'fwpjft8wimjisf y vf i mw imaginy ilsrie4'!!'-. T -" 'Ti-'- v"wr C31 glue Hxj ftstraftrau ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY MAY 22. 18SJ ISSUED EVERY MORNING. 'Monday Excepted), I. C Ireland, Editor and Proprietor Astoria Building, Cass trtet. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, por treek............-I5 Ucats Sent by mail. fourmonthfi.............5-3 00 lent by mail, on year......-.....-........... q f0 Froe of Postaco to Subscribers. Advertisements inserted by the yoar at the rate of $1 o) ier square per month . Transient advertising, .:.:: I LV ,. . .imiik. 0 me uuy or wcr. ; Sfty cents per aqua; """ wu" "-"""" Tin- WwM) Asfnnnu ! a mammoth sheet, neaily double the size of the Daily. Jt is just the pa per for the fireside, containing in audi-J tlontoall the current news, choice mis cellany, agricultural matter, market re ports, etc. It i- lurnishi'd to single sub scribers at S2 00 pet year in advance. jSfA limited uuinuer of small adver tisements inseited at established rates. " THEOlTYr l tut I)ah. sioitiA inH iu - Uy ntulatTccnU a nvmtli.frceof jxmUnje. Ttmu tr who coHicinplatcatutencf frum the city cnu nai' Tiik AfiToniA.N fiAUiic Ikem. Daila r Wrkiua MMonx Vxiny nt-oiiCC with uul tiivlttttitifil $rpcnc AMretue tmiv lie e .tn4jri at "Tteu a tieirrd Iwee order it t ctntttiiw v-.m - Big 4'sa success. Again to-night. F. J. Tavlor is sick and eoiiGnod to his room. -The barkentine Portland ai rived at Sau Francisco u Priday fnmi port. this 'Dip. SfilWiilfQliin. ....w,l v.,.Tr- j r i: l . -iv 'en I uav lur uivurjinoi uiiii it citit;ii iwiu valued at $K!jG50. Our John Day friend, Thomas; Walker in happy :igin--it's a an I;' Monday, May 17th. ----- - --Miks Whipple's fir.st week in the private school was a success. She has j a very nice little school. Keep your wood piles out of the street; look in your tines, and clean off your old moss grown shingles. -That wood pile in front of the j Chinese house on fire yesterday, de-1 layed the water fully five minutes. Tho Manzineta, Capt. Koits, picked the steamer State of California up, hence there will be no salvage. The steamship Columbia will leave Portland for Astoria and San Francisco this afternoon at one o'clock. The Sitka steamer California ar rired Friday erening at nine o'clock and proceeded to Portland yesterday morning, early. The John Day settlement is be coming quite a community and erery body is busy in their logging canins, on farms, etc. The weather is so beautiful and dry in this rocality that some of our agriculturist friends in Clatsop aro complaining for want of moisture. We learn incidentally that the ice cream festiral Friday evening netted a sum sufficient to pay off the debt on the organ, and leave a balance on hand. Messrs.. A. J. Megler, I. NV. Case, A. M. Twombly, and others in at tendance at tho session of tho grand lodge of Odd Fellows, returned from Portland yesterday. The Astoria firemen yeslorday earned their two steam fire engines, their hook and ladder truck, their 3,000 feet of hose or more, and all the peraphernalio they now control in saving from possible destruction per haps not less than $100,000 worth of property. "0, what a snide department," shouted a snide gambler on the curb yesterday. Our boys can well afford to put up with the taunts of a rabble of ignorant bystanders, after such an hours work as that performed on Main street yesterday, and don't 3Tou forget it. There i3 a trifle too much of a disposition on the part of many pea pie in this town to be chief whether at a fire, foot race, or game of base ball. Where all do so well as tho firemen of Astoria did yesterday, crit icisms are offered without takers among sensible people. Liberty hall was crowded to over flowing last evening, the occasion be ing the first appearance in this city of the Big Four minstrels. A very en joyable programme was rendered. To marrow tho company leave for San Francisco, but will give one grand extra performance to-night, with an entire change of programme. The fire yesterday demonstrated the fact that a pile of four or five cords of wood on the street in front of a house, whether on fire or not, is a nuisance. Wood piles, lumber piles, etc, when stored on tho streets should be ordered away and only a reason able time to get a pile of wood into the house should be allowed. Friends of Mrs. R. H. Cardwell will be pleased to learn that she is greatly benefited by her visit to Port land. In a letter to Mr. Cardwell, received last evening, she anticipated much pleasure in attending the Meth odist entertainment, on which oc casion the grand organ was to be performed upon for the first time. She expects to return home shortly. Very Close Call. Yesterday afternoon Astoria nar rowly escaped from a most destructive conflagration. This fire, like all that have caused alarms in the city recant- ! ly, occurred from sparks falling on the roof and burning through Bhingles. The alarm was not sounded a moment too soon, and although the department responded with its usual activity, water seemed to be a long time com ing, t!ieintonor of one room boing all a sheet of flames when the water reached it. One incident after an other proved to be an obstacle to quick work, none the least of which was a - :t r ,i .1. - ...- . :- - ! jiiic in i ur uiruc cuius mi huihi ui u ' locality most provoking. .So. 'J got the first stream on the tire; No. 1 the second, and Capt. Flavols pump came in with the third good stream, all three making short work of the job of putting the fire out. A strong breeze was blowing in from en at the time, and the lire, which v, locuUsl on the east ddu of Main sticet, m a Chinese rookery formerly owned by Dr. Kin sey, wa Mttiatud xs to make it an a!mst absolute certainty that Parkers store and all that row along Chenamu3, if not on the other ide of the same street, including Caaes, as uuHas that' portion of the city covered by the ( Occident hotel, Page & Alluns, Uros-j bys, and thr buildings, Tuk As torian oflice, IJuilbrtrns furniture store, Kirchhuff Imkury, etc., etc., would lie destroved. Who that does ' not now feel iery thankful that As- toria has such an eilicicnt depart mentfj The work performed yesterday .saved ...,. m ,i,i ..Uv .l. tl. An'tlrp An more to tins city tlmu the ontire de-j lftrtlne date, and Alert feeling -tf security eit, wheie, with out t,em wonW be tlroatl ami lprrr, j - ;rr -r ---r - A Call for a Fourth of July Celebra- tion. Fellow Citizens Our little burg never stood back in any public outer- .)riae ml liut lwava trried oil" the cake. We hear of several cities in Oregon and Washington territory mak ing active preparations for a Fourth of July celebration; it is true, some- wlat bt tho inme time fop preparatk;n the blittcr tho result; therefor, all join with us to have a turnout in Astoria next Fourth worthy of its public spirit, not go back over the old routine of usual programmes, but grasp for something new this lime. Lot us have a'yacht race, a horse race, mar de grace, a wrestling match, a contest among our fellow firemen, and a grand public cuiicort and ball, etc Let each of our business men take an interest in the matter and call a meet ing for that purpose hi soon as pos sible, and lot us prepare for a rousing, good old time. Nemo. The If-le cf Erin was taken to sea yesterday. The Oregon Railway and Navi gation companys Portland depot will be located above town. Ono hundred and twenty acres aro to be filled up to a depth of eighteen feet. The steamship Mississippi, and the ship Indiana, both clearod from New York for this port to the Oregon Railway and Navigation company, on the 20th. It is safe to presume that both sailed on tho following day. Mr. Levi Leland will bo in As toria and lecture to-morrow evening in the Congregational church. The public generally are invited to attend. Mr. Leland has a god reputation as a lecturer upon temperance topics. Mr. Joseph Spratt, one of the leading men of Victoria, identified with the iron interest, visited Astoria, returning yesterday. His visit here was chiefly to see Mr. John Fox, ono of his old apprentices, now identified with the Astoria iron works. Mr. A. T. Brakke, of C. Timmins & Co., has ,madc arrangements by which he is enabled to sell through tickets froiu Atoria to aSfparts of Europe bytho railroadsaua by follow ing Atlaitic lines, conircchng in New Yerk: Avhitfe Star, NatibmS, Allan, Red Star, alnd Amprican.lTliese are all first cla&P lines. He is also pre pared to furnish through tickets by rail from New York to Oregon. Friday night, about ten o'clock, Mrs. J. C. LaRocquo dropped dead from apoplexy at her residence in Portland. The Oregoniansays : She wa3 in excellent health and spirits, ! nau. ocen jaugiimg neanny witu tier son, Mr. George C. LaRocque and his ' wife, when suddenly the smile faded, and she exclaimed " lam dying, give me something. " She Bank, and in a few moments was cold in death. Mrs. LaRocque was well known throughout the state, having lived in Oregon nearly thirty years, most of the time at Oregon city. Services of the Methodist church in the Baptist church to-day at the usual hours by the pastor. Presbyterian church services at the usual hours by the pastor Sun day school at noon. Jackins & Montgomery are stove'd right up to the roof at their storo on Main street. It will be to j-onr in terest to call and see them. By the use of Fellows syrup of hypophosphites the blood is speedily vitalized and purified, and so made capable of producing a sound mind and body. Prices for cannery and fishermen's supplies have been slaughtered at 31. 0. Crosby's, nt bis eist (lie itfKinlf mi tii .-"'", " - ...w... ,f , . , d v, , Ijn, y , , Rm IjQmniHynnpi. at f r lit lias cost lilt pcop.e np in i sl,, Tbi oman in t'one is the:...... v... i:.. ...... ......r.-...i ,....... LlulUL-lt ot;oi tV JJ., With our engines comptuies, largest but one on the Pacific coast. TiMiiuht "The Demon in the WoodV , -tmt , ,,.., v hook and ladder lim-a, some The proceeds go into the organ fund, .aiia-iimt i onveiiiiiioiiiiirs' will lie. .im.i.. "..mhw, J ' ' r ilienrLs. Also our ihv aet -leu Puis, i ' A Grand Concert. Following is the programme of the grand cencert at the AL E. church in Portland Friday evening, referred to in Sirs. Oardwell'fl letter to Mr. Card well: PACT 1. Organ; Offertoiro dc St. Cecelia, Batiste; Prof. KnopfeL Vocal; Watching, Millard (accom panied by organ and piano); Miss Chamburhn. Organ; overture to Wm. Tell, Ros sini; and overturo to Maritna, Wal lace; Prof. Knopf el. Violin solo; prelude and fugue from D Minor Sonate, Rust-David; Edgar E. Coursen. wWH; wiwumujijihS wic ou. sODS. Prnf KnuDiel Vocal; Palacca, from Pnritani, Bel lini; Miss DuBois. PART II. Violin solo; Arioso, Reinecke; Edgar j E. Coursen Trio; Gound's Serenade, organ, vio lin and piano; Prof. Knopfel, Coursen and Miss Lamberson Vocal; Sleep my Love, Sleep, Sul livan; Miss Anderson. Organ; March from Taunhauser, Wagner; Prof. Knopfel. Vocal; Staccato Polka (by request), Wilder; Miss DuBois. Organ; March of the Conqueror, Blumeuthal; Prof. Knopfel; accom panist, 3Iias Lamberson Speaking of (the new oryan the! pjj - jc., j vocute says: rt2n?Sltei2 "? VT yil i it i i i e i M. E. church will be heard for the tirattime. Prof. Knopfel who i!as ueK" S8 Y' "" ?f " 4C centlv from Chicago, and has a nation j reputation. Others have been en- gaged to aid, among whom are Miss Lamberson mi the piano, ami Prof. Oniir&en ui the violin. Miss DuBois. ' .. , ... , i The police eoiitt has been quiet th pnsi lew uaj- ava- Indian Dick ' IomOConnel,dru:ih.a, being the ,...!.. u. -a PM. t'.nA if until liv I . J . imprisonment. To C'tty I'atronH. .Mr. L. E. Selig, who now has full charge of The Daily Astohian routes in this city and upper Astoria, will collect to-morrow for the past week. The free list is suspended. Each snb Fcribei is expected will pay for the paper. Very respectfully, D. C. Iicei.and, Publisher. Attention to Iteer Drinker. The celebrated Saji Francisco Na tional Beer, Max Wagner agent, h away all end. The men who ap preciate and are well pleased to furnish it for their customers are Mr. Beiloh and Mr. Louis Malot in Astoria, and Mr. W. W. Ward and W. B. Hayden in Ilwaco. "And don't take the horpe shoo away from their doors." Krick! Brick! Brick! I have on hand a large amount of brick for sale at from 5 to $8 per thousand. Call and examine near Astoria conietery. John Wii.liam-ox. Iiiht Iteceiveil at Carl At!lir. A new invoice of those Celebrated Cabinet Grand Pianos. Also, a new invoice of Esty Organs. He wjll sell pianos and organs at manufacturers prices for cash, or on the installment plan. Ice Cream Saloon. Frank Faber's ice cream saloon, on the roadway near Humes mill, is now fitted nicely vrith private rooms for ladies. It is also the depot for choice confectionery, taffy, etc Romain punch served to order. To Teachers and Pnpll or Pub lic Schools. The new school books published by A. S. Barnes & Co., and adopted by the superintendents of Oregon to be introduced the present season, are just received direct from the publish ers, and are now for sale and exchange at introductory prices 3et by tho state superintendents. Respectfully yours, Carl Adler, dealer in books and sta tionery. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite tho Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. Keelars auction was running in full blast last evening. It will be held again to-morrow at '1 and at 7 o'clock Capt. J. H. D. Gray ii now pre pared to supply the best dualities of fir, hemlock, rine maple, Spnice limbs, etc. Leave orders at IIlo wod yard, foot of Benton street. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just receivea the latest and most fashionable stylo of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Cocoanut ice, cocoanut caramels, molasses cocoanut, chocolate caramels at the Astoria candy factory, next door to Stevens & Sons book store. Chewing molasses peppermints and chewing candies of all flavors, at the Astoria candy factory, made fresh every day, opposite the bell tower. Mr. J. G. Davidson of Portland will have a branch Photograph Gal lery in operation in Astoria in a short time, and will be prepared to make first-class work at Portland prices. He will return-in a few days and then giro further notice of his intentions. The boat stoves made by M. C. Crosby, with fire-brick bottoms, are superior to all others in this market. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc., in their 8sason. Dr. J. Welch will be in Astoria May 24th, to practice his profession for a few weeks. Ho will hare rooms at tho Occident. Use Nicholas' Balm of Gilead oil, for sore or chapped hands. Just received at Carl Adlers, a full assortment of Sewing Machine Needles of all makes and sizes; to be sold at reduced rates. Furnished Keens te Let At Mrs. Munaon's lodging house. Office to Kent. Single or in suites of two, in The Astoriax building. Prices reasonable. Attention. Free lunch, beer and whiskey to morrow at the Great Eastern saloon. Max Wagner. Oar. Oar. Oars, eleven feet; caustic soda, gol den lacquer, asphaltutn varnish, furni ture varnish, tan baak, etc., in quanti ties to suit at Geo. W. Humes. Williamxport I'ropcrfy. Great bargains are now offered in the j city of Williams nt for any persons) ' wishintr to locate fmni one lot to five aenw. It is well adapted fr gardens, : nairy Mincncs or piciismi nomes; went elevated, situated one mile smith of Astoria on Young bay, with a good graded road to the place. For further information call at my residence ner th tvmetery. .John Williamson. Centra! Hotel. The Central hotel, near the steam-! ship dock is now open for the recep- j fwiiof guesLs. where the well known j i caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always bo found ready to wait on hi patrons. ' - .. ...- ..... "'": ile lias nad the above named nou.e i StTu....ur1k.,Jm,I, imperial Mitts Flour and Feed. , Call and see him. as he has. the finest i !ii n- i-.t ij! !Vds f ,,qMO" and clSAn u W had Chenamus Street. Wear Olney, III l IIC l'Jl. A VCSKMKXTS llll.I.'S V.vniKriKs. ieo. Hill, proprietor ami manager. r ml (,ere. .stage manager, A. (Mninder. leatk-r of oivhc-.tra. Ceo. LanuVrt, leaden ,ircKrra"aiS iwuu-Ifc byourcxeel-' '"lit brstv? baud on tin raud stand at! " nrwiik.ih . t riiftflin ruik? if v c,yS,.M Kntraiice on lienton street; entrance to nrivale hove-, on Clienainus Mrcc!. ;. ' .. , - zzz Go to M. C. Crosby's ami get; j 3'our lunch buckets, water kegs, bail-. era, buoys and boat stores. ., Ti"m7I-Ti-i7. ,i. ', century to man is Amnion:, (.ougirj Syrup. A wealthy gcnth'inan. whol i iir iuu-i uniuiiii.il unpiirij ii uiirt claims mat it eutiren curcii iiimot m-i cipient consumption, offered $r.j000 fori the formula ami the right to inanufac-l ture anil sell to the world, winch was re-! ruseit. Hie Keineuy stands upon us own merits. A 15-cent sample bottle will convince the most skeptical of Its virtues. TryH. It may sae your life All respectable druggists keep It. at 15 cts.,.'0cts.,Sl. Pfunder's medicines are made from Oregon roots, herbs and barks, and aro not patent medicines, but purely vegetable families remedies. For the Genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the bust of wines, liquors, and S.m Francisco beer call i at the ein opmite th boii tuwer, j and -see Campbell Sons of tin Albany Krer! :cH.c!full DeiUcn: 1 to anil Soul ; CIIAS. I'.ir.VTTKE. - - - - ASTOKIA. ?imm1 tViii!n" Liml fnoniK int liotpn tu tin. And when nu liavi heard in.p. I'm Mire ' xou'llaimf. i I will give jou aMor, and 1ng it nut clear i And tlitMimiie of ni son? N tin AI.I5.VXVt You -nn And it all round in lhl rity of nM. ' And tlicwav that the v make it ha nefr! leca told. That's a secret tlicy keep and hold iT'ikr. For the whole conntrv Is drinking that ALl'.ANY 15KK1U Thebrcueryi-8 law and the umchliiprj In! fine. And ecry order Is sent to you right up to Umiv They uet all kind-, of unlets from far and j ironi near. And eery one's healthv that drinks AL BANY RKEIL For ecrythinf; there looks so clean and so neat. And their beer Is sparkling, it cannot be heat. If vou arc feeling bad or the blues do appear, i You can drive them avn by drinking AL- $ 11ANY REEK. I have an old fatlier.ulioNnoweiulity-tliree, And this Is the advice he cave untw me. Heapokf to nit kindlv with a voice bright and clear : "If ou want to lx healthy, drink ALBANY llEEIL" Since then I hae done io, and I'm hearty and sound. At the round age of flftv I can always be found At inv dally labor before the sun does appear . And each day and night I drink ALBANY BEER. Also, on draught, TTIE CELEBRATED BOCK BEER. C. GRATTKE, - - "WELCOME SALOON. Roadway, opposite OR. & N. Co' Dock. Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company Notice. Ocean Division Ahtorla.Snn Frnu cImco and Portland. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE tickets from Aitorla to Portland or San Fran- iisv lit-fitlir .t inr fViliiiiiliT:i nrO.it'nn. will bcsoiuat tneomcc ot the companj mi Asuria, Instead of on boanl as hcrctolorf. JOHN MLIR. General Freight and I'assenscr ARcnt. P. SHERMAN & CO., CITY MARKET, MAIN STREET. - ASTORIA. OREGON, Is prepared to suppl Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Cornell Dfratn, Poultry. 'aue. Ktc. Also constantly ou hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHU'S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. Depot of Shermans Truck, Dray, and Ex press Teams. Orders left here will be promptly attended to. Washington market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN cD BEItJtY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTE-. tion cf the public to tho fact that the tion cf the public to the fact that the above Market wUl always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention siren to saprb ns ships. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I will not be responsible for any con tracts that Mrs. M. E. Fruit may make from and alter this date, as we have dissolved matrimony. O. D. FRUIT. MISCELLANEOUS. TREMIARH & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SHIP 6 HANDLES PROVISIONS, IROJV, -wt- STEEL. GOAL, Builders General i HARDWARE, Pir-aLXXjS, nmn PAlNTfr. OILS. ETC. t.ENo u.v run Al(l:i V. OKFCIIN i.Ki.vKwrarit hii:m nnow.v. Ml ULI-11RI !'.. lAilltJljKu AUD uUllKiMlU, t.. ...- a... i . , a A U. KINDS OF iX TiTF? A 'PZSUgJiJbt. AND FINDINGS Vlw!ealf bralvrt in OIL AND TALLOW. .max i rAcri'Riiits of ROfrP(I o-iil Q PTfYTT'Q -DWWJLQ ILLLU. OULWJUlO KirlliKlu'st wish priet jmlil for Hides and Tallow. CENTRAL MARKET. Gonpr.il Mwmim-nt or t:il!cstuk constantly on Hand. mh-Ii .is Canned Fruits andJelly, I Bacon, Hams, ShGuIders, Lard, i:;;s. ki'ttkk. cheese. presh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POl'IriSY AM HASTE III tS' ".'MM il ci;.ts:s a?i TossAcco. CpM of WIXEX A5D E.IQFOKS. minion All chfap fr CA!!. ISikkIs old on com i iiMtNtif i v. . i im . :re. .t ::in(;i:it.s T. .... T. W. Eato- Astoria 'Market ! orrosiTK omnKXT hotei , ASTORIA. --.- OHKOOX. m."ik.ti . i-.-vro. 'ropnetorM. (Sneenr tt'arfx .1 HcGuirel Wholesale and Hetail Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats A full lino or FAMILY CROUKKIES. FI.Ol'R. FEED HAY. CAN'XED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES. ETC. eUuiter, Ess. Chee, otc. constantly on hand. CB' Shh'i supplied at the lowou rates. SIRS. S. T. MoKEAN, DKALE1C l DRESS TRDDIINGS, All kinds of WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC., Corner of Cass and JenVrMtu Mrets. Atorin. i2r.Siainp:n;:doue to order. xaxr,ox3srG. UIiJii.fl.IVlIYli anil Jvfcir AliUIV li NEAT. CIIEA1" AND QUICK, BY ;K01(1SK I.OVETT. Chenamus St., net Nicholas B.-u-ber Shop. I 'WISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF the citizens of Astoria and wcinity that I hae opened a rxTTjrc. store Near the O. IL & N. Co dock. My stock is new ami fresh and an one wishing any thing in my line may deptnd on settluf; the PUREST AND BEST. I have .secured the rn ices ofIr. A. F. Tonus, a careful and compett-nt Drucgbt of fourteen ears eiH'rience. who will attend to the lrftcriptlun Departuient. Also a splendid assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Sets, And everything usually kept in a first class Drugstore, ana mey win oe sotu at me VERY LOWEST TRICES. By strict attention and fair dealing I solicit a share of the public patronage. Respectfully, J. W. CONN. P. S. Physicians prescriptions compound ed day or night. ' fgggP? caiSSsrS iK -"" "T'Tgiir' r 1 l - B &JLV A THE I X L STORE LEADS THE YAN ! ! ' ABOVE THE DIX AND TIDE OF BATTLE: AMIDST MISSILES FROM FLYING SHOT AND SHELL, STILL COMES THE CRY AND GRAND RUSH TO THE I X L STORE, Vllere b displayed one of the largest and most coraplotc stocks of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, EVER SEEN IN THIS MARKET, And to be Sold at tlie lowest Marginnble Profits. A FULL LKsTE OF DRESS GOODS, With Satins, Gimps, Cords and Buttons to Match. SACQES, TIES, 3E3LTJ03a:iISrC3-S. IN ENDLESS VARIluTIES. isasxEsrsr, coaasEis and gloves, AT PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE OP S3px-i3a.g: Stylos in S-fervcfw IQTfvts. IN FACT HERE YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISH MENT. I SHALL SUSTAIN MY ONE PRICE SYSTEM AND Don't Propose to be Undersold. CALL AND SEE ME. MME. DEMOREST AGENCY'. a b. ctoofjsb, 1 X 1. Store, comer Main and Coucomly Streets. Astoria, Oregon TlifiE loss Coffee and Tea Pot 3. K. HitWES TWO D0011S EAST OF OCCIDENT, AUCTION! Keelar, the Auctioneer, WILL COMMENCE SELLING BIS IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF w W la n w AwfiTsf fe TO-NIGHT, AT HOLDER'S AUCTION ROOMS. The Sale will Continue Every Day, at 2 and J P. M., Until all is Sold. Ladles tarllcnt2tlv luxlled tn atteml and call early and evatnlne tlte stock. E. C. HOLDER. Auctioneer. Assisted by 'KAXI KEKLAR, init a license. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S -BEDDING AND DEALE11 IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW COIiNICES AND CUIITAIN TOLES Complete in every branch. ASTORIA M. MEYER TTAVIXO EVERY FACILITY FOlt HE tide. I am now prepared to furni tho LAGER BEEE, AT :tU CKXTS I'KK GAL.LOS. J3yFamilIcs and keepers of public honses M. MEYER. Proprieto- ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only Machine Shop v And the bm BLACKSMITH Sj frA trt.t. SHOPi Jy In the city. All kinds of " SS&ZA s&2sS3S.-3 '-iSgr-J- ENGINE, CANNERY, AT STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS T0BIA FISHERY. Av'&k.I.- 7aL-m j. wKBrSS&wm 5 ?zmmi j Mr ill - ri ii-ii i. tJSr3Bfci-- MAY UK ll. OF ffli!E'E.RBA-WES SOLE AlJEXT. Al-o. Assent tor the 'celebrated -A MEMLLlUiX RAiN'GE, ASTORIA. OREGON. BREWERY. Proprietor. MANUFAClVUE OF A FlttSTCLA&S AK public with tho finest quality, for cash. OF BOTTLED BEEE, AT SI SO Pi:it IOZKTl. promptly aad regularly supplied. ASTORIA. OREGON THF. Fishermen's anil Workingmen's CLOTHING STORE, MARCUS WISE, - - PROPRIETOR. TT'rvn JITST nPFXKn THE AT?flT? i a. a, nameu store, nexr ooor io me Asiona Bakery and hu ing jnt reoei ed a 0nt class i - -. . --- --. r. . selection of X-iJi.lXl.ll JJJVJ. UUUUC, UWXO, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods And all goods kept in a well stocked Cloth mg Store. Follow ing Li a scale of some of my prices : Overalls from .... .GO cts to SVOo Shaker Socks 20 cts or 6 pair for SI 00 Merino Undershirts and Drawers..... SI 00 I-adies Iron Frame Hose ..... 25 cts Ladles Corsets from 75 cts to SI 00 riease look for the sign ot the Fishermen's and AVorkingmen's Store. Chenamus street, next door to the Astoria Bakerr MARCUS WISE, Proprietor. i v' s ot) eeA rs ? ttfwwwj n siv c5.'