- r C4J w fftTniM mmtutmmtm m JIis aittj &sfcato. ASTORIA. OHEGOX: c Arrmn&v .TTTVF. IK. 1RS1 uaj. w .! -... COMMERCE AND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORI. HEADY FOR SKA.' SAILED. Aro. cr bk 643 tons. Gatzi Qaecustewn.Iuno 17 State of Califemia. m. ?9 tons. Deliney. h K June 17 Oregon s. 222S tou. I'dklman. S 1" .June 12 -; Kival. M. 299 tong. Adanu. S. 1". June II Sbnbnck. U S Lurht-hou" Mr. 'tarson. Keck and cruise June 19 AKnes Oswald. brii.l3i) uwi, McC.iWB.QBeeBS- town June 7 Kate and Anna. .tmi ck. 53 letw. I.nt j w. Gray Harbor. June 7 Orient, brie. 212 tons. Williams. San Pedro Jine S Lizzie Bell, br bL IMf.ten. .Mercncrd. Liverpool, June i A'ortb Bend bU 37l. ton. Morn man. h K June fi California, str. G7" tons.CBRwM. Sitta .luue'i RllnrbanL br bV. lit ton-.. I'arler. I.l.nel. .UH 1 ARRIVALS KROS1 SKA. 'Columbia ,n 271 ton:. Holies M'.JuneK ScoUihU Admiral. Itr bk. RJ I s. Kwr. Newcaw if Kb W June IS tteo W Hitler. tr. S 1" . tm 14 ., Willamette. ss.;rtis. 'V .!. 13 Mnrj 1. K lifts. soli hhH lVlri..lnHe II Tarn O'Shanter. liU. 1". .Inn- ! Siottih Bard. HrbV MS tw.. Little. llfttftbatHti- ton. June H Sul. Tlimoah. ir. rt 1wj..Ihh . Alnlia. soli Marr.TllaHiiU..lnwe S Itthol. lirbk. 4M Win, (.rafaoti. l.ivrxu. m S9 'Jlaii Ferguson. 1h lA.Ttww WtlMn. Bitsbaue. Ma -j. Alden Basse. Am IA si" toil. No'.-. llH:Knx ma) a ('iloiua. Am liV sSS tun. N'lijfs. IIeBKloHe Ma Martiia Fisher. hrbk.SU tis. MoAtl-m.Nevrc- lB.XSW.Maj Hi Bollaporle. br lik. HUH ions. Ttr. NeMesle. X S W.Ata) 11 Murom, sli. I!ft tn-. Lowell. X Y Ma Ulan Grant, br bk. ifl tons. James, fm hiierpoe). Mav G Marion King br lk .) tons IIm Jaet- Ma 5 VESSELS OA THE IVA 1 . o From Anicricari I'ort. Alice Bnck. Am Ji X Y Anl Belle of Oregon bL X Y Maj A Carrie Wmslow. bk. iH tons. rhilaa4itia. Mcliti Columbia, mi ItvXJUiH. llnwribrej-.X Y. Jan .. C. S Hurlbnrt. lk. UW ti'Pn, X Y.June IX Btnuire.oli. 1132 tons. Xnn York. Jan l." Brama T Cronell bk 11X7 ton X Y Ma tJ Gertcn.sh Pliiladelptiia, Jan 1: Henrj- S Sandford. -li. il.Vi ions. .Meeir. X Y Marcli 22 Indiana, slnp. O K. A X. o, iron. Maj 1 Kate Davenport. -ir I21S tons. MallettX Y Jan K Miissipi. O. K. X X. Co. Mr X Y. Ma 21 Oracle, fch l.VH) tons. Morison. l'htlaIel4tia Meh22 Olive S Southard Am sli rittladelpbta Man-h ' ralmyra.sh. i3(0 tons Minnt X YMwlt2 Saranacfch X Y April Jl hjiarn.m boh S 1 March 1 Front I'orclii I'opt. Atlolt. Sue. bk. i25 tons. Bihshrhhmih. Gnt'en- tiurc. Oct 1b Baukhiield Br bk Lnerpeol A:il i Bubton Vale. lr bk W7 tn. UuekiBehxm Yto- liama Fob 1 Bosford. br bk. Luci-po Maroh X Cnilo. br bk. Liverpool. Mav 21 Citj of Quebec br lik 7WJ tons Ioh4oh li-r rSia Victoria Grossfield. br bk. Lnerpfxil. March 2fi Countess of Rothes. Br sh. MHltliesbnro. Ilec 2S Countess of Derbi. bs, MidJlesbern. Kb. JanSfi City of Manchester, br bk 7 tm Ui Doon. BrbkSTT tonsXcoastle Uoxford, br bk. Liverpool MardS ta Victoria Furness Abbey, bk. lns, Lii1h. Yukokama. GlenBaber.br bk, ronton-. l.nenoel. Ma 12 Glenperiri. sli lfll tons. Cape of Good-bojio. lue June. X. Bojnton. bk JIoncsotiK. Mj Oboron. bs. llSUtons, Liverpool April V I J Carlton, bk, llotiMkonc. Mai Kirer Aon. br bk iW Ilolker Liverpiial MareiiX St Vincent, bk llonckonc. June Millaw. BrbklltoHs Medlai4iaH Mlrfk4)itH"h Jan 12 Thomas II Stoe, br lk. X ncaslJe Nh Mat 1 Taunton, bk, Ilonsloaj:. Maj ' Vancoutor. b 1HJ3 tons. XcwcaMle j W II Besse. bk, Hongkong. Ma, , '.of. lirbk Lixerpool via Victoria Jan I HOTELS AND IJESTAURANTX A.J. MilftLK w ::h:iit ' MEGLFAl ti W'UIOHT. 1'irtt.fintnie. Astoria, Orrytni. mm: PHOPBii.nn;" vine happ i JL announce that theaiHtxe hotei iia been repainted and tclmuistted.Hiiduig guall to the comfort of Us guests and i now the hoi liotel north of Saw I rmicisco. :. w. KNOW i.ks. vi-insnt, 'i.As":.-m:i eiote-::.. POP.TLANI). - - oi:i.t;o. ZIEBER JL KNOYfLtS, 1'ioprietois. Free conch lo ah Hh lto house MTTiu. Daii.v A-roi:iA ism ide.it Hie Chirendon Hotel leading mom. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STBI'.irr. -.llf. ,S. ST. Arrigroni. AS'IOBIA Iro.ri(-tr rilHETBAVEIJNt: FCB1.1C WILL FIN'I) JL Hie rioneer lnt class in all 1 eneeis and nsneeliiillx 1 a share of theii patioiiHge is solicited Eer-Boatd and l.Mlglngb. thedaj or week. r J Fair Wind Coffee Saloon Ginr-aE hoxjss, watei: .si'BKirr, astobia. o.,e."r':::r::;;. wJeahdwabs, ra, steel, C'alie. I Cent.. ' ' Chops CooKed to Order. Fine W ines, liiiiuors and 'lfirais Of the best brands. HuMug just opened the :tboc establish ment wecordiall iuxiteour friends and the puuue genentu to give us a trial. oe-tf FOAB1) A. F.VANSOX, ROSCOE'S FIRST Oyster Saloon. MAIN STBEirr. ASTOBIA. milE rNDEKSION'EO IS BI.ESE1 JL announce to the TO Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepated to furnish for them, in hrst class M h and e cry st j Ie. OYSTKIIS. HOT COFFEE. TIJA, ETC. t iiik Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, iM"AIX STBEirr. I'lcase give me a call. BOSCOE DIXON', Proprietor GERMAXIA BEEIl HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chkvxuus Smnrr. Astouia. The Best, or Lager 3 Cis. a Class Orders for the CeleWeil CoWia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend cd to. GFXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. 1 . 1 CLASS I W CoDiBibia River Export. SHIPMENTS FOKniON J CNF. 18SI. 4 To LiccrjuMil, per Lizzie Bell. rm VottlanA 18755 bbls flour.. 73,100 r T QiirHHCH, ;cr Atne OstraM. "From rortkuid 47,608 ctls -wheat M.100 11 To QuccHntmcn, iKrArgit. From Portland S.5S0 ctls whcat.....?30,-'00 14 To JJvcrjrUKr Marfan King. Prom Astoria 41,11 cs salmon ?20Ji55 JtHCArm LATIOX, MAY 18&I. Kloiir. 4!tv'Xi bbls. alue S224.910 Wheat, 2.vi2.ri ctK 'MHu Snlnuiii, IL',400 f. ."8280 Total values, 14 cargoes. tai.7.M RRC.l'ITCL.VTroX EYMOMHS 1S.1. JAXfABV. 4 Cai goes value 8 187,423 rEuniKV.. 7 Carsots alue :.7lii99 mai:ch. ." Cargoes value '202SA1 APRIL. 4 CargoeN value 242,193 MAY. 14 Cargoes value C31.734 fl Cargoes,.". monlli $1,053,194 noMRsrir Kxpoitrs. The receipts of domestic exerts at Mn Franeiseo, from .lanuarj 1st, Ihsi, to .Iiine 71h, fioiu AMoriit, is given as follews: Flour, qr ks ........... Wheat . elN Oats.clls Salmon. Mils... ............. hi Mils 10S.S77 ,11BS2 23i;9 1.1S2 1C1 co.orw 1 lSus W I'KfTs Allile,s, iijh, l ... Butter, jik: I'OtlttOCi. .ks WihiI, bales Hide. Xo . "fallow. ik.t;s........ Beef. WA - I'eel.rgmucd, is. .. Fnul.driiil. jkgs... Iather, jiks ... Itril.es Biicon. e Meal. nKn Hops. Imles Hams, pM.. Ch'esi,es Flax. Si-ed. sk Caimi'il ;iods, s.. . , "1.71C . 4,'2i" . S7.CCS . 1.0C3 4P in , I.SC 115 14 . SSI 1 JO 18 .'KJ.S70 . 1.077 Astoria LiorJLg-o No. 40, L O. G. T. Itegulnr Meeting every Tuesday Evening at7 o'clock, at Good Toniplar'a Hall, Che nnmus Street, Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in cood stami na, are invited to attend. Decree mectin? 1st Monday each month. By order Y. C T. Tomple Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A. M. d?vV Kosular Communications first third Saturday? in each month, at o'clock, v. a., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in pood standing, are invited to attend. 5y erde: of the W. M. Beaver L.oacro No. 35, L O. O. F. M cet every Thursday cvenint at S o'clock, in the Odd Ket-" 1 lotf'.s Hull. cor. of Cass and Cho- i namusitroet-sAftoria. Mombernfthe Order I are invited to attend. Uyorder. N. (1, Common Council. Kesular meetings second and fourth Tues day vemngs of each month, at 't o'clock w Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to tLo Tuesday on irhich tho Council holds its regular meetings. It. II. CAUUWELh. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOB ASTOKIA From tables oi United States Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Water. 0to. .m. r. m. I . x. r. M. 11! ... .", 14 4 3I 10 2C 10 27 17 4 11! .-i 171 It 03 10 27 18 3 18 0 ttf II 31 . . in r, :a.t . 7 03 j o 3n u 45 20 7 11 7 S7 1 43 1 40 21 S 32 . 8 31 1 2 32. 2 30 22. 10 01 II 43 4 00 3 31 28 11 0(.. 10 ."W 3 IV 4 23 21 II 01 11 l.- S XA 3 13 2.-1 0 3s 11 16) C4C. .. . C 10 MISCELLANEOUS K0$!TTtl$ 8TOKACH &t itters , Tin' Traveler Who WiHely ProvideN I Against the eontiiigetiev of illties b taking with him Hostellers htumach Bitters, lias 1 occasion to congratulate himself 011 his fore I sight, when he sees others who hae ne glected to do o siiireriiig from some one of ' the nialadu -sfor which it is a remed and ' lre'Utalie. Among those are fever and , ague, bdlhiusness. constipation and rheuma- "fs!,,l:1S,.!f fT.V . "'! , . '!. u.nt V.,M,n "& I of climate or unwonted diet. Fur side h all j diuggists ami dealers generally. MAGATIJS 0. CROSBY, 1 Dealer in Iron Pipe and Fittings, i anil Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, i SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, 1 SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. N'one but Hrst class workmen emplnjcd. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on liand. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, DEALER IX FIXE AVTXES. LIQBORS, Beei:, C-H.AKS, and best brands of KENTUCKY TVHISKY, 100 South First street, romxAXD, Oregon. tBestSaa Francisco Peel Table on the premises. ) s s-i Tmizmfxt r J.mHK!&L& Literary Revolution. Wisdoni is yc principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-5 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent cach-$ 1 0,000! THE ASTORTAN AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF BOOKS Pt'HLlSHED KY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OK READERS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT -WHICH WE WILL FURNISH liOOKS TO OKDF.R. "COME AND SEE ME." Cyclopaedias. JJbrarj-ori'nUcrsd KiiowIciIkc, lnree tvpe, 13 ! top. sis! 30. Fostaeia cents ierol. bos,tsM This is a erbatim reprint of th last (KO) Iviid wiUi copious additiiiits (about I.1.U00 timio) hv one alphabetical nrrauxemenl. with such illitsinttiou s an uei-Kr to clwidate the J text. It Khcsnu amount of inMltrralmut ID ht i-eni hmt tlmn Appleloii f-Iop.i-dfa (price, in cloth. Sko U)i. and 20 iMTui'iit liion Hum .loluison rxclotnttlla tnriif C.M iO ml cloth). For the general reader it is imdouiiledlv I he best Ktir rlnputlia eer jHibHsIied. vlmtever the prut. " Chambers Fjicxelopsedia. 17 ol. lbmo, small 1jh'. rloili.j-7 .iii: MKice liiiinis pT ol. ' American Additions. l:nget jm.4 ids.oeno Hirtli. "I : half Kusia.gill loi.x l'Mage , is cents per 1. 2 ols. issued : 1. s in pn. These volume will lie found well-nif:liliuUpeusalleli all owner of Cliamber. Apple- tons. Johnsons, and all other CyrlojKiiIias, exiTirt tin lame tM-eilit!oiior I lie IJbrao d Uuhencil Knowledge, from which it is compiled. Unlers with ensli n-eeiMil b Maieh 17. 181, were accented at the reduced pnwof . zz for the eloili, ., : for the Imlf i:aia, gill top, after which date the price will be inrrraseil t the rale of one-half cent e:ieh dav for the set In eloih. tliree-foiirths cent each daj for the mi in Imlf Knia, gilt top. Library of History. Milman'.s Cibbon's Koine. 3 vol., cIolh,.-2: iostage Sjtviit. Half Kasiii. gilt lop. ; lostage 32 cent.s M:uaulaj''.s England, SuK. eloth. -I 23; i Mist age 21 ri-Ht. Half KHsia. gilt top. 2ii;' postage 32 cents. KollhrsAncienlHistoo'.- id.in t. fturto. clolh. .-i 73; half Kaia. sprinkled edge-. $2 23 ; postage 42 cents. Creasy's Fifteen Ieeisie Battle of the World, cloth, in ceni ; jMistage r. cent. Half Ka- sia, gilt ton, 70 cents : iKtage7 cent. Froiss:irt'A Chronicles, imperial oi-taxe, ll.l illustrations, clolh. .-1 3: cloth, extra gilt, gilt eilges, $2 30; jwistage S3 cents. fireen'5 larger Hlstorj of the English People. 2 ols.. cloth. H : ins:ge p; i-viit. Half Itassia. gilt top. S2 ; postage 21 cent, (rote's Greece, I oR. cloth. 2; postage a2 cent. Half Kusia, gill tp, J; HKj:ie .vt cent. In press. Carljle'.s French Kc elation, eloth. 4ti cents; Nitge 7 eeiii. Half l.'ussia. gilt lop. M cents ; postage 12 cents. IN I'ltKr.VKATiox : Mommseu Borne ; Miismius and Cu'mit' France; Meuyel" Cer manj ; Schiller's Tliirty Years' Wr: Hitor of the United State, by an Kmmcut llis tonan. Acme Library of Fiction. Filiform ih ie ml stle : clolh biuilin;. I'artla, 33 ceuls. Postage 7 cent. Tom Brown at IJugby.soccnt. I'ostagefii-ent. George Eliot's Bulimia, si cent. Postage 7 itiiI. Don juivote, U) cents. Postage enls. living's Knickerbocker, iii cents. Postage i; cent. Cooper, I.ast of the Mohican. r cents. Pustagv t; will. Sharlotte Bronte Jane Kyre, .S cents. Postage 7 ii-nt. Ingley's Hj. jiatia. sr cent. Pitage 7 cents. In pre. Goethe's Wilhclm MelMer. 40 cents. Postage 7 cent. In pros. Madame de StnelV Corinne. "" cents. Postage 7 cent. In pros. Mrs. Mulock Craik'.s.Iohu Halifax Gentleman. "i" cent. Postage 7 cent. Sir Walter Scott's I vanhoe. 12mo. cloth. 3o cent. Potage S celt'.. Buln er'. Iist I)a s of Pomicii. 12mo, cloth. 3o cents. Postage s ceiils. PitKi'AKiNo : Dickens' David Copperiiehl, Thackera" Newcomo. Victor Hugo's Ias MLserables, Ia- Sage's Gil Bias. Jean Paul Bichter's Titan. George Maclionnld's Alee l'orle-. Charles Beades Iive me Uttle. The World's Great Poets. Shakesicare, 3 oL., cloth. l 30: (tostase 2S cents, xue principal piay in separate pampnieis, cents earn Aiuton.s I'ocitcai worus, ciot tosuigc 10 cents. Dante, translated b ("arj, cloth, no cents : postage cent. Half Buia, gill top, ) cents ; iKistage 8 cents. Nirgil, translated by Drj'den. cloth, to cents; iotage ' cent. Half Bitsiu. giit top.i'O cents ; -Krstage cents. Poje's Homer's Iliad, clolh, recent ; iostnge c, cent. Half Bttssin, gilt top, 00 ceuls ; iot- age 8 cents. Pope's Homer's Odscy, clolh, m cents :iostage ti cent. Half Baiu. gilt top. m cent; iwstage S cent. Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia, extra cloth, 23 cents ; iitage 4 ceiils. Mrs. Heman's Poetical Works, large octm. o, eloth. m cent ; lxwlage 13 cent. Half Bassia. gilt ton, JK) cents ; jKjstage 13 cents. M Fingal, an epic imhmii. by Tnimbull, cloth, .V cents; half Btissta. gilt toj. 73 cents. Postage 9 cents. Tasso's Jerusalem Delhered. cloth, 40 ceni : postage S cent. Half Biissin.gilt lop. so cents ; lK)Utgc 12 cent. Library of Biography. Bemiuiseences o Thomas Carlyle. Clolh, 30 cents : jistage fi ceuls. Half Bitsta. gilt top, CO cents; postage fl vent v Acme Biographj First Series. TwcHe standard hooks b gn'at author, hound in 1 vol., cloth. 50 cents; postage 9 vent. Half Bussia.gill lop. si ; K)tagel3 cents. Acme Biography Second Se-ies. lAes of Chaucer, Spciiser. Milton. Cowimt and Southey. FIvcbooKS in 1 ol.. cloth. 4o cents; iiostage s cent. Half Bassia, gilt top. sO cents; im;tiiff ! e'iil! Acme Biography "I bird Series. I Jes of Defoe. i!i i vol., cioin, so cents ; postage s cents, nan i,usia, gut ioi..vueenis ; joiage 12 cents PluUircirs Ues. 1 to'., cloth, 00 cents; iMtage 11 eetil-. Half Bttia. gilt top.! 20; post at:e 14 cents. 1 ixtssing's iumueiii Aiiieuaius, over iuuKiii Kin iop, si mi ; Mtsiage i ccms .eau nnuv. Preiuiring : Smile's Bnef Biographies, Oatlx Ie OHer Cromwell. and Frederick the Great. Religious Literature. Youngs Great Bible Concordance. 1 ol. iuarlo. PipulHr Edition, eloili, :2: iMste37 cents. Half Bussia, spnnkled etlges, S2 30 ; polage 37 cent. Scholar Edition, half Turkey, marble edges, t ; xistage 2 cent. Tlie New Testament The new erlou. Cloth. 3i cent; jKistage7 cents Half Basiu. gilt top. CO cents ; MitHge to cents, lull Turkej niorot'co. gilt edge, tl 3S ; Kstage 10 cents. Will be issued proinplI unou its publn-jitioii in England. Hie New Testanirtit King Jjiiio ersiou uuifonii in t!e with the aboe.at the ame prices. The New Testaiiitnt The two eiM011s. pHnied on tiages facing, for cuvenietue of eom- pansoti. Cloth 30 cents; postage lit cent. Half Bttssla, gilt lop. SI : Miage It cents. rullTurkex uiori. ullt edgo. St 30 : iMistasre 13 cents. (eikie's Life of Christ, cloth 5o vents ; jMstage 11 cents Smith's Bible L)iciiou:tr . cloth, 50 cents. 10 cents. Half Kitto'sCjclopediaof Biblical Literatiire, 2 ton. S3, i'o'.tai'p SC rents. Works of llaiius Josephits. 1 id. iiaito cloth t U. Half Biissim. sptiukled edxes.S'2 M l'oslage SS cents. LiteratureMiscellaneous. Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English I Jtenmire, s ols. in i.rIotli.S; iotager cents. Half Bussla. gilt ton. ft : iMistage so cents. Acme Ubrary of Modem Classics Hrst Srie. Vicar of Wakeiidd. BiLsselas. l'icciola. Paul and Ylnrinia. L'ndiue and Hie Two cents. Half BtLssla, gilt top. SO cents : iiostage ! cents. Macaulays Complete Essas and Poems. n IKistage'iu ceuts. Tlie Koran of Mohammed, translated b Sale. 1, gilt top. Co cents ; t,x)tage 8 cents. American Patriotism : Famous Oraliousaud Patriotiel-aiiers.fnmi Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, 50 cents ; postage S cents. Half BiLssia, gilt top,-l ; postage 12 cents. The Choice or Books, by Charles F. Bichanlsou. E.lra chiIli,2TciMils; postage -I iimts. Cheap paper edition, 5 cents iostige free. Sayings, by Author of Smrro-grass PajKir. Clolh. w ceiils ; xlage r. cent. The L'seful Dictionary of the English Iiuguage. p.v P. A. N'uttall. Contains nearly one half as much as Webster' Unabridged. Cloth, cents : half Buia. gilt top, Si 2T ; itost- age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand Lcvieou. Over 2"i.(J9 words and 2.V) Engra ing. Cloth, 17 cents: iNitage -t cents. In big's Sketch Book. Cloth, 35 cent ; jiostage C cent. Half Busia, gilt lop, TO cents; IKistage 9 cents. The Art or Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. Illustrated bv upward of Two Hundred llates and Eugrat ingv. By Frank J. Seolt. Cloth, extra, price reduced from -S to . Postage 23 cent. Juvenile Classics. Btun-an's Pilgrim' Progress. Illustrated. Cloth, 10 cents : iMistagt- cent. N'ew edition -Marcli 19. pie Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth, -10 cents. Postage S cent. Bohlnson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth. 40 cents. Pnst.nce 7 rents. J Baron Munchausen, and (Jttlltver's Travels 2 o ccnis. The Book of Fables. By msop and other. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Posttigc T cents. Ui'il's Books ofnturalIUstory.3,ols. in 1. Illiistratetl. Cloth, ?I. Postage 11 cent, stories and Ballad. U Ellen 1 racy Alden. Illustrated. Cloth, m cents. PiMageTeent. Revolution Pamphlets. S'nt free by mail on receipt of price. Literary Be olniion Curiosities, all In bre ier or larger type. Macaulay's Lite of Frederick the Great. Former prices ! 25. Price : cents. 1 anie . uie or l'obcrt Hums. Furuier l'rice i.igniot Asia. Thomes llugl Man Queen Vicar of Wal Bunan's l'dgnm's Progress, Price C cents. lty huwin Arnold, tonner price.! .10. Price scenLs. he's Manliness of Christ, Fonnernriee!. Price Scents. of Scott' I Jfe. By L-imartlnc. Fonner price -l 2Ti. Price seenl. "elield. BvOIher Goldsmith. lriee.-.eeiit icarof Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Trice .leeni. The Library Magazine or Amcncan and Foreign Tlionght. Like the old and excellent IittelV living Age ami laectnc. Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American thought added), at one-rourth their price, and even number a bound volume. Vols. 1. to A'lL, over 4.0W pages, in cloth, for $3 SO: in hall Bassia. gilt top,ror$4 80. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria. Oregon. I). C. IKELAXD. Manager. C. H. STOCKTON, j HOUSE, SXGtfC AND -CARRIAGE PAINTER - PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SPECIALTY-. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JWSnop next door to Astorian Office, In Shnster-s DtUldlDj:. ds. (K'lav.i. ilnlli. si-: ltlf UMssiM.KiH tssiiint : M'l.'.Hn nns.s. Ijiilitlnli rilitiiili (if CliiimliiTs' HuejiHi.iM'ilia. j iiiuiitiH'iI nailer .iHt-rii-:m editor, the uhole i cents. Half Bassia, gilt top. ?: lhlstHge IJ loth. Wcenls; postage 7 cents. Half Bassia. gilt lop, fO cents , Johnson, Goldmith.Scotl and 1 Imckeray, i I rails, cioin.s'i ; iiulage 12 ceiils. Halt Kiivia, 9 cents. Half Bttssia, gilt lop. ;l ; 0lagt Bhsm.1. sprinkled edge. 7.1 isnls; jMHtagi vols., illustrated, clolh, $2. Half Bhssiu. gilt 1 Camuins m l ol.. cloth -10 cents ; Ostage ols.. cloth. I .0 ; half l.'UssiH. gilt top, 2 70 . Cloth. 3) cents : iiosiage .".i-cnt. Hair Bus- In lol. illustrated. Cloth, uii-eiits: postage .l 2.1. Price "J cents. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carryins IT. S. mall. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFOrIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave Portland for the above ports from Flander's Dock Xo freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the day previous to departure. For Freight or Passage apply to Ed. C. HUGHES, Parser. G. H. BHYA2JT. 1 4SjaK3gfe, ifejl& P -iiT3:v -j jgfcd& . -StJRLAP xtfm . a.wa?v m CD O -K t t -5-sSJ; -,-: as; cs I. "" - - PaCIF 10 COAST AGEHTS "22 j. .MISCELLANEOUS. nwr nr tuc mnrcT ai:h nc-r oc.moic 1 wiiw vi nit- ut.wi.oi n,tu MUOI nLLUIUUl. , nEHEDIES IH THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It docs not dry up a cough, and leave the cau frchwd, as b the case with mwt preparauon., Imt teoKisi it, cleanses the lungs and allays irrkalKKt. the removing the causc-of complaint." DO NOT DK DECEIVED by attnles lar jig similar names. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, rhh the signature of " I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. 50 Cents ami S1.00 a l.ottle. Prepared by SETH V. TOW'LE & SON'S, Bo ca.Mass. Sold tydrussuts and dealers geaeraiu- Children Mothers HJxo nnd. PHysicians recomniond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CEXTATJR LITBUEKTS; (he "World's jjreat Pain-Kc-licving-remedies. They heal, soothe and enrc Burns, Wounds, Weak Sack and Ithemnatism upon 31an, and Spniins, Galls and Lameness tjiou I5easts. Cheaj). quielc and reliable. SPURTS o disKustiag Mucus, Snuffles, CracMi-as Pains in tlio Head, Poticl Breath, Ceafaoss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can Tjo o-tcrniinatcd "fayyciDo Meyer's Catarrh Cure, n Consti tutional Antidote, "by Ahsorp tion Tho zaost Important Dis covery sinco Vaccination. Piles lor Sale. Mr. A. B. McMillan 1 pii:ire,l to ruriiish Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOI'NT TO OICHEK. AND ON snoirr NOTICE. Ijtive ontrs at the siorv tf TreiH-hard & VjIsIlHr. AstoTKI. Oraddress. A. K. .MrMILUW. Olnej.Ori'giHi. j. 11. B. gkay7 WHotesale ami retail dealer 111. ALL KIXJ)S Or FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able lernis. Foot of l-titHittcet. torhl Oregon. CLEANH'TG- and REPAIRING N'EAT. CIIEVP VN!) tfllCK. P. ;f.ok(2B i.ovett. Cheiiamib M.. next NH-lnrfas liarlior Shop. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN I'or .sab ex WarelMMiseat Alona or Portland b i;.ljF01lt, ;iTIIKIE A- Co. &-tf Portland, Oregon. AVAlt IS DECLARI'd) WITIIOXJT FntTIIKIC XOTICK And no terms of peace until every man In Atoria has a new suit of clothe jtaii: i:y jikaxv. Look at the prices : rants to order Irom -Pants. Genuine French Cnydmere -Suits from ------ SS Co 12 50 15 00 Tlie finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEAN V, Main street, opposite Parker House, Astoria. AHf ! jpr yisSjrait , i t&F SEkVCl mmmm T,n Xfy ens. t-snr-r- w ro 1 ffl WBz W ' 'M -tar- s iA 133 fgymzsmu. s:- roR aOTJ csft -a m ci a --4 JP V- jr3,in,ei"e - Ste B3g8KjSS?QTOaJ63SI- p A?VrtrV: 'MG. 2f -) MILLS AT frH PHOTOS KJ!ST0NE, SCOT'D. "" ' -'S'S'-K- iGSAFTON.MASS. R. LEESOS MISCF.LLANEOUS. to Travelers. i m!!F. I NDKK.-siGXFl) now jircimivd to se'l joran tick FI.'tJM JWi . I r , a. . 1 1 "5 - a T" t AStODa tO ail POintS JO LUrQPe 5 I i.i Ovi-rtiHil K.olriMtls .mil Me.tiiislups of j I lie follow Higliit-eias hues rnM ew x erk: Will IE STAB LINE. NMItiNAl. LINE. ALLAN LINE. Kl.D STAK LINE. A.AIEBICAN LIM". a. T. i:a:;kf i )f C. llniKHMis c., Aliri.i. iigoii ' - , . ,, .-., . laciit iiine Mem. ChpjH-r Inillt. eojMT fa.teiK'd. double mat essel. Ih at Case" wharf. Beads lo i -eeie passenger, freight or e eiiriiHi )tartie to all lwrt of the CiliUHlia riser ami 1cii1i- t. Charge molerate. EsyForfiirtherimrth-iiiars iiniinreot John Boger. Cenlral .Market. Or of CAIT. VOOI. blaster ami owner. Shoaiwaier Bay Steam Navigation Company. The new steamer bi,-i 1 V C3 KOjrTII HI-:X!, John i:i:ow. IS SThB. Will leae Sotit'i Ilentl roiSSn3 Center. O.v.- tervxlle a:ul thehead aftlic Kay, CoiiiHVtiwg with N. Hciinis stage line and steaiiMT (Sen. Canb at IIwikii for Vtoria. ' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, f l'.Ls.eiwer.Iea ing Astoria on either of those 1 date:in go through to south Bend m one! da. I I or freisht and p.ssiige amly at IIH Companvs offfi-e at Smith Bend imth Bend. orl)H ( IP- lam on IttKinl -rvsB& nc .OVrMWvio The 'ilus.t suecesiul Jteinedy ever dienerd.as it is certain m its effects and doe not blister. Alo excellent for human 1 Hesh. Be.ul proof below. sFrom a Prominent Physician. WaliuigtotiMlle. Ohio. .lane 17. ISS0. IK. B..I. KtMiUXiXCo.. Gent Bead- int 011r advertisement 111 Turf. Field and Fariii.of IciMlaiishi!ii Cure. and haMUg .1 aliiaiieaiitisHHHi tiore wuieiiiiad been lame from spaun eighteen nmnths. I sent to oii tor .1 iMittle bj express, whicli m six week remowd all lameness ami enlarge ment and a large plmt from another horse, and iHrth lHres .ire to-d.i as sound a colts. The one liottle was worth to me one hundred dollars. Bt-siM. Tulh xours, III .Bi:i:TOLETT',M.D. KENDALL'S S P AVI N G U R E 5 , ,. ,,.,- ' H.irrisourg. Pa.. Nov 1, 13?0. I I:.B..I.KiM.i.r.Cv Co.. Gents- I have; .1 er hue ma.e thatha had a Imniv spa in . br a long time. I tried eer thing man' could devise to cure it but all m vain and , 'VV.ls about to give it tip Whell.l friend or 111 this city came to me and reeom- mi tided l'end.tll'sSiuvin Cure which I tried I with grand result, removing that bone clear . ami clean ami men 1 sen; scents to vou ior one of jour illustrated Horse Books and I think there is no better book printed on the horse and his diseases. I have taken great interest in it and have since sold ts copies, for xou tomv neighbors and w ill try and do what goihl l can i n nut" incm lorotliei'. ourlnili G W.MILLEK. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OS 11 UMAX F L i: 1 1 . 1 Bakerslield, f.. Dee., ir;, is;d. I. .1. Kfnhvi.1 t Co., Gents I wish tot add mv testimotrv 111 favor or our invaluable liniment. "Kendall's Spavin Cure." In the; spring or lt-J I slipped on the ice ami sprained mv right limb at tin- knee Joint. I was very fame and at times Mtlfered the j mot excruciating iam. I wore a bandage 011 it for over a ear. and tried most every-! thing in mv reach, but could Unit nothing that would Kive me itcrmuucitt relief. When 1 1 overworked, it wmild pain mexery much. In Anril 1ST C I L1U.I. 4llltll' I ll.ttlT.I l.rt r 1 wf -,iiii i" iiiiiirw & "! Kim ii-l a cripple for life, but having some of "Ken dall's Sjmv in Cure thought I would try It. I used one third o! a bottle, and experienced relief at once. The iun left me and hits not trouliled me since. I reel ver. grateful to mhi ami would recommend -KetidallSSpaviti cure to an wuosuner wini sprains nr men- inatLsm. V.Mirstndv. Mi:..l. Koiteli. Kendall's Spavin Cure j Is sure 111 its etfects. mild 111 its action as it I .1 1.1. ... .....1 ... : t .:.... I i ones 1101 uiisii-i, .inn jvi n o ji-iivii.iuii i and iMiwerful to reach an, deep seated pain I or to remove atij bony growth or any other eiilargemeiiT.il u.seu ior several oays, siicn as savins, splints. curl. calliHts, sprains, swellim?. anv lameiiessaud all enlargements of the joints or limb, or rheumatism in man and for an purHe Tor which a liniment is used tor man ornea. 11 is now hiiowu to ne ineiiesi linuiK-ni. ior man ever iLseu.aci- ing mild and xet c.-rtain in its elfects. It is used full strength with perfect afet at all seasons ot 1 lie ear. Send address for illustrated circular, which wc think gives positive proof or its virtues. o reined v- bus over met with sueh liiiouali- lled .success, to our knowledge, for beast as I well as man Price SI per bttle, or six bottles for S ALL DBUGGISTSdiave it or ran get it f ror 1 you. or it will be sent to ati addres on re- j ceint of nrice bv the nronrietors. 1)1':. B. .1. KENDALL & CO.. Eiiosbtirgh Falls, A'ermont. SOLD BY AIL DRUGGISTS. HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS AND EUITjI3 3SE.S JoMhii.s; and Repairing ON SH1PS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. CORNER CASS AND ASTOR STREETS, ASTOELY. - OREGON. ,sllgfl I ..r-TJK. S.A. TUANSPOllTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMl'AXY. OCK..V WIVISjlOIV. RftvAit snn Prnnricen Xr Portland. i In consequence of accident to the steaui- "'l' isiiin " 01 uaiituiuiu. nic iiiiiuniiigxucu- f -ailing das or ocean teamers has bet u.trnuiged. to-wit : ruoxi vouruvND FltOXI SAN FRAN. lia- Steamer Date. June 12 June 17. June 22 J um 27 Oregon : J ime 4 .Oreirou btateofCala June lo State of Cain -Columbia June 15 . -Columbia Oregon state of C'nla .Columbia Oregon June 20 Oregon Ji - Jlll 7 .I11K l. June 25.State of Cala J tine so Columbia lull o OreKon JhI 17 .state of Cala July lo...btate of Cala Jul) 22 .Columbia July Ij Columbia July 20 Oregon July 25...State of Cala July so Columbia Jiilv 27 Oregon Awe. 1 state of Cala Awe. '. ..Columbia! Due notice will he given of any further elmnge. Bislit 1 reseriedto change steamer or ; sailing da . TllltOl'CII TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the I mted States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbin, Willamet and Yamhill Riuers. FEBBUABV 1, 1,S1. , Lituel'i ort- for Mon Tu. We. Thu. Frl. I Sat. Dalles. Vt ia U'aHn. Umatilla and up riv er Botnt-i 5 AM AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM SAM PAM Asterta. Ka lama.Taeo wo. Seat tie BAM CAM SAM SAM 1 re rva. Neir west rastr Cat hlamet. nay lew. SWamoia- ua. IJreek- iihl IV est port. ("lilt on. Knap pa. Davton .. . Salem, and AM J6AM SAM SAM SAM AM AM I atcnointt. t am So. m 6 am Points 011 Snake Kirer (IKN'EKAI. effices: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. .!. McCBAKEX & Co.. Agents State of California, A. L. MAXWELL. Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co, IOIIN MUIB. General Freight ami Passenger agent. T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. liwaco Steam Navigation Go prZ. Until further notice the Hwaco vrtfer-rS. Steam Navigation Co'a steamer GEXEuAL OASBY, W1I ITC0MB M ASTEK Will leave Astoria on Moiiilu, Tuesdays, oail SutHrdayn, AtOA.MT, Iridnj at C l- A. M., aud 1 P. M. Fort Moeus, Fori Canby, and lluc Cennectim: with ..A. Loomia'stnirea for Ot- j torvillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat- Fare to Fort Stevens BOcla canuy anil nwaco. SI CB ,-nHaco rreight. by the ton, in lots or ow ton or over qq j)e"r t0IK mrFor 11ckoti. Towatro or Charter apply 0;thor at tho oflico of tho Company, Gray'i whnrF. font nf T..ntnn qfrnnt m-a tho nZJZll 1 on imnni j on board. J. II. D. GRAY. Agent. ' Oroornn N' Cnlifnrnia T? TJ Cr -g011 A- aiHOrniarv..rS. lO On .in alter Oct. 11, 1SS0, traina will run as fol low , DAlLV(E;copt Sundays), riSTSIDE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. rur. TR-HN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7::W A. M.IRoseburg 7:00 P. M KMoburg.5:00 A.M.lPortland 4rJTP M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. ii,."'i.'r. a. m. Pnrtifin.11n.ns a m - "- --' . ., W..HHU.4V.VVt.4M FREICHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland li:l" A. M.l Junction C:00 P. M Junction. 5:13 A. M.lPortland 525 F. M Tho Oregon and California Railroadi erry vMU:,i nivJainn ! 1JHU lc " luttixva ijujiiiuviiiuii tuiuaii .vuiii xiuiua vu westsiie nivistox. From Portland to Corvallis. uvir. trvi LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. ALICorrallia ..3:00 P. AI Corvallis S:: A. al.lPortland 3:20.' M CIoso connections aro made at ROSEBURQ with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stage Company. t BtTTicketsforsalo to all tho principal points in California andthoEa."t, at tho Company'! 1 utaco. -. p j crmi c- pnrinnri o orner r ana tront ofs., Portland, Ugn Storage will be chnrecd on freieht remain- ng atCompanys Warehouse over"l hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 3 o'clock P. M. onEastside Division, and l! o'clock P. M.on AVestside Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Gen'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen 1 i reight and Passenger Asent For Youngs River and Knappa. I The Steamer ! 3IAGXKT. j C. W. ILUILIN, - - MASTER ! "Will make regular trips to Youngs Rivet j every Friday and Knappa ei ery Tuesday. Tlie Magnet Is ready for charter to any pointonthebay. For freight or nassace annlv on board or at f. W. Case's. Astoria and Ji.uappton. Regular Mail and Passenger 'fafla-i Steamer ROSKTTA, W.WAVE.. .MASTER ea-WIll leave Knannton for Astoria anrl I return daily. CARRYING TIIE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter whicli enables her t carry wood or freight of any kind. ear For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rate3 apply on board, or at I. W. Caaa'a storo. Lawyers briefs printed in line style at Tne Astorian; ofllee. . r It