(I) y"l lag iii a &, g sr s Vol. XY. .Lstoria, Oregon, Thuvsrtav Alornini;, June 2, 1881. So. 28. L IL i 1 ,4J Jr JP J t & Wllr iris" szr LETTER PROM MR. VILLARD. A Reply to the Citizens of Walla walla on the Policy of the Ore gon Railway and Naviga tion Company. Walla-walla Union. The following letter from Mr. Villartl, bears date New York, April 18, 1881, and is addressed to Messrs. James M. Cornwall, James M. Dewar, G. A. Evans, John Tracy, William F. Nut tall and others. Mr. Villaid says: Tui .llrmoram'tim Which vou weic irood enouirh to address to me under date of Feb ruary 5th last, from Walla-walla, duly reached mo about a month since. As the wishes you express therein for a reduction of freight rates on grain had been antici pated by the voluntary action of our company some days befoie the memorandum was in my hands, I reserved my reply thereto until I had more leisure for it. Nothing being lost by the delay of my answer, I trut that you will ex cuse it. Vou may rest assured that ever since the otganiation of the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company, it has been our con stant aim to do all that circum stances permitted in the way of reducing lateson the pioducl of the country. In ooritiboialioii of this, I .Veil Onlj (lie I In- I'.ul That during the two years exig ence of our company such i educ tions have been made to the extent of more than one-third. We aie as fully impressed as yourselves with the truism that our prosperity depends upon the prosperity of the country, and the latter cannot be prosperous unless the pioducer finds a ready market for his pro ducts. As in the past, we shall continue to act in the future, upon this rule, and you may rely indeed that we shall continue to reduce rates in proportion to the increase of the productions of the country. Permit me to add, however that in discussing the cause of the low price of wheat in eastern Wash ington territory you do not fully state the facts of the case. Vou omit entirely to mention The Main Cause Of the unsatisfactory ruling rates for grain, to-wit: The scarcity of ocean shipping and the consequent high rates of freight from tbe Pa cific coast to English ports. You ought to understand as well as evcrj'bodj- else in Oregon and Washington territory that if ocean freights had ruled since last sum mer as low as they did during the preceeding season your wheat would have been worth from eight to ten cents a bushel more than it has been. cannot for a moment suppose that 3'ou hold us responsi ble for these unfavorable shipping conditions, upon which we can ex ercise no more control than your selves. We have certainly done everything in our power to help you over this difficulty of ocean transportation by offering to carry wheat from Portland to San Fran cisco at just about cost to us. That this has not offered you the expected relief is due to the fact that tonnage is just as scarce at San Francisco as at Poitland. From mv knowledge of the man ner in which grain is handled and taxed from the time it leaves the hands of the farmers until shipped to sea, I have lornr been convinced that Too Much is raid hy lVaj of Sfomsr. Commissions, Interest, tr During this transition, and this conviction is fully confirmed by the figures which you present, covering the same items. For more than a year past, I have been considering the question whether -relief cannot be afforded to you and your fellow farmers in eastern Oregon and Washington territory by the free introduction of capital and a consequent reduction in the prevailing rates of interest, and by more liberal systems of storage and advances on stored wheat. One of the purposes of the organi zation of the Oregon Improvement company has been to come to vour relief in this respect, and we shall probabty commence practical operations in these directions dur ing the coming season. It is hard ly ery Uc me to refer to wliat our conifMtuy n doing fr the mpid le elniimntt of your country. In wxier thai owr jKst tion towards it may le more fully understood, however. 1 deem it well to mention that for every dol lar of earnings we have taken out of the country we Have spent awl shall spend at least five dollars in the citation of new transportation lines. In eonclnsion. it will avail myself of this opjwrtunity to say to you, and through you to the whole public of eastern Oregon and Washington territory, that the stories deliberately circulated for the puip(ve of creating injurious I'rriiulhrs Against our Comp.uij To the effect that myself and as sociates are endea oring to obtain! control of the Northern Pacific railroad, in order to prevent com petition in transportation of wheat and othei products of the country to tlie ocean, are absolutely un founded and false. The faet.s are just the other way. Tlte 1 reon Railway and Navigation company have done evcrvthiner in their power to facilitate the rapid con st! uction of the Nortliern Pacific not only as a tluough line, but also over the Cascade mountains, and even along the noith bank of the Columbia, tiver. In confir mation of this 1 need only cite the fact that a formal traflic contract I was enteied into in October last between tlte two eonijwtnie, under which the Northern Pacific is en abled both to do its business over the lines of the Otegon LJailway and Navigation company on the most liberal terms, awl to carry grain fit m all points in eastern Washington either down tlte Co lumbia or to Puget-sound, as it may prefer. The existence of this j contract is tlte most direct and conclusive refutation of the stories , High-Priced Beaus. rvnlrai C1t Ii. Tom Wat roils, commercial trav eller, stopjxd chT at the Marshall, Michigan, '-atittg Itotise several years ago. lie was not very hungry, and called for x plate of beans, which he received. He inquired the price, and was informed that it was seventy-five cents. -'That s a thundering pricu for lMjans," said Tom. ''That tlte price,' said the pro prietor. The train was just starting: Tom paid the bill, and the coaches bore him and his indignation on toward Detroit. This was on Saturday. On Monday, Oilmore, the eating- house man, received a telegram, collect on delivery. 1 25, which he paid, and read on opening it: "A thundering price for beans." Thiity days from that date a neat express package was handed in to Gilmore, C. O. 1).. wlto paid 00 cents for the privilege of open-in"- it lodiseoer a lot of sawdust, on toj) of which lay a slip of paper, with the cabalistic symbols : "A thundering price for beans.' Two months lrom this Gilmore was summoned to Chicago to meet a former business paitnei, and the clerk handed him a letter convey ing the pleasant informatien: "v thundering price for beans."" During Gilmores absence his ton paid for two telegrams and one express package, all bearing di rectly on the subject of seventy five cents being "a. thundering price for beans!" Cost of these articles, $3 $0. A genuine tele gram from Cilmores mining share broker advising him to sell was refused, and the loss of it entailed an actual damage to Gilmore of $1,500. Peruvian Hitter-. "lactum Khr. The ("until ("inrhon wj lite huMiisJi VIeentv in Tent in lt The rnttt:-s. his ife. was prsnil by an intermit tent feer. front whiWi she was lrvtl oy the iim f tlte native iviikiI . tin l'eru- iait lwrk. or. as it w.e railed in the language r the entiiitr, -Quinquina." CratefiU for Iter rvcowT. n her reinm to Ennte in HJ. -he iiiIumIihhiI the reitteiU in sjkuii. where it was Known under ariiMis namc, until Ihiimmin called it Cinchona, in honor-f the lwl who had brought them that which wa more imwUmi- than t he jiohl of tlte Ineas. To tins iia. after a laje of two hun dred and lift er. M-ieitee ha- jtiveit i nothing to lake it- plaee. It clftvtti allv cures a morbid ainetile Jr Mimn laiiK 1 r est ori u-4 tin natural tone of the stomach. It attacks rxeesshc hue nintor as it dws a fecr. ami d5rojs iMtth alike. The w erf til lonk irtne of the Cincltona is re-er.eI in the Permian Kilter, ulik-li are ei)eetie against malarial feer to-Ia a the were in the day- of ihe ohl SnanKit Yieeni. We jjiiarantee the htgmli etits of these hitler- to he nlMolitteh jnire. ami of the h-4. Kihiwii qitalit). A lual will-ali-f ott lltaWlhi- i Hh Im1 bitter in ll' worhl. The jihh.1 of the mddiii i- in lite catiiis." ami we! wtllutgh abide Hits eii. Korsah Iy i all dm-f;isi-. jfncer- ami lhmr tlealer-, (irthi is. Letter I'rotu "Xiv. 3aviit-oii. SAX FltAN'CISCO CLOTHING STORE. l J r il -to 1 t y.L"3 Ri iss5rixs;"iistiM2 tiiitjtiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiuicuiBiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiii: m j. HE NEWS! izz:x::ts:iii2::ci:zrt:::::::!:Etexi3iicEi3iii:ii:xia::ia::33ei3iEsiiiE3!mimsiiiai AYEL( 'OME TO ALL ! THE FISHIXCt SEASON HAS OPENED AND SO HAS TliE POPULAR N FEANCISCO A YfiHr rolled awav. (Jilmore referred to. The sole ob'cet of 1 , " , n , sr , ., lwxilf . . . . . ordered a ease of .Mackinac trout myself and menus 111 buying into the Northern Pacific has been to insure a harmonious development of both companies in the interest of the whole country. lesiect- fully yours, 11. Vm.i.aki. A Bright Canary- from Detroit. They came C. O. D., lo 83: when opened he found every fish had been removed from the ice and sawdust, and a shingle met his eyes, marked with, a blue lead pencil: "A thundering price for beans!' Trouble aiose be tween Gilmore and the Detroit fish house, and they went to law, Gilmoie winning the suit, 25 damages, and all at a cost for the Astoria. Ma . 1SK. Kiiitei: Atekian: I: i-with pleasure that I call the at tention of iHtr reader- to the fact titat I hac c-talriisltcd a branch dtoioraph sallerj in A-tiria. oMN-iic the Court house. 1 earne-lly iinile f.er citizen of your town andiciuit J vi-it it and examine the di-da of jm-lttn. firmly lMIieuis that Ihe enliet or each one will lwlhal tin work :- wA onl of tbe lte-t hut that llte nrice- an rea-onable. AH Ihe tini-hin will In done stl m , home uallen in remand ami mailed dircel to tlte cii-lniitf r. Tlu ojHrator in charge i- an accomplished arti-l ami ha- an ahimdaucc of patience with chil dren and nervous copic. I am pre itarcdtodn ail kinds of iewin. ii!ir insj, eopi in?, and enljtnJiuir i an sie. In all ilearlmeuts. 1 will .sccihai m cH-loiiMr- !o awa .-.tli-fi.il. ami re--lK9ct(iill. dicilllKMr iwlrouajte. Ven lrnl. .l.(. P nsi.lhtilti!!nilHr. CvnierFir-l ami Yamhill -iteHs.l'ori-laml. wlf Hinplo nteiit foe I.aiite- I ( vu )TKJNG- STOKE I BUSINESS CARDS. JAY TCTTIiE, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t Offick 0er the White House Store. Uksidknck Next door to Mrs. Munson'a boanlln- house. Ctieuuimis street, Aatorl Oregon. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cltenantus Street. - ASTOKIA. OREGO rt W. FULTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - OREGON Ofllce over Page & Allen's store, Cass street TJ1 V. 1IOLDKX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AITTIOXEKK, COMMISSION AXD IN. SUKAXCE AOENT. A VAN PUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Clieiiniiius Street, near Occident Hotel. ASTORIA. OREGON. Agent "Wells, Fargo & Co. ; tH'nel the largest and IhM I selected stock r ; New York im. A family living in tlte Hotel Victoria have a .canary lirl named Beauty, which has shown a won derful aptitude for picking up, attorneys services of $SG 00. tunes, and seems to be far in ad- (Jilmore grew dejected. Life vance of others of his kind in gen- looked gloomy. Letters poured eral intelligence. lie is especially! in on every one of his family at fond of Ihe head of the family, regular intervals from all parts of recognizing his footsteps, and tlte world, bearing the unpleasant greeting him with aburfet of song. information that it was "a thunder On a recent evening, in ihe pres- ing price for beans!" ence of guests, the door of Bcaut-sj At hist Gilmore sold the Mar cage was opened after the master shall eating house rind moved to had seated himself at the piano, Chicago. He carried his deep and the bird flew to tlte gentle- allliction along with him, gnawing mans shoulder and then to the 1 like a cancer at his vitals. The music rack on the piano. "When j persecution never ceased. Gil the master whistled an air, play ing an accompaniment, the canar warbled and trilled in accurate tune and time, hopping upon the player fingers and over the keys. When life whistling and accompa niment ceased, the bird 'perched upon his masters head and awaited further orders. Then Beauty was placed in front of the pier glass, where he sang to his reilectcd im age in harmony with the piano ac companiment, and when his mas ter stopped placing the bird flitted around the room in pursuit of his shadow on the ceiling. After he had convinced himself that he had cornered his dark silhouette, he sat gazing abstract" edly at it till he was coaxed away. After Beauty had retired to his cage he kissed the members of the family good-night, imitating the kissinjr sound when he touched their lips with his bill. His edu cation has been acquired within a month, and his tutor is the little daughter of the family. Tlte QiK-eti Cil SttsjH'JHler ciiiiy. of Cincinnati, are im niamifaetiirim; ami introiliieiiijl their newockinj smj jm rters fur ladies ainl eiiiklren. atul llteir unequalled kht stisju'iiiler fr ladies. None lnuld Ik without litem: fHir leading ilt sieiaiis recommend tltcni. ami are loud in llteir nraise. These "otds an maiuifaetitred ly ladies Ito have made tlte w ants of Indie and children a study, and t!te ask u In re fer Iheiit In some reliable and eiterjjelie ladv to introduce litem in t hi rmtiitry. ami we ccrtainh think lltal an earnest solk'itatHtu in eery lnrtfceltdl wotthl ittiH'l wilkariMdx resiNtiiso. and that a tielerjniiKtl uoman could make a ItatMl Mtme salarj ami have tla eseht-she agenc for this entulr. We adiiH Mime fad wh is in need of einphu men! to send to Hm comimuy Iter name and whlres, and mention "this i)er. Ail ilress Qtteen Cilj i5tisK-iMler eomaii. a os. hi and i-ni N nwnn -treei. niteiiuiali. Ohio. t-tl AMUSKMM TS. AND- 0-nts Furnisliing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TEimKS &KD VALISES, HATS AND CAPS, AND THE liKST CA-RTTCR.'R GAPE ANN "P r. HICKS. PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OKKGON. Itooms in Allen's building up stairs, cornr of Ctss and Kqeuiocque streets. yK. -ir. I. JF.XXIXS. PHYSICIAN AND SUltOEON. (Iradimte Univcrsitv of Vlnrlnla. tWis Physician to Ilav View liuspltal, Baltimore Clt . 1S59-TO. Ofkice In Page & Allen's bmldin stairs. Astoria. up inwmira-1 IIim.'x Vakiktik. (Iwt. Hill, proprietor ami manager. Fred Here,siae manager. A. (Mnutdir. leader of orelHV ra. (Ieox ltmbert. leader of bra, iwnd. Two new acts entitled -Tltellig.V and "Our Inside and Out side SenanJs." New first iarf. ami a brilliant olio of .sjecialth's, Mr. ('has. Niokerstm will in.tiiiMiiate the 1mm-. Mr..Imi. l'iHk the laiitlxtriiM'. while Mr.' FredOcie will internnsate. Miss J.ott ((Hk in leaiilifiil laIla4e-.alsoMr..Iame "Irris in vtKaI seiiis. Tlte Uir -I hae coitteaiHl stMte. TIk' ISi are here tosiaj Xevvoieliestral'-eleelionsbynitrenleienl orelH'stra, ami mw iiitLsie by our excel lent brass tarn! on Ihe grand stand aj jtreeisd. 7 v. m. Cttriaiit ri-es at ex act I j S r.M. KittraiKfint iH'iiton street : entraiM'e in prhate lis, on ('lHiiaiitii street. mother)! Mother!! mol!iei- ! ! ! UUBBEK BOOTS, ETC., "WHICH "WILL HK M)I I) AT SAN FH.VN CISCO WHOLES ALK PRICES. . REMEMBER THIS IS HO HUMBUG. 1IAVJXC! MADE AUUAXGEMF.XTS IN NEW YOKIC AND SAN FRAN CISCO FOi: THE TDRCIIASE OF ALL 3lY GOODS, Y FACILITIES FOR BUYING ARE SUCH AS TO ENABLE ME TO Undersell all Others. I Dely Competition. Eacts and Fiaiires ! T A. MelXTOSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, Oreldeiit Hotel llullillnj,'. ASTORIA - - - OREGON T . OHC'HAKI). 9J DENTIST, Dental Itoouis-.i Photograph nmliling. 0. n. KATX & CO.. DK.1I.PK iy Door). Window. IIIlndH, Tras HoniM. Ijtuuuet. F.te. All kinds or O.ik Lumber, filass, Toat Ma terial, ete. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Gen evive and Astor streets. VHIjKXIIART a SCnOEXE. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOKIA - OKKGON. Hot, Cold, dinner, .Strain and Milplmr BATHS. JS"SpecIal attention given toladiea'aiifl chtlrfrenN hair cutting. PrUate Entrance for Ladies. WirXIAI FRY. PILVCTICAL BOOT AJVD SHOE MAKER. Ciikxami's SriiEKT. oii03ite Adler'a Book store, - AsrrouiA. Oreoox. tSr-Perfect lUs guaranteed. All work warranted. Cive me a trUU. All orders promptly filtei'.. JBGK v. u mVahe, Astoria. 3r- 1 .1. A. BROWN Portland. GREAT SURPRISE AT THE : more drooped, faded, and finally died. The terribly afllicted family followed lmn to his last rcstino; place, and the widow, with what little money she had saved from the expenses of bogus telegrams and express packages, erected a plain mat hie slab to the memory of lite tortured (.Jilmore. On the following Sabbath the mounting family went out to the cemetery to plant some violets on Gilmores grave. Arriving on the ground, they observed in silent horror that another legend appear ed above the name of Gilmore, on the tombstone. It was chalked on a small blackboard and read: '. a rniMnuuxa ritirKKOit iiKAh, Fisherman Drowned. Are o (IKlnrlhtlat niiil and broken j of otir rt li a iek ehilil siiffenir' i anilcmin: with 11k exenteinttn nain of eiittiiM; teeth V If o. t once kimI i jiet a liottle of 3lr. iiimow NMKJinm Synt. it will relieve Ihe immm- littlu .nf fea'r iitiiiuilialelj tleiHinl hjmmi it: tliere i no mi-take hIkmiI it. Tltere l not a mother on earth Ih ha- eer ilm.iI it. who will lMrt Ml Jim at once tlwt it will regulate the IwiweK ami ive nt to the mother. ami lelief ami health to tlte child. oiM'ratim; like niacie. ItU iH'rfivll safeti tix in all ca-e. ami pliitNaiillM Uh Ut4e.aiMl i. Hh nr." criptionof one til the ohle4 anil lel female mMeian ami niiri in lite Tinted! Mate. Sold e erj w !- e. i" eenl-a lndtle. San Francisco Store! for of Henry Graft, a German, went into a Chicago gin mill on Satur day morning and drank a pint of whiskey. lie then laid a wager with the bar keeper that he could drink a pint of whiskey before leaving the bar. He accomplished this feat in a few minutes, but upon turning around to walk out, fell dead. The bar keepor has Jbeen arrested. On the night of Monday, May 23il, about half past sevon o'clock P. M., Enorica Marin was drowned botween Woody island and Urownsnort. lie was dressed in a brown coat, light dark pantaloons. Fishermen and others are requested to look out for the body, and whon found report to the Scandinavian cannerv. Mr. Urooks of the Astoria jiallerj ha jut returned from Portland and ha perieetetl arrangement, that will enahle him to produce the mot superior fin ished photograph. Mr. Urooks has em ployed the -ervicos of an artit of main ears experience in borne of the be.t gallcriCN in San Francisco, and with new instrument and accesories, new chemicals and stock and an improved burnisher, he will now give hK custom ers those superior Glace photographs at the following prices: Size, Iknidoirs full length figures.SU 00perdo7cn; Cab inets full length figures, 4 00; Card, full length figures, 52 Z0. Unmet t oeoaiue Sinlr. ClIUAi.ii. Oet. 11. 1n. Tiiree jear ago my hair wa eoiiiitit; mil er fat. ami I wa iKarI Istld. I wa atMi InHibh'd with damlriifr. 1 Im-mu uiitg Ihtrneir. eoeoaine. and ui) hair immedi ately (oipeil coming out, ami has eon tiilly heen getting thieker. Mv iK'ad i now entirely free front dandran". M wife ha itMil'lhe eooainf with eqietlh gratifying result, I. T. Matt, with 1 MeVeash & Co. Iluriielt". extract ate llu pure! fruit flaxoi. Have YViNiar. ImIswiu of wild elierry ahvaat haml. It cures cough, eohl. hronehitis wliooping cough, croup, m lliient,coiiMimpliou, and all thriKit ami lung complaint. . eeiiKamll a liot-tle. Why sudor frtun those nasty boils, pimples nnd eruptions on the skin, caused by diseased blood, when you can have them thoroughly eradicated with a few bottlos of Pfundors Oregon Blood Purifier. Prof. A. L. Francis has secured the agency of some of the lending pianos and organs, among which are tho Stemway, Decker, Weber and Knabe pianos aud Mason & Hamlin, Palace, Woods and Estey organs, Paganmi violins, Martutjuitars, Ro man strings and a large and wolf selected slock of sheet nitiaic f:trnihud to order. All kinds of musical instru ments tuned and repaired in first clas3 manner. lie will visit Astoria on or about June 1, 1SS1. Any orders left at the Occident hotel will receive prompt attention. 'Jilanks. Promissory notes, lunids for deed, quit claim tleeds, mortgages and warranty deeds, at this office. II KM: AliE riilClK OF UOODS THAT WILL SUIiPRISE ALL. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. MEN'S AND ROYS CASIMERK SUIT- FROM S 8 00 TO 15 00 EXTRA REST SUITS 12 00 "20 00 FINE RLACK SUITS 18 00 2T 00 DIAGONAL SPITS ' 13 00 "22 00 CASIMERE PAXTS " 2 50 " 4 00 EXTRA REST P XTS " - 4 CO 3 50 HOYS SI' ITS. ALL SORTS, FROM 00 " 12 00 ISIIOWX A McCABE, STEVEDORES AXD EIQQERS. Astoria olllce At E. C. Holden's Auction store, t'orthuul ofllce 'H I street. 13-tf To-Xight. To-Night, GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS El' EX IX G. IE3. j&.. CTJXIN'iN-. dealer in rA3IIT.Y CiVOCERIES, XAira. in.r. feed xxn nil Ca.!i paitl for country produce. Small protlts on ca.sli ales. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squrinoctilie streets. FURNISHING GOODS. OVERALLS FROM .1 UMPERS " ALL WOOL SOCKS CHECKER SOrKS. SIX PAIR FOR C'OTION SOCKS, TIIREK PAIR FOR IIITK SHIRTS PROM . COLORED " " CASIMERE" " . FLAXXEL - - RLUKXAVY " FLAXX EL UX DERSHI RTS AXD DRAWERS FROM 1 25 CO'lTON FLANNEL SHIRTS AXD DRAWERS M MARIXO SHIRTS .VXD DRAWERS " CO CTS. TO $1 00 , GO " "1 00 20 " " 25 I 00 25 , IH) - " "1 75 75 " " I 50 S 1 50 ' " 3 00 1 00 u 1 75 2 00 u - 2 50 1 25 " 2 25 OIL CLOTHING. LOXC. OIL COATS FROM OIL.1UMPERS - ?:: 50 TO 2 75 u 4 50 3 00 BOOTS AND SHOES. 3IEXS CALF HOOTS FROM MENS KIP HOOTS ELASTIC GAITERS -RUCKLE SHOES MENS STOPPERS HOYS ROOTS S3 CO TO 2 75 1 75 0 o-j 50 1 25 1 50 4 00 2 50 1 00 I I. W. CASE, IMPOUTKK AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MEECHANDISE Corner Clienanms and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. I T. ItAIM I. V . T. It. n.VTCU. HATCH & BARCLAY, COMMISSION MEHCILVNTS, No. 20 California St., San Francisco, Cat. C. H. STOCKTON, KCOXJSE, SXCTQT - CARRIAGE PAINTER - I HAVE THIS SPRING STRAINED EVERY NERVE AXD USED M.Y ENTIRE ENERGY AND REST JUDGMENT IN PLACING IN OUR AS TORIA HOUSE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE LINE OF GOODS. CALL AND INSPECT FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE WELCOME. I WILL GLADLY SHOW MY GOODS, NO MATTER WHETHER YOU RU Y OR NOT. N E W GOODS RY EVERY" STEAMER. S. DANZIGER. San Francisco Store. Sqiietiioeqlie street, next floor to Tage & Allen's store, north of Wnlla-wiilta.HestMiixniir. AMonn Oregon. PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A M'KCIALTY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. earShon next door to Astorlan Ofllce, In Sliihter'sDiiiUUng. THE ASTORIA Photograph Gallery CARD SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, 82 50 Per Dozen. CAIIIXETSIKi: PIIOTOGKAVIW 4 OO Pr Ioz.-n. fS-Special rates for f,tntffies. QPILES. The uinlerslKiuMl Ls prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.O.CAPLES, Vl 3 Columbia City