tiffin A war MMUBBHiSatii g.IC aol?J gStefcOX. ASTORIA. OREGON: is arable to annually produce 150, Saturday :...jr:na8S!:0005000 busJiels of graiiu Wc now ntmii'ilK' ornnrt. 900 000 tons B.C. IRELAND Editor, i 7 Our Columbia Freshets. In the last number of Scribners Monthly is a letter from Prof. "W. T. Lyman, of Forest Grove, on the Columbia rivers risings that is interesting reading. The profes sor says: "An article entitled Our Rivers, in the issue of Scrib ner for Auinist, contains an allu- sion in flip. (Columbia whieh frreat- 1 y needs enlargment. 1 1 mentions as remarkable, that the Columbia PJ.,.nK;n river often rises fifteen feet during the summer Hoods. This presents so inadquate an idea of our great river that 1 am compelled to call vour attention to the fart that during the Hood of last summer the Columbia ioe at T'umatilla about forty-live feet: at The Dalles, fifty-one; at the L'pper Cascades about sixty; while at "Portland, twelve miles from the .junction of thr Willamet and Co lumbia, the former was bucked up to a height of twenty-eight feet above low water mark. At Van couver, where the ordinary width of the Columbia is a mile and a half, the flood extended to a width of six miles. To irivc some idea J of the hnmcnsitv ol waters ensu ing from the miows tf our great western mountains, 1 might add that at The Dalfes the mass of water superimposed on the low stage of the rivei was fifty one feet thick, a mile wide and moving fit. ihi rnfo of nine miles ner hour. ,-, i i -, . 4 tA For several davs it rose at the rate of an inch an hour. Its hourly increase was therefore enough to make a large creek, while its daily increase was just about equivalent to such a river as the Hudson. The Columbia has, of course, no need to feel jealous of any of the brotherhood of rivers, but it would like its eastern friefids to know what it reallv ran do in the matter of a freshet.1" Mayor Grace, of New York, was once empl&yed as a waiter in a restaurant in Center street. The mobs ami riots in Ireland continue to increase, both in num ber and damages. At 1 Jallydehob, Cork, Skibbereen, and other points, bloody fighting has been going on for several days. Frederick Hillings resigned the presidency of the Northern Pacific on the 9th and Ar.bel II. Barney was elected president pr tern. T. F. Oakes first vice-president and Henry A'illard director. The municipal authorities of Chicago have iriven notice to the telegraph and telephone compa nies that after a certain date no wires will be allowed upon poles or upon house-tops in the city, but that all wires must be conveyed under ground. Clarence Gray, the cold-blooded murderer of Mr. Ulancey at Santa Barbara, now on trial at Redwood, is undergoing severe cross-examination. Witness is badly en tangled. Jlifc answers are very voluminous and often contradic tory. He will probably be hung, as he deserves to be. Assemblyman Bradley, in the Albany assembly, has placed $2, 500 in the hands of speaker Sharpc; money given to bribe him to vote against senator Piatt. Mr. Arm strong and Mr. Sisson staled that they too had been offered bribes to turn from Conkling and Piatt. A committee was appointed to in vestigate the matter. Bradley was approached by Senator Sissons, and was told to say in explana tion of his vote semething: the same as Russell said when he changed. Another very destructive fire visited Quebec on the night of the 9th. Eight hundred buildings in the principal streets were destroy ed. Losses five lives, and $2,000, 000. Several remarkable whirl winds were caused by the fire. Men were in some cases lifted off' their feet. On the lower field, where most of the burnt out peo ple had camped with their saved goods, the fire followed the unfor tunates and burnt up most of the goods piled on the grass. Burn ing shingles fell over the city and as far out as Maple avenue, during the nigiit, endangering ever part of town. Several incipient fires in dfferent streets were suppressed by the vigilance of their occupants. TIiePadflclfortlnreM. Oregon and "Washington contain 100,000,000 acres, enough of which V i""- J of wheat, 200,000,000 feet of luin- ber, 250,000 tons of coal, 7,000,000 pounds of wool, and many other important items, with iess than one-twentieth of the area utilized. We also exported 000,000 cases of salmon in "1SS0. Xow possessing 250,000 inhabitants, and an as sessed valuation of about $125, 000,000, we are without railway communication with, the outside worl'L Thp importance of Oregon an1' HMiiiijum inniui ui me commercial world, even in their infancy, may best be understood from the fact that 400 vessels, hav ing a tonnage of over 000,000 tons, touched at Puget-sound ports in 1SS0, and that there were :00 arrivals of ocean vessels at Astoria the same ear. Over 25,000 pas sengers and 125,000 tons of freight were carried bv steamship between Astoria and San Francisco last year. Ninety thousand cattle and 75,000 sheep were sold from the vast pastures of eastern Oregon and Washington last year. Speak ing in a general way of the country Mr. Strahorn, the correspondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, said that he found the Pacific Northwest well watered, splendidly timbered and abounding in vast perennial past urage and extensive agricultural valleys, as well as possessing great mineral resources; while southern California, Arizona, northern Mexi co, and much of New Mexico, is a desert, having little but its mineral resources to recommend it. Women are found in Brooklyn who make shirts for three cents each. A man fell 4 00 feet down a shall in a Tombstoue, Arizona, mine on the 0th, passing through inch hoards at 100 feet, and was picked up in a basket at the bot tom. Cxi't..!. II. D.Oray i now prepared to.MippIvthc best qualities of fir, hem Iocl;, vine maple, spruce limbs, etc Leave orders at the wood yard, foot or Itonlou treet. For a lnt-i'Iass otur stew, fry, pau-ron-st or fancy roast, so to Ko-coe' on Main street. npMsite N. Loel)s. Faiijilienpplietl by the buudred or the uek. open or in the shell. F. Sherman & Co. Ik'Rs leae to notilj lhe jmblie of Atoria that they liave old out their entire meat and vej;elable market lo X. Clnser A: Con and would reeommend their successors to their customers in Astoria. F.Sherman A: Co. ui!lp:ij all debts ami eolleet all accounts lodate. S. Chwr : Ctt- successors tt F. Sherman S: Co.. lm inir lMuKht the meat and xeetublu market of F. Sher man S Co., would restectfullv ask i continuance of the patronage bestowed on the former proprietors. NEW TO-DAY. S5f REWARD. mHK AIJf'K XMOl'NT WILL UK- PAH) X fortheecoery of thplxuly of N. ltn soii. tliiMVustlnnetl ftom a fishing boat off Chmoi j(nt on Wednesday, JuneStli. Il Hearer I J ilge yo.Xt, I. O. 0. F. .ST.CLA1K DENNER, X.U. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY RpTHE, DEALER IN FNEVINES. LIQUORS. Rkkk, CioAin, atfil best brands o IvENTU&v" WHISKY, 103 South Firsttree Portland, Okeuo.v. fSF-IlestSaif Fraj$ri"wo Tool Table on the premises. Consignees Notice. NEITHER CAPT. LITTLli, OF THE Rritishbark Scottish ltanl, nor the un ilersiiied consignees of the above named vessel, will be responsible for any debts con tracted bv the crew of said vessel while at Astoria. " .1 AM ES LAIDLAW & CO. Astoria. .Tune 8, 1881. d7t. Eegular Auction Sale SATURDAY, JUNE ji, 11 A. M. Prhne 5Ies$ Beef, i i & IX 1IARREUS? AXJ) H-LF B. IARRELS. Iiisirncioil IA' Mr.Jp'. sifnn:iii. 1 will sell at my auetioir room to pie liighesr bidder forc:ish, t c l?i Barrel andHlf ItarrelK of Prime Mfels Beef. -41 An assoiliient of othfjiC articles, including One Dozlii Large t&ndsome Framed Chroilios; and One Dozin Comic Soriing Sketches, All handsomely framed? and to be sold for account of whom it lnavfoncpro. E. C. llOtDEX, Auctioneer. qjiTwi V.lt IN IK('IjAKEI WITHOUT FI'RTIIKK XOTICK And no terms of peace until everj man in Astoria has a new Lsuit or clothes -Tf A1K Y .ltRAXY. Iok :it the prices : Tants to order fnun -l'ants, CiMiuine French Cassimere -Suits from ...... SS00 12 CO 25 00 Tlie linest line of samples on the coast to select from. 1. J. ME ANY. Main street, ojosite Parker Iloase. Astona. j BLANK JOOKS 1R1NTED AD BOUND TO AN i SIZr:. JL and ruled to any order, at Thi: Astobun offioo O PILES. iK Tlie underriiKued is prepared to furulali a large number of Spiles and Spars ut Lis place ou short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLKS, Columbia City MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTJKT l- amimmeS Ot THK HOUSE To make room for an Immense stock of jjihmK that aic arriving by eer -Jieaiwer. I will ell for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS -A T- Greatly Reduced Prices ! My entire 4o'K. eomnrMm; the bttesi styles or Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Childrons Shoes and Slippers AI.SO: t COM PI.CTK LINK OF MESS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, KTC. ETC. ETC. lJoforc imrclutsint: yonr gels Nevhcre crall in and examine my Rotxls ml tiresws It will wy you AelI foroMrlnmWe. S. SCHLUSSEL, WHITE llOl'SE STOltE, Comer Main and Clieuauuis streets, AST01UA, OltECJON. BAHKiNC AHDJHSURAKGE. i. -w. cja.SE, BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - -. UKKCON OFFICE IIOl'KS: PKOjLS O'CLOCK A. 51. UNTIL I O'CLOCK P.M. Home Mutual taraoce Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. K. iinuftirroN... ..rresldent .....-.Secretnry .Aent for ()r-on Cn as. It. Stoisy..... Gko. 1 Stoky Cfliiital paid ii in V. S. gobl coin S ."XW 000 no I "W. C'ASl Agent. Chenriiuns al reel , Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOIJE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COAlMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.O00.O0O. A. VAX DUSKX. Agent. Cfunmercial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512.500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. TOIIN 11AK HAMILTON, Manager. 210 Sansoittc St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. TACIFIC COAST MARINE IHIANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. OF LONDON. Capital, - - S12,500f000. The um!etigiicil are iinHiriiI to ISSl'K POIjTCIES To cover shipments of SALMON or other Mercliandlse bv SAIL or STEAMEIJ. from Columbia Klver to DOMESTIC Oil FOKEICN lOUTS. Onlers by MAIL or WIRE itrninptly at tended to smsox, ciiritcii & Co., C4r. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon B. B. EKANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cassand Squenioqlie streets. ASTORIA. .... ORISON DE.VI.Kll IN WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. 'HOLMO JOiI 3ILE :-flISOTJO IHTXHOO keec:q:30 -x ui ooyuDus :jeo;lo A"ui joj ino UAVOJ, III 0S110JJ OOT.IJ OT1Q )SOCfaoi0 IiTj caTO.I,S VTXIIOETMT, ) " S33Ur ODSpitlilJ UBC; 3VJ JIOS UUD TUIJ3 EU03SY III 3Sn0l AUO Olp SI Slip J3qtU3UI3-S MununjcdoQ Suiipoj aui ouiutuxn spoo ssup isjui 30 pin? aououi oaus oi 3UEAY noA" ji oopoii osu3d uauiopuoQ S3DUJ ODSpuUJ.J i UUCJ U 'StppiYV PUT! S3ZJ5 'sojaic; C ipi.w p32p03C; S .iKairs'ava'aa eohs sky ioos kk siDiM.i :i:i wevn 'SJOaVO T0U0.Tk" 'SJ-J ir lApUHKI SpOOQ AJDUIJUI JO OUij OUIJ U pDAIDDOJ ISllf pjBA v. s:p Si UIO.IJ 'ipiiuu oi sSiuuiuiui lpJA SDpi2lS C u i :fJO.ioniijs,i?o pua? sopi?oo.ic 'sodj.ng 'PP-IJ ki sx:is-i(i jjs-.iav:-ix :tiu. iijiw u.im.mus si lou jo Xnq oi qsiAv no.v .loipoq.w sp?of3 ui sojas .mo ouiuni -xn noX OAiiq oi oansuojd v ii pui puiiu in ,v.th sDipuq ITAVOJ, HI 0.1O7P joipo v, mup ss'oj 'iioo and e soot.ij v, smojoo pm? ops v. ui 'foovf -oiipipVi 's55auf "'sdui 'smuiijOQ fCI :iHiv"A'n.ii;.is'i sia.i - S.IDlSJf .I3UIUII1C; ST)IlU'" 9 pauuuui A"puiospiiiH U3iu rAi!ai i?jxr 'siing iiDiiiq in .won Xpjpun liuupouiog - - 'ouij ujxo 'pDssoquio 'siing uourj soipcq fz i - 'soDDtd z 'pojopiojquin 'sijnc; iiourj soipirT 95 OS ? Z oco o z$ rsHDnid pauuuui amospimq 'siinc; unurj snipuf 06 "SCaCBCV JKESUKEXX aOTJJO ilSOd ftiXlSOcTcTO MfFNIMOO MAVOlI iMI I3H0IS ttOIHcI M0 j.p:tiyhho mill 'aOIS YINHMXTY3 elxes: RxrrarE..AKXl)T & FERCIIEN, ASTOKIA, oi:ec(in. rh BRICK .,'fflRifc. LAYER: ire. IMAIX AND OKSAMENTAI. PXiASTEE.EB.1 Dnleis left st Hie Ocviileiit Hotel, or at mv WntvlHHiM, foot of IW-ntou Street, lmimiitly attended to. - L'cieniIue'ria funiishetl loonier. oiTSiKvIal attention ild to Furnace work iiiw n.iitr. vnuui w niiii.uiivMnvv ea-Asent San .Inaii and NewTacomn Lime. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT,! On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation CoS wharf. The choicet limntls of foreign and domcMic AVI.VES. I.KtUOItS AX1 fUJAHS. earliest Cliicnso IJeer."rffn PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. P.. ("ROW, - - - PROPRIETOR Opjiositi EpKipal Cliurch, SiiK'iiMHNihe St.. Is now prepared to TAKE PHOTOGIIAPHS Of all kimls and in the latent styles. Copvinjrand adarginK Pictures in Oil Cray on. luili.1 Ink and AVatcr Colors. All kinds and sizes of Tin Types WILLIAM EDGAR, .xrnI ..i ri,m,m,s,rMtii. ASTORIA OltKfiON. DEALER I.H CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Cclehniteil JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM ana oiner r.nsiun unuory. T A nTn7TTJ"'RVT X Xik X .A.W.AM. J-V . . FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock or -WtiteliOH and Jpwclry. Mur.r.U' autl Kreeoli Load ins Shot (inns mul Itttles, Jlevolvcrn. Plstoln, and Ammunition 9IAKIXK Ij.VSSES. ALSO A FIXE Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. 4BBfc , joo pd.w ixo?yT c; mvo t. pouiuTi.iiirj 'SDA1S 1UD.IOJJJP Ol OSO SOipi!' 'ZOQ OOg asth:ia. - (ii:n;ox. The Only Machine Shop MartM 0' -5. ??, t . n.s f l B- r KJ -m. 2. y J 'v'- In the eitv. All knuK of - sH?frsJ V ENGINE, CANNERY, I -axi- -.. - - . -. i STEAMBOAT WOSK ' IToinptlyjOtended to. . ,!., i... ,,..,, i-,.r -.lril. A IeiallN matlc of repainns . T'VTT"1T'fc"Kr TPTTT"1C!' VJ.lJJXi JLJJ2iC3, MACHINE SHOP, NEAU KINNEY'S AS i TOUIA FISHERY. - THE DEW DROP IHN ! Oh. fishermen, all hear the good new-. '. A line saloon is started with hest of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AND FINE FREE LUNCH I NOl ARDED. The iiramlONt Caviar anil Cliecne, IN SANDWICH THICK AND TJIIN And will vihi scml a pleasant hour, drop in altlte DEAV DROP INN on Coucoiuiy .street. .1. T. nORCIIERS, Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. "Will tesne th Occident Hotel ami Ve& Alk'jimer at Six O'clock A. M., Daily, And each alternate hour thereafter. i Wl, , , u T f w,n also Leave UpperTown from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. Satnnlay nights will run later to aeeommr.. date the iHillk. The slwwe will l tln'statkHis for starting, lHit this Him has lHen established for the accoimMlath or tlie pHhlie.and will cany ! lntSM-wjieis. lM:it;e or freitht.ti an iart of eitlM-r eitv that is aeeesildeto teams, rA1I.,,.r,keK Hill lK,d :il ,h, r,t, St!S..wfiM,ri,, ' aml lKawU I- :. KrTI.ER. ranaer. Astoria. May 27. 181. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, IIa.s received a large invoice of UAIIUELS AND HALF BARRELS r the best rpiality. And is now readv to Mipply Bmchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. 7 MONTHS THE WEEKLY s ANTtSlA. YTF. "WILT, SEND THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN TO ANY ADDttKFS IN THE UNITED STATES, Pit-tap' isihI ly m. For the Balance of the Current Year, At tht" abort nitt - Cash in ailranee. uoxr HKI.AV accicitanti: of this offf.i:. rn DTTE ASTORIA3SF. lUAUA AXD TS RES TvESPKCTED AXD COM5IKXDED Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL ilAX. FOR THE FARMER, FOR TILE M.ECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON. iAir.Y asteria: terms : by matt.. (I'OSTAIIK KUKK TO AM. SfHSrKU'.KKS.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR 89 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS S 00 3"SniiUlo copies- or either ciitwn to -ent. Addnss: 1. C. IKErAXl, I'ublbhcr, Astoria, Oregon . oar Post musters are antliorued to ael a :isents or Tun Astouiax. THE ASTOBIAN" STEAM PBINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AJSTD BEST PRESSES, AArD TYPE OF TJIE LATEST STYLES. i- ' inirefcitM raier. Cards, Ink. and other nmterials of tlie manufacturers j9k.-t Xjis3X?Eros-t Otjsla. Hates, And ran therefore afford to use. as we always do. the hest articles, while charging Cards. Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF TIIE C'OUNTINCI ROOM AND THE WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES AVUICH CAN- NOT RUT Gin; SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY is sri'ERiei: ro most, and in i:cei.lkd p.y none on this coast JOHN HAHN, - - PKOFKIETOEr CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. C-Orders left at the GERMAN IA BEER HALL vwll he promptly attended to."Sa riMARD & PPSHURiS- glaser & co., j i Successors to F. Sherman & Co.) DEALERS IN SHIP CHANDLERY PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders General HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AGENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTOKIA. OREGON 11 1 '1 . l.KlNKVWKUKK. HIKAM ISUOWX. KSTAr.MSHKn 1WP. Leincnweber & Co., 7 ASTOKIA, OREGON, TAMERS KM CURRIERS, Mannfaetnrers ami Importetsof A U KINDS OK XD5JT:OCE23EL AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANTFACTUREKS OK BOOTS and SHOES jaBIIighest cash price paid fori Hides and Tallow. FOE $ 1 25 QRIJ OREGOA. WEEKLV) UY ALL FOK ITS Fairness and Reliability. MAIN STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON, Is prepared to supply Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Corned bleats, Poultry, diarae. Etc. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATES. J3"Freh sausages of all kinds made three times a week or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, I?G2S. BUTTER, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISII. POULTRY Al GAME In the season. CIGARS AIVD TOBACCO. Best of WIXES AIW X3QUORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. AV. Case's store. J. ltODGEKS. U.K. Wabrkt. T.AY. E.vto.1 Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEl , ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. WAKREX & KATOX, Proprietors. (Suceesors to Warren JbMcGuirel Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and cured Meats ' A full hue of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEQE- TABLES, ETC. 8t5 Rmtcr, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. 3 Ships supplied at the Iowe3t rates. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon JiEItGMAX C BEJiltY RESPECTFULLY CALL TIIE ATTEN. tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at Iovroatratea, wholesale and retail. SDedal attention Piven tn anr.nl.. I ns ahisi.