CI) PqfifffJM1 f ill'iiM.i ma gte gjaftg st0vla. ASTOKIA. OREGON: SATURDAY .. .JUKE 11, 18S1 CQMMERGEJiHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. SAILED Sbubrick. U S I.icbt-house str. iiverson. IiooV. ana cruise, o una 10 Aes Oswald, brii. litems. Me'JiWien.Queeiw- tottii .June 7 Kate and Anna, steam wk.SUtw, J.ntjons. Crar Harbor. June 7 Of lent. brie. 212 1 VViMwtn-.. ban Pedro June $ Listzie Bell, br bk lKMn. MerR-wrd. Licnl. June h North Bend bLt 37fi tons Memiau. S F Jhh .1.....1... . aril ir-. Itnllw r. Jhdg 2 ! ij.illfnniia. utr. G71 fans.CarreM. SitkaJan 2 KIlfrbduL. br bk. 11W ten. Parker. Uverj""'. j June 1 VintonaOrfts-. Ur bk. UH tens. Owen. I.nnoel. Mai IlerWrt lllaok. bk 75 tons. C)u(-enewn.May 29 OUTSIDE WITH PILOTS OX HOARD. Thomas 11 btowe. lrbkowuat!e N S W JtineS ARRIVALS VltOX SEA. Scnttih Hard, Ilrbk.MS ten. Irftt. KokkaRii- ton. June b Sol. Thomas, fetr. Cm Iwr. J "W Orecon ss. 2536 tons, 1'eWman. b V Ji- Alpha, sch. Starr, Tillamook.. I He Ethel, br bk. -IS ton. Graham. Livreel - Arco. gr IA. ffliton. ("atae Vdparao Ma 29 Kival. bk 29 tons. Adams b. 1". tf V7 Olan FergH-Hin. br. bk. 7W t. WHih. ISrWwiR'. Maj . Alden Resse. Ain bk. Mi ton. Xffyes. IIH-kenz inaj 22 Coloma Am bk 55 tone. Keif Hemckew-Miy Martha Fisher. brbk.ll ta McAdam.NcvoaK- le. KhW.JIi lb Bellaportc brlik. WW ton.. Tat. Jvewea-tKA b W.May 14 Meroui. sh, 1301 tons hwwetl. X Y May Clan (! rant. brbk. WIS tns. Jms fm Lh omeel. MaG Marion ICisk br bk SM tins Km Janwro Ma VESSEIjS OA THE MM 1 . From American S'ort-. Aliee lluok. Am AAY Aim! 6 Itelle of OroKMB bk X Y Ma Oarne Window. Itk.iHI ten. IhilleJ4Ki. Mch 0 Columbia, mi lHwto! IlHwr4ir.X Y. Jan 28. C S llurlburt. bk iHtflers.N Y.June Kmpiro. bh 1132 toa. ?.' York. Jan 1ft J'.iiiina T Croll bk 117 ton-. X Y Ma S (.eo WKIder. h 1' Jhbc 11 Philadelphia, Jan 15 Henrj b Sandford. sh. MM tons, bleejtor. X Y March 22 Indiana, ship, 0. 11 .V X. Co. iron. Jlaj 21 Kate Davenport- fill 124S tons. MallettX Y Jan 15 MixsihMpi, O. It. A X Co Mr X Y. Mai 21 Oracle, fch 1W tons. Monon. I'hiladoljAia Mi,h22 Olive bboutlmrd Am i l'luladelphia March S I' i3f-0 tons Mmot X Y March 2 atato or California. M tons. Debney. b F June 10 barauac eh X Y April 2 bparrow tch b 1" March 10 Tam O'Shantor. ltkt. b. F. June 1 Wlllimetto. ss. 2f3B tons. X Y March 2ft Trout Treis lrls. Adolt. Swe. bk. tii!i ts. UmiwatiMaoH, nl'an- burj;. Oct 18 ltanks-field Urlik l.u.-rpool AjhiI Ji Huston Vale, br bk 7 tons. ItuckirnehaHi Yoko hama 1 ub 1 lloxford. br bk, I.iverxol. Mareh 2 Chllo. br bk. Livtnn'. Maj 21 Oiti of Quelwc br bk "W ton 1ih1oh 0c ISna Victoria Oi bk. 1.ivt"1. Mwreii C Count4ss of llothcs. llr U. Mi4ilshArB. Dec 2S Countess of Darbj. bs, Mt44hMlero. l.nK. Jan2fi Citj of Manolienter. br bk 7"fi th Km Doon. 15rbkS77 toftsXewewtb Doxford, br bk. Liverpool Man. J Victoria I'nrness Abbey. lk. lws, I.iMh. YtAehama. bk, (Wfiton. Liverpool. Maj U Clenpens, si lft&l towh, Op- of Jood-hpe. due June. Oberon, ls. IlSltn-, leTol Aprd S ltivPrAH. brltk Pllnlker l.wJ March 3 bidlau. I'r bk 4W torn M!lhun Mxttth'tHM-.tHkh Jan 12 VincoHter. b t Hilt iht. .Neartt' Zoe. br blc l.ivrpol iia Victoria .law 2 HOTELS AND RESTAURANT:- A.J. MKOLKK v. wi:u:nr 1 oj'i'ansT e:oti:b,. MIMLKIt V WltlllI, I'nip:iiitn. Astoria, Oiryon. riiMK rijontiirroi.b aim. nri' k JL announce ! !h-.(l.if Im1 Ux- bcci. lepuintctlaud icloi-nislH-d. adding giejitl) it; ibecoiufort of ilswstsaiMl shiv Ihe In si hotel noith(f San 1 nwniMo. C. W. KXOU'LKn. AU.ihi'.n: PORTLAND. - - - - itKLCOX ZIEBEfl c KN0WLES, Propuetois. Ttee coch to and fiom the liow 0j5-Thk1)iia Aiouiv, ixm flb-al the Clarendon lintel leading rmtto. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. aTOK1A lro'rietor MAIN STKKLT. - -Jtlrs. S. X. Arriscmi rflHETRAVELlXC l'l'IU.lC ILL TIXI) JL the 1'ioiieei IlisteUssiuaUiespects.and sluue of then patntitagc is respectfullx solicited. Cjy-Hoard aud lodging by lliedaj or week. Fair Wind Coil'eo Saloon CSC OS HOXTSE, WATER S'l REirr, ASTORIA. Net door to Dr. huisci 's. CofTee. Tea and Chocolate. ith Cake. IO Cents. Chopsj 'ooke5 to Order. Fine IVincH, 1-quors anil 'isarN Of t lie best bnuuls. HaMiig just opened the ahoe establish ment wecouliallN imiteour friends and the public generally to gi e us a tual. G-tf FOAR1) & KVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. Jp MAIN STREirr. ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIOXKI) Ls PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them, 111 lirst class .st j le, and e eo st j le. OYSTERS. HOT COPEEE, TEV, ETC. vr TIIH Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREirr. Please gie me a call. 110SCOE DIXON. Proprietor GERMAXIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chexamits Stekit. Astori , The Best of Jjafe'.j Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celetti ColnmMa Brewery Left at this place will he promptly attend ed to. BNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. agents r;; ' NTKD FOK 3JEW HOltSE ItOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents, Sent from THE ASTOBIAN OFFICE. Colmnbia Rivor Export. MJirMKCTh ronEiov jl'm: 16S1. A -To Ltrcrjxtot, jkt Lizzie Dell. From Portland 1S,275- l1ls flour. $7,1,100 G Tit Quccmtnicn,pcr Aonat OxunM. From Portland 47,S ells wheat Gl.ioo JtRCAI'ITt'LATIOX. MAY 181. Flour, 4itCK bl)K value f224,910 i Wheat, 2.VCE5."; ctK " :a8,544 fetlmoil, 12,400 , " 58;2S0 Tolul values, 14 cnroft.. SmI.TTM niKWI'Il PI.ATION' ItV MXTIIt 1RS1. .TAMJAin. 4 Cargoes alue i? 1S7,42Ti VmiKUAK. 7 ('allocs alue Zil2X) -MAl'.CII. T, Caioes value 0211 APIS II- 4 Caitjoos xnvi 242.1M MAY. 14 Cargoes alue 3l.7..4 :!4 ('aioes,"im(inths, i,(J3r.in4 DOMHSTIC HM'OBTs. The icceipls of domestic eioils at .San rranelsco, fiom .liuiuary ist, 1881. to .May 18th. from Astoria, is given as follews: Plour. qr Nks 115.710 Wheat. ctK -87.7W Outsell Salmon, bids................ hflibls iiKj;n ....". Alijiles, ripe, li lliitter. pkR lVitatoes. sk ...... . W(ol, bales M Hides, No 1 allow . l ikps .., Ik'er.bbls . Ileef. iiuiiiei!, es ...... Fruit, dried, iikgs ...... lA'Mtlier, pkps r.HOon. e Meal, sks Hops, Imles... IImius, pks Cheese, es ....... . ..... 11a Si'eil, sks Camicil mmK. t-s .. 10A1 I.1C0 104 ...... D0J2y . 15 18,251 16 SI, 472 C 2,7r vco 401 IC (123 !K S 12 .TSI . 4s IB 11 3I.S02 mm Astoria LiOdge So. 40, 1. 0. G. T. Kcsulnr Meeting every Tuesdav Evoning Rt7t o'clock, at Good Templar's Ilall, Cho natnus Stroet. Astoria, oer C. L. Parker's Storo Mombcrs of the Order, in good s tan d n;. are invited to attend. Degree meeting: 1st Monday each month. By order V. C. T. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Kosular Communications first first andYY j. at7i V third Saturday? in each month o'clock, l'. m.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in xood standing, are invited to attend. Dverdc: of the W. M. Beaver LiOdcre No. 35, L O, Meet oven' Thursday eveninj?. at b o'ciock. in tno uau rei- -rtasrs-I..., H..11 - ..r r. .l rk.. r! namus streets, Astoria. Membersof the Order aro invited to attend. Dy order. N. G, Common CounciL Regular meetings second and fourth Tuei lay uvemngs of each month, at 7' j o'clock e-3 1'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present tho same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the l'riday eveninjr prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its rcirulor meetings. IU II. CAKDWELL. Auditor and Clork. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA Fiom tables of United States Coast Suney. High Water. Low Water. O.F. Date. a. m. r . m. I .M. P.M. ! 1041 ..10 i 4 41..... 4 14 10 11 1(5 11 HI R 44 ii 07 II II r 0 42...... G 02 12. 0 00 1 411 7 Ss 0 fu IS 0 4S 2 SI J 8 21 7 W 14 1 .-.7 S 15 II 14 8 44 15 2 'JT. 3 Alj 1 hi . II 31 1 S 14 4 Sl 10 2C 10 27 17 4 12 .1 17 11 05 10 27 is :, m c tru 11 r.i . AIISCELLANEOUS H" CELEBRATED f ittebs The Tinnier who wiNciy provides j Against the contliiKi IK of illness b taking I with him Hostettirs htonuch lutters. lias occasion to congratulate himself on his fore- iglit, when he see& others who hae ne- ) gieiieu 10 uo m suuenng ironi some one 01 the maladies for which it is a rcined and pieventatne. Among those are feer and ngue, niiiiousuess, constipation and rueuma Usui, diseases often attendant upon a change of climate or unwonted diet. For sab- b all druggists and dealers generally . MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Pluiiito anfl Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IROH TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but lirst class workmen employed. A large assoit mentor SCALES tTonstamly on hand. Piles 'for Sale. Mr. A. I. McMillan is prepared to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER, AND ON SHOltT NOTICE. Leave orders at the store of Treiithard & Dishur, Astoria. Or address, A. B. MoMILLAX. Olney, Oregon. SE7?i3riv 5k Literary Revolution. f&SWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent each-s 10,000! THE ASTORIAN AGENC1 FOR THE SAlJS OF BOOKS PUBLISHED IJY THE AMERICAN BEG LEAVE TO FOLLOWING LIST ORDER. Cyclopaedias. Library of rnleisal Knowledge, torse tjie, 15 Mils. ooImo. ehilh. $1 top. z: .w. 1 siaeuceiiis jhtmh, suhmnhikh; oi. v 111 mss. ThLs is a erlmtiin reprint of tlie l.vt Jls.) ihhIoh editioH of CIiuihIhtV HwrhisnUa. with eopioits ndditions (about ir. tojrtes) b American i'dilnrs. tlicHlHileromlHiied under one alilmbelieal arninKenieut. with such ilhistrnlhms as xn Heeessao In elucidate the text. It ies an amount of iiiHtlerxboitt Ibjkt cent imm tbau Apletons t clo)i:eilia (tirice. in cloth, 0 OOi. and i"0 per cent wore than .IinMms i'cjuiltn tinnf $.! ui in cloth). rortheKenrnil re:i(ierit is iitHlottbledlx Hm 1k-s1 KiH-chip:idta cer Hililisliil w hnte er the price. Chambers Kncrloa-dia. 15 K lotmi, vukiH h.. rlotli.7 :i. h4ms lccnt-s jm ril. Atnencati Additions. lare tyiK. 4 K octao- cloth. s. . half Kitssi, -Ht nj, -.. r.Mt:ij;c IS cents ier ol. i ols. issued ; vol. s in tress. Thoeohnnes will be" found ttrll'iiigli indispensable lt all imw if CIi.uiiIh'is. Ap)le tons,.lohusons, and all other CcloimilMts,icejit the large tpccdiliou of ll' library of UniersHl Knowledge, from which it iMtMiijiiletl Onler with (Tsli reeched b MMrch 17. issi. were accented at the reduced nnce of ; :rt for the doth. ST. ."ii fur the half "Khssmi. rflt top, after which date the pnee will ue iwreased uiesei in cioiu, mrcc'iounusccm eacu nay Library Mil man's (Jiblioifs liome, " iK, cloth, 2 : Hsinc X7 cent postace 52 cents Macaulaj'.s Di;lHUd.r. o)s..d4h. 1 35; iMista-jt' 21 Tts. postage S2 cents. HolliiiS Ancient Historj. m4s. ih I. Huri". 2 2. ; ixisiajje -u cents Creasy's Fifteen lecish e 1 tat ties f tke Vr!l. aa, Rllt ion, 7u cents . jHistase 7 cents, rrolssart's Chronicles, niipenal (K:Ia. 115lHMntHMs. doth. -i tm; cloth, extra silt, Jilt edges. S2 50: nostaeer.5 cents. Giwn's Larger History of tho English Peojilc, lkitssia. cut top. s: : iMisiase 21 cents. Gntes Greece. 4 oR, cloth, 2 ; inMape XI cents, in press. Carlyle' French Revolution, cloth, 40 cents; cents ; postage 12 cents. In TOErAitATioN : Moiiiiiim'h's Rcmhc ; Mmsmiii's ami CuintV. rraiice: Mendel's Cer many; SchUlerMhirty Years' War: History or lhe United Mates, by an Eminent His torian. Acme Library of Fiction. filiform in sin- anil style ; chlh binding. Tarihi, S5 cents. Postage 7 cents. Tom Brown at Rugby, :w cents. INMageO cents. fieorge Ehoi's Romn'la, 35 cents. Postage 7 cents. Don Quixote, DU cents. Postage 11 cents. Irving a Knickerbocker. 3U cent s. Postage 1; cents. Coojier's 1-ast of the Mohicans. W cents. Postage il cents. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Ey re, S5 cents. Postage 7 cents. Kiugsley's H putla. Xi cents, postage 7 cents. In press. (Joeihe's Wilnclm Melstcr, 48 cents. Postage 7 cents. In press. Madame de Start's Ciniiiu. Xi ivnts. PosUige 7 cenls. In press. Mrs. Mulock Craik's.Iiihu Ilalifav tientleiuau.aj cenls. Postage 7 ccut. Sir Walter Scott's 1 anhnc, 121110. cloth. 50 cents. Pu-tage s cen'n. Bulwer's Last Days of PouiKMi. l2mo, c loth. 5o cents. Postage cents. PitKl'ARlNG: Dukens' Daid Cpierfield, Thackeray's Newcoines. Yi.-tor Hugo's Miserables, IS.iges Cil Bias, .lean Paul Richter'sTilan. George MarDiuiaId Alec Forla's. Charles Reticle's 1joc me Liltk. The World's Shakespeare, 3 ois., cloth. $1 5e: imstaee 2s cents, the principal plays in cwraie pHiapnu is, ..cents cacii. Milton's Poetical W orks. chrth, hi cents ; Histagi 7 ceHts. Half Russia, gilt top. cents . lostage 10 cents. Dante, translated by Cary . rlotli, 38 cents ; iostnge r. cenls. Naif Russia, gilt top, CO cents . iotage 8 cents. irgll, translated by Dryden. cloth, M cents; cents : postage 8 cents. Pope's Homer Iliad, clolh, 3y cents ; postage r. cents. Half Russia, gilt tp. COivnls , jiost- age R cents. Pope' Homer's Odyssey, cloth, so cents ;jMstagc c cents. Half Rhsski. gilt tii.()Mvuts. postage S cents. Ed win Arnolds Light of Asm, extra chilli, 25 cents ; parage 4 cvnts. Mrs. Heman's Poeiic:tl Works, large iKtao. chilli. cuts ; Histnge l:: cents. Half Russia. gilt top,!0cents: ioslage is cents. M'Fingal, an epic poem, by Trainlm!!, doth, 54 cents ;. half Riism. gilt tup, 75 cents. Postage a cents. Tasso's Jerusalem Delixered. chth, Hircnls; postage Scents. Half Rnssia.gilt lop. fl cenls; IxisUige 12 enls. Library of Biography. Reiiiuiisceiices of Thomas Carlyk'. Chrth, 3u cents iMMager.ieuis. H.df Rhvhu. gill top. Co cents; jKistage U c-ents. Acme Biography -First Series. Twelve standard IkmI.s by great aulhors. IhiuihI in Lol.. iloth. 50 cents"; postage 11 cent. Half Russtn, gilt top. -.t": io$tage 15 cents. Acme Biography Second Series.. IJvesorriiauiiT.SiH-iiscr.MiItou.t'owpcruud Soiithey. Fie books hi 1 vol.. cloth, lu cents. jMstage Scents. Hull Russia, gilt toj. JH) cents; jMistage 12 cenls. Aime Biography Third Series. Ijs1 Defoe. Johnson, Coldsuulh.Scoit and Thackeray, I 1 d., cloth. 40 cents ;jHstagi' scents. Half Russia. xlt tnp.soeenls; piisiage 12 cents. Plutarch's Lives, l o' cloth, i cents; p..stage II cent-'. Half Russia. gilt top. i 2i: tst- agell cents. Iossiugs Emiueiit Americans, over lOljMirt gilt lop. $1 M ; imstage 12 eeuts earlv nad Preparing Smile's Brief Biographies, Religious votings Great Bible ( mcwi dance. 1 cents. Half Russia, sprinkled edges. 2 50 liirKcy. marnie euges. t . Hisiage r c-eiits. The New Testament The new version. Cloth, .m cents. iiostage7 c-ents Half Russia gill top. no cents , iMistage 10 cc-nts. lull cents. Will hr issued pnHH?ry hnhi its The New King Fames vellum - prices. The New Testament 'I lie two vcr-ams. pnutcil cm ages facing, for cciveiiieiice of eoiu- pansim. 1 10111.41 cents ; imstage ih cvnts. nan linssia, gilt top, i : Hisiagc 11 coins. FiillTiirkcy iiiurrfico. gill edges. 1 5H:iMislage 15 ceiils. Geikte's Ufeot Christ, cloth i Recvnts: itostagc ceiiK Half Russia, gill top, ! ; 1 Hist age 13 cents Smith's Bible Dictiouarv. cloth. ."Scents. Half Ravsia. sprinkled edges. 75 cents; jMistage 10 cents. Kitto'sCyclopediuof Biblical Lilerature, 2 veds.. illustrated, chrth. ;2. Half Russia, gilt top. SJ. Postage tt cents. "Works of FlaviusJoscphus. 1 vol. piartn chrth 1 isiase.TS cents Literature Chaniliers' Cy elopa-dia of English literature, Russia, gilt top. si ; postage so cvnts. Acme IJbraiy of MiMlem Classics First Seric-s. nar of "Wakefield. Ihisselas. Pu-ciola. raul ami v irgiuia. I inline and tho Two Captains, in 1 vol., cloth. 10 cents ; inistage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, M) cents ; jHistage 11 cents. Macaulays Complete Essays and Poems. averts., chrth, 1 SO: half Russia, gilt tnp,2 70; postage SO cents. Tlie Koran or Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth, so cents . postage 5 cents. Half Rus sia, gilt ton. no cent : nostaee K cents. American Patriotism : Famous Orations and v loin, cents ; postage & cents, nan icitsMn. gilt top, 51 ; jMistage 12 cents. Tlie Choice of Books, by Charles F. Richardson. Extra chilli, 25 cents ; postage I cents. Cheap paper edition, 5 cents ; postage free. Sayings, by Author or Sparrowgrass Papers. Chrth. .to cents ; xstagc fi cents. Tlie I scftil Dictionary of the English language. By P. A. Nuttall. Contains ncarlv one half as much as Webster's Unabridged. Cloth, mi c-ents ; hair Russia, gilt top, 1 25 ; hM- age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand lexicon. Over 25.000 words and 2$o Engravings. Chrth. 17 cents; po-rtaee 4 cents. irvlng'shketch Booh. Chrth, Xi cents, jwistage 0 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, 70 cents; iwsiage a cents. Tlie Art of Beautifying SubHrlmn Home Grounds. Illustrated hv uinvards of Two Hundred Plates and Engniv lugs. By Frank J. Scott. rostage 2a cents. Juvenile Classics. Bunyan'. Pilgrim's l'ngress. Illustrated. Cloth, lo cents ; laistage 7 cents. New edition March 19. The Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Chrth, 40 cents. Postage 8 cents. Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Baron Munchausen, and Gulliver's Travels, j in 1 vol. Illustrated. Cloth, lo cents; postage 8 cents. Tlie Book of Fabler. By utsop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 ceiit. Cecil's Books of atiiral Historv, 3 verts, in l. Illustrated. Cloth, $1. Postage It cents. Stories and Ballads. By Ellen 1 racy Allien. Illustrated. Cloth. Mi c-ents. Postage7 cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all in brevier or larger type. Macaulay's Life of Frederick tlie Great. Former prices Si 23. Price 5 cents. Carly le'j IaTe or Robert Bunis. Former Price $1 . Price 3 cents. Light of Asia. By Edwin Arnold. Former price SI 50. Price & cents. Thomes Hughe's Manliness or Christ, Former price $1. Price 3 cents. Mary- Queen of Scott's Ure. By Lamnrtliie. Former price SI 25. Price 5 cents. Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. Price 5 cents. Bnnyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Ice C cents. Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Price 5 cents. The Library Magazine OI .American and Foreign Thought. Like the old and excellent Littel's laving Age and Electric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American thought added), at one-fourth their price, and everv number a bound volume. Vols. I. to VI L. over 4,000 pages, in cloth, for 3 20 : in half Russia, gilt top, for $t so. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria, Oregon. D. C. IRELAND, Manager. C. H. STOCKTON, Era'crsE, sxgen: AND -CARRIAGE PAINTER, PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SrKCrAI.TV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -Shop next door to Astoriau Office, 1n Sbixster'sDuildJng. f T BOOK EXCHANGE, CALL THE ATTENTION OF READERS TO THE AT WHICH WE WILL FURNISH ROOKS TO " COME AND SEE ME." tmlf KN-sfe.Kitt at IIm rateif om'-htilf cent eni'h ila for irimsi'i 111 nan i;nssa, snn nj of History. . Half Kibstn. silt lop. $1 ; Half Unsafe. ;ilt loft. ?2.V); chth. t 75: half Hitssfei IKiHkleil edges. chth. 11 cents ; iMtstae fi cchIs, Half Kits. 2 nls.. t-iolh I: Hsjti lit ivHt. Half cents. Half Russia, gilt lop, l; postage rj postage cents. Half Rhm. gill lop. JO Great Poets. cents. Half Russia, gilt top. postage A2 jiostMge fi cents. Half Russia, gilt top.fio tails, cli.ili. 1 . ihimmsi I.eents. Half Russia. Cailyle'silhverCnHuwell.aHd Frederick llH'Gtcat, Literature. idaiH-e. 1 vol. quarto. Pomuar Edltum. cloth. S2: jMistage nr cents, scholars Edition, half lurkev iiHirH-co,gtit edges. si -, : iHtstage 10 iHildieatHHi 111 England. uniform in siiih the the same l V). Half Russia, sprinkled edges. 2 00 Miscellaneous. h vols, in 4, cloth, js ; iostagea5 cents. Half Patriotic Paiier. from Washington to Lincoln. Chrth, extra, price reduced fnun SJ to ss. For Port Townsend, Victoria, ' Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying I. S. mall. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave Portland for the above iorts from Plunder's Dock Xo freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the day previous to departure. For Freight or Passage applv to EdTC. HUGHES. Purser. 1 ! tf3T&3gTMt I TMPrrrilf ' Pr..,"Jvr wJilt . vkj r,:v)-r 1 "!-r, J. .MISCELLANEOUS. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Broncaitis, Infmenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Evory cfibction of tho THROAT, IUNGS AND CHEST, including CQSUMPTEOM. A WELL-KHOWN PHYSICIAN WHITES: " It doss not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behead, as is the case with most preparation, but Iomchs u, cleanses the lungs and allays imtatioa 'bus removing the causc-of complaint." DO NOT KE DECEIVED by article bear Jig suaBar romes. Besurcyougct DS. WISTAR'S CALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vkhthesigaaturcof"I IIUTTS" cw the wrapper. 50 Cents and SI. 00 a Dottle. Prepared by SETH W. TOWLE & SON'S, Bo ca.Mass. Sokl by druggists aad dealers geacra!I gjycsnpwf HotLers lilro and Physicians, rccoiainend it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CEXTAUK I.INT3IENTS; the "World's grroat Pain-Kc-ncviiijf remedies. Tliey heal, sootiie and cure Sums, "Wounds, "Weak Baelc and JSheumatism upon Ttlan, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness spoil Kcasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of diigustiagMucua, Sunfilos, CrncMing Pains in tlio Head, Fotid Breath, Seafaoss, and cuiy Catarrhal Complaint, can Lo osterzninaied "by"W"eiBo Meyer's Catarra Curo, a Consti tutional Antidote, Ly Absorp tion TLo most Important Dis covery sinoo Vaccination. l!er Aniens. Henry Tie! jm. T.V.ilorstel. eillCAGO BREWERY. Henry Ahrens & Co.. Proprietors, I4JIO to 14:tX I'ine street. SAX FKAXCIhfO. millS P.REWERY Ls THE MOST POPC X Iarottthe coast, and liave established a branch 111 thLscitv ami is under the niauaee tiR'tit of .I.STRAl'sS, vv ho will In pkitecd to fill any order f reMii a chnech lMttIes up to a thousand Iwrrels. The, la'er needs no rec ouuiieiHlHthHi. as those uint: it cuu-e will never ue anv other. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel ck- at Iaae FeMer's Hill ho tiroiuptlv attended to. All ofders from a distance will receive im-owi attenticui. Families sum4kd with this e-xcelk'Ht quali ty of lievr. .I.STRAI'SS. Aeiit. Watei street, Hevt door to Isaac Foster's, Astoria. Orefion. .7. H. D. GRAY, Wliolesnle and retail dealer In. AJjL kixj& of feed, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Ronton street. Astoria. Oregon. Children TOR CMfelWa Y$Zr&J &r&&& fT II w ' l,HHli,... .. I.. KILLS R. LEESOM & CO PSTOS. I'- k CRAFTOrJ IISCELLANEOUS. Important to Travelers. mm: CNDEitMCNED is n pi:i:- i imreel to sH THROUGH TICKETS FROM Astoria to all Points in Europe ta Overland Railroads ,iud M tiusnis ef tln follow ing flrst-eiassbne-s fruu New Yrk: WHITE STAR MM. NATIONAL LINE. ALLAN LINK. RED STAR LINE. AMERICAN LINE. A. T. KKMvKF. Of ('. nHHHHi-4 Js Co.. .Won.!. Oregon. For London Direct. The ntMlercitnicd hnve- niMie-r -.. 1 charter a tlrst H.iss fttZ At trim Ilaniiie 48flsiv l Due at AsTOKIA e.irlv 111 M.:v. which will I Im Hit em lHrth te load for ' LOND0fMDIRECT. , In lots TO sriTSilIPPERS will in- take 11 at SlKAHOXAltfiH I?ATZ:S. For FREIGHT .mil other particulars, aplv tn SIItSON. CIII'SCCII A Co.. Cor. Front and Ash Streets. Portland, Oregon. Yacht Blue Skin. Hipper built, cower fasteneel. double mast vessel, lies at Case's wharf. Readv to re ceive passengers, freight or e citrshHi parties to all parts or me CiuutuiHa itver auei vicini- - a t j . 'barges miHlerate. ;?- Forfiirtheriwrtk-nlars inquire f Jhn Rogers, ivntnd "Market. Or of CAIT. WOODs. M.tster and owner. Shoalwaier Bay Steam Navigation Company. Tlie ih-w steniiM r SOI'TH K"1. JOHV P.KOWN. - - Will leave M STKR. .Nouth ISeuel I'm Hay (Vtiicr. 0s- lei-villeand tliehenti oftlie !Iny. CiHiHe'cling with X. lief iK stage line ami ! steawer t :!!. faith) at II warn for .stnrii. j i TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Passengers ea tu .storfci cither or thce davscau ge.mismgli let Sewth IW-ml isi ihic da. For rrefgtot ami n ( anty at tlie t imiKiievsnireat suin i; net. ihiir' ( .ip t.iiii on lwnl. The most Suceessnti Iteniedj-ever discovered.:! it is certain initseirects and does not blister. Also eveellent Tor human llesh. Read proof below. From a Prominent Physician.! Washingtoitville. Ohio. June 17. 1SS0. 1 Pit. It. J. Kkmi vi.l & Co.. Oents Read ing vcHir advertisement m Turf. Field and F.inn. of Kendall's Spav in Cure. and having .i .ilii.ibt:iiiilstxcilv Horse which had been i hum' from siwviii eighteen mouths. I sent to vou feir a liottle b express, which in si weeks removed all lameness, and enlarge ment and a lanre snlint from another horse. and iMith horses are tn-dav :ts seiund .w colts, i The ertie liottle w:i worth to me one hundred dollars. ResiH'c tfnllv yours. II. A. RERTOLirrT, M. D. t KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! Harrtsbitrg. Pa.. Nov ls l(svo. Dk. 15. .1. KkmiallK. Co., i lents . I have a verv line mare that has had a lume siwvln for a long time, I tried everv thing man could devise to cure it but all in vain and was about to give it up when ,i friend of mine in this eitvcame tn me ami recom mended Kendall spav in Cure which I tried w ltli grand results, rcmov mg that lione clear and dean and then I sent intents to you Tor one or jour illustnited Horse Rooks audi think there is mi better hook, printed on the horse anil his diseases. I have taken great interest in it and have since sold is tuples forycui toniv neighbors. and will try and do what good Icanbv getting them for other-. Yemrs truly . (!. W. MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ON liriHAN fliKSII. Rakersfiehl. Vt.. Dec, 25, 1S79. Ii. J. Kkmivll & Co.. Cents. I wish to add my tcstintouv in Liv or or your invaluable hutment. Kcitd.uTs Spavin Cure." In the spring cd 1n?2. I slipped on the ue and sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was cry lame and at times, buffered the most excruciating pain. I wore a bandage on it for over ,u year, and tried most every thing in my reach, but could tiiul nothing that wonhl giv e ine permanent relief. AVhen I overworked, it wcuihl iwiu me very much. In April ISTs I began to think I should be a cripple for lire ; lint having some of "Ken dall's bpav in Cure" thought I would try It. I used one third of a liottle. ami experienced relief at once. The pain left me and hits not troubled ine since. I feel very irraterul to vihi and would recommend 'Kendall's Spav in Cure' to all who suffer with sprains or rheu matism. Yours truly, Mks. J. Roitkli. Kendall's Spavin Cure Is sure ill its effects, mild m its action as it does not blister, and yet it is penetrating and pow erf ul to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony grow th or any other enlargement, If used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment ls used for man nrlieast. it Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, act ing mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons or the year. Send address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. Xo remedy lias ever met with such unquali fied success, tei our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price Si per bottle, or six bottles for $5 ALL DRUCCISTS have it or can-get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on re ceipt of price by the proprietors. DR. B. ,T. KENDALL & CO.. Enobburgh Falls, Vermont. OVJjU DX AJjJU .UAUvilxiaJD. i -V - f 1 1 , J MILLS KILLS AT scoro. &CRAFTON,HASS. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon,Raiiway & Navigation COMPANY. OCEAN DIVISION. Between San Francisco & Portland. In coiisefiHciice or accident to the steam ship State of California, the following sched ule of sailing d.ivs of ocean steamers has 1 en arranged, to-wtt rotrriVN d. t itojt sj x kk.vx. Dale JlUK' 12 lune IT. .luaeil .1 uue 2; .lulv 2 .Hil T .Iul 12 .lul 17 .hill 22 .Inlv 27 AHg. I Aug. i Steamer. Date. Steamer. Oregon state of -Columbial .. Oregon state of Cala -Columbia ...... Oregon state of Cala Columbia Oregon state or C.1I.1 Columbia June 4 .lune lu .. .Oregon State of Cala Columbia Oregon -State of Cala ..-Columbia Oregon ..State of Cala .... Columbia Oregon -State of Cala Columbia June 13 June 211.. June 25. June?)). July 5 Julj 10. .lulv 15. July 20. .lulv 25. 1 .Inly 'M Due notice will be given or any further change. Right is reserved to e. lunge steamers or sailing dav s. THROCclH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Colmnbia, Yillamet and Yamhill Rivets. FEP.RCARY 1, lb81. 1 Ij-ave Pon-I I I j j kind ror iMotilTu. IWe. Tint. Fri.lsat. ! Dal!-. Wal- I I ' !a Walla. I Umatilla 1 ami up m . er points r AJ1 AM 5 AM 5 AM JAM 1 AM Aatena. Ka- lamt.Taeo ma.Seattle 6AM GAM GAM 6AM 6AM 6AM t Vie'ria. New t "WVa'mstr GAM PAM , Cathlamet. Hay View, I Stamola 1 wa. BrooL- , heltl GAM GAM CAM 1 V estport. ! C 1 1 f t on. K Bap pa. GAM GAM 6AM Dartciu . 7 AM .. .. 7 AM 7 AM I Salem and intend edi- ate points. G am . .Gam Points on I Snake River 5 a m Sam CSKNEUAI. OtFICES: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. "vlrCRAKEX & Co.. Agents State of California, A. I,. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. & N. Co. JOHN MUIR. t leneral Freight and Passenger agent. T. F. OAICES. Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olyrapia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go t xPT n''' further notice tho Ilwaco 1 SB&La. Stenm Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, W II ITC0MB MASTER Will leavo Astoria on llouclnys, Tuesdays, and Saturday, At 9 A.M., I'rldnj s at i; 1-1 A. 31.. and 1 IVt. X'orl Mc veils. Fort Cnuby, and llvvac Connecting with .. A. Loomi3'staso9 for Oyr tervillo and (ilympin, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens .. socts " Caubj ami Ilwaco............ $1 00 c-yllwaco freiglit. by the ton, In lots or cuie ton or over, S2 oo per ton. CiJ-For Tickets, Towage, or Charter apply either at tho otlico of tho Company, Qnty'a wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on hoard. J. II. D.GRAY, Asjent. Oresfon & California R.R. Co On an alter Oct. II, lSi0, trains will run as fol low, DAIL3T (Excopt Sundays), EAST3WE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. VfVIL TKVIV LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:.50 A. 3I.Rosoburff.7:00 P. M Roscburg 5:00 A.M. I Portland 4:25 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland l:0o P. M.Lebanon9.20 P.M Lohanon 4:11 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. :lr A. M.IJunction .6:00 P. M Juaction 5:15 A. M.lPortland 55 F.M Tho Oregon and California Railroad r erry miekos connection with all Regular Trains on Eictido Div Uion. H KSTSIDK DIVISION. Front Portland to CornIli. Jiur. TRVW LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:09 A. M.ICorvallts ....S:00 P. M Corvallii s:Ai A. M. Portland 3:20.P. M Close connections are made at ROSEBURG with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. HrTichet3foraIo to all tho principal points in California and tho East, at tho Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storago will be charged on freight remain ngatCotnpanys Warehouse over 21 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, and 0 o'clock P. M.on "tt estsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Sup'L E. P. ROGERS. Gcn'l Freight and Passenger Asent For Youngs River and Knappa. Tlie Steamer jTAGNET, C.W. HAMLIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Riv et every Friday and Knappa ev ery Tuesday. Tlie Magnet is ready for charter to any point on the bay. For freight or passage apply on board or at I. W. Case's. Astoria and. H.uappton. RegtUar Mail and Passenger Steamer ROSETTA, W. WAVE MASTER B3-WH1 leave Knappton for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her t carry wood or freight of any kind. fi For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Caae'a store. Lawyers briefs printed in fine style at The Astorian office. Srt-H'kSaaKliJJ2sisriIirS & k -, -