if?. S-r tt) gTxc Sntts 5t0vUxtu ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. june.-.. iss: D.C.IKLLAM) .F.dlfor. Ros Rtir Rumble IJce. Yestordny a 1uhi11'1)(m strange visitor to In in tin ity; buzzed :icross the-. face of. a whv fmvr on the street, hrinirinjr with him mit restions of th" incwlow,. lie was not an humble "ew: th iv -v'ns not a trace of humility. in his deportment he was n bumble bee. with a capi tal B, and don't you forget it. Tin bumble bee is the verv tvne of the .summer loiterer. J'le does not work himself to death, like the little busy bee that doth improve each shining hour. Jle loafs and invites his soul; the dear old blundering awkward reveller. The very smell of him is surrestive of the weedy banks of a favorite trout stream. a here thistles if row, and fat flowers hide under rank leaves or broad stretches of red clover,or blossoms of sweet pea vines. Who would irt swap two days of weary hard worked city life to be a bumble bee for one day in the meadows of farmer Gray for in stance, alonir the classic shades of KlaskanieV 1 Tow jolly it would be to liifht on the red topped clover that bends down undei the weight and clasp it ti"ht with those bristly fuzzy leifs, and dip down into the nectaries, taking1 no refusnl,wallow-ino-and stumbling around on it, get ting gold-dusted with the pollen. The bumble bee is your true epi cure: but he always pretends to be engaged on business of importance. His buzz, even when he is on u pro tracted loaf, is worse than that of a Chinese dragon kite in a windy day, and makes you think that he is as busy as one of Bain & Co.s planters with a few circular saws thrown in. If you take a blade of grass and push him gently when he is on a thistle bloom, he will kick at you and go on feeding. A honey bee would be off like a shot, but Mr. Bumble gives a shrug of impatience and burrows angrily down in the blossom, as much as to say: (), go "way from here with your foolish feolish foelish ness: Pin busy! for it is in the na ture of this insect to think that he is busy when he is eating. Perhaps he is right, some businessmen have the same opinion. Then' is a great deal of human nature in a bumble bee. Honey bees fly st raight front place to placi : hence the phrase, bee-line. But n bumble bee nev-r seems to be going anywhere in par ticular. Sometimes lie Hies lazilv sideways 01 backward. Jind goes tumbling atound all day. His chief amusement is in aggravating drow sy dogs like Sam and Brick. lie will buzz around just close enough to make a dog giveoi languid snap or keep one eye open and twitch his upper lip. It is impossible for the bumble bee to conceal his ma licious pleasure in ihis cruel amuse ment. In fact the interesting'crea ture suggest in every way the pleas ures of country life to jnded city folk, its drowsy aimless drift; the open air, the hedges, the meadows, no steamer davs no collection days, no business days, no shipping, nor marketing, only long naps in the middle of the day, buds of mint in a tumbler with a stick and a straw, a shimmer of heat along dusty roads, the smell of blossoms, new mown hay, the old horse nibbling grass in the fence corners, the quarrelsome setting hen, the king-ftsherllying up the creek, the wood-pecker tap ping the dead limb; and a thousand other visions arise at the sight and smell of a bumble bee buzzing on the streets of the city. What an advertisement a few of them would be for our summering resorts, let loose on the streets of Portland, we offer this as a suggestion for mine hosts Megler & Wright, of the ne plus ultra Occident, Stanley, et al. We find this in the. Oregonian of yesterday: ''This paper cannot permit itself to be made the in strument of indecent attack on men, either in public or pmate capacity, by persons who would like to conceal their own names." Referring to the ''authoritative way" Hon. Theophilus French ad dresses country editors on the Cas cade branch business, the Orego nian remarks that Mr. French is not "the government," but only an accounting clerk of a bureau, whose utterances carry about as little authority as those of any one of his teji or twenty thousand fel. low clerks in the service of he govern ment. Gen. Grant Returning:. A New Orleans dispatch of the iedsavs: Gen. Grant is srreatlv irritated over the Conkling affair and eagerly reads all dispatches, lie says that Conkling has been shamefully treated and should be re-elected to the senate. 1 It thinks . that newspaper abtibe of Conkling is instigated uv w lute nonsei influences, but not by Gar-; field. He reaffirms his letter to i ! Senator Jones of Nevada, but will take no hand in the fight, lie pronounced Governor Youngs statement of his connection with the United States national bank and the marine bank as false, and says that there is no truth in the story about lost jewelry. His mission to Mexico was also highly successful. He got the conces sions wanted, the only opposition being ftom rival subsidized rail roads. General Grant will go to St. Louis, Galena and Chicago after leaving here. No change in the New York senatorial fight. Beccher seems to have forgotten his agreement with Conkling, that if ever there was a time now is the time for such men to "stand in together." Another crazy son of a gun named Elijah Sterling,' claiming to be the son of God, attacked his wife and son with an axatCris- field, N. J., on Friday. The son escaped, but the wife was fatally hurt. The will of the late Thomas A. Scott contains one sensible clause long omitted from such docu ments. It provides that no in ventory ov account of the estate shall be filed in any public office. This thing of exposing the private pecuniary affairs of a man, after his death, is lacking in sound sense for its support. A special meeting of the com mon council will be held to-morrow evening for the purpose of devising some plan or arrangement by which Water street (so called) and a portion of Squemoqha street, may be improved. If property holders and others interested would attend this meeting, it seems to us some definite plan could be agreed upon. Warrantee ileitis al Tin: Asti:i.x oflieo. For the genuine .1. II. ("utter old Honilxui. aitiitlic best of wines. liquors ami .Sail Francisco beer, call at llu'tU'iii, oiiM)-ili' llit bell low it. ninl see Camp bell. NEW TO-DAY. Piles for Sale. -1 Mi. A. P.. Mi'Millmi J pi'iiir-l l fHiiiKh Fir or Hemlock Piles in any wiorxlr to oi:ui:k. ami on siiokt Xlffiri". Ix'.-m onk'tsit tlic ttro of Treiirlmril & rpsliur. AMoriu. I Or aidnSN A. K. Mc.MILLAN. Oliiev. Offgon. WELCH HILL WATER WORKS l-"nniNlt ptitc m'imxh wati:k toimtnms. Custom Solicited, l'iH'saiiilKtiural uatiT PUiiresron- stanth on lmtul. rlunibuii' at rta sonalik' rate. Ollice un AVt"t- Kmlttli slrci-l near O. K. & N. Cos uluirf. .IAS. W. WEIXJH, Acent. A-torla, Oregon Hemy AlinMi. lli'iir Tioljni. T.VJInrslel. GIHPAGO BRBWBRY, Henry Ahrens & Co.. Proprietors, 1420 lo I44 IMne Street. SAX FItA':iSCO. rnins ni:i:vi:nY is the most popu- JL htronllie I'oast, and have staliUshel a linincli 111 this citv and is under the manage ment of .r.STItArsS, who will le pleased to fill an nnlerfmm a dozen Ixittles up to a thousand liarreK TliN beer needs no rec oiiimetulation, as those usini; it onee neerusean other. Orders left at Hie Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster'.s will be unmiptlj attended to. All onlers from a distance will reeehe prompt attention. Families supiilied with tliis excellent quali ty of beer. J. STK.U'SS. Agent, Watei street, next doorto Isaac Foster's-, Astoria. Oregon. I1LANK JOOKS PRINTED AND BOIWD TO ANl" SIZg, L and ruled to any order, at The Ahtceii office. m Z- 1 ...5S KZV&ir j3- r-:-2Kp&i. r -va.swg7 MISCELLANEOUS. IWMEME.M 1 TIM - WHITE wamwiw To ihhKc WHrtii nr:iii iiHimtii'liK'k lsMM,- tliat mh arrh lug b ii'r tcsiMr. I Hill m-11 r..r the NEXT THIRTY DAYS -AT Greatly Reduced Prices ! My itttiiv Miwk. (NtinpriiHc; ibc lnleM Mylcs or - Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Chililrens Shoes and Slippers Al: A ceMn.irn: link or MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTH I" NG FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Rlioes, ETC. ETC. ETC P.efore )ittri'liHiiif or ;1, rtM-wHon cull in and fvniniiii' ih swkK mh1 irivr.. hs it will iy irti wHl for ir Irwrt'. S. SCHLUSSEL, "WHITE HOUSE STORE, Ciinior Main and Clu'iiamnNMni'lo. ASTORIA, OREGON. BAHKIHG AND 1HSURAHGE. I. W. CASE. BROKER, BANKER NI INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - OREdON OFFICE HOURS: FROM. S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Hoe Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HnrciiTON. Ciias. U.STOin... (jko. 1 Stokv- . ..PresHleHt SecreJary .Agent for Ogon Capital paid up 111 I . S. gold coin S 300 000 PO I. W CASIi Agent, Cheuanius strti't. Astoria. Ori'gon. 667,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND 3IERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representim; a capital of s07.000.(K)0. A. VAX DUSEX. Asent. Commercial Union Assnrancs Co. OF LONDON. Capital. - ' - 512.500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. IOHX RAH HAMILTON', Manner. 210 SaiiMtme St.. San rraiK-iseti. :. W. 11 L'ME, Asent, Astoria. Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST M VKIXE I'.KAXCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. OK LOXHOX. Capital, 512,500.000. The undersigned are preiurred to ISSUE 1'OIiICIF.S To eover shipments of SAIAIOX or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMEU from Columbia Klver lo DOMESTIC OK l'OKEIOX TOUTS. Onlers by MAIL or WIltE promptly at tended to sibsox, 'iiritcir & :o., Cr. Front and -Vsli Streets, rortland, Oregon For Port Townsend. Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying IT. S. 3Inil. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave rortlnnd for Ihe alMe jntrts from Flander's Dock Xo freisht for Alaska taken after 12 oYiock Hie day previous to departure. For FrelRlit or Passage apjtlvlo En. a HUGHES. Purser. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For. sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or rortland by It AliFOlIIt. UTIIItlE A Co. Mf Portlaud, Oregon. 'Warranty deeds, quit claim deeds and mortgages, for sale at thlsofliee. HOU.qo xso-i am nxisojao usrxuo:) III ODIJUDUS ;tIOJx Alii JOJ lllO fOO 03iVY 1X0J S J UAVOJ, III 0S110JJ OOl.TJ OUQ isoduaiiQ Ol 'HSKXLS VI XH ( )tfTrI Y ) S3DLIfJ ODSptlU-U UUg U fpS URD 3H4 EUOlsy III 3S110l AUO Olll SI Slip J3CUiaiU3 WOuqjucfoQ Simpo UI ouimuxo spoo ssup is: 13j pui; Aauoui oars oi iuea iioa ji odiiou os;:od timunpuoQ 'S3DIJJ ODSIOtnU.J uuc; yp. sippjAV Pul! sIS isaHi'Hvaaa aons an? 2,00s lie s-i i:i.i :noi 1 1m111 1 i. 's.IOAYOJjT 1(0110.1$ 'SJ- 01U1UI.I)U rj SOJcluiUg IJJJ pOIUIUUJ, 1(0110.1$ .Ajouiru spooQ ajouijit jo oui ottij v. poAionoj isnf pjuA 1; sid ?i 1110.1J 'ipreui o; sSuiiuuiui tpiA sapmjsjp; uj s'o.ioniisiif) )uv ;s'opi?oo.ic ;socli.ig 'spn?lcT m sc:mhi .i-.ia:i :iiii iijiu i:im mkl m 'issasiwrssm saoos ssasa: imo ion jo Anq oi ijsiav no.v JDtpDijAv sn.oj) t:i s.ijAis .mo nuium -xo noA oaih oi ojnsuDd v. ii puij piiuti 111 .renq saipirf HAx.0,1, 111 o.ung .ioicjo v. mn ss'Oj -pio;) .iod c- sooijj; w smojoo pur. sojas y. ui fS!) wpv fSupiiV (s,-I1?010 ,,s?(h!-lAV n'inii(0(j 'snjis iiiojojjip ol- nso i snipirj zoq oog :iiik'v:ij: ji;n :i;n - s.irisf .muiuinc; soipirj gz - poiiiiuui Apuiospin:t uoui 'aai:di lui.vD 'siinc; uour in .won aiojiiuo iiiipnuiog 09 91 Z O? Z - - 'nuij uiX3 'pDssoquin 'sijnt; unurj saipuq rci - 'sonnul z 4po.iopiojqiun 'sijnc; unuri soipi!- 95 rsnnnifl t" pnimuiJi omospumj 'siinc; unurj snipirj 06 "SCaCSCAA JSEECJNEirX aOLT.10 iTiSOd SiTilSOcTJO W5LSMOD iMAVOiL MI .LRTcIVHIIO HH.L 3ET3SRL BsXX3STElT.AKXT)T & FERCI1EN, ASTOIMA. OUKCON. S3"iv BRICK LAYER! 1MAIX AM) OKWMENTAI. DP XjfiL S T E2 H.3E3 DEL . w. , ,,e, .,,. r - . Watvlmiise. TiniI of lU-nton Stn-et. promptly attended to. - Ul&L fU5,tHliHl0:lu.niioii nnhl to Funutee niirk and Itances. Citem wtirk wnminted rikmI ange' or no iav. e"Auent San J nan and Xeu Taeoina Lime. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On Ihe Roadway, opposite the Oregon Kali way and Xaiation CoV wharf. The choicest brands of foreign ami domestic ixks.iaWoi:saxi ci;aks. c-JJest C'hieaso Iteer.-?Tn IV PHOTO AND FERROTYPE S. P.. CROW, - - PROPRIETOR Opposite Ejiiscoiial Church. SiiirinMiln Si.. Is now prepared to TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS Of all kinds and in the latest stles. Copyinjraud EiiIarsinKPieluresinOHCra- J on. India Ink and Water Colors. ' All Kinds and sizes of Tin Tyjies i WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and Ci.cnamus Street. icTAitri nnBPft nKxi.ru ix CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebnitetl JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS titnUINL tnULIbrl UUILLKThiateiiH lAddk-. AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0Lh ... ,. . ,, and other English Cutlery. cp jol T'm'r&TrT:'WLT 3s- -. - - JC--TK. X i FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Watrlien and .Tcwclry, fuzzlc ami Itreceh Iioadins; Shot Guns and , ItKIex. Itevolvers. PIstolN. ! and Ainmnnition MAitixn Ei ASSES. AI-JO A FIXE Assortment or fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. tflBSft, juauujEcfod Suitpoj3 ts sl VS IP- lP!AV ppoig s AJfroiHA. - OKCCON. iTho Only 3Iacliiiu Shop """"- .ggp AndtlH-lMsj -.Ut I.M1 III ft! SIIOFX , In the til ; aii kinds nt : ENGINE, 0AHNERY, j -am - ..- n .. . - 1 STEAMBOAT W0SK j .Tompatlended ,., I A lH-cwll5 mad- of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHIXESHOP. XEAi: KIXXEV'S AS I TOUIA FISHEUV. THE DEW DROP INN ! Ii. lUhermeii. all hear the good news ' A Hue s,iUhhi is started with IhM of Liquors. Wines and Beer, AXD FIXE FREE LVXCII I'XOl ARDED. The Grandest t'avlar ami Cheese, IX SAXnW.C.1 THICK AXD TIIIX And will vou siMMid a nlensaut hour, droit in at tlie DEW DROP IN hi CmieumU street 'oncoml .I.T.P.ORCHERS, Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will leae the Occident llt-l ami P.txeS Alk'it's cnnT at Six O'clock A. H., Daily, l And each alternate lMtnr tlwriaftcr. WiI1 , L u T f Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. NUiinla) nlclits will nm later to act-ommo- Theaovcwnn.e Hie siatktiis rursmrtlnt;. hut tlu-s line li:is Ihmmi cstabltshed for the 1 accommodation .f the iwhlle.aiul will carry ! iwsx'". lHteor freisht. to any pnrt 0f oRhcr city that Is wcesil4eto tenia-. j ,,ARlis.-Tkkets ill Ik. s,Jd at n' rate iSgPtSISl!,,,r lriU I5H"atf "i-- , . I u. i:rTI.EK. jrnunpcr. -Vna. Mny - IK Take Notice. , John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the hot rpmlity, And u now roadv to supply Butcher Cau neries and all other, cheap for cash. IKCs&. T a&imczastZxjii -- y c I MONTHS FOR THE WEEKLY -i... - X. -. ,-M, A K T ffl H I A W 1 1 n " I VTK IV ILL sKND THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN TO ANY ADDKESS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1'itac iiil In h-.. For the Balance of the Current Year, Al thcahmrntlc (.':tli ih ailruurc. HNT miiaV ACCKlTAXfK if THIS OFFKI.. TITE ASTORIAN", iDAILV AND WHKKIA'i TS .RESPECTED AND COMMENDED PY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER VOi: THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCII.VNT, I.1IS.V .ISTOISTAX TKKIIS: BY MAIL. fosTi:r kkkk ro am. ;i ivs,-rikkiw:. DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS rsT-Sniiiple copies r either etlitH.H to ml Addns.s i5r Post master are authorized to act a THE A STORE AN STEAM PE INT I NG HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AXD UEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LA TEST STYLES. Cards. Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. TIN: EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA LA&ER I SI l'KKlOK TO MOST. AND Is KXfKl.l.FP IJY NONC OX THIS COAST JOHN HA11K, - - PROP&IETOR GHEIVTAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. iMTOnters. left at the GEKMAXIA BEEi: HALL . be promptly attended to.ft U! 0 Hi DEALEKS IX SHIP OHAWhBB V PROVISIONS, IBOjY, STEEL, GOAL, Builders General! HARDARE,: tvr a -rr2 .." .i a. m . nr j p A f NTS. OILS. ETC. I I oecv of the Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, ETear Olney,. astoria oi:eox c i.kixknwki:ki:. hii:am m:ov.v KrAi:t.isiiKD l?K. LeilieilWeber & CO., ASTOKIA, OREtSOX, TAMERS MB CURRIERS, Manufacturers and Importers id A LI. KINDS OF IX. AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW 17 H J JrYVMJ J:llJlJJ . MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES rtWlUjjIiest cash price paid fqrj Hides and Tallow. CLEANING- and REPAIRING XEAT. CHEAP AXD QUICK. BY (;r.oiJ(;r- joaett. Chenamus Sr., ue.t Nicholas' Barber Shop. O i du flLA. i COMMERCIAL MAX, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. S9 00 .. 3 00 I. V. IKEI.A.VD, Publisher, Astoria, Oregon , utc His for T11 k Astohiax. BREWERY k DPSIIBR!8- glaser & co., Successors to F. Sherman & Co.) MAIN STREET. - ASTORIA. OREOOX, Is prepared to suppl) 1 1 I X' rUblLUtJei. JTU1K. 'IULULIUUi VCU.1i meats, Poultry, Cnme, Ete. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUTLIF.D AT I.OAVEST KATES. SFresh saitsagesof all kinds made three times a week or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of tahle stock constantly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTTER, CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, (FISH. POVI.TKY AM) GAME ! In the season. CIGAKS ASD TOBACCO. B est of A1XVES A1XD MQUORS. All cheap for CASH. Coods sold on com mission. Opposito I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. D Km WABBEf " t.w.e Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDEXT JIOTF.l , ASTORrA. --- - OREfiOX. WARKRX & EATOX, Proprietors. (Succcsnors 10 tt'arrm X- McGuirel Wholeaalo and Retail Dealors In Fresh and Cured Meats , A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. tftr Butter, Eggs. Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. ftiJ" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Xlrcet, - - Astoria Oregon KEHGMAX C JiEIiltT I p espectfully t call the atten. l - Jtt - tion cftho public to tho fact that tho ( abovo.uarKctwill always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attontion given to supplj ns shiDS. Wanted. 1 OOO rorjNDS BAGS-OP all kinds JLOJKJJ clean and dryat the Umbrella shop. Alain street, by j. JOPLIN. LETTER 1IEAD PAPER, P HINTED OR FLAiN, OF THE BEST quality at The Astoria ofiice. 4t -