M glxc nalB stexsttu ASTORIA- OREGON : "WEDNESDAY JUNE S, 1SS1 . C. IRELAND . .Editor. Railroad Work. The Umatilla depot building will he finished in rustic and panel work. The company is still in want of men to work along the line. The other day they em ployed a large extra force of carnenters. As soon as the road is completed from Umatilla to Pendleton the force will be moved down between Portland and the Dalles. "Work on the tunnels be tween the Cascades and The Dalles is progressing night and day the tunnels will 1h through by the 1st of August. Thou. F. Qakes, the new director, w!m succeeded Dilworth, is to be made vice-president of the Northern Pacific in place of Robert Harris. Mr. Oakes went into the Kansas Pacific in 1S70 to represent General Fre mont and friends, lie was gene ral freight agent from 1S?0 to IS7G, and was then elected viec nresident. Me there made Vil- lards acquaintance, ami was made general superintendent, and be came vice-president and general manager of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company n year ago, since which time lie has built 200 miles from The Dalles to "Walla-walla, and 1ms now 2,300 men working on the road to Port laud, lie will be an active con structor of the Northern Pacific. He says the road to Tacom'a will ultimately be built, and that the Northern Pacific will now be pushed as rapidly as anv road wasj ever built in this country. The line through northern Wisconsin to connect witii the Canada sys tem will be speedily pushed for ward. Foreisrii Loans in IhTaull. From tlio nti:uiil roporl of tlic corporation f frcit-M londh(lfl- ers the London lCconotnisl jrjves the j ., . lonowmg ap)H)XJtnHte Minunnry of foreign louns nt rcsont i:i le fault: VrtHciu State. UijrMleBiM4. Costa Kiwi VZ.m&M Ecuador l.l.iKM CuatcmalN "(t'.'MW Uoii(lunis .".HA.r.ro Liberia tiw.(Mi l.otii4itn:t ..." 3jtaW& Mexico J7.135,s0tt rai-uguav ijnyw I'ern .tvi-4.0(w St. I)oiningo 7J4.wm Tin key )ww,ir..i::; Vnlina TtfH'ijUSTt Orerdue. LMfi.48 I7tt,1ft.' ..Jt.77 tH.WK) '2M.W n.i5fi.M ,!7,Sfi2 .H.tStt "H.-571 Total :. ei7.':.iJ7,7L, JL'Sl.tH..U7 The whole sum principal unre deemed, and interest everdue: in American money is about $1,775,-565,2-1. j. An (T of all this vast sum butSl G,200,OOOiluo from Louisinna, and -$0,108,075 due from Virginia, is charged to the account of America, hence ii is that foreign bonds are midily offered upon ITnitedTitalcs securities, and our railroad and government bonds sell at a premium, in all the mar kets of the world. The Econom ist says: Since the return of $?G it is pointed out the following Joans have disappeared from the default ing list: The 8 per cent, loan of Alabama, the 0 per cent, loans of Bolivia, the o per cent, loans of Greece of 824 and 1825, the 0 per cent. Turkish loans of S54 and 187J, the G per cent, loan of TTra gua', and the li, 'A anil G per cent, loaus of Venezuela. The Colom bian -if per cent, loan of 1870, in default in 1S70-8O, is in course of arrangement. A terrific hail and wind storm passed over Dead wood Monda', doing groat damage. 1 Jail tones the size of hens eggs fell for over two hours. One stone measured twenty-two inches in circumfer ence. A whirl wind struck , in Deadwood gulch, near the conflu ence of Yhitcwood and Dead wood gulches, completely destroy ing four houses, killing one wo man, and seriously injuring an other and her two youpg children. Hundreds of trees on the hillside were uprooted, and hurled in some instances a distance of over 500 feet. Diphtheria and ntcnslcs i.s likely lo upset the whole kingdom of China. A dispatch of the Tith lroni llongkoii": says: "Iliei Empress Dowager of the east has died of diphtheria. The second dowager empress continues to be seriously ill. The young emperor aged only eleven years is -reported ill of the measles. If the empress should die state power will fall into the hands of Prince Chung father of the emperor, and anti progressive. He is reported to fevora cabal piogressing against Li Hung Chang." Tlic Pacific Xortliircst. "We are asked almost every day for facts respecting the Pacific Northwest. To be brief, and yet supply enough to fill a nut shell. The trade of the Pacific Korthwest I will soon be of more importance than that of u dozen Arizonas or New ilexices. The Pacific North west, Oregon, Washington and northern Idaho, contains over 200, 000 square miles of mingled moun tain and plain, forest and prairie, with one of the largest rivers on the continent, the Columbia, drain- inr every part leading to one of the finest harbors in the world, at Astoria. The climate is mild, averaging about with that of North Carolina, while some por tions are warmer. Here at Astoria the lowest point reached by the the thermometer last year was 70 above zero, and having an average at Astoria, in summer, of 72. The entire population of this rejrion was, bv the census of 1SS0, 270,000 persons. It is but sparce ly settled: the largest city within its limits had but 10,000 inhabi tants. The soil is extremely rich; crops of all kinds grow with re markable returns. A desperate state of affairs is said to exist in Ireland; that the country is on the brink of civil war; and that America must feed the Britons next year. And clothe them too. Although the Alorey letter has passed from the public mind, it is a fact the clews obtained make it possible at an early day to fix the conspiracy and forgery upon the real authors of the crime. NEW TO-DAY. "VTirr LOST. IjiM on the nionsincof .lime JLN 7lh. near the wreck' of the Ditharree, a ncl about 2W fathom's lojiK. 45 nichct deep. KMrlmnrs 10 jrtv twine, marked K in diamond on eorks. lv r oh leans, new web. The tinder i11 he reminded ! rettirnin;; the Mtine or ki iih; infonnal ion of where it is to June T. 1RM. ASTOKIA FISHERY. IAOl'NI). A piece of weh without miy . mark has necn fitHtul which chh lie had by the owner proving property mid pitying for this Mlv'tiiMiiH'Ht nt iwiiiM: t thct-aM-itorv of .1. . IIAXTIIOKX & Co. .iHWt'L 1S!. rmv FOtNT-lN Tin: woods, a me- V tlluiH-sin-iI red cow. with hok in one ttr ; lm a a)f not more than two ds old. Owner ean have the ame by proving prop erly. paii fur advertising and fare of sann. Apph at this oftiee or of C. V. SIIIVEI.Y. AMoria..1nneB. ISM. HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS BUILDERS. .lobbing and Repairing o SHIPS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. ceitxKi: cuss axi astok stkkkts, ASTOKIA, - OKHOON. Ilenrj Alliens. IteiiryTIeljeM. T.V.Korstel. GIIIMliO BREWBRY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors. I420 lo 14.-J4 I'iiu' Street. SAX Flt.VXC'ISCO. rnillS KKKWKKY is TIIH MOST l'OlT JL larouthe eoast. and have eslaldished a lintnelim this city and is under the manage ment or.LSTKAr.SS, m ho HI he pleased tt) till any order from a down bottles np ton IhnuMdid hanels. This beer needs 110 ree ommendatioii. as those iisins it omv will newrnse am other. Onlersleft at Ihe Oe eident Hotel or at Isaae Filter's will be promptly attended to. AH orders from a distanee will reeeive prompt attention. Families supplied with 1 his excellent quali ty or beer. .I.STKAUSS. Aent. Watei street, nevt door to Issuic Foster's, Vstorht. Oregon. B. B. FEAJfKLTN, UNDERTAKER, j f (nier Cass ami Sqnemoihe streets ASTOKIA. .... OKF.COX IKAI.KK IN WALL PAPER AXI) WINDOW SHADES AXI) UNDERTAKERS GOODS. i VBBKHIHHHHPHHiMMVr . SHHHHVfaTVHHHHHlLT- i MISCELLANEOUS. IMTMT ImSmIit" "WHITE HOUSE To make room Uthu immeiiMtocK of ehh1 that nivarrivitijfhv everj Mcmmmt. 1 Mill m'II for lb NEXT THIRTY DAYS -AT - Greatly Reduced Prices! My entire Mo. eotHprKimc the utteX MyV nr - Dress Goods. Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Ghildrens Shoos and Slippers ALSO: complete link of MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, KTC. etc. ETC. Kef on imreha-inp; nr hoN eKewhere U1 in and evmie w -onN whI prt i1' it wHI jmyyHM well for yiw I nntW. & SOHLUSSEL, VilITK IIOI'SE STOItK, Comer Main ami clHnainiisstre-t. ASTOJMA, OKKGON. BANKING AHJMNSURAHCE. X. W. CASE. BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE ACENT. ASTOKIA, --- OKKGON OFFJCE HOrilS: FKOM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL -1 O'CLOCK P. 31. Home Until Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. .1. F. HOl'OIITO.V Oil AS. K.STOKY tlKO. U STOKY .rnNhleHt ..Seeretstry .Asent for (t;oh Capital paid up in l. S. jiold coin ...: S ) O10 nO I. IV. CASK. AxtHt. Chenamits street, Astoria. Orejwi. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOMON AND (JLOBK, NOKTH IJKITISir AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. KopresontiHC a capital of JMJ7.000.OO0. A. VAN DUSKX. Agent. Commercial Union Assorance Co. OF LONDON. CapilaL - - $12,500,000 Fire and Marine fnsurance. lOHX KAK HAMILTOX.MaiMMier. 210 San-ome St.. San Fraueiseo. L W. HUM I-:. Agent, Astoria. Oregon. .MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MAKIXK KKAXCII. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of i.oxnox. Capital. - - 512.500.000. The undersigned are preimred to issi'i: i'omciks To eovcr shipineiits or SAIAIOX h- other Mercluuidlsc by SAIL or STKAMIiK frow Columbia Kirer lo DOMESTIC OK l'OKEICX FOKTS. Onlers by MAIL or WIKK pnptlv at tended to SIKSO.V, flll'IU-'II & Co., Cor. L'nmt and Ash Streets. Fort land, Oregon. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying: V. S. IHnlls. THE STEAMSHIP PAITVni'ti vj-'w - " ...-., JAMES CAIUtOLL Cenmaihler Will leave Portland for the alnne trts from Flandcr's Doek Xo freight Tor Alaska taken aKer l o'ln-k the Uiy previous ti departure. For Freiglit or Pa.ssasc aptdv to En. C. HUGHES. Purser. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehouscat Astoria or Portland by CO-tf B AIjFOITR, G UTIIKIE A- Co. Portland, Oregon. Warranty deeds, quit claim deeds and inortRages, for sale at this office. fcWfTTTOn -T ur noymus :juoj aiu joj :jno 'UAIOJ, HI 0S110JJ 00I.TJ s3du( cospue-uj UVCJ 3U JOS urd iuii i!uo)sy ui 3snot Xjuo otp si slip jaquiaiuai j 'unuiuudnQ Suitpnj Am oiiiuilwd spoo5 ssi.'3 isjkj wS jpuu aduoui oars'oi iuu.u noA S03UJ ling ir 'sippL puu sozic; s:i )ni.i :n oii i. 0(lun;g )v. poiuiuu nono.ij :.puiiu! spoo'j) A"jriiijiT jo nui nui) v. pnAinjnj isn pji:A v. -sio i iuo.ij 'ipituii oi siiiimuui iiiA sopmjs jp: uj o.ionujT.f) pui; 4sopi?oo.ij 'sodu) 'PPMJ xi n'x:mii j.s-iav:ix :nu iui.w i:im.mil si MOU JO .(ll( Ol t5A llOA JOlpOlJAV ?l!0J) III KOJA1S .1HO Olllllll! -xn noA n.tn oi ojnsunpl i ii pntj puuu hi jrnq snipirj uavOjJ, in 0.107c.; .ioiio Ami muiq. ss'O -ptoo aod Q OOT.TJ 1'V. SM000 )lll SOfAS' p! Ill :S50oi; Supnw fcp;0f) fs(huy sinnujOQ Tci 'Knjs luojDjjip oi -oso'-j soipirj zoq oog :!iiyVh.ls jjsn :i:i.i - s.iDisjf Jduiuinv; snipn"! qzS - pouitinai A'Duiospmu- udihj aai!oi ujixn 'siinc; iiouiq ui aoii Apjiiuo .otiiipnuios - - 'oni Hjqxo -possoqmo "Slinc; uourj sDipu-r tci - 'soddicI z 'pDJopiojqiiio 'siinc; uninq soipn'i 9g 'sdddicI i" pnmuiui ouiospinn 'siinc- tiour j sipu" 06 oc e 9 z oS z o z$ TIOMlTO ilSOd 3iIlS0cM0 IHrOO "WAV Oil Ml laaois aoK XSI-MVail.") HILL HHOIS YIMOIITTa PETER iFt-criNrEr. ASTOKIA. OKKGON. BRICK lAYPRi ilfiT W& PIAIN AND OKNAMKXTAL DE Xju3l.S T" 3E3 IE. :E2 Z. WWI mm. , ,,..,,,.. viENGME, CANNERY, Oidfis h'ft at tin Oeeideiil lloiH. im- at my , J J WateloHt, fMt of Kenton Street. HiiHtly mi attended to. .--, -w.-.. .- -- STEAMBOAT VOEK T IMICSAXD. KKICK. PISTKi:. LVI'II, 1J Cement, ami all materials in my line,! Iiintisiteil loonier. iB'SiHflal attenliiHi lmid to Fiinisv work mimI KaK-. Cisleni work warranted tjiHMl oriiojm). Orf"Axent San .Inan and XevvTaeoiHH Lime. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Koadway, opposite Hie Oregon. Kail way and Naipition Co's wharf. The eltoieest bmnds or foreign and domestic VI.KS. LKIUOUS AXI CK.'AKS, fl--lJe.st 'hieaa:o Keer.'5'u PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. K. CKOW, - - - PKOPKIETOK OpMKiieEieial Chnreh, SMemH,lH SL. Is how jreiiared to TAIvE PiIOTOGHAPJrS ( f all kinds- and in the latest t le. Copying and Enlarpln Pictures in Oil Cra-1 on, JiMiin iiiK ami uater colors. All kinds and sizes orTin Types 1TTTT T T A TWT TTIl A "D vv xjjij.xxxrx xixrxixi;. Corner Main and Ckcnamus Street. ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKC IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO,; The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS MfBl,,.n, atn. miii ar Utnumt LMULIbH IJUILLKYhinutiHMMiMh- AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM . i ., . v- i-.i. n.,.1-.- and other Lntluh Lutlcry. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Watch cm anil Jewelry, Muzzle anil Ilreceh ioadlns Shot Guns ami IClflcM. ItcvolvcrM, IMstolM. and ABixnnniiion 3IAKIXE GLASSES. AISO A FIXK Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. 3U3UI5JECl3Q SuilpOJ3 ! ypo doav ixajyi S "d , QUO SOdtt9l0 OlT. ji Dnpou dsr:1 ircniiapuaQ ODSpilU.I, 'sojaic; jp? ipi.u pnjpoig s okko j. cl M ARXDrP & PEIKMIEN, AMTOKIV. - OKLl.OX. f Tlic Only Macliino Shop -"""''-1 rmj ! rf Ai'iryiirni Ss L 1& JfflSt W i-I n Fr& Wii V J rJ In the il. ! ah knoKot i g Promptly attended to. Aspf-iali itiaih-of riairini: CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP. XKAK KIXXKY'S AS TOKIA FISHEKV. THE DEW DROP INN ! Oil. KslieniH'ii. all hear tin- immI news ! A fim saloon is started with lest f Liquors, Viues unci Boor, AXI) FINE FKEE Ll'XCH I'XGl AL'DEI). The rainiest (nvtr anil Cheeno, IX SAXDWICH THICK AND THIN And will vom simwI a h-ant lMmr. drop in Sat the DFAV DKOP INN m C.HH-.mdv street. j .LT. KOKCIIEKS. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will leai the OccMent Hotel ami PatteX. Alh-w" KHer at Six O'clock A. M., Daily, ' And -a-h altenmlt- lmr tliereatter. Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from MrtJohansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. . Tallin Saturday ntelits will rim lal-r tn :HftnniMt- 11k alnn e w ill Ik the stalnm-, Tor startiwff. ! ,H,t ,ms ,I,M" " ,K" aWisheil Tor the , MeconiiiHMlatHMi of the imMie.niMl will irr- J passenger. Imfnstee or frehj:lit. to any part oi en iter cny inai s aeersMiieiH ieaiH. FAKES. Tk-kets will le sold at the rate of 12J4 cents ier trip. KHgjrage and parcels at same rats. 1 (L Kl'TLEK. Manager. Astoria. Slav 2Z. 11. Take Wo tic e. John Rogers, Central Market, I las received a large invoice of BAIIKELS AND HALF BARRELS or the best quality. And 1s now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. IK) ZtZM&'JZI. WimiWJ fate&gSzs J C U&t0 i & MONTHS FOR THE WEEKLY & If OR WE WILL SEND THE WEEKLY ASTORIA N TO ANY ADDKKSS IX THE UNITED STATES,. t lit:!e iMthl U h. For the Balance of the Current Year, At thfalMrte rale Ca-h in :nlvanei-. DON'T DEI.AV ACCK1TAXCE Ol- THIS OFFEK. THE A8TORIAH, i DAILY AM) WEEKLY) S UKSPEfTKl) AND COMMKNDED Y AT.T. FOU ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE .MERCHANT, DAILY ASTOK I AX TI'ISSIS: I5Y HIAIF.. (I'0tai;k ki:kk to ai.i. sciisckihkhs.. DAILY. ONE COPY ONE YE All DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS. JiJMiHldo enpie f either editnm to i-ent- Ad.lnss : nrPostmitters are anllmrued to aet as THE ASTORIAN' ST35AM PRINTING- HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AKD BEST PRESSES. AN J) TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. aar "We relnis Paper. Card, Ink, and other nmteriais of the ni:unif;icturer -t Lo77es1; Otsli Hates, And ran therefore afford to iw. a we alwajs do. the best articles, while charging Cards. Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF TTIE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PIIICES WHICH CxVN- NOT RUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY t QP lr .J IS SI'PEKIOK TO MOST. AND I EXCELLED KY NOXE OX THIS COAST JOHN HAEGN, - - PROPKIETOE, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. OTTOrders lefl at the GEKMAXIA KEEK HALL will he promptly attended to.TTa nmmm & opshhris- glaser & co., DEALEKS IX Is prepared to supply SHIP mANBhERf?ieseet Porkl Mutton Veal' Coi'iieit Heats, l'oultrj', Game. Etc. PROVISIONS, TROW, ST.&BL. GOAL, Builders General HARDWARE, PAINTS. OILS. ETC. At:ECY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenaraus Street, Wear Olney, ASTOKfA. OKKGON ?. l.mXKN'WKKHK. niR.M krowx.! Ks-r.iti.:iiKn t.5P, i Leinenweber & Co.,!Fresh an(d,v,eats ASTORIA, OREGON. - TAMERS ABI CURRIERS,! Mniiiifnctnrers and Iinjiortersol A U. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES BS-nishest cash price paid fori HhIcs anil Tallow. ' $125 COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. ., $9 00 ..... 3 00 I. C. IUKIiAXO. PnblLshcr, Astoria. Oregon agent for Tit k Astoktax. Vrii lT, lr i Snceesors to F. Sherman & Co.) ! MAIN STREET. - ASTOKIA, OREOOX, Also eonstantl on hand ! Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATES. Z3T Fresh sausages or all kinds made three limas a week or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. General assoi tment or table stock constantly on nand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, IXifSS. BI'TTER, CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH POULTRY AXD GAME lit the season. CIOARS AND TOBACCO. Best of WOES AND TAQUORS. All cheap far CASH. Goods sold on com misi(tH. Opposite I. Y. Case's store. J. KODUERS. D. K. U'ARRB.V. T.A7.EIT0X ' Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEl , ASTORIA. - - OREGON. WAKIH5X & FATO.V, Proprietor. (Sneeeimrs le Warren it HcGuire "Wholosalo andRotail Dealers in ! FAMILY GKOCEKIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. YEGE- TABLES, ETC. e3Duttcr. Ees3. Cheese, etc. constantly ' on hand. I ear Ships supplied at the lowest rates. HTq e"h in orfnn Wo vlm-f a!n Street, - - Astoria Oregon JiEKGMAX C BERRY -pESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN XttioH of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholeialo and retail. Special attention given to supulj. nz shin. .J ?