V.V m 5! gte silg &staatf. ASTORIA. OHEGON: SATURDAY JUNE 25. 1883 COMMERGEAND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Clan Grant, br bk. SSS tons. James, f ra Liverpool. JUD8 21 SAILED. Columbia, ss. 2721 toes Bolles S F. Jane 22 Kate and Anna, bteam sch. 2 tons, Lutjens. south June 22 Alpha, sch. Starr, Vaqnina bar June 20 Geo W Cider, str. 6 F June 19 Clan Ferguson, br. bk.799 tone VHsen, Queens- town. June 13 Wary 1". Ku6s. sch. San Diego. June 19 Marion Kine. br bV 339 tons. Liverpool. J une IS Arso. gr bk (S3 tons. CJstze, QueeostovrnJune 17 Btate of California, sw. 22W tons, Debney. h F June 17 Rival, bio 299 tons. Adams. S. F. June 11 Apnea Oswald, brsb. 13s8 tons. McGibbon.Queens- tonn June 7 Orient. brie. 312 tonR. Williams. San Pedro June 8 Lizzie Bell, br bU KBfitons. Morcnard. Liverpool. June 0 North Bend bkt 37fi tons Mornnuan b F June C Kllerbank. br bk. 11W ton. Parker, L'ncrpool. June 1 OUTSIDE WITH PILOTS OX IJOA11D. Umpire, sh. 1132 tons. New York. June 21 ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Columbia, uli 185 tons. Humphrey. N Y. June 21. California, str. 674 tons. Carroll. Sitka June 23 Orecon ss. 2335 tons. Pohlman. S lr June 22 Shubriok. U S LicUt-bouso str. ltverson. Rock and cruise. June 17 Scottish Admiral. Br bk. SM tans, Kerr. New castle Xb WJiiuelS Willamette, ss. 2f0 tuns. X V JHne 13 Tm O'Shanter. bkt. . F. June lf Scottish Bard. Br bk. Hit ton. I.ittlo. RAOkhainp- ton. June 8 Sol. Thomas, tr. CVtos by, J une K Rthel. brbV.4S5 tons. Graham. Liverpool, may 29 Alden Bessc. Am bk. S12 tons. Xsjes. liotiKkonc mn 22 Ooloma. Am bk MS tens. Kej e. HotiKkaus May20 Martha Fisher. brbk.61Uons, McAdam.Xewcas- le. If S W. May lb Bellanorle. br bk. 1030 tn. Tate. Nanca!. .V S W. Maj 11 Merom. sh. 1201 tons. Lowell. !V Y Mav s VESSELS OA TllE WA 1". From American Port. Alice Buck. Am sh Y April G Belle of Oregon bk X Y Ma 5 Carrie AVinslow. bk. 941 tons. PhiladeliihiA. Meh C C. t Hurlburt. bk. 1100 toch. N Y. June 12 Kmina T Crouch bk 1137 tons X Y Mavift Gerten, sh Philadelphia. Jan 13 Henry S Sandford. sh, tlW tens. Sleeper. N Y March 22 Indiana, ship. O. R A. N. Co, iron. May 21 Kate Davenport, sh 1213 tons. Mallett N Y Jai 15 Mibsisstpi, O. R. A N Co. str X Y. Maj 21 Oracle, sh 1500 tons. Monson. Philadelphia Mch22 Olive S Southard Am Mi Philadelphia Mareh !i Palmyra, sh. i30 tons Minot If Y Mareh 2 Saranac sh N Y April 2C Sparrow 6ch S F March 1C From Forclru 1'ortN. Adolt. Swe. bk, G25 tons. Rinsmansson, Gotten- burc. Oct 18 BanksSeld Brbk Livenool April 9 BaBton Yale, br bk. 397 tons. Buckingham Yoko hama lfeb 1 Boxford. br bk, Liverpool. March 3 Ohilo. br bk. Liverpool. May 21 City of Quebec br bk 7Wi Ions Lendon Dec IS via Victoria Orossfiold.br bk. Liverpool. March 2C Countess of Rothits. Br sh. Middlcftbaro. Dec 23 Countess of Derby, bk. Middleibero. Hue. Jan 2ft City of Manchester, brbk 7M! tons Rio Doon. Brbk 877 tons Newcastle Dozford. br bk. Livorp ol Marc3 3 ia Viet en a Furness Abbey, bk. IPS'), Libb. Yokohama. Glcngaber, br bk, (fcfi tern. Liverpool. May 12 Glenpons, sh 1091 ton-. Cape of Goed-bnpe. due June. N. Boynton, bk. Hongkong. Maj Oberon.bs. 1160 tons. Liverpool Aju-il 26 P J Carlton, bk, Hongkong. May River Avon, br bk V llolker Liverpeal Mareh 3 St Vincent, bk Hongkong. June Sidlaw. Br bk 496 tons MeCJIashan Middlboreugli Jan 12 Torbecke. Dutch bh. Newcastle, via Sojrahaja. Juno 8 Thomas 11 Stowe. br bk. NewcaMlo N S W Max 19 Taunton, bk, Hongkong. Maj Vancouver, b t 1013 tons, Neweadle W II Besse. bk. Hongkong. May Zoe, br bk Liverpool via Victoria Jan 3 TIN PLATE, BLOCK TIN For sale c Warehouse at AMona or Portland bj Zt ALFOIT SS, J'TiB St J 11 A Co. CC-tf IVtrllaml, Drejjon. TRBKCIIARiU BPSIiiiRl dkalkks ln SHIP OBAHBLm PROYiSSOKS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders Genera! HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AGENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Wear Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON GERMAMA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Ckknawus STmnrr. Astoria. TheBestjot LafjcrZ Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celeliratefl ColimMa Brewery Left at tliis place will be promptly attend ed to. B3T"KQchcan .San Francisco Beer sold at this place " VJL BOCK. Proprietor. Circuit Court Blanks, County Court -Blanks, .Justice Court Blanks, Shipping BLanks,4MiscelIaneous Blanks, DeedsTHoTtgages, etc-., for Sale at The Astoeiax office. 'l'",Bg ColamTjLa River Experts. SHtrMEKTS FOREIGN. JOT. 1861. 4 To Liverpool, per Lizzie Bell. From Portland 1S275J4 bbls flour... $73,100 G To Quccnttmcn,pcr Agnes Ontcald. From Portland 47,809 ctlsxvheat. . Z. GLloo 11 To QutcnsUncnpcr Argo. From Portland 32.530 ctls wlieat....$5O,4O0 14 To Llrcrjvtol, per Marian King. From Astoria 41,113 cs salmon ..$201,535 lb To Quccnttown, per Clan Ferguson. From Tortland 27.445 ctls wheat S8S.OO0 24 To Liverpool, per Clan Grant. From Portland 11,801 bbls Hour .$41,7S2 " Astoria 15,000 cs salmon 74,400 Total S11C.1S2 RKCAMTCLATION. JIAY 1331. Flour, 4939 bbR value $224510 Wheat, 2.-.15 ctls, ,H8,544 Snlmon, 12.400 cs, ' 58,280 Total values, 14 cargoes, S631.734 RECAPITULATION BY MONTHS, 1S81. JANUARY. 4 Caigoes value S 187,425 1'EISRCAItr. 7 Cargoes value .'571.299 MARCH. 5 Cargoes value 20L541 APRIL. 4 Cargoes value 242,195 MA. 14 Cargoes alue G31.734 frl Cargoes, 5 months, $1,053,194 HOMRSTIC EXPORTS. The leceipts of domestic exports at San Francbco, from January 1st, 1881, to .June 7th, from AMoria, is given as follews: Flour, qr sks .. ...... 1C?,877 Wheat. ctU 118,332 Oats, rite .. 25,379 Salmon, bbls 1.182 hi bbte 1G4 -s C0.O30 pk;s . . 15 Apples, ripe, bv 1303 Itultor. pktr . . . 10 Potatoes, sks C1.71C Wool, bales ........ ... 4,225 JIhles. No 37.GG8 Tallow . pkss 1.0C3 Ucef.bbte .- 419 Reef, canned, "s.......M..-.. ............. 16 Fruit, dued. pkgs 1.0SC leather, pkK ...... ............... .... 115 Iird. cs 32 Paeon, cs .. .............................. 14 Meal, sks 231 Hops, lales.... ... 433- Hants, pkK-s 3 Clieesp, c ............w.......... 18 Flaxseed, sks 32.370 Canned oods. cs ..... . 1.077 Astoria liOdffe No. 40, L O. Q. T. Kegular Meotintt everj' Tuesday Evening at7Vi o'clock, atUood Templar's Hall, Che namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in good b tan d ns;, aro invited to attend. Degree meotincr 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Temple L.odge, Wo. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and third Saturdays in each month. at74 o'clock, v. m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in Reed standing, are in ited to attend. By erde: of tho W. M. Beaver LiOdere No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. Meet every Thursday eveninc. .. C a.1a.1. 2n ,V. fAA C 1 3 lftw'e fToll nr nt fata anil fUm- is"'' namus streets, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend, lsy order. W. U, Common CounciL Regular meetings second and fourth Tues day aventngs of each month, at 74 o'clock 3" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting must present tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or beforo tho Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday on which the Council holds its rogular meeting?. R. II. CARDWELL. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From table of United States Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Water. Onto. a. m. p. m. 1 x. m. p. u. 23 11 Ofi 10 .TOI S 02. 4 ' 'M o oi ii ir. r. a; a a -X o ns n ic o ac... . c 10 36 . 1 3I 7 31 ( 49 17. 0 3.1 2 071 8 11 7 31 2s 1 OS 2 :K 8 IG S 10 2J I ...-. 3 U8 D 16 S 4" 30 2 21 3 37 1 42. 9 21 MISCELLANEOUS 1 fekfel TEgL.ZZOr- v ii , . ASTORIA. &fflLsL&&. yynSSilfK x, &. sz&k lffERs The Traveler Who Wisely Pro vlden Against the contingency of illness uy taking with him Hostetters Stomach Bitters, has occasion to congratulate himself on his fore sight, when he sees others who have ne glected to do so sun"ering.from some one of the maladies for which it is a remedy and pretentathe. Among those are fever and ague, hllhousness, constipation and rheuma tism, diseases often attendant upon a change of climate or unwonted diet. For sale hr all druggists and dealers generally. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Flute anJ Sleai litters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP HEAD, SHEET IRON TIH AND-COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None hut first class workmen employed. A large assortment of 9 SCALES Constantly on hand. BILL HEAD PAPER, 0 F EVERY GRADE AND COLOR, PRIN- roa or pi&in, at lowest rates, at Tee A8T0EUX office BANKING AND INSURANCE. BAMKIHC ANDINSURAHGL X. "W. CASE. BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON I OFFICE UOUKS: FK03I 8 O'CLOCK A. iT. UXTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. hi. Home Mntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J.F. HOUORTON-. CHAS. K. STORY.... GEO. L. STORT . .. . President . ...Secretari .. Afceut fwrOt;on Capital paid up m U. S. gold coin 1 S 300 000 00 I. XV. CASK. Agent, Chenanius street, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND 3EERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FERE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 807.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent. Commercial Union Assurance Co, OF LONDON. Capital, 512.500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. .IOHN ItAE HAMILTON. Maiiaer. 210 Sansome St., San Francisco. G. W. HITME. Asent, Astorhi, OreRon. MARINE INSURANCE. rACIFIC COAST MARINE I1RANTH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to ISHUI POXilCIKS To cover .shipments of SALMON' or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN PORTS. Orders by MATL or WIRE promptly at tended to SIBSON. CHURCH A. Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, l'nrtlaud, Oregon J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KIXDS Or FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, loot of Kenton Mrer. Astoria Orecon. MONTHS FOB THE WEEKLY Toau "WE WILL SF.N'D THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN TO ANY ADDRESS IN THE UNITED STATES, Tostase paid by ns. For the Balance of the Current Year, At the abo e rate Cash in adaiice. DON'T DF.IAY ACCKITAXCK OF THIS OFFER. THE ASTORIAN, (DAILY AND WEEKLY! TS EESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, JAITY ASTORIA (rOSTAOE KUEK TO DAILY', ONE COPY ONE YEAH S3 00 DALLY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00 SSample copies of either edition 10 cents. Address: I. C 1KKIAXI, Publisher, Astoria. Oregon . -Postraastfcrs are authorized to act as agents for Tmk Astohiax. THE ASTORIAJST STEAM PRINTING- HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLUS. sr "We purchase Ianert Cards, Ink, and other materials of the manufacturers And can therefore afford to use, as wo always do. the best articles, while charging Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY" "WANTS OF THE COUNTING EOOM AND THE WORK SHOP ABE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. MISCELLANEOUS. Asttiria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will lene the Occident Hotel and Vwx& Allen's corner at six O'clock A. H,, Daily, And each alternate hour thereafter. Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. Saturday nisht will nth Inter to accommo date, the public. The above will be the-datloiw for starting, but tltK line has been established for tla accommodation of the public. and will carry passengers, bngipige or freipht. to any iwrt of either city that is accessible to team.-. FARES. Tickets will be sold at the rate of 12Vt rents per trip. Iiaggstge and pareeli at .same rates. I.. G. RCT1.KK. Mtumpor. Astoria. May 27. lSl. D. K. 'Vahrkx. T. W. Eatos Astoria Market ! ori'OSlTK OrciDKNT lIOTEt , ASTORIA. --.- OREGON. IVAlSltr.X i R.ITOS. Proprietor. (SHeermrx io Want a J. MfGn!r1 Wholesale and Retail Dealcri in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES. ETC. c2Rutter, Eggs, Chceso, ote. constantly on hand. eJ Ships supplied at tholowcjc rates. VAIt IS DKCI.AItKI) WITHOUT ITRTHER AOT1CK And no terms of ieaee until every man In Astoria has a new Lsult of clothes 3LVDK ISV .1IKAXY. T-ook at the iirices : I'.iuts to order from - - - SS Co I'ants. Genuine French Cassimere - l CO Suits from - - - - - - 'St to The finest hue of samples on the coast to select from. 1. .1. MEAN Y, Main street, opjmsitc Parker House. Astoria. HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS AND BTJIX,DE-RS. jJol)l)in juul Repairing i ON SHIPS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. CORNER CASS AND ASTOR STREETS, ASTORIA. - OREGON. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. TERMS: BY MAIL. ALL SUrCmitEItS.) ma Wi SI 00 & K. BHYAJTr. 5aS.5r uiz 2r O o PACiFJC CCAGT AiailrtTS TOR j. 3nsCELL.XEOU&. tirtnfr HEOisTEKru M.rcu2j. 1S79. iilWl rM4 ww.i".tc-w BLOOD IS THE LIFB1 Fort)iisst:iN4ii( ti.. 'ar uilii rlMieabk Himates. pn- ml all ti r 4fkiKk e the rxivr.j.vi. cflkiskatkd OREGON BLOOD PURiFiER. This HmIkU KinstkMii. fiiHoH tw lreil. K nt4U) juimiiu; in em eity hi I his coast, ami the Mail) aMmirsliiii); utirrs it 1ms elfi'eted Imve iwm tM.tMHinl Ms efltaiey Im1 jmMl a diwM. 1'otiwhjtnT tLiM-s of tmr BLOOD OR J.IVKR AND KIDNEY, SKIN TJCOUiSLKS, A gohl iHidkiiM balwn s wTsry to effect a cure. Tr it ; il will bci Ht. Tor further htformaiiitn amd )i ItruUtrs see circular amuml earti hoitlr. SW br jonrdnigjrfst. Price, ikt lKtilt M in i.r -" i f.n sj inHtles. Directions in I'n-.hsh, (.en . n. rr.'nch and Scatulii!.ii.'ii. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST RELIABLE RQiEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Cougns, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including cowsuwPTeow. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the caus Jjekjad, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the Iuags and allays irritation Hws removing the cause-of complaint." DO OT BE DECEIVJED by artkks Lear Bg similar names. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, Tith the signature of" I. BUTTS "on the wrapper. CO Cents and S1.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. TOWLE fc SON'S, Bos. fca.Mass. Sold by dniRgisttaad dealers EencraU? tor Mothers lilxo and Phy.siciaas recommend it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CEXTATJIt L.I203LENTS; tlic "World's gTcat Pain-I2c-licving' rcinctlics. Tlieylical, soothe and cure Burns, 'Wounds, AVcalc Back and Rheumatism upon Ulan, and Sprains, Galls and lameness j-.pon. Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of disgusting Mucus, Snaffles, Cracltling Pains in "t&o Head, Fotid Brcatn, Dcainoss, and any Catarrnal Complaint, con do oxtomiinatcd Tjy TVciTJo Meyer's Catarrh. Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, "by Absorp tion, Tho most Important Dis covery sinco Vaccination, .jfiay'jga New and Durable Scow for Sale. 20x44 feet, Also, one new 2V) S Anchor. uuc nv iw r jvin.inir, . About Forty Fxtltom new s Chain. Any one needing the above will find it greatly to their adrantaee to call imntedl- ntnlvnn 11 IT TlPlirVfll? First fish station on Sklntmon. Clatsop. : & T3. j -Mcfwty.vti.w-o i '- if-r"i.- ,i i. ,- " n. anr- Z. JV-- " " '" "-S ." yy'T..-5,rJt'31t5Xi2-ME!Tl;PKrs; YlliVi.vv-I X 5 . -RilRlAPR.fcllw IK33S3-aS?cJH!Kr &iTfae!S.TL-r MAl w JosusililffigS-aS j- r & nS i K,iVl . ST . In J. CHt, VKsmxm T 7 ?.c - ii' iwnnmt Children VvsT. : WW ??y Ksxf' Wjje&MP&&i i? r ...miw-iw ,., - gf ? V- jtf ' ;' xSisjs-r-r-rrrrTXJTu- f, v$gmss&i MILLS R. LEESGN & CO.. BOSTON. 'Z; & GRAFTON, MISCELLAXEOUS. Tni)ortant to Travelers. nrUIK INUKKSIGXEO IS im jreiart-d t el THROUGH TICKETS risoM Astoria to all Points in Europe Via 0otl:ind ltailr.itN and Stt-im-i'- of tho fillwii:llr't-CKi-inK's!roiNVw rk: WIIirCSTAU LINK. NATIONAL LINK. ALLAN LINK. KKD STAIJ LINK. AjIERU'AN LINK. A. T. UKAKKi:. Of C. TimitMMis & Co., AtorM. Omstm. For London Direct. Tb At Iron Itan-itw Scottish Bard, W.M. LITTLK. AIASTKK THalHt u'sm'I isinm neeiiiig fn'igttt for LO N DO N D i R ECT. Ilaihtj; the bulk n Iter carso iitpi-oit H will have quick riiimtch. ! t-rtns of freight, etc., ajqJy th S JUWOX. Clll'XtC'II V Vo.. Cor. Front and Ash Streets. Portland, Oregon. Yacht Blue Skin. CMlUKT bmlr. eojqMfr fasteiMMl. ikmlrie ntat el. lies at Ca-seS wharf. ICendy t re ceive iKMteiiKers, freight or e curMHi jwn ic to all iwrts of Hm Columbia ri er ami mciiiI- t. ('nark's mmienite. fc"ForfHitIierirticnI.us inquire ol John linger. ( enlrnl Market Or or c vit. woons. I.i-ster and owner. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation Company. The new steawer MOL'TIX IJKSS). JOHN ItKOWN. - M.vsrrF.ic. Will le;ie Hont'i nel for Ila. Center. 3'h- tcrvillc ansl tSichead ol'the Hay. Connecting wilh V. Ileniits" -it age line and -learner Oen. Canl at llwaco for Astoria, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. l"asMngersleamg Astoria on either of those daMan o thniii ;h to South Iknd m one tla. For freight and i sage .ippl at the Cotnan s oRt at mth lind. or the Cap tain on h in . Tlic DIOHt rnrcessml Ueuiedycver iliseinered.as it is certain in itsetfects and does not blister. Also excellent for human Hesh. Read proof below. From a Prominent Physician. Washington ille. Ohio. June 17. 1SS0. I)u. II. J. KKM)LLro Cent- . Head ing onr adertisenieur in Turf. Field and Fanu. of Kendalls bpa in Cure. and Inning a alua!!e and speed Horse which had been lame from spa in eighteen montlw. I sent to ou for a bottle by express, which in si weeks reinoxed all lameness and enlarge ment and .i large splint from another horv, and both horses are to-day as sound as colts. The one luittle was worth to nie one hundred dollars. Ke-qieetfull jours. II. a. i;i-,KiiM.t-.ii, M. I). yvt ' I Tr-ainAi i if ornisi nnnrl1 .7:S0 A. M.IRosoburg 7:00 P. M aLliL'ni.L. O OrMin UUnt1 Harrisbnrg. Ia.. Nov. Is, t vo. Oi:. It. J. Kfmai.i.&. Co.. :ents I hae aer tine mare that has had a lniue spaiu for a long time. 1 tried eery thing man toiild deise to cure it but all' in ainaud was alHHit to gie it up when a friend of mine in thK eit ejiitte to rue mid recom mended Kendall's Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean and then 1 sent 2. cents to ou for one of j our illustrated Horse Hooks and I think there is no belter book printed on the horse and Iik diseases. I have taken great interest in it ami have since old is copies for j on tout neighbors and will tn and do what good I can i getting them for others. Yours trai. O.W. MILLER. KEfJDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX imiAX FXiF.SH". Ilakersfield, Vt.. Dec, 2::, 1S79. II. J. Kfnili, & Co., Cents f wish to .-nld in) testimony in fa or of jimr invaluable liniment. "Kendall" Spavin Cure." In the spring of im?J I slipped on the Ice and sprained my right limb at tile knee joint. I was ver lame and at times suffered the most excriieiating iKtln. I wore a bandage on It for over a j ear, and tried mot every thing in my reach. Imt could nml nothing that would giv e me jiennanent relief. When I overworked, it would jin me very much. In April 1S7S I began to think I should be a enpjle for life .lmt hav mg sonic of "Ken dalls Spavin Cure thought I would try It. I used one third of a Iiottle. ami experienced relief at once. The pain left me ami has not troubled me since. I feel verj grateful to von and would recommend 'Kendall's Spavin Cure' to all who suffer with sprains nr rheu matism. Yours truly. Miss. J. Uoutkll Kendall's Spavin Cure Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does nor blister, and jet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain orto remove anx bony growth or any other enlargement, If used lor several dnvs, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, .sprains, swellings, anv lameuessand all enlargements or the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose fur which a liniment Is used for man or beast. It Is now known to be the liest liniment for man ev er used, act ing mild and jet certain in Its effects. It Is used full stiength with perfect safety at all seasons of the j ear. Send address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No roiucdx lias ev er met with such unquali fied success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price SI per lottle. or six bottles for S5 ALL DKUC.GISTS have it or ean get It for you. or It will be sent to any address on re ceipt of price bv the proprietors. DR. 15. 3. KENDALL & CO.. Enosburgh Jalls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .j.r--JK. S.A-" (SPfiSS 1S.M5BS 5, '. Ur'.fsC 2 m&J2&& " fgSQ$8fiw. g tt;ii.i2 luais. v3 ce Z; MILLS AT scoro. MASS. TlVXSPOHTATTON LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCEAX inisio. Between San Francisco & Portland. In consequence of accident to the steani dnp State of California, the followingsched uk of sailing dajs of ocean steamers has l'n arranged. to-It : w:om l'OitTCVKi). FUOJI SAX FR.X. Date. .Jinu' m .lime 17 .lime 15! June 157 .Inly i! .lnl 7 .lulv u .Inly 17 .lull '1 .Illlj J7 Aug. 1 Aur. f. hteamcr. Date. Steamer. Oregon biate of C.ila .. Colnmbia Oregon MateorOala Columbia Orecon htate of C:ila June 4 . June 10. Oregon State of Cala Columbia Oregon ..State of CaU Columbia Oregon ..btate of Cala ...... Columbia Oregou btate of Cala Columbia June 15 . June 20.. June 25.. June so . July 5.. July 10.. July la.. July 20., July 25.. .Columbia OreRon Htate of Cala . ...Columbia July CO . One notice will be p;ien of any further change. lti&lit is rescnedto change steamers or saittnedas. THKOUC.II TICKETS sold to all the prln djml cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. ' Coiumbiit' VHlanwt and Yamhill Rivers. FEBRUAltY 1. 1SS1. Uiie lort- 1 I hind for Mon Tu. We. Tliu. Frl. I Sat. VaH. WaT- 5a Walla. Umatilla anil un rir- erpomn 5AM SAM 5AM 5AM SAM SAM Alena. Ka- lama. Taoo mxbesttle 6AM HAM CAM GAM SAM 6AM Wno. Xew AVeat'mfitr CAM FAM Cathlamet. Bay View, S ka meka- wa. Breok- Held SAM 6AM GAM W estpert. C 1 1 f t on. Knap pa. GAM GAM 6 AM DTton .. 7AM 7AM 7AM bleiu. and iateni)di- ate points. S aw . 6 am I'wnt on Snake Uiver 5 am Sam CEXKKAL. OFFICES : I Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. , J. McCKAKEN & Co.. Agents State of California, , A. I- MAXWELL, , Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co. IJOIINMUIU. i t'eneral Freight and Tas-senger agent. T. F. 0 Aids, Vice President and ilanager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. X"woS.!Jwaco steam Navigation Go j fi'pffs Until further notice the Ilwaco l tVyW-, Steam Navigation Co'3 steamer GENERAL OASBY, WIIITCOMB MASTER i Will leave Astoria on Jlomlays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, AtOA.M., Fridays at G 1-1 A. 31., and 1 P. H. I 1'ort Steicns, Fort t'anbj-, and lltiae Connecting with ',. A. LSomia'stagea for Oy I torvillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort SteveiiSL.. ....w.... 50cts " " Canby and Ilwaco............ $1 co 7lhvaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, S oo per ton. ' t8d"For Tickets. Towage or Charter apply either at the office of the Company, Gray's wharf, font of T.ontnn strnnt. nr In thn Cant a!n on board. J. II. D. GRAY, Aeent. I Oregon & California R.R.Co i j On anaftorOct. 11, 1SS0, trains willrun a3 fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays), , EASTSIDK DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. Mill. TRVIH LEAVE. ARRIVE. uoionurg a:uu A.Al.U'ortland. 4:1SP M , ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. I Portland 1:00 P. M.ILobanon 9.20 P.M Lebanon 1:1 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. ! LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:15 A. M.l Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5: 15 A. M.l Portland 5:25 P. M I Tho Oregon and California Railroad 1 erry makes connection with all Regular Trains on EiHtsidc Division. westsidk mvisrox. I'rom 1'orilnuil to C'orvalllu. wvir. TRVUJ LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..3:00 P. M Corvalla. S:30 A. M. Portland 3:20jP.'M CIoso connections are mnde at ROSEBURQ with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. fitisTiekets for snlo to all tho principal points in California and the East, at tho Company's Offico. . Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on froight remain nar atCompanys Warehouse over Ml hours. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, ami 6 o'clock P. M.on Westsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. Tlie Steamer HAGXKT, C. W. HAMLIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rivet every Friday and Knappa ev ery Tuesday. The Magnet is ready for charter to any point on the bay. For freight or passage apply on board or at L W. Case's. k Astoria and Xinappton. I Regular Mail and Passenger j Steamer KOSKTTA, j W. WAVE MASTER I ats-Will leave Knappton for Astoria and return daily. I CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Abo have a lichter which enables lipr r carry wood or freight of any kind. eFor charter, froight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Case'i Lawyers briefs printed in fine style at Tiik Astorian office.