r-n ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY JUNE 9, 1SS1 CQMMERCEJUID TRADL TORT OF ASTORIA. Columbia. River Exports. SHirMKXTS i-okkio. .TC2TK 1881. 4 To Ltccrjmil. per Lizzie Udl. From Portland 18A754 bbls flour. S7S.100 o To Qcowioj,;)crl7Hc OsuviM. J From Portland 47,S00 ctls wheat . Gl.loo JtllCAI'ITriTIOV. MAY 181. Flour, -HUSK) lmls. value 6224,910 Wheat, USSSXi ctls. M8.544 Salmon, pj.'OO o.s. - )8,280 READY FOR SKA. Actios Oswald, brrii. 139 tens. MeUibban. Qaeeas- town Juno (1 Kate and Anna, steam sch.21 tons. Lutjens. Grays Harbor. June SAILED. Orient, brie. 212 tons. Williams. San Pedro .June 6 Lizzie Bell, br bk IMfitons. Morpnard. Liverpool. June b North Bend bkt 37f tons Merrrnian. S F June K Columbia sa. 27S1 tens Holies S T. June 3 California. tr. G74 tons.CarrelL Sitka June 2 HUerbanL. br bk. 1W tons. Parker, Literpeel. June 1 Victoria Cros. br bk. &h tons. Owen. Liverpool. May:) Herbert Blaek. bk T:a tou. QnvstoHn.May 2 5n Wricht U S Mr Denny Yaquina Wa Maj i Total values. 14 cargoes. T31.7'H ltHOAMTl'LATlON V MONTHS, 18S1. 1 AXUAltt . 4 Cargoes value s i7,42T I'KIIKUAKY. 7 Cargoes value :7l,2fti MAIU'II. Cargoes value J02.541 ArniL. 4 Carsoe. vaiwe 242,193 MAY. 14 Cargoes value R3l,7.t4 3t Cargoes, u nionthii $l,tRi.l9J Literary Revolution. tWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent each-$ 10,000! tH.llmpV.roy.X V. Jan . , "f"?r wniouniCHWM ' .. . thirdSaturdays in each month . um i.r. . x..iHnf o'clock, v. .. at tho Hall in Astoria. Mcmburs of tho Order, in good xtanding.nro invited to attond. By erde: of tho W. M. OUTSIDE WITH PILOTS O.V HOARD. Thomas 11 Stone. It bk. Newcastle N S W Jmif S ARR1 VA LS FROM SKA. Scottish Ban!. UrbL.MS tens. little. Keekkawfi- ton. June 3 Sol. Thomas. .tr. Ceos buy, Ju S Orecon ss. 233ft tons. Peblman. S F Jhih- i. Alpha . soh. btarr, Tillamook. Jane Ktliel. brbk.486 tons. Graham. Liven"- a SH Arcs, gr bk fiWton-.. Cta VlarsG Man 2 Kind, bk. 299 tons. Adam. S. F. May 27 Clau ForgHSon. br. bk.7H lens H'Mmhi. Brtabane. .May 2. Alden Iteew. Ata lk. st tn. Xyes. 1I.hUbc maj 22 Coloma. Am M. S tm. Niw. lloacteuK Ma 2 Martha Fv. brbk.Stl tB.McAJam.Nwea le. N .N AV. Mat li. IWIapsrio. br 14. rW tH. T. Nfwc. . S W.May 11 Merom. sh. 121 ln. l.twrll. N V May Ulan Grant, br lik. WN ten. Jat&e. fw l.itcriieal. Mat G Marion Kick br tik 5W t Kie .lunwro Ma S Shubrick. U S l.isbt-heuse f-tr. llierfien. north April 1-ESSKI.S 0. TUK U'.tl. I"rai Ameriran I'orl. Ahco Buck. Am Mb N V AHil G Belle of Oroe bk X Maj Carrie Window. 14..W1 toH-. PWkiilWj.bia. Moh . Columbia, sii 1 C. Ilurlburt, bk Kinniro. hh. 11M ton-.. Xe Yrk. Jan J5 l'.niiua T Crow4l bk UXl ten X Y .Ma 26 (Serten.tth Philadelphia. Jan IS Henry S Sandford. . iW ten. heir. X V March 'li Indiana, ship. O. U. A X. Ce, iren. Ma 21 Kate IaonporL sh 121S tes. Mallett X Y JaT IS Mississipi. O. K. A X. Ct. rfr X Y. Maj 21 Oracle, sh 1550 tons. Moriseu. Phill)li4iia Meh22 Olive S heuthard Am sli I'hitailelphki March S Palmyra. sh. iSHi tons Minet X Y March 2 State of California, tm. 2il tews. I)rtin. S K June 6 Sarauac sh X Y April 2i Sparrow Mjh S F March Ifi Tam O'Shantcr. likt. S. F. June 1 Willamette, t. 2fat tens. X Y Maruto 2 Front ForJ'iir" I'orls. j A dolt. Swe. bk. K3 tons. KtnsnaH, :o(!tn- i burs. Oct 18 Banksiield Br bk Liverj'ool April H ' Button Vale, br bk TUT, tens. Hacking Veto- j nama mu i Uoxford. br bk. I.iioresl. Marei 2 Chilo. br bk. Livenool. May 21 City of Queboc br lk 7 ! IeeMen I)c l;via victoria Orosstield. br bk. Liverpool. March 2fi Countess of Kothit.. Br sh. Mh441e-bere. Il-c2s Countesof Darbi. b-., MHldbMbere. I'.hk. JaHjft. City of Manchester, br bk m tens ltie Boon. BrbkSTT tons Xcwcastle Uoxford. br bk. Liverpool Mare a 3 vta Vetra F urn ess Abbey, bk. IMS, Libb. Yekohama. GlenRaber. br bk. IW! tons. Livorxel. Ma 12 Glenpenei, nil 1W4 ton. Cain- wf ;oo4-heie. !u June. . Oberon. b. 11M' toil". LienHl Aril 2ft Kiver Aon. brlk 4t Ilelker Lienoel March 3 Sidlaw. tlr lk A ohs McGlavhan Midtlk'bereuiili Jau 12 Vancouver, ii s 111 to., XeHrcai.th Zoc. brbk Liverpool via ViottH-ia Jkh X HOMKSTIP KXPOBT. The receipts of domestic exports at San Francisco, from .Januan 1st, 1881. to 3Iay i.sth, from AsioriH, is given as follews: Flour. qrskN 115,710 Wliwit. ctU 87,7.H Oftt.ells . liVI'. Salmon, U . . i.iW) nr htiN ici s, afvia Ajides, ripe, li ...... 18551 15nl tor, jiks . . 10 1'AtatOCt. k JM.172 Wool, intU's .................... jvn JUdes. Xo . . .. JS.STR Tallow. tikjiN . .... !! llfcf. bw!. 4ie 15c'f, CJ4lllltl. -s. ............ 10 Fruit, diieil, pks ....... .............. Oil Leather, pkjf !0 Jjinl, 8 Bitcoii, es . ............ 12 .Meal, -sks ssi llojw. bak. .. 3 Hmiiis. ks-.. ....... IS dlt'lM'.lS .. ..... . 11 Flu Seed, sks . 31iir.! ('aimed "ooiK. : . ni Astoria Lodffe No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Itoirular .Mooting every Tuosday Kvcning ut7'i o'clock, at flood Templar'e Hall, Che namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Farkor'9 Store .Members of the Order, in coodstand np, are invitod to attend. Doeroe meotins 1st Mondny eaoh month. By order W. C.T. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7. A. P. A. M. Uoculftr Communications first THE ASTORIA2T AGENCY EOR THE SALE OF BOOKS PUIHilSHED RY THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, REG LKAVK TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF READERS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT "WHICH "WE "WILL FURNISH ROOKS TO ORDER. COME AND SEE ME." Cyclopaedias. Library of rniveritl KuwlerKe, birs tyie. 15 vR oetu. -htk. 15: half Kh-s1h. gt lop. 22 50. l'ostase : ceMt ier vol, b ol-s. isn! ; vil. U in jiro. Tlas is a vcrhuthu reprint tif tle last (! lrulo eilitHm of ClmmbeiV Km'vnlia. with coihohs aililitions (.about jr..vw tojtfcsi 1 Ahmtm-ah eilitors.the Htuih comhlued hhiIit one alphabet intlamtUKeineHt. with "weh illu-.trathM an intv-nr to Hwhlate the text. It Kivcsan r.niiHint of iHtitteralMHit le )kt rem MHTi' than Applelote. (ek5HeUhi (prior, hi cloth, sso (XI). ami t) ier eciil more than .loliiimit Oyekipxnlla lriee SSI u) in cloth). Fort lie KCitenil reaHerit K uiHloitlrteilly tlie ' Kw.rlop:etlia r.-r jHibHsneil. whatever the pnee. Chambers Fncrl(ia-di:i. 15 ls. lfimo, Mitall ti. rlth.7 :t. Mi-.ta?i' lOrnit htoI. Amencaii Additions. Iarj;e tyH. -1 ols. oetaur rhHh. l ; half Hiinsih. Rilt lp. 0. Ftage is cents JK.T . '2 oN. KMietl : A. a in prevs. TliesevoliiintswiUlM'fnuiiil well-iiH;hiH(lNH'UN.-tl4i Ii all ovnosof Chambers. Ap4e tons, JohnsoiLs. and all other FyrhijueiluiN, event thr larpe tjpe edition of tin- Ubrary of O. K. BnYAHT. S. A. jrvxtis. t?i4Mr G'JT - oZ PTn- i vSsL'WJAr,. ; Kb i dL .t-h -jr -5.w. d S&JJ84 Gismssss-7i -&Zi?5f-i 3SaSfe!.'i?-Jv4-&''0 j yr; 4ri.aviar"juj.jMij-yTfatiM Ln jTifi.s -rn-jxi'nr..u?,-x.r-- -. MB2?Sir4teri3 uWaVafeH S.'tt-rKr' i fliiffiaiii SmifflBBS5s BmgBmmmm Usp&fMiM S-3BTWVmmimril?A 'SEa miV k mmmmmssmf 3 J V JS TvV?kMM WZSmp. tiri.S?5- iLr?5,3aOr Kf - fl1 .riw3w aMkBicrvT-rc-n zg-w '-v &4-v' ."j. r2JLVvBW-X?r TtSiS, JPSKi, "f is) 5 ?1 Wazeq rej) fcufejl Afiq y sNi 1 YW 1! -BUn LAP S.C-W; Ojcsm JCOTTOnBOPE.: o en OS 5 o o tWiftm PAGIFJ0 COAST AGENTS FGR - ,.(S-i-'iv'oi.'ifc en S7- SQeZLwft SACr7?i. O oaPv.Vfflsra ih.'vc - a tto .i Mi in . vf m rvm?r i. r ."5rrA s m lTTTTT. OTnirvGJ (M faV BBSPxHlNf iirfTVryQry: Anrrmf CO ? sportixg;suii?, SBffi J. R. LEESOfi & CO. BOSTON. L?"jvvXT:rr.: o CO r- 3 MILLS AT JOHNSTONE, SCOT'D. & GRAFTON, MASS. MISCELLANEOUS. lluiiersstl KnouledK". from nlik'li it is eomiiileil. Onlrrs with iah rereiel by ilarvh 17. top. after whieli date the nrirr will ih iuereaseil at the rate of oni'-lmlf rrnt earh da tor first andftf I. Bt72 V Beaver liOdcre No.35.LO.O.F. :&& s5s Moot every Thurfiday evenins. at - o'elock. in the Odd Fel loif's Hall. cor. of Cass and Che- nainns street, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend, liy order. N". tl. j Common CounciL lteular meetings second and fourth Tucs i day evenings of each month, at 7's o'clock t itB" Ferfons deirinfr to have matters acted upon by the Council, atanyroular meeting must pre-ent tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or beforo tho Friday evening: prior . to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its I resulnr moetinK'. 1U 11. CAIlDWKLIi. Auditor and Clork. TIDE TARLE FOR ASTORIA From tables til I'm ted States Coast Survey. 18S1, were aerented at the rediuvd price of -t S5 for the rloth, cT. r for the half Kil-vm. llt the set in rloth. llirwfniiriho eenl earh ln for tlie et In half Ifu-ia. Ht ton. Library of History. Koine.. els.. eloth, 2; iNKtae S7 rent. Half Kiw-hi. sill tjt. 5-1 ; 1.2.; incase st ernt. Half ItHsi:i. xh I'M1- -': loth. 5-1 T.'i: half Khmk. prikleil etles. jMi.tHjtr I rent'.. Ilnlflltr. Sl .';; rhdh. extra Ht, ilt Is., rioih. 1 : ptaj!e 1 rent. Naif llich Water. Lew Water. tIiliuanN nihboii iKittase 52 cents M;usiulay'.s England. 3 oK. ehrth, io-tace"t2ceiiii. Iiollin'.s Aneient llUtor.-' ol. in 1. trto. 2 'Zi ; !K)M:iKe 12 rents. Creasy's Fifteen leeishe l'.attlt-. of the World, idh. 15 criiN : ia, silt top. 7d rents : iKtaKe7 cents. FmWsart's Chronicles, huiverinl octa, 11.'. HitotratkHis. rloth. edscs. S2 fo : ivotaue ST eeatv. firv en's lirser JUstorj of the F.ugi4i 1'eojde, '2 i;avsi:t, gm ioj.. ; poase -i eemn. l5rotcJ!rceee,4 oW., rloth. i; -tatMMge 32 erat-.. Unlf Kussia, sH t"P. l: HMasse cents. In presN. Carlylr's French l'eolutioH, cloth, W tval"; imMhro 7 cents. Half Khsw. sHt top. . rents; potase 12 cents. IX PltKPAltAriuN : MtHiiiHsea's KiHMe : MnnsuhX ami (SmIoIV Fniure; Jlrnwl' !er many; Schiller's Thlrt irsVar; Hlstor of the United Slates, ly mi KiHMi-iit Ilk; torinu. Acme Library of Fiction. I'niform ia sixe ami style : cloth Wwdlna;. L'arda, 35 ceiiLs. 1'ostasc 7 tvnts. ceHLs. roMase k cents. cents. PosUtee 7 ivnts. uon yuixote, i rents, rostaxe cents. lnins'-s Kulekerltocker. cents. Fostntte r cents. Cooper's IJtst of the Moliiea-. cents. Fitstast t'ents. Charlotte IJronte'.s .Jane F.yre, 3T, eenLs. Fosta.- 7 cents. Kinple 's H j putin. :r rents. Fotase 7 cents. In press. Coethe'.s Wiluelin MeNier. ! cents. Fostaee 7 cents. In iiri!s 1 Madame tie Stael's Coriune. 3T. cents. Postage 7 cents. In press. 1 Mrs. MnloekCnilk's. John Halifax Centleuian.sr rents. Postage 7 rents-. Sir alter Stt s Ivaiihoe. 12io. eloth. .M rents. Postage s eens. Uulwer's Itst Days of PHiipeii. 12hmi. cloth. .7) ivnts. Postage 1 eeiils. PiiKi'AKixo : Dickens' l)ahl Copperheld. Thackeray's Neuronics. ietrIIiio-. Ist; MIseraWes, Iji Sage's Oil Bias, .lean Pan! Kiehtcr's Titan. (Seorge MaeDomihFsAh'c Forbes-, j Tom Brown at Kitghy.anei (Jeorge KIIoi Koino'la,sr D.itc 10 11 J 3 2 .7 I II... . . OS... r, ... .. 7 IS... '2 ... .1H ... 11 4(5... r. m. I k. m. .71 I "i2t 18 JS ." !s ll lfi ; 101 11 .-7 ;s . (i '22.... Z. b 4ii"".l 2 zTZZ ... a 31 j r. 33 10 23j A 41 11 lit r. 44 .. 0 111 f. 42 Il0 32 .11 31 0 41 1 3g '2 'St 3 19 4 11 ."1 07 U02 MISCELLANEOUS. Iinportaiit to Traveler s. raiHK FXDKK.sIi;EI JL itrcl m srll Tinjouan IS NOW PKK TKMCITS , FKO.M i Astoria to all Points in Europe ! Yin tHerinml KailroiHls ami Stc.iiHihiiK of I tlM fothtwiiM'lirst-rltissIiiH'sfriHMNcw erh: Charles lleatle's .oe im Little. The World's Great Poets. ONE OF THE 0L0EST AND HOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Cougus, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Broncnitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including: QONSUiWFTfOSM. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It docs not dry up a cough, and leave the coast WunJ, at ii the case with most preparation, hot becm k. cleanses the lungs and aUayf irritation. ilm removing the causcof coaplatnt." HO NOT EC DECEIVED by artKle bear atg simibr naract. lie sure you c' DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vMhtbesiSsatureof'I P.UTTS"oathewrappof. CO Cents and $1.00 a Kottlc. rrered bj-SETIf W FOWLE&SONS, B ca, Mass. Sold by druggists and tkalcrs xcacraUX' WHITE NATIONAL LINE Kltn STAlt I.1NF. STAU LINE. AI.IVN LINE. AMEKHAN LI NIC. TllANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXV. OCI'AX W1VISIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. In eonsequenee of accident to the steam ship State of California, the followlngsched ule if sailing days of ocean .steamers has Im'cu arraugeil. to-wit . mOM 1'OltTL.VXD Uati. KOJI SAX TRAX. Steamer. Data. Steamer. Half Unssin. gilt top. raiccuts : pNt- HOTELS AND RESTAURANT.. MISUELLA2TE0US HOSLETTEijv A..t. MKOLKK. s. WKIC1IT occiis:x'r hotel. MEdLEK & WKl'tlll. Proiniotwf. Astoria, Oreyon. rmiE fjiofkietous vi:n happ io JL announce that the a!c hotel tats liee'i ( repainted and refttnii.stM'd.a4Miug greativ tc t thecomfott of itsg'isanl is hoh the in-st ' hotel north of Shu Francisco. :. W. KXOWI.RS. A ! VA KIlKlt. CUROUOA IEOTXH;. PORTLAND. - - - - OKKtiON ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Piopiietois. Free couch to and Ikmh liie Ihhinc. OSTTiikDmia s'hu:ian is on flle.it the Clarendon Hotel loading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. H STOMACH & 8ITTEBS MAIN STREET. -Ids. S. X. Arrisoni - ASTORIA E'roprletor rriHETRAVELlNO PFI5LH" WILL FIND Jl the Fiemeer tiist class a shate of their patuoiagv solicited. ST"Roaid and lodging hy thetlaj or week. Fair Wind Coli'ee Saloon - X1 - CKOF HaXTSE, WATER STREET, STORlA. Next door to Dr. Kntse. ('(Ul'ce. Tea ami 'Itoeolate. with Take. IO fentH. CMiopK 'ooLel to lrder. Fine "WIiiph, I.tiiinr ami t'isarn Of the hest hiaiuK Having just opened the above establish ment we cordially Imite our friends and the public gcneralh to give us a trial. VC-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA.- THE L'NDERSlONED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them, in llr.st class sty le, and c cry .sty le, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. T THK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please give me a call. llOSCOK DIXON, Proprietor The Traveler Who WiHcly Provides Against the rout ingeur of illness by taking wall him Host otters Stomach Hitters, has oce:tslon to congmtujate himself on his fore sight, when he sees others who hae ne glected to dOMiMificrintr from vune one of .Lit jli. i'lit j the maladits for which it is a reiuedv and ii:alliwpects.aji(i preeiilathe. Annuig those are fee"r and ige is respect nitty :ijiu, 1 1 il 1 1 oust 1 ess, constipation ami rheuma- iisin. diseases 4iUeuatieuuuut upon a change or climate or unwonted diet. For .sale b all druggists ami dealers gcneralh . Shakespeare. 3 ois rloth. i ti itostace 2s cent;. Half Russia, gJU lop. st; postage 12, nLs. The principal plays in separate pamphlets. 3 coHts each. J Milton Poetical Works, cloth. 4 cents: iMstnee7ccnts. Half Russia, silt ton. s) cents. I Iotake 10 cents. Dante, translated hy Car,ehHh,3 cents; hisnsc fi cents. Half Russia, gilt top. rat cents . ostage scents. irgil, tranlalel hy Dry "lea. cfcnh.w chIs: postage ; eenls. Half Rttssia.gilt top.iJo cents : postage cents. Fojie'N Homer'.s Iliad, cloth, 3iicents ; stage tvnt age a cents. Pope's Homer'.s Odyssey, cloth. 30 cents : Mstngr a cents. Half Rnssia. gilt top. 01 rents . 1 postage a ceiit.s. J Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia, extra chth,j. cents; p.wtagi I conls. .virs. nemnir.s i-oencai w orKs. large octavo. chh. j ents : iosiage ia rents, nan Ktissia. gilt top, SO eenLs ; ;ostage 13 cents. M'Fingal, an epic xeiH. by TmtalHtil. chHh. A cents; kalf Rnssia. -jsill top. 75 rents. Postage ; cents. Tjisso's .lemsalein Delixcri'd. chth, Weenls ; jHtstage S rnts. Half Russia. gHl lop. FA rents : postage 12 ifiils. Library of Biography. Keuitnisceuces of Thomus Carlyle. Chth, 39 rents : postare r. ivhK Half Rnssia.gill lop. CO cents; lvostage !i cents. Acme Biography First Series. ThHc Mandanl Inniks !y great authors, hound in I vol., cloth. o0 cents; jiostage n cents. Half Russia. gilt top. ; HttageI3 cents. Acme Ihograpliy Second Series. 1 Jves of ('mincer. SjK'iiser. Milton. Cu iwr and Stnilhcy. FivelKMiks in 1 ol.. cloth, w cents; iostage .s cents. Half Russia, gut top. fcO cents; postage 12 cents. Acme lilography Thlnl Series. Ijvesof Defoe. .lohitson, Cohlsmith.Scott and Ihnckeray, La 1 vol., cloth, 40 cents ; jMistage 8 cents. Half Russia, gilt ton.Soeents ; ustage 12 rents. PlutarchNlJcs. 1 o'., loth, 01 cents; jMistage ilieiu-. Half Russia. gilt top, $1 20; ost- :tge 14 eenLs. Ijissing'.s Eminent Americans. er loO Hiitntits. cloth. 1 ; iNistage 12 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. $1 M ; JMistage 12 cents. Neail readv. Pn'paring : Smile's Itncf 15igraphMs. CarIyle'sOHcrCroiHwcll,aud Frederick tin Oreat. Religious Literature. Youngs Creat Itftile CtniCMnlaiH'e. 1 ol. ipiarto. Poimhtr Edition, cloth, ?2: Mfc.tage37 rents. Half Russia, sprinkled edge. 2 .Vt ; im-tage 37 cents. Scholars EdtthHi, half Turkey, marble edges. .t ; nstg ss cents. 'Hie New Testament 1 he new cinhmi. ChHh. 30 tvius; Histage7 cents. Half Russia. gilt top, cO cents : jKKtage 10 cents. Fnll Turkey innnKtii. gill edges, i 2T ; Histage 10 cents. Will ! isstu'd proniiHly himhi its Hiblk'-ation in Euglaml. Tlie New Testanu ut King Fames rrsioit uniform in stle with Ihe above. at the same prices, "tlie New Testament. Tlie two eikns, printed on imges facing. Tor coenience of com- nansoiu Cloth : cents; jMistage 10 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. $t ; iwistage II cents. Full Turkey inorrwv, gilt edges. ?-l SO; jMistage 15 cents. Oelkie's Life if Christ. cloth; ro cents; Mtage : cents. Half Russia, gilt top, jt ; jostage 13 cents Smith's Rible Dictiouan. cloth, .'Scents. Half Russia. sprinkled edges, 7." cents; postage 10 cents. Kitto'sCyclnjiedmof Iliblical Literature, 2 o)s., illustrated, cloth, 2. Hair Russia, gilt ton. 53. ivstage ft cents. YVbrksof Flavins. Iosphus, 1 -fI. parto chrth i :n. Half Russia sprinkled lges, s2 f0 Postage 3S cents. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in Children tor Halt GERMAKIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CfaTAANUS StllKKT. ASTOKU, The Heat or Lager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the CfileWetl CoWia Brewery Ieft at this place will be promptlv attend ed to. 5ST"No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. HARDWARE, DM, STEEL Iron Pipe and Fittings, b aufl Steam fitters Goods and Tools, I SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD. SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, Cannery anfl Fisliermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. .None hut llrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of scale's Constantly on hand. AGENTS S 'as,tei ron NEW HOUSE BOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent from THE ASTORIAN OFFIGE. Piles for Sale. Mr. A. IS. McMillan is prepared to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER, AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Leave orders at the .store or Trcnchard & Upshur, Astoria. Or address, a. R. MoMILLAN. Olney, Oregon. LiteratureMiscellaneous. Chambers Cyclopaedia of English Literal ure. S ote. in 4, cloth, $2 ; jiKtage 3 cents. uussia. gut top. tw ; postage w cents. Acme Library or Modem Classics -First Series. Vicar of Wakefield. Rasselas. Picciohi. Paul and irginia, Fudine and the Two Captains, in I vol.. cloth. 10 rents ; iKslage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, so cents; ostagc! cents. Macaulays Complete Essays and Poems, 3 ids., cloth, l Si; half Russia, gilt top, $2 70; postage 30 cents. Tlie Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth, so cents ; ostage 5 cents. Half Rns sia, gilt top, co cents : jiostage s cents. American Patriotism : Famous Oral tons and Patriotic Paters. from Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, so cents ; tostage K cents. Half Russia, gilt top,l ; ost:ige 12 cents. Ilie Choice of Books, by Charles F. Richardson. Extra cloth. 25 cents; iosta I cents. Cheap iiaier edition, A cents ; iostage free. sa incs, by Autlior or Simmiivgniss Pajters, Cloth. 30 cents ; ponia-e G cents. 'Ilie I .seful Dictionary ot the English language. By P. A. Nuttall. Contains nearly one half as much as Wrlister's I'imbndged. Cloth, ) ivnts ; half Russia, gilt ton. il 25 ; post age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand Lexicon. Over 3..o00wonls and 0 Kngraxiugs. Cloth, 17 cents; postage 4 cents. . .i living's Sketch Itook. Cloth, Xi cents; Kstage c cciiis. Half Ruvnu. gilt top, 70 cents: lostage a cents. The Art of Beautifying SulmrhftH Home ('rounds. Illastraled hv upwanls of Two Hundred Hates and Engravings. By Frank .1. Scott. Chdli. extra, p'rice reduced from SH to $s. Postage 29 cents. Juvcnife Classics. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress. IHustrated. ChHh, 4o cents ; Mstase 7 cents. New edition MarcJi 19. The Arabian Nights, niustrat.nl. Cloth, 4 cents. Postage S cents. Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 rents. Baron Munchausen, and Oulltver's TraeW,2 in 1 vol. Illustrated. Cloth. 10 cents ; postage 5 cents. The Book of Fables. P.v otsop and others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of at urai History, 3 vols, in 1. Illustrated. Cloth.?;!. Postage n cents. Stories and Ballads. By Ellen Tracy Aldeu. Illustrated. Cloth. Weenls. Pstage7 cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free hy mail on receipt of price. Literary Revolution Curiosities, all in hreieror larger tyie. Macaulay's life of Frederick the Creat. Former prices St 23. Price 3 cents. Carlyle's Life of Eoliert Bums. Fonner Price St ar. Price 3 cents. Light of Asia. By Edwin Arnold. Former price ??1 Jo. Price 5 cents. Tliomes Hughe's Manllnevs or Christ. Fonner iirice!. Priee3 cents. Mary Queen of Scott's Ufe. By Lamamnc. Fonner uriee $: 23. Price a cents. Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Cohlsiuith. Price 5 cents. Buuyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Price c cents. Vicar or Wakefield, by Oliver Cohlsiuith. Price 3 cents. The Library Magazine Of American ami i Foreign Thought. Like the old and excellent LilleFs Lhing Age and Electnc Magazine, wfihout the fktfon and light literature taud with American thought added), at one-fourth their price, and everv number a Iouud ohuue. Vols. I to Vil over 4,tKW pages, in cloth, for S3 -jo : in half ltussla. gilt top, Tor $1 0. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria. Oregon. D. C. 1REIAND, Manager. Motiors Ulio nnd PLysicians Toconunond it. IT IS K07 HARC0T1C CEXTAUR IIrDiEKTS; the "World's grreat Pnin-Rc-licving- remedies. They heal, soothe and cure Bums, Wounds, Weak Sack and Khcumatism upon 31an, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness .r.jion Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. I 1 ll' W?mS&W??MLlLMm SPURTS of disgusting Mucus, SnuHlos, Craclrlinrj: Pains in tlio Head, Fotid Ercatlij Deafness, and any Catarraal Complnint, can do oxtorminatcd Ly "Wed Do Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidoio, Ly Albsorp tion Tho most Important Dis covery sinco Vaccination. A. T. i'.KAKKE. Of C. TntHns vV Co.. Astoria. Oregon. For London Direct. llh iiiHlersi-'M-d hai Itarter a him ei.iss At Iron !tai'i;ie i:nh-r &S& .lm'l2 Oregon! June 4 June 17 Srateof C.tla June 10 .lane 22 .Columbia t June 27 Oregon j.lnl 2. state or Cala I .ln! 7 .Columbia JHly 12 Oregon .lul 17 .Mate of Cala .lulj 22 .Columbia Jnl 27 . .Oregon r. 1 Mate of Cala Oregon State of Cala June 1.". Columbia June 20 Oregon June 25State ot Cala .1 une 30 Columbia July 5 Oregon luiy io...state 01 caia luly 13 Columbia litlv 20. Orecon July 23.Statc of Cala lye at A.sToia A earl 111 ?.i.i. which w ill i sailing la s. N' put ihi Im-iIIi tolosid for ' TllROl'tJII '; L0ND0NDIRECT. In hts T t IT IIIPPERS will Ik- taken at REASOVAliLK StATKS. OtlkT Aue. ..CohunbialJuly 30 Columbia IHte rnKice will be gien of any further change. Rhsht is resenedto change steamers or TICK CTS sold to all the prin- eliml cities in the I uited States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Riuers. FEBRUARY 1, 1S81. For FEEIUHT .ml a it id ti SSKS07. 'IHK.1I V- 4'o. C)r. Fnmt ami Ash Streets. Portland, Oregon I.car Port land for jKtrtH-itlars. ! i' 1 In W a Ma Mon Til. I We. .Tim. Frl. I Sat. Yacht Blue Skin. Clipper built. eojper fastened, double mast ewl. lies at Case's wharf. Ready to re ceive passengers, freight or e etirshw rtK"s to all jwrts of the CohiiHbia ri er and icmi- ty. ( 'Iwrges moderatt Umatilla. UHtl np ri -, rp?ints.. t Asteria. Ka- I.iwa. Taeo 1 m,Seattt ! Vie'na. New AVesi'mstr ! Csthlaraet. 1 Bay View. ; h ta rnoka- wa. IJroak- ! 4t J W e st port. 1 uuu en. K BIDD3. I'tir fr?lur ikart .iftl?irs iitmiirMi! .fultit i I'Vton .. I AM Rogers. (Vnlnil Matki t mSuii Or." CAIT. WOODS. , SJSSJ l?ster :inl nvinr r Pob. . " I SnaSke KiveriS a m !AM GAM AM CAM ISAM it AM GAM JfiAM GAM SAM 6 AM GAM Gam : am CAM GAM 7 AM SAM CAM PAM 6 AM Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation t Company. A -i 3-4. MASTKR. ITllf tit W steamer SOI'TH I5K?'l, .It MIX BROWN. - - Will leave rmitl: lr:il Tor Hay Center. O.v- tei'vitlc anil tlieheatt otiIie BJay. ConiK'eting with N. Ifennrs' stage Hue and sleamer t'en. Cal at Hwaeo for Astoria. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PasseiMjers leavhtg Astoria mi either of tlutee daMtni go through to South I'eml in one day. For freight ami psse ply at tin? CiniaiisoMceat Sonth Head, or the Cap tain im Karl. && -rs. iiT J&4&&& "-SBT-sX XVWE. '" l-rft TV- v . n . . Vfl ZW' si' iALi.'ULL- .."!- i O ,-,-. 1 - JVtV :knei:ai. effices: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. M CRAKEN & Co.. Agents State of California, A. L. MAXWELL. Ticket agent 0. IL & N. Co, JOHN MUIR. t Senenil Freight and Passenger agent. T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Hvaco Steam Navigation Go 1 wxPrfs Until furthernotico tho Hwaco ; GENERAL CANBY, , WIincOMB PIASTER Will leavo Astona on 31ondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, J AtOA.M., j Fridays at C 1-4 A. 31., and 1 P. M. Fort Stevens, Fort t'anhy, anil lliuc I Cenncctinswith .A.Loomia'staseaforOyf J torvillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat- urday'a. ' Fare to Fort Stevens... . ...... socts " " Canby and Ilwaeo St CO ; cnrlUvaco freight, by the ton, in lots of j one ton or over, $2 00 per ton. 1 iKBrFor Tickets. Towage or Charter annlw cither nt tho office of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. H.D.QRAY, Agnt, Henry Ahrens. Henry TVtjeM. T.V.BorsteJ. CHIGAliO BBEWBBY. Henry Alirens & Co.. Proprietors. 14'iO to !S:W l-iue Street. SAX F..M'iS'. C. H. STOCKTON. KCaXXSJE, SXCvXJT AND -CARRIACE PAINTER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A brEClALT). GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. - -Shop next door to Astorian Offlce, in Sltuster'sDtiildlng. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanairao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrsins: U. S. flails. ?Z$z. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, , t?t ili'i t ) aSBab f JAMES CARROLL. .Commander Will lcac Portland for the above torts from Flander'.s Dock No freight for Alaska taken after J2 o'clock the day previous to depanure. For Freight or Passage annlv to EdVC. nlTGHES, Puner. rillllS P.REWERV IS THE MOST POPC JL laronthe coast, ami haxe estaWisheda branch in thtseitv ami is nmler the manage ment 01 J.STRAl'SS. who will he pleased to fill any order from a dozen bottles up to a thousand Imrrels. This beer needs no rec omiHendnliou, as tltose using it tmee will never nse anv otlHT. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel tw at Isaac Foster's will be promt!v attemltNl to. All onlers from a distance" will receive promt attention. Families snpiIkd with this excellent quali ty of lieer. J. STR A CSS. Agent. Watei 4rect,uext ilort4 Isaac Foster's, Astoria, tlregou. The 3Io?t Snecer.s,ti Ueuietlycver discovered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human n , n, . . jOreofon & California R.R Co W.Lshingtonllle. Oliio. .Time 17. lSSo. Di:. K. J. Kkmum. & Co., f'ents : Read ing our atlvertisenieut in Turf. Field and Fann. of Kendall's Spa m Cure, and having a aiuanieaiiitspeeiiy tiorse wntciiiiati nceii lame Irom spavin eighteen months, 1 sent to vim for a lmttle hj express, which in six weeks removed all lameness and enlarge ment and a large splint from another hors, and both horses are to-day as sound as colts. The one Inittle was worth to me one hundred Hollars-. Respect full v yours. Hi A. 1-EETOLETT, M. 1). -S8gr ater KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Harrisburg. P.l. No. is. ispo. Dir. I!. J. KrNtAr.Li Co., 5 cuts : I hae a er Hue mare that has had a bone spain for a long time. I tried every thing man could deis to cure it but all in ainand w-.ls about to give it up when a friend of mine in mis city came to me aim recom mended Kendalls Spiu in Cure which I tried w ith grand results. remn ing that !one clear and clean and then I sent 2T cents to you for one of vour illustrated Horse Cooks and I think th'eieis no better liook printed on the horse and his diseases. 1 hae taken great j interest in it and haw since sold LS copies forvou tomv neighlMitsand will try' and do' what good l'eaii l getting them for others. 1 Yours truly, u. . .milli-.!, On an alter Oet. II, 18S0, trains will run as fol low?, DAILY" (Except Sundays), y I KISTSIDK DIVISION. j FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURC. i Mitt. TRtl.N LEAVE. ARRRE. Portland 7::M A. M.Ro3eburff..7:00 P. M I Roscburg-.5:00 A..M.PortIand 4:25 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P.M I.ohanon 1:1 A. M.Portland...lO:05A.M FREIGHT TRAINS, i LEAVE. ARRIVE. I Portland .f:li A. M.l Junction G:00 P. M Jnaction 5: tl A. M.lPortland 5:25 P. AI Tho Oregon ami California Railroad terry makes connection with all RegularTrains on Eadtide Un uion. KENDALL'S SPAVIN 0C JirtIAX PI.ESII WESTS1DK niVIStOX. I'rum 1'ortlnuit to CorvnlllM. lIf. TRAI.t i t.RlVP ART?TT RURF I Portland S:00 A. M.CorvaUi3 ....S:00 P. M UUtlt. Corvany SSW A. JI.! Portland S:20.P. M Close connections aro rando at ROSEBURQ Rakerstiehl. VL. Dec.. 2-t, 1S70. with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California ll. J. Kkxd vi.l S: Co., dents : I wish to ' Stago Company, add my testimony in favor of youriuvaluahle , xs-d-Tickcts for sale to all the principal point! liniment. "Kendall's Spa; in Cure." In the 1 in California and tho Eat, at the Company's spring of l-"J2 I slipped mi the ice and , OCco, w-ltryn.am Front Sts., Portland, Ogn most excruciating pain. I wore a bandage Storage will be charged on freight remain on it for over a year, and tried most ecry- ' ngatCompanj-3 Warehouse over 24 hours, thing in my reaeh, but could Hud nothing Freight will not bo received for shipment that would give me permanent relief. When 1 after 5 o'clock P. M. onEastsido Division. I overworked, tt would ikiIii me cry much, and G o'clock P. M.on AVestsido Division. In April 1S7X I liegan to think I should be J.BRANDT, Jr., Uen'lSup't. a cnpple for life ; hut ha ing some of "Ken- E. P. ROGERS, dall's Spavin Cure" thought I would try It. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent I used one third of a liottle. and experienced 1 relict at once. 1 lie pain ictt me ana mis not irutiuieu me miicc. i icei ery gnttcim 10 you and would recommend 'KemhtlPs Spavin Cure to all who Milfer with sprains or rheu matism. Yours tntly, Mils. J. Uoitkll Kendall's Spavin Cure J. H. D. GI1AY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot or Ronton street. Astoria? Oregon. For freight or passage annlv on board or at I. W. Case's. For Youngs River and Knappa. The Steamer 3IAGXF.T. c.w.uamlln, - - Master Will make rcfrular trios to Yonntrn Tiivi Is sre in Its effects, mild in its action as it every Friday and Knappa every Tuesday, does not blister, and yet it is penetrating xj Ata-ntet is readv for charter to anv and powerful to reach any deep seated pain 1 , J't ,, t, ', J cnaner to auj or to remove any bony growth or any other! ' ftr frcMit ori enlargement, 11 usett ior several uays, sucu :is Miavias. splints, curbs, callous, sprains. swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man 1 Atoria and Jtnappton and for any purjose for which a liniment Is used lorman or ueast. it is now Known to iteguiar jaau ana j.-assenger lie me uesi iiiiuiH-iii ior man ever nscu, aci- i , rmcvrnm ing mild and yet certain in its effects. It Is Steamer iOSlv.TTA, used lull Mrengtii witn penect saretyatall W'. WAVE MASTTR seasons of the year. , "-nxx.. Send addresa for illustrated circular, which fits-Will leave Knappton for Astoria and we think gives positive proof of its virtues. ! return daily. No remedy has ever met with such unquall-l nipTjvTvn rrwxs tt c .t.t lied success, to our knowledge, for beast :ts I OAttttiLMi int. u. S. MAIL. WPrice Tver bottle, or six bottles for S3 LJStof 5SrktadU!S " l ALL DRUtiGISTS have it or cm get It for ! jFor charter freight or mSLe at l?v vou.nr It will be sent to anv address on re- I in, JoS'K'"'8' llT. nolTif f nrii l.v the nrnnrfAtms, I i"?"-" "-''"J u" uuulu' or Hi J.. . case I """' n, V.,"fl;.m;T . store. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Laers briefs printed in fine stvle at The Astorian offi?e. ! ,-S