ir " IJWJLM.UI Li I LU .lSSWSKI I ASTORIA- OREGON: SUNDAY- JUNE 2G, 1B1 . C. IRCLAM Editor. Paige Acquitted. All causes of the state vs. H. C. Paige, indictejl in Umatilla coun ty, on three se'perate counts of the larceny of jjreenbacks, gold dust and gold coin, have been dis missed. It -will be remembered that almost a year ago Wells, Fargo & Conirmnys treasure box was robbed on the stage running between Pendleton and Umatilla, of a lot of money and gold dust, aggregating in the neighborhood of 1,S00, and soon after Paige was arrested in Portland for the rebberv. The circumstances of the theft, as published at that time were as follews: As the driver of .the stage from Pendleton to Uma tilla readied the latter place and delivered the express box to the agent it was found to be empty, although properly locked. "Way bills, money, valuables, etc., which the agent had put into the box the evening before had mysteriously disappeared. Paige, who at one time had been connected with "Wells, Fargo & Co. as their agent was supposed to be well acquinted with their locks, was a passenger at that time, and suspicion pointed strongly to him as the guilty party. He was accordingly arrested, and through some technicality his trial has been put off until the present term. And now he is honorably acquitted. They arc having a deadly scourjre at Havana. Eleven deaths from yellow fever, and twenty from small pox, for the week end ingon the 24th, are reported. Mr. Villard is now about to organize the Oregon Trans-conti nental company; to acquire a ma jority of the stock of the Northern Pacific and Oregon companys pro posed capital, fifty millions; of which the proportion represented by the purchases already made shall be immediately issued and the remainder from time to time, as required for additional purchase What havoc would follow in the "wake of this business boom should a reaction take place in the wild speculations of the past ten months in railroad and other stocks. Such dangers does exist. Great busi uess depression and man' failures would be certain to result. The press of the east aie discussing the question very seriously. 11 the reaction should set in before As toria "-els railway connection with the outer world, it would lie many years before another opportunity like the present would be likely to occur. Commenting upon the purchase by the Panama Canal company of a majority of the stock of the Pan ama Railroad company; at the rate of $250 a share, but estimat ing the assets of the road to be retained by the company, the actual price will reach $205; the Washington Post says: "Should the other shareholder sell on the same terms as Mr. Tenor W. Park, the principal owner of the road, the company, whose capital is only $7,000,000, will get for their stock in the aggregate about $20,050, 000. This trade shows that De Lesscps and his associates have a plenty of money and a plenty of confidence both, and if they never build the canal, they will, at least, have a railroad which has hitherto been paying twenty per cent, div dends. It will now be in order for Senator Burnside to amend his Monroe doctrine resolution so as to cover railroads as we as canals." The New York Evening Tele gram boasts of the wonderful rapidity with which the success of Iroquois in the Derby race was flashed across the ocean to that journal, and placed before the public. The Telegram, which is regarded as the evening edition of the New York Herald, had a tele graph instrument on the grand stand, and had made perfect ar rangements for the rapid trans mission of the result. How suc cessfully this was done, the Tele gram sums up as follews: "Horses got away at 30:21.5, New York time. Iroquois passed the win ning post at 30:23.55, New York time. Result reached New York at 10:24 New York time. Time occupied in transmission, 5 sec onds." Of course the dispatch was very brief, perhaps simply sending: Iroquois winner. Nevertheless, the feat was a marvelous one. 3fews bad 2Sotes. It te reported that James Gordon Bennett lost $25,000 by cards in Nicei France, recently, at one sitting. The boom in stocks has increased the value of the estate of the late Asa Packer, of Pennsylvania, to $7,840,055. Mile. Sarah Bernhardt is to take charge of an American photo graphic tent, at a charity fete which is shortly to be given in the gardens of the Tuileries. The first female student who ever made her way into the Uni versity of Berlin is an American girl, and now attending the physi ological lectures of Professor Vir chow. The irrepressible Yankee knows no distinction of sex. When the excellence of rice as a diet is fully understood its use will be more frequent and of daily occurrence in every household. It may properly be classed as su perior to any of the cereals which are in such general use for the morning and mid day meals. No other food is so easy of digestion, and at its present cost it is cheaper than oat-meal or grain-grits of any kind. While the Emperor of Russia is fortifying himself, and watching for poison in his coffee or bomb shells in his bed-room, that other monarch, King Ivalakaua, is on the bounding billows of the Indian ocean, heading towards Europe and the United States for a years frolic. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" will hardly apply to the royal ruler of the Sandwich islands, excepting of a morning now and then. Wiry plant banners and lay wreaths upon the grave of evey soldier who, for one purpose or another went out to fight the south or the north, while Benjamin Franklin lies unnoticed under the weeus in a street craYeyaru, or Thomas Jefferson is forgotten in the old vault at Monticello? If we are to have a legalized day for sentiment, let the sentiment be widened. Let our children not be taught that all the heroic useful lives of Americans ended in the civil war. Next year let all our commemorations embrace all our heroes, both of war and peace. nil i - . incieis a clever meuicaut in Paris, lie takes up a position at the entrances of the principal churches, and button-holes the faithful after this fashien: "Monsieur, hear me. I am a good Catholic. 1 have some of the virtues but J have not all. I have faith. 1 have hope. But helas, as regards charity, 1 have it not. Will you give it me?" I am told that hi.s cool witticism has untied the purse-strings of the goinmeux. In Paris, even a beggar must be epigrammatic. W hue an Italian barber at Buenos Ayres was shaving a customer recently a hot political dispute arose between the shaver and the shaved, the former being a republican and the latter an ardent advocate of the temporal power of the Pope. Words ran high and at last the barber lost his temper and with a ferocious twist of the razor cut off one of the cheeks of his customer, who was very fat and afforded a splen did mark for the operation. Gov. Shepherd. Denver Republican. The Washington Post, demo cratic, says: "This beautiful city of Washington is a decoration cer emony in itself." Yet The Post, with every other democratic paper in the country, has repeatedly called Governor Shepherd a thief and a robber, for making Wash ington what it is, and cannot even now allude to that gentleman with out an insulting epithet. Wellington ro;t. The Republican lies and lies most stupidly. The Post has never said an unkind word of Gov ernor Shepherd. Rather, it has praised him for his good work in "Washington, time and again, and without stint always. It appears certain now that Theophilus French, auditor of rail road accounts, will be removed on account of his letter to the presi dent of the Central Pacific railroad. It has become known that his let ter was made use of for stock-job bing purposes. Jerry Rusk Wisconsin will succeed him. of Fo"owing is the customary greet ing m midsummer: Fvreu "Haw; what do you do with yourself to-night, dear boy?" Algy - "Nothing, and haw pwecions little of that. Fact is, these light days it gets so awfully late so awiuiiy early." Built of Gold Leadvillc Democrat. But few people arc aware of the fact that the facings of the high school house are constructed of gold bearing stone, but it is an actual truth that is testified to by Mr. King, the architect, as well as those who did the masonry. It was obtained from a mountain near Granite, upon which several gold mines have been operated with much profit, lu antiquity there was extravagance visible in all the architectural efforts, but to witness the repetition of those times in this era, and in the carbonate me tropolis, is something indeed startling. It is a fact, however. that the facings of the institution mentioned are made of the gold rock, and it can be proven. During the work of erection, and when the masons had the stone in hand and were dressing it, this was dis covered. Upon one occasion they were sawing a huge block of the material in which a streak of gold about the size of a knife blade was discovered by the workmen. It created quite a sensation at the time, but nothing particular was said of it on the outside, and the work was continued. Our streets are paved with silver, or slag con taining the mineral; and it is prob able that a handful of dirt from most any place would assay from one to ten ounces. This report was regarded as somewhat fabu lous, but when the fact goes out that the school house is built of gold, it will indeed provoke a skeptical smile. Any amount of new coooS now opening at Atllers. He has brought some very tasty article this trip. Go and see for yourself. TIiom; hirthdav cants just opened at Adlers 1khJc Ioto are immense. Before purchasing your sewing ma chines, calf and examine A. Van Ditsen &Co.s stock. They have just received a new and elegant lot, which thev are offering at bottom prices. The Xew Testament authorized edition revised, for twontv-five cenLs at Charles .Stevens and .Sons Cit Hook store. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and mo&t fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. J. II. D. Gray is now selling Wheat. Bran and Feed of all kinds at reduced rates, and has also a line lot of Ash and Vine Maple Wood on hand for sale. The best farter's Cap? Ann oil clothing, rubber boots, etc., sold at .San Francisco wholesale prices at the .Sail Francisco clothing store. Mrs. S. T. McKean will soon 1k in receipt of a full a.vortinent of Fourth of July ribbons. Mie lias now a fine stock of laces, dressing iackets. white skirts, and all kinds or ladies uuderwear. Give her a call. Charles Gratke has alwas on band No. 1 XXX Premium Ale and fiit pre mium Lager I Seer from the Albany brewery, San Francisco, at his saloon on the Itoadway. "Mamma." said a five-vear-old, the other day, "I wish you wouldn't leave me 10 iaKc care oi uahy again. lie was bo bad 1 had to eat all the candv von bought at the Aofnria Candy Factory to suiiiim; iiiiu. Ice cream at Iioscoe oyster and ic freshuient saloon on Main street. NEW TO-DAY. SITUATION WANTKI. -Ur a nun ho h wllHnr to make himself useful in nv honorable capacity, steady employment N ur-,ircu. .luurevt : R. C, ASTOKIAXOnW. LIBERTY HALL. J. II. HAVEIil.V. MANAOKH. Wait for the Grand Comedy Boom ! ONE NIGHJ0NLY. Monday, July 11, 1881 f The Greatest Hit of the Season, from Xcw Yorkfio San Francisco. UAVERKVS t'KI.EUKATKD 4 WIDOW BEDOTT COMEDY COM PAX Y. Direct from Haverly's Ht'j Street Theatre, ew one city, luiroaucinc Ameri ca's Famous Comedian MR. CHARLES B. BISHOP, As the Inimitable "Widow"' and the Famous Favorite MR. JAMES 0. BARROWS, Supiorted by an exceptionally StroiiK Oat vi laiemea Anisuj , uuu i. kci uiixcu, dui rcniemoer iue date of the IlAVERLY ROOM. Monday, July 11, 1881. PoDUlar inices. Xo extra plmrrn for m. serving seats at CARL ADLER'S. B. B. FKANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Sqiienxxjhe streets, ASTORIA, --.- OREflOX in WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. inSCELLAXEOUS. IMP8RTMT i or Til r WHITE HOUSE To make room for an immense stock of goods that are arrhiiili evny nUmiimt. I Hill 4.) fur the NEXT THIRTY DATS -AT- Groatly Reduced Prices ! My enliro MHk. rtHMprisiHg Ibr lateM t les or Dress Goods. Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Childrens Shoes and Slippers Aix:" A rOMH.KTi: I.IXK OF MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ETC. ETC. ETC. Refore purchasing your goods elsewhere call in and examine my hhN and prices, a it will i yon well for your tnmMe. S. SCHLTJSSEL, AVniTE 1IOUSE STOKE, Corner Main and Chenamus street. ASTORIA, OREGON, STEVEHS & SOH I lav jiist received a Ian;-' Mork of Picture Frame Mouldings, For sale liy the font or made into frames to onier. i ney are now picpared to Inline an the Pictures- in Astoria AT VERY LOW RATES. Also just received a large hue r Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music. Musical Instruments of all Kindt arum-ton liaud. Opimsit. I he JieMTourr. Astoria. C. I.KIXFMVKBKi:. lllltVM mtovvx. lTAIlI.NHKIt 1IB, Leinenweber fe Co., ASTORIA, ORECOX, TAMERS AE CURRIERS, .Mauurncliuer-iaud Iuiortersu AU KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealer in OIL AND TALLOW. MANt'FACTURKKS OK BOOTS raid SHOES na-IIfohest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Wasliington Tffarket, Haiti Klrcci, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN D JiEJtltY T ESPfiCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN JLXtinn eftho public to the fact that the above. Market will always be sumdiod urith a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale ana retail. Special attention Riven to jupi'Ij nz ships. S. GLASER & CO., tSuccevvors to F. Sherman & Co.) MAIN STREET, - ASTORIA. ORKCON Is prepared lo supply Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Corned McntH, Poultry, (nine. Ktc. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. t5FFrcsli siuisages made everv dav or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. Genera! assortment or table stock constantly on Hand, such as Canned Emits and Jolly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGCS. BUTTrR, CITEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! FISn. POULTRY AHTD fiOTE In the season. CIARS XSTi TOBACCO. Rest of WEHES ASD LIQUORS. All cheap for CASH, floods sold on com mission. Opposite 1. W. Case's store. j. i;uuuti;s. FOURTH OF JCLY. 1778. 188!,: f fl2s?K GRAND CELEBKATiOlV or n i r- 105TH MXilBRNM f OF American Independence AS TO 11 J A, 1. Sunrie Salute of '- Guns: 2. 11 a. m. Open Air I'romciuulc Concert by tlie !!: 3. !l:30 a. "a. Ucml Race by "Whitehall ami other How Beats: 4. 10 a. r. Ctntiul procesion of Piotu-ers, Military. Rremcn. So cieties, Invited Guet Liberty Car, Sundnv. Publie and Private Schools, Citizens on Foot, IIors back and in Carringcs, etc., ter lninatiiur at tle Custom TTouse Square: o. 1'eadiiur of the, Declarntion of Independence, followed by an O "R A T r O N ! AfW which all are invited lo r take of tfk' PHibeeue. AT .MUSSI.'S OKDKltS fo.'si lM.KASCUR i:i:nrii! Arrangements will I made for those wishing to have a Basket Picnic, location announced here after, depending on the weather. 7. VI i. National rfalnle of 3S C!iiu; S. 1 r. m. Sleamlwmt, Tug ami Vacht I faces: !l. 'I i: m. Fishing Bonis, S!ttop, Scow ami Schooner J laces: 10. :) r. m. lyeicle, Foot, and other Paces, until sunset; 11. Salute of ID Gum: GKANJ) Torchlight Procession S::)0 i m. GRAND Display of Fireworks COMMENCING AT !::J0 P. M. AFTER WHICH A GORGEOUS TURNOUT OF THE Rollicking Rovers. Come one and all, lwth great and small, and enjoy our celebration. I5 the COMMITTEE ON I'KOCUAM. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY ;koii;x: aovETT. Clicnaiiuis St., next Nk-holiiV Karlu-r Shop. LETTER HEAD PAPER, PRINTED OB PLAIN. Of TUB BEST quality at ThkAstorivx office. BLANK .'.OOKS PRINTED AND BOUND TO AN x' SIZ? and ruled to any enter, at The Astoriax office. or- CALIEOENIA ST0RE; (POST OFFICE CORNER.) Look out for tlie Red Flas AT Till: ONE PRICE STORE!. ill .ii-ioj. I WILL DO IT HECAUSE 3 SAID I WOULD ! Owing to the failure in the salmon season I have deter mined to close out my Immense Steals of Clothing At Cost Price for the next Thirty Days. Never Before in the History of Astoria Was Clothing to be found in such profusion of Variety, Elegance and Style, with Durability combined at PRICES 2JEYER BEFORE HEARD OF Fishermen and Mechanics now is your opportunity to purchase CLOTHING, Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Underwear At prices that will astonish, not only you. but your friends, whom you will please bring with you. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! i. snn: savixc of :$ ckxts on a ioi.lai:. EVERT THING MAKKED DOWN. Dress Goods, Flannels, Cloths, Dolmans, Wraps, Sacques, Dress Trimmings, and all classes of Drv Goods. I COST PRICE PLACED Off EVERY ARTICLE. Ladies desirous of saving money, will do well to exam ine the stock in my Fancy Goods department as I am now offering these goods at a Sweeping Reduction. Don't be Misled, but Look out for the R E D F L A G AT THE CALIFORNIA STOKE, POST OFFICE CORNER. N. II. THE CHEAPEST AND VOST RELrARLF. ONE TRICE IIOUSK IN ASTORIA. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY AA v TTD rx fe i P Wh 'MtT-VAsVX, js sriT.wei: TO MOST. ani i kxcfi.i.f.d i:y noxk on this coast JOHN HAHN, - - PROPKIETOK, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON, eOnlcts left at tlie GKKMANIA UKEll HA LI. will bo promptly attended to.-sii PETER RTXKTErXT. ASTOKI V, OBECON. BRICK j.liiPfe. LAYER PIVIN AND OBNAMENTAL Onlorsloft at the OeenU'iit Hotel, or at my VaJeliiHi-e, fmt of Benton Street, promptly attemleil to. T IME, SAND, BRICK. PLASTKB. I-VTH, SJ Cement, ami all material in my line, funiKluil to onter. BxTSpeelal attentwn paid to Kurnaec work ami BantjeN. Cistern work warranted sooti er no pay. cSTAent San .Timu ami New Tacoina Lime. First Glass Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Konthva . opposite the Oregon Bail way ami Nahrition Co wharf. The choieet lniml of foreiRii ami domestic 1VIXKS, MqUOIt AXJ CI('AIlS. OffJJest C'hicaso ISccr.'Sti PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. B. CHOW, - - - PBOPKIETOR Opposite HplM'opRl Clmrcli, SHemocqhe St.. Is now prepared to TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS Of all kinds and in the latest st j le. Copj hip and EnlanshiK Pict tins in Od Cra -on, India Ink and Water Colors. All kinds and Mzes ofTin Types THE DEW DROP INN ! Oh. ILshennen. all hear the good new ! A line saloon is started with hct of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AND FINE FBEE LUNCH VNOl ABDED. The Grandest Caviar and Cheese, IN SANDWICH THICK AND THIN And will von spend a pleasant hour, drop in at the DEW DBOP INN on Concomly street. J.T.EORCHERS, CHEAPEST vxaiui. T, rr?J Fk R.V P rst; ARNDT & FECHEN, ASTOBIA. - OBEGON. Tlie Only Machine Shop Ami the best b'-vksmitii fzA O JL1 KJ XT M In the city. W5 All kinds of VJRi" .-jr-O ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialtj made of repairing CANNERY DEES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TOBIA FISHERY. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streots, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALER IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Watches anil iTewelry, 3Inzzle and SJreceh I.oadinsr Shot GmiH and Itllles, Kevolvcrs, PlntolH, and Ammunition MARIX'E GLASSES. ALSO A FIXE Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has reeehed a large invoice or LAURELS AND ILVLP BARRELS of the hest quality, And k now ready to supply Butchers Can nenes and all others, cheap for cash. t -k - ?IJ 7v9lB t i4 KU$Fii i JV HV!nA 4