m mm 'gte & stotfmx. ASTORIA. OREGON: "WEDNESDAY MAY 11 1SSJ COMMERGEAKD TRADE. riuanclnl. ilvor, at par. Coin cvchango on San Francisco 3 Por cont premium. Coin exchange on New Yerfc buying par; Belling, 14 to 1 percont- Legal Tendera pa'r. Telegraphic transfers'en New York 1 per cent, premium. FORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SKA. SAILED. AtbelsUn, brlk Lirerpoel.Mar 18 Columbia. e. 2721 tons Holies 8 F. May 9 Thurland Castle br sh litS tons. Shanghai Slaj S Mary V. Bass sell ban Diego Jl 3 Oregon es. 2335 ton. Pelilmcn. S F Ma 2 Lizzie Irfdale. br bV 09S ton. Me?sop. Queen- town. Mar 1 California. 8tr. G71 tons. Carroll. SitVa April 30 North Bend blct 37f, tonsMermnan b F Apnl 23. ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Lizric Bell, br bfc IKfitons. Morsaard. Shanghai. May 9 Merom. all, 1201 tons. Lowell. N Y May S ViotortaCrost. br bit. Ml" tons. Owen. Calcutta. May8 Agnes Ostrald. br sh. 13M) tons. MoOibben. Cardiff. May 8 State of California, us. 2JW ton. Debnoy. S K May8 Isle of Erin br bk frow Wellington X Z Maj 7 Mao- Blnndell Br bV. am teas. CaUert. Iuquo May a Clan Grant, br l. MP tens James, f ra Liverpool. MavC Wcbfoot. bkt. 361 Ioms. Ibk. San l'o4r May 5 Morion King br M. SOU tews Rie Janeiro May S Kxploror. brbl. Peru. May 3 OaV worth, br k YeVohaina. vwi S 1 May 3 Gen Wright U.SMi- Demo YHnina t Apnl 19 Sliubnolw U S Light-he(c str. Hvrwn. north April 23 Geo Bewlov.br W ton. Itenrtt-w, YA4MiHia April 27. Adulia. San Wv .Stanlr V I..U2 vm Vle4rw Apnl 27. l'asitlia. br 11. " ts. WVm, Irtjl.rf Vic toria Apnl 57. Selkirkshire. br lriStH.AiHl.-r-i.iHi ("jwilifl April 2i Signet, bltk H!tr AtjI J Count of Ar 1h- lik. Um. AlewtHdrr - gow, AjhiI .'S Portland, bkt. h r AhiI KllorbankM.br bk. IWt !- Pallor. YhUAmmmh April ! Peruvian Kitter-.. ( 'iwlima ltMlwa 'PJhj Counl Csiielmii vx ti Smuish Viecmy in IV: it in l'Vat. TIm roMiiU'ss, lii wii'o. was iiinNtratcd b an iulcntut- lont foor. ftoiu whirh 1m' w.is im-il b Ui' n-e 1 Hie n.tit' loimilj. tin IVru viun lmrk. ot. a it a m I It'll in liii' lanjritnjjcnr llw i-nt:ulr., "0.niinHiii:i. CJratcfttl foi Ihm i'fii'i.,oii lifi iflitiii to Etuoi in l&tL siic iiitiodui'i'il liu rt'ineilv in .Spain, when' it va Icnowii nnilci miotts huiiion. until Limihmi-. calloil it Cincliona. in Ikhmu of Uk Iad wlioliuillnoimlittlK-ni tliat whit-it wa more in oeioits titan thi'yoldof llt'Imv.s. To this ilav.nfUT a LtpM of two Imn diedantlirtty .M'tii-. M'ifitcc lia sivt'ti us notliinji to laki" it jdatv. It t'fft'ftii allv euies a nidibid atiiH'titi for .titnu lanL by u'.stonn Hi. ltatmid toin or the .tlouiaeh. 1 1 nttaeks i'.i-i-.sivi' kf of liquor as itdora ft'T.ainl dilio, lioth alike. The miwviful Ionic ittu of the Cinchona K ix,i,n ed in the Peruvian Dittei-s, lueli an' as eftcetu e I niiro. and of the best known ftttality. Atrial will satisfy j on that Hits i the best bitter in the w orld. "Tin uroof of the puddtnp is in tin Valinir," and we willuipjy abide this tW. For sale by all driiSKitS jsrooois and liquor dealers. Order it. Do not be induced to enuanger your life by usiii uitrcnrial "blood purifiers," they may dry up old sores, but leave a death sap in the system. Buy Plunders Oregon Blood Purifier, which is a purely vegetable one, and, in fact, will remove, by continual use, all mercurial poison from the blood. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS A. .X. MEG LKK. C. S. WKIG HT OCCIDENT IIOTEJ.. - MEGLDR to WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hoi el has been repainted and refuniislied, adding greatly to tle comtoi t ot iisgiicsisaiiiiisnmvinc ucsi hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. K.OWLKS. CULREXnm PORTLAND. - - AUZIICURIt. noTi:r - OREON ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietor. Free coacli to and from the house. SfTiiE Daily Astouiak is on flle at the Clarendon Hotel leading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - -Ii'M. .S. X. Arrisoni. - ASTORIA Proprietor rrmE TRAVELING Pt P.I.IC WILL FIND JL the Pioneer first class in all respects. :tnd a share of then iiatnmage Is rt'SH'otftilly solicited. J3EJRoaidandhds:!imb thedaj oi week. SEA VIEW HOUSE. A J.I STOUT, - - PROPRIETOR. Noith P.tcili- Retell. AV.T., Will be Open foi Visiiois July 4. 18SI. It is one mile nearer Hwaeo than last seaMfii. Fair Wind Coifeo Saloon -M- CJSCCXSP HOUSE. WATER STRELT, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kutse, "s. Coffee. Tea ami C'hoeolate. with C'alce. 10 rents. Choim Cooked to Order. Fine A incK. Uiiunrs ami iSars Of the best brands. Having just openetl the above cstaldish ment weconliallj unite our friends and the public gencrallj to give us a tual. 5G-tf FOARD & EVANSON. uroinct iii'it-ii isil fi'wr to-ila as lllCV i oioon. i iiriiustsnuu inijsiciaiisaj;icc Sin ti U tlio hi Sum Wi I l" aHB J "t',, Rlne and efllcient were in tlie ias o! Hie old Nmiii's n ,)n.,mrs,l(mfortbopnnose.- .SoldbyDrug Ytccroys. e tfiiarniiltv the tn"iedt- t ,)t,r l,otn,.; jj(.e uMimonials. direc on ts Ol these blttois to be absolutoli I limieXp-ni uaiuiililpt 'TnjitUe on Diseases -SKJ ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. y MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. TnE UNDERSIONED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them, in first class st j le, and e cry .stj le, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE, TEA, ETC. AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAFN STREET. Please give me a call. K0SC0E DIXON, Proprietor Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Regidar meeting every Ut and 3d Monday or each iiianth. at?H r. m.. in the hallo! the Young Men's Christian Association. J. Q. a. BO WLBY. President Knights ot Pythias, Astor Lodge, No. C. K. of P. raeotfe; every ednoday evening at Til o'clock, in the hall of the A. 0. U. w.y Corner Cbenamus and lien ton streets. By order C. C Astoria bodge No. 40, L O. G. T. Koguiar Meeting erery Tuesdav Evening ax 7H o'clock, at Good Templar's II all, Cbe nnmus Street. Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store Members of tho Order, in good stand n?, are invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A. M. ?.",dA Regular Communications first third Saturdays in each month, at o'olock. r. 3i.. at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in good standing, are luriicuiuauvuu. m uiuv.vi iud iiii Beaver Lodg e No. 35, L O. O. P. Meet ovory Thursday evening.-? at 7!4 o'clock, in tho Odd Fel- -4 Inic'a (toll por. of Pna nnd fihn- n am us streets, Astoria. Mombersof the Order are invited to attend, iiyorder. i.u. Common CounciL Regular meetings second and fourth Tues day venmgs of each month, at 7J4 o'clock esr Persons deairine to have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular mooting must present tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds its regular meeting?. R. II. CARDWELL. Auditor and Clerk. Columbia River Eacportt. MAY. 6 To Quccmlown, jxr Signet. From Portland 20,392 ctls wheat S27.000 9 To QnccH9lvwn.pcrAOiclstan. From Portland 13.500 bbl-j flour. $55,000 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. Onto. A.M. y.v. A.M. P.M. 5 4 41 C 6 0 05 11 5 n U 7 13 0 S2 7 47 8 0I 0 57 1 42 is 7 .'! S .VJI 2 00 2 31 .77. 9 4.11 3 01 3 21 ltt HI L 10JI 4 03 4 13 II II OS 11 Itil 5 13 4 .i'J 12 u W -11 4l fi 11 6 43 13 14 0 w o .V. Ul G 2C 65 7 0 147. MlSUELLAXEOrS sdSi King of the Blood Isiml a "chic nil." it Uablood-punficrand Iihiii. IitHint of the blond poisons the.sj-s-t-iu. deranges liu' Hreulation. and thus In duces inaiiv disorders, known by different names to tlistutKUisli them aecordiiiKto ei f'cts, but being leally branches or phases of lhalaeat ueuene disorder. Impurity of It loud. Such are I)yicinia, HIUimumrM, Ltrtr Coiii)kiint, CoiuUtitatbm. iVcrwiw DIh uitler. Headache. Jiaehache, General Wcah Mii"'. Heart DieaAc,Draty. Kidney Dbtea, I'itrx. llhruiHnlixni. Catarrh. Scralula.Skin DiMtnlcrjt. PinuAc. Ulcer. SiceUingis, tr.. Ac. Kin of tho Itlootl prevputs and -ures itieM' ny attacking tie came. Impurity . wranppi 1). R VVSOM. SON & Co.. Props. Buffalo. N. Y. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has lecetwd a largo moice of R.UtRKLS AND II ALP BARRELS of the best quality. And is now readj to supply Butchers Can nciies and all others, cheap for cash. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE THAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS CITY IS NOW TOR SALE AT THE Great Eastern Saloon ON CONCOMLY STREET, BY MAX WAGNER. IT IS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL BREWERY. MAX UNDERSTANDS HIMSELF, AND KNOWING WHAT IS WANTED FOP. THIS TRADE GETS IT WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and Chenaiaus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKAl.Kr. UV CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Enslish Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Keershaum Pipes, etc, WatPlieM aml Jeivelry. Muzzle and I ...... It re ceh Loading; .Shot Guiih and lUlICM, JlcvoIvcrM, IMBtOlH, and Ammunition MARIXE GLASSES. ALSO A FINK Assortment of fine SPECTACLES andfEYE GLASSES. Washington market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BEItGMAX BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to the fact that the abovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention civentoiuppl) as; shies. sjy' Vl uCfeSSr" MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. ALLEN. C H. FADE. Page & Allen (successors to e. s. larsek.) Wholesale and retail dealers In Provisioa, GtQQktry. Glass and Piated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liauors, Torjacco Cisars The largest and most complete stock of goods in their line to be found In the city. Corner of Cass and Squemocqhe StteeLs, ASTORIA. OREGON. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 311 Market Street. Sau Francixco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. PERUVIAN BITTERS. 0HINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. See our local columns lor lutrticular, and as j on VALUE HEALTH. READ ! Henry Ahrcns. Henry Tietjen. T.V.Borstel. CHICAGO BREWERY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, 1420 to 1434 Pine Street. .SAX FRAXCISCO. THIS BREWERY IS THE MOST POPU lar on the coast, and have established a branchbn this cit v and is under the manage ment of J.STRAl'SS. who will be pleased to till any order from a dozen bottles up to a thousand b:irrels. Tills beer needs uo rec ommendation, as those using it once will never use any other. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster's will be promptly attended to. All orders from a distance will recche prompt attention. Families supplied vnn nits excellent quali ty of beer. J. STRAUSS. Agent. Watet street, next door to Isaac Foster's, Astoria, Oregon. 3S- "7Wm TSTiC3033y (Successor to Blood & Lee.) CLATSKANIE, - - OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS? Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been engaged In making floats, etc., for the past five v cars, and my work has al ways given satisfaction. I am prepared to till -all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, always underselling other factories according to quality of goods. Orders left with TRENCHARD & UPSHUR. Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to the undersigned, will re ceive prompt attention. Biw. BLOOD, Clatskanle, Oregon. AlTSCELLxVN'EOUS. Ghas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STOKE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the In room lately occupied by Sehtneer's Coflfectlouer, Largest anil Best Assortment Of nneltte In I lie MationHry hm umkiIIv found iu a fliNl-clfts book store. coiudsling of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY. OLI PEN COODS, ALBUMS. CIIKllMflS. FKAJlis. STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. 1. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicaLs constantly on baud. CIIAS: STEVENS it SON. ASTORIA. OREfiON. W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. E3yPrecnptIons carefully conipottmled at all hours. rsy-Honieopnthic Tmctun-? and Pellets, and Humphrey's Sjwcifics also kept. BLOOD IS THE LIFE! For this season of the j ear with changeable di mates, prevent all sort of Mekness use THE UNIVERSAL CELEBRATED OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. This Herbal Kingdom. soenUIlcaHy pre pared, h rapidly gaining in every city on this coast, and the many astuuisldng cures it has effected hae now established its euicac be yond a doubt. Remember diseases of Hie BLOOD OR LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, Agoml medicine isahvas necesar to effect a cure. Try it ; it will help you. For further information and particulars see circular around each bottle. Sold bj jour druggist. Price, er lMttle, SI 00 or ?5 00 Tor i bottle-. Directions in English, Herman. French and Scandinavian. BAHKING AHDINSURAHGE. BROKER, BANKER1 AN1 IHSURAHGE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM S O-CLOCK A. 31. UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Hue filial InsnraBGB Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOUGHTON-, Ctt AS. R. STOKV... GKO. I STOKV.. President -... Secretary Agent for OrBon Capital paid up in IT. S. gold coin . . $ .00 COO tO I. W. CASE, Agent, Chcit&mits street, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. Commercial Udiod Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capita!, - - 512,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN RAE HAMILTON, Manager. J10 Sansomc St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria. Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MARINE BRANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capita!, - - $12,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to ISSUE POLICIES To cover shipments or SALMON or other Mercliandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN PORTS. Orders by MAIL or AVI RE promptly at tended to SIHSON. CHUKCII & Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXBS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria. Oregon. Wanted. 1 K HAA POUNDS RAGSfOFaU kinds A. O vrW clean and dry4at the Umbrella shop, Main street, by J, JOPLDf. REOlBTEEED 3LUSCni. 1S79. IPJJiffliL V V& & 5J i3 S'' IFiC COAST I i S EHTSFQR 1 J' h MISCELLANEOUS. Vitalizes and HnrL:" IV Blood, Tone up tho Sysieu, 3I.Va?s tJse 'Wcelc Strong, linllci p the Krokor- down. Invigorate thn Brain, him! CURES Dyspepsia, KerYous Affections, Gen eral Debility, Heuralgia, I?ever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Cofn plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and till DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A CAD STATl OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYRUP Supplies ths blood with il Vital Principle, e: Lifo Element, IRON, inhbing Mrcmjtli. Vigor and New I.ifo uilo all naiti of the s tcm BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL, it:, ccctsk ingcScctsarc not foMmed by ccirci?jciu.3 icc 'doa, but ore pcrroaacat. SETII W rOWLE & SON3, P.-opr-e:or,, & Harrison Aeau, Boston. Sell by all Druggists fcriWiJftfrS&tt always Curoa rm& nevci disap- points. Tho -worlcFu s-a Pala Rclicvcr for Idaa and Boast. Cheap, quick rind reliable. PITCHER'S C'ASTORHA. is not Ntircotic. Cliiltlrcn gi'o.." fsit upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It regulates the Bowels, euros Wind Colic, alia j s Fcvcrisliiiessj and de stroys Worms. "WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for this tcrriblo mala dy, ny Absorption. The most Important Discovery binco Vac cination. Othor rcmodicu raay roliovo Catarrh, this cures at any stago "boforo Consnmption sots iui ' " w'---'io?i.-ii J I 1 les Has E3 6-st'4ysJ AS AN ANTI-B1LI0US HQUGiSE, arc incomparable. They stimulita th: TORPID JJVErt.mvigoraterthe NUxlV OUSSYSTBM, Kivotonc to the DIGES T1V1 OBOAN3, creato perfect digestion and Kgouor movement of tho bowels. AS AH AHTI-MALArJAL Thoyhayo no equal ; acting as a prcvent ivo and giro for BQions. Itemittont, Inter mittent. Typhoid Fevers, and Fever anc' Ague. Upon tho healthy action'of the Stomach and Idvcr depends, almost whoUy, tho health of tho human"ra. DYSPEPSIA, It is for the euro of this disease nnd it3 at tendanta. SI0B:-'"T:'M)ACHE, KEH.V OUSNESS. DESFOKDENCV;, CON STIPATION, PTJiESL&c., that these Pills have gained auch a wrido reputation. No remedy was over discovered that acts bo speedily and gently on tho digeativo or gans, giving them tono and vigor to as shmlato food. This accomplished, the NEBVES are BRACED, the BRAIN NOUJ and the BODY RO BUST. Try thhTBemedy fairly and you will gain a Vigorous Body. Pure Blood, StrongNervea, and a Cheerful mind." Prico23c. 35 Murray St-, N. Y. TUTT'S HAIB DTE. Geat IUtr OK WmssEES chanced to a Gtosi lilacs br a single applicatwa of this Dm. U 1m parts Natural Color, sad act3 Ifctaut,'ne"ly Sold by Dru?3isu orient by express on receipt o & l Office, 35 Murray St., N6W York First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co wharf. New Bagatelle Table, (The Chinese must go.) The choicest brands of foreign and domestic WINES, I.IOUORSAXI CIGAKS gr-JBest Chicago Beerva kgygg a fejfe S"Z5223 ;.&& Xa Is SWs TUT fegij S3iig9i Xsrts &) ari ccj HILLS AT 1FR0N nn BOSTON mhnstone. scorn. - t-H & b-.? DJOSoh. ( & CRAFTCN MASS. 31 ISUELLAXEOUS. Shoaiwater Bay Sleam Navigation Company. T1m m' stom-r '.JOHN r.ROWN WjM leave 5So;it2i ISvjmI Tor Cny IVntcr, Oj.s- terville antl tliehenil ortJ:e Hay. Connect mg with N. ILiinfe stage line ami staner lUeu. Cid at liwaco ItMr Astoria. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PasHgers lea ing .Vstoria mi either rf the d.ijsciH go through to Mith iJeiwi in tnie ia. For frehrhl aiwl n settee aputv at tlte CiniNtnsiAict'at South lfemt. or the C.ip- tain i hi Iwwrd. Ho for an independent Fish Boat. . $J& .3SSmss30s4. - The steamer Rip Van Winkle WiH leave Ast.KJa Tor theCapv at I oVloek . v. jc.. daily. Open ftr all jwb work. For further partieniairs imtuire tm board. For London Direct. The nmlersignod haw imoVr charier a nrH eia AT. Iron 3arqi!e Z- ' Iim.. mi isnil'fA .citx in Af i uliioli i!l ! ptt mi berth to brad for LONDON DIRECT. 5Dl JX Tr-TUrf-tT-ZT -,iT,-k -w In tots Tt SUIT simTEK.N w ill be taken at I w is'V r.f l? 'ST's; ! " " " j For FKKIiHIl and other parth-HUrs, .PH l. xsnso:-.. ciirncn & t.. ; i .- t.'..i u.i i ci. cir..r.t. . ' " '"" 71., , ,V . ' Ptrtland. Oregon. FTTIST OL'VSS SHIPS FROM ASTORIA cCA Direct to Liverpool. tur ; ruiiinoi ininfT tiik s:i.ni si' Six . . i. .--.-..--. ......... 4 u u ill Ikfti t tin THE BERTH AT ASTORIA, First Class Ships to Sail Direct! for Liverpool. ShIhmw taken in b to suit shiH'rs at 1 fr. in. iHeaMiretMent per csm? i For fwll iwrtieiriars iegarttiK rates of) frefeht ami lHsraiK'eawy to ; KOIH'KKS.MKYER.tCO. I Portlawl. Oregcm. ' i--iHi orSanFraiH'isco.Cal. u. .rH .. si;tii isr.Ni. t. MASTER. -t t jfvcrx lUHePort lor Liverpool Dn-ectj;, Tlte A 1 IriHi R.ho,ih ELLERBANK. Firs! VeSSCl for Salmon.' Sailing at Once. Cabell Salmon Taken in fiOti to Suit Shippers ( For itsirtK'tilars of freight and uisunuK-e On anaftorOct. 1I.1SS0, trains willrun as fol pl to P,AI.FOLi:, GLTIIRIE & Co , , DAILY (Except Sundays). ap ronmiMi or Asmr a. For Port Tovnsend, Victoria, t. - -.. ixr i -a c:u inaimu, run vvii5.u u. . Carrying V. S. IttailM. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander ,, , . , .. . ,. UH leae Portlaml for the abote iorts irorn I tMMivr s uoek . No fretht for AIaka taken after 12 o'chn-k ineitat inv itMe. 10 iieiHiriure. i-or i- tvigm or rassaee atHHy to Et.C. HUGHES. Pt B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, M Corner Ctssand s i:e:.ioihe siieet-. ASTORIA. - - - ORELON DK.I.FR I WALL PAPER .. VIND0V SHAJDES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. C. E. JA."K1 J. A. MOrrrOOMERV. H"3:oisr2SE;i STOVE AND TIN STORE! ,..,,, C. BROCK .MASTER Sole Agents for the ..,, . I ea-ill leave Knappton for Astoria and Magee Standard Ranges, Etc.iretumthulr- CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. ASTORIA. - OREGON. Also have a lighter vs Inch enables her to t ttttvp TT"F ad pa VVTZ. carly wood or freight of any kind. LETTER 1I. AJJ I AfiK , e- For cfcarter freiaht or passage, at liv- PRINTED OR PLAIN, OF THE BEST ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Caaa'i quality at The Astoru oEco. 'store. TFWSSfil jr, c ij&muj TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. Ot'EAS lIVISIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. STEAMSHI P LEAVES EVERY FIVE DAYS LRA VK .VX FRANCISCO AT 10 A. M. Matt California Oregon. Columbia. April 21 April 26 May t .May G May .11 1C ,Ii7."V7r. o June 10 June..... 13 20 " ......2S " ........00 Jly ......"."!!."."'.5 Julj "..".r.".tO July ".".1!!!15 - 20 ' 25 " SO Ag. 1 Aug 9 Aug 14 " .19 " .24 " 29 LKAVK I'OUTLVNDrAT 3 A. 31. taic California Oregon. 5Iay C " 13 Columblu. May 8 June"!!! 7 ' 22 Juiy!!!!!Z 7 v,irji ikiav JMJ. - 1 "i1-;;-- .Inlj . , .2S .-13 .2S ..-12 June 2 " 17 Juiv 2 " 17 I Aug 1 Aug . Sept!" . 6 2t 0 Ag ."ZZ Right IS -..IG 31 rescnedto change steamers or ! sailfng da illtng tlas. ... "f Yt;,;, , tjU i lilted St-rtM i Panada. "1 1 ltM '" ,,IL Lnltut Mate9 aml C;ina(Ia- River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEBRUARY 1. 1881. Sat. ral!s. Wal la v. a lla. Umatilla emiT" !jer te net. New AVest'nistr I Cathlamct. 6 AM PAM i;ay view. to. Urook- fejW Westoort. C 1 i f t on. DJtt'I!.,la" Miem Al- by. cor- raltw. and inturweUi- atejMints. USNF.RAI. OFFICES : 'Cornr,rrtMlt and D Streets, Portland. i J Mr CRAKEN & Co.. gents State of California. A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co JOHN MUIR. iiPiieral r reight and Passenger agent. i. i.uAivjia, Vice President and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go. vFrrs Until further notico the Ilwac Ssskza. Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, WHITC0MB ..MASTER AVili leavo Astoria on 3i,ii!ajs, Tuesdays, anil Snturdaj, jn at At J A. 31., Frldaj s at C 1-4 A. 31., and 1 P. 31. rort Stccns, Fort Canby, and llac Connectinsrwith ..A.Loomia'stazesforOvi tcrvillo and Olympia, on Tuesday'a and Sat- Fort Stevens 50CtS Si co Canby and Ilwaco I ns-lluaco freiglit. by the ton, In lots of one ton or over, S.i oo per ton. ciri'or licKet'. lowago or Charter appl? either at tho olHco of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captaia on board. J. II. D.GRAY. Asont. Oregon & California R.R.Co EAST3IDK DIVISION. t-KUiVI fUK I UM1U IU HU3CUUKU. JIUL TRAUf i LEAVE. ARRIVE. portiand......7:;M) A. M.Roseburjr..-.7:0OP. W Roseburs'jiOO A. M. I Portland 4:25 P M j ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. i Portland 4 :C0 P. M.I Lebanon 9.20 P.M j Lebanon. 1:13 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. , LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 A. M.l Junction 8:00 P.M Junction 5:BA.M.PortIand 55 P.M Th(j 0regon and Cal!fornia Kaiiroad j. erry J makes connection with all Regular Trains on ; tusisnie division. ' WKST5IDK D1VI9I0X. i From l'ortlnnd to Corvnllla. ' MUL TRVUi LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlnml S:0a A. M.ICorvallis .:t:00 P. M Corvallis S:S0 A. M.Fortland 3:204P.iM Closo connections aro made at R0SEBURQ with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stage Company. atrTiekets for?aIo to all tho principal points in California and tho East, at the Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, 0gnt i Storage will bo charged on freight remain 1 ng atCompanys Warehouse over 21 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment f after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division. , and 6 o'clock P. M.on AVestsido Division. I J. BRANDT, Jr., Gen'l Sup't. . E. P.ROGERS. j G en'l Freight and Passenger Agent , For Youngs River and Knappa. The Steamer I MAGXET, CW.ILOILIN, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Youngs Rivet e vi ry t riuay anu ivnappa e ery xuesuay. ! The Magnet is ready for charter to any I point on the bay. i For freight or passage apply on board or at I. W. Case's. : Astoria and Rnappton. I Remilar Mail and Passenirer Steamer KOSKTTA, C. BROCKS Mon Tu. We. Thu. Frl. AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM 5 AM 6AM CAM HAM 6AM 6AM . GAM SAM SAM GAM 6 AM G AM 7 AM .. 7 AM 7 AM GAM 6AM V