t6Kfir !" .r.-r.jr -. - -irrtv "-J---'Ts,rrfil ' ? tTgpH-"pr7'ir. '5stP - --t-s- i!fT?;"?T,!?' a-u CM -I - ,. -I Ste gailg &s0mx, ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY...- JUNE 10. 188J COMMERGEJHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Arco, gr bk PC tons, Gatzc, Qnecnstewn June II SAILED. Orecon ss. 2333 tons. PoWman. S F June 12 Rival, bk. 299 tons. Adams.' S. I June 11 Shubrick. U S Lieht-fcouse str. Evereoa. Rock and cruise. June 10 Ajroes Oswald, brsb. 13S0 tons. McGlbbon.Queens- town June 7 Kate and Anna, steam sob. 23 tons. Lutjem. Grays Harbor. June 7 Orient, brie 212 tons. Williams. San Pedro June S Lizzie Bell.br bit 1036 tons. Monjuard. Lirerpool. June b North Bend bkt 37b tons Jtormnan. S 1 June fi California, str. 671 tonK. Carroll. Sitka June 2 Ellerbank, br bk. 11W tons. Parker. Liverpool. June 1 ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Scottish Admiral. Br bk, 850 tons, Kerr. Newcastle KS W June 15 Geo"vY Elaor. str. S F June 14 Willamette, ss. 2f20 tens. X Y June 12 State of California, ss. 22W tons. Debnej. S F June 12 Mary L Russ. sell. San Pedre. June 11 Tam O'Shanter. bkt. S. I". June 10 Scottish Bard. Br bk. SIS tons. Little. RoeUiaini- toa. June 8 Sol. Thomas, tr. Coos bay. Jane 8 Alpha, sch. Starr, Tillamook. June 8 Kthel. brbk.4'B tons. Graham. Liverpool, way 29 Clan ForBUson.br. hk.7S9tns. 'Hen. Brisbane. May 2i. Alden Bess?. Am bk. SI ton, Xcj. Uenckonc may 22 Coloma. Am bk SM tos. XypK. IloBsLenc May 30 Martha risher. brbk.SU tHs, MeAtiam.XetrcM- le. SS 'W.MAylU Bellaporte.br bk. 1H30 tens, Tate. XmIp.X S W.May 11 Merom, sh, 1201 tons. Lowell. X Y May S Clan Grant, br bk. WS tons. James, f hi Liverpool. Mar 0 Marion King br bk 939 tens Rio Janeiro Ma I'KSSKTjS U THE H'A 1 . Froiu American Iort. Alico Buck. Am nil N Y April i Belle of Oregon bk X Y May S Columbia, ss. 27J1 tons Holies S F. Juue IS Carrie Winslow.bl;. 911 tons. Philadelphia. Mchfi Columbia, sh JsSStons. Huniphry,X Y. Jan 20. C. S Hurlburt. bk. 1100 tons. X Y. June 1 3 Bmpire. sh. 11X2 tons. Now York.. Inn 15 Linma T Crotivll bk 11S7 tn X Y avi' Gerton.sh Philadelphia, Jan 13 Henry S Sandford, sh. il.V tons, Slpsjr. X Y March 22 Indiana, ship, O. R A X. Co, iron. May 21 Kate Davenport. h. 124S tons. Mallett X V Jan IS Mihsissipi, O. R. A X. Co. Mr X Y. May 21 Oracle, sh 1550 tons, Morison. Philadelphia Mcli f2 Olive S Southard Am sh Philadelphia March 5 Palmyra, sh. i3f0 tons Miuot X V March 2 Saranac sh S Y April 2fi Sparrow facli S 1' March lu From I'orelu" I'orts. A dolt. Swc. bk. (OX tons. Uinrtttiaiiston, G(tt!n- burc. Oct H Banksfield Brlik I.iKrjl AprH H Bubton Yale, br bk. 7 tons. BuektistHii VmLo- hama Feb 1 Boxford. br bk. Ir.wriRl. March 2 Chllo. br bk. Lnerpool. May 21 City of Quebec br bk 7J tout. ImhAhh Dec ISna Victoria (Jrossfield.br bk. Lierool. March 2ti Countess of Rothes. Br sh. MMdlelxira, Dec 2S Countess of Perbj, bo, Midill94jnro. Hnjc. Ja2S City of Manchester, br bk 7M ton Rio Doon. BrbkS77 tonsXeueftstie Doxford. br bk. Liverpool MarcJS tia YietrM Furness Abbey, bk. ltOS, Libit-. Yokohama. Glenpaber, br bk, flBG tons. Liverpool. May 12 Glcnperis, sh 1691 tons. Cape of -Good-he:x. due June. Oberon. bs- 1180 tons. Liveneol April 2 River A on.br bk 'S9llolkcr LiteriKtal March; Sidlaiv. Br bk iuJ tons MeGlashan MiddhbroHgh Jan 12 Thomas 11 Stowe. br bk. Newcastle X S W Slav ID Vancouver, b s I0S tons. Newcastle Zoe. brbk Liverpool Ma Victoria Jan 2 HOTELS AND KESTAURASTS. a.. i. MKC.LKic. c. . wi:h:iit MEQLER & WHIU11T. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. fjiiii-: pi:oPKi;m)i:s ark ii.pp "io JL announce that the Hlmve Imtel hs heeL repainted and refurnished, adtliu;: pr-.-ill to the comfort of il-m-sJsiM is iiuh the 1'iesl hotel north of San Francisco. O. KNOWLltS. AU y.lKl'.KIL CXAIC i:. S ) iX II OTK f.. POIITLANI), - - - - OKKCU.N ZIEBER d. KN0WLES, Projirietois. Free coach to :md Trom Hie Ihhim. ssrTiiE Daily Aktoimax is hi tile at the Clarendon Hotel leading kmuh. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. " - ASTOUIA Jlr.s. S. X. Arricoui. BrorMtr rilHETKAVELlXU ItKLIC WILL FIND X the Pioneer 1irst class in aJl icspects.and a share of their patronage is respectfully solicited. CSBoard and lodging hy flic day or week. Fair Wind Coii'ee Saloon -AMI WATEU STUEET, ASTOUIA, Nevt door to Dr. Kute 's. Con'ots Tea ami Chocolate, with Calic, 1() rents. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines, iqunrs ami Cisarw Of the best brands. Having just opened the above establish ment we cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to give us a trial. Sc-tf FOAUD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STUEET. ASTOULV. THE CNDEKSinNED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to funds, for them, in llrst class .style, and eveiy style, OVSTEKS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, irrc. T THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STUEET. Please give me a call. UOSCOE DIXON, Proprietor GERJIAKIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chrvamcs Sthkct. Astoria. The Best of ljtigerU Cts. a Glass ' Orders for the Celratei CoMMa Brewery Ift at this place ill be promptly attend ed to. fNo cheap San Francisco fJeersold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. AGENTS Z 'XSTZD rORXEW heuse: book Samples postpaid, 23 cents. Sent from THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. Colamfeia River Experts. SIIIMIKXTS rOREIGX. JfXE 1681. i To Liverpool, jkt Lizzie BU. From rortlantl 184 bbls flour.. 570,100 C To Quccnstmcn, per Agnes 0wald. From Portland 47,SGD ctls wheat ... C4.100 11 To Quccnslown, per Argo. From Portland 32.530 ctls ivlieat i.SK.-of) 14 -To Liverpool, per Marian King. From Astorfa4J,l cs salmon 5201,385 RRCAl'ITCLATIOX. MAY IPSl. Fliinr. 4J).K!fl hhls. vnliio oo nin Wheat, 2Ti.t423j ctls. - 3i8,r44 Silmon, 12.400 cs, 5880 Total values, 14 cargoes. G3l.7o4 KECAl'ITCLATIOX BV MONTHS, 1881. .lAXrARY. 4 Cargoes value S 187,425 FEBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value :J7i,299 MARCH. " Cargoes value 202,541 ApRir. 4 Cargoes value 242,195 MAY. 14 Cargoes value 031,734 ."4 Uargoes,5 inonlhs, 1,035,191 DOMESTIC KXPOItTS. The receipts of domestic exports at San Francisco, from January 1st, 1881, to June 7th, from Astoria, is given as louow Flour, qr sks Wheat, ctls.. Oats, ells .. Salmon, !bls..... Ul bWs l)kK5.lZ.l.. Ajiples, ripe, h .. liuttt'r, pltp Potatoes, ks .... Wtxil, liules........... Hides. No Tallow, nkss......., nei'f.libls Reef, canned. w... Fniit. dried, pkgs. Ix'iitlier, pk;p ... Iird.&s JJaeou, cs Meal. ks.. Hojts, lm!e . II aiiit. pkp .... CliecM', cs Flax Seed, .sks ...... Canned jjoods.es.. 1C8.S77 U8.3S2 23,579 1.182 1M C0.030 15 lSd 1G 31,716 4.225 37.CCS , 1.0G3 419 1C 1,080 115 .-a 14 asi 1S-3 20 18 :S2T70 1.077 Astoria loctsre No. 40, L. O. Q. T. UeCTlar Moetine orery Tuosdav Evening at7'i o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Cbo namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Storo Members of tbo Order, in good stand ntr, aro inritod to attend. Decree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order V. C.T. Temple LKXlee. So. 7, A. P. A. M. irst and'A' . at7Ji M ttoria. Ketrular Communications first third Saturday? in each month o'clock, r. it., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in jrood standing, are ivitod to attend. Byorde:ofthe W. M. Beaver ixxlcre No. 35. L. O. O. P. Meet every Thursday oveD'iDR.39. at 8 o'clock, in the Odd Fel-?&?S? lotf s Hall. cor. of Cass and Che- namus Btrocts, Astoria. Membersof the Order aro invited to attond. By order. N. U, Common Council. Uosular meetings second and fourth Tues day evenings of each month, at "bi o'clock J3" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present tbo same to the Auditor ana Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to tho Tuosday on which the Council holds its regular meeting?.. K. II. CAltDM'ELL. Auditor and ClorV. TIDE TABLE EOK ASTOIUA From tables of United Suites Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. Oiltu. A. M. P.M. . u. P. X. 10 :. ...U HI. .- 0 45. . 1 41 . -.2 311. ... n in . ... a r.i. .. 4 3I. r 17 1. 0 (TJ. . 4 41 . r, 41 .. fi 42 7 SS ,. 8 21 . a 14 . t 52 -10 2C .11 05 .11 61 .4 11 .5 07 . tire .C57 7 52 !8 . 0 31 .10 27 .10 27 10 11 4fi. II 12. O 0t. IS 0 -IS. 14 1 S7. 15 'J 13. H5 3 14. 17 4 12. IK 5 111. JUISCELLAlTEOUS J " CEUBRATED f X P STOMACH & 8TTERS The Tra'eler Who Wisely Provides Against the contingency of illness bv talcing with him Hostellers Stomach Hitters, has occasion to congratulate himself on his fore sight, when he .sees others who have ne glected to de: se: suffering from .some one of the maladies for which it is a remedy and preentatie. Among those are fever and ague, blllltiusnevs. constipation and rheuma tism, diseases often attendant upon a change of climate or unwonted diet. For Nile by all druggists and dealers generally. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer In HARDfAEE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Fliita it Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET WON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class woi kmen employed. A large assortment or SCALES Constantly on hand. OPILES. The undersigned Ls prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at hi placeon .short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to CG.CAPLES, Columbia City Wanted. 1 AOO POUNDS BAGSJOF all lands J.u,WU clean and dry, at theUmbrella shop, Main street, by J.JOPLIN. Literary Reyolutioii. SWisdom is ye principal tiling, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. -One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent each-$ 1 0,000! THE ASTORIAN AGENCY EOR THE SALE OF EOOKS TUBLISIIED BY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF KEADEKS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT "WHICH "YE "WILL FITENISH BOOKS TO ORDER. " COME AND SEE 31E Cyclopaedias. Librarj of Universal Knowledge, larse tyie, W vols. ctavo. cloth. Sl: lialf EhssIh, gilt top, f 22 50. Tostase 30 cents jK?r vol, & vols, issued; vol. Pin press. Tliis is a verbatim reprint of the last (isso) 1-ondon edition of C1ikih1kt' Hucjejwdla. with copious additions (about 10.000 topics) by American cditont, tho whole combined under one alphabet icalarraiiKement, with .such illustrations as are necessary to oiucMntc the text. It gives an amount of matter about 10 per win more than Appletons Cyekivdia a trice, in cloth, SSO Ofli. andSOiHrrcent more than .lnhiisnits Cyehiiicvdln prk:e SB1 CO in oth). For the general reader It is tiutloubtedl Hm !est EnrycIotKitlin ever plMishfi, wuaiever me pnee. Chambers Encyclopiedia, 15 ols. liliun, sinnl! type. cintli.7 n : jostas 10 cents per vrf. American Additions, large type. 4 vols, octavo cloih. -?l ; hnlf KiLvsia. gilt top, -. lNMage 18 cents jer vol. 2 vols. Lssuetl : vol. 7. in press. These volumes will be found well-nigh indispensable 1 all owners of Cliamlei. Ajjlc tous. Johasoas, and all other ryclopatlias, exctt the large te edit ion ot the Ubrarf Universal Knowledge, fnm wliieh it Ls compiled. Onlers with cash received by .March 17. 1881. were accented at the reduced price of set :B for the cloth. $3 F0 for the half Hussia. gilt top, after which ilato the price will ue increased at the rate of one-half cent iwli da for the set hi clolh, three-fourths cent each da for the set in half lusla, gilt lop. Library of History. Milman's Gibbon's Kome.ri vols.. ckdh,2; iHtstage 7 cents. Half I'ussin, gilt top. $1; postage 52 cents Macaulay's England, 3 ioR, cloth, $t 23 : iostafte 21 eenK Half i'li-In. gilt top, $."0; l)ostage 32 cents. BoIIhY5 Ancient History. 2 vols, in l. quarto, cloth. SI 75; half I'ussin. sprinkled eilgos, 2 25 ; postage 42 cents. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Itattles of the World, cloih. -r, cents-; MM:ige 6 cents. IltUf Hhs- jia, gilt ton, 70 cents ; postage 7 cents. Froissart's Chronicles. Imperial octavo, 115 HIhsI rations, eloih, ?l ,V): cloth. etra gilt, gilt edges, S2 50 ; jostage 35 cents. Green's Larger History of the English People, 2 oIs., cloth. SI; postage Itf cents. Half Itussia, gilt top, $2 ; o.stage 21 cent.s. G rote's Greece, i vols., cloth, S2; postage .12 cents. Half Kiissm. gill top, St; postage rA cents. In press. Carlyle's French Revolution, cloth, -10 cents; jNtsiage 7 cenls. Half I'i-smk, gilt top. ftl cents ; postage 12 cents. Ixi'RRrAiiATie.s: 3lommsn'sltome; AI:lssom and Gidofs 1'nince; Menyel's Ger many; Schiller's Tlurt Years' War; llistor or the United Slates, by an Eminent His torian. Acme Library of Fiction. filiform in sie and .style ; cloth binding. Uarda, S3 cents. rostage7cents. Tom Brown at Kngliy, so cents, roslagei cenls. George Eliot's ltomola, 33 cents. I'ttstage 7 cents. Don Quixote, 50 cents. Postage 8 cents. IrvingVs Knickerbocker. 30 cents. Postage fi cents. CoojH.T.s Last of tho Mohicans. 30 cents. Postage 0 cenls. Charlotte llronte's Jane Eyre, Xi cents. Postage 7 cents. Kingsley'.s Hyiatia, 33 cents. Postage 7 cents. In pre. Goethe's Wilnelm Meister. 40 cenls. Postage 7 cents, lu prc. Madame de Stacl's I'oriune. 33 cents. Postage 7 cent. 1 11 pnss. Mrs. MulockCraik's.Iohu Halirav Gentleman. 33 cenls. Postage 7 cents. Sir Walter Scott's 1 vanhoc. 12mo. cloth, 50 cenls. Pirstage x cen's. Hulwer's Iist Days of Pomiell. I2mn, cloth. 5o cents. Postage j cents. I'ltRPAUlNR : Dickens' DrvmI Copiietficlil. Tliaekcrnj s Neuronics, Victor llntcu's Us MLserables, 1a' Sage's Gil Hlas. Jean Paul ltichter's Titan, George MacDonald's Alec Porbc. CI ta ties I'eade's Love me Little. The World's Croat Poots. Shakespeare, 3 vols., cloth. St 50: iostai:e 2S ccntR. Half Ktivdn, gilt tip. 53: iKntsge 12 cents. Tlie principal idavs in separate pamphlets,:; cents each. Milton's Poetical Works, clolh, 4o cents ; jiostMgc 7 cents. Half Uussih. gilt top. A cents ; postage 10 cents. Dante, translated b Cary, chKh.su cents ; io-.tHge ; rent-. Half Itussia. gilt top, f) cents ; iK)stage8cenls. frgil, translated by I)rden. clolh, so cents; postage i cents. Half Russia, gilt top.fo cents ; post:ige 8 ceuts. rope's Homer'.s Iliad, cloth, 3u cents; lKtstnge c cents. Half I!Hssfa,glll lop.iaiceuls; past age 8 cents. Pope's HomerV. Odyssey, Hmli, 30 cents ;jotage fi cents. Half Russia, gilt iop.cn ceHts: iwstage 8 cents. Euwinvrnold's Light of Asia. etra cloth, 2" cents ; postage I cents. Mrs. J lemon's Poetical Works, large octavo, clolh. 10 cents ; jMiMage 13 cents. Half Ewisin. gilt top, 9o cents ; jostage is cents. M'Fingal, an epic ioem. by Trumbull, cloth, 50 cents; half Kus-dn. gilt top, 7i3 oents. Postage 9 cenLs. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, cloth, 40cents ; 'tosiagc s ivnK Half Rns-.iH.gilt top, SO cents : KsLige 12 cent. Library of Biography. Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle. ClcKli,3i) cents : jwstage fi cents. Half Russia, gilt top. CO cents; postage 9 cents. Acme lliographj First Scries. Twehe standard books bj great authors, hound hi I oL, cloth. 5o cents ; postage 9 cents. Half Russia, gilt top.: si ; postage 13 cents. Acme IJIography Second Scries. I Jves of Chancer, SiK'iiser, Milton. Cow per and Southey. Five books in 1 .ol.. cloth. 40 cents; -Milage X cent-. Half Russia, gilt top. SO cents: postage 12 cents. Acme Uiography Tliinl Scries. Lives .t Defoe. Johnson, Goldsmith. Scott and Thnckera, it I vol., cloth, 40 cents ; -xtstage 8 cents. Half Russia, gilt tot.succuts : ltostagc 12 cents. Plutarch's Lives, t vo., cloth, i cenls; jMistage lIccnt-. Half Russia, gilt top, SI 20; iHst- age 11 cents. Ixssing's Eminent Americans, over 100ort raits, cloth, SI ; iMstage 12 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. St 50 ; iKistage 12 cents. Nearlv nady. Preparing : Smile's Itncf Riographies. Carilcs()Hcr Cromwell. and FnMlerickthe Great. Religious Literature. Youngs Great Bible Concordance. 1 vol. uitnrfo. Ponular Edition, cloth. .2 : nostase37 cents. Half RuvMa, iriukleil edges, S2 .To AurKev, marme etises. ; posiage k: cents. The New Testament The new version. Cloth. 30 cents; ostage7 cents. Half Russia, gilt toji, CO cents; jMistage 10 cents. Full Turkey morocco, gilt edges. i 2T : (MMtage 10 cents. Will !.- issued promptly ukii its luibliiratiou lu England. The New Testament -King James orinti uniform in sMc with the aloo. at the same prices. The New Testament. The two versions, printed on pages facing, for covenience of com parison. Cloth 50 cents; -Ktstage 10 cenls. Half Russia, gilt top. SI : postage H cents. Full Turkey morroco, gilt edges. SI .TO; postage 13 cents. Geikie's Life of Christ, cloth 50 cents ; jMMsge 9 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, St ; iKfotage 13 cents Smith's Bible Dictionary, clolh, 50 cents. Half Russia, sprinkled edges, 73 cents; postage 10 cents. . Kitto'sCycloiKjdiaof Biblical IJteralurc, 2 vols., illustrated, cloth. S2. Half Russia, gilt top, S3. Postage 30 cents. "Worksof Flaviits JoM'phus. 1 vol. quarto cloth si 50. Half Russia, sprinkled edges. S2 00 Postage 33 cents. Literature Miscellaneous. Chambers' Cyclopiedia of English Literature, 8 vol. In 4, cloth, s?2 : ostagc 33 cents. Half Itussia, gilt top. S4 : postage 50 cents. Acme Library of Modem Classics First Scries. Vicar of Wakefield. Eassclas, Piccioia. Paul mid A irginia, Undine and the Two Captains, 111 1 vol., cloth, 10 cents ; postage 7 cents. Half Itussia. gilt top, fro cents ; ostngo 9 cents. Macaulays Complete Essav and Pociils 3 vols., cloth, St 0; half Russia, gilt top, $2 70 ; postage 30 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth. 3U cents ; iostage 5 cents. Half llns- sla, gilt top, CO cents : osl:igc 8 cents. American Patriotism : Famous Orations and Patriotic Papers, from Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, 50 cents ; nostage S cents. Half 1'uvsla, gilt top, SI ; iostage 12 cents. The Choice of Books, by Charles F. Richardson. Extra cloth, 23 cents; postage I cent.. Cheap paper edition, 5 cenLs ; postage free. Sayings, by Author of Sparroivgrass Patters. Cloth. 30 cent.s ; jostage G cents. The Lseful Dictionary of the English Language. Bv P. A. Nuttall. Contains nearly one half as much as Webster's Unabridged. Cloth, K) cents ; half Russia, gilt top, SI 23 ; tost- age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand Lexicon. Over 23,000 wonls and SA) Engravings. Clolh, 17 cents; postage 4 cents. Irving's Sketch Book. Cloth, 33 cents ; jKistage fi cents. Half Russia, gilt top, 70 cents; postage 9 cents. The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. Illustrated bv upwards of Two Hundred nates and Engravings. By Frank J. Scott. Cloth, extra, price reduced from SS to S3. Postage 29 cents. Juvenile Classics. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents; postage 7 cents. New edition March 19. The Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Clolh,40 cents. Postage 8 cents. Koblnson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Baron Munchausen, and Gulliver's Travels, 2 In 1 vol. Illustrated. Cloth, lo cents ; postage 8 cents. The Book of Fables. By usop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of atunUHbtor, 3 vols, in 1. Illustrated. Cloth, SI. Postage It cents. Stories and Ballads, p.y Ellen Tracy Alden. Illustrated, Cloth. 5o cents. Postage? cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all In brevier or larger type. Macaulay's Life or Frederick the Great. Former prices Si 23. Price 3 cents. Carlyle's Life of ltobert Bums. Former lrice St 23. Price 3 cents. ugiitot Asia. By Ivuvvin Arnold. Former price Si 50. Price 5 cents. Thomes Hughe's Manliness of Christ, Former price St. Price 3 cents. Mary Queen of Scott's I jre. By Lnmartiue. Former nriee Si 23. Price 3 cents. Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. lticeSccnts. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Irogress. I"rice G cents. Vicar or Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Price 3 cents. The Library Magazine Of American and Foreign Thought. Like Hie old and excellent Ultel'-s living Age and Electric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (aud with American thought added), at one-fourth their price, and everv number a bound volume. VoK 1. to VlL. over 4,003 pages, in c'oth, for S3 20; In half Russia, gilt top,forS4 fro. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria, Oregon. D. C. IRELAND, Manager. C. H. STOCKTON, j kcotjtse, sxccisr j-! -AND -CARRIAGE PAINTER - PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING x specialty; GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. arShop next door to Astorian Office, in Shustersbulld!ne. ; jMislage :7 cent-i. Scholars Edition, half For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrylnsr I". S. ninils. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave Portland for the above ports from Flandcr's Dock No freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the day previous to.departiirc. For Freight or Passage npplv to Ed. C. HUGHES, Purser. G. K. 3?YANT. Mg8 G7c&t3G. CO r- O ca , ' Vir.nTTA'Kl'finpj &!&! ca o o pACiFLO C0A3T ( i'Jirc; tr-Lvioi c.f0 p j. Stfjli; MJH t ftS inSCELLAXEOUS. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, TThooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including: CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES; " It docs not dry up a cougb, aad leave tlie caisc Mn-mL as is the case with most preparations, but loams It, cleanses the lungs and allays Irritation Am removing tfcc causcof complaint." DO NOT UE DECEriXD by articles lar. g similar names. Be sure you get DR. WISTA1VS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vk the signature of I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. CO Cents and S1.00 a Hottlc. rrcpared by SETII W. FOWLE & SON'S, Cas oa. Mass. Sold by druggists an J dealers j;cneraIU ssiegaesEssE ro?. 'S Ss &a 'S'-'fS! &&&&& UotLors liko and Physicians recommend it. IT IS HOT NARCOTIC. JPSaRA--JJv':J-ftlS CENTAUR L.I203LENTS; the World's great Pain-Ke-licving remedies. Tliej lical, soothe and euro Burns, Wounds, "Wcalc Back and Kheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness .cpon Beasts. Cheap, quiclc and reliable. SFUKTS of disgnAtingliincni, Snnfflos, CraoMins Pains in tho Head, Fetid Breath, Scafnoss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can "bo cztcrminnied hy'WoiUo Sloyer's Catarri Cnro, a Consti tutional Antidote, hy Ahsorp tion Tho most Important 33is covcry sinco Vaccination. Honry Alirri-. Ilettry Tfc'tjt'Si. T.V.KoiMel. CHICAGO BRBWBRr, Henry Ahrens & Co.. Proprietors, I-5SO to 1-I'M 2'i:u Strttt. SAX FiSAXC'ISCO. mms r.REWERV is the most roru- JL lartHitlH fotot.aiHl Iihxi established a branch 111 this em and is under the iu:uiat;e nient of J.STKAl'SS. who will he pleased to till an onlerfrtriii a doen lMttles np ton tlioa-atud Iwrn'K This beer needs no ree oinmendation. as Hh h1iiu it once will net er hv an otlhr. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Letac Foster's will be lrontrf!v attended to. All orders from a distance will nvehe j'rompt attention. Families siiikd with tlilsextellont quali ty of beer. .1. STRAUSS. Agent, Watei stnHt.Hct dorlo I suie Foster's, Astoria. Oregon. .7. H. D. GRAY, Wliolcjtalc and retail denier in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms, hoot or Denton street. Astoria Oregon. cvirij-i" j-, vvyr-v Children fJammm a- -. mw-o. .fe,-S5irUa: g 3MS5SMMHa -TSS oSWRSdJSP J a yooi c coup y-rtMBWPfgrfszsst? -i- c&zjj&ix. x v. r-,'- TmBKmMmmSSSs&sS ptfmm'm. g dKc2aEfiiBftSi'rtsHi?6cSf- rTTftimrnrv. r,'srw:&c?n ' " " ' - ' I MM.IHI II I i wills ; ai R. LEESON & CO. BOSTON. J2S ST & GRAFTON, MASS. .MISCELLANEOUS. Ii)0i'tant to Travelers. rflHE I'NDEItSH'.XEl) 3. now n"KitTd to s!l Til ROUGH TICKETS I-TOM Astoria to aii Points in Europe ta ()vpri:md KnllrosuN and Slainliin f Ihe follow inj; Bwt-flzb lims from New Yerk: WHITE STAK LINE. NATIONAL LINE. ALLAN LINK. i:i:i) STAK LINK. AMERICAN LINE. A. T. ItKAKKE. Of C. TIhihuhis & Co.. Atoria. Otvsoti. For London Direct. The Hiider4?iMd liavo iiodfr t cliartr a Hrt tLt. tfSSg- !xon Uarom --sGC "iaryvi'ir,- Duo at ASTORIA trl in Ma.wlihh will bo 1'itt 011 liortlt to load for L0ND0NDIRECT. In 1iN TO sr IT SI I TITERS will Ih taken at ItKASOXAISM-: IMT3-:S. For KlCKICllT and tillior rtk-idar, apHv to .-4!KS4. C'SiriCCil t fo Cor. Front and AMi Street.-. Cortland . Oregon. Yaelit Blue Skin. ClioiHT Imilt. eoiHter fastened. doiibh ma-xt esvl. lies at V 1 ase s wunri. ueaiy 10 re ceive 'NisseHgers. freight or e cursoHi patties to all parts or the ColuiHlriarhernnd vicini ty. Charges nuMlerate. 1ST' For further part icwlars iuo,uireof John I Rogers, Cent ml Market. ' Or of CA1T. WOODS. k Master and owner, j Shoalvater Bay Steam Navigation Company. The new sic-nincr SOUTH I$I".I, JOHN BROWN, - - -4 -?4. MASTEIC, - Will leave South Jteml for xlay Center. Oys- terxil!e ami t lie head of the JS:y Connecting with N. lfennls stage line ami steamer (Jen. Cauhy at Ilwaco f4ir Astoria, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ...... 1 ;ivt-ii-;rs k-;itiiik Astoria ihi euuer 01 tuose dajt.c:in 'tlinMigh to ShUIi Ik'inl in one day. For freight and ptsat appl at the rm,,,.,iwii,lSfW!,t Smth "rtlH ta!" The ?IostSticeesiuI JJemctly ever discovered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human llesh. Bead proof below. From a Prominent Physician. WaliingtonilIe, Ohio. June IT. 18S0. J Oi:. 15. J. IvKNDAi.i. & Co.. Oents : Read- Inj; your advertisement m Turf, Field and Fann. of Kendall"-. Spavin Cure, and having a valuable and speedy Horse which had been lame from spavin eighteen nioutlis. I i,ent to ' you for a bottle bv express, which in six I weeks removed all lameness and enlarge ment and a large splint from another horv, . and both horses are to-day as sound as colts, t The one lnittle was worth to me one hundred 1 Hollars. Respectfully yours. . 1 1. A. BERTOLETT, M. I). KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! Ilarrisbunr. Fa.. Nov. 18. tSfo. i Dr. B. J. Keiali & Co., Oents: I have a verv line mare that has had a bone spavin for a" long time, I tried even thing man could devise to cure it hut all In vain ami was about to give it up when a friend of mine tn this cilycame to 1110 and recom mended Kendalls Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean and then I .sent 25 cents to you tor one or your illustrated Horse Books and I think there is no better book printed on the horse ami his diseases. I hae taken great interest in it and have since sold 13 copies tor vou to mv neighbors and will try and do what good 1 can lv getting them for others. Yours truly. 5. W. MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX JIU3XAX FLESH. Bakersfiehl, A t.. Dee., ft, 1S71. 15. J. IvEXi'.M.t. & Co., Cents : I wish to add my testlmonvin favor of your invaluable liniment. "Kendall's Spavin Cure." In the spring of l:?tK I shpjM'd on the ice and sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was very lame and at times .suffered the mot excruciating pain. I wore a bandage on It for over a year, and tried most every thing in mv reach, but could find nothing that would give me permanent relief. AVlieii 1 overworked, it would pain me very much. In April ISTS I 1-egan to think I should be a cripple for life; but having some of "Ken dall's Spavin Cure" thought I would try " 1 used one third or a bottle, and experienced relief at once. Tlie pain left me and has not troubled ine .since. I feel very grateful to ou and would recommend 'KendairsSiiaY'u Cure' to all who suffer with sprains or rheu matism. Vours truly, Mrs. J. ilovrv.u. Kendall's Spavin Cure Is sure in its effects, mild m Us action as it does not blister, and yet it Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement, if used for several days, such as spavins, splints, eurbs, callous, sprains, swellinss. any lamcncssniid all enlargements ut the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purjose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to he the best liniment for man ever used, act in; mild and jet certain in its effects. It is used full strength with jM-rfect safety at all seasons of the year. Semi address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proor or Its virtues. So remedy has ever met with such unquali fied success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Frice SI per lmttle, or six bottles for $5 AIJ. DBUCJOISTS have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on re ceipt of price by the proprietors. DR. II. J. KENDALL & CO.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. S "., ., i Kb,jf .' sOJ. sm?mS rr u . . ,f FRILLS AT TllAXSPOItTATION USES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCKAX irisiox. Between San Francisco & Portland. In ctHiscqnence of accident to the steam ship State, of California, the followingsched nle of siulin days ot ocean steamers has been arranged, to-wit : ruoM ioktl.ni. ntosr sax fkan. Date. .lime 1 June tT. June 22 Steamer. Date. Oregon .State of Cala Columbia ... Oregon .State of Cala .Columbia June 4... June 10. June 15 . Oregon State of Cala Columbia Oregou State of Cala Columbia Oregou State of Cala .... Columbia Orecon June T, . Jul, e June 20.. June 25.. Juue so. July 5.. July lc July 13.. July 20.. t.uy 7 ;.lnly 12 i July 17.. July 22 1 Jul 27 . Aug. I . : Aug. c 1 - - Orecon State of Cala .Columbia Oregon Mate of Cala iitiiy 2.1, .State of Cala ...ColumbiajJuly 30 ., Columbia Due notice will be given of any further change. Right is resenedto change steamers or sailing ilavs. TIlTtOC't'H TICKETS sold to alltheBrhx- 1 eipal cities 111 tlie United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEBRUARY 1. 1381. Leaw Port-I land for MonTii. I We. Tint. Frl.lSat. Dattea. Wal I 5 AM ".AM 5AM SAM 3AM 6AM RAM HAM 6AM GAM GAM GAM GAM GAM GAM GAM 7A.M 7 AM 7 AM Gam Gam 5a tn 5ara la Walla. Umatilla. and up riv er points. Astoria. Ka- SAM GAM CAM laina. Taco ma.Seattle V ic ria.ew et wstr Pathlaiuet. Hay lew. Miamota wa. I'rook liekl Wait port, O I i f t on. K nap pa. Davton .. . Salem, ami intermedi ate points. Points on Snake River . OENKltAL OPFICES: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MtCRAKEN&Co.. Agents State of California, A. L. MAXWELL. Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co, JOHN MUIR. (leneral Freight and Fassenger agent. T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. iiwaco Steam Navigation Go l-SV Until farther notice the Ilvraco Steam Navigation Co's steamer ssisii r,"c-vr-CT t n vtiv UJiiNJUlvAlj OAJN1S1, . WIIITCOMB .JIIASTER Will leave Astoria on Mouilajs, Tuesday, and Saturdays, AtwA.i., Fridays at l-l A. M. anil 1 P. M. ! Fort Stevens, Tort Cnnby, and 11m ac Connecting with i.A. Loomis'stnsca for Oys tervillo and Olyiupm, on Tuesday' and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens . . ......... 50cts ' " Canby and Ihvaco. $1 CO S9"llwaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, $2 00 per ton. ESTFor Tickets. Towage or Charter apply cither at tho office of tho Company, Gray'i wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. n. D.GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R. Co g. On an after Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol lows, DAILT (Except Sundays), KASTSIDB DIVISIOX. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. KAIL TRAI3 LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:S0 A. M.jRoseburg 7:00 1 M Ko3obure..5:00 A. M. I Portland 4:23 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.ILobanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:15 A. AI.Portland.10:05 A.fil FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:15 A. M. Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5:13 A. M.lPortIand..5:25P.M Tho Oregon and California Railroad i erry mnkes connection with all Regular Trains on Eaatside Division. WEST3IDE D1YI3IO. From I'ortlnutI to CorvnUi. II ML THAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.'Corvnllis ..3:00 P. M Corvallis. S:S0 A. M.lFortland 3:20;P.' M CIoso connections aro made nt ROSEBURQ with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. Ticketsforsalo to all tbo principal points in California and tho East, at tho Company' Office Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on freight romain- ng atCompany3 Varehou30 over 21 hours. after and t 1 J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Snp'L E. P. ROGERS. (Jen'l Freight and Passenger Agent 1 j For Youngs River and Knappa. I Tlie Steamer l MAGXET, C. AV. IIAMLIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rlvei every Friday and Knapp:ievcry Tuesday. Tlie Magnet is ready for charter to any point on the bay. For freight or passage apply on hoard or at 1 I. W. Case's. Astoria autl Huappton. ' Regular Mail and Passenger r SS 1 Steamer ItOSlITTi , V. WAVE MASTER 1 bb-WHI leave Knappton for Astoria and ; "return dally. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. , Also have a lighter which enables her t I carry wood or freight of any kind. ivi uuarier.iruiBnior passage, at lur mj rates apply on board, or at I. AY. Case's storo. Lawyfers briefs printed in fine style at Thr Astoiuax oflise. i 1 flr