V r C3J g!i gnllB storSaik ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY JUNE 20, 1SS1 ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted). . O. Irclauri, r.ililor :iml Proprietor Astortan Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, per week ..2a Cents Sent by mail, four months.. S Oo ?ent by mail, ono year....... .................. 9 DO Free of Postage to Subscribers. 3" Advertisements inserted by the year at the rato of SI 50 per square per month. Transient advertising by the day or week, fifty cents ior saunrofor ouch insertion. Tin WcrKly Asloiinu Is a mammoth sheet, nearly double the size of the Dai I v. UK iiit the pa per for the fireside, containing In addi tion to all the cuncnt news choice mi&- cenauy, agricultural matter, market ic ports, etc. It is furnished to single sui seribcrs at S2 00 pervcar in advance. 2S?"A limited nitmoer of small adver tisements inserted at established rates. THECITY. Thk Daily astouiax irt cnl ly mail nf 73 cents a month, freest jxwfoyr. "i era who cont emt date alucncc from She cltn can hare Tub Astouiax ftilbtu than, Daii.v or Wkkki.v tuhtionx fo ? il-ofhcc with out additional crpmxc. Addrsc may lc cnaitycd ax mftrn ax dcxirfrt. Isnvc nrdcrx at the counting room. Something Dead. Tit for Tat- Fnrnl.slictl Koonir. to Iat MISCELLANEOUS. People passim? the oil factory just I The San Francisco luerchnuis make I Ai Mr. Muiihoii's lmlsina Imuim. below town imagine they smell some- a practice of keeping a record of busi-' thing. Going down in the Canity last Friday an otlicor from fort Canby called an Oystervillian out of the Pilot-house, and said he: Captain, do you smell anj'thing? Tha Oyster villian stood in the door Ute .picture of innocence and unconcern, and stolidly maintained that he did not. Then Maj. Thrqck. was called. With a strawberry Hush on his adamantine cheek the latter gentleman rose from his chair and aaid: "Ye, I smell something, and have studied some thhing for the past three smuniers, i other, as a means every time I hat pawed thk spot. 1 ) small way. Every lies house in the interior who pay bills promptly, as well as those who are slow, and never intend to pay if possible, which is correct enough, but interior merchants and business men should also keep a record of some of the drummers sent out by certain firms, and hold such firms responsible for the acts of their drummers. Some times a drummer will take orders, and the goods received are not as repre sented; and in some cases extra charg es are made, under one pretext or an- ol gouging in a lritmmer should Ofiioc. to Item. Single or in smite of two. in Thk As touiax building. Prices reasonable. : CARL ADLER'S iMTTSXCS STORK XT'- -"Of Attention. Kiee lunch, beer and whiskey to jhourow at the Great Eastern saloon. M.vx'.i:Xhi:. Snlt. Snlt. Constantly on hand, and in quantities to suit. Liverpool factory filled. Hay eoarae. and half ground. at Cuo. V. IIC.ME-s. So cometh the rain. Steamer day, to-morrow. The Columbia anived down on the 24th. Capt. Rotter went north by Shubrick on Friday. the The new steamer built recently at Rainier has been launched. Hon. F. J. Taylor returned from a business trip to Portland on Friday. The Clan fJrant crossed out to sea yesterday, Mary Taylor towuig, Olsen pilot. The people of Ilwaco will cele brate on the Fourth by hav;,ig a pic nic and fire works. Fun on the Bristol is said to be the best thing ever reproduced at New Market theater. never could detoimine the exact ua-1 be treated just the same as the tirm lure of the smell, but it is a very itself-, he being their representative, decided one, nevertheless. Decidedly and auy trick or advantage taken by decided, awl can be nmelled sometimes such dtttimnur. should be charged clear across the bay. Ii is somuthmgl again t the firm as a house to bo dead, ami 1 think 1 detect in the j xvonled in the way of honorable deal aroma the defunct rcmaims of about jug. We Jiave had some experience one thousand cats, an army of dogs. ,in this matter, says the Yreka Jour several bank clerks, ami a host of J nnl, as well as a number of our busi gentlemen of leiauro, all in one j,raijJ ness men, and as most drummers are miitmi (Hit. 'unknown men, there is no way to Spring Salmon Hooked. checkmate trickery on their jmrt, ax- An oceonaTiKHleiit at oeI to IwW the house responsible, OUfton, writing yesterday, says. Vou ! and change to some other house, dia- S o drummers to humbug customers. A goml many business drummers are about as unprincipled and unreliable Itrick! Uriel;! Itrick! I have on haml a Inny amount of brick for I at from .." ti s ht thoiwaud. ("all and examine, near Astoria couie- Uf. .lollN Wlt.l.IAMMtV. Nhrriuan IJrns. Kxjire- Will rceehe onler- at the store of I. W. Caw fir npier Astoria or any other IHirt of tltecit. I.caw jour orders an ihc-lnle ami "they will he proMptlx at tended to. So. X let C'renui. Pianos and Organs Of all makes constantly on hand. Also a full stock of VIOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- COKDEONS. CONCERTINAS. HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Alo a larxe stock of the Itest of VIOLIN AND OU1TATJ STRINGS, SHEET MPSIC. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, An well a f ir llihis 'Im lu'loitKin to a 1'iM ( Ia- Milmc Storr as the old steamboat runners, or hack drivers, and often laugh in their sleeve, as the saying is, ovor their suc cess in making dupes of the rustic j country morchants and dealers. Widow Bedotl Judging fromnhe lfigh re of C. IS. Ihsliow thisntlay if : .. n..J. :.. 2. ....,.. , Bishop Mollis has ai rived and will remain at his upper town vi'la during the season. The comet nas seen from many western States, and also from Europe, Thursday morning. The schooner Emily Stephens ar rived yesterday from a four months sealing voyage north. Bishop Moiris will otliciate at Grace church to-day, morning and evening. Mr. Perkins is mi Poilland. The steamer Clara Parker towed a raft of logs from Vaughns camp, on Deep river to McrriH Meade and Mc Gregors mill, at upper Astoria. Dr. J. D. Holman of Ilwaco, was in the city yesterday. lie is on his way to Portland. He informs us that "V the work of bu'ld'ng the chapel prom ises success. Mr. Clough informs us that all hands on the steamer Canby saw the comet Wednesday morning about two o'clock. The Canby was towing a raft that night. Presbyterian church Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor; Sundaj' school at noon; regular sunday school review and conceit at 7:J0 v. v. All are welcome. Mr. Will D. Ogden has lately been to Portland on business, and while there met Mr. F. J. Taylor, of Astoria, from whom we are pleased to hear of Wills success in the Yackima county. He carries on business in Yackima city. Everybody at Astoria 5aw the comet Friday evening about nine o'clock. It brightened with the dark ness and finally disappeared in the northeast, at day light. The duration of dark hours here at this season are from about 9:15 r. i. till 2:45 A. M. Mr. H. Praal, w're and six sons, arrived by the last steamer, from Mankato, Minnesota, lie is a brother-in-law of our esteemed fellow citizen Chas. Heilborn, and intends to make this countiy his home. We bid him welcome, and wish him good success. The military road botween foit Canby and Ilwaco is now completed for carriage drives. This has been the work of many years, and none are more deserving of credit for its suc cess than Lieut. Sam R. Jones, who lias taken a lively and active interest in the work for seven years past. The ship Columbia from 2evr York to Astoria and Portland left Xew York January 20th. Crossed the equator February 20th long. 29 west, cape Horn March 27th. Crossed the equator Ma3' 18th. May 22d sighted the British bark Codillira from San Francisco to Cork, eighteen day out, all well. Capt. L. W. Poole shot himself while sitting in the Occident ofiice yesterday. He has been suffering from rheumatism, and was compelled U give up his job of work iu conse quence, at Tanzy-point, and brooding over his illness brought on a fit of despondency, during which he sought to end his misery. He way taken to St. Marys hospital. He has been ill for about eight years. aw awaie Hint calelnii" miiiw aa1iiimicaru",S "wonny men or jumii- -r -i n- wiin nook and me has been con sidered an imp)saibility, except m salt water. Fall salmon are known to take the hook, and have been caught by trolling. Recently oo- Chuminen, while fishing for sucker and chubs, have caught some genuine spring sal mon. Yesterda3' they caught a beauty, weighing say two or throe pounds, and to-day another was taken in the same way. They are sum", hut 'simon pure" spring salmon. Wonder if they are the production of the Clackamas hntchciy? Had a splendid view of our celestial stranger laat night. Fourth of July Meeting. All committees s'-e roqueted to meet to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock at the council chamlier, to close up the pre'iminaiy work. This will be the last meeting previous to the day, and the absence of any member of any one of the committees wi'I be re-1 garded as suflicient evidence that such person does not intend to aid the celebration, and steps will be taken to complete the airaugements without further regard for their wishes in the matter. There is no use for any further delays. Let the work be completed at once, and be done with it. Services of the Mothudist church in the Baptist church to-day at the usual Jiours by the pastor. Mr. F. D. Wiu ton will deliver the Oration, and Col. Sjiedden will read the Declaration of Independence, on the Fourth of July, at Astoria. The comet was seen by the Canbj officers on Wednesday morning -2-1 hours ahead of the Spokane repot t. If there ia any prise the oHicers of the Canity claim it. - Messrs. F. C. No:ria ami J. A. Gillespie not thinking of a comel, saw something nl 2:IK) a. v. Tuesday, which in the light of reoeui events they bel'eve now was the comet. They were en route to the at earner Astoria for Tillamook rock. Carl Adler has secured Hags or the liberty car representing each state in the t'liion. There must lie a libei ty car in the procession by all means, and there :s no time to lose, as the l;ttle irls must have time to prepare. Our siu ltniutars sav thov keen up uitli the t:,ne.s m Astoria, and when the new sign for Ueilboin was put upon his building, it was done ac cording to the latest revision. That's a fact. People must koep up with the times. Stockton does, ami so must we. Jay Gould was asked by a Chics go repot ter whether the naiow-gauge mania in the w est could be stopped. No, replied Mr. Gould, 3ou can 't stop anything iu this countiy. The countiy ;s too big. 1 made up mind long a'jo not to attempt to stem any tides, but to be fashionable and drift along wan tnc crowd, keoivig as near to the shore as possible. It makes all tin difference iu the world where ou get ire cnnim a to (Hnlit. All Ih har tried II. everj Uod. pronounce Fratik Falter llu bct in tiialit y. No. 1 lee Cream, ami iiinll a- miH-h'to HhmUnIi iu Uanlil. Tin Vnlral ftnlrl. Urn or 111. finest, vliiim! ami IM kejrt mtcl- in Atori:i..-ituatiil near the 4oamer hunting, with first clas air roiHx.good board ami er reauiabh rate. IJar ami billiard room-. The IkM of wines and liquor-, and an ecel Icnt gla-sofSan Krnnei-eo beer. Axtoin BiKl.oil, Proprietor. Attention to Ilcer Prinker-. cpuiation is simply itumuiic. I asf orniaf papers spcaK ot Dishoit as beiite witltiut on cwiual in the American 'stage ia this particular chracter. WhIow ildott will ap lenr promptly on the tage at Liltert' hall on the djite mentioned ii the ad vertisement. Another ship, the Roporlor, cleared from New York for this jwirt and Pottlanu on the 24th. A Canadian astronomer says that as the moon will bo at her inferior conjunction on the 25th, and as tho planets will be but a few degrees out of conjunction, he would advise sea men to get their vessels into safe har bor till that date is passed. Terrific galas accompanied by hail, will blow from the southeast all along the At lantic coast, and brilliant showers of meteors will occur, especially within the tropics. Tides will be unusually high in the West Indies and hurri canes will prevail on tho east side of the Rockv mountains. The month of July will be excessively hot, owing to healed atmosphere roturuing from equatorial regions. - Colfa letter says that upon the verdict of acquittal in the murder case of Nannie Thomas, the courl room fairly resounded with chcors. The crowd then pressed forward and congratulated Nannie, who was much overcome ty im extreme pi assure on her nervous system. The mint jki tholic incident, however, was the scene from Romeo and Juliel enacted by lawyer Sullivan. The venerable old gentleman, with the eye of an old conuoisseur, inshed up to Nannie, threw his arms aiouud her neck, ad miiiisieied several well applied kisses, and then wept for joy. This had a good effect no doubt, but the ltovs wouldn't have it that way: iu fact, they, iu the common parlance of the daj', tumbled to the racket. Still, wiry interpose with the judges little foibles. To Clly rat rons. Mr. L. 15. Selig, who now has full charge of Tin: Daily Astokian routes iu this city and upper Astoria, will collect to-morrow for the past weok. The free list is suspended. Each sub scriber is expected will pay for the pater. Very respectfully, s D. t Ii:i:i. vxn, Publisher. To tin Citizens of Astoria and Vicinity. The celebrated .Nin Francisco Na tional Ueer. Max Wagner agent. is away ahead. The men who appreciate and are well pleased to furnish Jt for their eiLsjomers are Mr. IJeiloh and Mr. Louis Malot in Astoria, and Mr. W. W. Ward and W. It. llaydeu in Ilwaco. -And lout lake the liorsc shm away from their doors."" Williaiusport I'ropertj . (rent iar2aiii.s are now offered in the eit of WUIiauisport for :m peruis wilting to locate from one lot to lie acres. It is well adapted for garden-!, dairj ranches oi ileasjnt homes; well elevated, .situated one mile south of Astoria on Youmis ba. with a uood graded road to the place. Kr nuilier information call at in, residence ni'ar theivnielerx. . John" Williamson. Letter From 3Ir. !nIlso:i. Astoria. May "JC, issi. Eiutih: Asieui.vx: It is with pleasure that 1 call the at tention of your readers to the fact that I have established a branch photograph gallerx iu Astoria, opjtosite the (.'ourt noiiser I earnestly invite eery citizen of otir town and iciulty to visit it ami 0Na"mine the display of juclure, firmly believing that the vcnliet of each one will be that mv work is not only of the ltest but that the price are reasonable. All the fiuLshing will be done at my home gallery in Portland and mailed direct to the customer. The operator in charcc is an accomplished arti.sl and has an abundance of patience with chil dren ami nervous people, l am pre pared to do all kinds of viewing, color ing, copying, and enlarging to any mo. Iu all department. I will eetfiatiuy customers go awav satisfied, and re siteetlullv solieiMheir patronage. Verv trulv, J.(5. Da vutsox. Photographer. Corner First and Yamhill sjrecls, Port land, wtf I'Miiirsand Ori.aH'.soM on tlie inontl:l in sLillineiit Lin or fur rei.t. CARL ADLER'sTbOOK STORE. Tlie lan;ist stock of Bianh Boohs and Stationery fife, cry description. School lUMiks. lliHfs. Poetical Works. AUhiiiis and itolo Pens. Ilesi.les a full and complete stock of evcrjtMns usually krit Iu a well rruulated Dto)c More. AIo news lejMt ami agency for eer paper awl iH-rioMical ihiMIsIil-iI. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE Watclus. Clocks anil Jewelry, 5Sl.l,,l,W .11111 A.tiFXl' V!lllli, fr Ki Yankee Notions ami Toy.s, p 'Ivi li-liiri Kmiiiosntiil Plimmnv Vw-fifel.liv Carrlases. a complete U ga';tortineut. Archerv. etc. New khIs In ftr steaitHT. The public are united lo e:oinin my stock ami prices. ciien wirs st.. - astoki v.okecox. astokia v;i:ncy of HOWE &, CO., IScoli Itiiuiers and ltlunli Boole lUniuiP.icljircr. The onH lmulcts in the Mate lhat can do fits! -cIkss" work. sik'Ii :c Hooks with (tilt Edges. 1'hII Tnrkev. Panel Cover, ami Full full Miles, we nave mree nrsi-ciass worK iihmi fnmi the IJist. Old books rebound. CAVA. ADLEIt. Agent. THE 1 1 L STORE LEADS THE VAN ! ! ABOVE THE D1K AND TIDE OF BATTLE: AMIDST MISSILES PEOM FLYING SHOT AND SHELL, STILL COMTS THE CKY AD GRAND RUSH TO THE I X L STORE, Where is displayed one of the largest and most complete stocks of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, EVER SEEN IN THIS MARKET, And to lit- Sold at the lowest Mnrginuble Profits. A FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, With Satins, Gimps Cords and Buttons to Match. SACQTJES, TIES .&S0 XXCSEIW S, IX ENDLESS VARIETIES. HCOSXEIJRir, CORSETS AND QLOVES, AT TRICES AVIIICIT WILL ASTONISH YOU. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE OF S27i33L: Styles in Strrft-w 3Sra,ts. IN FACT HERE YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISH MENT. I SHALL SUSTAIN MY ONE PRICE SYSTEM AND Don't Propose to be Undersold. CALL AND SEE ME. MME. DEMOREST AGENCY C. H. COOPER, I X I' Store, comer Main ami Concomly Streets. Astoria, Oregon "c ; ,-': u1 The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot may r.i: HA I OF 11.R.HAES Peter first cIr Wilhelut lias eslablisiieil a saloon iu ('.II. I'ajje's- liuild- iiij, nil Snuciiioqlie street, near tlieie!I lower. ami lias ap-riuutcil .lasrs. Win. Hock it lo. liis aeiit. The le.st nf merylhtiiK i the Hue nf wines Hiimrs. lMei.eiais, ehv,ill be kepi nu luiliil. -IJefnre purcliaiujJK'MMlnr auj ImmI tsII ami inspect my sliK'k. V.ui :u"e weleniue. I will Jl:ull show iu ;in)I:. noiuattei w hetiieryou buy nr not. New mmU h eer. strainer. S. l)u.i:i:. A tplemlii! assortment nf liesli Kreiieli iiuulies will lH'opcncl In ilav al Adlers. IIOTET; AND RESTAURANTS. A. .1. 31 KOI.KK. C. S. WIU OUT occinrarr iiotj:i MHOLUi: & WKU5HT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. rsiiiK I'lcoruurroKs akk iLvrry to JL aiiuouuee that tlualne liulellias been repainted ami reftiruislitMl.ailiHng greatly to tlu eiimfntt of itsj;iistsail is now the beM hotel north of San Francisco. O. W. KNOW'IJ-i. A I. ZI KlIEK. cr..usK.x. SIOT1X. PORTLAND. - - - . OREOOS ZIEBER it KN0WLES, Proprietors. l'n-t- eiKifli in ami fmtn I he house. ixrTiih l)u AsrrtiniAN ist.n file at the riaremlou lintel nnlinj; room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN sn:F.i:r. - -lie. S. X. Arrisoni. - ASTOKIA Proprietor .SOLE AC. EXT. Alsi. Aveiit for the celebrated MEDALLION RAM; XS, R. HAWKS, TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - ASTORIA, OREGON. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete in eery branch. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER ........ Proprietor. X K V A nVKUTISKU KXTS. GKANDOPENIN-. W. M. ORDERS & CO. Will o-n'ii their PLKASrilK GARDEN, n Vet-Sivth Street. ON THE 4TH OF JULY NEXT. Ice Cieaw, Strawberries and Cream, AihI all IV ilelieaeies of the mmmm , Swings. Target Shooting and Dan cing Day and Night. Also Ten lins on A -ooil IJniid iu a Xv Seal .tttnaiite. Piles for Sale. fWi,,aiuet" refers to Thk Asto uiax as "a sickly sheet tlirovxn out at Astoria, near the mouth of the Co lumbia." Wc notice however that our remarks had the desired effect, in toning Wi-lamct down to deconcy. His letter of .Tune lltli to the Mer chant, was got up apnarantly for dress parade, with musical attractions. We hope he didn't think we would jump stiff logged at what he said about us. We shall keep right along on our course, look'ng back occasionally at Willauict; but ;f he behaves we prom ise to return his sardonic smiles pleas antly, and trge him to consume some more of his valuable time profitably I as an able newspaper correspondent. Willamot thinks he is a gazelle, while we 're only a broken legod cayuse, with one foot done up in a gum boot, and hobling on crutches at that. Spare us from being compelled to show him the horrible reahty of the situation he is placed hi. We care not to do this, to amaze ovcry snoozer that prances this waj with his tongue hawrinc out so that he steps on it every waltz he make. Life is too short. The undersigned rcsiieetfuHv desire to inform the citizens of Astoria and I . .. . . , , . , . , ieinitv that I hae been for a number Mr- A Me.Miilaii h prenare.1 l furnish of ear engaged in the manufacture of i all kinds of American clocks and time j piece, and that I hae decided to make i Astoria my future home, and having a j iV AXY .MorST io ounKir. AND ox urwiiiun lUTietieni Kiniwictie oi me j luisincss. f am prepared to repair all I kinds of American clockh and time-' pieces, with lneelianieal .skill that can not fail to give atifactioii. Hoping ly honesty and industry to merit the con fidence and share the patronage of the good citizens of the Queen city and it.s vieirily. I am icq met fully your humble servant, Kn.vxK Fui.t.kk. Itoonis over Walla-walla restaunuit. Fir or Hemlock Piles SHOUT XOTICK. IjChvc onlers al the store f Trenehaiil 1 ttshnr. AsiiHia. Or a.IilresN A. It. MeM I I.1.A X. Olnev. Oregon. miiKTi:Ai:i.it: rrr.i.ir wii.i. find JL the 1'nHieer lirst elass in all respects. and a shan nf I heir patronage is respectfully stilieileil. rl4arl ainl lxl:iiixb theil. or week. hv Wind Coilee Saloon Mi watfi: sncnirr. astiokia. Next ilihirlo Dr. Kiiistts. C'ofTee. Tea ami i'lioeolnti. vlth Cake. ! tVnts. 'Iioi i'oukeU to Order. Kim Wilier. Iliimr and Cigars ofthelH-stliraiKlN. HaiiiK just o'MMied the ab)e estahlish ineut we cordially iiuiteotir frieiuN and the public "t-nerallx to :ie ils a trial. TW-ti FOAKP & KVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN" STKEKT, ASTOKIA. fBlIlE rXllKKSICXF.lt IS FI.KASEU TO JL announce lo the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he H now prepared to furniMi for them. in nrst class st u. and every sl le. oYsrr.us. nor coffee, tea, etc. T THK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STKEKT. l'hae i e ihc a call. KOSCOI- HAVIM5 KVKRV FACIL1T1 FOU tiele. I am now prepared to furnia ' LAGEEBEEE, AT .HO rHTM lKIt GALLON HE MANUFACTURE OF A FIRST CLASS AH. the public with tho finest qualitr. for oaah. AT BOTTLED BEEE, $t st pi:r DOZEft. EsST-Fauiiliea and keepers of public houea promptly and rogulttrly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTOKIA. OREGON. Wilson & Fistter MKS. S. T.McKEAN, UEAI.KK IX DRESS TRIMMINGS, i:ai.kim i.v LURKICATING OILS, COAL OIT, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing-. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. "Iticli will he exchanged for country pro duce ur sold at lowest prices. Corner Clieuainus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. All kinds or WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC., Corner of Cass and Jefferson streets, Astorix J3?""Stainpiugdone to order. C. K. .1 fKINS. .1. A. JIOXTOOMFKr. J. Xoticc to FitOicrxnru. From oik to 1.000 pouiulh of black simwn from sturgeon wanted. Ciudi nil at .J. T. Rokciikks Dew Drop Inn. The peculiar merits of Fellows liypopltosphites are: F:rst. Unique harmony of ingredients suitable to the requ'-ements of diseased blood. Sec ond. Slightly alkaline reaction, ren dering it acceptable to almost evet stomach. Third. Its agre ible flavor and convenient form Wanted. 1 K nnn FOUNDS KACS'OFallkuul-s XOAJJJ clean and dr. at the Umbrella t shop. Main street, by J. JOI'MX. OPILES. Tlip uiiilptsknieil K nreoaredlo funitsD a larw iuiihIht of Spiles and Spats at hi lhteeoiiMiort imhpc.at reasonable mtc5. Apply to C. 5. C.vri.ES. Columbia City IjtOl'XI). One mile Xorlh uc ShoaHvatPr . lieht. on the 12th dav of .lune I found one gill net ten fathoms long 45 iiklsIi deep, leads marked V. K. 1 The owner can hae the same nf me by iiaviiiR saluige. Fost olllce address North Cbe. Pacific county, Washington tenilon'. d-0l WILLIAM HAKKEOAX. SEA DIXOX, Pmprietor VIEW HOUSE. as a syrup. Fourth. Its harmlessness under pro- T iCiVfr-.T'Vi."r1?y ,!!ii:!,u -'""V'.-'V : , . l ' J-J in the bund channel opposite Joseph longed use. Having made arrangements iu New York and San Francisco for the pur chase of all my goods, my facilities for buying are such as to enable me to undersell all others. I defy competi tion. S. Danziger, San Francisco cloth ing store, Astoria. S. Dnnziger. San Francisco clothing store, has the largest and best selected stock of clothing iu the city. Also, gents furnishing goods, boots and shops, trunks and valises, hats and caps. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. Humes cannery ISO fathoms of -iuuifsli net Harbours 40-lt-IO-l twine, corks A. P. & Co. Finder will be Miitahlv rewarded by leaving the .same or information where it may be found at the cannen of A. IlOOTllS (.. ,Tunc?th iRsi. Upper Astoria. .1. L. STOUT. - - PKOPKIETOK Xortu Pacific Koach. W. T.. Will be Open for Visitors July 4. 755. It is one mileearer Ilwaco than last .season First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, DKALEK IX FIXE WIXES. UQITOKS, Bkki:, Ck:aks, and best brands of KENTUCKY "WHISKY, UXJ South First street, PoirTLAND, Okegox. C-KestSan Francisco Piwl Table on the premises. -XKT. C03STKT, Wholesale agent for the RED CROWN FLOUR Made by the new pioces. The best Flour in the market. Eery sack guaranteed; if not good as represented ou can return it. Merchants will find it to their advantage to .H thLs Flour. BRAN. SHORTS AND CHOP FEED Also for sale. Persons wishing Flour or Feed will find me at my new Drug Store, at O. It. &. N. Co's dock. Astoria. .1. W. COXX ASTORIA IRON WORKS. IlEXTOX StKKKT. XKAIt PAKKKi: IlOl'SK, FIOJfEER STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTOKIA, - OKEGOX. ASTOKIA. OKKCOX. Have You a Horse? If so, YOU MUSTXOT FAIL TO GET Kkx ni.t.s Thk-Vtisk ox thk Hoksk. It is worth ten times Its cost to even, one luiv ing a horbe or a team. Its cost is but 25 cents and will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, and the money will bo refunded to auy who do not think it worth its price. Address: THE ASTOKIAX OFFICE. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND MARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. Wass, President. .1. G. IIustlkr, Secretary. I. W. Case, Treasurer, doitx Fox, Superintendent. I WISH TO CALL THK ATTENTION OF the citizens of Astoria and vicinity that I hae opened a XEi'JGp STORE Near the O. K. & N. Co's dock. My stock is new and fresh and any one wishing any thing in my line nuy depend on getting the PUREST AND BEST. I lune secured the services of Mr. A.F. Johus, a careful and competent Drusglst of fourteen j ears experience, who will attend to the lreicriptiou Department. Also a splendid assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Sets, And everything usually kept in a first class Drug Store, and they will he sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. By strict attention and fair dealing I solicit a share or the public patronage. Respectfully, J. W. CONN. P. S. Physicians prescriptions compound ed day or night. M. D. KANT, jEVIerchant Tailor and Clothier. THE LARGEST, FINEST, AND CHEAPEST SELECTION OF CLOTH, CLOTHING AKD FURNISHING GOODS. -J 1 s Kb