CO I 1 1 , 'I gIVJ5 ift SiCTCim. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. JUNE 12.18S! COMMERCEJND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READ? FOR SEA. SAILED Rival, bk. 299 tons. Adams. S. T". June 11 Shubrick. U S Licht-liouse Mr. Everson. llock and cruise. June 10 Agnes Oswald, bri. 120 tons. McUibbon. Queens town June " Kate and Anna. te.-im sch.UX tons, Lutjens. Grays Harbor. June 7 Orient, bris. 312 tons. Williams. San Pedro June S Lizzie Bell, br bk IMfiton. Menmard. Lfrerpool, June 6 North Bend bkt 37ti tousMerrrman. S I' June f Columbia. &s. 2721 tons Bolles S F. June 3 California, sir. 671 tons. Carroll. Sitka June 2 Kllerbank, br bk. 11W) ton. 1'arker. Liverpool. June 1 OUTSIDE XYITH PILOTS O.V HOARD. Thomao II Stowe. br bk. Newcastle X S W .Tunr s ARRIVALS FROM SEA. o Mary L. Huns. soli. Snn Pedro. June 11 Tarn O'Sliantor. bkt. S. F. June IB Scottish Bard. Br bk.Ms ton. Little. Kockhamp- ton. June b Sol. Thomas, s-tr. Cow bay. Juw S Orecon ss. 2S35 tons. Pohlman. S V Jhiic Alpha, sch. Starr, Tillamook. June 5 titheh brlifc.lffi tons, (iraliam. Liverpool, may 29 Arso. rt bk (mS ton-.. ;: Valparaiso May 29 CHnn bk.79l tens WiKon. BrisliaM. .May z. Alden Beswe.Axn W.. SI J tons. No". llonskons may 2 Uoloina. Am bk 5 ten. Nye. HonskenK May 20 Martha l'isher. brbV.MI ten... McAtlam.Newcas- le. NSW. May lb lllaportc. brbk. 1MB tmx. Tats Newcn-lle.N S W.May 11 Merom. sh, llltin.. ltwell. N V May s Clan Grant, br bk. !S tern.. James f m Liicrpn&l. MavG Marion Kinc br bk 9:3 ten- Kio Janeiro Mat S VESSELS OS Tin: U'A 1 . From American Jort. Alice Buck. Am fell N Y April b Belle of Oregon bk N Y May S Carrie AVinslow. bk. 911 tons. Philadelphia, Meh 0 Columbia, sh ll'u totm. Humphrey. N Y. Jan 20. C. S Hurlburt. bk. IIW) tors.N Y. June Kmnire. tli. 1132 tens. New York. Jan Ifi HmraaT Crowell bk 117 tens N Y Mav2ft Ieo W Elaer. tr. S !' June 11 Philadelphia. Jan 13 Henry S Sandford. sh, tlSH tons, hlecjwr. N V March 22 Indiana, ship. O. It. A X. Co, iron. May 21 Kate Davenport, sh. 121S tons. Mallett N Y Jan 11 Mississipi. O. R. A N. Co. sir N Y. May 21 Oracle, sh l.VK) tons. Morison, Philndelihia Mch2i Olive S Southard Am sh Philadelphia March 5 Palmyra , sh. iW) tons Minot N Y March 2 State of California, ss. 22(fl tons. Ootmej-. S V June 10 Saranac sh N Y April 2fi Sparrow sell S 1'" March lfi Willamottc.6S.2r30 tons.N Y March 2ft From rorelrn l'orfa. AdolU Suo. lik. (ifi tons. RinimiaiiKnii, Citn- burjr.Oct IS BankRfiold Brbk Livei pool April 9 Button Vale, br bk. Ofii tOHS. Buckinenam Yoko hama Feb 1 Bozford. br bk. Liverpool. March S Chilo. br bk. Liverpool. May 21 City of Quclwc br bk 7i Ions London llec IS via Victoria ("rossfield. br bk. Liverpool. Maich 2 Countess of Rothw.. Br 4i. Middlesloro, Uec2S Counl?ssof Derbt. b, Middlestlmro. liitK. Jan 25 City of Manchester, br bk 71 tons Bi Boon. BrbkS77 tonsNecaMl Doxford, br bk. Liverpool Marc J 3 ia Victwria Kurness Abbey, bk. lu. l.iWtj. Yokohama. bk. (WIIiihv I.iivrptml. Ma 12 Gleniieris, sh 1C91 tons. Cape of :ool-h;w. due June. O heron. lm. I1M ton. LiveriiwJ Aprils Kiver Avon, br bk iss Holler Liwnxtttl March X Sidlaw. ISr bk 4H tui Metilushnti MiddlelHirouich Jan 12 Vancouver, b t UH3 tons. icdlr Y.op. brbk l.hcrpoihl via Victoria Jan 2 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. I i A..I. MKftLKIt. r.s. vi:iht I OCCIOKXT IITE-:i.. ' MEOLER & WRNHIT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. rilHK I'ltOl'lillvTOKS AKK llAlTV TO JL auuoiiuee tbnt tin :ibove liolel lias been icpafutednnd ivfuniilit'l.:nl"liiiK Kejill to tle:o:iif()it of Hsue.slsniid isiiow the hotel north of San Franeiseo. C. V. KNOWLKS. CKAREXHOX l'OKTLAND, - - - - OKEdON ZIEBER & KN0VLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. B-Tiin Daily A.swi:ian is on tile at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN .STltEKT. - - ASTOIMA Mrs. JS. X. Arrisoni. Proprietor rilHKTKAVKLIXU FCULIC WILL FIND KLINC PUBLIC WILL FIND sa-wsniTgsaaig JL I lie I'loueer a share of the solicited EsS-Board and lodging by llicdaj or week. Fair Wind Coflfee Saloon j WATER STKEET, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kiiise".s. Coll'ee. Tea and Chocolate, with Cake. IO C'cntM. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines. .Liquor and Ciar.s Of the bet brands. Having just oiened the above establish ment we cordially invite our friends and the public generally to give us a trial. G-tf FOARD & KVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. C 3lvin sTiriiirr, astoria. rjlllE UNDKRSIONF.D IS l'LKASKD TO JL announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them, in first class style, and eveiy style. OYSTK11S. HOT COFFEU, TEA, IrC. AT THE Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please give me a call. KOSCOE DIXON, Proprietor "1ERMAXTA KF.V.T! T4ATT. vJ ' AND BOTTLE JiEEIt DEPOT. Cb'KNAURS STRr.l.T. ASTOfilA. The Best of lMyifii Cfs. a a lass Orders for tho iia Brewery :b 3333:0. IWt at this place will bcpromplly attend ed to. t3No cheap San Francisco fleer sold at this place ' WM. BOOK. Proprietor. AGENTS Hi k'AXTMI KOK XKVT lOflSK BOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent from 'THE ASTORIAX OFFICE. Columbia. River Exports. SHirMKXTS I'OltriRN. 4 To Lircnxtol, jxr Lizzie Bell. From Portland l8,27o. libls flour... JTSJoo C To Qiictntnwn,jcr Aqtich Oirolrf. From Portland 47.S09 ells wheat. . w.loo JtKCAl'lTCLATION, .MA 1K81. Flour, 41WK1 bills, value $224110 u neat, sxigxi ells. - 348,544 Silnum. 12, WK) os. o8S0 Total values. 14 cargoes. $03i.7:u RHCAriTl'UT10X JIY MOM'lIS 11. 1ANCAKY. 4 Cargoes value s 187.42." FKBItUABV. 7 rargoe-s value :rn.299 MAItt'U. ." Cargoes va lue 202JH1 .APRIL. 4 Cargoes value 242.1JV5 MAY. 14 Cargoes value 081.7.14 .14 Cargoes,.-. months, si,C3.-i.l04 DOMESTIC KXPORTS. The receipts of domestic exports at .San Francisco, from .January 1st, 1881. to lay 18th. from Astoria, is given as follews: Flour, qr.sks lir.,710 Wheat, ctls S7,7r.i Oats, ctls i,3.l .Salmon, bbls . . i.ifiO llf l)lls mi N.... .....,........... . Apples, iipTws.ni7IZ!!,3J17.'!lJll. 18iTil IHIIUT, pK .. .. 10 Potatoes, sks r.1.472 Wool, hales ,.. 1KB Hides. No 2.T75 Tallow, pkfrs jxto Beef, bids jim Iteef. csuuifil. :.. ...... 1(1 I- run. lined, pkgs .. (fit Icnt!icr, pks ............ ........ JX) .................... s B:u'on. cs. ... . y Meal. sks z Hops. bales. . .j. llnuis. pkgs. , is ClierM'. as ....... . 1 1 Flax Seed, .sks 31 Jitl Canned jrooils. es.. ....M . .siki Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Hesular Mooting every Tuesday Kvenin? at 75 o'clock, at Good Tomplar'a Hall, Che namus Street. Astoria, over C L. Parker's Storo Members of tbo Order, in coodstand- n?, aro lnruouiu auena. uerroe inoeunp isi Monday each month. B7 order .W. C.T. Temple Lodge, No. 7. A. F. A. M. -a& Resulnr Communications first ! third SnturdayTn each month, at o'clock-, r. m.. at tne 11 all in Astoria. Members of the Order, m good standing, are invitod to attond. liy erde: of the M. Beaver J-Odtje No. 35. L O. O. F. M eet every Thursday evenlnc at b o'clock, in the Odd Fel--"2s3s namusetroeU, Astoria. Membersof the Order aro invited to attend. By ardor. X. (!. t KcRular meetings second and fourth Tuet I day ovemnss of each month, at 74 o'clock j &8 Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, ntany rcjralar meetinc t must iircsont tho same to the Auditor ana 1 Clerk on or before the Friday eveninp prior j to tho Tuesday on which the Council holds its rewlar meetinc?. K. If. CAKDWELL. I Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United States Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Water. DnlcL a. a. p . M.J . m. r. it. SI 1041.". 10 JS 4 41 4 11 10 11 AC. II HI r, 41 .1 U7 II . . 0 ir.J r. 42 6 02 vi. 0 on 1 mi 7 as ; t 1.1 II IS -J SI I K 23 7 52 11 1 .17 .1 131 31 14 8 41 r, i tr: :; r.i n 52 n si n; .i n 4 r.ij 10 20 10 27 17 1 12 .". 17 11 IK 10 27 IS ."1 10 QJ U .'I . . iMrSUELLANEOUS King of the Blood Is not a "rurr nil.'' it is a bUKMl-purlfleraud tonie. Impurity of the blood uiisons thesvs tem. deninges the eirculation, and thus In duces inanv disorders, known bv different names to distinguish them according to ef fects. but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity of ltlood. Such are Dvixita, ntllioxumex, Lirer Cmpainl,CnntiimUim, Xernnut Dte unhr. Utmlachc, Backache, General XVeak uexs. Heart ZiVw, Diiijvy. Khlneu Dltcaxc, Pilot. Itlicmnatixm, Catarrh, Scntfnla, Skin Diiumlcr. Phiwlcn. Ulcer. Smiling, Ac.. tr. Kiuc of the Blood prevents and cures these by attacking the cai( Iniptiritv of the blood. Chemlstsand physicians agree in codling it "the most genuine aud efficient preparation for the punose." Sold bv Drug gists, jsi per bottle. Fi-o testimonials, direc tions, & in pamphlet. ''Treatise on I)ise:usei ot the I'.lood." wrapjH'd around earh liottle. D. KANS 1M. SON & Co.. Props. Buffalo. X. Y. ,r , t-. . . jN o.-r-r MAGSDS 0. CROSBY, Dejler in HARDW ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plmta anil Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IROH TIH AHD COPPER, Cannery and FishermBus Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and disjxitch. None but first class woi knien employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand. Piles for Sale. Mr. A. II. McMillan is prepared to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IX ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER. AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Leave orders at the store of Trcnclianl & ij)suiir, Astoria. Or address, A. U. McMILLAN. Olney. Oregon. QPILES. The undersigned is prepared to furnish ru uuiiiLwr ui psiiiihk tiuii sniia nr llaee on short notice, at reasonable rateg. O.O.CAPLES. Columbia City Literary Eeyolutioii. "-Wisdoni is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $i.-oo and a. friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent cach-$ 10,000! THE ASTORIAN AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF KEADEKS TO THE FOLLOWING LTST AT -WHICH WE WILL FFKNISII BOOKS TO OBDEB. M COME AND Cyclopaedias. Library or Universal Know ledge, targe type. K vds. octnxo. cloth. 1.": hiilf Kho'Jm. gMt top. .-ssi :vi. Postage a) cents per vol. l vrfs. issued ; vol. ! in pnss. This is a verbatim rcurint of the Insi iikso) IoimIoii edition of Chambers !mclHilNi. with copious additions (alHiut I5.u iojhcsI bv American editors, the whole combined under t one alphabetical arrangement, with; swh illustmlimis as arc neccsHn to elucidate the ( text. It gives an r.moiiiit of matter hIkhU 1jht cent more than ApiHOtoiis CcloKcdia (price, in clotli.Sso WM. ami -jo percent iwtre than .lohnsous Cvelojsnlin ipnee $."1 () 111 cloth). For the general leader it is uiidmiUleilly the ImsI Hueclop:cdi:t cer published, whatever the price. Chambers Kncvclopa-dia. l"i ids. p.ih, smal! iyH. cloth. 7 .10 : Mstagc IB rent jht vid. Ainen-a!i Additions, large tyje. I vids. clao chilli. si : hall Russia, gilt top. . Postage is cents jier vol. i vols, issiuil : vol. .t in press. 1 Tliese volumes will be found wcll-iilgh iuilispeiisahle b all owne-of ('hiUHliers. Am4c- lous,.ioiiusous, ami all oilier (cIoi:is:iu(s,civpi 111c large iviieiiuiioii 01 uie unnirj 01 rnivcrsnl Kmiwledge. from wliich it iNcnniidhNl. Orders with cash rcivitcd l March IT. Insi. were accepted at tho reduced price of 3 Kfortl'cIolli.s.. .'41 for the half l'Hssta. gill top, after which date the price will lie increased at the rate of one-half cent each day fur the set in rhth. three-fourths cent each da for the set in half Riim.-i, gilt lop. Library of History Milman'.s Cibbou's Romc,.'ids.. ckth.: MMage sr cents. Half Russhi. gill top. SI: postage 32 cents Macaulay's England. r. vols., rloth. t .: lMistagc l cents. Half Rmmh. gill top. S2 3n: postage 32 cents. lUilIin's Ancient llKtorv,.' vols, ih I. ttarto. cloth, si 73: Imlf Rhsh. sprinkled edges. S2 25: postage 12 cents. Creasj 's Fifteen Decisive Rattles of the World, cloth. 11 cents ; Mwtae 1. ihmiIs. Half Rhs- sla, gilt top. 70 cents : imstage 7 ccHts. Frolssart's Chronicles, imperial octavo, 113 HhsI rat ioms. cloth. I 3i; cloth, extra gilt, gilt edges, 52 30 ; jtostnge n. ctnits. fireen's larger tlistory of the English People. 2 oR, ehdh. M : imstage ItCceiiK Half Russia, gilt top, 2 : pstage 21 cents. Grote'sUreeceH vols., cloth, S2; iiostasers! ii-nts. Half Russia, gill lop, .-! : ioMagc 3t cents. In press. Carlyle's French Revolution, cloth, -W ecHH; Mslgi 7 eciils. Half Russia, gilt top. w cents ; postage 12 cents. IX I'KKPAltATiox : Moiuniseirs Rome : MassoiiV, and Cubol'.s France; Mciuel's tier many; Schiller's Thiity Years' War: History of the United States, by an Eminent His torian. Acme Library of Fiction. Filiform hi size and stle : chdh ldmthiK. Farda, 33 cents. Postage 7 cents. Tom Brown at Rugbv,:a) cents. Postage B cents. George Eliot's Romo'la, 35 cents. Postage 7 cents. Don Quixote, 30 cent s. Postage ! eenls. Irving's KnickerlMickcr. :a cents. Postage r. ccuis. Cooper's I -ast of the Mohicans. 30 cents. Postage 0 cents. Charlotte Ilronte's Jaue Eyre. 33 cents. Postage 7 cents. Klngsley's Hypatia. 33 cents. Postage 7 cents. In press. (toetheVi Wiliichn Melsicr, -10 cents. Postage 7 cents. In press. Madame de Stud's Corinne. 33 cents. Postage 7 cents. 1 11 press. Mrs. Molock Craik's.Iohn Halifax (;eulleniau.33 cents. Postage 7 cents. Sir Walter Scott's I vanlioe, 121110. cloth. 3o corns. Postage s ecu's, Ruluor'.s Iist Days of Poiiqieii. 12ki, cloth. 30 cents. Postage K cents. PirKl'ARiXO : Dickens' Daid Cooperfiehl. Tliackcniy's Neuniiiu,s, Victor lingo's Ias MLserablcs, Ie Sage's (ill I5las,.lcan Pawl Richter'sTitan.Ceorge.MacDiiiiuld'sAhM-ForltiN. Charles Roade's Iie me Little. The World's Great Poets. Shakespeare, 3 vols., clolh.Sl 30: imstage 2S cenl.a. HaU Russia, gilt top. 3; (Mislage 12 cents. Tlie principal plays in separate pamphlets, 3 cents each. Milton's Poetical Works, cloth. JO cents ; iMistugc 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. srt cents: oslagc lo cents. Dante, translated b Cary, cloth, 30 cents : laistnge ceiiK. Half Russia, gilt top. nx cents : jKistage Scents. irgil, translated by Drydeu, cith. 3H cents: Histago i cents. Half Russia. gilt lop. r-o cents : postage 8 cents. I'one's Homers Iliad, cloth. So cents; postage; cents. Half Russia, gilt lop.iaicents; juist- ages cents. Pojie' Homer's Odssey, cloth. 30 cents ;iHisia!e cents. Half Ihissin. gilt iop.raeeiils: postage S cents. Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia, extra cloth, Si cents: isiage cents. Mrs. Heman's Poetical Works. large octavo, doth, on cents : Kistage 13 eonis. Half Russia. gilt toti.POcoiits; iiostagc 13 cents. M'Fingal, an epic jxieiu. by TnimlHill. cloth, 3a cents; half Russia, gilt lop. 73 cents. Postage 9 cents. Tasso's.lenisnlem Delivered, cloth, IMcenis :iH)M;gc Scents. Hall KusMa.gilt lep.ynceHts: postage 12 cents. Library of Biography. Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle. cents: HKtage ; cents. Half Rusia.gill top. 00 cents; iost:ige Ji cents. AcmeIIiograph First Series. Twehestaudani IhmiKs by groat authors, bound in I d.. cloth. 30 cents ; jnistage ! cents. Half Russia, gilt lop. si"; iiostage 13 cents. Acme Hlography Second Series. 1 Jvcs of Chancer. Simmimt, Millou. Cowpcr and SiHilhey. Five books in 1 vol.. cloth, -lu cents; jNistage j cents. Half Russia, gilt top. so cents; postage 12 cents. Acme Biography Third Series. Ui. of DcfiM. .lohnvm, Coldsmilh.Si-oit and 1 haekcniv, Is I vol., cloth. 40 cents ; Mistake S cents. Half Russia, gX top.SOcenls ; Kistage 12eeiit. Plutarch's IJves, 1 vol., cloth, isu cents; Nistage 11 cent. Half Russia. gill 20: jMist- age H cents. Lossiug's Eminent Aineneaits, nver lliOjKirtrails, rloth. M ; posiage 12 cents. Half Russia. gilt top, 1 30 ; postage 12 cents. Nearly ready. Preparing : Smile's llncf Biographies, Carljle s Oliver Croinwcll.aiid Frederick the Croat. Religious Literature. Youngs Ureal Bible Concordance. 1 vol. quarto. Poimlar Edition, chilli. S2: Mtstagc37 cents. Half Russia, sjiriuklcd edges. 311 ; Misiagc 37 cents. Scholars Edition, half Turkey, marble edges. Si ; jnistage s2 cents. The New-Testament The new erslon. Cloth, no cents; jKistage7 cents. Half Russia. gilt top, cents :iKstage 10 cents. Full Turkey morocco, gilt edges. Si 23:Kistage 10 cents. Will be issued promptly iiniu its iHiblieatiou in England. t Tlie New Testament King Fames version uniform in style with the above, at the same prices. TlieXevvTestaincnt. The two versions, printed on imgcs facing. Tor covciiicnce of coih- pansoiL Cloth 30 cents; Mistage 10 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, si : postage 11 cents. Fidl Turkey morroeo. gilt 30; (Histage 13 cents. Oelkie's Life of Christ, cloth 3u cents :ioMiigc s cents. Hall Russia, gilt top. si ; iMitagc 13 cents Smith's Bible Dicthman. cloth. . cents. Half Russia, sprinkled edges. 73 vuts; jHtace 10 cents. Kitto's Cyclopedia of Biblical LiteratHre. 2 ton. S3. roslaKC Tift cents. Works of I'lavius.locphus. i vol. ptarto doth si .. Half Russia. siriuklcd edges, siiooj Postage .w ccnls. , Literature Miscellaneous. Chamhers' Cyclopa'dia of English Literature, s vols, hi I, cloth. s2 : jMistuge.v, cents-. Half Russia, gilt top. si ; iMistae . cents. Acme Library of MiMlern Classics Hrst Series. Vicar of Wakefield. Ifctssclas. Pk-ciola. Paid and irghiia, liidine and the Two Captains, in i o1.. cloth, in cents : Histagc 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, mi cents : jmstage ;i cents. Macauhiys Complete Essavs and IN hmiis. n ids., cloth, si fcn; hair Russin, gilt top. 2 7ft : postages) cents. Tlie Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth.neccuts: jMistage .'myiiK Half Rus sia, gilt top, w cents : jmstage s cents. American Patriotism : Famous Onitiousaiid Patriotic Paiiers. fnnn Washington to Lincidu. Cloth, 50 cents : imstage S cents. Half Russia, gilt ; jKistagi 12 cents. Tlie Choice of IUhiKs, by Chnrlisl. Richanlson. Extra cloth. 2."i cents: postag I cents. Cheap paper edition, r cents ; jmisUisc free. Sayings, by Author of Sparrow-grass Pajiets. lloth. no cents : inwlagc fi cents. Tlie Lseful Dictionary of the English Iingimge. Itv P. A. Xuttall. Contaius nearly one half as much as Webster's Unabridged, ("loth, so cents : hair Russia, gilt top. si 2T. ; nist- agc 14 cents. Pictorial Hand Lexicon. Oicr 2-l,ooo wonts and 2To Engnivings. Cloth, 17 cents; inistagc 4 cents. Irving's Sketch Rook. Cloth, Xi cents : jiostager. cents. Hall Russia. Ht top, 70 cents: lostage 9 cents. Tlie Art or Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. Illustrated by upwards of Two Hundred Plates and Engnivings. Rv Frank .1. Scott. Cloth, extra, price reduced rmni ss to ss, Postage 2fl cents. Juvenile Classics. Runj-an's Pilgrim's Pnigrcss. Illustrated. Chith.lo cents; postage 7 cents. Xew edition Tlie Arabian Nights, lllustratctl. Cloth, 4Uecut. Postage Scents. Kouinsoiiunisoc. illustrated, ciotn, 40 cents, uaron Munchausen, and Gulliver Travels. in i vol. Illustrated. Cloth, lo cents : postage 8 cents. Tlie Rook of Fables. Rv otsop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of atural Illstorr. 3 voLs. in i. Illustrated. Cloth. i. Postage 11 cents. Stories and Ballads. By Ellen Tracy Alden. Illustrated. Cloth, flu cents, postage? cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mail on receipt of iirice. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all in hrc ier or larger type. Macaulay's Life of Frederick the Great. Former prices si 'Si. Price cents. lOTiyie's uie or lumert Burns, l-omierrnccsi as. ince cents. Ltgntoi Asia. By lulwin Arnold, homier price si .ro. Price a cents, lliomes Huche's Manliness of Christ. Former mice Si. Irlce 3 cents. Marj" Queen of Scott's IJIe. ISv Lamartlne. homier price SI 'S: Pi Vicar of Wakefield. Rv Oliver Goldsmith. I'rice 5 cents. Runyan's Pilgrim's Progress. I'rice 6 cents. Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Pi Th Library Magazine Of American and Foreign Thought. Like the old ami excellent I iltcl's laving Age and Electric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American tnoiight added). at one-fourth their price, and cverv number :i hound volume. Vids. II.. over 4,000 pages, in cloth, for S3 20; in half Russia, gilt top, for Si so. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange., Astoria. Oregon. I). C. IRELAND, Manager. C. H. STOCKTON, I SLOTOTSE, SXGrXST .VXD -CARRIAGE PA1NTER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A .SPKCXALTV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. .. w:Shop next door to Astorian Office, In fehnster'SDundlns. '! SEE ME." ols.. illustrated, cloth. S2. Half Russia, gilt rostage 7 cents. rke Scents. rice 3 cents. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrylns V. S. Ulnil. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave Portland for the aliove jiorts from Plunder's Dock No freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock tlie day previous to departure. For Freight or Passage anplv to Ed. C. HUGHES, Purser. BWWT a: . -BUKLA5srt-sa WftZf SZ-r.f S en s ( 15 tf?f f5 PC31 fT o . j i.Gt?!,.-' s-0: i MISCELLANEOUS. I Vitalizes ami V.nrJ.-Jif . T.w ;lMid, Tone tin thu SstciU. .".! tiu: cnlz Strong, i:iiihl i:p tlw i:rket:- ilowii. Invigorate ! llniiti. ai..l CURSS Dyspepsia, ITervous Affections, Gen eral Debility, Neuralgia, Pover and Ague, Paralysis, Ciironie Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemittent Fever, and ALL DISEASES 0RIG1MATIXG Vi A BAD STATi OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. Supplies the blood with its Vital Principle. Lire Ulcment, IKON, infusing Strength VlRor and New Life into all t-ms cf tLc van BEING TREE FROM ALCOHOL, us ccrcb jK effects arc not fJUmcd by correjpi'at:!. : t m ana, l t arc permanent. SETII W. FOV.'LE & ONs Propneu.t., rlsrrison A-rnuc, Costvn. bold Ly Jl DruggUu GZ&PS&3 al'ay Curcj aud novcr disap p ointi,. Tho "arorl Jm j-r cn.t Paia Rcliovcr Tor Kaa and Sdattt. Cheap, quiclc axd reiiablo. I . i-t'IVSilfilCS CASTUiJiA is not Narcotic. C'hihlren jp'ow fat ilium, 3Iothfrs like, ami Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It re-tilates the Bowels, cures "Wind C'olie, allays Pevcrisliuess, and ie Mroys AVortns. "WEI D3 MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidoto for tliis terriblo jnala &7 Ty ALsorptici:. Tlio nioct Important Biicovcry sinco 'Vac cination. Othor remedieu may rolicvo Catarrh, this cttros at any stcso fccforo Consumption cots in. JS2iffi3Sl S INDORSED BY ?HYSlCiANS, CLERGYFEM, AftD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. j Tup PRQTPQ"'" Sflf-FlIPA ( TDIliPDU OET "yUET nfC itnuni: ti ui aai&.iV4L. SYMPTOMS OF A TRFI UWER, Tjoss of appetite.Uausea.bQTC'el3 costive, Pain in theHearJwithaduiraonsatiori in she back partTain unJcr tho shouldcr Blacle. fullnesa after eating, with 8 disin clination" to" exertionofjbody'cr mini), Irritability of temper, -Lew spinta.Ijoea of raemory, vritu a feeling ofhavlnc iiok lected. some duty, 'vearines3. Diamines?, Slutterinp oftho"Heart, Dotsbefor" tn5 oyea. V ellqw sTiin, Headache, ica:! . ncss at night, highly coloredPCfrms. EF THESEWABHIKGS AR2 TnffiZEDLfi, SERIOUS DISEASES YfilLSOOM BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one ilosocM'cctKsucriachsnjo of feeling as to nstonlsh the sufferer. Tlievlnrrentetlie Appetite, and rscwtSp body 'to Tate on Flc-ili. thus the system h nourlkbcl.nnlhytlitIrToiiIcAcHouonthe rlcrtlTo Oizauv. Kcsrutnr fiCools tie j" Jucttl. rrice - cents. 35 Murray At., ft. Y. TUTT3S HAIR OYf ibav ltAinorWiii9KFRscb.'ig-d oat.i- Hlaik by a hingl- s.pj.l!nitioii f ihi- i. ". tnpartt n natural (,lur. iwu In-j.o.'.Ui.w wiaiTf','-r v. tii; , ;-. i.- 4' Offico, 35 Murray St., WwY... CCr.TITTS SJIM !. U ViluU, !...: n .4 l lfl Urftlpt "III odM lKi.1. - fc4.l.. J. H. D. GRAY, WludesaU and retail dealer in. all Kixns or jvzjsn, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage ami Wharfage on reason able terms. 1'oot or Benton streer. Astoria! Oregon. FW 1ESQ5S R! B H 81 K j llllll I I ff&rSgggTO I s.ysfr-.tij-.jKtrwiJti 'i ssn zr-kKEia!avvwrz ?. i-ii7iiun'i,"i v h -nvA fo s'iiS'jeaecswiris-hiiaiis. m n a t?v4JsJSsrfe zi'-r: -2sz. "c oVvVflHHHfi IHh7 -Bbii At. a!l- l?rJV-lol?S&:r en &! jl S E3i si 1QH f Willi y P B LPEsns h r.n stam f e, scorn. &GRArTON,MASS. MISCELLANEOUS. Important to Travelers. milK INDHRSIKXED IS NOW PRE .fl. jarcd to sell ITIIU0UG1I TICKETS FROM Astoria to all Points in Europe a 0crlaiHl I.'ailrinids ami Sie:iiHhi;is of lHciHkiwiit;H!i-cia-ss iimcs iruiK 'w rK: WHITE STAR LINE. NATIONAL LINE. ALLAN LINE. USD STAR LINE. AMERICAN LINE. A. T. RRAKKE. 1 if C. TimimiHs & Co.. Astoria. I regon. For London Direct. The HmlersigiH'd have under jslw, ehartera ttit ela-s Ct3jcr- ' A I Iron lianitie -SQt Dm-at ASTORIA early in Slay, which will I he iU on iKTth to load for L0ND0NDIRECT. In IHs TO SPIT SHIPPERS will Im- taken at i:kamoxaui.s: ijates. l-'or l'REU'.HT and other imrticiilars, npidv to Sl!tSOX.'IIlKC'll A To- for. I'ront and Ash Streets. Portland. Oregon. Yacht Blue Skin. Clipper iHiilt. copHr fastened. HOIIOiC IIIHsI essel. IK'S at Case's, wharf. Readv to re ceive its.eiK:ers. Ireljiht ore- ciitsMHi jiartHs to alt parts of 1 lie 1 irtumiHa meraiwi tciui-' ty. Charges moderate. i-r- I'or further particulars inquire nl Jolui Rivuers. Cent nil Market. Urol CA IT. WOODS. plaster aiidowncr. Slioalwaler Bay Steam Navigation Oomnanv 1 y' Hi -n steamer M - iAt A U J SOl'TSI 2ti-:xi. JOHN P.ROYVX. Will leave MASTER. Son lit Kctitl l'or Ituy V:iCer. Oys- t tervillenint I he head oTthe 2 5 ay. oniufhng with X. llennis" suav line and steamer Gen. Canhy at llwnco for Astoria. ' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Pasxeicrs kaviog Astri on eillnr of those ! daVhcau go throi!;h to Stwlh Rend in one' day. ) For freteht mimI iistei mihiIv at tl CotKtHys o4Mce at Sonth XWwl, orlhe Cap tain on ittttrti. fPjreir'1 AE.LLJ.i s-SfiS The 3IostSuece.ssil JCemciIycver discovered. :is it is certain in its edcets and dot's not blister. Also excellent for human llcsh. Read proof below. From a Prominent Physician. Washingtouville. Ohio. June 17. 1SS0. I)u. R. J. Kknuai.i. Co.. Gents : Read ing oor advertisement in Turf, Field and Farm, of Kendall's Spavin Cure, anil having! a valuable and. speed v Horse which hail been ' lame from siuivin eighteen moutlis. I sent to J you for a bottle by express, which in six i weeks removed all lameness ami enlarge ment and a large splint from another horse, -and both horses are to-day as sound as colts. I The one liotUe wits worth "to me one hundred j ilidlars. Respect full v vours. H. A. F.EETOLirrr, M. I). ( KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 Iarrisburg. Pa.. Xov . Is. is?o. lir. IS. J. Kfmiai.i. it Co.. Gents : I have a erv line mare that has had a bone spavin for a" long time. I tried every thing man could devise to cure it but all hi vain and ' was about to give it up when a friend of j mine in this city came to me and recom mended Kendall s Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean ami then I sent 2." cents to you for I one of your illustrated Horse Rooks and 1 1 think there is no better book printed on the t horse and his diseases. I have taken great t Interest in it and have since sold I copies for you to my neighbors and w ill try and do what good fean hv getting them for others. ' Your. truly. " G.W.MILLER., KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 0 JIVMAX JPIiESII. Ikikertfiehl. Vt.,;. 1ST!). IS. .1. Kkni.ix & Co.. Cents: I wish to add my testinionvin favor of yourinvaluahle liniment. "KeiidaH'H Spavin Cure." In the .spring of lx?J I slipped on the ice and sprained my riulit limb at the knee joint. I was very lame and at times suffered the mot excruciating pain. I wore a bandage on it for over a year, and tried most every thing in my reach, but could find nothing that would give me permanent relief. When I overworked, it would pain me very much. In April 1.S7S I began to think I should be a cripple for life; but having some of "Ken dall's Spavin Cure" thought I would try it. I used one third of a bottle, and experienced relief at once. The (tain left me and has not troubled me since. I feel very grateful to you and would recommend 'Kendall's Spavin Cure to all who suffer with sprains or rheu matism. Yours t ml v, Mi:s. .1. 1'oitkll. Kendall's Spavin Oure Is Mire in it effects, mild in its action as it i docs not blister, and yet It Is penetrating and iMiwerf id to reach anv ilcen cMtil nnlii I or to remove any bony growth or any other I enlargement, ir used lor several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man ami for any purpose for which a liniment Ls used for man or beast. It Is now known to be t he best liniment for man ever used, act ing mild and yet certain in its effeets. it Ls used full strength with perfcut safely at all scasi uis on lie year. Send address for illustrated circular, which i we think gives jiosltive proof of Its virtues, i Xo remedy has ever met with such uuquaU- I lied success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. I'rice Si per bottle, or six bottles for S3 ' ALL ni'UOC.ISTS have it or can get it for I you. or it will be sent to anv address on re- ' ceipt of price by the proprietors. i Dli. II. J. KENDALL S: CO.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. yM 1 TUAKSPORTATTON LINES. GregonfRailway & Navigation C03IPAXV. opkax irvisiox. Between San Francisco & Portland. In consequence of accident to the steam ship State or California, the followingsched nle of sailing days of ocean steamers has heen arranged. to-lt ki:im rOKTIVXI). UtOM SAX MIAN". l)at. Steamer. Date. Steamer. June 12 June 17. .1 line 22 .1 tine 2; July 2. Oregon'.Iunc 4 Orecon .State of CalnlJune 10. State of Cala .Columbia June 13 Columbia June 20. Oregon June 23...State of Cala . Oregon .State of Cala 1 July -. .Columbia .1 tine CO Columbia July o Oregon July lo.State of Cala July 15 Columbia July 20 Oregon Julv 25...State of Cala iiiiv l'j oregon .Julv 17...StateofCala! July 22 . .Columbia Julv 27 .Oregon Ag. 1 .state of Cala Columbia' July CO. -Columbia Due notice will be given or any further change. Right is reserved to change steamers or , sailing davs. TIlROlV.lI TICKETS sold to all the prln cipxl cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEP.R UAltY 1. 1881. Leave Port-t I " j land for Mon Tu. We. Tim. Frl.lSat. Duller. Wal- ' I I la Walla. Umatilla. andtifinV' erpeiotx.. 5AM SAM 5AM SAM SAM SAM Astoria. Ka- lama.Taco Hia.SeattIe 6AM RAM RAM SAM 6AM GAM Vie'ria. Xew West'instr CAM PAM f .it blame t. Hay View. Skamoka- wtt. Brook- tU-kl SAM SAM CAM U" est pert. O I i 1 1 en. Knappa. GAM CAM 6AM Davton 7AM 7AM 7AM Salem, and interwedt- atepeintn. fi am 6 am Point on Snakff Kiver 5 a m Sam i I ciwkkai. orncss : J Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. ' J. McCRAKEX & Co., ' -gemsMate 01 Laiiiornia, 1 A. L. MAX EU. Ticket agent O. it. & N. Co. JOHN MUIU. Gcnend Freight and Fassenger agent. T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go ? Until further notice tho Ilwaco kj,u&ut ii ui jfiuiiuu u a sioauior GENERAL CANBY, W II ITC0.MR MASTER Will Ieavo Aatona on .Holidays, Tuesdays, and HatHrdnys, AtOA.M., Fridays at IS 1-1 A. 31., anil 1 P. M. Tort Sicicim, Fori C'anhy, anil llnuc Connecting with '.,. A. Loomi3'3tajte3 for Oy torvillo and Olyiuiua, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens .. ....w. BOcta " " Canby and Ilwaeo. si oo j3S-lhvaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over. $2 00 per ton- eaFor Tickets. Townee or Charter apply either at tho offico of the Company, Gray'i wharf, foot of L'onton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY. Agent. Oresfon & California R.R. Co mggzggs On an alter Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol low?, DA1LF (Except Sundays). EASTStDE DIVI3I05. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. Mill. TIM IX LEAYE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.IRosebur? 7:00 P. M Ro3obure.3:00 A. M.I Portland 4:25 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:C0 P. M.ILebanon 0.20 P. M Lebanon 1:13 A. M.Portland.10:03A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 A. M.l Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5:13 A. M.Portland..55P. M Tho Oregon and California Railroad i erry makes connection with all RegularTrains on Ea.otsidc Division. WEST3IDE DIVISION. I'rom l'ortlnml to Corvnlli. MAIL TK.UX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallia :i:00 P. M Corvallis S:.M A. M.Portland 30,'M riAan AAnnAAtinna nA nitAn T ACI?TJ TT TO i"l IS with the S faces of the Oregon and California itriTickota for sale to all the principal points in California and tho East, at tho Company's Office, . Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storago will bo charged on freight remain nff atCompanys Warehouse overlll hours. Freight will not ho received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, and 8 o'clock P. M.on Westsido Division. E.P.R0OEJRSI:RANI)T'Jr-Oen,1SUp,t' Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. I i The Steamer 31AGXET, C. AV. HAMLIX, - - MASTER "Will make regular trips to Youngs Rivci every Friday and Knappa every Tuesday. The Magnet is ready for charter to any point on the bay. For freteht or passage apply on hoard or at r. W. Case's. Astorln and .Knappten. Regular Mail and Fassenger .Steamer HOSKTTA, W. WAVTE . MASTER ea-Will leave Knappton for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her t carry wood or freight of any kind. JBFor charter, freight or liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Casa'j v store. t Lawyers briefs printed in fine style at The offlse. 3 A 3il -91