'a 9Z & sx&fa&rFrrKV"x vmizijmm. m-vm v &P4WQM CM1 ?Txs Enil$ gistefcro. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY ... . JUE 24, 1SS1 COMERCEAKD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. HEADY FOR SKA. ! SAILED " Columbia, ss. 2T21 tonb Holies S K. June ! Kate and Anna.stam soli. 2J tons. I.utjons. seaUi June 22 Alplifl. hoh. Starr. Vactu'mn lt Jhho i Ceo W Elder. tr. S F June IS CJtan Fergusoti. br. bk."99 tens. Wilson. Queens town. June 19 Mary K. Bus, sch. San Diege. June 19 Marion King, br 11; 839 Ions. Liverpool. J one IS Argo. cr bV CMtons. Gatze, Queensto wnjune 17 fitate of California, ss. 2200 tons. Debney. S K June 17 Rival, bk. 2S9 tons. Adams. S. 1". June 11 A jtnes Oswal J. Jim. 1S? tons. McCiblion. Queens town June 7 . Orient, brie. 212 tons. Williams. San IVdro June 5 Lizzie Bell, brlil IP! tons. Mergnanl. Liverpool. June d North Uend bkt 3TU tons Merriiuan. S 1" June G California. 8tr.G71 tons. Carroll. SitV.a June 2 Kllrrbank. br bk. I1W tea. Parker. Liverpool. June I ... ARRIVALS FRQil SEA. o Oregon ss. 2335 tons. Poblman. S F JuBe2i Shubrick. U S I.teM-heut tr. Kverhen. Kocfc and cruise. June 17 Scottish Admiral, lr 1. SM tn. Kerr. XewcaMlo NSW Jane 15 Willamette, ss. 2f30 ton. X V June IX Tarn O'Shanter. bkt. S. I'. June 19 Scottish Hard. Urbk.Ri UB.Uttl-. KoefchaHii- ton. June 8 Sol. Thomas. tr. Coos Iwy. June S Ktliel. brl)V.4SS tons. (Jrahain. Liverpool, may 29 Aldon Bee. Aui bk. 1J tens. Xejos. llenclonc may 22 Ooloma. Am bkS tow. Xejcs. Ilonskous May 2 Mnrtha Fisher. lirbk.SU tons. McAdam. Jfewcas le. K S W. May lfi nellaportcbrbk. 1W9 Uh. Tate. Newcastle. X S W. May 14 Merom. sli, 121 tons. Lowell. X V May S Clan Grant. brbk. KB tens. Jarae. fm Lverjeol. Mav B VESSELS 0 THE )VA y. Prom American PorlM. Atiee Buck. Am li Y April C Belle of Orecon bk X Y May CarrieWinhlow.bk.SH tons. Philadelphia. MchC Columbia. t ISSi tons. Ilumptirey.X Y. Jau 20. C. S Hurlburt. bk. 1108 toish. X Y. June IS Kuipiro. fell. 1132 tons. New Yoik. Jan Ifi liramaT Crow oil bk 1187 tons X Y Mar 2ft Gerten, bit Philadelphia, Jan 15 Henry S Sandford. sh. U.Vt tons, Sleeper. X Y Marcli 2i Indiana, ship. O. K. A X. Co. iron. May 21 Kate Davenport, sh. 121s tons. Mallett N Y Jan 15 Mississipi. O. R. A X. Co. sir X Y. May 21 Oraclo. sh 1550 tons. Morihon. Philadelphia Melt 22 Olive S Southard Am bli Philadelphia March 5 Palmyra, bh.i3f0 tons Mlnot X Y March 2 Saranac fch N Y April 2fi Sparrow soh S 1' March 16 From Foreign JL'orlx. Adolt, Sire. bk. 1)25 tons. Riutmansson, Gotten burg. Oct 18 Ilankbficld Brbk I.iicrpool April 9 Huston Yalc.br bk. H7 tons. Huckincham Yoko hama Feb 1 Bosford. br bk, Liverpool. Marcli 3 Chilo. br bk. Liverpool. May 21 City of Quebec br bk "Ml tons London Dc IS via Victoria Orossfield.br bk. Liverpool. Ma roll 2G Countess of Rothes. Br bh. Middlebboro. Dec 23 Countess of Derby, bs. Middlebboro. Knc. Jan 2 City of Manchester, br bk 76 tens Rio Doon. Brbk 877 tonhXevtoastlp Doxford, br bk. Liverp nl MnrebS tia Victoria Furnes3 Abbey, bk. lWtf, Libby. Yokohama. Glenuaber, br bk, (Mi ton. Liverpool. May 12 Glenperis, sh 1W1 tons. Cajie of Good-hpe. due June. X. Benton, bk. HoHCkonc. Msy Oboron.bt. HSU totiK, Liverpool April S P J Carlton, bk. llonukenj;. Mh River Avon, brbk 4M)llolker Livorpol MaiohS St Vincent, bk HenrUon;. June Sidlaw. Br bk Its tons MetlakaH Mirftflwrneli Jau 12 Torboeke. Dutch h, .Newcastle. S.irali. June H ThomaH II Stoi br bk. X-u-ntlt X S W Mf 1 Taunton, bk, HonzkoncMai Vancouver, b s 1113 ton, Xwast4e W 11 Bosse, bk. HonKkoni;. May Zoe. br bk Liverpool via Victorta Jhh 2 TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN .For sale ex WitithMi v at AMoria or Portland by BAI.FOrK.UTIIKIKcVC'o- Wi-tf Portland, Onnn. TRBNGIIlltli & HPSIiliR DKAI.HISS IN 8BIP OBANBLBRf PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL 3 Builders General HARDWARE, PAINTS, QILS? ETC. AGENCY OKTTHE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Gheriamus Street, Near Olney, ASTOKIA. OKEGON GERMANIA BEER HALL' A2tt BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Ckkvamos Sthrct. Astoria. The Best of lMfjev Cts. a Glass Ordocs for the Gel ia JBFlh5-tHL Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. BNodieap San Francisco Peersold at this place W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. Circuit Court JJlanks, County Court Blanks, Justice Court Blanks, Shipping Blanks, Miscellaneous Blanks, Deeds, Mortgages, etc, for Sale at Tiie , Astobiax office. Coloaaia River Hrportt. SIIIVMKXTS rOKEIGX. JLXK 18S1. A To Liverpool, per Lizzie Dell. l'rom Portland 1S.273S bbls flour...S73,100 C To Qiiernftoicn,pcr Agnc Oticald. From Portland 47.SG9 ells wheat. . W.100 11 To QitcaitUncn, per Aran. Front Portland .12-530 ctls wlicat.....$50,40!) II To Lfro-jHw?, ;xt Marian King. From Astoria 41,lltf cs salmon S204JW5 18 To Quecnrtmcj,pcr Clan Ferguson. From Portland 27,411 ells wheat iS58.000 KKCAI'ITrLATIOX. MAY 1RS1. Flour, 4.s:so bbls. -alue $224)10 Wheat, 25?.fi.nZ ct Is. 4844 .Salmon, 12,400 c. " r&fiSQ Total values, 14 cargoes. 031,71 KF.CAPITUL.KTIOX BY MONTHS, 191. .lAXl'AKV. 4 Cargoes value S 187,425 FEBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value 371,299 MARCH. T, Cargoes value 202,511 APRIL. 4 Cargoes value 242,195 MAY. 14 Cargoes value 031,74 .14 Cargoes,.! months, $1,033,194 D0MHSTI0 ltXl'ORT.S. The receipts or domestic exports at Sau Francisco, from January 1st, 1881. lo .June 7th. from Astoria, is given as follews: Flour, qr sks . 1C8.S77 VlKat. oils. llRSi Ont s. ct N Siiliiion.blN............. hf bbK pllSN ...... .. Apiilcs, ripe, lv ..... Rutter. pkp Potatoes sk .......... Wool, bales . J ides. No Tallow. pkss.........., Reef, bbls lleef. (sumeil, cs...... Fruit, dried, pkg ,..... JAJtl'J 1.182 1 0.O.'S0 15 13,203 1C S1.71C 4i25 .17.CCS i.oon 419 1C 1.080 115 ;j 14 :wi MS 20 18 :r2jr70 1.077 Leauier, pkrs . .. Ijird.es ...... Riutui, i- .. MenI, .sks. Hops bides .. .. Hams pkss CIieee, s ,..... .. I'lux Seed, .sks . . Canned jjoods, es.. .. Astoria Lotlffe No. 40, L O. G. T. Kesulnr Electing every Tuesday Evening atTVi o'clock, at Good Tomplr'i II all, Che namus Street. Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in sood stand n?, are invited to attend. Dejroo ineetine 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Temple LiOdffe, No. 7, A. F. A. M. 9fc Kcsrulnr Communications first nnd third Saturday? in each month. at7& o'ciock, p. m.. at tno nail in ABtoria. Momoers of the Order, in rood standing, are invited to attend. Uy order of the u. M. Beaver LiOdt? o No. 35. L O. O. P. Meet every Thursday evenins.: at t o clock, in the dd tel low's IlHll.ror. of Cass and Che nnmua streets, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attond. liyorder. r.U, Common Council. Regular moetinirs second and fourth Tues day (tvomngs of each month, at Vi o'clock OS" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present the same to the Auditor ana Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular mooting. K. H. CA RDM' ELL. Auditor and Clork. TIDE TABLE FOB ASTORIA From tables ol United States Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Water. D.no. a. m. p. m. I a. m. r. ai. 23 'ZiW. 10 3(11 5 02 -I 2-" 21 l 01 11 1B fi 5C 5 15 25 0 ."iS 11 1CJ C, 4C C 10 2S I 31 7 31 0 id 27. XT. 2 (I7 8 11 7 31 2s i os . 2 :sL... s -in . 8 10 2H 1 It 3 USJ 9 P 8 45 : 2 21 3 S7 '.I 42. H 21 MISCELLANEOUS Bling of the Blood Is not a "vurt all." it is a blood-purifier and tonic Iinpunt of the blood poisons the sys tem, deranges the circulation, and tints In duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to cf feels, but helm? renllv liriieht nrniiKAf that great generic disorder. Impurity of iwoou. Mien are uyKpema, iniiioiiKiieK", JAivr dniiplaintf(nuUljKitlon,rerrirtU Din unh'f. Headache, Uachache, General iVeah u. Heart lJixetute, Drojtxu, Kidney Difae, File, HIirumalhM, Catarrh, Scntfula. Sl.ln Dlmrdetv, Pimplex. Clcerx. Siceliings, Ir.. Ac. Kins: of the Itlood prevents and cures thesoh attacking the caiie. Impurity of the blood. Chemistsand phvsichias agree 111 calling it "the mott genuine' and efiicient preparation for the purpose." Sold bv Drug gists. !I per bottle. See testimonials', dlnf lions.&e..iu pamphlet, Treatise on Diseases ol the I'.lood." wmpited around each lwttle. 1). KAX.SOM, .SON & Co.. Props. Kulfalo. N. Y. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in HAWASE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, numbers aifl Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IROH TIH AHD COPPER, Cannery anfl Fislermens Snpplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch, None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on liand. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AXD QUICK. BV GEOKGE XiOYBTT. Ciienamus St., next Nicholas Barber Shop. AGENTS "Wated rem xkw IIOSE BOOK Samples postpaid, 23 cents. Sent from THE ASTOBIAXrOFFICE. Literary Eevolutioii. HWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes,. profit $1.00 cach-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent cach-$ 10,000! THE ASTOEIAjST AGENCY FOR THE SALE OE BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF KEADEJtS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT "WHICH WK "WILL FURNISH BOOKS TO ORDER. "COME AND SEE ME." Cyclopaedias. Library of Universal Knowledge, law type, n vol, octavo, cloth. $1.".; half i:nMa. j-ilt top, feSfiO. Postage 15) cents jkrvul, s vols, ivwcil: vol. ! in pros. Ttus is a verbatim renrint of the last 1 1R0 London edition of Chandlers Kiicvrtoiwdia. with coniotts additions (nlKiut 1,1.000 tonics) bv one alphabetical arninReinent. with swell lllaMnitioiis as are mtvsnr' to elucidate the text, it Rives an amount of matter about 10 kt cent more limn Applctoits Ci-lop.edla (price, in cloth, &S0 OOi. and sujier cent more than .lolmsons Cyelopaiiia (price $-"! co in viuni;. rur 1111: ciicjiii iriinrr 11 r iuiiitiinttu tin- in-st i'.in,irniiiiiii i-i- jmii-ii-hhi. whatever the jmce. Chambers Encyclopailia. 15 vols. Idmn, miimII t h: cloth, -j7 ."ii : Kta?e lo cent. icr vol. American Additions, large tym. -1 vols. H'lao' cloth. ?1 ; half Kicia. pllt top. fi. Plase 18 cents per vou 2 vok. Lsniietl : vol. s in press. These volumes will le found ueltaifeli indispensable b all owners of CIihihIkts. Apple tons, .Tohnsous, and all other Cyclopa-dm. except the largo tyHiiUliou of tlie Libniryor Cnlversal Knowledge, from which it is romiiileil. Onlers witli msh recohtil ly .March 17. 18S1. were accepted at the retliH-ed price of . :n for the oloUi, ." ffl for the half Khsmh. jctlt top, after which dnto the price will be increased at the niteof one-luUf tvnt twhday for the -set in cloth, three-fourth's cent eaeh day for the .set in half lfHia,gilt lop. Library Milman's Gibbon's Koine, " vols., cloth, 2; postage m cenLs. Macaulay's England. 3VOR. doth. i 2.,; postage si cents. Itollin's Andeut History. 2 voR in 1. quarto, clolh. -l 7.1: linlf KavsHi. .iinkled cdgc $2 23 ; postage -12 cents. Creasy's Fifteen lecisi e Patties of the World, cloth. V cents ; iMf.ge c cohI. 1 lalf l!ns ia. ntit lop, tu cents : ixwtage 7 cent Frplssart'.s Chronicles, iiiyvcnal iwtavo, edges, 2 50 ; jxiMage ?-t cents. liriiLstratkMi Green's Larger Jlistorj' of the English Peojde. ltussia. gin rop. $2 ; iMtstage 21 cents. Grote's Greece, 4 vols., cloth, $2; postage 32 cems. in press. Carlyle'a French Kevolution, cloth, to cents ; cents ; postage 12 cents. i ruEi'AiuvTiox : .Mommscii s Jtome ; .Masson anil (iitiztH'N iranv; Jiciweis lier many ; torinn. Schiller's Thirty Years' War; History Acme Library of Fiction. I'niform in size and Myle : cloth lHudin. Uarda, S3 cents. Postage 7 cents. Tom Brown at Kugby, so cents. Postage C cenLs. George Eliot's I'omola, x cents. Postage 7 cents. Don Quixote, 00 cents. Postage 3 cents. Irvlng's Knickerbocker. 30 cenLs. Postage 0 cents. Coojcr's Last of the Mohicans, ao cents. Postage C ceut. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Kyre, JO cenLs. Postage 7 cents. Kfngsley's Hyputia. 83 cenLs. Postage 7 cents. In press. Goethe's Wilhelm Melster. -10 cents. Postage 7 cenLs. 1 11 pros. Madame de Stael's Uorinne. S3 cents. Postage 7 cents. In pres. Mrs. Mulock Cralk's John Halifax Gentleman, sr, cenLs. Istage 7 cents. Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Postage s cen's. Bulwer's Last Days of Pompeii. l2mo, cloth. 50 cents. Postage 8 cents. Fkkparixg: Dickens' David Copierrield, Tliackeray's Xewcomes. Victor lingo's Les iiLserables, Ia Sage's Gil nias. Jean Paul Kichter's Titan, George Macl lonnld's Alec Forlns, Charles Keade's tive me Little. The World's Great Poets. Shakespeare, 3 vols., cloth. $1 W): jKistase 2S cents. Half ltussia, gilt lop. iS; iNstnge42 cents. Tlie nriiiciual nlnv.s in scnaratc immnhlcts. n cents each. Milton's Poetical Works, cloth, 40 cenLs ; jwistage 7 cents. Hair ltussia. gilt top. si cents ; postage 10 cents. Dante, translated by Carj'i cloth, so cents : iostge c cents. Half Utisshi, gilt top. CO cents ; iwstace 8 cents. irgil, translated byDryden, cloth, SO cents: cents : postage 8 cents. Pope's Homers Iliad, cloth. So cc cent.s ; postage age cents. Pope's Homer's Odyssey, cloth, 3ft cents ; iostage fi cents. Half Kussin. gilt top.O) cents ; postage 8 cenLs. Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia. ctra cloth, " cMits ; postage I cents. Mrs. Heman's Poeticjil Works, large octavo, cloth. ') i-ents : ixistage-15 cents. Half Kassia. gilt top, 90 cents ; inistage in cents. M'Ftngal, an epic iH)em, by Trumbull, clolh, .Vl cents; half lhissia. gilt lop, TTt cents. Postage 9 cents. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. cloth, 49cents; postage S cents. Half Ihissiu.gilt lop.SOeents; postage 12 cents. Library of Biography. I'eminLscences of Thomas Carlile. t'hflh, So cents : jvostagc C cenls. Hair Kiissta. gilt top. CO cents; iostage J cenLs. Acme Biographj First Series. Tuelve standard iKMtks by great authors, bound in 1 id.. cloth. SO cents ; ostage u cents. Half Kiivsta, gilt lop. si ; Htage in cents. Acme Biographv Second Series. lives of Chaucer. SiK-iiser, Milton, Cowper and Sunt hey. Five books in 1 ol.. cloth. -W cents ; lwsUige 8 cents. Half Kussin, gilt top. SO cents : Iostage 12 cents. Acme Biography Third Series. IJves of Defoe. Johnson, Coldsmith.Scolt and 1 hackemy, l 1 vol.. cloth. 40 cents ; iostage 8 cents. Half ltussia, gilt toji.soceuts ; iKjstage 12 cents. Plutarch's Javes. l vol., cloth, cu cents; (Mistage 1 1 ceni. Half Ktissia. gill top. l 20 ; iost- age n cenLs. Ixisslng's Eminent Americans, o er 100 portraits, clolh. $1 ; jxisiage 12 cents. Half KiHsia. gin xop. si so ; iosiage 13 cents. ean reaay. Preparing : Smile's Brief Biographies, Carljle Oliver Oromell,:i Religious Youngs Great Bible Concordance. 1 ol. iinrto. Pojiular Edition, clolli, 2; ixtapeX ivnts. Half Kassia, .sprinkled edges, $2 50 ; jnistage 37 ivnts. ScholHts Edition, half Turkey, marble edges. Si : jKistage 82 cents. Tlie New Testament 1 he new erslon. Clolh. 2 cents; postage 7 vents. Half Ktissia. gilt top, CO cents ; postage 10 cents. Full Turkey morocco, gill edges. SI 23 : pottage lo cents. Will be issued promptly uimhi its publieatiou in England. Tlie New Testament- King James ersion uniform In style uiih Hie aboe.at the sjuim' prices. The New Testament Thetuo versions, iirinted on pages facing, for coveiiienee or com- uansou. Cloth w cents; postage lo cents. Half Kassia, gill top, SI ; tosi:tgc It cents. run lurKey morroco, gin etiges.i ai; itoaiage 1.1 cent Oetkies Ufeof Christ, cloth Co cenLs; postage in ceuis Smith's Bible Dictionary, cloth, SO cents. Half Kassia, sprinkled edges. 75 cents; postage 10 cents. Kitto'sCycloiediaof Elbllcal Literature, 2 vols.. Illustrated, cloth. $2. Half Kiissia, gilt ton. S3. Poslaze 3C cents. Worksof Flavius Josephus, 1 ol. quarto, cloth 1 osiageas ceius. Literature Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English Uterature, 8 ols. in 4, cloth, 52 ; pestage: cents. Half Kussia. gilt top. S4 ; posuige 50 t-ents. Acme 1 Jbrary of Modem Classics First Series. Vicar of Wakefield. Kasselas. Piceiida. Paul and Mrginia, Undine and the Two Captains, in 1 vol., cloth, ill cents ; postage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt toj), so cents ; jnMagc 1 cents. Macaulays Complete Essays and Poems, .1 vols., cloth, .St Hi; half Ktissia. gilt top,.2 70; postage so cents. Tlie Koran of Mohammed, translated bv Sale. Cloth. 30 cents ; iKtage f cents. Half Kus sia, gilt top, co cenLs : iwstage 8 cenLs. American Patriotism : Famous Orations and Patriotic Paiwrs. from Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, M cents ; postage 8 cents. Half ltussia, gilt top.si ; postage- 12 cent. Tlie Choice of Books, by Charles F. Kicliardsou. EMni cloth. 23 cents; postage 4 cents. Cheap paper edition, 5 cents ; lwstage fae. Sayings, by Author of Sparrowgraxs Papers. Cloth, so cents ; ioslagc C cents. Tlie bseJul Dictionary of the English language. P.y P. A. Nuttall.' Contains nearlv Hie- half as much as Webster's Unahridged. Cloth, 80 cents ; hair Kussia. gilt top, SI 23 ; nst- age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand Lexicon. Over 23,000 words and 230 Engravings. Cloth. 17 cents; postage 4 cents. Irviug's Sketch Book. Cloth, 33 cenLs ; postage C cents. Half Kussia, gilt top, 70 cents; postage 9 ceuLs. Tlie Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. Illustrated bv upwards of Two Hundred Plates and Engravings. By Frank J. Scott. Cloth, extra, price reduced from SS to S3. Postage 20 cents. Juvenile Classics. Bimyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated. Cloth, lo cents :iKstage 7 eeiils. New edition Marcli 19. Tlie Arabian Mghts. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage S cents. Kobmson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 cenLs. Baron Munchausen, and Gulliver's Travels, 2 In l vol. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents ; postage 8 cenLs. Tlie Book of Fables. By Ksop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of aturalHLstor-. 3 vols, hi l. Illustrated. Cloth,. Si. Postage 11 cents. Stories and Ballads. By Kllen Tracy Alden. Illustrated. Cloth. r.n cents. Postage? rents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all in brevier or larger type. Iacaulay's Life of Frederick the Great. Former prices SI 23. Price s cents. Carlyle's Life of Robert Bums. Former Price SI 23. Price 3 cenLs. Light of Asia. By Edwin Arnold. Former price Si r.0. Price s cenLs. Ttiomes Hughe's Manliness of Christ. Fonner price SI. Price 3 cents. Mary Queen of Scott's Life. By Lamartlne. Former price SI 23. Price .ireiils. icar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. Price 3 cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, l'rice C cents. Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Price 3 cents. The Library Magazine Ol .American and Foreign Thought. Like the old and excellent Litter Uving Age and Electric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American thought added), at one-fourth their price, and even- number a bound volume. Vols. Lto A'lL, over 4,003 pages. In cloth, for S3 20 ; in half Russia, gilt top, for $4 so. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria. Oregon. D. C. IRELAND, Manager. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Narmtmo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carry Ibs IT. IS. Xalln. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL-.. Commander Will leave Portland for the above ports from Flander's Dock No freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the day previous to departure. For Freight or Passage apply to Ed. C.-HDQHES, Pomr. Anierienii editors, the whole combined muter of History. postage STceiit Half Kicvoia. ilt top. $1 , ostage 21 cents. Half I!nvia. gilt toj. ?; .ill; . cloth, si S clolh. etn gill, gilt 2 vol.- Mh. 1 IMiNtage P? cents. Half cents. Half Knoin, gilt top, .! ; jKitat 7A itostngo 7, cont. Half Knvhi. gilt top. H of the United Stales, by mh KihIhciiI llls- postage cents. Half Ihivsia, gilt top. Bo c cents. Half Kussin, gilt top. uicents ; iot. and Fnileriek the Gi-eat. Literature. n cents. nits. Half Kussin. gill top, SI ; ostage St .vi. Half Kussin. sprinkled edges. S2 00 Miscellaneous. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXJDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, 'Wood, Etc General storage and Wharfage on reason- aoie teniis. rootomeuton .street. Astoria Oregon. BILI READ PAPER, OF EVERY GRADE AND COLOR, PRIN fti or plain, at loirest rate3, at The abtobux oEc a K. BRYANT. .xvn cxrxs:7 u && ttf cymMfy a cJyjlyr & rCOTtATJROP7 O SrT7C ZiTW - W T . r- f k r-A ?. 'tv ca ?r5 z-& srry. - o avU ffil (ni IfiHl (P9 "T i-P rP li t i! "V ' & rg Axrnr-sr nnAn T I J. TKoirtlj UUrtO AGEKTS FOR .MISCELLANEOUS. Vitalizes ami I'tirith.-. t;.o i;itl, Taei tip tho System. 2I.4Le iht vTfc Strong, tiuilds up lh Jirakfa- 1otth, Xuvsiorate- tht i;min. .toil, URES Dyspepsia, ServoriS Af f ectioas, Gen eral I)el)Llity, Neuralgia, Pevsr and Agne, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemittent Pever, and ALL DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A BAD STAT I OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. Supplies the blood with its Vital Principle, m Life Iilcmont, IKON, infusing Mrcnglh Vigor and Xctv life into all pait of the system BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL. i cucrpix ing effects are not followed by c.-mspriKi:i; n jc 'Job, but are pennanenc. SETH V. FOWLE & Ciaxrisoa Avenue, Boston :ON " Propnclon, 9 uU by -!1 Drusgists alxrcys Curo. and jiover tLuiap" points. Tiro "u'oi'2 J' . (jjr-oat Pah' Rolio'ci for Elan and Sonnt. CLeap, qnok nnd roliaLlo. I'lTClIint'S VSTOR1A is not Narcotic f'hihlrfit grow ihfc upon, Mothers like, and Physicians vccotaineiid CASTOIMA. Ifcre-tilatcstlie BoweLs, cures Wind Colic, allays Foverislmess, and e .strojs Ynirms. "WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnre, a Constitntioiial Antiiloto for this terrible mala dy, hy ALsorption. TLo niast Important Discovery .sincoVnc cination. Otner roniediou may roliovo Cainrrli, tids euros at any stags Lefora Consuinption sots in. !f 3S5J 81MSW;W!ifSWH.fad INDORSED BY ! ?HYSiC!aNS, OLERGYEM, AD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRiU?f!PH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A 'RPID LIVER. Ti xioss of oppotite.jaaseg.bowels costive, 'Pain in theHoad,with.a dull sensation in theba'ck port. Pain under tho"sb.onlder blade. fullnes3 after catinp, with a disin clination tooxertion j3fbodyor mind. Irritability of temper, .Low spirits. liQgn of memoryiWTth a feelinpofbavini; neg Iecte3sdme duty, V7eanne3. Di'szineaRj Flutferin of the fleart, Uota boforotbo eyesTY ellqw- akin. H cadacho JKeatl-s-'. .nesa at night, highly colored, urins. LT THZSEWAEHIEGS AEE TJIfHEZDSD, SERIOUS DISEASES YllL SOOH BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS PILLS avo cspeclallyadaptcdto Mich caes,one dose f fleet snehachango of feeling- as to astonlfth tho sufferer. They Xnrrae the ApiM"tItr, and cause the body to Tnbe on Flrli. thus tte system Si nonrlb.rtf.andbytlielrTonIeAcUenonihe IllKratlTr Orcnn. Itcjrulnrfiftoota are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 anrrayHU X.Y. ,VP CS&l 3 ia; 3nAYllAiRorVrnsKnns changed toaOtt- Black by a sincle application of tkls Dvse. it ra parts ti natural color, acts 2nstaniteuu!. $oldbyDrnggut,crntl'V:T;-riUoar?f.iiui l. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Dr.TCTTS JUSr.it. tr VsloiMc lrnlfcMt J CKfil Ulpt "in b aaUfd XtE M k?pKUa.' New and Durable Scow for Sale. 20x44 feet, Also, one new 250 ft Anchor; One new K0 Ancho; About Forty Pathont new "s Chain. Any one needing the above will find it greatly to their advantage to call immedi ately on W. K. TICIIENOIJ. First fish station on Skipanon, Clatsop. 1 EriTA,T?0ei V0 TI i'r a ?LJi a,. rT m. IB n jMJsfMli. mSL: yms$w XSSSTi3r'. "-lit" 3 ;' 3s ' sassifvffi jo fii ttj v- r .-cAX3Haussivrfajw i a.- djr - ITJTaKSSSKiaiSkEra. 7- . i ! S-Hrfr3 AiiivSitya ttttSirtSS-i SWaSTFJi aVlt3T?S 1 '4BS9&Sss&S5&S&3 .3 BffirgMSwtSvSi r'imsmtmmmiuei rja xwc-r cm .)A'ku iiir.!ri Liy nsni'iir irv.x VuN.,sjaf4FS5 , lui'IJ'SJn S & t S.i!FW B. LEESON & CO.. BOSTON. AIISCELLANEOVS. TlHDOl'tailt to Travelers. fBJIK I'NDKKSIGXKD IS now trep:;ri'd 10 mH rn F II ROUGH TICKITS FIMM jAstoria to ail Points in Europe Via OvcilaiMi liailrrtatK and Slt;im'.ii f tlw fiHviMgHtM-cI.liiHfroHiNc Yirk: WHITE STAK LINE. NATIONAL LINK. ALLAN LINK. HKDSTAK LINK. AMERICAN LINT, A. T. ItlCAKKK. 1 K t. TiwuHMf. & Co.. Astoria, t rt;iHi. For London Direct. Tm" Al lfn ltartiu" Scottish Bard. WW. I.ITTLK MASTKK The lHve usm-1 Is w M'cwvJi: ftvijjhl for . LONDON DIRECT. ' llaviup the Iwlk ol Iter -:irgo ittgHgcit hc Hill have quick dispatch. Kic tcriN of freight, etc., Ay to .ssnsox. ci i risen a co.. Cor. Front ami Ali Streets. Portland, Oregon. Yacht Blue Skin. ( 1iHNT Itnilt. eojer faMeiied, doiiMe iwi-st cel. lie. at Cae". wharf. 1'eady to re ceive iKtemcers. freielit or e cnrshHi iwrtH's to all parts of the Columbia ri er and vicini ty. Charge- moderate. J For further jwrtknlar-, inquire ot .loliu Kiger. Central "Market. Orot CAIT. WOODS. Master and owner. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation Company. Hie new steamer SOl'TII I$K.I, Bft ii m K. J-3 , JOHN P.KDWN. - - - MASTHi:. Will leave oath ISoitil for tlay I'catcr. ys-tet- ille :i:nl tlicheml ortlu- ISay. OmiHH-tmK witli X. lleiinis- stage line and steawer Hen. ('MHhv al llwae lor Astoria. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Passengers enut Astoria n eillnTt'f tluvse tl:i.se:ill Ihnxili to Soiilli C.lid m iMie da. Iir fn-it;ht ami ii ss.ic :iiI at the C'iiii.insoili'e .it south Ifcntl. or the Cap Mill Oil iMMlo. 'Kendall's LSPN&VJV?S Tho niot Nncrcssiui 11 enicrty ever disemerod.tw it is certain in its effects and does not Mister. Also excellent ftr huiiiaii llesli. Itesitl priMif ImIow. From a Prominent Physician. Washitigtomillc. Ohio. .lime 17. 1SS0. ' Di:. I5..1. Kkmim.i. jLl'o.. Cents : Kead iiu; iHir advert isetiteiit m Turf. Field and Farm. if Kendall's Ski in Ciire.aml having a valuable and scedy Morse v.liiehliud Ikmmi I:iiih fnuii siKiviu eiiiltteeii months. I sent to on for a lMittle by express, whieli in s eeks reitMivrd all laiih'Hess and enlame iwiit and a large splint from another horse, and both horses are to-day as sound as colts. ' The one lMtile was worth to me one hundred tiollars. lJesiM'ctfiilly onrs. II. . KEltTOLI-rrT, M. 1. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE 1 l.irrisburg. Pa.. Xo . is, l.so. Hit. P.. .1. KrxitAi.t. &. I'o., l ients : f have aery Hue man that has had a Ihmic spavin j for a long time. I tried everv thing man ; eoiiltl dexise to cure it but all in vain and i was alMHit to give it up when a friend of i mine in this city came to me and rerotn- uieiided Kendall s Sivin Cure which 1 tried 1 with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean and then I scnl ii cents to jou for one of your illustrated IIoim Hooks and 1 1 think there is no better book printed on the i horse and his diseases. I hae taken great' interest in it ami hae since .sold Is copies ' for you toniy neighbors and will trj and do, what good 1 i-.m in getting them for others. ' Yours truly. (i. W. MILLEK. 'KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Ilakersfield. Vt.. Dee.. 2-1, 10. II. .1. Kknuam. & Co.. Cents: I wish to ..Ifl ti t iWt lltlikt, V 111 l-l lit Ilf IUI1-ill Vtlll'llllf. liniment. "Kendall's Spat ill Cure." In the spriiiR of liSfc! I sijkm1 m the ice and sprained my right liuili at the knee joint. I was erv lame and at times suffered the most ecriiciatius iin. I wore a haudacc on it for over a yir. and tried most every-, thin; in my reach, hut could Hud nothing that would sheme iH-rmauent relief. When j I overworked, it would jwin me very much, j Iu April lhTS I 1h::ui to think I should he a cripple for life; but having some of "Ken- i dall'sMpRvin Cure" thought I would tryH-1 I ased one third of a liottie. and experienced t relief at once. Tiie pain left me and has not ' troubled me since. I feel verv uratcful to , vihi and would recommend MvendfilPs Spavin ' Cure' to all who suffer with sprains or rheu matism. Yours truly, Mi:s..MioiTKf.i. I ' fjsjr Kcndairs Spavin Gurei(,w-iLi A. I Will Tiinlrf w is sure in its effects, mild m its action as it does not blister, and yet It is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain ortii miiioveniivlionvmvtl. nrnnv- ntl.Ar or to remove any bony growtlt or any other ciiiuit.Tii!t.'iii, ii ilscu inr Aevcnii imj.s, Mien ..!.......:,... ...It...- ..!... .ll -.." ,.- swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism m man I and for anv nurnose for which a liiiimoiit is ' iLsed for man or beast. It Is now known to De tne nest liniment Tor man ever used, act ing mild and yet certain in Its effects. It is I used full .strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for illustrated circular, which I we think gives positive proof of its virtues. Xo remedy has ever met with .such unqunli- i lied success, to our knowledge, for beast as wen as man. l'rice SI nor bottle, or six lmttls for 3.1 ALL l)RU(.(;iSTS have It or can eet it fori you; or It will bo sent to anyaddre.ss on re ceipt oi price oy tne proprietors. DR. II. ,T. lOSND.UX & CO.. Enobburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -tr-t-TJf- S. A-"11" .rjsr 5& zalx . 5?8ftl SSSH?L4TE& o 31 CD o O0)CK:a: (CABtSia lESaglS SrOR-TINGSUIXS 7, 5Sgg8 v-li1JI :-7iam9 -V'r. rc HILLS AT t JDHNSTONEf SCOT'D. & GRAFTON, MASS. TllASSPOTATlOS" LIKES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMIWXY. OC'I-LX IHVISIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. In consequence of accident to the steatn hip State f C:diforni:t. the followingschert iile tf -.ailing days of ocean steamers has Iwen arranged, to-vit : KKOM I'OltTI-VND. Fi:OM SAX FR.VX. t)a. Steamer. Date. Steamer. .lime 12 Oregon .lime l7.Stateor Cala Juno 22 .Coluinliin .iHite 27 ..Oregon .lnl 2 .state of Cala .liilv 7 Columbia .hilv 12 Oregon lulv 17...StateofCala June 4 Oregon June 10 State of Cala .111110 15. ...Columbia June 20 Oregon June 25.State of Cala June vo Columbia Jnlv 5... Oregon July lo...State of Cala .Inly 22. . -Columbia Mil J 1.)....... UUIUIUUUI .Inly 20 Oregon July 25.State of Cala lulv 27 Oregon .Vug. 1... Slate of Cala An, b Columbial July SO Columbia Dim notice will be given of any further hange. Itilit is rescrveil to change steamers or 1 s:tilintr il:is. THKOL'OII TICKIS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columb'"' W'Uamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEI5UUAUY 1. 1SS1. i It e Port- I Jl 'I Tu. hve. Tim. Frl.lsat. I 1AM 5AM JAM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM 6AM 6AM 6AM 6AM GAM 6AM GAM f AM RAM 6AM 6AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 6 am Gam 5a m 5am J jaml for l)lle. .Val: la Walla. ' Umatilla. , and up riv- I Atteris. Ka- lama. Tsee isa.Seattle Vie'r4a.Xew West'iastr fathlamet. Hay View. SLamoka- wa, Urook- ' tieW ; W est port. ' 0 1 i f t oh. Kaappa. ! Dnvten j Salem, and intermeiH , ate points. . Paiaw on ' Snake River CorHer Fn d d streets Portland. .1. MrCIlAKEN & Co., Agents State of California, A. L. MAXWELL, i Ticket agent O. K. & N. Co, .101 IX MUIK. ! ( ienenil Freight and Passenger agent. T. F. OAKES, I Vice Ire.sident and Manager ; Astoria to For.ts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olyrapia. I WaCQ SteaiH WaVIflat 1011 UQ .. ?fi Until further notice tho Ilwaco raaWri Steam Navigation Co'a steamer GENEIiAL CANBY, , wii itcomc aiaster , Will leavo Astoria on Mondays, Tuesdays, ami Sntunlajc, At9A.M., rrldnjs at G 1-4 A. 31., anil 1 P. M. Fort Siemens, Fort Cnuby, and 11m nc , Connectinffwith r.. A.Loomis'stusoaforOyE tervillo and Olympiii, on Tuesday'? and Sat urday'. Fare to Fort Stevens.. ...... ....... BOcts " " Canby and Ilwaco $i co ikrihvnco freight, by the ton, In lots of l one ton or over, $u oo per ton. i BEB-For Tickets. Towaeo or Charter apply cither at tho olfico of tno Company, Gray' wharf, foot of Ronton street, or to the Captain on buurd. j J. H.D. GRAY. Agent. i Oregon & California R.R. Co vi7-- On an alter Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol- lows, DAILY; (Except Sundays), riSTSIDK ntvisiox. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. jtvtr. TKVW LRVVIv. ARRIVE. ! Portland .7:.Jl A. iU.lKoseburg.. :ik) P. M Kwoburs 5:00 A. .M.I Portland -t:.SP M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.I Lebanon 9.'0 P. M Lebanon 1:45 A. M.PortIand10:03 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .8:15 A. M.l.Tunction 0:00 P. M Junction 5:15 A. M.lPortland 525 P. M ThoOrogon and California Railroad lerry rnskw connection with nil Regular Trains on Eil.-ule Diviiion. WESTSIOE DIVISION. l'rom I'ortlaiid to C'orvnlH. UAH. TKA1X LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvallis ....3:00-P. JI Corvallis S:S0 A. il. Portland 3:20;P.'3I Close connections are mado at ROSEBURQ with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. i 1 es-iicKqts torsalo to all tho principal points I in California and tho East, at the Company's nrc Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on freight remain njr atCorapanys Warehouse ovor21 hours. 1 Freight will not bo received for shipment j after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, I and U o'clock P. M. on AVcstsido Division. ' J.BRAJSDT,Jr.,Gen'lSup'U , E. P. ROGERS. Ucn'l Freight and Passenger Asent For Youngs River and Knappa. The Steamer 3IAGXKT. MASTER regular trips to Youngs Rivet everj" Friday and Knappa every ! ti,,, jhnict js rP.Miv ror -i, i , Jt on the i.v 5 I PH"!lo,'1.V1,c "aS- ... -iiiesuay. charter to any For freight or passage apply on board or at r I 1. tl.KMK H. Astoria and JKnappton. Regular Mail and Passenger rfajS3 Steamer ROSETTA, W. WA YE MASTER ea-"Vill leave Knapptou for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING TIIE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her, i i3iiT) ivwu ur nci.mnui anj Kinu. KB" For charterfreight or naasare. nt W. ins rates appiy on ooaru, or at A. n . vase a store. Lawyers briefs printed in fine style at The Astoria office. JC rrff