m i Km glxc gnUB sttnftau. ASTOKIA- OREGON: SATURDAY JUNE is, 1SS1 9.C.IRELIM) .felltor. The Islhmus Canal. A Panama dispatch of Thursday says canal mutters do not progress favorably. Stations have been abandoned, brigades have disband ed, many engineers have returned home and workmen 'discharged. In the meantime accounts from Paiis iepreent everything as booming, and that adds to the dis gust of people. The Panama Star and Herald of June (5th. says of De Lesseps ceurse: Frankly, we would like to see a little more accomplished on the -isthmus, and less blowing in Paris, about this business. Enthusiasm in Paris does not go a long way in is :.. ,j.,-o,.:.... -:.... i fW ...! !, l.m.1 ,K. I ennra-rcments common to new on-1 terprises on so vat a scale. Let De Lesseps and ins managers over the way pa' their engineers and other employes heie better sal aries, give them more ample pow ers, better oppoitunity and more encouragement to show the stuff they are made of, and we probably will Haven canal maacmeigJit years i at oriffinal estimates. The world' will be (mite satisfied with that ac complishment, and De Lesseps can j wen aitorci me exercises oi nrs nilts of r onhecv and ret down to 0 x a , . u .n.i ,... . ,.r ("..inn;.,,- i, ,;. J""11 "."" " '"""""- " ""3 - hnoCXD.-Juxiel5th.atth Gahat Kepub- inal pionnse. JD llcw fathom S3 rneshnql. cqlks branded t-, T ill'. U.f buoy marked .V. 11. 0-ier can re- I Li I acaup iimI ivnttinn nt line ' ' I I , , L .: ,i purcnasea ine i unniiia, ranrouu. That is about the end De TQCcc .,,. !. Twtl...... n..l I Maan) .mvi .cw..... """-, tnlmmo . The United States steamer Alliance sailed from .Norfolk on ..., - - . I tlie lOtll lor a lour tuonttis cruiSO , . -v' i o . I between Norway and hpitzberen ..i. .fii.i r .. hi hfJircu ui iiiir mc-;iiih:i .jc-awuuur. r- t . , .:n i., .... mum. juiigsucui, "in uc ai- ( pointed United States marshal of Georgia after .I11I3' 1st. He has not thought of the Mahone plan for dividing Georgia democrats, j but is willing to do ail thai i pos- sihle for the republican party. He does not consider the prospect ' brilliant. A South Carolina paper stales that a beautiful and touching KyM i.n-rr. y - . MASTER siglit occurred on a recenl Sunda' J , atthe State&buig Kpiscojial church. , TiieaWe .-el l noVttSm mK frelsht for While Governor Manning was, rmrwM ninrrT kneeling at the chancel, receiving LUiNUyn UlntUlt the sacrament f the Lords mii-. .. . J, , , Hamg tlie Bulk, td her earuo enusta "die per, a little bird lieu from the! wijiiuequckdi;jatli. loft and lit upon his buck and) Tor terms of Jrelght, etc., applj to quietly re main ed ther.i until the governor arose, when il returned to its perch. A Tombstone paper says that, recently a countryman walked into j one of the gambling houses there! and wanted to know if a man i could bet anvthitt!?. He was! promptly answered: "Bet allvoui please; bet anything you e got." The countryman walked out nnd 1 returned in a moment and placed ' upon the table a living Gila monster, whereupon there was a big rush, all hands being only too' glad to get away. The New York legislature has taken the tisk of an adverse Su preme-court decision by passing a law which imposes a head-tax of one dollar on every steerage pas senger from abroad. The tax is to be paid by the steamship compan ies, and the law provides that in cases of default to pay, the vessel io defaulting may be libelled. This tax is to meet the expenses of inspection and temporary sup port which the commissioners are often compelled to extend to des titute immigrants. New Yoikers have complained time and again that as all parts of the country were bidding for the immigration, they were more benefited by it than their state, and that, therefore, the nation should assume at least a por tion of the outlay. Its appeals to congress in this behalf met no response. Just look at the inflow from abroad to the port of New York, as stated by its local papers: Four steamers latrded 2,22C immi grants at Castle-garden on the .lst of May, making the total for the month 7C,G52, an increase of 21, 917 over May 1SS0, and an in crease of 12,S02 over the total ar rivals of the entire yearinlS77. The total since January 1st to May 31st is 1SL,?49, as against 235,330 in the same period last year. This tax will, of course, come from the immigrants; but, on the other hand, it will be dis bursed for their comfort and pro tection. No such law would be needed if congress were to do its dutv. The rrlUCTllle Konlc. Doubtle&H mucli of this btar route business merits all the indig nation heaped upon it, but the at tempt at smartness by the New York Times in its remarks upon the route between The Dalles and Prinevillc, the Mountaineer says, is unworthy of that pa per and would hardly hare been written had they been acquainted with the facts. The truth of the matter is, that Pnne ville is a rapid growing place of about six hundred people with a rich country around it. and that instead of one hundred and fifty people at that place and none between it and The Dalles, as the article mentioned has it, there are several thousand people who get their mail by that loute, and the number is increasing at a rate not eoual on the coast. The sum oi "siu.uuu ib not cnougn t Pa-V ,nrC t,,an fa,r Pr0fit on capital invested, as stock, coaches, hay and gram, and the laboi nceessarilv costs far more than in a thickly settled country. Fraujl may have been perpetrated by the star route sehemers, but in their anxiety to find frauds we be lieve the powers that be should . . n . collftills:OIls without J ".-. . . ". , A, some little investigation of the necessities of a new country. NEW TO-DA -. -z.- .. sca.ndixaViak pkg. co. LOST. Sunda evtulnfc. Juno 12, abreast ot Point Ellee 50 fathom 50 tnesh web IUi lead Hue Pj all new. balance .20 with lend Hn meshes old ai all tewarde nusncs old and 30 nfw. Fiuaer will be stut :ilil icwrardedxiv rroortlnrrto ,Am..v ia. x'n.u. u. Notice. a i.l persons ARE Vorbdden BUY i ni!r :i certain note xor t Me sum of fle hundred dollars, payable: toO A. McGulre or order In one jcar iroiA datof thesame.lt bearl-is date the nth JSy of April, lsso.and signed by P. E. FerclA'U. yIcl note was lo;t :,nd neer endorsed eyr d&w. C. -V- MCGUIKE. v CKXStS, X. I A 'iMTYqin D SUBGEON, Itooin Xo toriau Bulldlne. em'Asto ot llenton aud Court ' For London Direct. '!" ai lion lijiqu Scottish .Bard, SIHSO.V. i'lIl'KCII Jk CoM Cor. Trout and Ash StreeLs, rortlaud, Oregon. LATEST ! TELEGEAPfflG NEWS ! ! , THE WAR IS OVER! -Al THK- 1 ClicapBRpyis the Victor! -OVKR'AI.I.- SAN FRANCISCO BREWERIES! And Ui& Telegraphic NeM will tell the peo ple ofJasKiriri and wcinlt thatthey can find afHeltlifiif and Delicious Beverag at H - I rilK OCCIDENT IIOTEI j 'HK GEM SALOON. f THE OLD CORNER, ATAUO. DANIELSONd, THE MINT SALOON. 'orrpNE bielohV - OMIVINCESTS. " ISAO'FOSTER'S. " Dr. J. O'BRIENS, RAXN 1STER & HAM I FEN'S. - PETER REISS. " X. JOIIANSEN'S. " FRANK BENTILA'S. MR. DICKEY'S, in Astoria, At Caihlaniet, ATH.D.IURNIE'.S. At Oyster Me. AT I. S. JONES', " I. A. RODWAY'S. At llwacu, A'l W. II. HAYDES'S. J. STRAUSS, - Agent, -roR-Oregon and Washington Territory. Auyoider-s left at the OeddentHotel, orat Isaac Foster', Trtll "be promptly attended to. lii Ji . a a F-Cobe ri.Ogj MISCELLANEOUS. IMPflRMfi- ASNOUNGBMBNT HOUSE To make room for an immense stock of skK that arc nrriwiif by eer Mmiihit. I will vll for tiif NEXT THIRTY DAYS -AT Greatly Reduced Prices ! My entire Monk, comprism; lh IhIcI M les Of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladles and Childrens Shoes and Slippers ALSO: i cempuhi: link or MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats. Carps, Boots, Shoes, KTC. KTC. KTC. Before purchasing jour gooiU elsewhere call hi and examine ih j;ood and pi ices, as It will payjou ell fur our trouble. S. SOIILTTSSEL, "WHITE HOrSK STOltK, Comer Main and I'henamu'. streets ASTORIA, OREGON. BANKING AND INSURANCE. r. w. CASE. BROKER, BANKER t- INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OKKC10N UKFICK IIOIMLS: FROM.S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL -I O'CLOCK P.M. lie Mutual InsnrancB Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOITOHTOV.... CHAS. IL Stouv..... GKO. I STOKV M-....PreMil,rit ..-SfCrfrMry Capital paid uti rn l'. S. uold com $ .TOO ftVJ i0 I. V. CASli. Afient, Cltennrmts street, Astoria. Oroon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FLEE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S07,O00,0OO. A. VAN DUSEX. Accnt. Commercial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital. - - 512.500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOIIX KAK HAMILTON, Manager. 2to Sansome St., San Francisco. G. V. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MAKIXi: 11KAXCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. OF I.ONDOX. Capital, - - $12,500,000. Tlie iimlersiyncit are prt-jwrinl l ISSL'K I'OLICIKS To cocr shipments of SALMON' or other MerchandUe by SAIL or STEAM EU from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OK FOItEIGX 1'OltTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE promptly at tended to HIBHONT, IIL'ItCII A Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Squeiuoqho streets, ASTORIA, --- OREGON nn.i.Fr: in WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND TJ20)ERTAKERS GOODS. CALIFOKNIA STOKE, (POST OFFICE CORNER.) Look out for the Red Mag AT TILE CHKAl-EVi' ONE PEICE STOKE! LN ASTOKIA. I WILL DO IT BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD ! Owing to the failure in the salmon season I have deter mined to close out my Immense Sioclk of Clothing At Cost Price for the next Thirtv Davs. 4 " Never Before in the History of Astoria Was Clothing to be found in such profusion of Variety, Elegance and Style, with Durability combined at PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF Fishermen and Mechanics now is our opportunity to purchase CrLOTE TNG. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Untlonvear At prices that will astonish, not only 011, but your friends, whom you will please bring with you. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! a si'ri: savinc or :to cents o a holla i:. EVEKY THING MAKKED DOWN. Dress Goods, Flannels. (Mollis, Dolmans, Wraps, Sacques, Dress Trimmings, and all classes of Dry Goods. A COST PRIGS l'UHl) OA BIER! AUTICLK. Ladies desirous of saving monc) , will do well to exam ine the stock in my Fancy Goods department as 1 am now offering these goods at a Sweeping Reduction. Don't be Misled, but Look on I for (.be RED FLAG AT THE CALIFORNIA STOKE. POST OFFICE CORNER. N. K.-.TUK CHKAPEST ANO MOST ISKLIAItLII OXK 1MIICK IIUUSK IX ASTOKTA. EiTre: jonNTisir, .wnmiA. oi:eoon. BRICK LAYER 1'iaiN AM) OirXAMKXTAI IEXj -A.S 3C E! 3EL3E3 DEL .,,,, ,.,, .r!,t,;ENGINE, CANNERY, WnifluHist. fMt of lk'Ulon Slre-t. promptly AN 5, - (STEAMBOAT WORK T IMi:, SAXI). UKICK, I'lVSTLK. LATH, -J Cernont. ami all material in rn line. Mnfiicclnl altention imhl to ruroace work ami Kanses. Cistern work warranted good ! funutheri loonier. J tTAsent San .Inan and Xew Tacorun Lime. First Class Saloon. j CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT,! On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail- win and Xa igat ion Co's . harf. ; The choicest brands of foreign and domestic ; 1VIXES. IiKlUOHS AXI CH'AILS e'B'Best Chleaco llepr.-n PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. It. CROW, - - PROPRIETOR OpNsie Ppiscopal Clinnli,SniemM'(iheSt.. Is now prepared to TAXE PHOTOGRAPHS of all kimNamVin the latest Mjles. Cop ing and Enlarging Pictures in Oil Cnij 011. India Ink and Water Colors. All kinds aud sizes ofTiu Types WILLIAM ED GAE, Comer .Main and Chenamu? Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DF.At.rK IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Enzluh Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc, A line stock of "WatehcH and Jewelrx. "Uur.r.le aud Itreecli lieatllus Shot (inns and ItKIeH, KevelverM. IMstols. and AHimnnltloH .HAKIXK r,AHSES. ALSO A FIXK Assortment of line SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. 'g W, - ARXDT & PERCH EN. as-iokia. - oi:i.i:o. jTlie Only 3hiHiino Shop 1 -"lM && lULACKSMITll $ ft '. 'SHOP J . In the t'it ; ah .i.n ..i I'roinptlj attemleil to. A MH-nalr maile or repairm -k-r-T-M-T---T . CANNRRY CANNERY DIES, ilACIUN'KSIIOI-. XEAR KINNEY'S AS T01MA FLSHERV. THE DEW DROP INH ! Oh. ftshentien. all hear the good news A fine saloon is started with best of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AXD FINE FREE LUNCH I'N'Gl AKDED. The raiiiIeHt Caviar and Cheese, IN SAXDWICH THICK AXD THIN And will j on Mud a ploaMint hour, drop in at the DEV DROP I V 011 Coneomh street. .LT.P.OECHERS. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. AVill len' 1 he Occident Hott-1 ami lv& Allen's iMiriH'r at Six O'clock A. M., Daily, Ami each alternate hour thereafter. Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. Saturday nights will run latir to accommo date the public. lliealtoxehill Ik IhestatioiLs forstartiner. . but this hue ha Iteen t-stablLshed for the , accommodHtion of theiniltlie.and will carry IHisseiicrs. wisjsiss- or ireigm.io an iart of either city that is accessible to teat). FARES. Tickets will be sold at the rate of 1254 cents iht trij. I5aKfjne aud parcels at same rates L. ('.. P.L'TLER. Manaer. .Vstoria.MayST, lt. Take Notice. John Rogers, Gentral Market, j Hasrecenedalnrgcimolceor BAltKELS AND iTALF IJAKREL5 of the best quality. And Uuow ready to snpply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. fe5fej(5' i? " S$S . Z ir" 09K Cv-y , "MONTHS FOR THE WEEKLY ASTORIA ! . .tsToJCS.t. WE WILL EXD THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN TO ANY ADD11KSS IN THK UNITED STATES, PMag imm! l 11-. For tlie Balance of tlie Current Year, Al Uh'.iImju nilr- ( sh 111 ,til .tntv I)ONT DKLAV APf KlTANCK I THI H'FER. ny rT-TE A ST O E.I AN. 1OAII.Y AM) T S RKSPECTKD AND COMMENDED Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE FOR TILE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, DAIT.Y AKTOUIAX TKKMS: BY .HAIL. (i'0-"rh KrtFr. ro .r.r. HLr'initKiH. DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR SH 00 DAILY'. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS S 00 CSSainplc copies or i-llhor cdituHi to ents AMri- 1 O. IKEIiAXO. I'ubh-hpr, Astoria. Oregon ctrlYKtmnMers are atrtliorfed to act a- aROHtf forTriK AhTonrAX. TBTE ASTORIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST A&D J1EST PRESSES, ANT T YPE OF TILE LA TEST STYLES. - V pHtelia-K Paper, i'.ml$. Ink, ami other materials of the inannfaeturers Ami em therefore nttonl to use, as we aluaj-, lo. tlie beM article, while charging only ovs:o33Em.aL.,T,3E3 :Emxo:E3s. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Biil Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THK WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT RUT GIVi: SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY 1 hi PI.RIOR IO MOST. AND Is EKrELI.FD P. NONE ON THIS COA31 JOHN HAHjN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHEMAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. iMTOnlers left at the GERMAXIA BEER HALL will bt- promptly attended to.- TRBiRD & DTSBEis. CxLaser & co., DEALERS IN Is prepared to suppl SHIP HJWDhERrFieseef Pork' Hulton Vea1' Cornell "llcats, Poulirj. Game, Kte. PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders General HARDWARE, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AtSEXCY OK THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREOON C. I.FIXKNWRBKK. IIIKAJl BOTf. KrABLtsirfii tyr.. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMES AND CtMEBS, .ALinufacturers and Iiniortersol 1 LI. KINDS OF AXD FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES B-IHgliest casli price paid fori Rides and Tallow. SI 25 WKKKIA) BY ALL FOR ITS Fairness and Reliability. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. E?2-T 1 (Successors to I Sherman & Co.) MAIN STREEr. - ASTORIA. OREGON Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SI'PPLIEP AT LOWEST RATES. ESTr-esti saitsagesof all kinds made three times .1 week or to order. CENTRAL MARICET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand, such as Canned Emits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, i:ggs. butter, cheese. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, riSII. POULTRY AIYI GADIE In the season. CIGARS AXD TOBACCO. Best or AVEVES AXD LIQUORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposlto I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. D. K. Warres. T. W. E.A.T05 Astoria Market ! ' OPPOSITE OCCIDENT JIOTE1 , I ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. , AVAltREV &. KTOX, Proprietor. . (Succesori to Warren J: XcGuire Wholesftlo and Retail Dealers in I Fresh and Cured Meats 1 A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FKED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. eJr Butter, Ejcgs. Cheese, etc. constantly nn hand. ad- Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon JiEItGMAX C BBBJRX pESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN- ltd tion of the imbliu to the fact that tk. abo.o Market will always ba supplied with, a I TMTTT 1 1 -rTTrTWr TTsr.n ATT i T-rm-.. ' u - - "". "Ml liUAlATX FRESH AND CURED MEATS! YhIchwill be sold at lowest rates, wholasala and retail. Special attention given to suppli ng sbius. f .? --. r-Jr-ipabA. i&b.jftMiL. j - - L SflScli :"- ,tt,ni-tjJ&S&k3A2iBm.i . . .' i1 1 nil m- Tra Jjjgjt-3tta yUaaJJJrfii; Wt -4Wft-J