wMPffillHWiu iLiapfaw I1-' i-1 mmfmyipl "PiWJ'"UW?l'tf f!1!111-"!1 prsr"- Y""-' HJ Paw'mmptmwwi ASTORIA. OREGOX: TUESDAY ....JUNE 7, 1SSI COMBEBGEJUID TRADE. PORT OF ASTOKIA. READ FOR SKA. Lizzie Bell, br bk lft. MrfnMMi. l.Uorr.M.1. June 4 Agnes Oswald. Ixvb. 1330 tes. .MelSiblHin. Oueens- town June 6 Katp and Anna. se-iM-eh.2JUi. I.Htits. arars Barber. June P Xorth Bend bkt 37h tons MorryHian. F Jw Columbia, w. 2721 tens Botles S r. June 3 California, sir. G74 tons.CarrM. Sitka .lunp 2 Ellerbanl.. br bk. WH tern.. Parker, Iivorp"i, June 1 Victoria Crew, Itr bk. tons. Owen. Lvrn,d Mar ) Herbert Black. Ik 5S ten. ('tM.enw4.ewii. May 29 Gen Wright USitU Denny Yaquina bay May 27 -Mary Blundell Brbk PW tH.Oalert.Qnnstnn May U Selkirkshire. brtth. 119itw. Anderson. Lnorpftid. .Mav i ARRIVALS FROM SUA. Alpha, wrfi htarr. TillamoeU,.Ian(?5 Hthcl. br bk. 4S tons. Grataon. I.iverpd. 2f Argo. cr bk GSStons. Gatae Valiisraiso M W Orient, brig. 312 tons. Williams. S F Ma' 27 Rival, bk. 29 ten. Adamt.. S. 1". Ma 27 C4an Fercu"on. br. ltk.TtOfl- Wilson. Brisbane, May 2a, Alden lli,An bk. M" ton. Nck HoBgkons May z Colons. Aw bk SSI torn. ;,. I1im-Iimw- M . Martha 1 iber. br bk. sll t. MeAtlam. ao- le. X S W. Jlay is ISnUannrte. br bk. W t4HW. Tate. ?.vasifes. N S W. Maj 14 Morem. sli. 111 tons. J.wHI. X Y May s Clan Grant, br bk. Wfl tH. .lame, f hi Irer. Mai G Marion Kidb br lk Mt tons Rh .lawir -Mavft ShubricK. U S Liht-hH-c tr. Hvorson. notth AjrH 2S vksskIjS oa rut: ya y. From American I'ort-. Aliet! Buck. Am alt Y April Btllc of Oregon bk X Y Maj Carrie A'inlo. Iik. Wl tos. rhilaIelt4ta. Moh C, Columbia, i4i issitonn. llawiiinvj.X Y. Jan 20. C. S HnrlbHit. Iik lltr,X Y..1hw Kmiiirc. ah. 1132 Iob. Nee Vrk.,1aH IS Kn.innT Crow ell lk 1137 tfi X Y Mav2J Gcrton.bli rhia4leilta. Jan U Henry S Sauilford. ih. IIS4 tn, MeejMT. X Y March 2i Indiana. ihii. O. K. i X. Co, rm. Maj 21 Kate Davenport, sh 121? t. Mnllett X Y Jan 11 Missiiin. O. U. A X. 1 V). r X Y. May 21 Oregon ss. 233Ti ton. FoMman. S V June 4 Oracle, sh 1SW tonn. Morton. I'hiiailelpbiH Moh 22 Olive S Southard Am h l'hilmleliihifl llareii S l'clnij-ra, lt. tV9 tons Mutot X Y Mareh 2 Saranacsh X V April 2 Sparrow ch S 1" March Hi Tain O'Shanter. bkt. S. V. J Kite 1 Willamette. fc6.2f tons.K Y Mareh From Foreign l'orl.v. Adolt. Swe. bk, CtiH ton. RiHMaHin, Gt!an- liur. Oct IS Bankftiield Brbk bueno1 Aiil Buiton Yalc.br bk. i7 tt. Bmrkimfbaii Yoko hama IVb 1 Boxford. br bk. Liwrpoel. March S Chili, br bk. I.iveipaol. .May 21 (Jilvof Onelteo br bk 7 twe lmtltMi l)e Is via ilvof Qnelteo br bk victoria I (JKissiifld.br bk. .ivthm1. March tf, (Jountess of ltothi-. ISr h. Mhldle'4Mri. Dec 2 Countess of Derbj. b, Mtildtenburo. Kmk. Jan 2 City of Mnneheitter, lM-bk TWi t Ri Iliion. HrbkS77 tooXevrartle l)iixfonl.lr bk. I.ivenol MarcJS via Vwtwria KurnoM Ablej.bk. ls. I.ib1. Ykhia. CIenKaber.br bk, ."(. ton. l.ivenN(l. Ma 12 ClunperiK. tdl ltl tH.. 'aie f .4-ht. 4ue June. Oboron. lw. Us ton, l.nerjiowl A-il 2S Kivor Axon, br bk 4MI llolkei l.tvorpofc-l Maiok X Sullau. llr bk 4H tooc Me(lahai Mt44ieJrHsh .Ian 12 Scottish Hard. !Sr bk. KckhH)t. Mareh 1H Tliomati 11 Stone. lr bk. Xewcaatie X S V la 1 J Vancouver, b s 114 :hm. Nentcastie Zop. brbk I.mT.! ia 'K;4r .Ian X HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.. I. MKOI.KU. C.X. WltlCHT M1MLEK sV WKJ'iiiT. rmt'f. Axloria, Oregon. rgiitp. PBOPBii-rroK.s as: 15 hapi" 10 JL attiKiiince that lue alne noli ! has bivti lepatntedand nfiirHistad.addtMK geeatti to llieconiftut of itsguestSMMo Ishoh !le lwsl hotel uoiih of Sau Praucisco. C. W. KNOW I.ICS. Ai..'.ir.KM: C'LAKKXIOX 1ITE:.. POBTLAXD. - - - OKIiiSOX ZIEBER & KNOW LES, Pioprictors. F'ree eo.tch to and fim the house. KrTiir. Daha Ashikj ishi Hie at the Clarendon Hotel leading m. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN .STBECT. - ASTOBIA Jlrx. S. A". Arrisrniti. ITo'Ifietoe rBlHETBAYELIXC. PPP.L1C WILL FI.N'D A the Pioneer 1iit class 111 aii iesf)tcts.:nid a slmte of their patronage is respt'ctfuily solicited. 3!ri;oard and lodging by lheda or week. Fair Wind CoiiW Saloon watei: stbect. astc::ia. Xevtdooi to Ir. Kiiisf"s. CoilVe. Ten. axitl Chocnlnlc. with Calie. to Cents.. Chops CooLed to Order. Vine Wines, liquors, and Cigars Of the best brands. Having just opened the above establish ment wecotdmJIy itniteour friends and the public generally to give ns a trial, ofi-tf FOABD & KVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. 0 MA1X STBKET, ASTOBLV. rillHJ: CXDEBSICXED IS PLEASED TO JL announce to the- Ladies and Gentlemen of this City riiat lie is now prepared to furnish for them, in first class style, and eer style. OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE, TEA, irrC. vr TUB Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MA IX .sTBEiri". Please give me a ittll. BOSCOE DIXOX, Piopiieior GERJLANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chkxamtis STKKirr. Astouia, Tho Host of Layoff Cts. a Class, Ordeis for the ColoiMa Brewer? 33"E3E3"E:tL Left at this-plaee will be promptly attend ed to. tSrXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. AGENTS II 'AXTKD F0K SKW HOilSK ItOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent Irom THE AST0RUX OFFICE. Colnaxhia. River Exports. MiirMKXT! ronniov .11 NT, 1881. 1 -To Lircrjwl, iter Lizzie IJcll. From Portland l875;t bbis flour.. $73,100 6 To QumiNfoirii, cr Agnes Oticahl. From Portland 47,800 ctls wheat H4.100 ttHCAPITri.ATlON, M VY 1S1. Flour, -BUCK! 11K value 224,910 Wheat, 2X12ST, ct K r,isj44 Stimuli, BMOOcs. - ."SJl'.SO 'J dnl value., 14 car-oct-. 5131.7.11 1:WA1MTI'I.AT10N 1!V MO1 IIS. 1SI. .iA'i'Ain. 4 Ciirjroes value s 1S7.42T i'ri:i:l'ai:. 7 Onrjtoo; value t71.2Si9 3IAKCII. ." Carsjoes value 'M1J11 APRIL. 4 Cargoes, value :!42,HC . MAY. 14 Cargoes value ni.7.".l 4 Cargoes. " months, si,rcr.il DOMHSTIC ltxORT. The receipts of domestic ex'iorLs at Snn Fmucico, from January 1st, 1881. to May 18th. from Astoria, is given as follew: Flour, qr sks ... .... Wheat. ells Oats, ells ShIiihiii. bills...... ............ M bbls -.lir.,710 .-. K7.734 . 1P.SB . 1.1W ... If,! a;.-2n is .. 1X.2S1 1C -. ai.472 IBC1 .... 28.X7T. pks Aile.s, nje, lxs ... BlllMT. )ktt Potatoes, sks ....... Wool, twk'.s .... Hide-.. Ko . TkHow. nktts ........... Heef, bids. 109 10 Reef, canned, es "'!,' ' l!5 ',' U-JillH'l , pkgs f J A V ' " V ' J." 020 12 Meal, .sks .-W1 Hops, luili'-. Hams, jtk-j;s Chees,cs ... .. , FIhx Sord, sks ...... IJaniH'd kkm!s. tN ls8 11 Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G. T. KoKiilar Mcotins every Tuesday Evening nt 7h o'cliK?k, at tSood Teinplar'a Hall, Che-n-imus Street, Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store MeuibeM of the Order, in cood stand ns, are invited t attend. Decree tueetinz 1st Monday ouch month. By order IV. CT. Temple Lodge, No. 7. A. F. A. M. Sfk iteeulnr Ciinmiinicition- find third .Sftttirdttv;' in eneh month, at o'clock, i'. ii.. at the Hall in Afitoria. Mcinbors of tho Order, in pood standing, are invited to attend, liy erde: of tbe V. M. Beaver ljOdcro No. 35. L O. O. F. Mcot every Thursday oreninjuJIji at o'clock, in the Odd l'cl- ? "'Hssrfl- low's llHlLcor. of Cass and Che nniuusetreete, Astoria. Membersof tbe Order are invited to attond. Byorder. N. , Common CounciL lteeular mooting second and fourth Tues day evenings' of ouch month, at "'. o'clock tFS" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tho Council, atanyrogular raeotine mitBt iroent tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday eveninp prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular meeting. U. II. CAKDWELL. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE EOF. ASTORIA Fiom tables I United States Const Survey. MISCELLANEOUS HO$TETTERc P CELEBRATEO 1 lffERs The Traveler Who iVihdy Provides Against ihe contingents of illness b taking with him Hostel ten. Momaeh Bitters, has occasiMi to congratulate himself 1111 his fore sight, when he sees others who hae ne glected to do so suffering from some one of the maladies for which it is a remedy and pre dilutive. Among those are feve'r and ague, hilliousiicss, constipation ami rheuma tism, disease often attendant uihui a change of climate or unwonted diet. For sale bv all druggists and dealers gcneralU . MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer 111 HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings. Pluta aafl Steam Filters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IROH TIH AND COPPER, Cannery anfl FisliBrmens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET WON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Xono but Hrst class woikiuen employed. A largo assort incut of SCALES Constantly on hand. CLEANING and REPAIRING XEAT. CHEAP AXD QUICK. BY (iEOItOE LOVETT, Chenanm St., next Xicholas' Barber Shop. LETTER HEAD PAPER, PRINTED OR PLAIN, OF THE BEST quality at The Astoruji office. High Water. j Loir Water. D.ito. ' !:' I' M L 3 M 4 oil.. .14S 10 X2 X 1 11 SIN! 11 IS 11 SI t r. os r. mi ii T,- . . .-. ; 12 KSJ . H J2 II 4.1 li .. 7 IS 7 1I 1 It! 1 JK 7 . !! R 111 2 11 'J lf s .. ii .T7 ! r.jj x .-n r, m I 10 14 10 23 4 41 4 11 I 10 11 l...U 111 S 41 . .". 07 II IS 42. 0 02 Literary Eevolutioii. IjEtWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning. To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent each-S 10,000! THK ASTOPJAN A.GENCT FOR THE SALE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ROOK EXCHANGE, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF HEADERS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT WHICH WE WILL FURNISH BOOKS TO ORDER. . 7 " COME AND SEE ME. Cyclopaedias. l.ilHn-d Utiiiervil KHOHledjse, large tyie.l.Vvd. cfsun. i-aKh, l top, J2 SO. I'st:i?i '2fi eelUs ht vih. . vols. istiHtl : in. In pie.s. Tins is x verbatim lejiriHt f the huM (ls.) IjumI.mi rdition id ChHwiM-rs. Hm-jekidw. with copious additions ihImw! 13jlm tode.s) by Americsm editor., the whoh rombmod der one nlplmbetieiil arniK'meHt. wi(h mh'Ii illustrations as are messary to HiHHlute the text, ltjjives ait niiHumt if mutter nImhiS 10 per erut MHre Ihau Aplets Cy-hdla (prkv. incloth. sn M. Ml2Hri nt HMre tlian .lirtiMson I'ychijwdla Ki"e AM (' ill elolH). Fortlaj:e!Tal leader it i- immIohHimHv the l-t i:wyinjflia vurr iwlHi-httl. whatever tin prico. Chambers liiu-velojutHliH. 1SU- lwo, Mtwlt tie. ehdh.T S: jMisitijif pm-Hls priH. Ameneaii Additions, large tyite. 4 ds. in-lavo- -kh. SI : half Kuia. silt lop. -. Postagf 18 cents iter vol. '2 voK. issued ; vid. s in press. i TIipsp volniiM-s will ! fiHiud Hilliiieli iiidHm-Hsaiilo li all oHiu.of Chandler. Aiide- toiis,.IohnM)n-!,und all other Cytjwnas.i'pei Hk larxe lK-f.UtHHud Hie Library of Cniiersal KhowUiIk'. from whhh it KeiHMidk'ii. Onlers witli nt-li reivitsl by Mareli IT. 181, were aett-jded at Hie redweed rke d S. ' f-r IIk rkdh, ?." a for the Usdf Kitssia. pilt top, after wlibdi dato t lie priv will Ih increased al 1m rati of one-half cent -wh day for I. the set in clolh. throe-fowl s tnl eaeli day Library MilHtan'.s (JiblMHi-Uimh. ." vd.. j-kith.Ni; postage . cents JLieaulay's Englaml. .t ids., t-mh. l 3-"i: iMistmp' ut iini. Half !:sia. ;dlt top, MiaKe:Kceiii. lrollin's Ancient Ilisor. 52 r; itostao4J wills. Creasy's Fifteen Hecisive IJattH-s id the World. eWh. tr. rents ; jwrsinjie fi cents. Half i:s- sla.Rilt top. 70 cents; postage 7 cents. Froisssirt'.s Chronicles. imierial iuta.. H.'iillMniralMHts. clolh. l ,u; cl.dh. ctniKilt.XH edges, $2 ."o ; postage n ivnts. Oreen's larger illstori of tin Knglish l'eojde. '2 oK. chdh. .I ; pistiif;e t eeiils. Half Kussia. gilt top, .-j ; iMtsiage 24 eits. (Jrotc'slSreece, 4 Mds., chdh.s2: immhkc 32 cents. Half Kussia. gilt lop. 1; Htase ffi cents. In press. Carlyle's French Kcvolution. i-kdh.4 ivnts; jnagc 7 oeiils. Half Htissia. -lit iip. fH cents; postage 12 cents. IX rimi'AK.vrioN : MoiHmseHs Kwme : MassHis mih! tiHiot'.s lnmce; Mciuel's licr inan ; Schiller's Thirty Yiitrs' War: Histor' of lm United Slatrs. b hm MiHincul His loria'u. Acme Library of Fiction, filiform in si ami le : cbdh 14ml mt(. Tarda, 5.1 eeiiLs. Postage 7 cents. Tom Iirowual Kngty,."WvHts. IisiaKefieils. Ueorge Kliot's Houiola, sr. cents. Postage 7 eiiits. Don yniote..'W cents. Postal ji cents. ' Ining's Knickerbocker. ) cents. Postage r. in-Hts. Cooper's I Jist of the Mohicans, jw rents. Postage ii-nl-s. Churlotte Bronte's .lane Kyre. :c ceLs. Postage 7 ccms. KiiKisiey's Hyimtia. Xi ients. Postage 7 ivhK In press. (oolite's Wilheltn Meisier. 48 cents. Postage 7 i-enis. In juvss. MaduuiedeStael'sCoriime.nr cents. PKtage 7 cents. In press. Mrs. Midock Cniik's.lolm Halifax Centlemau. .!' ceuls. pirstage 7 cents. Sir Walter Scott's Iauhoc. 12nto.chKli.."0ivnts. Ptwtagesii'ii's. Biilwer's lAst Dajs of PoiuKii. 12mo. cloth. i cents. Postage s cents. Pi:K.l'Ai;iX : Dickens' Danl CopjerhehI. lltaekeray's Xeucoiiies, A'ielor Hugo's Les Miserahles, Ijc Sage's Cil Bias, Jean Paul Biehter'sTitanrdi'orge MaeDiuinld's Alec Forles. Charles Beade's bnv mo Little. The World's Great Poets. Shnkiiere,s vois..chdh.ssl ": nostsMtc 2S cents. Hie pniieiml lHas in seante Htmih "Milton's Poetical Works. cMn.Ju cents ; Hsiai$ postage 10 cenis. Dante, translated lij Caiy . 4oh.s ceuls : Mistagc ; cents. Half Bus-da. gill top. ku cents : iMistage S cents. irgil, translated by Drjden, clolh. 30 eHts: Hiiage cenls. Half Bussia.gilt top.iJo cenLs : tMstge 8 wnts. Poie's Homer s Iliad, cbdh, Socenls ; js?age litres cents. Pope'.slloiners(!dss. cloth.: cents . itostagc neewts. posuigc & eenis. Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia. et ra chdh. . cents : iNtsiaje 1 cents. Mrs. Hemau's l'oc litid Wu"ks. larjee octaxu. cloth. n cents ; iHtage is cents. Half Russia. gilt lop,iK)ceHts; postage l.tceulti. M'Fingal, an eue MHam. hj- Trumbull. ebHh, .71 ceuls: half BuSsJh. j-Ht p. 7.". cenlv Postage H cents. Tasso'.s .IcriLsalem Delivered. cMh. Wreuls : Htstage S ithK Hulf BussJu.gHt oi.Hct-Hts : ostage 12 "cis. Library of Biography. BeiiiiiiiM-enecs of Thomas Cartxle. Chdh. au cents : juMjage cents. Half Bussia. gilt toj. 00 cents; iostage !i cents. Acme Biograph First Series. Tnehe siumiard IxHtkn by gnitt authors. ImhhuI in 1 oL. cloth. 00 cents ; postage cents. Half Bussi. m top. .-,1 ; Ki$tage 1.1 cents. Acme Biography Second Series. I j ves ih" Cham-er. Sih-umt. million. Cow icr aud Southey. FivelMMiks in 1 id.. ckth. 4 cents; iMisiai- s cents. Half Russia, ght top. so cents; postage 12 cents. Acme lllogniplrj --Third Si'ries. IJvistM Dcfm'. .iidtusui, Ctddsmilh. Scott andlhackeni, i-i 1 d cloth. 4o itiiIs; iMkMaee Scents. Hall Russia. xilt lim.succnts: jtoslage 12 cents. lliilarcus Lives. I o. ctolH,M coins ; Mstage II ciiii. Half Kh-sih. xilt top. si 2U; iost- age 14 cents, hissing's Eminent Americans, t jot) Mr! rails, i-bdh. 1 : jMisiaee 12 i-ents. Half Russia. gilt lop. 54 ."; Mstage 12 ceuls Noai1 read. Pm-panng : Smile's BrU'f IHograjdiles-. (atlle'rs Oliver Cromwcll.aud Fnt letick 1Im Creat. Religious Literature. oungs Croat Btlde Concordance. 1 d. iputtlo. Poiutlur Edltnoi. chth. 2: MlstJ:e.s cents. Half Bttssia, sprinkldl i-dfi"s. : .Vi : Mh4age s; ivnt'-. Si-hidars Edllimi, half Turkey, marble edges. l ; Msia?e y cents. The Xew Testament-'1 he new u-Mim. Cloth. . cents; MistageT i-cnts. Half Biiss'ta. gilt loj. n8 cents ; jMistage to i-ents. Fidl Turkej imohmto. gilt edges, si i'. : Mstage 10 cents. Will b.- issiotl pnuuiKlx unii its imliRcatHMi in ICnglatid. illie ew icsiaiiieiil Mug laUMiersuui iihiuh-hi in .ijk' witli llie :Umic. al the same prices. ' The Xc Testament Thelwo ctvioits. luintcil on iiges facing, for coveiiienee of com- pansou. Cloth .rKi cents; ixtsiage lo ivnts. Half Russia, gill top. si ; 1 Mist age II cents. i Full Turke morroeo. gilt eihjes.si .Vi; H.st.-;e ir, cents. I (SciklcV IJfeot Clirisl.Heih.VJccHls: (Misiage cents. Half Russia. gilt lop. i ; NMage i.i cents Smith's Bible DiclioHNr.chdh...4ivnls. Half Russia, sprinkled edges. 7."i ivHts: jHistage 10 cenls. Kitto's Cyclopedia id Bildh-al Uleralure. 2 viK. illustnited. chdh. fti. Half Russia, gilt top, 3. Postage St; cenls. Works of Flavins .liiscphH. 1 vol. uarto chdh l tm. Half RHssia. sprinkled edge-. -2 PO Postage as cents. Literature Chambers Cyelopa-ilia of English Literature. Russia, gilt top. .! ; misiage :a cents. Acme Ijbntrj' of MiHleni Classics FiiM Series. Vicar of Wakefield. Bassolas, Ph-ciida. Paul and A irgiuia, I'iiiIIim and tin Two Cajdains. in 1 ml., cloth, -to cents ; inistage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top. ) cents ; postage !i cents. Macaulays Complete Esas ami PiH-ms.sxids.. cloth, si sti; half Russia, gill top, s-j TO ; lostage30 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale. Cloth, ai cents : triage r ivnts. Half Rus sia, gilt lop. 00 cents : ostage s cents. American Patriotism : Famous Orations and Patriotic Papers, from Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, 50 cents ; iostage K cenls. Half Russia, gill topl ; iMistage li cents. The Choice of Books, by Charles F. Richardson. Extra cwlh.ieents; jtostage I ivnts. Cheap inper edition,: cents; iKKtage free. Sayings, by Author of Spnrrowgrass Papers. Cloth, so cents ; jiostage r. cents. Tlie Lseful Dictionary of the English language. Bv P. A. Nut tall." Contains nearly one lialf as much as Wclister's Unabridged. Chil h, so wnts ; half Russia, gilt top. $1 'S, ; post age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand I?mcoii. 0er 2i,ii00Honls ami A0 Engravings. Cloth. 17 cents; iiostuge 4 cents. In-ing's Sketch Book. Cloth, Xi cents ; HstageO cents. Half Russia, gilt top, 70 cents; lKistage a cents. Tlie Art or Beautifying Subntlmu Home Grounds. I Hast rated bv upwards of Two 1 Mind red Plates and Engravings. By Frank .1. Scott. Chdh, etra. price reduced rromsStnSX Postage 'J3 cents. Juvenile Illustrated. Btinyau's Pilgrim's Progress. March 19. The Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage S cents. Bobiiison Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Baron Munchausen, and Gulliver's Travels,: in 1 vol. Illustrated. Cloth. 40 cents ; imstasu S cents. The Book or Fables. J'.y i:sop awl others. Illustrated. Cloth 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of :ttural llistnrj', s vids. in l. IlliLstratetl. Cloth. Si. Postage 1 1 cents. Stories and BnllatR By Ellen Tracy Alden. Illustrated. Cloth. .V) cents. PostageT cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Literary Bcmliitiou Curiosities, all in hreier or larger tyie. Macaulay's Life of Frederick tlie Great. Former prices SI ss. Price " cenls. Carlj-le's IJfc or Bobert Bums. Former Price $1 ". Price 3 cents. I.lirhtof Asia. Itvl-jlwin Aniobl. Knnuornriei. si U l"rii-. -. r.ntv Tliomcs Hughe's Manliness or Christ, Former price Si. price s cents. Mary Queeu or Scott's Ure. By I-amartlne. Fonner mice si -Si. Prh'OS lcarof Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. Price .'.cents. itunyairs rilgniu s Pnigrevs. Pnee c cents. Vicar or Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith. Price T, cents. The Library Magazine Or American and Foreign Thought. I Jke the old and excellent IJttcl's living Age and liiectric Magazine, without the fiction and light literature (and with American thought added), at one-fourth their price, and cery number a bound volume. Vols. I. to VII., over 4.1KW pages. In cloth, rorsa a; in half Russia, gilt top, for $4 tu. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Astoria. Oregon. D. C. IBEI.AXD, Manager. C. H. STOCKTON. BCdxysEf, sx-wisr AXD -CARRIAGE PAINTER - f PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SPK01AI.Tr. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Shop next door to Astorian Office, in SUuster'souIldlns. taiU Kh-nw. pin for the set in half Itis.la, -HI ! of History. iMstage S7 cents. Half Kitvsfa. jsttt top. $1 ; .2 ."ii ; sprinkled cdps. cents. Half Knssin, gill op. iS: io-.tage42 s men. Half Busfiiu. gilt lop. .-o cents; i ceuls. Half Kussia. gilt top. Cocenls : )Kwt- Half BusMin. gilt top.aii-ents: Miscellaneous. s id in 4, cloth. !: postage Si cciil-. Half Classics. Cloth, 19 cents ; jMistage 7 cents. Xew edition eenl THE ASTORIA jPliotograpli Gallery ICAIM) SIZK IIIOTO-ItAIIlS, ,0 i'er Dozen. OABIXETSIZE PIIOTOfSICAl'IIS S4 OO Pr Dozen. tSSjecial rates Tor families. OPILES. Tlie undersigned Ls prepared to furnish a large nuinlier or Spiles and Spars at his place ou short notice, nt reasonable rates. Apply 10 i. u. UAPLES. Columbia City C H. BRYANT. sfaEjrb ,rS&LSfIS!L5f -4 A(SfeQ; fl 3 j&f's&r&s$ ec , - a t; -: i.kij i ,c-v t; sc0TrnRnpr; gfmM en 4r- ! g C l--gSj O PACIFIC COAST AGEMTS F0J? j. -MISCELLANEOUS. QS DSE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE I REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Broncnitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including CONSUMPTSOW. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It docs not dry up a cough, and Icav tbe cmw bcfcmd. as is the case with most prcparatkxB, Imi tooteas i:, cleanses the lungs and aHays irrUatiao. dws icwovms the causcof aMBplatat," HO XOT BE DECEIVED by articles bear atg similar names. Be sure you get D3. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vkh the si natuxe of " I. BUTTS " on the v-iappcr. CO Cciits and SI. 00 a llottle. Prepartd by SETII W FOWLE & SOXS, Bo W.Mass. SjULydnicgists and dealers Kcucrall' m l 11,'' "lUfWP O ciren Slotliors lilio and Physjiciiuis recosunoud it. IT IS HOT MARCOTiC. CENTAUR 1.IKI3EESTS; the World's great Pain-Kc-Hcving' remedies. They Leal, soothe and cure Burns, Wounds, Weak 3aclc and Rheumatism upon Man, aud Sprains, Galls and Lameness spoil Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. tMggSVa-afsry SPURTS of disRixsting Mncns, Snufllos, Cracldiiig Pains ia. tho Head, Pctid Broatli, Boafacss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can "bo exterminated ny "Woi 33o Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, "by Ahsorp tion Tho most Important dis covery sinco Vaccination. IleHiy AhreHs. Hewry TTetjen. T.V.Ihrstel. CHICAGO BRBWBRY Henry Ahrens & Co.. Proprietors, 14-iO to 1 i:i! I'iiit Street. sa. f::as'ij5'o. rilHIS BBEWKRV IS THE MOST POIT JL laroutlie iintst, ami have istaldislied a branch in this tit v ami K under tlie manage ment or.LSTRAl'SS. who will 1h deased to till any order from a doeu luxtics up to a thoiLsaud luim-K This beer needs no rec ommendation, as those using it oiuv will never hm'siin oUkt. (Inters Mt at the-Oc-cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster's will be pronidly attended to. All orders rnun a distance will receive imHHt attention. Families supidied wlih this excellent (inuli tv of btHT. .LSTRAPSS. Agent. Watei stn'et,mt door to I shc Foster's, Astorhi. Ongon. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale ami retail dealer in. :iuoxx:Bs, ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astorlaj tor J Oregon. if&l&Mw, fiMytr Jivsa&' ' i7 jgrj z&r jh axj- srrivSSr-t, yiiMvuBa iBlTlii&.MfiSiiifef: -spoRTiNcsuiTSa p SSS2Ser- mig&fcttZ-ji&z&jJ' Lps; ? ra R. LEESOM & CO., 80ST6N. .MISCELLANEOUS. j important to Travelers. IrSlHK INDEKMUNED IS Mi PKE L -iL iKtu-d in sell 'T I-i ROUGH TICKETS ! FROM I Astoria to all Points in Europe . nt iKcrJ:ud Railnuds and Meani-dups of j the Mhrti lug fiistM-lass lines from Ni w erk: ! WHITE STAB LINE. , NATIONAL LINE. ALLAN LINE. "" -"r LINT. AMERICAN LINE. . T. P.l.'AKICE. of (.Timmons & CU.Vtfa. O w. j ror London Direct. The undersigned ha charter a Hrst class nnd Al iron ISnriim fnrrT Dir at ASTORIA carl in Ma. which will lie put mi lK-rtli to load for LONDON DIRECT. In bds TO St IT I UPPERS will be taken at KKASOXAKLK KATJiJ. I For FREIGHT ;ind iditer imrliculars, ! :ild li S5 ItSO.V. 4'IIl'at)!l V- To.. .. ,. 1 . , .. (h-. l-ronl and Ash Streets. Portland, Oregon. - -. . ..-. .-.. . JWl!t 11 11 ( SUIll .. ChpiHT built, copper fastened, double mast easel, lies ai (1tses wharf. Ready In re ctum passengers, freiglit or e eiirsiott parties to all parts of the Columbia ri craml vieini t. C.iarges moderate. - Forfurtherirticiilarsiiiquireo( John nsjers. t elilral .ilarket. I r of Master and owner. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation j Company. Tlie new steamer soi'Tii ii i-:?; i JOIIX BROWN. - fJYOiLM Will learn Seu: it jleml Slay (Vistei. .v-s- tervi He anil the head oft lie Stay. Connect iiur with X. Ilemiis stanc line and stenmer Gen. Canb at Uwaeo for Astoria.' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PasfH.iipcrs leaving Astoria nn either id t hose das can gi through to smth Brad in om- day. For freight and ps,ge apply at the ('Hit-Kiiiys office at rtdh Bend, or'the Cap- l.:ui Oil iHKtid. .cKendall's5! :-j?PwCAi5g a. ill jiUMBurrr.wiiu j.cmeii cut i dlscoenuI.:is it is certain m its etfeets and I does not blister. ANo excellent for human Hesli. Bead pnuif lndow. From a Prominent Physician. WVsliingtom "die. ( hio. June 17. 1S?0. 1)b. B.J. Kfmiali.&Co.. Gents : Read ing our adertiMMueiit hi Turf. Field and, Fariii. of Kendall's yia in Cure, and having' i v:tlii:ibb':tuilsiieel Horst ubichhad been laiiR from spavin ehiliteen months. 1 .sent to i joii ur ;v inuiM.- n i-iui-s.s, mmii in -'-v weeks removed all lameness and enlarge ineiit and a large bidmt from another hois. . and both horsis are to-daj as siumd : colts, t The iHie bottle was worth to me one hundred i uollars. Bi'siHH'tfiillv yours. II. A. BEBTOLETT. M. D. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Harrisburg. Pa.. Xo . is. lO. Die. B. J. K KJs l.bb JC Co.. ( lents : I have t.l J IIIIV IIMIIl; HV.-f liiKI - at-n-v s?'iaia for uni'JZ iuiu i trit'ii rvi-rj limit; iiiau could deise to cure it hut all in vain ami was about to give it up when a friend of mine in tins city came io me ami recom mended Kendalls Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean anil then I sent ii cents to you for one or your illustnited Horse Books and 1 think there is no lietterbook printed on the horse and his diseases, f have taken great interest in it and have since sold l.s copies for von to mv neighbors and will try and do what good l"canb getting them for others. Yours truly, G. W. MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX 2IU3IAX FJjESIT. Bakersfield. Vt.. Dec., ir., 1879. B. J. IvENIiali. & Co.. Gents : 1 wish to add my testiinouyin favor or jour In valuable iiniuieiii. Jveniiau s spavin v. ure. in ine soring of liWJ I slipped on the Ice aud .sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was very " ! times sulfered the uiosi e.cruci;iiuit; kiiii. i nuir u uuiiuao on It for over a year, and tried most every thing in mv reach, but could find nothing that would gie me permanent relief. When 1 overworked, it would nain me very much. In April IS7S L Iicgau to think I should be :i cripple for life; hut h:u nig some of "Ken dall's Sim in Cun" thougltt I would try It. 1 used one third of :t bottle, and experienced relier at once. The pain lelt me and has not troubled me since. I feel very grateful to voti and would recoinniciui Keiuiairsbpavm (Jure to all who sutfer witli sprains or rheit- mutism, onrs tnil, mi:s..i. iiorrrcu. i Kendall's Spavin Cure 1 Is sure in itselTecls, miht in its action as it .i ..- i.i. ... .....i ..- it- :.. ...-,. n;,,,. 1 iiu?- iiiil uiisii'i. .urn L it j't;iii-ii,iiiii and jKiwerful to reaeh any deep seated pain or to remove auy bon growth or any other enlargement, if lused for several days, such :is spavins', spitnis, euros, cauous, .spniuis, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ut the jomls or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for auy purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be tlie best liniment for man ever used, act ing mild and jet certain in its effects. It is used full strength with perfect sarety at all seasons of t he year. Send address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of Its virtues. Xo reined has ever met with such imquuli lled .success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. I Price si per bottle, or six bottles ror 5 ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get it Tor you. or it will be sent to any address mi re ceipt td price by the proprietors. DR. B. J. 1CEXDALL & CO.. Knosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -4 I MASTER. I I r d&v sj'priniXIS- S. A. ? aj ftf SS KJ MILLS AT J3HNST0NS, SCOTD. & GRAFTON, MASS. THAXSPOTITATIOX LIKES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OrKAX" 1HVISIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. In coiisctuence of accident to tlie ster.ni ship State of California, the followingsched nle of sailing days of ocean steamers has lHen arranged. to-vit : FROII PQltTUVXll. KKOM SAX FUAH. 0O-. Steamer Date. Steamer. .luae l Oregon;. Mine 4 Mine IT...Stateof Calai.Iuue 10. Sty nroortii iFeofdala lune.. .-Columbia dune 15. .-Columbia 1 .Iitueirr .. Oregon dune 20 Oregon .Mine ii5...State or Ctilu .1 tine so Columbia July 5 Oregon July 10.State of Cala July 15 Columbia July 20 Oregon July 25.State of Cala July so Columbia ;jj ?' ftSSiS Md Vi Oregon .Iidv 17.. state or Cala July -- . -Columbia illy 27 .Oregon ir. 1.. State or Cala tue. r. Columbia Due notice will be given or any further change. Right is rescnedto change steamers or sailing da.s. THROIGII TICKI7TS sold to nil the priii oipal cities in the I uited States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivera. FEBRUARY 1. 1881. I.eae Port land for I Mon I tu. We. Tim. Frl.lSat. '.AM SAM 5AM 5AM SAM SAM 6AM GAM HAM 6AM BAM GAM GAM CAM SAM 6AM GAM GAM GAM GAM 7AM 7AM 7AM Gam Gam Sam Sam I HaMe. U'al- ; ' a la. Umatilla. amtupnv- 1 er points.. I stria. Ka- lama.Taeo ia.Seattle ' ut na. .New West'mstr , I'atblamet. 1 tlay "mmt. Skamosa- wa. 1'roaL- IwUI j W est port. ! C 1 1 f t on. I Kuaiipa. 1 "-w" - iHtPrinnili- iiaTton a t points 1 Poinw on Snake Itiver i;exki:ai. offices : Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. M CRAICEX & Co.. Agents State ofCalirornia, A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. B. & N. Co. JOIIX MUIE. Gemml Freight and Passenger agent. T. F. 5aIvS, Vice President and Manager ; Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II J waco, Oysterville and Olympia. ;ilwaco Steam Navigation Ga f-or? Until further notice tho Ilwaco : -""' Steam Xavimtion Co'sstcnmor ! nvVM AT n "NT rv crJijsx.nAij uvnui, WI11TC0.MB , MASTKK Will leave Astoria on j Jiondajs, Tuesdays, and SnturilaiH. i , . , ,T j AtUA.Al., rridaj s at ; 1-1 A. 31.. anil 1 P. 31. , Fort Stevens, Fort C'niiliy, nml Untie f Connoctin? with ' .. A. Loomia'stnxes for Oyi , terrilio and Olyumia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens ... 50cts " " Canby and Ilwaco . 1 oo ! iB-llvaco freiglit. by tlie ton, in lots or one ton or over, S oo per ton. Bfl-eor licKots. .towage or thartor apply cither at the olfico of tho Company, Cray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D. GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R. Co nn an alter Uct. II. lbfeo. trains will run as 101- low DAIL5T (Except Sundays), EASTSIDE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. MAIL TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.IRosoburer 7:00 1 i Roaeburc 3:00 A.M.lPortland 4AJ1 t ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. ', i.v. a vp a iibtvp Portland 1:00 P. M.Lebanon.9.20 P. Al Lebanon. 4:15 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:15 A. M. Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5: 13 A. M.Portland 5:25 P. M Tho Oregon and California Railroad 1 erry 1 makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division. WESTSIDK DIVISION. I'rom I'orllanil to CorvnlllH. MAIL TKAIX LEAML ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorYallis ....:t:00 P. AI Corvallis. S:S0 A. AI.PortIand 3:20jP.'M Closo connections aro made at ROSEBURG. with the Stages of tho Oregon and California I Stage Company. -XtTTickets for salo to all tne principal points in California and tho East, at tho Company's . Office. nnror p ,inrt Fmnt .sVc PnrHnnH (Inn corner t ana tronl bts., fortiana, ugn Storairo will be charged on freight remain ng atCompanys Warehouso ovor21 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. AI. on Eastside Division, ami C o'clock P. Al.on Westsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Gen'l Sup't E. P.ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. Tlie Steamer 3IAGXET, w .hamlet, Wil make regular AIASTEK trios to Youngs Bivei every Fridjy and Knappa every Tuesday. j The Mignct is j ,,ointoii the bay j,'0r freii,t or i j y f;ise's. Tlie Magnet is ready for charter to any passage apply on board or at Astoria and Unappton. Regular Alaii ami Passenger Steamer JCOSKTTA, W. WAVE AlASTER B3-WI11 leave Kuappton for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING THE TJ. S. AIAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her to carry wood or freight or any kind. &B For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Caaa'a store. Lawyers briefs printed in One style at Tue Astoriax office. i C JT--