fl ASTOKIA. OREGON: TUESDAY JUIsE 14, 18S1 CQMMEROEAHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Arco, ur bk CSS tons. Gatzc, Queenstew .! 11 SAILED. Orocon bs. 2S35 tons. Pohlman. S F June 12 Hival. bk.299 tons. Adams S. 1. Jane 11 Shubrick. U S Lteht-bouse str. Everfon, Roek and cruise. June 10 Agnes Oswald. brb, 13s tens. McGibbon. Queens- town Juno Kate and Anna, steam seh. 81 tons, Lut;ent. Grays Harbor. June" Orient, brlff. 312 tons. Williams. San Tcdro June S Lizzie Bell, br bk 103G ton. Mergnard. Liverpool, Juno 6 North Bend bkt 376 tonsMernrman. ti Y June G Columbia, ss. 2721 tons Holies S F. June 3 California. Etr. 674 tons. Carroll. Sitka June 2 Ellerbank. br bk. 1180 ton. Parker, Liverpool. June 1 OUTSIDE WITH PILOTS OX HOARD. Thomas II Stoive. br bk. Newcastle N S W June ARRIVAL FROM SEA. Willamette, ss. 2H8 t3N X Y June 1! Mate of California, bs. 4J2t tons. Debney. S V June 1- Mary 11. Rust. sell. Shu Pedro. June 11 Tarn O'Shanter. bkt. S. K. June 10 Scottish Bard, Br Uk.rlJ ten.. Little. Ronkbaeip- ton. June 8 Sol. Thomas, str. Co hay, .1 une S Alpha. ch. Starr, Tillameok. J HneS Ethel, brbk. 493 tons. Grabma. Liveneol. may 29 ClauFersuson.br. bk.'Wtsn. Wilton. Brislinne. May 2S. Alden Besie.Axnbk. si; tn. Xeje. HoiifiUonc may 22 Coloma. Am bkSSS tons.Xwje. Honskona May 28 Mnrtha Fisher. brlik,Sll tons. MeAdam.Nowcas- Ie. N S W. May Ifi Bellaporte.br bk. 1W0 toa. Tate. Newcastle. N S W.May 14 Merom, sh. 1201 tons. Leivell. N Y May 5 Clan Grant, br bk. IMVi tons. James, f ai Lnerpeal. Mav C Marion Kins br bk 959 ton Rio Janeiro Maj .. VESSELS o.y THE WA 1 . From American I'ort. Alice Buck. Am li N Y April t Belle of Oresou bk X Ma ft Carrie AVinslow.bk.SH tons, Philade)4)ia, Mcli fi Columbia, Mi ISK tons. lluHiplney, X Y. Jan 20. C. S Hurlburl. bk. 116 ttnt.N Y.June Umpire. fli. 1132 tons. Now York. Jan I ft Hmnia T Crow ell bk 1137 tB N Y Mav 2 Geo V Elder, str, S 1" une 11 Ucrten.tih Philadelphia. Jan IS Henry S Sandfonl, h. list tui. SWwjht. N Y March 22 Indianu, ship. O. R. N. Co. irnn. May 21 Kate Davenport, sh. 1213 ton. Mallet t N Y Jan IS MissiMiui. O. R. i.N.Ce. str N V. May 21 Oracle, sh 15.7) ton?. Morion. Philarfelphia Moh22 OlivoS Southard Am oh Philadelphia March Palmyra, sh. i3K) tons Mint N Y March 2 Saranac bli N Y April 2ti Sparrow sch S 1' March lb from I'oreln l'ort-4. AJolU Se. bk. (Hi ton. Rln!ianoH. Culton- burg, Oct 18 Bankstield Brbk I.ierol Ajinl 8 Buxton Yale, br bk. JS7 tent;. RuckingtuiM Vake- haiua Feb 1 lioxford. br bk, I.iverjwxil. March 2 Oiiilo. br bk. Liverpool, May 21 Oity of Quebec br 1. 7m uin I.hmIoh Due IS via Victoria Orossfield.br bk. Liverpool. Ma rob 2C Countess of Rothi-s.. Br fc . Middltsb(He. Dec 2H Countess of Derby. In.. Middlettbsro. KtiK. ,Ianii City of Manchester, brbk C to U Doon. Brbk 877 tons Newcastle Doxford. br bk. Liverpool Marea: via Victtita Furness Abbey, bk. 1038, l.ilAw. Ywkohama. Gleusaber, br bk, IM! ttn, Liverpool. May 12 Gleuperis, sh Wl tonn. ('ape ttt (iood-hnpe. due June. Oberon.bfe. USD ton-. Liverpool AjirJ 2T River Avon, br bk OH Ilolker Liverpool March 3 Sidlau. Br bk 4'tH toiix McGloahao MuLHWoHKh .luii 12 Vancouver, b WIS toMf. KeMenrth' Zoe. br bk Liverpool ia YictiirHi Jan 3 HOTELS AND KESTAUllAXTA. A... MKOLKK. r.S. WltlCHT MEOLEll & W1UOIIT. PnMiuti.. Astoria, Oregon. jiU pi:opi(!in'oi:.s ai:u happy iti JL auiiouiiLVlliHl HicalNivclKilcMiHs iicci rt'i:iiuted:md rt'fiiruiMu'il, :uIHw ;it';it! it tle comfort of lls.mitls hih! imiua lite Id's! hotel north of Sun Franf-Wco. :. . KNOWLKS. A I- .IKItKIL POUTLAND, - - - - OUEGON ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to stud from the bouse. ceBrTin: Daily Atokian ts mi file at the Clarendon Hotel readini: ioom. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STREET. -T - - ASTOKIA 3Ir. S. X. ArriKoni, Proprietor rflHETRAVELIxTTpmiLIC WILL FI'I) jl. tbe Pioneer lirl class in all rcxpcets.and u share of their patronage is respectfully solicited. S""Boanl and lodging by thedaj or week. Fair Wind Collet Saloon , - VNI) - CHOP GL XK Si E? WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kinsc 's. CofTei'. Tea and Chocolate, with Calte, IO Cents. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines, tdquors and Clears OI the best brands. Having just opened the above establish ment we cordially Invite our friends and the public Kcncrally to give us a trial. iW-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRSt'cLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIC.NED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies7 and Gentlemen of this Cily That he is now prepared to furnish for them, In llrst chiss style, and every .stj le, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. vr Tiuc Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN" STREET. Please give nie a will. ROSCOE DIXON. Pioprietor GERMANIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Cbk.vamus Strjjkt. Astoria. ThcJiest of Layer! Cls. a Glass Ordeis for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Jfcj.lr'i'JEiJ-fcrC Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. tsy-Xo cheap Sau Francisco Beer sold at this place 1VM. BOCK. Proprietor. AGENTS t;aoi I'ANTKD rOU XKW UOK8E BOOI Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent from THE ASTORIAX OFFICE. ColumbiP., River Exports. UiPJIKSTS FOltEION. ICXK 1681. 4 To IhcrjHMl, jxt Lizzie Bell. From Portland l8,275$ lbls flour....73,100 GTrt Qucentoim,jxr Agnes Osteoid. From Portland 47,800 ells wheat r.1.100 11 To Qiieciif4irn, ytr Argu. From Portland 32.M0ells wheat..... $69,400 irHCAPITCLATIOK, MAV JRSl. Flour, 4H,R:a bbls. value $221,910 Wheat, 2r.3STi ctK - .MS44 Sllinon, 12,400 r, ZApSQ Total valuas, 14 cargoes. n3l.7.M KFJCAPITFUVTION V.Y MONTHS, 18S1. TAXUAItY. 4 Cargoes value S 187,42.1 FHBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value :J71.299 MARCH. ." Cargoes value 202.541 APRIL. 4 Cargoes value 242,1ft". MAY. 14 Cargoes value G3i,7."4 34 Cargoes, ." months, Sl,C&V91 IlOMRSTlC KXPOIITS. The receipts of domestic exports at San Francisco, from .January 1st, 1881, to June 7th, from Astoria, is given as follews: Flour, qr sks .........168,877 Wheat, ctls 118.3&! Onts, ctls . 25,579 .Snlinnn.blils 1.1S2 lit bhls 1G4 cs . CO.O-'tt) pkps . 15 Apples, ripe, b.vi 134W3 liutter, pkn 16 Potatoes, .sks .11,710 Wool, bales 4,22.-i Hide,s, No . .17,008 Tallow . pkg 1.0m Ileef, bhls 419 lleef, canned. 10 Fruit, lined, pkgs . 1,080 I Aat her, pkgs 1 15 Ijtrd.es. ,.......M............... 32 Bucoti, cs . ................ 14 Meal, sks 351 Hops, bale .......... ..-. 18 Hams, jikgs . . ao Cheese, cs ...... ... 18 Flav Seed, sks :s..170 Canned goods, cs.. .. ........ ... 1.077 Astoria Lioctgo No. 40, L O. G. T. KoKtilar .Meeting orory Tnesday Erontng at7i o'clock, ntUood Tcmplar'fl Hall, Cho namus Street, Astoria, over C h. Parker's Store Membcra of the Order, in soodstand ne, are inritod to attend. Dosree ineotinplst Monday each month. Byordor W. C.T. Temple LiOdge, No. 7. A. P. A. M. Regular Couitnunicationa first n4YY third Saturday in each month. atTJs V o'clock, r. t.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tha Order, in (rood standing, are Invited to attend. Uy ordc; of the . M. Beaver lxdtro No. 35. L O. O. P. f2iZStb. Meet every Thursday evenina.1 low's Hall. cor. of Cass nnd Che- ,k numus streets, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order. !i.U. Common CounciL KeRular meetings second and fourth Tae5 dflv oroninrs of ench month, nt 7'i o'clock oo Persons desinnc to bare matters acteu upon by the Council, at any regular ueetine must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to tbe Tuesday on which the Council holds its realtor nicotinic. R. 11. CARDWEL1,. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables 01 United State Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Wator. Pule. a.m. p.m. I A.M. Y. it. ! 10 41 10 13 4 41 4 14 10 11 40 11 11 Z 41 6 07 11 . 0 V, f, 42. 02 Pi U 00 1 411 7 SS C 57 13 O 48 2 31 1 8 23 7 52 14 1 37 3 151 A 14 8 44 15 2 2.1 3 54 1 9 52 0 31 1 3 14 4 34 10 20 10 27 17 4 12 5 17 11 Or, 10 27 IS 5 PJ (1 tt) 11 51 . . MISCELLANEOUS H " CELEBRATED If X w STOJOACH The Traveler "Who Wisely Provides Against the contingency of illness by taking with him Hostellers Stomach Hitters, has occasion to congratulate himself on his fore sight, when he mcs others who hae ne glected to do so sullcrinp from ome one of the maladies for whirh it Is a remedy and preventative. Among those are fever and ague, billlonsness. constipation and rheuma tism, diseases oft en attendant upon a change of climate or unwonted diet.. For sale bv all druggists and dealers gcncndlv. MAGNUS 0.-CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, EON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Pliita ai Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IROH TIN AHD COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on liand. Piles for Sale. Mr. A. 15. McMillan Isireped lo furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IX ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER, AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Leave orders at the More of Trenchanl & upshur, Astoria. Or address, A. B. McMTLLAN. Olney, Oregon. Literary Reyolutioii. TSWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, Drofit one cent cach-$ 10,000! THE -ASTOE1AN AGENCY POR THE SALE OP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF READERS TO THE FOLLOWING LTST AT "WHICH WE "WILL FURNISH BOOKS TO ORDER. " COME AND SEE 31E. Cycloposdias. Library of Universal Knowledge, large type, 15 vols, octavo, cloth. !.".; half KKfSht.trdt top. 22 50. Postage 2u cents iht vol, vols, issm-d ; id. U in pn-x. Tins is a verbntim rniiritit of tbe lnsl (1SS01 Iiiidou edition of Chttiiibers' KncvcHHiailia. with copious additions (about IR.Omi topics) by one aipnancticai arrangement, wiimshcii niusiraucws as are neeessr- in eim-niau-me text. It sives an amount of mittter about 10 iht cent more tlMtn Jlpptetniis c.yl,M,iia (price, in clotb,So OOi. ami U Kr cent more than .Idinos Cyclopo-din Hlce S.l u3 in cloth). For the general reader it Is niidiHibti-dly tin In-st Kneychiiciilhi eTiHi!lisied. whatever the price. Chambers Encvclopadin, M m1s. tumo, small tie. c'otb. j-7 .in : jMKtase 10 cents ier 1. Atncncaii Aiblilions. lan;e tyic. 4 vids. nctnvu clot It. $ I : half Kuvin. ! top. u i'ostage 1 cents ier id. '1 xvA. Lssued : vol. 3 in press. Tliese volumes will be found well-nieb IndisncU-sald bv all owners of OwiHlnrr-. Annlc- tons..TobnsoiLs. and all other Cvcbiinlt.is,eceit Um larsetyin'editbMiirf the Liliniryot Universal Knowledge, from wliich it is comiribHi. Orders with i-asb reivheil by Jlareh IT. 1881. were accepted at tbe retluceu once oi gs zn ior uie ciwii, ?s, w lor me ihmi liHvsia. pn top, after wblch date tbe price will ne inereRsedt the niteof one-half cent chcIi il:i for tbe set In cloth, three-fourths cent ech day for the M?t in half Knssia, zfll top. Library of History. Mil man s Ciblwn's Komcoirds.. doth, 2: jMKjagi xr ceiil-s. Half ilns-sin. jrflt top. $l; postage 52 cents Macaulay's England, ntuR.dth. SI 2"; jxisiasc 21 cents. Half Havsia. gilt top. $2 50; postage 32 cents. Rolling Ancient History, l vols, in 1. qnarto. cloth. 1 75; half Ititssia, sprinkled edges. $2 25 ; postage -12 cents. Creasy's Fifteen Lect.sie llatlles of the World. dilh, 15 emi ; iostge 6 cents. Half Kms- .sia, gilt top, 70 cents : postage 7 cents. Fi-olvsart's Chronicles,-imperial octH, 115 illustration'-, doth. SI 50: doth, extra gilt, gilt edges, S2 50 ; iMistage S5 cent. Green's Larger IILstor of the English IVojde, 2 os., doth. ?1 ; iKMage p; cents. Half Russia, gilt top, $2 ; ixjstagc 21 cents. G rote's (5 reece, -l vols.,dotb.-"r2; iHstage32 ivnls.e Hnlf Kiissla. gilt top. $1; postage X cents. In press. Curl vle's French Revolution, doth, -10 cents; postage 7 cents. Half Rux!, gJt tn. fO cents ; postage 12 cents. Ix I'RKPAUatiox : Momuisen's Rome ; M&ssotfs ami Cuiroiv France; ilinel" ter many; Schiller's! hlrt Ymrs' War; Histor-or the United Slates, ly an Knttaent His toria'u. Acme Library of Fiction, filiform in m?c and sixle ; rbl!i binding. Uarda, S5 ceuts. l'ostage 7 ci-nis. Tom Rrowu at Rngby. :cents. 1'oslagefi cents. George Eliot's Roiuola, 33 cents. lstage 7 cents. Don gulxote, 0 cents. 1'oMage 9 cents. Irvinu'a Knickerbocker. :) cents, l'ostaee 0 ivnis. Coojht'.s Last of tbe Mohicans. SO cents. Postage C cents. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Xi ceuts. Postage 7 cents. Kingsiey'siiypaiia.s.icenis. rosiage , cents, in press. Goethe's Wilhelm Melsu-r. 40 cnts. l'ostage 7 cents. In press, Madame de Stael's Coriiine. 35 cents. 1'osUige 7 cents. I u prvs. Mrs. Mulock Cralk's John Halifax Gentleman. Xi i-ents. I'tKtage 7 ciHts. .Sir Walter Scott's I unlioc. l2mo. doih. .V) cents. I'ioInkc s ecu's. Uulwer's Iist Dajs of 1'omiieii. l2mo, cloth. 50 i-fiits. Postage K ivnts. PcKPAUiXfi: Uickens' Daid Cotierlield. Tliackeray's Xevveoiufs. Vidor llHgo's las Mtserables, Sage's Gil Rl&s..ican Paul Richler'sTItaii. George MHelbiunld's Alec Forbes. Chniles Rcade's Ive me Utile. The World's Creat Poots. Shakesieare. 3 vols., cklh.l 50: postage 2S eent?. Half Russia, gilt top. 3; postage 12 cents. The principal plays in scrate pamphlets. 3 cents ntdi. Milton's Poetical Works, cloth, -W cents ; inMage 7 wnts. Half Russia, gilt toi, Ui cents ; lostage 10 cents. lante. translated by Can. . cloth, 30 cents ; po-itagc r. cents. Half Russia, gilt top. n) cents ; postage 8 cents. irgil, translated byDnden. i-bMb.C cents; jmtfagejC cents. Half RHs.shi.gilt top.tio ceuLs ; postage 8 cents. Pole's Homers Iliad, cloth, So cents ; ostage 6 cents. Half Rnssia, gilt top. 00 cents ; post age 8 cents. Pope's Homer's Odyssey, doth, so cents :iMistagc n cents. Half Russia, gilt top. cu cents; postage S cents. Eii win Arnold's Ught of Asia, extra dutli, 25 cents ; jhWiusp l cents. Mrs. Heman's Poetical Works, large netnvo, cbth. w cents ; jmstagc 13 cents. Half Russia. gilt top, 90 cents ; jostage 13 cents. M'Fingal, an epic imciii. by TrHinbitll. cbtth. 50 cents; half RavMa. gilt I up. 75 cents. Postage 9 cents. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivenil. cbrth.-Joreiits ; mstage R wnts. Half RHssta.gttt top, F vents : lKstage 12 cent. Library of Biography. Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle, Cloth. 3o cents ; postage c, vents. Half Russia, gilt top. 00 cents; iostage a cents. Acme Illography First Series. Twehe standard hooks by great authors, bound In 1 ol.. cloth. 5o cents ; postage 9 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. i ; K?tage 13 cents. Acme Uiography Second Series. Lives of ChnHver. Sh-ilst, Milton. Cowpcr anil Sonlhey. Five books in 1 ol.T cloth. -W cents; postage i cents. Half Russia, gilt top. $0 cents; postage 12 cents. Acme Uiography Thin! Series, lives of Dehx. JoIiiisihi, Goldsmith, Scott and Thackeray, hi 1 vol.. doth. -to cents ; jKistage Scents. Half Russia, Kilt teii.tsjcents: jiostage I2cents. Plutarch's LUes, l o'., doih.iw cents; jMistagf ll icnl. Half Rusr.ia.giit top.$l 20; jMist- :tge 14 cents. Lossing's Eminent Amenwins, o er 100 joilraits. cbith. 1 ; istage 12 cents. Half Russia. gilt top, Si .vi ; iKistage 12 cents Nearl nadv. Pnparing : Snule's Uncf IMograpbbs, CailjlesOlherCnonwell.and Frctk'rh-k the Great. Religious Literature. Youngs Great lllble CtHicunlaitcc. t id. iiarto. Popular Kdltuni. eloth. $2; itostage37 cents, lhilf Russia, sprinkled edges, 2 50 ; pillage 37 cents. Scholars Hdltion, lialf Turkey, marble edges, .-sj ; jnlage S2 cents. Tlsc New Testament The new version, t'hdli. 30 cents; Mstage7 cents. Half Russia. gilt top. 08 cents ; postage 18 cents. Full Turkey morweo. gilt islges. 51 Tf ; postage lu cents. Will h issued pnmtly iiimhi lis iHibliratktn In England. Tlic New Testanit-nt-King James ersiiHimiifonn In stjlcwith the alvc.at Hk same prices. The New Testament Tlictwu torsions, printed on pages facing, for covenlcnce of com parison. Cloth TO cents; jxtstage lu cents. Half Russia, gilt top, SI : iostagc 11 cents. Full Turkey uiorroco. gilt edges, St 58; Ntage 15 cents. Gelklc's Life 01 Christ, eloth 50 cents: jHstagc ents. Half Russia. gilt top, $1 ; ixMage 13 cents Smith's lllble Dictionary, cloth, ;o cents. Half Russia, sprinkled edges. 75 cents; itostngc 10 cents. Kitto's Cyclojwdia or Riblical Literature, 2 vids., illustrated, cloth. 52. Half Russia, gilt top, 53. Postage 8C cents. Works of Flavius Josephus. 1 ol. ipiarto cloth 1 50. Half Rusdn, sprinkled edges, s2 no Postaze3s wnts. Literature Miscellaneous. Chambers' Cydopailia of English literature, jiussia. gin top. ; postage mj ccnis. Acme Library of Modem Classiest First Series. Vicar of Wakefield, 1'jisselas, Picclola. Paul and Virginia, Undine and the Two Captains, m 1 vol., cloth, 10 cents ; iostage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, W cents ; iostage ! cents. Macaulays Complete Essays and Poems. 3 vols., cloth, 1 H); half Russia, gilt top, $2 78; postage 30 ceuts. The Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth. 30 cents ; itostagc 5 cents. Half Rus sia, gilt top, GO cents : ostage 8 cents. American Patriotism : Famous Orations nnd Patriotic l"ajcrs, from Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, M cents ; postage 8 cents. Half Russia, gilt top,$l ; iostage 12 cents. The Choice of lJooks, by Charles F. Richardson. Extra cloth, 25 cents ; postage I cents. uncap iuipercuiuou.o cchis; irosiage tree. age ! eeiiui. Pictorial Hand lexicon. Over 25,000 words and 250 Engravings. Cloth. 17 cents ; postage 4 cents. Irvlng's Sketch 15ook. Cloth, 35 cents ; postage G cents. Half Russia, gilt top, 70 cents; postage 9 cents. The Art or Rectifying Suburban Home Grounds. Illustrated bv upwards or Two Hundred Plates and Engravings. By Frank J. Scott. Cloth, c.Mnu price reduced from $S to S3. Postage 20 cents. Juvenile Classics. Buiiyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated. Cloth, 10 cents ; iKtaj 7 cents. New edition March 19. The Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage. S cents. Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Baron Mundiausen, and Gulliver's Travels'- h I vol. Illustrated. Cloth. 10 cents ; postage 8 cents. The Book of Fables. By Ksop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Pastage 7 cents. Cecil's Books or atural History. 3 vols, in 1. Illustrated. Cloth,Sl. Postage 11 cents. Stories and Ballads. By Ellen Tracy Aldcn. Illustrated. Cloth, ft) cents. Postage, cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all in brcier or larger tyre. Macaulay's Life of Frederick the Great. Former prices Si 25. Price 3 cents. Carlvle's Life of Robert Burns. Former Irfco Si 'jr,. lri n pinis Light of Asia. By Edwin Arnold. FonncrprlceSl 50. Price 5 cents. Thomes Hughe's Manliness of Christ. Former price Si. Price 3 ccnLs. Mary Queen of Scott's Life. By I-amartine. .Former price Si 25. Price 3 c vicar or waKeiieia. By Oliver colusmlth. Price 5 cents. Bunyau's Illgrim's Progress. I"rice G cents. Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Price 3 cents. The Library Magazine Of Amcricau and Foreign Tliought. Like the old and excellent Uttol's Living Age and Electric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American thought added), at one-rourth their price, and every number a bound volume. Vols. 1. to VlL, over 4,000 pages, in cloth, for S3 20 ; in hair llussia. gilt top, ror $4 sj. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria, Oregon. D. a IRELAND, Manager. C. H. STOCKTON, j HOXXSE, SXCOT AND -CARRIAGE PA1NTER- , PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A 81'JCCIAI.TY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ji-Shop next door to Astorian Office, in Snuster'8 tmlldlne. American editors, the w bole coutbiued under S ids. in a, dotli. 2 ; jKwtagc 35 cents. Half one- nost- cuts For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanatmo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying XJ. S. ISInils. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander "Will leave Portland for the above ports from Plunder's Dock No freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the day previous to departure. For Freight or Passage apnlv to Eu. C. HUGHES, Puner. fT.CIFiO COAST I J.R.LEESOS -MISCELLANEOUS. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE fiEHEDlES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Broncliitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSOfiMPTEOM- A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as Is the case with most preparations, bet 0Mttn h, cleanses the lursgs aad allays irritation. dms removing the causc-of cooiplaiat. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bear. g similar narr.es. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, ith t!c signature of" I. BUTTS " en the wrapper. CO Cents anil S1.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETII W. FOWLE & SONS, Dos en, Mass. Sold fcy dntgsists and dealers gcaeralir Children Motiers lilio anil Physicians rocoaunontl it. IT IS NOT KARCOTIC. CENTAoU IrDTTHrRXTS; the World's great Pain-Ue-liciing' remedies. Tlieylical, .soothe and cure Burns, "Wounds, "NYcalc Back and Rheumatism upon 3Ian, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness spoil Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS o disgusting Mucus., S nudes, Craclclins Pains in tno Hcatl, Potid Breath, Deafness, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can "bo exterminated "by "WolDo Lleyer'a Catarrh Caro, a Consti tutional Antidote, "by Absorp tion The- most 3inpbrtant Dis covery since Vaccination. Ileno Ahretw. Ilenrj" Tktjen. T.V.IkHstel. CHICAGO BRBWBRY. Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, I-lO to 1.s:m l'tnc Strrt-t. SAX FKAXC'ISt'O. rilHIS KKKWKKY IS THK ilOST POPU JL Inr iw the eoast, hihI lmv estnldbltetl a branch in this citv nnd is umlerthe manaee inent of .I.KTltiVrSS, avim will Im plensed to fill any order frmi h dozen Indtk up to a thoieatml lwrri. This leer nceiLs n ree onimendMtMHi, ms thiwe ulntc it oneo will never n-an tttlier. Onlerleft at the Oc cident Hotel or at I-wae lter" will he nroiHirtly attemled to. All orders from a distance will reeeixt promia attention. Fanili HI4iedwith this excellent cinali ty of heer. .I. STKAUSS. A:ent. Wntei treet,H-vt lrto Iskc Koters, AstwriH. OrejtHU. J. EL D. GKAT, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL JCIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Ucnton street. Astoria. rcn J Oregon. lAm&i f 5.1- "zillH J3HK3T0NE, SCOT'D. iGflARON.MASS. IvIISCELLAKEOUtS. Important to Travel ovs. raillK IXDKKSIC.NK!) IS L now iHi'tMretl u -l THROUGH TICKETS FKOM Astoria to all Fofnts in Europe t.t Overland Itailroads and SU-m-hi. of t ! fdhw iiu; 8rt-ete lilies from New ork : WIIITK STAR LINE. NATIONAL LINK. ALLAN LINK. lM-:i) STAR LINK. AMERICAN LINK. A. T. P.KAKICE. Of C. TiiuMiiNM & Co., A"4wia. Oregtm. For London Direct. Tlte uiMkriMsl hn nmler charter a HM ols Al Irmi Sarqui Due at ASTORIA early in M.iv. wliirii will be put or iMTtli to lond for L0ND0NDIRECT. AJWR!Z.ttJ& In lois TtlsriTSHIPPKKS will he taken at Ki:.sor;AtiiK uatek. For Fl'KUiUT and oilier iKtrtH'tihits, apd to S! sx, 'i3i'i:c'ii a .. Cor. Front ami A-h Streets. Portland. Oregon. Yaclifc Blue Skin. ChiHK-r lMiilt.eper fastened. ttti:in" nt;i( rsei. lies ai vji CaeV wharf. Ready to re- eeie iasseiti;erN. fn-leht ore.- ArffsX eurMni parties to all parts f "aj me iiMiimiHarneraun icini-K ty. Charges moderate. rfr-porfurtherjrth-nlars inquire of John Roger!. Central Market. Or of r.MT vnnn.? Master and owner. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation Company. The new sieawtr sol'tii i;;:'i. JOHN ItROWN, - - MASTKR. Will leave Siiitth Itentl for Kay Center. Oy,- tprville anil the head nftiie Kay. Connecting with N. IIennit stage line and steamer (Jen. Caly at llwaeo for Astoria. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Iivsngi's leaving Astoria on either of tlM dajj, can go through to Smith lSeml in one da j. For freight ami pis-age :Ay at the CMiiKUiys oBh-' ;it Spilth ltend. or the Cap tain on lKanl. Kendall'sj TOvl3 The mostBucecxHMl IIemetl3ever disem cred. as it is certain 111 its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human ttelt. Read proof Iwlow. From a Prominent Physician; Washington ville. Ohio. Juno 17, 1SS0. nu. IJ..I. KKNn.vi.L ci o., ncnts : ueao- ' ing mir advertisement in Turf. Field and Farm, or Kendall's Spavin Cure, and having ' a alualdc ami iqieeily Horse which had lieen 1 lame fnnn .siwvm eighteen montlLS. I sent to I vou for a lMittle by express, which in six j weeks removed all lameness and enlarge-' ment ami a large splmt from anotlier li(ir ami both liorses are to-day as sound as colts. Tin one liottle was worth to me one hundred dollars. Respectfully yours. 11. a. ut-.i.iui.&i 1, Jl. v. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Ilarrbburg. Pa.. Nov. 1?. IPSO. Dk. 15. J. KkmallSCo.. tlents: I have a verv line mare that has had a bone spavin for a long time, I tried every thing man could iIcmso to ciin it hut all in vain and was aliout to give it up when a friend of mine in this city came to nic and recom mended Kendall s Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear ami clean and then I sent 2r cents to you for Hie of vour illustrated Horse Rooks and I think there is no letter book printed on the horse and his diseases. I have taken great interest in it and have since sold IS copies for you tout neighbors and will tryand do what good 1 in by getting them for others. Yours truly. O.AV. MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Ilakersfield, Vr.. Dee., 2, 1379. It. J. IvKxnALi. & Co., Cents - I wish to add my testimony In favor of jour invaluable liniment. "Kendall's Spavin Cure.' In the spring of 1562 I slipped on the ice and sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was very lame and at times suffered the most excruciating pain. I wore a bandage on it for over a j ear. and tried most every thing In my reach, but could find nothing that would give me permanent relief. When 1 overworked, it would pain me very much. In April 1S78 l legan to think I should be a cripple for life; but having some of "Ken dall's Spa in Cure" thought I would try it. I u-scd (Hie third of a bottle, and experienced relief at once. The pain left me and has not troubled me since. I feel very grateful to you and would recommend 'Kendall's Spavin Cure' to all who suffer with sprains or rheu- huatistii. Yours truly, Mits. J. Roltrlt, ! TT T -M, i lumaaiis spavin uiire Is sure iii its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, and yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement. If used for several days, such as spains, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enforcements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism 111 man 1 laud for any purpose for which a liniment is ! useti ior man orueast. it is now known to bo the best liniment for man ever used, act ing mild and yet certain in its effects. It Ls used full strength with perfect surety at all seasons of the year. Send address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unquali fied success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price SI per bottle, or six bottles for $5 ALL Dl.UOGlSTS have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address 011 re ceipt of price by the proprietors. DP.. B. J. KENDALL & CO.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. m &z&x fi winsy J 1 MILLS AT T1LVSSP0RTATI0X LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXV. OCE.VX DIVISION. Between San Francisco & Portland. In eoiteequenee of accident to the steain hil State of California, the followingsched ule of sjiiliujr days of ocean steamers has bH'ii arnmged. to-wit ; FKOM 1'OUTL.VNU. FKOM SAX FR.VX. Dste. Steamer. Date. Stoamer. .lime 12 .lime 17. .limeJ2. llK.27 .IlllY LV .llllv 7 duly 12, . Oregon .State of Cala Columbia . . Oreuon .State of C:ila .Columbia ,. Oregon .1 une 4 . June 10.. June 15 . ........Orepon State of Cala Columbia Oregon .State of Cala Columbia Oregon State of Cala ... Columbia Oregon .State of Cala Columbia June 20.. June 23.. iJune.o. July 5.. July 10.. July 15.. July 20.. Julv 23.. .Inly 17. ..State of Cala .liny m .Iiilv 2; An. 1 Anp. 0 .Columbia ... Oregon state of Cala Columbia Jnly 30 . Due notice will be uiven of anv further I change. Right is reserved to change steamers or 1 silling day. r THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prlu ; final cities in the United Statrs and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers. FF.RRCAItY 1, 18S1. I.eave Port-I Fri.l kind for Mon Tu. We. Tim. Fri.lSat. Duties. Wal la Walla Umatilla anil up riv er noiatt '.AM .' AM BAM UAM 5 AM SAM ('.AM Asteria. Ka latna.Taee wa.Saltle CAM A AM CAM CAM GAM l-AM V ic na. er West'mstr CatHlanwt. llay VIpu-. S kameka wa. Brook Held V est port. U 1 i 1 1 on. Kn appu. DTtea ... Salem, anil points. I'slntt on AM J6AM GAM GAM BAM 6 AM AM AM AM C am S am Snake Kiver5 a m Sam KXKUAI. OFFICES: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MrCItAKEN & Co.. Agents State of California, A. L. MAXVEU.. Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co. JOHN MUIR. Ceneml Freight and Tassenger agent. T. F. 0AKKS, Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go $pffs Until further nutico the Hwaco ticarhK Stoam Navigation Co's stoamer "" GENERAL CAN BY, WIIITC0MB MASTER Will leave Astoria on Moutlajs, Tuesdays, ami Saturdays, At 9 A.M., Fridays at U 1-1 A. 31., and 1 V. 31. Fort Stctciis, Fort Can by, nnd llwnc Connecting with '.. A. Loomis'stages for Oys tervillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens... ....... 50cts " " Canby and Hwaco. $1 00 oarihvaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, $. 00 per ton. isaFor Tickets. Towoge or Charter apply oitker at the oflico of tha Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Lenton stroot, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D. GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R. Co On an alter Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. MUL TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. M.IRoseburg 7:00 P. M Ro3ebarff.5:00 A.M.lPortland 4:251' M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 1:4 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:15 A. M.l Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5:15 A.M.lPortland .5-23P.M The Oregon and California Railroad i erry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eostside Division. westside mvtsiox. From 1'orllniitl to Corvallis. 1IA1I. TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.l Corvallis 3:00 P. M Corvallis S:U0 A. M.Portland SiSO.P.'M Close connections are made at ROSEBTJRG with the Stages of tho Oregon and California Stage Company. i&trTickets for sal 0 to all th 0 principal points in California and tho East, at the Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on freight remain Eg atCompanys Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. onEastsido Division, and C o'clock P-M.on Westside Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'ISup't. . P. ROGERS. Uen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. The Steamer jTAGXKT, C.W.UAMLIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rivet every Friday and Knappa every Tuesday. The Magnet Ls ready for charter to any pointonthebay. For freight or passage apply on hoard or at I. W. Case's. Astoria and Jlnappton. Regular Mail and Passenger Steamer llOSKTTA, W.WAYE MASTER ca-Will leave Knappton for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING THE TT. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her t carry wood or freight of any kind. m OS" For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Case'a store. Lawyers briefs printed in fine style atTriEAsTOF.rAN-Tjfliee. '