C V 3z inlu s&8xxnn. 1IISCELLA1TE0US. &USCELLANEOUS. C. K. 3HVANT. - j.i-j...!..' ..! J HB3M M B1-" '' "-ll M-TlWItiTMUmtr ."Mhl I J M B"B mm aBiM -r-WT--S-A-ra- . S. A. Tre1- ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY MAY 14, 1881 COMMERCE AND TRADE. POUT OF ASTORIA.. READY FOR SKA. mi of Oatifomia. wb. tiM iads. Dafeney. fc K May 13 PertlaBd. Met. Ohrh. S F May 13 Goo Hewter. Ih- xh WW tH. Hewtetr. nestw May l. (Mf f A vr br Mc. Ml mmm. Atexas4f Queen -lo Mar 12 A.ILF.D. bhlBet. Mm QneMsiMri3. May 1 Athetstan, fcr WL. Linnml.MH Mi A Hill VA ii I'JiOil SKA . Oregon as. itt tons. 1'rtMmnn. S F May 13 IlarWt IHack. 1A. M7 ts. VmIml Mar 1 Alpfoa . htarr. 'ftMartMl. Mm M 14mm IMt. to bk W ln. Mot-Ktuwd. MoHHtba. .May Mrom. ah. 1S! tons. 1aw-H. X Y Ma Viut VH. to VA. ttw. Owwm. CalewM. May b Asrnes Oswald. Ih- h. I . MeCtMrnN. VmMK. .May s lrii of KrtN r Wc fwwa "Awt4 X Z May 7 Maty lMtH4W Itr 14. tail imm. Oafcwrt. IiMiw May ft Oten Onuii. Ik- M. HW U.. Jmme. ft lnMwl. Mav 6 WebfweU UM. tus. Iwi. tj Vi MayS Marian King to 14. JW to Ki tlatKHW Mar llxuterer. UrWc Peru. Ma 3 Oakurertfc. to all . YwkofcmM. va S V .May S Gen AVrit US Dawwy Yaqiiwia htv Am Shubrtek. U S Wrht-lKHi- 4r. 1v?mi. twtk April 2s AduKa.SiaHii4.StMlf P 1. .Ian 4 vis Yirteria Alrl T.. F.isitha. to lk 7 tHW. West, l.iTtTm.it. via Vic toria April Z7. .Srfkir5.4.iio. to ah. ! lw, A4lMm. fm Ualitt jlml 2 llllerbanks. to W.. IH . Par. YmWoImmm. April rftss-KAS oa r; j r. From Aiueriran I'ort". Rival, bk. ') ton. Adam, h. F. May 12 North Bend bkt 37h tons Mwtymua. i F May 12 California, str. 671 tens. Carroll. bitka May It Urileef Oregon bk X Y May 3 KmmaTCroivoli bk loading X Y Ajtril 27 Carrie Winston, bk. JW tons. I'MtadirfiiteM. Mcti C AJice Kuck. Am nil loadwjr X Y Columbia, . 1Wm tH. HnHirvj-. X V. JaH 20. Ktniiire.ah l!li tont. New V'..litn if Gerten.fcU l'lnladelm. Ja IX Henry S Siandford. ah. I'.VSI tnfc. Sfanr. X Y March "12 Kat Uavcn'wrL si. I2ts (m. MalleU K Y Jan lb . Orient. brir. 312 tms. Witltawo. S V May 8 Oraole. t.U 1SW tons. M.i-n. rbiiadeitUia Mok'.'i Olive S Southard Am tM I'hitad'dtMa March Palmyra. bh.i3tHMit X Y March 2 Saranacbh X Y AjuiUC Sparrow sch S F March K Wlllamettf.ss.aWtenX Y March 2 Front J'oruiirii trlH. Aldnn IW-we. Am bk. Mi ta. Xj-.. ll.-jckHe April 1 Adolt. Sue. bk. fiiS ton. KiB:Has-. Untten- burR. Oct IS Arco. kt MkCta tons. Gatw Yajgkrai 1'arch 19 Banksfield Kr bk Lirl April Huston Yale, br bk. 7 ten. Uick-in:baM Yoko hama Fob 1 Oityof Quebec br bk 70 tm Idi Dec lSia Viotona Trossfirfd. br bk. Iaw rpool. Marflh Sfi City of Ara. br bk. M-. J ton. aac. lmwoarita. XovH Cobjmo. Am bk 5 t.t.. Xjr. HaMuit.ajc.1' (uiitirt of Itotht h. Kr MMldebre. Doc 2 OOUHteiA of D rby. b. Middlc-4j.r. I.nx. .Ui2S Doxferd. br bk. I.ivrrtHl Marr : xia Victria Fthol. br bk. 46 tt-. (.raitam. lji-erjl- Xuv2C . Fadernehhrndct. hire bk llwrtu Oct li Glanporis. bs 1H1 t.. Cie u( .oit-h.i'. due I June. Gloncabcr. br bk. leading at l.vrrHl Oberon.bs llMlton. l.iver?ol Aril i Uiver Aon. brbk Mlllker I.ivenoal JUrchi Sidlaw. 15 r bk IKH toa MoGleahan MddlHoro:isli .Ian 12 Scottish ltard, lir bk . ItockhamiHon. March Vi Zoe. brbk Liwrpeol Ma Victoria .Ian 3 HOTELS AND UESTAUKANTS. A.J.MBGL15U. C. WltlGHT occidbjxt ;istj:s M1K1LER& WKl'MIT. Prjiwr?. Astoria, Oregon. TITHE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO JL announce that the above hotel lias Ikuh reiHiiutedaud lefnntislh'd. ddiue neatly to tle4imfoitof HsatieMsHHil it.Howthe bet hotel north of San MamiMU Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STEEirr. - - - ASTORIA Jlrs. S. X. ArrJsouL I'io.rielor milETRAVr.LiM: PURLIC WILL FIND JL the l'HHieer 5irt el.ts. m M it'-jc-ls.aiMl a shsie if their u(nKia' '.ieetftrtl Mil i cited. E35TToard and hulsiiiisby tlnlay w week. SEA VIEW Hl)USE. -S .1.1 STOUT. - - PROPKIin'OR. NtMth I'.u-JK- Let. !i, AV. T.. Will be Open for Visitors July 4. 18S1. It is oho mile nearer llwav than last m'msihi. Pair Wind Coflto' Saloon Slt - WATER STREirr. ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. 3imses. CotTee. Tea and t'lioeolate. -with C'alu'. SO t'eists. ho;s Conked to Order. Fine IVine.. Ijitjijors, ami i'lars Of tlK' best brands. Having just opened the above establish ment we cordially invite mr friends and the public generally lo give us a trial, ofl-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE CNDERSIONED IS PLEASED TO announce to tin Ladies7 and Gentlemen of this City That he Is now prepaied to famish for them, in lirst class style, and every style, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT TIIK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Plcjise give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor C. K. JACKINS. .1. A. 3IOXTCOMKK STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORLV. - OREGON. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astorlfti -Oregon. "aS5 Columbia River Export. MAY. C To Qucenxtmm, jter S!gHct. From .Portland 20,3P2ctls wheat 27,000 0 To QuccnKtouw.pcr Jtbclsian. From Portland 13.300 bbls lleur .$53,000 12 To Quccmtown, jxr Courtiy ofAyre. From Portland 1G OM ctls wheat. SSL300 12 To Qucaixlown, jmt Geo. licvdcy. From Portland 34,804 ells wlicat -502,533 Chamber of Commerce of Astoria, ifttlHr meeting every 1M and .id Monday chi mil. Ht7V4 i. m.. in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. J. Q. A. JiOWU. Y. President Knignta ot Pythias, Aur Lodge, So. C. K. of P. meet rery Wednesday evening at "li n'etuck. in the hall of the A. 0. U. . Corner Cbenainus and llenton streets. By order C.C. Astoria Lodge No 40, 1. 0. G. T. KeHlnr Meeting every Tuesday Kvenin? nt 7l4 mVIocI:, atUood Templar's Hall, Cbe nawiu Street. Astoria, over C L. Parkcr'j Skro - Member of tho (Jrdor, in coodstand rc, are invited ti attend. Detcreo tueetintt Kit Mumlayoach month. Ry order Y. C.T. Temple Liodge, No. 7, A. P. A. M. first and-jftr t. at7 V KoEHlnr Coinmunicatinns first third Miturdavf in ouch month Velock. r. .. at the Hall in Astoria. M ember of tho Order, in food standing, are invited to nttond. 15y erde: of the H'.M. Beaver Liodtre No. 35. L O. O. P. Mopt ovorj' Thursday ovoninc.j'jfeKK at 8 o'clock, in the Odd Fel-og-tiJ? IokV Hall. cor. of Cass and Che- nHMiusftreeL--, Astoria. Mciabersofthe Order are invited to attend. 15y order. N. U. Common CounciL UoRHlariHCOtinRS second and fourth Tues day uvetnnus of ouch month, at 74 o'clock S" Persons desiriBj: to have matters acted uxn by the Council, at any regular mcettaff must presont the atne to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday eveninir prior to tie Tuesday ou which the Council holds its roirular meetings. It. 11. CAUDU'ELL. Auditor and Clerk. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA Kiomtnbk's ot United States Const Sunxy. Hlsh Water. T LotTWator. D U a. m. p. m. I . M. p. . 12 0 01 -11 41! G II fi 43 IS 0 o-'ij.. .. 7 l G 20 11 (I OS 1 47 7 Kl 7 OS 15 1 0 2 Jtf S 41 . 7 ot US 1 4S X 231! !K S 4" 17 2 l 4 12 10 OS !l M IS X M 1 i Ifl Trt 10 S! IH 1 17 5 .rl 11 iifi 11 M 2 ." 18 h TA j i 30 21 0 4 J 7 ."iO- ... . o n 1 23 MISCELLANEOUS STETTERV CELEBRATED l A 8TOSXACB &! IVhy SufTer XeedIc?Nly Vilh the cn ulsinp, spasmotlic tortures of fever and ague and bilious remittent, when Hosteller's Stomach Ruters, acKnowledged ti Ih' x real curative of malarial fevers, will eradicate the cause of so much SHflTennc. No lets effective Is tills benignant aiternitiive in CMMisof eoustiHttiou, dv.s)epsia, liver com plaiul. iheuniHtiKm, and in general debility and ncrwHis weakness. For sale byall dnig gisi and dealers generally. THE ONLY (JENUINE ARTICLE THAT HAS EVEK COME TO TUTS CITY IS NOW EDII SALE AT THE Great Eastern Saloon ON CONCOMLY STREET, RY MAX WAGNER. IT IS IMPORTED DIRECT FJiOM SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL BREWERY. MAX UNDERSTANDS HIMSELF, AND KNOWING "WHAT IS WANTED FOR THLS TRADE GETS IT B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Comer C.Lssnnd Snucmoijhe streets, ASTORIA, --- OREGON IlKALKt: IN WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. WE ARE HERE ft AND HAVE CpiEb STAY. Our beginning's small, but by making all our goods, aim f the purest and best mate rial, wcaskasltareof your patronage at the Astoria Oaiy Factory, Next door to Stevens & Sons Boot Store, Oppssite the Bell Tower. rmM 'SmW I IW'II ! & BOCK A " If) Ti?1 A. V. AIXEX. C H. TAOE. Page & Allen (successors to e. s. LAUSEX.) Wliol&saleand retail dealers In Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, TKOP1CA1 AM) DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tspihcr with fines, Lipors,ToliaccoSCiprs The largest and moNt aimjdete stock of goods in their line to be found in the city. Corner of Cass and Squemocqhe Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS i Salmon Net Twine. GottrjR Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 511 market Kirvcl. San FranriHro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. - 1 PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Sec our local columns lor imriiculnr-, and as ytni VALUE HEALTH, HEAD ! Henry Ahrens. Henry Tie! Jen. T.V.Ikrstel. CHICAGO BREWERY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, 1420 to 1434 Piue Street. SAX FKAXCISCO. millS BREWERY IS THE MOST POFU- -L lar ou the coast, and have established a brancldm thiscitv and is under the manage ment of J.STRAl'SS, who will be pleased to till any order from a dozen bottles up to a thousand barrels, llibj beer needs no rec ommendation, as those using it once will never use any other. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster's will be nroniptly attended to. All orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Families .supplied with this excellent quali ty of beer. J. STRAUSS. Agent. Watei street, next door to Isaac Foster's, Astoria, Oregon. H3- W. BLOOD, (Successor to Rlood & Lee) CLATSKANIE, - - OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS5 Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been engaged in making floats, ete, for the past five years, and my work has al ways given satisfaction. I am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, always underselling other factories according to quality of goods. Orders left with TRENCHARD & CTSIIUR. Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to tho undersigned, will re ceive prompt attention. B. w. BLOOD, Clatskanle, Oregon. Chas Stevens & Son I CITY ROOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the In room lately occupied by Scluneer's Confectionery, Largest and Best Assortment Of notdtlus. in the stationary line usuail found In a first-elas book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINK STATIONERY. GOLD PEN GOODS. ALBUMS. CHKOMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of whicn w 111 be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern and California !eriodlcaIs coiLstantlv on hand. CH AS. STEVENS Jfc SON. ASTORIA. OREGON. W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. CIrcsenitions carefully oomjKHHidcd at all hours. t-Homeopathlc Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphreys SpeciOcs also kept. BLOOD IS TI1I2 LIFE! Forlhl-.M'asout.f theyejtr with rhaiiKcable climates prcvciil all irt of sickness ! THE UNIVERSAL t'EI.EP.RATE!) OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. T1it llirli:it K;ii"i1iiiii. seh-iitillntll tin1 nared. is ranldlv ir.ilnin-' in even city on this ? ; coast, aim tue maiiv asiouisiiii; cures it n.i j etreeted liave now ttahlishcd its elttcacx be I ynnd a doubt. Remember diseases of the RLOOD OR LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, A good iHediciue Isalwas neces!tr- to effect a cure. Try it ; it will help ou. For further iufonuntion and particulars .see circular around each lHittle. Sold by jourtlraggiM. Price, iht iMrfile, .sl On or 5 TO for six liotlles. Directions in English, ('erntan. French and Scandinavian. Tanking andjnsurance. X. W. CASE, BROKER. BANKER' AXI IHSURAHCE AGENT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK r. M. Hoe Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOUOHTOX ClIAS. 1L Stouy...... Geo. I Stout .... President Secretary .Agent for Ogon Capital paid up in U. S. gold coin . . $ 300 000 TO I. Y. CWSIL Agent, Cheuamus street. Astoria, Oregon. 867,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. Gomniercial Union Assorance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512.500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN RAE HAMILTON, Manager. :M0 Sausome St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MARINE BRANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500.000. The undersigned arc prepared to ISSUE POLICIES To cover shipments of SALMON or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN TORTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE promptly at tended to KlltSOX, CHURCH & Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. IVAlt IS JDECIuVRED WITHOUT FURTHER XOT1CE And no terms of peace until every man In Astoria has a new Asuit of clothes 3IAI1; BY JIEAXY. Look at the prices : Tants to order from - - S3 oo Pants, Genuine French Cassimerc - 12 60 Suits from - -- -- -2500 Tlie finest lice ot samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY, Main street, opposite Parker House, Astoria, EnCISTEEED JLUICU . 1879. ilPJiiiiL .-yuvps fm; Sflffeg.r cgaSScffi&'CaMS 5 .k?sPg IMS) i I tfl f$ f!S ftt ll r cwjO .11 uji 1 gr' ?rt; jjj o o PACIFIC COAST ( f AGEF4TS FOB 1 J . .Ml('KLLANEOU?. DNE OF THE OLDEST AND K0ST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Cougtis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Broncnitis, Influenza, Astnrna, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including: CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the oum !chind, as is the case with most preparation, hut twscas it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation bus icmovin the cause .of complaint." liO NOT BE DECE1VD by ankle l3r. 2 simHr saacs. Re sure you get DR.WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, rith the signature of "I. RUTTS" on the wrapper. CO Cents anI SI. 00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Bm ca,Mass. Sold ty drucsists and dealers gcneraS &5&&UAwmSl iiicireii 'OR E.rx 3. ci icei&ers StisSOiflcl 33 Motliors lilio rind Physicians recomniond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINErLENTS ; the "World's grrcat Pain-Relieving remedies. They heal, soothe and cure Burns, "Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness .cpon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of disenstinc Mucus, Snulflos, Cracliling Pains in tLo Head, Fotid Breath, Deafness, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can ho c:rtorminatcd hy "Wei Bo Mayor's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidoto, hy Ah sorp tion Tho most Important Dis covery binco Vaccination. rerant"11 umiiiiimii I First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co's wharf. New Bagatelle 'fable, (The Chinese mibt go.) The choicest brands of foreign and domestic 1VIXES. LIO.UOKS .VXD CK.'.VKS. cBIJcst Chicago Heer.-sa GERMANIA BEER HALL -AM BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chkxamus Strf.ct. Astoei . The llcst o JMfcri C.s-. ft Gifts Orders for the Celebrates ColniMa Brewery 38StS!3EL Loft at this idace will lie promptly attend ed to. ES'-No cheap San Francisco Reer solil at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. J". "VT. O O 3KT 3XT, AVhoiesale agent for the EED CE0F FL0UK Made by the new pioces. Tlie lost Flimr iu the market. Every" MM"k guaranteed : if not trooii as represented vou can retuni it. Merchants will MimI it to tlieir advantAKe to yell tliLs Hour. BKAN. SHOETS AND CHOP FEED ALso for sale. Persons wishing Hour or Feed will And me at my new Drug Store, at O. R. & N. Co's dock. Astoria. .1. AV. CONN. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality. And Lsnow ready to supply Butchers Can lpplyRutchc ?ap for e:sh. neries and all others, che; - - - r: ri--- ---? . ... -.. - j' "ti - '" i SSS3 fiH fly cr aqKjiq SRBissjRrcttwKtaiin m ' JE51. k- ML vjn Jul yJ MM 1 va II LML&ir vf afcrS? fay tii ar. tsjj feTatj w.aj el t' tf "IM'.i esdjltf) V fiHLLS AT R. LEESOH & CO., BOSTON. !3;1;!SE- SCT'0- MISCELLANEOUS. Shoalwater Bay Steam Navigation Company. Ti:e new steamer ' soi,";';! j;ss:i. .It)H 5JKOWN, - - - MASTER. Will hsive ' Soutlt Bend fe IJny Vntor. ys J terviile anil llseheati of the Say. Cotiireetinjj wilh N". HcBiiK" . lute nn.l steamer Gen. Uait at llwaeo ter Astoria. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Pav'itgi'is Uavis A-Moffa oh either nf lhs4 . tl.tc.ui -o throtnth to South Jk-ml hi me tia. I'.h- frht and uwe aW4v at iIkJ Ciipay ee at Sonth Im-hI. or the Cap- Mia on lnar.l. Ho for an Independent Fish Beat, r I The Meawer Rip Van Winkle n.i ri v.ii i ... .. r.- ii....-., nt t ..vt.t THKOl'lSH TICKETS sold to all the prln v.HJE&. iik. ' 'b"k irtrf-talh'' lBlll States and Cairadx For fttrthi'r twrtiettlais liHiMire en lMKtrL nL For London Direct. The utHferMKitftl hae under eiKirtera HrNtekHS dSf SJSV. A J Ifmi Starfiiit -24br! s-aSSr Due at ASTORIA earh in Mat. Hhieh ndl 1k pttt .Mi berth to lead for LONDONJDIRECT- TO Stir SHIPPERS will lMtaUeiiat cjk.sa.m:51.i-: imti-. In!. I I or i nr.ii.il i aim inner imtiieiwirn, .&, ... , ., .s--.t . .' P Ml alMH. Al- fit !!:. C !5 V liCU ct 'o.. Mr. rr ! r.tPH.ta!hlAshMne:s. gMi! r.rt:aiMi. wregoa. ; First Ol vss Ships I I . . FROM ASTORIA 3rv UireCt tO LiVerpOOl. g2ZgZ& fjSlllRorGHOlT THE SALMON SEASlX A we will hmeim THE BKRTH AT ASTORIA, ' First Class Ships to Sail Direct! for Liverpool. Salimut taken in M to suit shippers at 1 It. 6 in. measurement jht ease For foil mrtk'ithtrs rejr.trdhu: rates of freight a tut Insurance apply to RODGERS. .MEYER X CO VEU.C). I Portland. ( )rego. ui-dlm ormil-ninclsec.cal. For Liverpool Direct; I , Fare I .. . The A I Iron Bantue ELLSRBAftK. CSK SQ vogjX- First YCSSCI for Salmon.! Sailing at Once. j Caxcti Salmon Taken in l.ot.-s to j Suit Sliippers. For particulars of freight I itHwree apidj to RALl-OrR.GUTHRIE&Co., PiHtlaml or A-rtor a. MAGXUS C. 0R0SBY, Dealer in HARM ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. Men and Steam litters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, ,, .,. -r... n,nnnnrn ' SHEET IRON8 TIH AHD-GOPPER..' 1 CaierjaMMerrttSiBfe. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnisbing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but Hrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly oh hand. Wanted. 1 X AHA POUNDS RAGS OF all kinds JL)UUv clean and dry.'at the Umbrella shop, Main street, by J.JOPLIN. TKAKSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation f03IPAXY. OCEAX DIVISION'. Between San Francisco & Portland. STEAMSHIP LEAVES EVERY FIVE DAYS I.FAVK SAX rKASCISCO AT 10 A. SC. Siate California Oresou. Columbia. Aim II 21 April 2G May I May- 0 Mav 11 ... 1U " 21 "" .C " 11 June 5 June 10 June 15 20 " .'Jj " 30 Inly 5 July 10 July 15 J ,20 ' ..:3 " 30 I Ane. "." ".'". ,".l Aug .'."'.Z'. 9 Atis !!."..-.H I - AO " 21 - -' i.KcWR roitTi..x: at a a. m. -"' nrnla Orcsou. Mav 2 "" 13 June '2 Juiy 2 " 17 Anj I Columbia. Mav 3 June... T July .Z!1 7 .. Aug r."".". c sept !l!.r.r.!Tr. a jjs I -H3 May "f1 JMy "Z."li i? " ..10 ' Si Rieht s reserved to change steamers or SMUinif .lavs. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Riuers. FKP.RL'ARY 1. 1SS1 U'aveltirt laiHl for Mon Tu We. Thll. Fri. Sat. ' - Wall.. i lL5,at'"" ( JliIVr V.M SAM ri A At 15 AM AAlL'.AM 5 AM Aria. Ka lama.TaA ma.Heattfc . Vi'ria..eK I WWmeti i (a t)iMt. ' Wikjr Yw-, j XLa4ca- ' S?W '. V." e s 1 9 ert, 1 f 1 i f t on. ir . BAM CAM BAM GAM SAM PAM ISAM T a AM jCAM rwnnfi.it. pt ..-..7 AM rvim.jia, RAM 6 AM AM 7 AM ,irpw,,.!(AM CAM UKXEKAr. OFFICES: Coner Front and streets, Portland. 1 .1. Mi CRAKEN & Co.. Agents Slate of California, ,. A. L. MAXWELL, Hnvn Freight and Passenger agent. . T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager. j 1 , Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. ilvaco Steam Navigation Go. S'rPfs. Until further notico tho Ilwaco i -y" itcnm Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, t IUTCOMR MASTER ' Will Ieavo Astoria on Mondays, Tttcsslay.s, ami Saturday?, At 0 A. 31., Fridays at C 1-t A. 31., aud 1 P. 31. , rrt stecns. Fort Canby, and Unac I Connectincwith -.A.Loom-s'stareaforOvf- i tervillo and Olympia. on Tuesday's and Sat- to Fort Stevens .., ... DOCts ... $1 CO Canby and Ilwaco ! iWllwaeo rrelght. by the tou, in lots ot one ton or over. $: oo per ton. MWFor TtckoU. Towage or Charter apply either nt tho office of tho Company, Gray's i wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board J. 11. D.GRAY. Asnt. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an alter Oct. II, 1S50, trains will run as fol low?, DAILi' fExcopt Sundays), OSTSIDK DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURC. MUL TEAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. M.IRosobursr..7:00 P. M Roseburfr 5:00 A. M.lPortland -1:25 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland l:0OP.M.Lebnnon..9.2u P.M j Lebanon 1:15 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland :15 A. M.I Junction 6:00 P. M Janction 5:15 A. M.lPortland o:23P.iI The Oregon and California Railroad i erry makes connection with all ReeuIarTrains on I EtNlshle Division. wfstsidk nivwio.t. I'eom l'ortlnntl to Corvnltto. UVII. THVIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ....3:00 P. M Curvallfe S:X) A. M.lPortland SOJP.IM Close connection a nro made at ROSEBTJRQ with the Stasos of tho Oregon and California "rT'kkebiorsaletoallthoprincipalpointa in California and tho East, at the Company! Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn suM.iiib.eh.q(ionfr.iit..i. njr atL'tmpany3 Wnrchouso ovcr2l hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after o clocK r. ai. on tastsuiq Division, J. BRANDT, Jr., Gen'l Sup'L E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Axent j For Youngs River and Knappa. i The Steamer MACXET. CAY. HAMLIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rlvei ev:ry Friday and Knappa every Tuesday. Tlie Maenet is ready for charter to any IHMiit on the bay. For freight or passage apply on board or at L W. Case's. Astoria and U.nappton. Regular Mail and Passenger Steamer IJOSETTA. C. RROCK ....MASTER ffBWill leave Knnppton for Astoria and retuni daily. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Ateo have a lighter which enables her to carry wood or freight of any kind. flSJ" For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. vf. Casw'i staro.