-n r"G- w jiiiu imimKtii2maikiffuii(uihilWn 32&c pniVo Ssstorlan. The Personal Political Style Dallas Itouilzer, SlayOOtli. AVo notico that Bill "Watkinds MISCELLANEOUS. .C.IKELVM .INIItor. cm.TT rf ?W. i is iatili pouring' out his slops en ; FRIDAY M VY ,7 1SS1 j csro'di through tho columns' I rC tlirt Sniwi'ii "T"wii ttr TT line! "" I wi . iuimu) MV'VtT A.XW nuo' had tho records of the courts in Maine examined, and. wrote to the cleric of the court in this county to see i there was not some defect in the Colonels title to his land, but all to no purpose. William bites a me, and had better, learn to spell and return to Washington and draw his six dollars per day as clerk of the committee on manu factures. That would be following ; Commodore Xutt. Liliputian. died of Blights disease, in Jcisey city, on "Wednesday. Mr. Villai d has purchasod the New York Evening Post, Carl Schurz will bo editor in chief. A WORD OF WASHING! 10 ! F0R T11E BEST m mmm Clothing-, CHothing, Clothing -GO TO- -OI THE Itlooksnowto be almost cer tain that Conkhng will b return ed to the United States senate, and Mr. Blaine will ictirf from the cabinet. For the week ending May 21st, in Havana, tlieie occurred three deaths from yellow fever, twenty four from smallpox and thirteen from typhoid fever. The first broud gauge railroad train reached Walla-walla Wednes day' evening. Track laying on the Dayton branch conuwnced yester day. The tiack will 1m nwlard irauge and of steel rails. The St. Paul Pres-,, which has all along opposed Mr. Vilhtid, now cominents favorably. It ys: 'The people of th. ii.uthttt will meet him in his ji'-v. xiit'tith' to w.irdb it with a siisceie and friendly hope that he will provi- umiiiy of the reac tnit he 1ih illumed." nr tYin motlinilc lir lnrnofl nnrlnr frrover. If Williams character! should ever become a subject worthy of investigation, it will not he necessary to send to Maine, as the records of the courts in Marion and Multnomah show that he has been three times indioted and once convicted of felony, and is now under arrest for a penitentiary of fense. The wretch who has robbed the state and plundcnui his private creditors will have ample occupa tion in taking care of his own character. Col. Xesinith does well to spurn Jlly fellow and treat his slaudorsytfh contempt. TheSouthern Pacific is to build immediately a line of railroad from Yuma to Point Ys.abel. at the head of the irulf of California, where wharves and warehouses and other shipping facilities will be estab lished. A lii.e of fast steamers will be placed on the gulf to run to Guaymas, Maatlnn and other Mexicau port, all to be in com plete running order by the first of Gen. .1. A. Williamson, commit- October. ionei of tin general land ilicc, Xot Chicago alone, but New tendeied the s.-creiaiy of the in- York also is exceedingly jealous of teiior his i cognation oh Wedne.- the rapidly growing faor of the day. He will ink" the portion of Mississippi grain route to Europe, general land oommisj-ionei foi the A strong pressure is being brought Atlantic and PncUiic tViha on to bear on the New York legisla tive Atchison. Tojwk and Santa tureto abolish the canal tolls as re Drancu. . (u ..i i, nr .,:... ,un ain I III. uili iwiu ui wai in" in uiaui WHITE HOUSE Don't be Humbugged Again b Professed, i i x -ci-i ijj. ji xi. ,uicuun oaieb, irouen up n iue m m mm mm? TAIIj0R Express Purpose or Gam. jBJsm closhibh, WHY BUY TRASH WHEN YOU CAN1 maix rantr. - - - - astoma, ohegckj. CO c GET MUCH NEWER AND BETTER GOODS AT LESS PRICE. Is is not reasonable that should a person meaning a square business desire to dispose of their stock at less (than market price and without profit at Auction, would he! Tomakenx.n.foranlH.men.tuckof-.HMtsj nQt ft much j f fieM than d ? I That are arriving by ccr Meatnrr, j i win idi for hip s You all have been taup-ht a lesson a ev months since by the man "mit a license." Now don't be misled again, j Z for reference to buyers of Auction Trash I will post them J ,P j in a few of my prices to compare. a NEXT THIRTY DAYS -AT- Greatly "Reduced Prices ! My entire twk. roiiiprhuis t!ie lh"t stle Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, PH.IOE XiIST. EIGHT YDS. TUJIE LINES' CKASII -1 M TEN YDS. 1'UKE KUSSIA CKASII 1 00 PUKE LINEN TOWELn KXTK V LAKGK M NO SUCH GOODS OFFERED Aweittm lrk. 15 CTS. PKU YD UK - " . LAKGE SIZE HONEY CO.Mli TOWELS FOl'R LAKGE SIZE MOKM1E TOWELS SIX LAKGE SIZE M0KM1E TOWELS EXTRA LARGE TURKISH TO"WELS EXTKA FINE UN ItLE ACHED TABLE LINEN ( . nok5 TinnviiK ; per yard UlUctKJJOUILUl KXTUV FISE BLEAC11ED TABLE LIXES Jn.:, nL JO- I TURKEY RED TABLE LINEN. PER YARD.. .. taB'ei """ """" -" '" OH j lW arratetl fjrl r,of, vix,. ; .MAKSEILES RED SPREADS 1 U 00 HON EY COMB BED SPREADS, LARGE SIZES-. JO I 2T. COMrLKIi: LINK or , HONEY COMI) BED SPREADS, EXTRA SIZIv... 1 25 2 OH - i LADIES SOLID COLOR HOSIERY.. .MENS AND SOUTHS LADIES RIBBED HOSIERY LADIES PLAIN HOSIERY 'JU r.U CKNTS Xi at CTS. EACH 50 1 .H PER DOZEN i". 57K CENTS on 3 O c ( ) T. ( ) rP 1 I J " (4 I LA1HE BROWN IIALBRIGAX HOSIERY 3T LADIES EMBROIDERED HOSIERY 2,1 75 CKNTS 55 75 CENTS 90 1 W 1K 25 I IS FURNKHINC COODS ! MISSES -MEKIX0- STRIPED, i PAIR FURNISHING COODb, ( M1SSES KNGL1SH SEAM, 2 PAIR Si 3,1 m m W CIS. EACH I i ! o I i o r I Several influential gentliMiien on "rednesdnv visited the White houce and made a protect ag:i:nst Blaines oinir t Xm Voik with the apparent design f cutoiing' the &enatoiial flg'ht. (laifield ex pressed surprise t learn tliat Blaine w.is ahv'Ht. Blaine im mediately returned to "a-hinrton. An oxourMon cteain!ont ol lapsed tlnoujrh carele-ness neiu London, Ontatui. on the 2-jth. and two hundred live- ueie lost. The cause was from o ei loMdin the steamer. The load i- vaiiimsly estimated at between foui liund lod andfci hundred. ueh things would nevci h xlhd t occur i n A m on can w a t o r.M. Events immediately nUeudiug the closing liom of oo!igies have made a breach in tin cabinet which cannot Ik' liehl eeept by the retirement of Blaine or Mc Veagh. This fact i apparent from djopping-b fmni ilcYeag-hs tongue on political matter. when he arrived in Philadelphia to at tend the funeral f Thos. A. Scott, on "Wednesday. The new liquoi law wont into effect in Kansas on May 1st, and the reports from different sections of the state indicate a more gener al observance of it than was ex pected by the most sanguine advo cate of the measure. In the small er towns the Fuloons have practi cally all been closed, an exception here and theie being icpoited. In the cities and large villages the saloons are all kept open, and lemonade, soda water, pop, butter milk, and other mild beverages sold openly, with a little liquor, on the sly. In Leavenworth only nine of the 120 di inking places openly violated the law, and these will be closed by foice and the proprietors arrested. trade to the east. This can only be done by a constitutional amend ment. If it should be adopted by the people the tax-payers of the stale will be obliged to pay a large sum every year for the benefit of the grain dealers of the city oi New York. -Mr. John lingers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the linust fresh fish, otc, in their season. -Dr. .1. Welch will be in Astoria May 21th, to practice his profession forafc wcek-u He will have rooms at jI'.p OccMent. ,Iu- recehcil at Call Adlers, a full asvi tiiiont of Sewing Machine Needles of nil mukub and i7cs: to he hl at reduced rales. - P. .1. Goodman, on Chcuamus j streot, has just I'ccojveu the latest and uiusr fushioualuc style of jjents and IhiIil'm noots. shoes, etc. - Hutu retentive for small pox., in loes Mutable to cairy in the pock et. Every person should have one. Price 25 cents, at Conn's drug store. Carl Adlor will sell his en tho stock of wall-pockets, brackets and pictute frames at a great sacrifice as he has determined to close out and quit that line of trade. For the Genuine J. H. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors, and San Francisco beer call at tho Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. The Arkansas democracy, like that of Tennessee, is going to pieces on the question of state finances. The democrat of the southern stateSjhavtng begun repu diation with entire unamin, are quarreling asto when and how to stop it. In Virginia the two fac tions of repudiators ate attacking each other with a fierceness ex celling that which, when united, they exhibited towatds a common foe. In its desperation one fac tion comes out squate.lv for the doctrine of equal rights to all. witnouc distinction oi race or color. In Tennessee the quarrel was so managed that the icpublic ans elected their governor, and the states creditors have made a bet ter arrangement than the most sanguine among them ever dared to hope for. They have received a low interest bond, with the coupons receivable for taxes. In Arkansas troubles are increasing, and threaten to culminate in a grand fight over repudiation. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ETC. KTC. ETC. Before iihx1umik jour shhK rKruhcn cull in and examine jii hkK mui! irlres, a! it will pay on well for j our tnmhlr. S. SCHLTTSSEL, . WHITE HOUSE STORE, ConicY Mhln ami CheiutiniLs streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. : 15 2S 25 :a i 90 So "5 75 MISSES FANCY HOSE. EXTRA QUALITY, 1 WO PAUL.- LADIES HEMMED HANDKERCHIEFS COL ORED BORDERS, 3 PAIR FOR- LADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 2 TAIR ... LADIES IMITATION SILK, ALL COLORS LADIES PURE SILK. ALL COLORS (And finer lint- in irojorlkM GENTS CANTON FLANNEL UNDEPAYEAR.. GENTS .MERINO EXTRA HEAVY UNDERWEAR, 5u GENTS 11LUE AND RED FLANNEL UN DER IVE AR, ALL "WOOL - 1 0 2 ijo GENTS 1JLUE OVERSHIRTS 1 25 1 75 I GENTS OVERALLS AND JUMPERS 50 75 1 GENTS BLUE OVERSHIRTS 1 25 1 IT, GENTS WHITE SHIRTS 1 00 1 60 GENTS PERCALE SHIRTS I 00 1 .VI j GENTS FULL REGULAR MADE nOSE 12; ROOTS AND SHOES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. Ueincnibi r Uicm: arc all first class regular pxnl-. aiul chh iw bmtRlii at xh lime .ttnl m c 0 y a 8 in 0 0 o 5 5 o XII 2: ? e U2 O g3 o en o QQ" o t-3 en c: en f CD en cc & 7 5 2 S Jf. Q 3 G g w I o A Fiat hlocli of roreisu asul Doimtif Cloths, Cassiiueres and TrMls. A Tull lano of Tailor Trimmings, Etc. Tin- Uvt Vnilvv :in: Tailor At ill .Hake up Ills Goods Tvllh i "Full C; tiara nl 3 as to TU and Finish. 6. W. HUME Wholesale and Retail Dealer 1- :tiivfuautit. You iniM not imagine because tie tmiii "mit a Hconse" offers joh (ItiM I n.He tlie mnt Iro i heap. Look at pnees ninrkcdiu m uiniUm. then if oh wtsroto -' tiouou will .it!e:it be posted. lhaealsn aiwmz mvstoek Ml.VftU 1'I.ATHH AVA1CK puanititecil not to taniWi in 21 hors. CALIFOENIA ST0RE9 1I hip th ol rtrt elat M'tvetiniis. f all irts ot men's apparel, etc., I hope that thb iMsrei4re "ni ui ot town win im? ihmh wiiu. oir, Truly, M. I. K AXT. ay-Th hwet market prhn?s mnrketl out in plain figures. THE CHEAPEST GRooBRiEs,iONE PRICE STORE! HE COLUMBIA LJ BREWERY J ff ' fey?J2s 1TEB1 1 NEW TO-DAY TSTin: IX)ST. loo fathojns ot40 ineh new j net. marked diamond rt-r. on corks. K. T on lends. buo. Xo. a: : nfirt of the corks new and part old : lost on the morning of theUCth lust. Hie Under ill bcsuitahl re- Avaruei y rcturninr to me A8T0KIA FISHEHY. Astoria, May 2C, 1S81. THE Fishermen's aad Workingmen's CLOTHING STORE, MAKCr.S WISE, - - FROrRIETOK. HAVIXU J I ST OPENED THE ABOVE named store, next door to the Astoria Baken and having just receh ed a flrM; class selection of CLOTHING, DKY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, VALISES, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods And nil goods jxCpl n a w.jj stocked Cloth ing Store Following U a scale of some of mj prices: Ov era'.N from. . .. Jn cts to St Oo Shaker Socks 20 cts or 0 pair for SI 00 Merino Undershirt and Drawers..... SI 00 Indies iron Frame nose..................25cts I Jidle Corsets from .75 cts to $1 oo Please look for the sign ot the Fishermen's and Work J ngmen's Store. Chenamus street, nevt door to the Astoria Bakerv 3IARCFS WIsE, Proprietor. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT On the Rojda, opposite the Oregon Rail way ami Na i gat ion Co's wharf. The choicest brands of foreign and domestic AVI.VJES, LIQUORS .VXD CI G AILS, j-I$et Chicago Bcer.-Stt P. SHERMAN & CO., CITY MARKET, MAIN STREET, - ASTORrA. OREGON, Is prepared to suppl Fresh Beef, Fork, Mutton, Veal, Corned ?CeatH, Peultrx, Gamr. Ktc. Also constant!) on hand Fresh Butter, E&gs, Vegetahles. SHIPS SrpPLlED AT LOWEST RATES. Dci)oi or Shermans Truck, Dray, and Ex press Teams. Orders left here will be promptly attended to. PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC.. ETC.. ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK T1X, PIG LEAD. SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS, -MAULS, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VABNISH, TURPEKTIXK. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. astobia, - - onr.cso:. IN ASTORIA. I. OCM3BIjE2TjQ", CORNER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. I 1 ;ei)SD &)??, ) 5' i I- M'PERIOR TO MOST. AND is EKCLLLEl) P.Y NOXE OX THIS COAST JOHN IIAHN, - - PROPJKIETOR, CHEWADIUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. tfa-Onlers left at the GERMAMA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to.- JIRS. H. A. DERBY, MASONIC HALL. - ASTORIA. ORECOX. Will oien her new stock On Thirty, May 511, 1881. Consisting of A FINE ASSORT31EXT OF The Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves Warranted to be the hix in the market. ALso, a larse assortment of Infants Wear and Ladies Dres sing Saques. A kuxetarietj of NEW MILLINERY GOODS Purthasal b hcrrlf Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Satins, Ribbons, Ruchings. Collars, Etc., Etc., ilAIN STREET, - ASTORIA. OREGOX. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or Portland by K-tl B AL.FOUK.G CTHKLE A Ce. Portland, Oregon. ANOTHER WORD WARNING! I see you Isaac and 'will u one better. As it is customary this season with merchants to quote prices in advertising, I will show the public that I Can not be Undersold, and would draw attention to the following -IE H. X O 23 Xj X S IE- Nine yards pure linen crash SI 00 Eleven yards Russia crash 1 00 Extra large linen towels 20 Extra largo honej'-corab towels 15 Five momiie towels for. - 50 on Extra large Turkish towels Extra fine unbleached table linen, per yard 45 Turkey red table linen, warranted fast colors, per yard 75 Large size honey-comb bed spreads 75 Extra size honey-conib bed spreads 1 15 Gents good suspenders, and upwards 25 20 40 40 Ladies brown or bleached balbrigan hose, per pair $ All other hosiery in porportion. Gents Canton flannel undershirts and drawers, each Gents good Merino undershirts and drawers, each Gents good, all wool, red or blue flannel undershirts and drawers, each 1 25 Ten pairs gents cotton aocks (not warranted full regular) for , Gents blue shirts All othor goods in proportion. 1 00 75 Great Bargains in Clothing, Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes, Great Bargains in Dress Goods, Great Bargains in Laces, Great Bargains in Hosieiy, Great Bargains in Buttons, Great Bargains in Hats, Great Bargains in Furnishing Goods, Great Bargains in Dress Trimmings, Great Bargains in Embroideries Great Bargains in gloves, Great Bargains in House Furnishing G-oods, Great Bargains in all Departments. My Embroideries, Laces, Corsets, and Kid Gloves were all bought direct from importers and manufacturers in New York, and prices are fully 20 per cent cheaper than similar goods are selling elsewhere. This is no advertising dodge, as I have each and every article advertised, and will sell them at prices quoted. C. H. COOFEE, Comer of Main and Concomly Streets, .---- ASTORIA, OREGON: T