m gTxe ggnttu stei&atu ASTOKIA. OREGON": i TUESDAY JUNE 14. IBS - ! B. C. IRELAND Keillor, i Fort Washakie. One hundred and fifty miles from Green river is the govern ment post of fort "Washakie. The post is situated on the right bank of the little Wind river. It is named after the noble red man "Washakie, chief of the Shoshone Indians, upon which circumstance the Boomenmsr discourseth thus: : TUnmic., cu.,.1 n,rr.,mPfl., a. immmv. ..i . "-- J--- - j poetical thing, and reflects great credit upon 'the fertility of the , . V TV i V. :j r brain that conceived the idea ol calling a military post after a chivalrous Indian belonging to the knighthood of the Shoshones. As we viewed the handsome buildings and grounds surrounding the fort, our feelings were touched bysym pathyand we gave way to tears, j Uur sobs were inierrupicu ny a ,n,wl rrAc5nrr nnnu tile shoulder, iiv.i.1 ,.,. . . - ... 'i and upon looking up we behelu an aboriginal species of man, who had not arranged his afternoon toilet, and who was not dressed to see company. He confronted us with a ugh and an irregular look ing mug, draped with gray hairs and a roosters feather. This per sonage was no less than Washakie, the name of which had caused us to shed copious volumes of tears. . . There is still no change in the ; New York senatorial contest. Another American horse, Fox hall, owned by Mr. James TJ. Keene, has won a big race and lots of mono' in Paris. Disastrous storms are reported in the Northwest; also in Kansas, i southwestern Missouri, and in Pennsylvania and the east. Jay Gould says he intends now to push his (J ranger branch of the Union Pacific through to Portland. When he gets to Portland he will assuredly find it essential to push on the coast of the Pacific. Sitting Bulls Sioux having starved nearly to death, now in tend to send several of their chiefs to Washington to apply for a stated reservation where they may live and die in peace, and without hardship. Father I.arocco, general of tiic dqminican order of the entire world, accompanied by l.ieutcn-iant-General Carberey, arrived in New York on Saturday from Eu rope. Gen. Longstreet has also arrived in New York. Billy the Kid, the famous des perado, lias killed three herders of Chesiem, and sent word to the sherifT at Santa Fe that he was getting even. Patrick Garrett, sheriff of Lincoln county, has been on the Kids trail since April 27th. Mr. Depew, mentioned for the senatorship in New Yoik, and for whom Senator Sessions tried to bribe votes, is said to lie the best after dinner speaker in his circle. It was he who remarked, during the. last campaign, that "some men are born great, and others are born in Ohio.' A postmaster whose name well accords with his steadfast career, is Edward Stable, of Sandy Springs, Maryland. He has held the office fifty-one years, under eighteen successive postmaster generals, and is still living in the house in which he was born, eighty-seven years ago. The American mission is re garded as a post of exile ami deg radation, by English diplomatists. Sir Austen Layard having, in years gone by, offended Mr. Gladstone, is to be "punished by being sent to "Washington." This is a curious state of affairs. We send to Great Britain our Motleys and our Lowells. In re turn we receive men who consider it a promotion to move hence to St. Petersburg, and a disgrace to move here from Madrid. h so far as-it is one of personal pre judice and opinion the matter is trivial. Sir Edward Thornton has been kindly treated among us, and Sir Austen Layard would probably be kindly treated, too; but the one wants to go and the other objects to coming. The salary attached to the American ministership is small, too, so the usual financial object affected by Englishmen in the United States is wanting also. It seems to us that this sort of proceeding- partakes more or less of the nature of an international insult. A little self assertion for America how would that do in the premises? SHor can 1 tell whether mj advertisement will attract or not ? Try It 2rAny person who takes a paper regularly from a postoffice whether U- rected to Ms name or oUieiX or sponsible for the pay. vtiiuuici- lit uaaouucviiuvu ui jiiu in t- &3An advertisement in a. newspa per is worth forty 'directory" cards and other foolish imitations. The paper is seen every dav by hundreds while the book is noticed by only a very fow. arThe courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and period icals from a postoffice, or removing, and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. .3-If you are suddenly asked, "who among merchants have made the largest fortunes in the shortest time in legitimate business.9 will not your reply I naturally be, "judicious advertisers? tf a person orders his pape a?li a person orders his paper dis- mtiimiwl Til rrmit, firnfr. unv hII nrrpnr- continued, lie must nrst pay all arrear- ages, or the publisher mav continue to send fit until it is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. jT-firA good point about adverttsins, good pc al. is Ui? in General, is that such announcements never offend. Vc never dislike tliat which anneals to un f.r our good opin ion, for the very act scenic to .ay to us that our good opinion is valwi JBSrjtiliafactiollssinCee5L-ibIiahcd, says the Helena Herald, that the nicr- chant who liberally patronizes the ad vertising columns of the press, sells his :.,:... ,.i,. ...... . .1 wares cheaper man tne one wnose name is seldom or ever seen. The ivaon is patent, for by thus nd'ertlsing, his sales are trippled and a leas proportionate profit makes him the greatest gainer. JS2J-A iie'-vapapsr is a window through v. hieh men look out upon the world. Without a newspaper a man i shut up in a iuhI1 room, and knows Hi tie or nothing of what is happening out side of himself. In our da the news paper will keep a sensible man in sym path willi the world's current history. llisanuuioiuimreneycioiieuinaniiiiitiiii- hook, foreer issuing and never fmifhed. - jE-CKThere is a quiet courtesy ami mndot iuiobtriisivenes altoitt a wise advertisement tlwt create n vrtHm ies poMhivc feeling of mpRi!i in I lie reader. We all like to lie sotieilcd, and it is natural to Mtpjiose that he who ino-t politelj. clearly and K'r-isteiilIy solicits u- Mauds the better elmm-e for our trade. Tlie familiar adwitisements of local juiper- often cover lhee point with gieat tact ami iiigeuuit. jjSSrShiHeil mechanit'al and jrofes sifmal labor is in alnithlHiice in this state, We can spare a uliole aim of clerks, salesmen ud Micawbei-s wlio are sturv insr lM'fii-e 5Jic aivnoi lined, or will not hihiti in hc hVltl IliHt oilers :hcnt A living. Now is the time to imcM. in landsand to M-tlleon them. Kail roads are opening ll oer the stale, and there is a fair shoving of :hi iuciea-eiii the value of lKiid.no mailer where located. Farmers an what we want, and not more tradesmen: agi iculturiMs, not ad ditional professers: tillers of the soil, and not an increased army of clerks. The t-ounirj is healthy, both morally and physically, and there is value in land that is not alTeeled h the rise and fall of stock IIOKX. In Astoria. Sundav, June V2, 1831, to the wife of ('has. II. Stockton, a dnught- Weighl. PJ pounds Wife and child well and hearty. NEW TO-DAY. T OST. In ltak Imy.Ton. the cvciiuir of JU .li line 12th. aWut 1M orxllO fathoms of llftv incsh nctcirks Branded C T. SCo. Finder will hf rewarded oil rcturnuij; the saiiie K the crfmU-ry of C. TI5IM1N.S & (;.. I pperAsioria.uiiiiP I3rwi, NET LOST. Eighty fathom AT, mesh net. Hat hour 11 ilv.tmuc. eorls and lead Hue branded A. A. 17 Cd. The Under will be rewarded for retunmiRKanie or givmjj Infor mation where It Is. ANI AMKKICAN TKC. CO. Julie 13, 18R1. 1 LOST. June 13th, lat llcaconK. above TonuuciMiiut, about 2lf fcuhpfnjf net, nsirt new and part old. (The new iArt is llelfast twiue. the oldIs Harbours No. 12-ply. It is a lulvate net, smd t ic linqer will be lewjuded by leaxink the net on. word at Man in Fords uct jacks, npjien Astoria, near the cud of roadway CJIAKL vS ANDERSON. June l3lh, 18S1. 101'ND. On tic beach between Che . namus and .Smicinocha streets, on Sim day, June r.uhlabOut sixteen fathoms of new net. No mark ;. The owner cm have the same on proof of iiroperty and payment of charces. bv am Iviir :es, oyapj lying sti n ic tailoring shop of the midcreigue 1. f Astoria, June 13, $31. UliO. I.OVI71 PICKED I'lL .lime llth, ouc piece of net about forty fathoms In length. Owner can have .same bv paving costs. :I7-1 1500THS OANXEKY. "VTl-rr LOST. Lost on the mornlngof June jj 7th, near the wreck of the Dilharree, a net about 250 fathoms long, 45 meshes deep. Harbours lOnlv twinp, marked K in diamond on corks. K T on leatls. new web. The finder will be rewarded by returning the same or gn nig liuonnal ion or ncre It is to June 7. 18SI. ASTOKLV FLSIIEKY "Marian King." 'WfE HAVE NOW PLACED THISFIKST T class vessel on the berth for salmon loading to Liverpool. For particulars regard ing rates of freight and insurance, applv to ftODCEICS, MEYEK & CO., Fortland, Oregon. $50 REWARD. fllllE ABOVE AMOUNT WILL HE PAID JL for the recoer' of the body of N. Ben son, who was drowned from a fishing boat oir Chinook point on Wednesday, .Tune th. By Beaver I-odce No. Xt, I. O. O. !. .ST.CIVlK BENNEK.N.G. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, DEALEU IN FINE WINES. LTQUOItS, Bkki:, Cioaks, and best brands or .KENTUCKY WHISKY, 100 South First street, Portland, Ouroon. f2T"BestSan Fnindsco Tool Table on the premises. Consignees Notice. NEITHER CA1T. LITTLE, OF THE British bark Scottish Bard, nor the un dersijnicd consignees of the above named essel, will be reionsiblc for any debts con tracted by the crew of said vessel while at Astoria. JAMES laiHLA W & CO. Astoria. .1 uue , 1881. d;t. OPILES. Tlie undersioied is prepared to f urnUb a laree number of Spiles and Sjars at bit placeou short notice, at reiusouable rate. Apply to C. O. CAPLES, Columbia City WAlt IS Di:CIiAKKI WITHOUT fcTRTHEK XOTICK And no terms of peace until every man in Astoria has a new .suit of clothes M.V1IK BY HFAXY. Ixok at the prices : Paats to order from -Pants, Genuine French Cassimere -Suits from ------ ssoo 12 CO 25 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEAN Y, Main street, opposite Parker House, Astoria. InTttli 3& MISCELLANEOUS. importmt" y limUmm OKTHK- HOUSE To make room for an Immense Mock ofjjomts that aw arriving by every steamer. I will sell for the NEXT THIRTY DATS -AT- Greatly Reduced Prices ! My entire slock, comprising Ike latest styles OK Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Child rens Shoes and Slippers ALSO: A COMPLETE LINE OK MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTH TNG FURNISHINC GOODS, Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes, ETC. ETC. ETC. llefore purchnsing yoHr &hU elsewhere call in and examine my goods ami price, as It will iy you well for your trtHiMe. S. SCHLUSSEL, "WHITE HOUSE STOKK, Conier Main and C heuaiiiiis strwls, ASTORIA, OllKGOX. BANKING ANDJNSURANGE. X. W- CASE, BROKER, BANKER INSURAHGE ACENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL -1 O'CLOCK T. M. Hue Mutual Imps Co., OF CALIFORNIA. ,T. F. Houghton Chas. it. Stei: Gko. Ik Stokv ... I'reMdeni Seereiary .Aseiit for (;oh Capital naid up in I". S. gold coin . .. $ 300 MO 0 I. W. CASi:. Agent, Clienamus street. Astoria. Oregon 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND L0NH0N AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF nART- F0RD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.000,0O0. A. VAN DUKEN. Agent. Cflnrcial Union kmnw Co. OF LONDON. Capita!, - - 512.500,000 Fire and Marine insurance. JOHN KAE HAMILTON, Manager. 210 Sansome St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. . MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MAKINE IIKANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500.000. The undersigned are prciwtred to ISSUE POLICIES To cover shipments of SALMON or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMEB from Columbia Elver to DOMESTIC OB FOBEIGN lOKTS. Orders by MAIL or WIKE promptly at tended to SIBSON, CHURCH & Co., ("or. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Sque:nojhe sirects, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON DEAI.KR IN WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. HOijjo isod anx i-tiisojjo hh'xuoo fcJKELdLJBCOO "X iiiaiuiJBdsQ Suupoi3 ur dijudbs 5uojS Xui joj no ytoS 33av 3X3jyT -g ct "uavo in osnojj oot.tj ouq ?sodi38i0 oqj; 'S03IJJ 03SIDUUJJ uug an IS ued 5TJip i!uo)sv u! 3snoM 1 lH si sup J3quiotun qUOUiqjUClSQ Stlll503 Xui ointuuxo spooxs SSUQ 5SJU 33 piIE A3UOIU OATJS Ol 1UT2AV IloX JJ ODpoiI OSTCOJfl UOUIOpUOQ SODUc ODSptlUJJ UEC; 5TJ 'Sippi piIE SDZIg SDAlg C ipiAV pDOOlg SJ ST-UIJM JKIAVO'LI OlVKO.) X 'SMOAVOjJ lOUO.TirJ (S13JJ pOUUUT.l)lTr :.ptuEu spooQ Xjouiijj jo ouij ouij i psAioooj snf pjci e sp ?i men 'tpiEiu oi sSuiuuuui ipiA soputjs C U XI SX!)Is-!I(I XSH.W3IX 51 1 IX IIXIW i:iM.M)JS SI iKaffissYiaa saoos ssshg uno lou JOAnq oi ijsi.w no.v joipoijAv sjoj3 in snjAis .mo ouiuii -xd noX 7).v. oi ojnsuocI tj i; puij puiui hi jnn( snipirj IIAVOJ TLI O.lOlg ,101)0 -flW U1I SS'Oj U0v) .TOfl G SOOT.TJ SM0J00 )lV. SOJ-fyS J UT 'sOOUf Supl SJ1?0Q 'Sdui SIWUI0( jci - - 'sDjiYis iiiojDjjip or 'osoj j snipirj zoq oog siiiicYiui? xsn :i:i.i ?o i - - - - sjaisjfi .louuunc; snipirjcS o9 - - pouuuui Xpuiospmiii uauji 'AAunq ujixo 'siing irauiq ui avou Xpjpuo iiupouiog 91 z - - 'nuijEJixo 'possoquiD 'sling uouiq snipcq tci o? z - 'sodoicI z 'pojopiojquio 'siinc; uourj soipuq og o z$ 'sonnid pniuiuui oiuospuui 'siing uoinq soipn"! 06 5101 JJO liSOJ STXISOcTcTO TfETNHOD iaaois aoraj mo ,is:-TtivHiio aiix aaois YIMOIITYO E22XE:st 3EtxxwE-sr.ARNI)T & FERCJ1EN, ASTOKIA, OIMUIOX, vi4. BRICK LAYER U CI niti 199 1 1 in PLAIN AND OltNAMKNTAL P XjjQuS T E! 3Et 3E3 DEL Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Wsiieliouse. foot of Benton Street, promptly , aiieiiiit'ti in. T IME, SAND, BRICK, PIASTER. LATH, 1J Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. ctrSieclal attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. es-Agent San Juan and NewTacoma Lime. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co's wharf. The choicest brands of foreign and domestic 1VIXES, liiqUORS AXD CIARS. i3H est Chicago Keer.-a PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. B. CROW, - - - PROPRIETOR Opjiosile Episcopal Church, Stincmncqlie St.. Is now prepared lo TAKE PHOTOGrllAPHS Of all kinds ami in the latest styles. Copvlng and Enlarging Pictures In Oil Cray on, luilia Ink and ater Colors. All kinds and sizes of TinTypes WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and Chcnanms Street. ASTORIA OllKCION. DKALKR IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other 1 jirfUh Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of "Watches aud Jewelry, 31uzzlc nutl Ilreeek Jjoailinc Shot Guns and Klfles, ItevolvefN, Plutols, and AHimniiltion HARINE GLASSKS. ALSO A FIXE Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. 4S8Hfe ASTOKIA. - OUECON. The Only Machine Shop JZZ Aim! the Im"1 W&1 ' BLACKSMItH Sj & &' ah kimi of K" ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY. THE DEW DROP INN ! Oh, fishermen, all hear the pood news ! A fine saloon is started with best or Liquors, Wines and Beer, AND FINE FREE U'NCII UNOIARDED. The Grandest Caviar and Cheese, IN SANDWICH THICK AND THIN And wilt you spend a pleasant hour, drop in at the I)KV DROP INN on Coueomly street. .I.T.BORCHERS. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will leave the Occident Hotel and Pajje & Allen's eorucr at Six O'clock A. EL, Daily, And eaeh alternate hour tliereafter. Will also Leave UpperTown from Mr. Fords Place at tho End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. Saturday nights will rim later to accommo date the public. The above will be I lie stations for start in" i but this line 1ms Ikhmi established for the accommodation of the public. and will carry passengers. baaitie or freight, to anv part of cither city that Is aeeestdbleto team. F.VltES. Tickets will be sold at the rate or V'i cents ior trip. Bajrsnse and parceLs at same rates. T f !. BUTLER. Jlanaser. AMoria, May ST. 18S1. Take Notice. i John Rogers, Centra! Market, Has received a lare Invoice of BiYBHKLS AND ILVLF BARRELS of the best quality. And Ls now ready to supply Butchers Can nsries and all others, chap lor cash. 7 rOiSTTHS THE WEEKLY 7J J JJrT , . , WE WILL SEND THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN TO aXY ADPKKSS IX THE UNITED STATES, Postage iwiid by us. For the Balance of the Current Year, At the above rate Cash in advance. DONT DEI.AY ACCK1TANCE OF THIS OFFEK. rn THE AS 0AILY AND WEEKLY) S 11ESPECTED AXD COMMENDED BY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE FAEKR FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, l.lirV ASTORI.1X TERMS: UY HI.1IT.. teOSTACK KUKK TO AI.1. SriflClUKUS.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR I DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR. MONTHS 3 00 t5?"Saiiiile eopies of either edition n cents. Address: I. C. IREI,A.VD. Publisher, Astoria, Oregon . 2rIKtnmsters are authorized to act asaents forTiiKAhToniAX. THE ASTORIAN STEAM FEINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AjVV BEST PRESSES, ANI TYPE &3- We purchase Paper, Cards, Ink, and other materials of the manufacturers -.-fc Lo"west Oisla. Hates, And can therefore atfonl to use. as we always do. the best articles, while charging Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA LASER IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND lr EXCELLED BY XOXE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPKIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. CB-Ordcrs left at the GERMANIA REER HALL will be promptly attended to.-Wi TRBKCIIARD & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SHIP GSANDLEBf PROVISIONS, IJROjY, STEEL. GOAL, Builders General TIARDWAEE, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AtJEXCYOFTIIE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Ohenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREtJON C. T.KlN'KXWRBF.It. HIUAJt KHOWX. KST.r.i.isnp.n ijmb. Leiiienweber & Co., ASTOKIA, OREGON, TAMES AND CDBBIEBS, Manufacturers and Importer oi A LI. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS AVholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. JLVNUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES K5THighest cash price paid forj Hides and Tallow. FOE. $1 25 jB I 1 TOE. I AN, COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. 89 00 OF THE LA TEST STYLES. BREWERY r"-v ii l S. GLASER & CO., iSucccasors to F. Sherman & Co.) MAIN STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON, Is prepared to supply Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Cornell MentH, Ponltry, Ciame, Etc. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATES. tSFresh sausages of all kinds made three times a week or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of tabic stock constantly on nand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KG CIS. BUTTER, CHHESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. rOlTLTRY AXD G.OIF In the season. CIGARS AXD TOBACCO. Best or WINES AXD LIQUORS. All cheap Tor CASIL Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. D. K. Waurjw. T.W.Eatos Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTE1 , ASTORIA, - - OREGON. 1VAKRF.X & EATOV, ProprleterM. (Successors to Warren t 3TcQuire Wholeialo and Retail Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats A full lino oi FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. ob Butter, Eggs, Choe3o, etc. constantly on band. cur" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BEKGMA2T D BERRY -RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN Xttion of the public to tho fact that th above Market will always bo supplied wita a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at Ioweat rates, wholeaaU and retail. Special attention given to BUDDb ne said. T( -t TraR hT SSJSM ; t i .