r favsaF "jrvr- V gto 3iJB gstorimx. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. JUNE 3, 16S1 CQMMEHCEAHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. Colmttbia. River Exports. SHIPMENTS FORKIOK. UUCAVnUI.ATIOX.MAY 1831. Flour, 4n,839 bbls. alne 8234,910 Wheat, 2SfiSTt ctls, ' 348,544 Silinon, 12,400 e, 58,2S0 READY FOR SUA. SAJLKD. Columbia, s. 27SI teas Kalto S V. June 3 California, str. 4 t. Orratt. Sitka .'line 2 Htlerbank. br W- lMt tw. Parlwr. Mernl. June 1 Victoria Crew. lr 1. t Ihm. Owm. irfmrpMl. MarM Herbert Biek. 1A "M ion (Jut at re. Mar Oon Wrtekt US Dew- Yaqtnaa ba Mar 27 Mary RlandoH Br J.1. MB twi.CMrert. QMme-K Mm H Selkirkshire, brsli UetAn.Ami(eii. IrtwnJ. Max 2 ARRIVAL FKOM SEA o Hlliel. brbk.4 tn. .raam. Liton w) 2 Arso. er bV fitttn. Gatae Valrra-e May J Unent. brie. 215 tew? ittamia. h K May 27 Rlral. bk. 299 tons. Adams. J Y. Maj 27 Olan Forc9B. br. 1A 7 ! XVin. Krtsbane. May 2. North Bend bLt 37. tuHiMammtMi h K Mai 21 Aldon Boase.Ainbk. 8li t. .jre. llMiffknns ina 22 Oeloma. Am bk SS tea. XM Ileus. May Martha Fisher. brbk.KH taw. MeAdaw.Newea- lst. Kb W.Mrj Ifc liellaporte. Ur I. MW !. Tat. rseweaMle. A S W.Maj 14 Alpha. msIi. &Urr. TtUawMt. Ma W Liarie Hell, br I. lKti. Mwnl. M.anekat. Maj Meroni. fib, 11 tOBR. larttell. X V Maj R Airnes Oswald. Ih- . 1 tw. AIe(HMi.CBHliH'. .Maj s Clan Grant, brbk H ton, .lame, fin laiertteet. MavG Marion Kin,; lr lk 8S t( Itw lanHr May bhubriek. U i Liskt-tMUfce tr. ersea. north April 5 i'esskIjS oa run wa j . From American I'ort. Alice Buck. Am 4i IX Y April 6 'telle of Orogon bk X Y Ma S Carrie AVinatnM. bk.SH teas, Ihita4e44iw. Moh . Columbia. Mi IHSStens Hemnbrej.N Y. Jan SO. O Hurlbw-t. bk llWUoc.N Y..Iune Kmpiro.sh listen New Verk. Jan Ift J'luma T Croweil bk 11X7 Ion X Y Ma 2 Uerten.Bh I'hiladelpliw. Jan IS Henrj b Sandford. h. IW (Wf. .SJeper. X V Maroh 22 Indiana, ship. O K 4 X.O. iron. May 21 Kate Davenport sli 12 Um. MalMt X Y Jan IS MisMHMiH. O It &. X C. Htr X Y. Ma 21 Oreaon as. 258S tons. I'ohlman. b F JBf 1 Oraole. sli 1SW tnnt.. Mo-riM.n. I'lirtlltiM M2i Olive b bouthard Am tto FbiUdela March Palmyra, iM) ioh Miimt X Y M2 baranac&li X Y April 36 bparruw soh b 1 March lfi Tam O'Shanter. bkt. b 1". Jwe 1 Willamette. S3. SflM ton,. X Y March 2 From Forelrr Iort. Vdolt. Swe. bk. Rl tfta. KnHmanw. ettB- burc. Oct 13 ilankefield Br bk I.nonl Ajiril Bubton Vale. lr bk 37 Jn. BMkimrfNHH Yoko hama Icbl Oitj ef Quebec 1m- bk 7" tw l.4n Xc ISiia victoria Orosbfield. br bk. hnertNMl. March 2 Counts of Ilotlws. Br h. Miloobore. Dec 2 Cenntessof Derbi. b-. Mi4dt4re. Kbc. Jan 2 Oity of Manchester, br bk 7 t Il Doon. Brbk877 toniiXewcaitthf Doxford, br bk. Lfwrpo&l Marc J X ia Victoria Furness Abbej. bk 1, i.uUj. Ykeham. Glonpaber. br bk, Bf, ton. Irom8l. Maj 12 Clontiori. 4i 1W1 ton ( i" trf (il-bi. due June Oberon.bs. 1168 ton l.iverpol April 2 Rivor Avon, br bk S llolker l.iveriwwl Maich I Mdlaw. Br bk -119 torn. MeClaahan Mnldleborouch Jan 12 Scottish Bard. Br bk. ltockfcampto". March HI Vancouver, b s WIS te,Xewcatfe Zoe. br bk Liverpool ia Victoria Jan 3 Total values, 14 cargoes. SG3l,734 KRCAl'ITL'LATIOX ItY MONTHS 185L lANt'AKV. 4 Cargoes Aaluc S 187,425 FRIIKUAKV. 7 Cargoes value S71KK) MAltCII. ." Cargoes value 202.541 avkii 4 CigOP value 242,19.1 MAY. 14 Caigoes aluc 031.7."! TA Cargoes, 5 uiontltn, Si ,G5j.194 DOMESTIC HXFORTS. Tlio receipts of domestic cxiorts at Snn Francisco, from January 1st. 1SS1. to .Mav isth, from A'.loria, is ghen a follews: Plour. qr ks 113.710 WllWll. CII3 . Si.TM Literary Revolution. i3. K. HRYAJfT. Jlii2 iWisdom is ye principal thing, therefore get wis dom. A booke that is worth reading is worth owning, j To make $1.00 and a friend, is better than to make $5.00 j only. One thousand bookes, profit $1.00 each-$ 1,000. One million bookes, profit one cent each-$ 10,000! cs jT2 Y TArC. JrO'vKsrA 0-r co jf. o 2v3:us i Ik jcrr - c: a. i .vjs i-" TTOUROPEli OjWs.ctU. ShImwhi. 11K llf bbK Aisles, riH bx Butter, pks .. I'otatoi's. sk ....... Wool, laks M.. . )lilo. No . 'fallow, tihgs Kcvt, bbls . l.ccf.cwnieil. ts .. Fntit, urlfd. ji!gs Utillicr, K. ... Ijrl,- .......... Ilnwifi. c . ............ MphI. sks op. lwik'N .. IIam.ikR. Clke cn .. ... .. 1"1k Sftil, ks ..... -.. C'lHllOd OtMl". ".. . 11)3 I.1W 101 89,229 15 1851 1G 31,472 , 933 2S,75 9tti 410 1C OS !H) 12 . .WI 4S8 IS 11 31.502 THE ASTOR1AN" AGENCY FOE THE SALE OF BOOKS PUULISIIED I1Y THE AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, LEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF KEADKKS TO THE FOLLOWING LIST AT "WHICH WE AVU.L FURNISH BOOKS TO ORDER. "COME AND SEE ME." j j&KtmS&8s M 3URLAPS- fftS P htST s -liU O SrTT-;-- cSW. x "- m m mj K m .j il . -" m r w i I 1 V "1 T-J. -- 1 -C -'T w"-rsN u km ao -t '--v ia jTC vrqT o o c t!S5:SLi- A '" iyc OifV-Usoet:c W r- y v . j trrrriia-r-..s.B . n. vs 11 - iw,: Dh-scy, IV&ssSBSSSKSfflSSftfc. i r!sr-2ilY t: jxz -ririA-rirTi r,- ev r r rr iTniw- - rw t v-v . -- --- .4irv. - r r 1 w r z RfflHb- ;3s5B SBsesSssaaB s .13-iC.t3-rTS&i"-i;tT!r .- Jl.f- ,1M ' 'HUaHf'W MO? TO4I-1'5?J;5L116 t-ntSiHi TV - lTvea ft cii- rrj -Ilypa-s , gfgt.r-'c. -js cj KrF7WT? '& j- if II- Sillll PACIFIC COAST AGEfiTS FOR t J. R. LEESON & CO.. BOSTON. 1 HILLS AT JDHS7C?E, SCOrO. & GRAFTON, MASS. MISCELLANEOUS. Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G. T. Kesulnr Meeting crcry Tuesdav Evening at7W o'clock, atUood Templar's Hall, Che namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Storo Meinbors of the Order, in coodf tand nz, are invited to attend. Degroo meeting 1st Monday oach month. By order Xf. C. T. Templo Lodge, Wo. 7, A. F. A. M. ?f,d? Kosular Communications first third Saturdays in each month, at o'clock, i. m.. at tlio Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in rood standi nc, are invited to attend. By erde: of the V. M. Beaver LiOdore No. 35. 1. 0 O.P. f&v&r7 Meet even Thursday evening. i at o'clock, in the Odd Kel- -a ln' fljll.mr. nf f!as und Cho- namusBtrocLs, Astoria. Memborsof the Order aro invitod to attend. Byorder. r.U. Common CounciL Regular meotinBS second and fourth Tue- uay uvcnings ot cacn inonta. at Vt o ciock c-1'eonsdesirinj: to have matters acted uin by the Council, atanyrocular mectinc must urosent tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday oveninp prior to mo lueMiii) uu huicu mo vuuiitu uimu ro.-nl.ir inontintr,. U. II. CAKDM'ELL. Auditor and Clork. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tallies of United States Coast Survci. High Water. Low Water. Dilo a.m. p.m. I K. M. P. M. A 3 j; 4 rii 10 -IX 10 32 s 1 ll Ti 2s 11 IS 11 SI A S W. (5 101 11 57 . .-. C 12 .. b JW .... 0 V2 . 0 4S (. 7 IS 7 481 1 22. 1 S3 7 i 2 S 111 2 27. A. 2 2(5 8 it 37 y si s 33 :: m ) ll 41 10 2T. 4 41... 4 14 10 11 40 11 11 ." 44 b 07 11 0 1".. 0 42..... G (C MISCELLANEOUS r&m HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. I A.J. MKOMtK. r.S. WKIOH1 OCCIIr..T IIDTKL. MHdLBIl & WltUJUT. I'rMKiotMrc. Astoria, Oregon. fbiuk n:on:nrrui:.s auk jiaity io JL uiuiouiice th it llw Imi luiifl hus lKe rGpuinli'dand n'tnnilslwl.aUlHf; j')UH to llt C4mfort of it.iM'sisM4iiMtv Ue bcM hotel north of S.it i niiHasco. I King of the Cyclopaedias. Library ofrniveiNal Know IcUrc, lar' type, n oR ietao. ehlh. $15; half Kum.i. g.U top, ?22 oil. rosiase 'jo cont jcr oi, ns. insuiii ; vh. v hi pnv. ; Tins Is a crbatim reprint ot the last (l. Ixih1mi tdltiii of Chamber Km,-hMi-'Ua. I with copious addition (about l.i,."0 tojtlo) U .MmTicaii I'llltor. tlit v hok fiimbiiiitl ihhUt j one alphabetical arrangement, with Mich iUiistratHwts xn' hcconmia to HooHLite the j text. It gives an amount of matter about 10 iht iut HMrt' Uwh ApiSeion- Cchdi.i ( (price. In cloth. o trti. and 20 jierwHt more than .lonnotts t'yiioiNitlla irl'e ! trt in cloth). For the Kenenil reader it N MHdobtedl Hm Ik!. KmyrhijMilla ifr jniWi-lteil. J hateerthf pnee. Chnmbcrs Knnclopanlia, IS K Ibmo, mohI! t e. cMh.T . . iMstnp lo cent kt ol. Ainencan Aflditious. large t h 4 vol. K'ta o rhrtli. j'I . half Itiivsia. gilt top. o. l'ot.ige is cents ier oL 2 oN. issued : nl. s in pre. Diftc rklitiitiw ill lu. fmitiil u .lf.ulli Imliiw.tiiilU.. li fill ,itt r if f iltulMrs- Ahih- tons, Johnson-., and all other Cj elopnilw, omviH ih large t jk iiIHIoh of tlH' I Jbrarj of j tJnUersal Knowledge, fnuo wlm-h it K raiHplkil. Dnlers with eath recehtil by .Man-li 17. 1S81, were accepted at tne redueeu pnee or xi Mr me chhh, . mr iim? whi i.Hia. gin top, after which dale- the priee will Im inereitsed at the rate of cme-half eenl ewh day for the et in eloth. tliree-foMrth cvnt taeh da f- the et in li4l(lJHla, llt loji. Library of History. Milrnan. GibbodN BoiiH,Sols.. ektli.2; K)Mage 37ce)it. Half KhsnIsi. gilt U. $1; postage S2 cents Macaulaj's England, 3 ol..ckth, M 2t; Htage 21 oHls, Half Hhsmn. gilt top. ?2 .": postage 32 cents. KoIlinS Ancient History, 2 o).Ih I. iiihUii. rfotli. l 7S: half i:Hv.in, sjtrtiikled etlgc. ?2 2S ; postage 42 cents Creasj s Fifteen leeisi e ltattlc. f the World, ekdh. IS iits : iMtstup B ithIs. Half Kh- sla, gilt top. 70 cents : jMistage 7 eeuts. Froissait'sChroniele-. imK'rmloetat, 115 HlHst rat . elotli. SI Sn: ekdh. etragHt,gtit edges, $2 SO ; ixistagc 3S ecnts. Green's Larger ulstorj of the Kngiish lVojtk. 2 K, ekdh. -1 : MKja-e lit eeHt. Half Kitssia. gilt top, 2 . Kistage 24 vts. Grote's(;reece,4mls.. ekith, 2; jnistuge 32 ivHt. Half IHin( glt l. I; intajt SI cents. In press. Carlj le's French Heolution, cloth, 4 cents; jKistage 7 ceHts.. Half KnsiH. silt toi. S cents ; postage 12 cents. Ix I'KKPAitvrioN : MomuiscH's Itnme ; Masson" aail Guiot' Innce: Mearel's Ger many ; Schiller's Tliirt Years' War, Hist on of tm- United Mates, b mi HmhteHt His torian. Acme Library of Fiction. Filiform in e ami sk : Hmi 3lii.ikp. Uarda.sS cents, l'ostaec 7 cent-. Tom Brown at Kugby, .w cents. I'oMagee cents. George Eliot's Komo'la, sr cents. I"otHge 7 een. Don Ouivole, .V) cents. Postage i cents. Ining'a Kniekerhocker. SO cents. Ftngo c, cents. Coojicr's L:tst of the Mohiotis. 30 cents. Postage f cents. Charlotte Bronte's Jane E re, 35 cents. Postage 7 cents. Klugsiej's Il patia. zr$ cents. Postage 7 cents. In pre. Goethe's Wllhelm Meister, 40 cents. Postage 7 ceiit. In pre. Madame deSt.ieIVConime.S5 cents. Postage 7 cent. In pre. Mr, Mulock Craik's.Iolm Halifnv Gentleman. 35 cents. Postage 7 cent. Mr Walter Scott's I anhoe, 12iih. doth. SO cents. Pustage a ceii. Bulwer " Last Dajs of Pompeii. 12mo, cloth. So ifiits. Pustagc s cent. PltKrARlxe: Da kens' I)aid Copperfield, Tlwkeray's Neneoiue. Victor Unco's I.e Miserables. Jje vage' Gil Bias, .lean Paul Kiehter's Titan, George Maclbumld's Alee Forle. Charles Heade Iic me Little. Tho World's Croat Poets. Shakespeare, 3 wl., cloth. 1 .: stas:c 2s cent. Half Uitsin, gilt ti. is": iotage 42 cents. Tlie pnncijiHl i1hjs in ciarale immidilet, 3 cents each. Milton' Poetical Works, cloth, 40 cents ; iiostage 7 cents. Half Uiisw, gilt top, SO cent . lostage 10 cents. Dante, translated by Car, cktth, 30 cents ; jKistHge cents. Half Kussia, gilt top, CO cents , ixistagc 8 cents, Virgil, translated by Dry den, ckHh.JO cents; Hstage 6 cents. Half IJu-ia, gilt top, 00 cents : postage 8 cents. Toiic's Homer's Iliad, cloth, 30 cents , otagc 0 cents. Hair Kttvin, gilt top, Ci) cents ; io-t-age 8 cents. Pope's Homer' Odjysej, cloth, 50 cents ;iostagc c cents. Half Bus, gilt top.w cents postage b cents. Edwin Arnold's Light of Axia. extra ekith. St cents : oostaee 4 cent. Mr. HemanS l'oetical Works. large octa o, cloth, iw cent ; postage 13 cent. Half Inia. mrnmm iMISOELLANEOUS. Important to Travelers rglllK CNDEUMGNEn JL IKIIX! tO H'II is now put:- THROUGH TICKETS F1IOM TRANSPOTITATION LINES. Oregon Railv;ay & Navigation t'OMPAXY. ocr.A ir'isiox. Between San Francisco & Portland. Vitalises and Enri' ' e :!h!, 1aei up tho Syttir. ?i. h :h- V.tal; Strong-, i:uild i Joe lirwk : down, luxicor-tti"". tit.- Uralii. Ami -CURES Dyspepsia, ITervons Affeclioiis, Gen eral Debility, ITeuralgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Peniale Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and ALL DISEASES ORIGINATING til A CAD STAT1 OF THE BLOOD, OR ACC0HPAMED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. jopphci tSe blood twin i s Vital Prinrittlc, o. Llfo .Element, IKON, iniu in Mrongth VicnraiHlNcu-1 if uiu all p 'in f tin. item BEING 1REE FROM AI COHOl i t mot Jig dSccu arc not followed by vjtttjt - l ; i ' 30R, lu: are penmacnt. SETH W FOWLeTToN-- Prv.pr.-ic:,, rlirraoo Ac:cc, Bcstcn. bull by ill Druggisti t5SS5SSSS N 1S O., ...Ma 2Mb .nine 4 tu June 9th In eisciittenee of accident to the steam- fUfn?"a in at! Pnints: in tlirnnp I'"!' ate rf California, the follow ingsched rtblUltd IU dli rUIHl III turupeqr,,, ,rf sartlns d. of wean teaners ha XI wen nrrsilu'ed. to-wit .- .. ..... ,... 1 , L . r i r,- -. - la irnaiHi wiiiiroiio aim rii nii.-ni i -lib. f,JI.u lit" tirf - ln-.litus frtMii , n rk. ! Colunibht III fl. JsTAi: LIM'. (inm NATIONAL LIM ALIW LIM". ralilon j BED STAB, LINT. AMEBIC V LINK.! . ... ..... . i-r. 1 1 , .. :v- ... 'T.J1'. i cvmia i . UIHIinHl . V l . .nllrf. iirjiim , ... iy IHm mtie will be ghen of any further f t hange. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation1 i:wit i resenedio cimtege steamer or ailne da . Company. THKOI'GH TICKETS sold to alltheprin- River and Rail Division. itVVK s v ' -N ,s 'f I i.kwe Vni: r ivxi? rivxj Mny 20th. June loth vr. .nine au The new teaoer SOL'TH BKXB. JOHN BROWN M .TEK. Cofumhiu, Wiltamet and Yamhill Riucis. Will leae South lteinl for Ha;, Vtei-. 0.- tertiHcaml t!ichentl oTtlie IIa, t CtniiM-tms with N. Henm slagi lh- ami j steamer Gen. Cl at llwaco fr Atna. i l'EBRCABY 1. lt$l. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Pariicer lea inn Alorta on either f thiM daean sthrHgh to Sottth IHd in iwe da. For frehrht ami p jsi :iH at the ('(miwiiv oMee at Sith ItetuL itrllie Cap tain on iHKtnl. I.iaelHl btml fK- UtlOe. Wal la Walla. Umatilla tl up nr- r IWIIBta tona. Ka- lama. Tae gilt top, JK cents ; postage 13 cents. ju'i'ingai, an eic Blood O. XC. KNOW I.R.. CLA IS EI 2 Mitt PORTLAND. IUY ZIEBER & KfWWLES, Piopn'otois. Free coaeli to and from the hoHe. OtSTiiKDAiiA AwitlAN i on ilk' at Ihe Clarendon Hotel reading iumm. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. I not a cm till." it is a blood-piinfierand tonic Iinjmnty of the Mood NtIsinis the ss ti. derange the circulation, and thus in duces man disorder, known h different j names to distinguish them according to ef ki yuu.KK I fcets, lml being really branches or phases of ' that great generic dionler. Impurity of j-jr I Itlood. Siicli are lHitCtiH, HIUiOHMrx, ' " , Liivi 'ttHiiil4tiHt.('ntlintti0H. AVrtvrtw Dif tsv 'tt'tw I mhix. Jlctuhichr, ltnrhtiche, Ceucml H'rti. URj ,u- I hf . Uct I IHhai . l)nii"U. Kidney D'uac. MAIN STREET. - - - As'lORIA . i Jlrs. S. X. Arriswui. S'roprictor TV HE TRAVEL! G PI BL1C WILL FIND JL the Pioneei lii4 e.Ms nt t! icspects.and j a hate cf then pttroiiage is respectfully I solicited. Bgr"Board and lodging by tliedtn or week, t Fair Wind CoiYw Saloon I Ml- I CJESO. 22:OX7SEri WATER SiRLLT, SiORI . Net door lo l)i. Kinse'. CoMVe. Tea a:id t'liocolatc. with Cake, 10 Outs. Cho; CooLcti to Order. I'ine Wines, jjiciors and t'iais Of the Ihs bramls. H:iing just opened the aboxe establish ment we cordial' mule our friends and the public gcuenilh togixe iisalual. SO-ti FOARD EVANhON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Ovstftr Saloon. N MAIN STREirr. ASTOIM.V. milC CNDERSIGNICD IS PLEVSED TO JL announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepnied to furnish for them, in first class st le, and e ery M le, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE, TEA, ITC. AT THK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. P'tj.. Ilht iimtitixiH. Catm rh. .s'crofuJa. Skin Marnier, I'iinpUx. Clcer. SiccUiny, ve.. ' Ac. Jiinr of the Itlood prevents and . can's ibese b attacking tlie kihc. Impunt 'of the blood, (hemistsaud ph.xsici.uisagnv in calling it "the most genuine and efficient I preparation for the purpose." Sold b Drug gists. sl ier bottle. See testimonlHls. direc Imhis, c..in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases lot tlH Blood." wrapjiedanuiudearh bottle. U. L'ANM i.M. SON Co.. Projis. liutfalo.N.'V. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in HARD! ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, s aufl Steam Iters noem. bv Trumbull, cloth. TA ceHts: lmif Russia, tilt ton. 75 cents. rosiagc a cenis. Tasso's Jerusalem Delixercd. clHh. 40 cents ; jMsi.ige S cents. Half Russwi.gHl top, SOec-ut . lotage 12 cents. Library of Biography. Reminiscences of Thomas Carhk. Cktih, 30 cent : ixxdngc e cenl. Half Uwau. gilt top. X) cents; postage 0 cent. AcnieBiograph lirst Series. Twehe tamlanl IkmiL b great authors, lHmml in I oL, cloth. 5o cents , postage a cents. Half Russia, gilt top. ?l ; jio-tage 13 cents. Acme Biographj Second Series. Lhes of Chaiu'er, SM.nur, Milton. Cowper and Smithe. Five books in 1 ol.. cloth. 40 cents ; iwMiige 6 cenl. Half Rns-la, gilt lop. iu cent. postage 12 cenn. Acme Biograph Third Series. Iaesot DerM..lohHMHi.GnklsiHith.Scott and Thackeray, I'i 1 ol., cloth. 40 tvnls ; Hstage cents. Half Rukt.ill lop.oceiit ; iolge 12 cents. Plutarch' Live. 1 o, ckHli.oocent; jMistage ll ithI. Half i:nla.gilt top. SI 20; imst- :ige 14 cents. Ix)sslngS Eminent Ameneaiis, er Hjmhi raits. knli. 1 . otage l-'ci-nts. Half Ewssia, gilt top. SI M , iwistage 12 ctats Nearlv nad. i'n'paring:Snille l:nefi:ktgrHiHK',(,arljle')HerCroiHwell. anil 1'n-iN'rh-k the (Ireat. Religious Literature. Youngs Gnat Bible Concordance. I tA. quarto. Poimlar Edltkoi cents, nan icusMti, spnnkkil etiges, ia0. postage 37 iiirKey, marm eiises. si ; Hiagi' k: ecnts. Tlie New Testament-The new erkHi. Cloth, so cent; postage 7 cent Half Bttsia. gilt top, C9 cent ; Hslage 10 ecnts. Pall Turkex morocco, gilt edge. 51 25 : Mtage I cents. Will li. issued pmmiKly himhi its puMk'-atbHi in England. The New Testament King Fames crMon naiform n tk'wilh the ah.ne.at the same pnees. Tlie New Testament Hh two CrHtis. priutcil on ages facing, for commence n com- nanson. Cloth .'i0 cents, postage lo cents. Half Russia, gilt top. St; postage n cents. run turKC niorrrieo, gin eoges.i . ; jHtMitge is ceni ("elkie's I afe oi Chnst, cloth 50 cents . postage y cents. J I 13 cents Smith's Bible lik'tioimr. cloth, 0(vnls. Half Russia, sprinkled edge. 73 cents ; .postage 10 cents. KlttoV Cyclopedia of BiMical Literature, 2 xols.. Illustrated, ikdh, ?2. Half Ruia, gilt top, S3. Postage St cents. Worksof naxius.losephu. i l. quarto ekrth l .V). Half Russia. spHukletl edge. 2 W Pottage w cents chth. SU: lMta-e37 Scholars Hditkui. half ol-sraj Cnrcj fri'l ncvc- disappoint-,. Tio -worlw'u c-cat P.i'a Rolicvor for Bian nd Saast. Cheap, nuicis and reliable. PI i'CIIEIi'S C VSTOIA is not Narcotic. Cliiltlrcn jjrov fat iii)on, mothers Iil.e, ami Physicians vcco:n:uo:il CASTOKTA. It vo-ulatc-lac IJowcIs, cures AViatl CVIle, a!!as IVerisliss, aatl Ie-.siro-.s, Vi'ortiis. :or London Direct. The nmlerigned hae i.mk r charter a nrt I:i Al Iron i.arqne IMiail Tu.JWe. ItIuiJ Fri. I Sat. I 1AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM AM AM kAJI SAM SAM SAM, . SAM PAXt JAM SA31 GAM AM b AM 6 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM am . S am . Sam .... 5am Due at ASTORI V earl in Max. which wilt be p it on I rlh to load for L0ND0ND!RECT, In lH TO SI IT S1HTPEE.S will be lak it .it KILVMOIVAISLS ItATSS. For FREIGHT and other iKirticuiar. i 1'H I" l rtx. cin::4ii a Co.. ! Cir. Front ami A-4t Street. Portlaml. Oregon. Vwra.New X'ei"tr f'.thlawt. Kmf x iw, it ka moka- wa. Krk- aM X estKt f 1 1 1 OB. Kb ajpa. PlMtM .. i sa4tiN aiHl mlenatJi- a4MHit PaiMrf on Snalio Kivr CKNRUAI, OFFICES : j Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MCRAKEN &Co.. Agents Mate of California. A. li. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co .JOHN ML'IR. Gem-nil Freight and r.issenger agent. T.F.OAKES, Vice President and Manager Yacht Blue Skin. Chpiier Imllt. copier fastenol. dotiole mat xessel. Ik's at Cae"s wharf. Read to n eeive passengers, freight or e eiir'ii itames to all ncirts of the CtiiiiinlMarixeraiMl xkmi-c t). Charges nrtxlerate. . iJ For further rteul.irsini'iire ei ,h Ini Rogers. ( -nt nil Mi-k t Or of ( VPT M)I).s. M iti ninl owm r rs: Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. llvaco Steam Navigation Go 7yjL Until farther notico tho Ilwaco -rsfi-- Stein Naxigation Co's steamer GENERAL CASBY, W II ITC0M B MASTER Will leavo Astona on lloxd.i, Tnesdajs, anil Saturdays, AtQA.M., Fridays at u I-t A. 31.. and 1 P. 31. Port Met ens. Fort Inuhj, ami llxiac Conneting with .. A. Loomis'atages for 0yt tarrille ami Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday'. Pare to Fort Stexens . ...... 50cts " " Canby and II waco. . . $lco iwllwaeo freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over. Sj uo per ton. rtFor Tickets. Towaso or Charter apply either at tho office of tho Com puny, Grny'a wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captaia on boMrd. J. II. D.GRAY. Aeont. llTc-MriAi i'o" IlLiyUHLLO V,i VX . -s r - Tr - T-, -r-i r &&wKvc&? uregfon cm uaniornia i..k Uo Half Russia, gill top, St ; po-tagc Literature Miscellaneous. 2 ; Httage25 ceHts. Half Chambers' CiIopa'diu of Etigllh iJleratHre, xol. ih4, eIoth,S2; Russia, gilt top. St , luislage ,Vi cents. Acme Libniry of Modem Classh-s-Hrt Senu. k-ar of Wakellekl. Rasslas. Plechua. Paul and irgiuia, I inline ami the Two CaidaiHs, m l ol cloth. Id ccius : postage 7 cents. Half Russia, gilt top, o cents , jnistage cents. Maeaulas Complete Esas and Pik'mis.34s.. ckKh! Jo, half Russia, gilt top, 2 70 postageno ceuts, Tlie Koran of Mohammed, translated bx Sale. Cloth, ru cents ; iotage ." cent. Half Rus sia, gin, lop, tj cenis : KtsiageK ceni. SS2SES25t5" SfSS "WEI DS MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, n Coastitntionnl Antidote for tliit. icrriblo ciala dy lr Alsorptiou. TLo most Important Discovery sinco Vac cination. Otlicr ronioilice may rcliovo CatarrL, ttis euros at any stago tofoi-o Consumption sots in. Please gix e me a call. RObCOE DIXON, Proprietor (-. 1C .TAOKIXS. J. A. MONTOOMKItV. Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TlH AHD COPPER, 3Sxq:k;:e;e:55. STOVE AND TiN STORE Sole Agents for tlie Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA, - OREGON. GER5IANIA BEER HALL AN'D BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Oekxamus Stkkct. Astoiua. TIicBcst ot ldigcvS Cls. a Glass Orders for the iia mum IBDELbJJHL Left at tills place xvill be promptly attend ed to. 3fNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOOK, Proprietor. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen emplocd. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand. Americau Patriotism : Famous Orations ami Patriotic l"aper. fnuu Washington to Lincoln. Cloth, 50 cents; iiostage b cents. Hair Russia. gilt top.M : postage 12 cents. , TTieCholceof IkMiks, b Charles F. Richardson. Extra ckdh.2. cents: postage 4 cent. Chean naner edition. ri cents : lHKiaee frep. The alost Sncccssinl Kemedy ever j diMOxered.tLs iicrtain in itsefietis and din's not Mister Io i (s Rent for banian Ikli. Read proof Ih km. FrOm a Prominent Physician. iOaaa alter 0et.U,lSS0, trains willmn as M- I Waslnngtonxille, Ohm. June 17. 1S50. 1 Di:. B..L Kfmu.S.('o., tieiits Reml mg Hir .-Mhertisi itient m Turf. Field ami j Kann.of KeiMl.ilFSttin Cure, and iMxing a xalualrie ami sieedx Horse wlmli had been lame fnmi skixiii eighteen months. I sent to iui for a liottlc b express, which Hi six week reinoxed alflaim'wvs and enlarge ment and a large splint fnun amKher hoc. and iHtth lHires are to-da a mhiihI :w colt. low. DAILV. (Except Sundays), FISTSIDB DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. jrnr tr.i LEAVE. ARRIVE. Porttaml 7: A. M.IRoscburR 7:00 P. M UoMhar? 3:00 A. M.U'ortland 4ri")P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE, WAR IS UECL.VRED WITHOUT FntTIIER XOTICJE And no terms of peace until ex ery man in Astoria has a new suit of clothes aTAWK BV .TIEAXY. Mi ings, ny Autlior of pamowgra.ss Paiiers. Cloth. 3 cent . ixistagc fi cents. ihe Lserul Dictionan ot Ihe English taugmtge. Bx P. A. Nuttnll. Contains nearl one half as much as Webster's Unabridged. CkMh. M cents ; half Russia, gilt top, SI 2T : mist- , age 14 cents. Pictorial Hand lexicon. Oxer 2'MAMwimls and 2,70 Engraxing. Cloth, 17 cent, postage 4 cents. i jmiigssikeicu nook. noui,.T cent; Hstage c cent. Han Ruaa, gilt lop, 70 cents; postage 3 cents. Tlie Art of Beautif ing Sulmtlmu Home Grounds. Illustraled hv apwanl of Two Hundred riaiesanu tngnixing. i;y h rank. I. Scott. Ckrth, extra, price reduced fmm .b to Sx Postage s cents. Juvenile Classics. Buttyan';. Pilgnm's Pmgress. Illustrated. Cloth, 49 cents . jKistap" 7 cents. Xew edit km March 19. The Arabian Nights. Illustrated. Cloth, 40 cents. Postage S cents. BobiiLson Crusoe. Illustrated. Cloth. 40 cents. Postage 7 cents. Bamn Munchausen, and Gnllix er's Trax el, 2 In t x oi. llliistrateil. CTolh. to cents : postage 8 tents. The Book of Tables. Bx otsop and other. Illustrated. Cloth 40 icnts. Postage 7 cents. Cecil's Books of at unil HKtorx.Sxols. In 1. Illustrated. Cloth, SI. Postage 11 cents. Stories and Ballads. By Ellen Tracy Akleu. Illustrated. Cloth, so cents. T'tHnge? cents. Revolution Pamphlets. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Literary Ecxolutioii Curiosities, all in brexler or larger type. Macaulay's Life of Frederick the Great. Foraier prices St 25. Price cent. Carl le's Life or Robert Bums. Former Price Si 35. Price 3 cent. Light of Asia. B v Ed w in Arnold. Fonner pnee St so. Price 5 cents. Thomes Hughe's Manliness of Christ. Fonner jirice Si. Prices cents. Mary Queen or Scott's Lire. By Lamartinc. Fonner price l 25. Price cents. Vicar or Wakefield. By Olixcr Goldsmith. Prices cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's 1'rogres.s. lrice 6 cents. Vicar of Wakefield, by Oltxer Goldsmith. Price 3 cents. The Library Magazine Of American and Forcigii Thought. lake the old ami excellent Uttcl's LixiugAgc ami Electric Magazine, without tlie fiction and light literature (and with Americau tmmsht added), at one-fourth their price, and exerx number a hound xoltune. Vol. I. to VtL, oxer 4,003 pages, in cloth, for S3 28; in hair Russia, gilt top, Tor S4 w. The Astorian Agency of the American Book Exchange. Vstona. Oregon. D. C. IRELAND, Manager. RFffiftafrragS riu; ihh- liotilo was worth lo im- oik- hundred pOTthBd ..1:00 P. M.l Lcbanon9.20 P. M iliJIar. la-spt-etrnl Ix r; Ltlmnon.-. I:H A.M. Portland10:0iA.M 11. A. I.I'.UTOLr U,M D. rnclOUTTDAIMC! KEHDALL'S SPAViN CURE SJK Jyok at the prices : Pants to order from -Pants. Genuine French Cassimere -Suits from ------ $8 00 12 K) 25 00 Tlie finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P.J.MEANY, Slain street, opiwsite rarker House. Astona. SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST OUALITY, WILL BE SOLD by the hundred, or by tho box, printed or plain, to suit customers, at The A8T0BUX oSce, C. H. STOCKTON, otjcse, sign AND -CARRIAGE PAINTER - THE ASTORIA i ! Photograph. Gallery CARD SIZE l'HOTOCRAPIIS, S2 30 I'er Dozen. CABIXKTSIZE IIIOTO"RAl'IIS S4 OO Per Dozen. rpecial rates for families. PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A M'KCIALTV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. srShon next door to Astorian Office, in Shustert ouUdlng. OPILES. The undersigned Ls prepared to furnish a law number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES. Colombia city INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYiEK, AND THE AFFLICTED EVSRYVKERE. THE GREATEST E9EDIGAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE, SYK1PTOW5S OF A THPSO LISRa TjOss of appetite,ITausea.bo,ela costive, gain in theHead,xyitha"rinfgen8ition m EHeback partTain under the ahnulder BlaHe. fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion ofbKly or mind. Irritability ftemperriiow- 8pints.Ios ofmernory, xvitfcafeeungof fcavlnKiiep lected some duty, xvearinosa, Dizz:ne, fluttering of the ggart, TJots betore tea oyesT Y ollox? S. H eadache. iioatii." -ness at nigfit, hisblF colored Urine. LT THZSE"WAEHIKGS ARE ITHEEED2S, SERIOUS DISEASES WHI SOON EE DEYELGPED. TUTTS PILLS aro especially adapted to BJicirens.-s,uie dose effects sucbachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appctltcpmlcauvth tKKlv to Tatie on Flesli. thus the stvn Is nourIwneiI.aniIbvtiii.rxonicAciioaoatia Ulseitt I v Orcnns !teclar.Slooli are pro duced Price S cents. 33 Jlnrrn iti ..: . FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlaml :!."" A. M.l Junction 0:00 P. M Junction.. -- 5:f A. M.U'ortland 5:23 F. M TheOreson anil California Railroad rerry make conaeetion with all RcxularTraina on Harrisimnr. Pa.. Nox I, lsi. Di: B .1. Ivfmixi 1.&.C0.. t.ents I liaxe a xerx tine mare that has had a Ihhic spaxm lor a long iiiik. 1 truii exerv uiuij: man , iA,i-ta. i;,;;..n cuikl dexiM' to nm'Ii but all m x am and' was alatiit to gixe it up when a fnend of, wkstsidk mvistov. mine in tin tity i.ime to me and reiom- , .. , , ,. n, inemkil KeiidallNSpaxiiiCnrewhK'liItrietl1 J ro lrtlnml lo CornlllH. with grand n-siilt. remoxing th it bone clear xxi. tkxix and clean ami Hmmi I sent 23 cent to xou for , LEAVE. ARRIVE. one or xmir illustrated Horse Books audi , Portlaml :IM A. M.ICorvalhs ...:':00P, think then' is no net! c r hook printed on the Corxallii f:.!0 A. M.U'ortland :J:20,P, lmrse ana nt uiMjases. 1 mix e lawen greai , q eOBneeions aro made at ROSEBURG interest in it and haxe since sold Is coiats ;,i, ti;f8Bc f thoOrcon ind California rorxoutomx neighlMirs and will try ami do vuLcSmmbt taiuornia what gmid I ran le getting tlR-ni fw tlier. - icket3forSaIetoallthoprincipalpoints ourstnii. (.. W.MILLEL. jn California andthoat, at tho Company's I Lrsmn! ic cdaijm PHDfT ornee. i nt.iiurt-L. o ornwiH uunu I OAuijiAAri..i c :iii T. -,! v,.:,a ,.:. Bakersneld. x t.. Dee.. 21, 17'. 1 ng atCompanvs Warehouse over 21 hours. B. .1. Kjvuxil &, Co.. (.nils I wish to Fri:ht will not ho rcceix'edfor shipment aim in lesiiniiHi ini.txoroi xoiiroixaiiiaoie after 3 o'clock I. M. onast?ido Division. minneiii.-iveiHMiit uxin vunv 111 me ami So'cIoekP.M.on x Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn si I k "SR.XX ITAtnorWniRXFas changed io-'"- llun 7Z bv a inMl j.pik:ionef 11.1 D . tnpans k natural culor, .w-ts Insvant ,ara-. -Kldl.rruB?i H.fr.rtti v. jt f . i it Office, 35 Murray St., Kew Yorit CDr-TnTH SAXril. rVlMMr ialrrsal'-k l t CU IWfrlp: wHI I mtLsl KLk m MlTala i J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale ami retail deafer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc General storage and Wlmrfase on reason able terms, iootof Benton street. Astoria' Oregon. spring or 152 I hpied on the ice ami I sprained m right limb at I Ik- knee joint. 1 1 xxa xerx lame amt ai iiiih suaereii ine i most exenti'tatuig Mill. I wore a land.ige( mi it hir ox era ear. and trkd most ercrx- thmg in mx reatii.lHit nmld fiml nothing that would gixe me iieniinncnt n-lk-f. Wlteu I ox'erwnrked. it would ivain iih xery miH'h. In Anril 1STS I lat;au to think I should le a cripine for life , hut hax ing ome of "Ken- oftside JJiviaion. ,T. BRANDT. Jr.. Gen'l Sun't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. Tlie Steamer SAftXET. dall's ipax in Cnn" thouglit I would try it. L. xv ,,,.,. 1 used om thinl of a lMttle. ami experienced 5 - " ' ''X-hi.i., PIASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rixt ciy Frklax and Knappa ex ery Tuesda. n-hef at once. The imiii k ft me and lias not ' tnmlHiMl nu- suae. I feel xer srateful to exi Hi:iiidwmikln'eimieiid;KemlalI's.)ttx.n Th' Magnet Is reatlx Tor charter to any Cure to all who siitfer xxlth sprain or rheu- , .uMiit on the Ikix ih. Aourstnilx, Mil. .1. BotTXLl. For frehfht of 1 matism. Kendalls Spavin (Jure Is sure In its efTects, mild 111 its action as it' does not blister, and et it is iwiietratmg , and iiowertul to reaeh any deep seated pain or to remove anx Immix growth or any other' enlargement, it used lor sex eral daxs, such as spaxins. splint, curbs, c:illon, "sprains, I swellings, an lameness and all enlargements 01 tne joints or iimos. or rneuaiaiism 111 man and Tor an pttnoe Tor xx Inch a liniment 1 iL-cdfonnan or beast. It Lsnoxv known to be the best liniment for man ex er used, act ing mild ami xet certain in its effects. It is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons or the ear. Send addres for llliistrateil circular, which we think gixes positix e proof or itsxirtnes. No reined has ever met with such unquali fied success, to our knowledge, for beast as xx ell as man. Price Si per bottle, or six: bottles Tor 35 ALL DRUGGISTS haxe it or can get It for xoti. or It will be sent, to any address on re ceipt of priee by the proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enoshurgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For freight or pa.age apply on board or at r W Cases. " Astoria anil H.nappton, Regular Mail and Passenger Steamer ROSKTTA. W. WAVE ca-WIll leax return daily. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter xx hicli enables her to cany xxood or freight o! any kind. t&e For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Case's store. MASTER Knappton for Astoria and Have You a Horse? If so, YOU 3IUST NOT FAIL TO GET Kkx PALI.S TltKATISK OX THE HORSF, It fa worth ten times its cost to ex ery one hax--ig a horse or a team. Its cost Is but 25 cents and xxlll he sent postpaid on receipt of price, and the money xxlll be refnndedto any xvho do not think it worth its price. Address : THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. i