rz i gftc -gnUs gisttfxterx. ASTORIA- OREGON : FRIDAY JUSE 17, 1S81 B.C. IRELAND. IMItor. Heavy Claslinir. On Tuesday afternoon 40,000; cubic yards of rock, on the line of the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company, between The Dalles and Cascades, were removed at a single blast. The Orea-onian savs: A little after noon the great blast in the Promotory at the up per end of Shell rock, twelve miles above the Cascades, was fired. A part' including Chief engineer TMcUun, Capt. Geoige Ainsworth, Col. Gillespie and several others, among whom were a number of ladies, left Portland in the morning to witness it. Everything had been got in readi ness, and when the steamers Mountain Queen and R. R. Thomp son, one of which carried the visiting party while the other was making the regular trip to The Hnllds irrivorl nonr nni lilftw the whistle, the mine was exploded.! Chambers had been run into the cliff from nearly opposite sides, I and charged with 1-4,000 pounds of powder. The cliff was of bal salt, projecting into the river, above which it stood at the height of about 100 feet. The extent of its base was about 200 feet, and the lateral depth of rock which it was desired to move was seventy-five to eighty feet. The wind was setting strongly up stream, and as the spectators were some distance below the promon tory, the shook of the explosion was to them scarcely perceptible. But the sight was a splendid one. There was a great flame, a great rolling smoke, and the prodigious mass of material was seen to rise and shoot out into the river, some of it being thrown perhaps half way across. Hie boats steamed up, and it as evident at once that the shot had been entirely success ful. Messrs. Thielsen and Hallett found the result in the highest de gree satisfactory. About -10,000 cubic yards of rock had been blown off into the river, and the work of constructing the railroad at that point made comparatively easy. Rapid progress is now be ing made, all along the line, and there is every reason to expect that by September the mils will be laid from the Cascades to The Dalles. The election of a henator in New Hampshire has been deferred. Commissioner it.urin mivs that he expects a breaking out of moon shiners all over the country where illicit whisky is made. The manu facturers of that .article keep quiet, he says, while congress is in ses sion, but get to work :is soon as that body adjourns. They have been having a terri ble time with the small pox in Honolulu. The number of persons quarantined was between two and three thousand. The . disease raged live months, and during that time the cases in hospital averaged about a hundred Mini thirl v. 5mrl , , , -' I the deaths about iwcntv a week. I m, - Ine expenses run un to over a hundred thousand dollars, having averaged almost. a thousand dollars a day. In the city sKly-six places were quarantined, and ninety -eight special policemen v-ri!w em ployed to watch iheni. Besides these, there were the general hos pital and quarantine giottml at tendants, making a vry big com pany, and an enormous expense for a city of only 10,000 inhabi tants. The condition of affairs, the worry of mind, prostration of business, etc., can scarcely be imagined. The Pilgrim Templars from New England recently met a knightly reception at the National Capital; Washington, Columbia and Potomac commandcrics unit itng with De Molay commandery in honoring the visitors. Yc are informed that the reception at the Masonic Temple "was one of the most brilliant gatherings that has ever been given a asninarton. This may be accounted for by casting the eye over the list of persons present, among whom, so far as our acquaintance extends, a feeling of welcome, even to the most distant stranger, would be irrepressible. The Republican says: "The inspiring music of Donchs orchotra kept the dancing' up to a late hour, and when the party separated the remark of one fair Bay State girl, said as she wrapped tiround her curly hair the fleecy thing which answered for a . hoed: 'I have danced every set and ever' round dance, and I never had so good a time in ray life,' was fully indorsed by all." Get your legal blanks at Tub Astoeian office. A full line of over twoJutndred styles. Thcro h u crematory in South Boston in the form of a lime kiln. Tramps crawl into it because it is warm, go comfortably to sleep, are overcome by gas, and finally are burned to a crisp when the fire is freshened in tho morning. Six teen lives have been thus lost within a few years. In a little while other New England towns and cities which suffer from the tramp nuisance may see the ad vantage of constructing similar traps. It must be admitted that the South Boston trap has proved a success. NEW TO-DAY. LATEST W1 ! TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ! I THE WAR IS OVER ! AND TUE Client Brewery is the Victor ! OVER U.I. SAN FRANCISCO BREWERIES! And thN Telegraphic New will tell tke peo ple of Astoria and icinity thfct they can find a Healthful and Delicious Be erase at THE OCCIDENT HOTKU THE GEM SALOON. THE OLD COltNEK. AT AUG. DANIELSONS. - THE AUNT SALOON, - ANTONE BIELOH'S. O. II. WINCENTV. " ISAAC FOSTER'S. " Dr. J. O'BRIEN'S. " BANNISTER & II AMI FEN'S. " PETER REISS'. " N. .1 HANSEN'S, FRANK BENTILA'S. - XI It. DICKEY'S. ia Astoiia. At Catiiljmiut, AT H.D.niUNIE'S. At OyMrrvllle. AT I. S. JONES', " I). A. KODWAY'S. At llr.aeu, AT W. B. HAY DEN'S. J. STRAUSS, - Agent, - FOR Oregon and Washington Territory. Aii uider, left at the Decide Hotel, or at Isaac Hoster's, will be piouiplly attended to. Final Settlement. XTOTK'E IS IU:I:E!Ul1RIYEX TlfcVf the J- final Maleuejtprhe executor pf the estate ofyiFerrdl. d eft&ed, has bfcen tiled, and -Satdrdaj jflnVicOi day of Julf. issi, at io a.m. nas been set u me count T-aourt or Clalsonvumit. tor the heating thereof :f.o. Fi.AVKL. Executor .hmaic. ifcsi. 41-d't-fn. Street Improvement Notice. ITICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Coimuuu Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop county. Slate of Oregon, dijf on the 14th daj of June. 1SS1. adopt a resomiion de- wist side of West-Sixth to the MiL-st.sIde of said Water .stieet. by removing f llj defective piles, stnuxers. caps, or other iljubers, and substituting therefor new an sound piles, sttmgers.capt.or other timbers' similar to those used in the construction of die original roadway or street, and by the removal of all defectlx e plank ou said ortiou of said street and by the substituting therefor of new and sound plank of not less than 3 inches In thickness. All of .said Improvements and re pairs to be made at the expense of the ad jacent nronertv : and notice Is lierebv triveii that unless a remonstrance signed "by the owners 01 iwouurosoi me propenvironiing ou said portion of said .street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk within ten dajsfroin the final publication of this notice the Com mon Council will order said improvement and repairs to be made. lt order of the Common Council. It. 11. CAKDWELL. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, June IT. ISsi. Street Improvement Notice. "VTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 1. Common Council of the City pi Astoria. Clatsop county. State of Oregon. Hid on the 14th day of June, 1S81, adopt a resolution de claring the intention of the Coinmoh Council of the City of Astoria, to iinprorf :md repair ueinoriu:i .sircei. in jiciiurry Astona, from the west side of Cassstretf in said city to the east line of said Sqcmocghi street, by removing an ueiectirepuas.siriiigers, caps, or other timbers, and .substitntlpg therefor new and sound piles, st ringers, cips, or other uniucrs similar loiuose useu nunc consiruc- i by the removal of all defective plank on said portion of said street, and by the substitu ting tnereiorot new ana sound plank of not less than a inches in thickness. All of aald renait-s and improvements to be made at the expense of the adjacent property ; and no tice is hereby given tliat unless a remon strance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion cf said street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days from the lliul publica tion of this notice, the Common Council will oruer sain improv emenis and repairs to be made K. It. UAKUWELL, Aurtitoranrt Clerk. Astoria, .luue 17, 1881. EXCURSION j To Kimpivi ana Beturn. The new st earner I jb Clara Parker. &M&L Will leave risheft: Dop at 7 .30 o'clock, Friday Evening, June 17th, von KNivrrA. Kctumiiig (irly3turday morning. The evening vvjll bo enlivened by a grand ball at KnappsUiall. Tickets for the round trip Si 00. Tickets may bo had at the Walla Walla Restaurant and other business places In the city. iUSCELLAXEOUB. IMPORTANT IMOlilBffiTi orTiin HOUSE To make room forau Immense stock of good"; that are arriving bj etrry steamer. I will sell for the NEXT THIRTY DATS -AT- Greatly Reduced Prices ! My entire took, coinprKiug the httet styles Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladles and Childrens Shoes and Slippers ALSO: COMPLETE LINE OF MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps. Boots, Shoes, KTC. ETC. KTC. Before purchasing your goods elsewhere call in and examine my goods and prices, as it will pay you well for your trouble. S. SCHLUSSEL, "WHITE HOUSE STORE, Corner Main and Chenainus. streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. BAHKIHC AHDJHSURANCE. X. W. CASE, BROKER, BAHKER -AND- INSURAHGE AGEHT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IlOl'KS: FKOAI8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL i O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mntnal Insurance Co, OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOUaHTOX CtlAS. It. STOUV.... Geo. lfc Stohv..... President Seerntary .igent for 0--!ou Capital paid up in l. S. gold coin . . .$ 300 000 00 I. IV. CASK. Agent. Chenaums street, Astoria. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of $07,000,000. A. VAN IIUSEN. Agent. Commercial Union Assnrance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, - - $12,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN KAE HAMILTON, Manager. 210 Sansoiue St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MAUINE'r.KANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. OF LONDON. Capital, - - $12,500,000. The undersigned an prciwred to ISSI'K POLICIES To cover shipments of SALMON or other -uercnanmsc by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FORE1CN TORTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE prompt v at tended to SIBSON. ciiritcxi &. Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets 1'ortlnnd, Oregon B. B. ERANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Squcmoqho streets, ASTORIA, - - OREOOX DKALKU IX WALL PAPER AXD TeTNDOW SHADES AXD UNDERTAKERS GOODS. zj"H""""Vv"HH"""'? CALIFORNIA STORE,!? (POST OFFICE CORNER.) Look out for AT THE CHEAPEST ONE PRICE ST0 IN ASTORIA. 1 WILL DO IT BECAUSE 1 SAM) I WOULD ! Owincr to the failure in the salmon season I have deter mined to close out my Immense SteGfe: of Gl&iX&ing At Cost Price for the next Thirty 1 )ays. Never Before in the History of Astoria Was Clothing to be found in such profusion of Variety, Elejjance and Style, with Durability combined at PRICES NEVER BEFORE HIURDOF Fishermen and Mechanics now is ytuir opportunity purchase OLOTHIXG, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos and Underwear At prices that will astonish, not only you, but your friends, whom you will please bring with you. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! A SURE SAVlNC OF :: CENTS ON A IMU.LAR. EVERY THING MARKED DOWN. Dress Goods, Flannels. Cloths, Dolmans, Wraps, Sacques, Dress Trimming's, and all classes of Dry Goods. A COST PRICE PLACED 0i El'Eltt ARTICLE. Ladies desirous of saving money, will do well to exam ine the stock in my Fancy Goods department as 1 am now offering these goods at a Sweeping Reduction. Don't be Misled, but Look out for the RED FLAG 2T THE CALIFORNIA STORE, POST OFFICE CORNER. N. . THE CHEAPEST AND nOUSE IX ASTORIA. PETER &XFJXETX: ASTOUFA, OIM.CON. BRICK LAYER! l'LXIX AN'I) OltXAMKNTAl. X XJJ&.SI T DES -JEL E3 DEL Oitlers left at the Occident Hotel, or at joy Warehouse. fiKit or Bf-nton Stre.-t.proiniitly attended l. t i.mi s.vxn. nniCK, nsTEi:. i-vtii, J tVinent. and all iiinleritds in m line, ea-SiKH-lal'attenliou paid to Kuniaee work Hiu nat. . ., ... w.r ,. ......... v.. nv.. itr no itav eSAuent S.ui J nan and XewTaeonui linn1 First Class Saloon, . CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, j On the Kiadway,oimsite the Oieou Kail- waj and XaIs:itiont"u'sIiarf. wisek. i.iiuf iks axd cu.Aus. ffA-IIest Chieao Kfer.-Sa PHOTO AND FERROTYPE a. n. enow, - - - proprietor Ojijuite E)icoil Chnreh, StieinncilH St.. Is now prepared to TAKE PHOTOaEAPIIS ( f all kiiuUanil in the latest -tjle-. j Copy-inland Enlnrsinsl'ictnnsinOilCray- on, India lUKanu w aicr . oiors. All kinds and Me of Tin Tyjns WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Street, ASTORIA OREOOX. DUUC IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH01M and other EntlL-h Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc, A fine stock of "Vatehen and Jewelry, lnzzle and Breecli Iieadius Shot GmiH and HI ties, Jlevolvcrs, PIstolM, aud Ammnnitiou MARIXE GTi.VySES. AIO A FIXK Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. kC&9L the Red Ha to MOST RELTAliLE ONE PRICE JAIINDT & j ASTOKIA. PEROHEN, OUEGON. I, The Only .Ifacliinf SJiop A,,aUM',, r-- lriy ,. JEUGINE, CAHNEEY, STEAMBOAT WORSi l'ronitly atteiuled t. ' A si', ,a,l "M, ut reiwuinsj , , XTXTOTXf 'V W UAilWnS IJLiLS, 'JIACIIIXKSIIOP. XKiK KIXXKVS AS TORIA KISIIEKY. THE DEW DROP IHH ! Oh, HhernHMi. all hear the xiuid tvew-. ! A fine siIKn T-, started with bet of j Liquors, Wi lies and Beer, j AXD FIX!. KICEE Lt'NTlI TXCl ARDED. The raii!e.it Caviar anil Iicohc, i IX SANDWICH THICK AXD TIIIX And will yHSHMol ntfeiwuit hour, drop in nt the DEW DROP IXX t Coneomly street. .I.T. IJORCIIERS. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will lean tHvOeeident Hotel and I:iee& Allen' euroer nt Six O'clock A. EL, Daily, Awl eeh alternate Inmr thereafter. Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Rdad, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. Satnnlay iiieht nil! run later to aeeoinuio-, date the HiMk. j The alMie will Ik Ihe-tatloiw forstartinjr, lint this line has leen estahlWied for the accommodation of the iHihlic.and will carrj- iiw-ii-i-i. iiccni- ur iri'im. tu ;iuy uri of either city tiiHt K accvMhleto team?, FVRES. Ticket wilt le sold at the nite of l'Jiji ppnts ,r trtn TIiim:i" nml iiinl j at same rate. i. u. uL li.r.ii.iauager. Astoria, "May 27. ISM. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has rccehed a large Invoice of 3JAJIRELS AND ILVLP BARRELS of the best quality. And is now readv to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. illLACKSMlTII Sjf&&jmi-. J ii i ... ..r uy i r ! i e- MONTHS FOR THE WEEKLY C"2 ! uCrv QJ) . V3 AL a. &i 7"J C Cb WE WILL NEXT) THE WEEKLY ASTORIA N TO ANY ADDRESS IX THE UNITED STATES. INrttage paid ly n. For the Balance of the Current Year, At the alo e rati Ca-h in advance. DON'T DELAY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS OFFER. rP CHE ASTOEIAK (DAILV AND WKEKI.Y) T.S UKSPKCTKD AND COMMENDED r.Y ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPKIi FOR THE COMMERCIAL ilAN, FOR THE FARMER. FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR TIIK.MERCELVXT, FOR EVERY PERSON. IAII.Y ASTOlSfAX TKKMS: 15 Y IAir (I'OlTACK KKKK TO AM. SI IWUUSKKS.i DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR S9 00 DAILY, ONE COPY FOUR 3IONTDS 3 (W "Sainiile wiH; tif either e,!itn to eent-. AIilres: 1). C. 1RELAXD, I'uhlbher. Astoria. Oregon . e9ritintLstvrs are autliorwil to act as aKents for Tub Astokiax. THE ASTORLAJNT STEAM PRINTIISTGI- HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, AN J TYPE OF THE EAT EST STYLES. eo We lmrehiise P.ikt, CartL, Ink, ami other iiHiterials of the manufacturers Ami can therefore afford to use, as vc always do. the best articles, while charging Cards. Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT RUT GIYE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY a trLW r-zX' V --Xr'.l'-Ji ! i IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AXD LS EXCELLED RY NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. SEOrders left at Hie GERMANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended tore nmmm & ifpsiimtj8- glaser & co., DEALERS IX SHIP eHANBLERlf PROVISIONS, IIW.K STEEL. ( ( J i'I IJ3 Builders General HARDWARE, -Kr.xxjS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AIIEXCY (U-'TIIK imperial Mills r-lour and heed. Chenamus Street, Wear 01ney,: .stoi:i v oi:e(;on ' C. I.KI.VKNU'KKKi:. hii:am r.n own-. KSTABMbUI-ED I. Leinenweber & Co.. ASTORIA, OREGON,- IPAUOTIK! ATJTI PnDDTPDQ I n II II I'll 111 Mill till II I! 1 I'll 111 AXU.1X1JJ11U JJ.XMJ UUJ.IXLJ.XIXIU,, .Manufacturers and Importer 1 A I.I. KINDS OF AXD FTNDIN'GS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AXD TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES fisrnighest casli.pnce paid for Hides and Tallow. PH5i?i? J I du Mi Successors to F. Sherman & Co.) MA1X STREET, - ASTORIA, OREOOX Is irepared to supply Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Corned Meats, Poultry, Game, Etc. Also constantly ou hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. JSJFresh sausages of all kinds made three times a week or to order. ! CENTRAL MARKET. i I Oeneml assortment of table stock eoiutantly j on liuiid, lueh as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, IMGS-BKrrrai- CUFFT jFresh Fruits and Vegetables, FLSH. POULTBY AIO GAIF, In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best or tTDTES A?il TJQUOHS. AH cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. AV. Ctise's store. . I U. iWilU.l). D. K. Waeeet. T. "W. E vTo.t Astoria Market ! orrosiTK OrcIDEXT HOTE1 , .ASTORIA. --- - OREGOX. WAKRE.Y &. IATOX, ProprIetor. (Successors to Warren & McGuirt Wholesalo and Rotail Dealers in , Fresh and Cured. Meats 3 ' A full lino nf I'AIII.Y GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEQE- . tables, etc. e3 Butter. Etrcs. Chocao. etc. eondfiwH on band, ea" Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. Washington Market, ' Mairi $lreet " ' Astoria Oregon BKRGMAX i& BEBJtY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that the aboro Market will always be suppliod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale, and retail. Special attention given to subdIi- m ShlDi. iS- H