner of .lofler son and Main streets. Dr. .1. L. York will speak"' at Liberty hall, Sunday evening at 8 v. M., subject: Infidelity and Infidels. Seats free. Services of the Methodist church in the Baptist church to-daj' at the usual horns by ihc pastor. Snnday school at noon. We regret to hear that Mr. Ivan T. Clarke is an inmate of St. Marys hospital, but it is a good pkee for a person sick or disabled. v, The family of Mr. Stinson, of Merrill & McGregor, arrived yesterday. He has taken Capt. Staples house, corner of Madison and Squemocqha streets. The state convention of the Ancient Older of Hibernians will meet at the parlors of Astoria Engine Co. !Xo. 1, next Saturday evening, July 9th. Remember the fact that prose cutions are likely to follow the indis criminate use of lire crackers, which are pronounced a horrible abomina tion by Astoria city ordinances. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Winton, and friends, to the number of tw enty-eight persons, young and old, dedicated Butlers new vehicle Friday evening, returning from a family picnic. Did it ever occui to you that the meanest anovinous correspondent known to history, who says the most personal and hateful things about everybody, always signs himself "Fair Play?" The old steamer Aja has finally passed out of existence. The Alta says her hull is being raxed down to fit her for a heaving-down hulk. She will be ready for business in about three weeks. A Puget-sound paper informs us that the comet ''disappeared behind the Olympic mountains." That 's the reason, perhaps, that it can no more be seen under the awning at the As toria market. Decorations were begun in the city yesterday. These include Mr. Alex. Campbells place, Carl Adlers, M. D. Kants, Mr. Gardiners, Max Wag- ners, the Parker house, Astoria Iron works, French-wine honsu, Astokhjt office, etc. Mr. John Steers returned from an extended trip to Europe by the 0- steamer yesterday. TI12 trip has been a very great benefit to him; his health is restored; and lie looks to be twenty years younger than when he went away two years ago. The Union Pacific Railxvay com pany are hunting along the coast south of the Columbia rix'er for an "inden tation," with xvhich to make a Pacific coast terminus for their branch from Granger. If they will listen xve 'ill warble a song for them, not to trust anybodj but The Astokiaks plan. This is the only place, and mark well what we say: Go anywhere else; you '11. bs fooled. 17c Astoriau Will be issuod from tlits office j before Wednesday. In the event of further news from Washington the niattor will be bulletined, free of oostiment, and the new .stonmer Clara to subscriber. Parker, Capt. Eben 1. Parker, will ,, ., 1 xne JbiDerxy L-ar At the eleventh hour wdvk was commenced upon the Liberty car yes terday', bun novortheles6oae of the finest turwf its that hai jcver boon got i up m this fljne at Astoria pid be the result As little git Is who wish to tfil-A .n?; flu. T.;i.r.rt- Li- cl.,.,,1,1 ! retxnt atJearlv as 9 jo'eloek x. v.. it,- mcTow,at Mrs. Derbvs Millinery store, ill order that final arrangements! niR3 be made. ' Fourth, of July Gaines The committee on gamer; andamiiM: uicnte for the Fourth if -Ily, will offer prixes in the flliwing .port atj Astoria U-irrow . A foot race. dLsianctf. utJ hmidivd yards. j IToraeA-aecliNtxutv, hri humlredj yards I t j Bycileliju-, fiom rftyiiall artmiid I Uumot. t.rf , pa- 'LVetwhard A ' UpslidiH, tlif Occidcnf h!el and lwtck totle city Iptll, twke around. WreatliniJ match, ct)llar and olbow , in the Custom-house square, f Best .standing jump, three jjRuls. Bent half hammond jump, tluee trink. Sports to clom' with baby how and a dog light, best twci nut of three. Fire Department ITotice. By request of Jnte committee n in vitations, rfu : AAtona fity down tnient aie reipiuslci n meet a thyr several houses t i) J. m., Moiiflay,Alnly 4th, in uniform, In participtc in the cer- ciseif the celebration. . W. Ui. i:i:. Chief Engineer. Foiutli of July Concert. Services of the Young Mens West ern band, have been secured m the Fourth of July celebYftlifti The musical paryH the cecJM?s Kill begin at half 4btuine oVlokt.. pi., Uy an open ar exmcert at the cttvhall. Foi- lewin: 1 r 1 al Airs' Beyer '2. (rveitmc. I'eaJ of Hiefcca".. Francis :. Alcdley. No. V L . . . . McCnsh 1. Hurrah ChJoj M.Carl .".. (li-and Conceit JIcdle. lntio dwingMie of Mcltohs Tupplc Tongtseiiig Polkas ()frclw-h Mogleraiid Wright are proud of their baby boy, and dont you ftrget it. The usiml service will be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this afternoon at a quaitcr to tluee. Fireworks, just the thing for family ue, put up in nioe assortments in 50, 7 cent and 1 00 lwes, at Adlers. E. C. lioldon has again been commissioned a notary public for Clat sop count', l3 his excellency Gov ernor Thayer. Astoria Engine C. No. 1, receiv ed a beautiful large American flag by the Columbia. It will be flung to the breeze to-da.y. The Presbyterian church will cel ebrate the Sacrament of the Lords supper in connection with their morn ing service, conducted bjr the jKistor. Bev. J. McCormick will preach at 745 r. ai. Sunday school t noon. We received a business call from Mr. C. It. Williamson, of St. Louis, yestorday, head of the YVilliamson- Stewart paper company. lie comes on a flying trip to the Pacific coast and cannot sfay long in one place; unfortunately, as he is the kind of men that make firm friends. The Editor and the Foreman of Tin: Asiokian xvere the firat men at breakfast table yesterday morning, and Messrs. Kelly and Fov, of the Occident dining room, intend to com memorate the event by the presenta tion of suitable medals. Sam tJray has the order in his ltarncAS shnp for ihc medals. Installation of the olJicdi. of Astor lodge, Kn'ghte of Pythias, xvill will be at their mooting hall corner of ClienamiiB and Benton streets July 4th, commencing at 8 v. ji. Invita tions to the party in the evening at Liberty-hall me good for the installa tion also. The ceremonies will begin promptly at eight. At 0 o'clock the Knights xviil march in Liherly-Imli in uniform. The tradition xvhich suggested the Legend of the Willoxv, which we give to-daj from the Philadelphia North American, is akin to the one xx-hich derives the red breast of the robin from a drop of blood falling on it xx hen the bird sought to xvithdraxv one of the crown of thorns; and it is not unlike the other legend that the aspen had never shivered until its xvood xvas taken to make the cross. The chief signal officer proposes a change in the nomenclature of his weather indications. It seems that heretofore, when fair weather xvas predicted, it meant something else. We hax-e had an idea all along that something xas out of gear in his cal culations, and feel a good deal easier noxv that xve know AX'hat it is. From tins on it is the intention onlv to prognosticate fair weather when it is going to bo fair, and foul xveathcr when it is going to be. foul; xvhich xx-ill be n great improvement on the old style. ' John Day Excursion. Mr. Delaney lefc the city yesterday morning to muke arrangements for an j excursion from the .lohn Day settle-! leave here at nine o'clock this morn- ing to bring the excursionists to As toria. They will remain in Astoria until to-morrow evening, when they will leturn to their homes bv the same steamer. Meteorological Register. "OKT ClXUI . W.T., .Tuuc :th. l.SM The following is an extract from the Pteorologieal Register of this place! foi the mouth of June. 18S1 Average tcinjaTnttnv Z7Sti deg. Maximum temj)ei,aturo 70. (JO -nd inst. MiuimiiiH temperature 42.00 dcg. during night from loth t IGth iiMrt, A vet age doiidmes .". Xuni bar of day on which rain fell l.. BainfuH it in (S c. c. WlI.LlAN .S. lil.OCK. Mr. T. M. CSilbert, agent for WiUon.s wonderful microscope, is in ihe cit', and will giv.s everybody an opportunity to unipect them. They sjcak for themselves. - Mr. Dan Barney, one of the pioneers of Kunppa, was in the city yesterday. He has kopt out of Barney creek as long as he can stand it, and will buy a fishing outfit for trout before his return. Mr. Max Pracht, with Neville $. Co., San Francisco, passed through yesterday to Portland witii huswife.' He xvill return this xvay iii Thursday. Max is .small of structuie but has large impulses for business; and pus souses those leal sociable qualifi editions which attract. -Interest is the worm that iakes hold of a mans efiocts worse than an eating, corroding, virulent, ulceration on the system. This is shown by h statement from Seattle. The Post says: Mr. II. L. Yesler xvill arrix'c home by the Idaho, in company with D. T. Whcelor, he has been in San Francisco for the last two xvcoks. settling up xvith Mr. John McLain, of j whom he years ago borrowed money. J The enormous ravages of interest are thoroughly illustrated in Mr. Yeslcrs case, in 18(J0 he boiTowed 13,000, and one year later SM),000 more, of Mr. McLain. When he settled xvith him in San Francisco last Saturday, nnd made final payment, lie found that he had paid for the original 45, 000 the amazing sum of 140,000 paying the incredible sum of 101, 000 as interest money. At ten I ion Vo. si's .Mciuuci' oljliescuc iiecoininmy j af their hali, No. , aimcnjiested to Vfl! liaip, lliisi j Fokkm vx. morn 1 n s Uv ow , , " . , , at Loscoi-s oy.ster and re- Imih 111 Occident hotel j Ice ereiiin n freshnu'iit sjih block. Mr. John Roger of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc in their season. 'iiliM-v in nil Colore -mil Slmde t six cents an ounce, al the California! r4re, iMist-ofiice corner. s A tiemcudous stfick of home r.iade candies, at lheAtoria Candy Factory, next door to the Citx Iiok .store. ()j posite the bell toxver." The acxx Testament aullioried edition rex'iscd. for txx'cntx'-fixe cent.s at Chailes Mexcns and Sons Citx Hook S(0n, " Composed of poxxertul drugs so coin- pounded as to produce almost tniracu- fei-n,,irw-!S &i,iw&s"LMlla,h- bjax m l lire, bead adxertiscme.il. -Charles Stevens x: Son are in r ceiplofa fine stock of mouldings, ami are noxx prepmed to make picture mimes 10 ui tier. 1 all and inspect llieir slock. P. J. CooduiHU, on Chonaiiitis streel, has jiHl icccix'i-d the latest and nint fashionable stx-le of genls ami Indus j boot?., shoes, etc. To celebrate jo-, ously on the coming Itk. go to Ihe Astoria "Candy Factory and get some nf the fine mixlure made for lhis occasion. Opposite Ihe bell tnv.er. -Foi a first-class ny.slcr slew, frx.J tnrlanc.x roast, go to loscoej pan-mast Chenam us streel. Occident hotel block. Families supplied by the bundled or the .sack, open nr in the shell. losuppb the liest qualities of lir.'hem - hick, xine maple, spruce limbs, etc. heave oulcis at the xxood yard. fo of uenien .sinei. Caramels Mola'.si's Chexxiu l'ep-l nerminl, Cocoanut D'ltalia, Cocoauut lee. Dtitter Scotch, and a lot of jjood things at the Astoria Candy Facloiy. , opposite the bell toxver. I trnji iettt iocR j IJefore pureha-inggQp'. of anybodj j call and inspect my stock. You are 'The Crcalcsi Hit of the Sc:imhi. Irniu Vexx xx eJconie. I xvill glntUy shoxv my Kofals 1 Yrk 10 s.111 Fram-Wu. no uialter xxhetlier vou liny or not. Ncxv j goods by every Mcamer. ,s. D.xxinKK.j IIAVr,.to rKiKATS5 Mi.s. S. T. ilcKean xxillboon be In! iceeipt of a full assortment of Fourth of af? -ssffiarg! .luiy 'of laces, and all kinds of ladies undcrxrenr. (lixe 1 1...- . ..ii 1 in 1 al (.4111 S. (JIaser tV: Co., .successors to F. Sherman & Co., haxing bought the meat and xegctable market of F. Sher man 4c Co., xxould respectfully ask -i continuance of the patronage bcstoxx'ed j on the former proprietors. j When j ou sec a promising colt xxith j a splint, curb or spavin forming, thus spoiling me sate, go ai once ami procure a bottle of Kendalls Spavin Cure. One dollar hwested in this great remedy -will sax e x ou hundreds of dollars. It has no equal as a liniment for man or beast. P. Wilhellil, Uos-s Miloon. opiuisite the (Maiendou hotel. Portland, Oregon, Rax nxXA. Mercer Co. ,.Mo May.lS79. jxxs Syrup of We haxe used Felloxxs' Syrup Hypophosphite3 xxith gratifying results j in our practice, and recommend it to) physicians as a reliable preparation in ; Ague and Intermittent Fever. It is the best thing xve knoxv of. signed. .T. E. CAi-iaxx'AV. M. I). .Ioii.m 1 ("nii'LHr. L D. Great good faith is shoxvn by the proprietors of that best of blood purifi ers. King of the Blood, in their offer to disclose its rare ingredients in proper cases. People can trust such medicines. See advertisement. Ftirnlshctl ICooniK to Tt At Mrs. Munson's lodging house, Notice to Fishermen. From one to 1,000 pounds of black spawn from sturgeon wanted daily. Cah lid at .1. T. Boiinii:i: Dew Drop Inn. Suit. Snlt. Constantly on hand, and in iiunnlilics to suit. Liverpool factory filled. Ua coarse, and hall ground, at Gko. W. HriK. ltrfrk! Krick! ISrlck! I have on hand a Inrgc amount of Ittiek for Mile at from 5.1 to s per thousand. """ and examine, iicnr Antoria oeim- !IC1. .IU1IN HlLll.VM. To tin ... All Ihc cluidri 1 paru.i- pate in the Pouitl in ni...A I or rule on tin I. Icac their names flt i.,j.i-v I rnv" iniiii- t ., ..ll 1 ner siorr. Kollickinc Itovci-.. A" J AH fiiii-ioiiitualirws ulio want to! ioili the imH'tit'J f Ihc Rollick I ing Box tMs on liciiihloflhc Fourth of .lulx xxill pica' 1 ey.ti i to .l.K Charters. at tW linrlierytiopfiu I'henaiuiK stuvi. j Sherman Kros. ilxprrss I Will nvcixc onlcr. al Ihe store uf I.j W. (Jaac for upfHT AMori.i or anx irtlicr 1 lrfirt nf the citx. I.cnVc 011r nrilers uii Jllichitc tiii Iln' will In iiriiiultth at I I tended to. . Xn. 1 Ice Orcam. It makes al! Ihe dilleivniv in tin world xx here ihi get ice cream a-, in (iialitx. AH xxhn lmxc tried it. exerx IkhIx. pronoiinees Frank FiiIhts the be-t in qiialily. No. l Ice Cream, and cpiallx :is mitch in thedih in qiiautitx. The Ontrnl Hotel. One of the liiic-4. clmtiiesl and Icl kepi hotels in AMnria. situated near the steamer lauding, xxith first class, airj room-.. gKMl board and xer icaNOiiahle rates. Kar and hilliaul ioom-. The lcl of xxines and liquors, and an excel lent glsN of. snn Franciseo Ikht. Antoin Hi 1:1.011. Pioiiielor. YTilliamsport Properly ("real liMrsaiii.s are nnxx offered in the citj of WillianisjMirl for anx persons xx ishing lo locate from one lot to fixe acres. It is xxell adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or pleasant hemes: xxell elevated, situated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs ba.x. xxilh a good graded mad to the place. For further information call at my residence near thecemeterx. John Wn.i.rxMsov. To I.ix-c Mcii. Tin: .sioi;i v has now reached a circulation which places it at the head of the list of Oregon dailies, and insures to adx'crtisers theieof more benefit for the amount paid than max Ik? secured clsew here. To tlwse xx ho xx ish to reach the largest number of renders at the smallest expense, .xxc offer Ihe column-, uf an at t radix c dailx. Hie sin-cess of xxhich from ihe xcrx Mail has een far lK-yond tla evpi-clatioiis of the most sanguine. A Fair Proposition. Prom this date (he Astoria photograph gallery xx-ill conduct buine.s.s on the folloxx ing plan. We x ill lake negatives of am liiilx hiiiI i'er liodv Hint xxill faxoriis xxith a call, we xx'ill print a pnmf of the same free of charge, no one nenif; innicr an nunmion 10 oiner fmuiHK'h iiegatixes unless thex desin 1o ' . We xvill lake the Asjnria euuiue com- panic, and all lodges and soi-irties. anx liniQ uu. AX m a-eiiilile forthepuipoe, au,i ,irt.t each lodge or MM-ietx with one picture of Mich group, either taken all together or in separate pictures and grouiH-d nftcrxxiird?. We xxill take xivxxs of residences and buildings, hotela, eaimene. mills, etc., on tlicsamc tcnus. xiz: xxc xxill take the negatives free or charge. e do tins in order lhat our work Mian sijinii on lis mi-ins. as wr aie pit pared to do good xx'ork. n nne need wait until thex go to San Francisco, roi.i.oxx i.xr. mm: en: im:ki".s: IVnlojc. 'r(Iol. , ir full length lKuiduirs....--m 00 .4 -At cabinets... 4 to "J ."( ! . .". cards.. .. 1 pi.Huressaiid botuloits. , J igncttcs cnlnr.ets , j cards .1 j Tnos. (;. Hnooii --trrr: - cards ' ."41 1 ."Ml ui ." Ui to :t 00 fro -j f0 Tnos. (;. Hkooks vv Co. cTAIIciliensor Oregon who de-sire ; lo-,uforin .. flioiuH ,7, . MaltfS of tlieeondition ami progress nf this state, can hax e nn more complete and coiupre hensixe volume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this journal, andha'xiiig Us mail it weekly In their friends. We mail it as directed. For S3 00 in adxam-e, xxe mail three copies nf Tin. Wkkkia toi:i xnoiic year. For the genuine .1. II. Cutler old Bourliou. and the best of wines, liquors ami Sun Francisco beer, call at IlieCcm. npiMisite the licll inxxcr. and see Camp bell. AMUSEMENTS. LIBERTY HALL. .1. II. IIAVKKI.V. max ci:i: 1 j iyn:t np 11.- Rrnnri Pnmprlv Rnem ' ! ' wai1 Ior Ine urailQ UOIlieuy U0CI11 .; one night only. C'Hilrirtfi. Miwfrldhg t iof.jj ce Weriw-ar. v lit !.. Do Monday, July 11, 1881!'" widow bedoi'i ('O.HKIV COJirAXY. Direct from Ilaxcrl Htli .strvel TluiUre. Xexx Yorkrily, IiilnMliH-iiiuAiiic-ri- a's FauuMis ('mnodiiiii MR. CHARLES B. BISHOP, As llu Inimitable "YIdon' and llu Famous Faxnnte MR. JAMES 0. BARROWS.! MipiHirted lx an exccptionall "stnuifj (a f Talented Artists SDoift j-el mixed, hut remember the date of the H.WF.RI.Y ROOM, M011(lay. JlllV 11. 1SS1. " ropnlar prices. No evtr.i cluirj-c for re - serrlng seats at CARl. ADLER'S. - m. D. KANT; THK POPULAR XVIercliani Tailor AND CLOTHIER MISCELLANEOUS. CARL ADLER'S 1YCT3TSXCL STORE, 3, -r" Vl Urr c T-t-r Pianos and Organs Of all makes constantly 011 hand. AKo a full stock of VIOLINS. GUITARS. BAXJOS, AC- CORDEONS. CONCERTINAS. HABMONICAS. FLUTES, j ANo a large stock of 1 he best uf VIOLIN AND GriTAK STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC. Ayi) MUSICAL INSTRU3D-:NTS, As wHl a-. - r tlmtir civ ltolotising to a Il..rf1.-. Ifn. ...Ut.tM II- lV- .'lillt .-"Hill l'iaii(H:iiHl Organs sn!il on the inonlhlv In si.tllihent plan or for rent. CARL ADLER'S BOOK STORE. P "V "lhclargrtt stock or i-fe "" Books amt Stationery H(3 Sc-HNd looks, liiMcs. l'oelicil 3 itsl orks. Allmiiis and i&iVrcr- colli ivik. S'Mlll!r !i.'v!il.'-. -i full :ml p(inoitt( irrf stmk of eert dug asually ssLJ kept 111:1 well rmilatcd Bootc "store Lmi news k-Hit and agency for rwr p.iHar :nii H-noiH-ai iiii)iiiicu. CARL ADLER'S YARIETY STORE GJ5J Wall-lies, Clocks and .TexxeJrj . r.-Sci j 'ckc 1 anil iaiie ruiiery. rr xaiiKec aoiioiis aim loys. .Jf? K-inre rraau-saiiii unroraos, PniIix I'arnasji-. a complete :tv(irlliHMiI. Arclien pti JCcxx -:nhIs It evcrj steamer. The public ire iiixiteil to examine my Mock and prices. C I1IIN V.MCS ST.. - ASTORIA. OREUOX. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. a.. 1. MKni.in:. r. .s. xvuioht occMi:.vr iiotkl. .MEOLEIt & XVltmin. Proprietors. Astoria, Orcyon. mm: ii:oii:ietoks are haity to JL aiuiouiicctluit the alxixe hotel has been rcpaiiitcd and n-funiKIifd. adding greatly to the comfort of itsiu-stsaiid isiiow the best hotel north of San Kraueiscn. O. XX". KNOXVI.K.S. AI- ZIKUF.R. ci..vi:xi)o" IIOTKF., 1'0IITLANI. ---. OREOUN ZIEBER & KtWWLES, Proprietors. Tn'c coach to and from the house. HTTiikIaii. Astoki.xn is on file at the nan-mlou Motel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. X1AIX STREET. -.tSrs. S. X. ArriKoni ASTORIA 2'roT-rIctor mm:TKAY-:i.iM: Vri-i.u will find JL the Pnmeer first clas. 111 all resiKvcts.and a share of Hu-lr i.unma-r Is rcsiicct fully suliciicd. s-Hoard and ItHli!ly tieilj or xxeck. Fair Wind CoiTec Saloon CjEEOje jaCGcXSjE,, wvtki: srn.'EET, astokia. Nel tliMir In Dr. Kiiim-x's. CnllVe. Ten ami CSiocolntt. Axlth C'aKf. IO i'cntH. Chojii Ciinl.rd In Order. Fine V lues. lArinnr.s and 'isai- (lrtlielHMl'ramK llaxmg just opened the almxe estalihsli uient xxecordainy inxiteuiir fricinLs and the piiMligeiiiraIIx tnglxeiisa trial. 5-lf FOAKI) X KVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oysicr Saloon. xivin --.Tsn.irr. xs.hi;ia. o - mm: 1 xdi:i:sii;m'i is ps.kaskh to JL aiilioiiiue In llie Ladies' and Gcittlcnien of this City That he i now -wism-d to furnish for tin-in, 111 firs' thtssstMe. and excrx stjh. ovsrrr.Ks. ijoi" (tirFKK. ru, inc. xt rni Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, mi sTnr.irr. I'h-ase Rive 111 a rail. KOSC'OIC DIXiiV. Pniprletor S. ARM) T k FEROHEN, Astoi:i x. - cn:i.i:iiN. ITIie Pioneer Machine Shop P.1.A( KSMIT1I St' BHOP 7- -V' -.; xn: 15 .v Boiler Shop All kinds nf iengine, cannery, XM STEAMBOAT WORK rroinptly attended to. ! A specially made of repairing ! CANNERY DIES, ! XEAU KINXKY'S ASTOKIA FISHERY. Piles for Sale. , jjr a. I 1 McMillan is prepared to funibh Fir or Hemlock Piles ' " " SHOOT NOTICE. '' i is tv Mrti'vr rr rtiii?i, ivn rr U-axe orders at the store of Trcncliard & l-.L-l...- ........ i OradilriKs, A. ILMeMILLAX. , OIney. Oregon. - 9i o 9 X AV-& -aft rfaf'fr W j B Zjfjy r.vkSSmQ ITALK IS CHEAP BOYS!! m as -,. aMBM--MM-MMJ j BUT IT TAKES j I Money to Buy Whisky ! It Also Eeqires Money to Pay Expenses. I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but !:j;aiiauiiiiiaiisEiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiteiiiiiiixiisiiiiixsaiisiiisiiiiitiisiuiHiiiuii II CM MB WILL! s s iiiiiaaaaiaaiaaiixaiaaiiaiiiaiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaiaaaaiiauaaaiaia:.ajaai:satJaaaHiiiaafl. Sell ai laower Pries Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, come before the public in flaming advertise ments only for the purpose of W-INDLTNG T Notwithstanding the fact of this being the dullest year since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which has only been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. HMW &OOO RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER. Remember the Place, the Old and Reliable ONE PEICE I X L DRY GOODS AND ehOTHMB HOUSE Main Street, near Pavlier Souse, Astoria. a H. COOPER, The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot nri'iaaj l'JTygg,ssr iii HBBtrE1 MWSSSSSiw iimPl rnaiBHHS9lS&s' ffa JSSS 'f 53. K HAWES, TWO BOOKS EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FTTENITTJRE 35 BEDDING AND DEVLER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. THE COLUMBIA &n is srrKRiou to most. ani i i:xci:i.i.i:d i:v none on imy coast JOHN HAHN, - - PKOPKIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. c2T0nlcrs lelt at the (JEUMAXIA UKKU HAl.L xxill lie promptly attended to.-Ste ASTORIA BREAVERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. HA VINO EVERY FACILITY FOR UK MANUFACTURE OF A FI KST CLAS A h ticlo, I am now prepared to furni the public with the finest nuality. for cash. LAGER BEER, AT 3tt OKXTS PER GALLON W 30I031-IJE3S A TE. rSFamilies and keepers of public ho-tses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Road xvay, opposite the Oregon Rail- xxay and Xaxhjation Co's xxharf. The cliotceit brands of foreign anil domestic WISES, LiqUOKS AXI CIGARS. CS-ReMt Chicago Ier.-Sn Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has rcccix'cd alarge Inxolce of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality. And ls noxv ready to supply Butchers Can neries ami all others, cheap for cash. A SWEEPING REDUCTION Made on the choicest and best assortment of MENS. YOUTHS AND BOYS CLOTHING Alse: The Finest Suits Made to Order and Warranted. who HE PEOPLE JL. MAY UK HAD OF E.RHAE8 seli: aokxt. Uo, Agent tor Hit celebrated MEDALLION RANGE. ASTORIA, OREGON. BREWERY tSss-fi. BOTTLED BEER, AT SI 50 PER DOZEN. ASTORIA. OKKfSON. BRICK LAYER 1'IJV.IX AND ORNAMENTAL 3E Xj-S II 3E3 3ES. JEl 3E1. Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. LIME, SAND, BRICK, FLASTER, LATH, Cement, and all materials In my line, furnished to order. wSpeclal attention paid to Furnace xxork and Itanges. Cistern xvork xx arranted good or no pay. SB-Agent San Juan and Nexr Tacoma Lime. - - n V tm. t . &t-