-"' -JB'P- r p). taittBkeaBMaiiie11 glis ailB si0tfteik ASTORIA, 011KG0X: "WEDNESDAY.. MAY 11, 1SS1 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday Excepted!, I. C. Ireland, Ihlitor ami I'rojiriftor Astvnan Building, Cass lrci. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, per weak ..........25 Conu Sent by mail, four months.. . .......J 00 Sent by mail, cne year......... ... . 9 W free of Potneo to subscriber. J Advertisements inserted by tbeyear at :be rato of SI .V) per squure per month. Transient ailrortisinc. by the day or woek, Ifty cents per square for each insertion. Tlif WiTly .Woi-iau. I-. a maiiiuiolii hcet. exactly double the size of Hit Daily. Jt is, just tho pa per for tho firesld rontaimiix in addi tion to all the cunent ncv.s, choice mis cellan.aj;nruttural matter, market re ports, etc. J L i- iurmtiifd to single sub seribers at ?- ) -r u.r in Hdvunee. $;Aiiiuiled iuniir of Miiall adver tisements i"ertd t established rates. 'HE CITY. IHF Dvil.1 AsJ:iA tdlt rttli J it'iil 4il " ci-t a tHiiitu. frrftf ii'jt.. .Vf fx ', eoitUmt.Uil. n),f:n-t 4rM the eft ';.nv Tit A.-iottivx ftffM- .. Daily r ri'.Ki.t l. f.i tn mtH po-l-ttftn: with on .iMfff.wl rtmt. AArci mcjr he e i .; j - tfUrn wirtil. lstrr jmvv at t r.,untitni rl. The Athe'.stan sailed vefier.lity. The Moroni had to Iks light utcd ofi' the hogs back. - The Orion I sailed fnMti Francisco for Astoria on Snndav. - -Pioneer meet to-day. anl Historical .ciet.y See advertisement. -Little Ada May Douglass n sH very low. and recovery is donlMfiil. -The Siiiilu'K'k has the automatic buoy on bontvl again: hence this change in the weather. ,.. -Dr. J. Welch will Ajc in Astoria May 24th, to practice his profession for a few weeks. Mo rail have rooms at the Occident. Hawes new building will be con structed by Surprenaut and Ferguson. Gill and Clinton began driving piles for the foundation j'esterday. --We are in receipt of a copy of the thirty-second annual report of the trustees of the Astor library, for the year ending December ill, 1880. Readers of The Astoria must not fail to read tho advertisements if the' would be posted with relation to the business going on about this region,particularly as regards merchan dising. Capt. J. A. Brown, chairman of the board of pilot commissioners, ar rived in the city from Portland last evening, and the commissioners will hold a meeting for the transaction of business at 10 o'clock a. m., to-day Monday morning as Carl Adler was examining a pistol it accidentally went off, the ball passing through the J70II0W, between the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, slightly burn ing his finger and causing him to turn as white as a ghest, but fortunately not doing any further harm. Is Robeson trying to make capital for himself as he lays in the cell of a murderer in Portland J Who that says Robb was in the act of striking him down with a chair when he shot. The other story about the fish license finance is wrong. Mr. Robb made fair settlement with the committee. It is safe to take a person at thoir word, if a threat is made to commit a murder the person threatening should be treated as a murderer at once. Leniency to the assassin Robeson, and a belief that ho was :i coward, who would not dare to do as he said he would, cost J. Y. Robb his life. Master Francis Connor Ireland (our commodore), celebrated his fourth birth-day anniversary yesterday with considerable delight to himself and to all present. The practice of observing childrens birth-day anniversaries is quite popular in other parts of the country, and should be equally so with us in Oregon. The little four year old son of Mr. L. A. Loomis is the happy pos sessor of a live horse, Capt. Fiavcl having presented him with Billy. Billy is a noted animal. He is as fat as sleek as a pet can be made. Capt. Flavel has owned him twenty-one years, and when brought to Clatsop county was winner in all racos, go as 3'ou please. We have authority for the state ment that Mr. Ceo. W. Hume has had nothing more to do with the Steamboat Brand than the bank from which the Watsons drew to pay for the original purchaso. Mr. Hume is now quite rapidly recovering, and will sowi be able to himself refute the srfmders. No man on this river has beeu more tenacious to protect tho reputation of our fish than Mr. Geo. W. Hume: If a Columbia river Cannerymcn's Protective Association could bo formed, they would be able to very quietly and effectually protect them selves from such jobs as Watson and company put up on them. Suppose a car load of inferior fish was shipped to Cincinnati, the association could fol low it by mail with thousands of circu lars addressed to individual and firm purchasers, which would fix the ope rator plenty. A Racket. Ondordonk is building a railroad in British Columbia, and is spending lots of money over in that country; but ho is filling the whole section with some of the hardest secimons of humanity living any v here. When the Idaho took tip her load officers had to stand with revolvers at the hatches who food was served to the hulf-savaire crowd. When they arrived the boys, three hundred strong, took possession of a saloon and installed one of their number as bar-keeper. He disponsed fluids with a lavish hand to his thirst brethren. The propri etor of the saloon retired until the gue.U departed. Onderdonk settled this and 4.her little kindred bills when In went back . A. Goose Story. I'ndur date of April "2lHh, a cor respondent a? i'aiersons pwint writes to the Transcript: "On Jjtt Sunday, 24th int.t it (Uerailr floured. About 4 o'clock tllft MfteriKMtU H i-hvC-Z of j water fell on this point .v thick lhati 1 the wild geese living over at the time were jorcen uonn.io me grutuiu. ;b flfck Hying wr tit sttrf wer forced down into the breakers, and nv-r one thousund wei dmwned and w4ied ashore by the urf. The Indians from Shoal water bay re gathering thtnn up. Thty mx' very fat, and the Indi ans are haviitg a regular feast. They i - i ,-. , i . 1iit.-hI h pim.- ,.! Hrum tit tub-it n lt-tttritli ! ,...., r .,. .. ..,...., .. Z.J iiimh m me Kvo 10 nmwnau.T ij ; ro-duv. English Sky-larks in America. Mr. lohu Burroughs, in his Notes of a Walker in si recent number of Scribner, descrilwd the delight with which he hesrd a attuy English sky lark, which had evidently either es caned fittin a cage, or wa.s a survivor! of those which weiu libsrattid iu Long island several year ago. He swggeat- " 1 eu tliat there was n reaem way uioi whv tho! hkm.k ..oo ..-- .vr-.. ...V k should not thrive in this country ; well as in Enro:. Actin on this lark as suggestion. Mr. Charles 11. Howe, of Cornwall, England, an enthusiastic aOmiror of Mr. Burroughs' writings, has sent him a number of English sky larks, which arrivod in New York re cently, and have been forwarded to Esopus-on-thc-Hudson. where they will be set free. The eastern agene' for Burls fine shoes, 281 Grand street, cannot furnish a bettor article nor nicer tit than our own home merchants. -CajH. Fiavcl has presented his fine thoroughbred filly, Tilly W., to Ca; t. Ceo. C. I'lavel, and tho present owner is training her to the buygy. She is a fine animal. --Thomas Waterbnrv. of Lewis! county, is going to move to Ferndale, Whatcom county, and establish a flouring mill and a grist mill, both of which are much needed in that region. Children up the valley and the ladies too, are indulging iu their annual pleasure of strawberrying. The fruit is ripening early and said to hi; very abundant. This seawm will be one of plenty in the fiuit line. -The Sanitarian, a monthly maga zine devoted to the preservation of health, mental and plrysical culture, A. N.Bell, a.m., m.ii., editor; T. P. Corbally, a.m., m.h., associate editor, 1HJ Fulton atreet, New York, should be in the hands of everybody. .Mrs. B. M. Washburn, wife of the proprietor of the Dayton Chroni cle, has again been adjudged insane. The unfortunate lady waB taken to Steilacoom by Sheriff Mustard last week, whore it is hoped that judicious treatment will again restore her reason. The light house board gives notice that on and after June 1st, a firat class steam siren, giving blasts of five seconds' duration, at interrals of seventy seconds, will be sounded, dur ing thick and foggy weather, at point Reyes light Btation, California, instead of the steam whistle now in tibe. The sailing schooner Annie F. Briggs, Capt. Bailey, which arrived at Noah bay on the 2d. picked up nine xanoes at sea during a southwest gale, April 30th. These canoes had on board eighteen Indians belonging to Vancouver island, who had got lost from their vessels during tho galo. TI1C3' were brought safelv into Neah bay. ' The Marengo correspondent of the Palaha Spirit speaks a truth; "No town under the broad canopy of heaven can thrive and grow while its inhabitants sleep and refuse to be awakened. Enterprise has built cities on mountain-sides and desert plains; and well-directed energy can build a business point anywhere, in spite of the hills and croakings. Tho gods help them that help themselves h a truism the world over."' The officers in the Astoria Custom house have jusi completed a compikv tion of the number, of times Capt. Fred Bolles has crossed Columbia river into this port, and find that from first to last he has entered vessels hero at this Custom-house 205 times. As he has passed out as often this makes him 550 crossings of the bar, and he has never yet met with an accident that cost a general average. Tliis surely ought to give Capt. Bolles an opportunity to be able to oxpres3 an opinion -which should carry weight with it, aB to the needs of our commerce. Murder in the First Degree. The meauing of S3, seen iu nearly all legal documents, is not generally known. Many have iuquired the ubo of the cabalistic device, until the ques tion having got into the newspapers, a correspondent of the Globe-Deim- 5 crat, after much research, has decided that the symbol is derived from the Latin phrase sues sulataus greeting those within jurisdiction. Syzgyg noscism is what Dr. Hammond calls "the power to commit murder when asleep. " That is the word we have been trying to think of for nearly two vcars. We knew it had seven gables, a portico front and back, and a man sard roof, but we could n't recall its j cognomen. it the uoctor calls the j power to commit murder when I asleeii svzgvruoscisin. we want to see the document which would apply to I .....a..... ...li. inif1..tj rluiiti lit filMlTitin I I ll-l.-n'II win illiuucu .-M.i , Klf inning I 1 i . t j r, i i on hii Hccoroeon. ' College Gazette The .Slat University department in the Eugene (Juard shows ability. It is conducted bv the students. Mis: DeEUa Cogswell is at present perform-' ! mg that specialty. She informs ns: ! pecialtv. ne inioniis lis: That vacjnion is a thing of the past. . That extra sessions are in outer. That strawberries are ripe on the' university eauipits. i,,t rSin "V n XCWdwSl : ""weivjeice in the fraiance r , . - " i ..I iin lirtr tmirir mi: ! TW ,1... ,v?,.rt- i .tUA- Ti,-i , : -"-' - ,;-"" ," .. ! 1 I' IIT'IL-Ilie III 11V l Tii.ir "VV in- Illfr .11 II i why , reans do not take off their hats to ! them the German saving "they have : jiiimnjitim .'.. 'J sparrows under thoir hats." That Mi.ni Mav Underwood who is teaching near .Junction came home : last Fridav. Her many friends feel the loss of her presence, and ?ladly; weicoim.uioMiwit.iTTCuinis. : On Thursday l last, week, the, class in Liw ticjkl ikvntimot iitn jw unmumiw.. pnsaeu cxhiiiiiiuwuii i.... i..f.....,.. ri .1 i i... I rismcfi ttini- liiMTnii Snllnsf -yi -r Li . rj- i f n i Jllv utToert ivicuornack', oi tne chiss of 1878, who has been spendnig; the winter in Eugene, is now visiting' friends in The Dalles: and intends to make her future home in Walla-walla, j That. Miss Emma Cornelius depart- -. 1 r ... t.....c..:h.. -.... .i,:i. 'i ed for Brownsville, near which place j she will take charge of the district school. Her first attempt at training the juvenilo mind. That scandal ought to be made -ill, i punishable by law. --It is not the style now in first class printing office to turn column rules bottom side up as a token of sad ness. In some cases a black flag is hung out for thirty days. The rule in Portland of late has been to hang out a red flag, and get an auctioneer to do the crying, while the sheriff weep. ':'o 'SYiietiers and run!! of Pub. He Schools. 1 Tl... o,v ..W,1 lunl nl1ii;ul-....l hvr ; A i 1ii'ro X' i.s 4ill -i1kltrul ! the superintendents of Oregon to be . J. I'ltl uvl - vs- ll4. uti.M'iul ' introduced the present season, are ' just leecived direct from the publish-, ers, and are now for sale and exchange at introductory prices set by the state ' superintendent. I, expert fully 3'nu, Larl .Adler, dealer in hooKs and sta tionery. otiee to the I'nltJie. The poor, unfortunate young man that lost his leg last summer in the VicliprmntiR nnTifre bru; nmr ritli Ilio - .......... ........... .... , ...... .. ueip 01 inenus, suincu ;i siunu mure, where ho keeps tobacco, cigars, pipes, cutlery, etc. He is unable to do hard work, and must make out the best he can. Give him a call, boys, he keep3 the best brands of tobacco and cigars. Water street, opposite 0. R. S: N. Co. s Dock. Go to M. C. Crosby's and get j'our lunch buckets, water kegs, bail ers, buoys and boat stoves. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc, in thoir season. Chewing molasses peppermints and chewing candies of all flavors, at the Astoria candy factor)'', made fresh every day, opposite the bell tower. lust rccoived at Carl Adlers, a full assortment of Sewing Machine Needles of all makes and sizes; to be sold at reduced rates. P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street, has iust received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and! ladies boots, shoes, etc The Bock beer mado by the Co lumbia brewery in Astoria is the best in the market. It was thoroughly inec iuiu provcu bucii jaai year. 1 Kfifilnrs mirnrm v.ij riininmr in full blast last evening. It will bo held again to-morrow at 2 and at t o clock v. w. Cocoanut ice, cocoanut caramels, molasses cocoanut, chocolate caramels at the Astoria candy factory, next; door to Stevens A Sons book store. Gray's wood j-ard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any part of the city sawed to any length, aud full measure. Ladies accept of no taffy at the liands of the gentlemen except such as is good to eat, and is made fresh every day at tho Astoria candy factory, opposite the bell tower. Carl Adler will sell his entire stock of wall-pockets, brackets and picture frames at a great sacrifice as lie has determined to close out and quit that lino of trade. For a first-class oyster stew, fry, pan-roast or fancy roast, go to Iloscoo's on Main street, opposite N. Loeb's. Families supplied bj tho hundred or the sack, opened or in the shell. Since the Chinese started to brew "cheap San Francisco beer" there is little or no demand for that article any more. Call for tho Columbia brewery beer, if you want something good. uu.iu,w.,,.Bu,u,,.Bu.ciiml Stockton, our well kiiuwti artists, second Causar class. Having linwhetl ,.,, .rt ,,;, 1u. h.A Mll finp;. , Furnished Koobih to Let At Mrs. Munson's lodging hnuap. onircN to Kent. Single or in suites of two, in The Astokiajc building. Prices reasonable. ! i'aunry Itlrtl I.ot. The tinder will be liberally reward ed by returning the same to the post office. Piano to Kent. A good piano is offered for rent at a fair rate, by Capt. A. W. Berry. Ap ply at the Washington Market. furnished Itoom Mrs. ). Curraii has :i at reasonable few good prices on nxmiK ii let Cas street. Church. near the Congregational Oar. Oar. , - . . Oar, eleven feel; caustic soda. : den lacquer, asphaltum varnish, fund- j tie t suit at Oko. . Ht'MKs. . i UiiNt Jtereived at Carl .tlleri. new invoice of thoe Celebrated CnbitH - t Grand Piaii .,vwk! ,,f ,Ks,-v """ Piano.-. Also, a new mu. He will sell : . , e . ' :iricw fr ca3i,or on the installment pUn. " -i z-rzr-. ire Cream Saloon. Vmnk Kaber's ice cream s;,loon, on r?,e "?; ; '-'s mill, is now linen inceiv miiii olivine ruunis lur - . .1 . ""dies. It is also the depot for choice . eonfectionen', talTv, etc. llomam - - - punch served to order. (Vulval Hotel. TheCejitnil hotel, near the steam- j lmi fli .. - ,wm. ,. fnp 1BIVMn. tion of guests, whei-e the well known ' :' . ..,.-..... ... 1. catctvr, Mr. Anton Ilebdi will always l,u f.,ud read v to wait on his natrons. ,ln llM ll!Mi .-,. ,,,.lV,t IlsllllUli iIonse I tlir.iuill O r..itf.I lit- ATfWSKI. I'lk'ft 1 .i....,.,!,. .i;rl..,l l... AT ",'"'",,V "" -v '- . -".. . . .... brands ot honors and cigars to he had - t . . ? - vcouh.co Id orcein- lhroal should lie stonned. N'ealect freouently results in an incurable lung dieaeor consump- l,5.011- ,nwns Hroneliinl troches do not disorder the stomach like rough syrup. aml baIsams. ,mt avt directly on the in- named parts, allaying irritation, give relief iu asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which ?inVriateV:vJfiiV5rr.J"y.i 110. nil 101113 teiiia iiomu oiuucioui troches have been recommended by phyieian, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant two for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 2Ti rent a Ikk everywhere. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sand who were suffering from dyapep sia, debility. liver complaint. loiIs. bu ns, female complaint;., etc. I'ampn :te. l'ampn thW.Fowle lets free to am addre S & Son. Ilostoi' - s a mihl. I.i.t eflertual laxative, ! as a safe but .-iiri' tonic, blood purifier 1 and yeinml . r.-euthener, us-' Kinic f the Blood. Se.- :.dveriiseiuent. I 1AV1SM TO CAM. THE ATTENTION OF j the citizen of Astoria ami Ieinitv llutl Ij hat ovarii a I XJfcXXGr STORE i Xear the O. K. & N. t Vs uWk. Jly stock Is new and fresh and am one wMmii: any thing hi my hue may ileju-ml on getting the 1TKEST AND hl-ST. I have eciirrd Ihe services uf Air. A. F. Johns, a careful and competent Druttgea of foMrtefii jears exiK-rlriiee. who v.lSI attend to Hie lnMTiitIiiu Drjiartinctn. AKo a xileiiiUd assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Gombs, Toilet Sets, Ami everything usually keiu in a first elas Drug Store, and tliey will he sold at the VEItY I)VCST 4'i:iCES. Uy strict attention and fair dealing 1 v!ieit a share or the public patronage. Jtonectfutly. .1. W.COXX. 1. S. I'hysieiwis iireseriptioiK rnmo:tm! ed day or night. MAGNIJS 0. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. Ptaters ai Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None hut first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand ! -trJ S i iss' 3IISCELLAKEOUS. TRENClUllil & UPSHUR DKALKRS JN SHIP CHANDLER PROVISIONS, IBOJV, STEEL. GOAL, Builders Genera! A III) WARE. teslaat-w.'S- n -tf-cfyt. WAIXS P A ? Vfjiy ( I l ?Tn J - i' jl.., v i ojjjj juavi ' At:EXCV OF THE Imperial Mills FlOUr and Feed. H Ichenamus Street, Near Olney, astokia. oi:fi:ox i i.i:iNi:vwki:ki:. ii i i: am IlliOW.V. l.-TAKLIMth!' Irt, LeilieilWel)er & CO., ASTOIMA. OKEUON, mnnTTHin 1MT1 nnTTlTTHn IMIUirind KiW bUnniPlIld. Mauerartiirers :u:il IiiiKrterot !.!. KINDS OF 1 AND FINDINGS Wlio5eate Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. .MANTFACrntKh'S OF BOOTS and SHOES ms-HiSlif.st ca-h pnee pnltl for Hides and Tallnw. CENTRAL MARfCET. (leneol a"--nHw::i of l;-.We Uh'L constantly n linii'l. mh'Ji i Caniio.tl Pniits ami Jelly i Bacon, Hair.s. Shoulders, Lard, KiidS. KSf'll'ili:. JIKFSK. irresh Fruits s:i-i Vegetables, r,; ;..iif M II:,- vi- fit. :s Ir fi'riitt'A'ii. l l.ltll'liliS. :;(t.is. tdil on coiii i-'. Miri. j. .ii:i;Ki:.s T. W. Kr4.x J" I.V5J Alt ri.tf :.: '-J5t. !.- I. u t. II. :, . Asloria Market ! oiM'eSMs: ASTOKIA. - v vt:K:v i oiVMM.Vl HoTKl, - OKEfSOX. KATOX. rrojirietors. i. irr. :.i JrfKor" U'hi!a'alo and Ketai! Iiealuri in Fresh and Cured Meats A hilt line of FAMII.V OKOCEKIES, Fl.Ot't:. FEED 1IAV. CAXXED FKIUT. VKflE- TAKhES. ETr. oir I5iiter. Ex?. Otiae.e. elf. constantly en hand, e-u" Suipa supplied at the lowest rate. Wilson & Fisher . HKAI.Ki: IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AN' I) OII.S. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEKI), GARDEN SEED, GKASS SEED. Which will ln exi-hnngftl for ninitry nro tluriMirsoMnt lowest prices. Corner 'heiiaiuu and lliuuillon .Streets ASTOKIA. OUKGON. PETER RXXXSTEIT, ASTOIM , OKKGUN. BRICK ivtjif LAYER l'hAIX AMI OKXAMEXTAI. FTtA jsq?:Es:o.:E::Et. Orders left :it tin Occident lintel, or at my WarcliiittM. fool of Denton Street, promptly attended to. LIME. SAXD. IIUK'K. I'LASTEK, LATH, Cement, and all matctinbi iu my line, furnished to order. cB"Special attention paid to Furnace work ami Ihinges. Cistern work warranted cond or no iiay. Crf"Asent San Juan and XewTacumaLIme. MRS. S. T. McKEAN, !KAI.hK IX DRESS TRIMMINGS, All kinds of WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC., Comer of Cass and Jefferson streets, Astoria. JSjtatupingdoue to order. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CUEAr AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOTETT, Cbenamus St., next Nicholas' Barber Shop. THE I X L STORE LEADS THE VAN ! ! ABOVE THE DIN' AND TIDE OF BATTLE: AMIDST MISSILES FBOM FLYING SHOT AND SHELL, STILL COMF.S THE CRY AND GRAND RUSH TO THE I XL STORE, Where Is displayed one of the largest aud most complete stocks of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, EVER SEEN IN THIS MARKET, And to be Sold at thelowcst Marginable Profits. A FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, With Satins, GimpSj Cords and Buttons to Match. S-LOC3E3S, HTJE1&9 OEXJOIBCXlSrCS-S, IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. HOSIERY, CORSETS AND GLOVES, AT PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE OF &Yr& SMryles in Strao7 jEDEVts. IN FACT HERE YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST CLASS DRY GOOES ESTABLISH MENT. I SHALL SUSTAIN MY ONE PRICE SYSTEM AND Don't Propose to be Undersold. CALL AND SEE ME. MME. DEMOREST AGENCY. C. H. COOPER, I X I. Store, corner Main and Conronily Streets. Astoria, Oregou The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot . TaBmn&Bmsz&!2!szwFB3: rZ TiiiTn g lUfiil II Mill 11 1 Miiiirl in 1 S, B.. HAWES TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, AUCTION! Keelar, the Auctioneer, WILL COMMENCE SELLING HIS IMMENSE STOCK OP ALL KINDS OF II RGHAHDIS TO-NIGHT, AT KOLDEN'S AUCTION ROOMS. The Sale will Continue Every Day, at 2 and 7 P. M., Until all is Sold. LatHes particularly invileil toaltomlmittKil! curly ml examine (lie block. E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Assisted hy FRAXK KEELAR, mit a license. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTUEER OF FLtRNITUBB s BEDDING- AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall P?iper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AJS'D CDRTAIN TOLES Complete In every branch. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. HAVING EVERY FACILITV FOK tide, I am now prepared to fumi OK LAGER EEEE, AT 30 CEXTS PEIt ;.VLLO A JSCOXjIESQ A TijEE. wsy-fcamilies and keepers of public ho-ises promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only .Machine Shop And the best BLACKSMITH SHOP In the city. AU kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, A STEAMBOAT W0EK lYomptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY. MAV BE HAD OF I.K.R.HAWES SOLE AOKXT. AImi. AceiU for Uie eelelirateil MEDALLION RANGE, ASTORIA, OREGON. HE MANUFACTURE OF A FWST CLASS AB tha public with the finest quality, forciub. BOTTLED BEER, AT l HO PER I)OZO. THE Fishermen's and Workingmen's CLOTHING STORE, MARCUS "WISE, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING JUST OPENED THE ABOVE named store, next door to the Astoria Bakery and having just received a first clas selection of CLOTHING, DJIY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, TEUNKSf VALISES, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods And all goods kept in a well stocked Cloth ing Store. Follow ing is a scale of some of ray prices : i Overalls from DO cts to St 00 1 Shaker Socks 0 cts or 6 pair for SI 00 Merino wnueiMiirts ana univers.....i uo Ladies Iron Frame Hose. ... .J25 cts Ladies Corsets fronu. .75 cts to $1 00 riease look for the sign ot the Fishermen's and "Workingmen's Store. Chenamas street, next door to the Astoria Bakery. MARCUS WISE, Proprietor.