00 -' -"T ?fefw niT35 stocfcrn. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY .. MAY 15. 1IJSJ COMMERCE AMD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA RKADI PORSEA. Paitha.brbk tn Wert QniiiwiOfaMy Ezolorer br bV Qieis4wi). Mar 14 Geo Hewlov.br sta WW ts. iiewttw.QHeitewii Ma li. SAILED. State of California, us. JW tens. Debney. b K May 14 County of Ayr br 1 i mm. AtaM4er Qaee.- toivn Ms) 14 Portland. bU Gae. h V Mt 11 Sicnet. bbk Queetmwn. Mj 12 Atholeian, brbk laienteri.Mav ) ARRIVALS I'llQM SKA. Uollaporte br bk. 1W tw. Tate. XcMlt. X S W. Ma j 14 Orecon ss. 232S tons. I'ehlman. S V Ma IX Herbert Ill&oL. bk SIC, Uhw. VeUtf Mr 13 Alpha, noli Man-. TiIUhhh. M W Liz7ie Hetl, br bk l9fi to, Morpnwnl. Shanghai. May!) Merom, sh. 11 tws. I-eH. X Y Mar 5 Victoria Cross, br bk. totw. Ohm, Oaloatta. Mayb Acnes Oswald, br sb. Urn .Mc(hM)b. Cardiff. Mai 8 Isle or Erin br bk f nm WVMmctoti X Z Mi 7 Mary Wnndell Br bk SO twws Cahwrt. Itjuwiee May 3 Clan Grant, br bk. SW ton. .!. fm Lrjal. Mat G WebfooU bkt. 31 tiw. Lewi. Sim I'edre Mar h Marion Kiag br bk KM. R .lawe May Oak worth, br sh . Yokohama. w h lr Ma S Gen AVncht U S Mr I)n Yqtuiw ba Ajtot 5H bhubnek. U Iaxfct-hih tr. liversen. Berth April an Adult. .SpaaMt bk M r" I. Jan i via Victoria Xtrl s; .SslkirUbire.br nil HKt4MMi.AiMleifi.fM Oardifl April Ji Kllerbanle. 1 bk. 1HW tHi. I'arW. Ykbaa. April I .. vxssKiA o. run ttAi. I'rozri Aiiifricau EorJ. Uival. bk. S tMM. A4aHi. S. P. M !i North Bend bkt 8 to. Marrrwa". P Mar IS (Miforma. str. Kl tm.CarrwM..sitkaMa 11 Bls of Oroo bk N Maj. ' Uttmia T Craw li bk I a4HK Y AjtrM 27 Oarne Mi. Ik JM ui-, llMlalHt. Aleti f Aliae Buck. m tit bisdiMK A Columbia, i, 1H. urn HmiH. Y. .la sa. Brapiro.sb 11JJ t. .- i'wrk. Ja li Gorton. i i'Mla4l4Mfc. .! IS Honri h Sandfol. "h. i:"i tHis. SVrr. X Y March it Kate lawprt. ah iil luofc. Mallel4 X Y .Ian lb OrBt. brie 12 to Wuli. P Ma 9 Omc-. sh 1MW tM. MmtHW. Phlauliia c2J OIito b hntbarl Am h lhilail(iltiia Man Palmyra, ah i ttn Mm X Y Mart 2 haraiWM; h n Y A Hi! J6 hpam.-n eh b 1 Mareh 14. WiMHwtc. M.WtlitHii, N Y Martsfa S t'roiu Xro5sr I'rt. AldoM Be, Aw bk. MJ !. N. liwMKkmx April IU Ailolt. bwe. lik. 2S . KiiiaMian-ww. G4t4n- burc, Oct IS Ars. Kr lik (SJ tHW .aae Yaarm Mareh IH Banksrteld Br bk I.wpmiI AprM J P.Htrtti Yale. Ik- bk 7 !. Kci-sfcam Yk- lmma Pub 1 Oito of Quebec br lik 7t tn. I.uailoii I)e ll-ia vjotona OrowfieM. br bk. IthmI. March 36 City of Asm brbk. 171 tmi. Ymim. MlbeBrne. Xov8 Colema. Am bk S tm. Xy !Iakx.iM IS Countest. of RolbfS. Br h MHt4iebore. Dee 2$ Oeunteseof Darby, bs. MmMMnn I.b. ,lai2S Doxford, br bk I.iierpoM Marc J 3 ta 'x;tna Klhel. br bk. iV tBfc. Graham. Ltrerpoel et 3U Fademeslandot. bw bk itenlaix. Oct 12 Glanperis. bs 111 ton Cape of .&d-hie, due Juuo Glensabcr. br bk, loading at I.ivrtol Oberon. bs. llbttteit. Livorpoel XprA 2S Uiver Aon, br lk 4 Holker Ltverpoal March 1 bidlaw. Br bk 49 to McGlali Middteborovck .Ian 12 btouibh Bard. Br bk KockbarapUm. Mrch lt Zoe. brbklit4riHwl via VtcUwia .la 2 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. MKGI.KK. C .s. WlttOHT occidsat Ti:rM MEGLER ic WKiGill. PrKietrs. AUorict, Oregon. The pi:opi:ikti;.s a up. happy to announce Hut the almwhoit! litis iM'en repainted and icfunitKlMHl.MdUiiH; kicmU) to the comfoi t of itsJMsaiMl 1-.110H tlie bosl hotel north of San FraMtiueo. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STltEET. -T - - A.S-101HA 4- 3IrH. S. X. Arrloni. Xroirictor npHETKAYELIM; Pl'BLlC WILL FIND JL the PiniK'Oi 1UM t-Uss lit all u'sji'ft.aid a slime of then patronage in resjiectfullj solicited. SSfllourd anil lodging In HumUj or week. SEA VIEW HOUSE. .I.L. STOUT, - PROPRIETOR. Noi th P: lie Beach, W. T.. Will be Open foi Visitors July 4. 18SI. It is one mile nearer Hwaco than last season. Fair Wind Coifee Saloon -Wll CHOP HOUSE, WATER STREin. ASTORIA. Net diwir to Dr KitixV. CotTee. Tea nnsl Cltoeolnte. with CalJe. to rents. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines. Iiiturs and t'ixnrs Orth-'lnM brands. Haing just oiiened the alxnc estsiMisU lncut weenidia:i iuit'Mir ftieiHlsnnii the public a'licrallv togixe iis tnal. fi0-tt FOARD l EVAN.SOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. 'Bif main sTRi:irr. astokia. mm: indi:kskjxi:d is plkvskd to JL announce to the Ladies' and Gentleman of this City That he is now lwvparvd to furnish fot them. in nrst class mic. ami ccr sijie. OYSTRRS. HOT OOKFKK. TKA, I"TC. T Till" Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, mi: sTiHZirr. Please gi e me a call. ROsCOR DIXON, Pi oprietor C. K. .lAv''ICIs. .1. A. VONTfiOMKKV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA, - OREGON. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail deidcr In. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General 2torai;e and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astorlal Oregon, i rnnTinV ""ftM Columbia River Exports. MAY. C To QncciitffncH. jxt Signet. From Portland 0.392 etls wheat $27,000 9 To QuecRtlmtn.jitrJUwMaH. From Portland 13,K) bbls flour. 55,000 12 To QucchxIowh, Kr County ofAyrc From Port laud lc 001 ctls wheat . 521,300 12 To QnecHUnc,cr Geo. Beaky. From Portland 3J.hu ctls wheat $02,830 Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Kcmlar meeting every 1st aud 3d Monday f each w'Hil li. at "4 r. a., in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. .1. J. A. BO WLBY. President Knignts ot Pythias, IVA UVIU6f.lU.U. JUV1 M.. AAiCCll.tf - every Wednesday evening at TKtW 1 el.... T A.1..A Va r. t? nf D .M.I...L o'clock, in the Hall ot tne A. li. V. XV. ' Corner Cuenamus and Benton streets. By order C. C. Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. G. T. K ocular Meeting every Tuesdav Evening at7'4 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Che n am U3 Street. Astoria. ocr C. L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in cood stand n e, are invited to attend. Degree mcetinp 1st Monday each month. By order V. C.T. Temple .Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. HoRiilar Communications first first and XX j. at7i V third haturdavf in each month o'clock, r. m.. at the Hall in Astoria. Mombers of the Order, in jrood standing, are in ited to attend. By orde: of tho W. M. Beaver Liodcro No. 35, L O. O. P. Moet every Thursday ovcnincdM?fe?i at h o'clock, in tho Odd Pel- "ffgrgifir low's Hall. cor. of Cass and Cho- T. namusetroets, Astoria. Memborsof tho Order arc in ited to attend. Byorder, N. U, Common Council. KecularmootinKS second and fourth Tues day t eainss of each month, at v'i o ciock oii Persons doMrins to have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meetine mint present tho same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular mooting. It. II. CA KB-WELL. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA FnMttiilh or Culled Stales Coast Sunej-. Hish Water. S Low Water. Dnl. a.m. r-M-L r'M- 12 H H -II 4V, (5 11 r. 13 IS 0 .ViJ 7 01 C 'X 1 1 0 tB 1 47 7 V . 7 OS l' .... 1 OS 2 a S 11 7 jS 1 1 IX 3 3Sj 1 2.1 .... S 13 17 .11 4 12j 10 ! OS IK. V. Ill 4 10 .10 10 -12 W A 17 .' Ml 11 : 11 31 ." is i. si j j no 21 4 7 TO' 0 4" I 25 MISCELLANEOUS Kiiiff of the Blood Is not a rtir" till." it is a WfMid-purifier and tiMtk. IiniHini of tliolilitml itnUtiu: thr;s- leiM. ileraiigCN tW arculattoii, and tints in diKis main disoiders. known hv dilferent names lo lUstiiigmsh tlieni ncoonhiiK to ef fcts. but Ik'Hir n-nll j branches or phases of that givat ttenrric disonler. Itnpnrity of ISIocmI. .Such are DyiKj(a, HlllUnunrjm, Lfrcr ComjfoM, CoHtfifHihoH. JVVrrtiw Dl otthnt. llrwfwhc, llachachc. General iraJf- hc. ttcntt jJitac uropmi. Kidney Jjleae, I'llfx. i:hctnnaUam, Catarrh, Sertnula, Sktn DlKHilrr. Pltmifr. Ulcer. Stcelting, etc. Ac. Kinu: of the Itlooit prevents ana cures these hj attacking Hie cave. Impurity tifthelihKul Chemistsand phj steams :igret in calling it "the most genuine and efllcient preiaralMHt for the piiriwse." Sold by Drug glsis, Ml jut Ixrttle. See testimonials, direc tions. , hi pamphlet, "Treatise oh Diseases ot tlie ISIihnI." wraniM'd around oach bottle. D. K.VNMJM, hOX Co.. Props. ButfiUo, X. Y. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE THAT HAS EVEJl COiLE TO THIS CITY IS SOW FOR SALE AT THE Great Eastern Saloon ON CONCO.MLY STREET, BY MAX WAGNER. IT IS IMPORTED DIRECT PROM SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL BREWERY. MAX UNDERSTANDS HIMSELF, AND KNOWING WHAT IS WANTED FOR THIS TRADE GETS IT WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer Main and Chenamus Streets, AS rORIA OREGON. bi u.vr. i.t CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU and other Enclish Cutlery. SXi?kXX01SrEl-BL,,2"I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine :tock of Watches and .Jewelry, Sluzxlc aud Itrecelt liondin .Shot Guiih and Utiles, Itevolvers. Pistol, and Ammunition MARIXE GLASSES. ALSO A rtXR Assortment of fine SPECTACLES audCEYE GIVSSKS. WE ARE H-EKE AND HAVE G0ME?T0 STAY. Our beginning is jifiall. but by making all our goods, and offhe purest and best mat c rlal. xe ask a share of 3 our patronage at tlie Astoria Canfly factory, Next door to Stexens & Sons Book Store, Oppsslte the Bell Tower. 3 BOCK rjraSE-S-S?3 AIISCELLANEOUS. A. V. ALLEN. a II. PAGE. Page & Allen (SUCOESfeOUN TO E. S. LAPSEX.) Wholesale and retail rtealeryln Armories, Provisions, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with fines, Mpore, Total Cigars The largest and most compote stock of goods in their line to be found in the city. Corner of Cass and Sqwmocqhe Streets. ASTOKIA. OKRCOX. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, ."1 1 3Inrkct Street. San Francisco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHWCHONA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, TILE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Sec our local columns lor lenticular-, and as oh VALUE HEALTH. HEAD! Henrj'Ahrens. Henry Tiet jeu. T.V.Borstel. CHICAGO BREWERY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, 1420 to 1434 Pine Street, SAX FKAXCISCO. millS BREWERY IS THE 3IOST POrU- JL laronthe coast, and lme established a brauchlin thiscltv and is under the manage ment of J. STRAUSS, who will be pleased to fill any order from a dozen bottles up to a thousand barrels, lids beer needs no rec ommendation, as those using it once will neer use any other. Order, left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Lsuue Foster's will be promptly attended to. All orders from a uisiance win rccme prompi atieniion. Families .supplied with this excellent quali ty of beer. J. STltAUSS. Agent. Wati street, next door to Isaac Foster's, Astoria, Oregon. IB. V57" BLOOD, (Successor to Blood & Lee.) CLATSKANIE. - - OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS5 Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been engaged In making floats, etc, for the past Ave ears, and ray xxork has al xvays gix'en satisfaction. I am prepared to flU all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, alxvays underselling other factories according to qualit joX goods. Orders left xx lth TRENCHABD & UPSHUR, Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to the undersigned, will re ceive prompt attention. B. w. BLOOD, Clatskanle, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY HOOK STORE. rrT7'vrci titttt ttv. toJXVJ V i D J U XLtUJ i VT opposite the SEiXUIU TDWEB, In nxmi lately oecupied by SchmeerS Confectionerj'. Lamet and Best Assorinii or novelties in the stationary' '' " "' found in n first-i lass book stotv.eiMtlshi.!. ot BOOKS. riNF. S"l ATIOXKKY. t:OI.D PEN ROODS. ALBOIS. CIIKiiMli.s. riLAll. STEREOSCOPES. DLV1MES. All of whlcn will be sold at prices whlcli DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern ami California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS.STEYENS . SON. vr e. zxE-xyss-KTY, ASTORIA. OREGON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. ZST Prescriptions careful! coinimuiHletl at all hours. 23IIomeojiathIc Tinctures and 1'ellets. and Humphrey's Specifics a!o kept. im. BLOOD IS THE LIFE! For this season of the ear with changeable climates, prewnt all sort of sickness u-e THE UNIVERSAL CELEBRATED OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. ThLs Herbal Kingdom, scientificallj pre pared. Is rapidly gahiing In eerj' citj on thLs coast, aud the main astonishing cures it has effected hae now established its, enlcaci. 1h jond a doubt. Remember diseases of the BLOOD OR LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, A good medicine isalwas necenr to effect :i ciin. Trj it : it will help hi. For further information and particulars see circular around each iMitlk'. Sold In yourdnigglst. I rice, perlMitilc.l 0oor-s."iiwf.irsi iHittles. Directions in English, Reman. French ami Scauiliuaxiaii. "bahkihg ahdjnsurahce. I. 'W. CASE. BROKER, BANKER AXI INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL J O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, .1. F. IIOUOIITOK-. ClIAS. R.STOKX...... Geo. I.. Stouw- .. ...Prcsldent ,.....Secretary Agent fur (on Capital paid up in U. S. gold coin . . 5 300 000 DO I. W. CASIX Agent, Chcnrinitts street, Vstoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOnON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCLAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.00O.O0O. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. Commercial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN ILVE HAMILTON, Manager. 210 Sansome St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC CO.VST MARINE BRANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500.000. The undersigned are prepared to ISSUE POLICIES To coxer shipments of SALMON or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN TORTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE promptly at tended to SIBSON, CHURCH & Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Port laud, Oregon. WAR IS DECLARED WITHOUT FURTHER XOTICE And no terms of peace until cx-ery man In Astoria has a nexv suit of clothes M.VDK BY .-1IEAXY. Look at the prices : Pants to order from - - SS CO Pants, Genuine French Casslmere - 12 0 Suits from 2500 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY. Main street, opposite rarker House, Astoria, BEOISTEnED MAECni. 1S79. illlROiill ny ?y a. k. rvAirr. l-.H $&&s)K S 7?S & J, -BUF8LAP S,t SisK&5A fc STnOTTO) rope?; T vEiffKm . Jsr--?-TllS .-' ltj 8cva?r-s -x SS 03 2 o o PACIFIC COAST AGEH7S FGR t j. .mlcp:llaxeou. fzw&m. ssc 3-fetja -"' ISJix -1 vryfs Tn. m-ii-' m r5?rsr t ' . .SG Vitaliu3 and Enri,' "ti.- t.: !, Tae up tho System, .I. .".. the V.'cuk Stron'r, ISnilu up b Ilroca- dowm, In'.lRr.ratc tl Uniln, .tit.l CURSS Dyspepaa, lTervcns Affections, Gen: erarDe'oility, ITeuralgia, Fever and. Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, Boils, "Dropsy, Humors, iemale Com plaints, Liver Gem plaint, Semittent Pever, and ftlL DISEASES ORIGIKATISG I'j A PAD STAT! OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOHPAN'IED eY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. IP&SSf aaOff up?hcs the blood vnih its Vital Principle, u Llfo Ucnicnt, IltON, inro.ini- Mrcngtii Vigor and New Life ir.i i ell j-u f i'.c . .on BEINC FREE IROM ALCOKOI . i . t .c .. Jigc&ctsare not follotrcd by c-t5, ii- ;i ac Joo, bui are permanent. SETII W FOWLE S. SON3 Pmpneiw , & tlarriscn Axaue, Boston. Soil by all Drusgtsts &:, alxzrsy Caroi as'I never uiiip p oitits. Tho -srorl J's groat J?av Roliovcr for Irlarr and Soaat. Clicap, quiclc asd rcliablc. PITCHER'S C.VSTOSLt. i not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, ?Ioilier- like, and Pltysicians recommend CASTORIA. Itre-nlalestlic Bowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Fevcrislmcss, and de stroys "Worms. "WEI DE MEITEIi'S CA TARRH Cnro, a. Constitutional Antidoto for tins tcrriblo xacla &7i TY Absorption. Tho most Important Discovery sinco Vac cination. Other remedieu may rcliovo Catarrh, this cures at. any stags "boforo Consumption sots in. ri iww- ur u jZ&&SB& if 23 US AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, are incomparablo. They stimulate the TORPID iLTVBK.invigorate the A EllV OUS SYSTEM, mvo tone to tho DIOIZS TIVBOHQAliS, create perfect lusesiio. andrejrularmovement of the bowels. AS AM ANTI-MALAFJAf. They have no equal ;acunft as a prevent ive and euro for Bilious, Remittent, late. mitteatT Typhoid Fevera, and Fever tn Ague." Upon tho healthy aeticn of th Stomach and layer deponds, cln'os' wholly, tho health of tho human rat - DYSPEPSIA, It is for tho cure of thi3 disease and it$ at tendanta, SICK-HEADACHE, HEKV OUSNE33, DEBPONDENCY, " COr7 &TIFATIOJf, PILES, &c. , that these Pills have gamed auch a widercputauon. So remedy xvaa over diacovered that act. so speedily andgently ontho digectivo or rano, giving them tone and vigor toaa-aimdate-food. This accomplished, th NERVES are BRACED, tha BHAD? NOURISHED, and the BODY EG BUST.TrythlirRemedy fairly and yox. xvlU gam a Vigorous Body, Pure Blood, Strong Nerves, and aCheerf ul nund. Price 2oc. 35 lurrey Jst-, N. V. TUTT'S HATH DYE Ckat Hxib on WmsKEES caql to a t.u BL-xcxbrasinsteoppliiaitKHi ot ihw 1JY" 1 .. parts a Natural CoW. aad act In-ttui 'iw olttbyDrnmnstKorscntliycsi .1 aiwirtsvi' 1 Otnce, 35 Murray St., Mev York First Class -Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon llail-xx-ay and Nax igation Co's xxharf. New Bagatelle Table, (The Chinese must go.) Tlie choicest brands of foreign and domestic WIXES, IilUORS AXD CIARS. jSETBest Chlcaso Bccr.'S'a SlS2 .-crseSE7 jfl-iiigt I wum w fIII i Xy fS1j& .&m "t p vi.. i 12 rvC-l F'T "f-.V 1 f-5-- .-'-p-. o.bv'W.'uu 'ffln'Gir tir rr. nut t i ri vAJJ J Wi SSLsStJ && -rTWjMilJJA : ST-i. M TJF,V Tfc fr5 5 "A HILLS AT r. lesson & co , mim. n- s?- MISCELLANEOUS. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation Company. The new steamer S3'Ti ISX!. .IOHN BROWN. - - - MSTH. Will leave Snntli i:?!(i Tor Hay Center. 0 tervjlle asul tSielteail ofthe Stxy. Cinectinp with N. Hennis' sa. Htn ami steamer ("imi. Caiil at linaeo W .Vst'nia. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. I"aegers leaving Astoria oh eilfcer f tbte j da scan yothrHh to So(k ItvMt in one j lav. For freight ami j)jase npty at the Cn;mMstce:t Sottth lleml. or the Cap- , j .am i hi nuar.i. Ho for an Independent Fish Besi The steamer Rip Van Winkle " ,Hi2iu' ITr hK RXJl i rf'"v ' r. 3i.. tily. Ujenfor.iil job ort.. i For further partietttars impure , hoard. For London Direct. Tm' umlcr-.lciH'd lwe nmler charter a tlm elss TrC: r2- Al Iron Bnrqui jOSSeL s3.tu21SF One at ASTORIA earl) in Max. which will ' v iv n inr. in t,r tv,tti ivt L0ND0NDIRECT. I i Skameka tn Uit Ttl.n r.-!ttl'P!T:Silt H.t.h!t it wa KrsaL. i.tfr,,T . , ,u .. . 1 til rur.iiiiii .lint iniK-i (itM-ii!iirs, .llH IO SIstWtt?;. 'iZI'IK'3I A 'o.. C.T. Frwtt ami .Wh Streets. Portland. Orgtn. ?JTSrl' GL'VSS ftjHPS' i FROM ASTORIA Direct to Liverpool. milHOUC.IIOUT THE SIMI ;FVS' JL we wilt haw i hi THE BERTH AT ASTORIA, First Class Ships to Sail Direct, for Liverpool. SahtMHi taken in lot- t. snit shippers at I ft. K In. meaMtrement per ease For full nnrtienlars regarding rates ef freight ami Insurance apply to KtllHiiafSi.JHKVKKX. IU PorthMHl. Oreit.wi. 9i-dlm or San Francisco. Cal. Ilk Connecting with ..A.Loomis'stascsforOys t r i T i ten I10 an( Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat- For Liverpool Direct. Vott Sl01 " " Canbj and Ilwaco . $i co nvllwaco freight, by the ton, in lots of The A 1 Irirti liari"" First YeSSCl for Salmon. Sailing at Once. Cas.etl Salmon Taken '.fs to Suit yihiiiper. For iwrti.'iilar! of fniht and iwmraiwi On an alter Oct. 11, IsSO, trains will run as fol apply to P.ALFOl R CUTHRIE. Co . ,0WJ DAILY" (Excopt Sundays), I'ortbMMlorAstora. ,...,-...... . lUbTSIOB DIX ISIOV. MAGXQS 0. CROSBY, ' Dealer hi HARDIAEE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, FlMta and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, ' onrrT innm-iii uinmnnprn vjHll! InUN IN ANU-bUrrlinj Jens S Stoves, Tin Yara and House s--:-t.T P fUll.lJ,UIiy UUUUi. Dona with neatness and dispatch. None but (Irat chws workmen emplmcd. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on ImumI. Wanted. 1 K fCl POUNDS RAGS'OF all kinds X O J J J clean and dry, at t he Umbrella shop, Main street, by J. JOPLIN. -rtULSC- S. A. :$sgj CT oinfirvoi CstVA5 gis8K sr. Si&jsSi3 rlVl CZOTttlPr '-li j. uim, iua, tinoo TRANSFOrvTATlON LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IFAXY. Ot'EAX IlVI.IOX. Bctvreea San Frar.cisco & Portland. NTE.VMSHIP LEAVES EVERY FIVE DAYS I.K K N" tUAXCISCO AT 10 A. M. state '.iliTornia H5hi- v v feN" Oregon. Columbia. April 2a May ...r. 1 M.i 11 " Id " .20 " 31 June to June 15 " 25 " 30 Julj 10 July 15 " 23 " 30 Aug .. 9 Aug 14 " .24 " ... 2U Aiil., Ma .Inn Inly .... Aug. " .. .21 o 2I ... 0 r .. . .'J0 . 4 ... . li 1 K VVK rOUTI.ND AT 3 A. 31. stRtcCalirornia Oregon. Columbia. April .-2S May 2 May 8 May?. 13 " 18 " 23 " 2s June 2 June 7 .law 12 " 17 " 22 27 Jiu 2 July 7 July .u! " 17 " :s-..22 " 17 Aug 1 Aug C vitg in " if. 2t Ritrht is reser ed to change steamers or 1 5;wHnic5as. I II .'lt'IT I'lni.TTl! T,l ,n nil l.o -(.. c-iwiitle iii the I nited States and Canada, River and Rail DlVISIOn. Columbia, Willamei and Yamhill Riuer3 FEBRUARY 1. 1S31 ile.uePort lautl for Mon Tu. We. Tim. Frl. Sat. i lWe. tt'al- la Walia "l?"'1? r fHtS MioAM 5AM bA31 BAM SAM CAM 5 AM 5 AM A-lona Ka lm. Taco mo.Sttle r.AM GAM 6 AM SAM rAM h; r. ?eu AVest'aistr Ca thlamt. i liar View. fiW .. . (fiAMJ. fc AM t III t OR . Kit appal ISAM SAM 6 AM j Hmt - 17 All 7 AM balvm AI- lwHj-. Cr- lJ.l at?pmts.fiA.M! GAM I.KMIUAI. OFFIChS: Comer Front and D Streets, Portland. J. M( CRAIvKN & Co.. Agents Mate of California. A. I.. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. 6: N. Co JOHN MU1R. t'cHeral Freight and Passenger agent. T. F. OARES, ice President and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. ilwaco Steam Navinafinn Co. 2-M.-- Stonm Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, WIIITCO.MB MASTER n ill Ieavo Astoria on Mondays, Tucsilnys, ami Saturday At 9 A.M., Fridays at C 1-1 A. II.. and 1 P. M. furl Mciens, Fort Canby, and Ilxnc one ion or oxer. 5 00 per ion. sl"or Tickets. Towaeo or Chartor apply either at tho ofSco of tno Company, Gray'a wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain en board. J.II.D.QRAY. Agont. ' Oregon & California R.R.Co t&j?- Jfcgffijl FROP1 PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. tslTE. '"-arrive. Portland .7:.M) A. M.Roseburg..-.7:00 P. M Roeburg...-5:00 A. M.I Portland 4:25P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. , LEAVE. AKRRrE. ' rortisnu i:uo i m. L.euanon v.m Jt. al cbunon 1:1 A. M.Portland...l0:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland......ii:l'j A. M. Junction 6:00 P. M 1 Junction 5:rSA. M.PortIand...5:25F. M j Tho Oregon and California Railroad i erry makos connection with all Regular Trains on Lastside Di hion. XVESTSIOE D1VISI0X. I'rom Portland to Corxnllls. M1IL TRVIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. ' Portland h.00 A. M.ICoryalhs 3:00 P. M Corxallis 6:30 A. 3I.l'ortland 3:20JP.IM 1 Close connections are mado at ROSEBURQ , nith the Stages of tho Oregon and California ,btTickSralotoallthoprincipalpointa in California and tho East, at the Company' Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn ' Storage will be charged on freight remain- nit atCompanys Warchouso over 21 hours, irroight will not bo recoivedfor shipment otter 1 o ciock t. M. on tastaiuo Division, and 0 o'clock P. M.on AX estsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Sup't S. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent For Youngs River and Knappa. I Tlie Steamer ! JIAGXET, C.W.1IAMLIN, - - -MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rixet icwrx Fndaj and Knappa ex ery Tuesday. 'Die Magnet Is ready for charter to any point on the bay. Fiir freight or passage apply on board or at I. W. Case's. Astoria and Xtnappton. I Regular Mail and r.issenger rjj&Si Steamer ROSETTE C. BROCK .....MASTER OB-Will leave Knappton Tor Astoria and return dally. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter xx hlch enables her to carry xxood or freight of any kind. S3" For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Caae'i store. 1 g3gmkzm l&xnvK&mt