CO aHOBGOHMMBa No. 9. Astoria. Oregon, "WednesUav Morning, May 11, 1881. Vol. xv. iij Conccrnr.r risnln? Our Washington correspondent, under date of the "J-lth, sends us the following from the official rec ords ot the treasury : Trensutx DajMirtJnant. " , I Soeond Ooiniitrollor a Office. . Washington. D. O. April 23. Ism. J Hon. II. r. French, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Sir. : Replying to your verbal sug gestions in connection with tlio in closed telegram in regard to lights on the boats used at the fisheries on the Columbia river, I have the honor to present the following points for your consideration : The business in which these bouts are engaged is local, and their purpose is not voyaging up and down the river, or across the river ; they arc not journeying from place to place ; they are not " navigating" the river m the usual and ordinary sense of the word. Hence they are not necessarily within the letter of the act. They are not within the spirit of the act because, owing to the smallness of the boats, no steamer or sailing vessel in dan ger of being injured by collision with them, ana because it wouiu ue uu mental to the public interest to re quire them to carry a light. The bus iness does not require these boats to be "anchored r moored in or near the channel or fairway of the liver or bay." Section 4233 of the revised statute mentions both vessels and boats sep arately, recognizing a distinction be tween them, and imposing different and distinct obligations on each ; by the ordinarv rules of constitution, the words sailing vessels," in the same; connection and in the following sec tion, would not be hold to include boats. Hence it is fair to conclude that the penalty prescribed in the lat ter section docs not apply to small, open boats of the kind in question. If, however, the failure of a boat of this kind to carry a light should be held to be a technical offense, within the letter of the statute, I think the nature of the business at the mouth of the Columbia river is such as to show that the faifure could not be con sidered " wilful neirligence or fraud," and that, under section 5293 of the revised statutes, the secretary of the treasury can provide a simple and in expensive mode of remitting the pen alty, if any penalty exists. Very re spectfully, W. W. UrroN. In transmitting the above infor mation to The Astoria x Cessoid says: It think it safe for you to express the opinion that the secretary of the treasury will not permit any penalty in if pnfnwfirl for not carrvinir lights on these boats. How ho will avoid it is not yet settled, and I am not authorized to speak for him. But I ropeat, I think you may consider it certain that no penalty will bo per mitted to be enforced. Clvde 11. Cooke. Self-Educated" Men. Clyde writes excellent letters from Munich, to Uib mother in Salem. We quote fiom one tear ing date March 2d: I hurdlv know what to write, now I have begun, but think I will tell vou first aV7ottt u picture that I sawlto-night. The picture was a l.n-.rr inirini viow. not the con ventional murine, but a terrc-verte colored sea half-way up the can vas, the waves of which impressed one as being as large as life, and as wot and full of motion; they were a wonderful color, and splashed and tumbled all over the canvas. At the edge of the water the sky was a light silvery gray; (the fashionable ky:j bomewnai darker at the top. In the upper right hand corner was a fishing boat, so high that the vails were cut off by the top of the picture. It wsir froinir toward a little strip of land, rolling and pitching, and the water dripped oh the oars m the most realistic way imaginable. Tn thfi immediate foreground was ., o-n -itwl tho whole thinjr seined as lanre as all outdoors Tt had something of a Japan ese effect, on account of the boat, which was boldly put on at just the right place. 1 want to see it H-siinVit does one good to see It is strange how people who have received what is generally known as a classical, or college, or university education, look down upon all who have not enjoyed that blessed privilege, and yet the so-called self-educated men show a remarkable balance in their favor when you come to sum up tnc results of the respective activities of the two classes. Here was Schlieman for instance, who, though purely j,elf-cducated, has shown himself a better Greek and Trojan than any of the classically educated commentators of the Iliad before him. Shakspeare, to be sure, had, in his time, also sur passed all writers on antiquity in his knowledge of the Trojan war riors and of the men of the first and second Romish Triumvirate. Aniin, here comes Edison, a pure ly self-educated man of science. How he was looked down upon by the classically .nurtured men of science! His quadrupling ot the telegraph currents was pronounced the dream of a madman, his telephone a hum bug, and his microphone a delus . ' . ,- ,.Li. I A j ton. Jjut ins cieciric iigni. "mug- all his other The Xew School Uoolf. Me-r.Chas.SteeiHt bon Imvea full -.11111)1 v of Ut boots latch adopted by the state, and which must he introduced m the public schN 1 or before Octo ber W. Iksi. . The following hooks an- offered at m- troiluctor price-, or I'M-nange: lontioths Elementary i teosrapnj. SAX FUANCISCO CLOTHING STORE. DA such work. Thursday, 1 went out with Mr. Ilovuk, to a part of the 1 l.r1 ..,!- cAn lift- ! T" r. "' ',.t ;;: . 1U.I- ." ""-" . - i. ,- .. 1 o. There were two on inventions uii nut u'j "s.m humbug and a delusion, but as superlatively a cheat and swindle. I f the properly educated arclneolo tn Moiitieths Comprehensive (Jeo.sniphy. .SUN Grammar. Brooks Primary. Llcmentary. Wnt tnn nnil II irhpr Arithmetics. The following will be sold at intro- dticton rates, nut not encxrnnngr: Watsons Chiltis .speller. Watsons Youths .speller. . Montieths Jay l.eons in Popular Science. l.jtesBonkKecpiiui. West hikes Common bchool Literature. CitvIIookStokk, Astoria. Oregon. AXtrsKxn.yr.s Hir.i.'s Varietur. Geo. Hill, proprietor ami manager, Prod Here, stage manager. A. Ostramier. leader of ore uotra. Geo. Lambert, leader of brass hand. An entirely new first part bv our male and female unnstreK with Nickerson and Cook a the coin medians. Gen- interlocutor. Finale, -Our Circus." New olio, new act-, songs, dances, etc. Do not fail to see "The Three Hunter." and that other funny act. "An Echo.' Miss Lou Cook appears nightly in new songs and dances. 3Ir. Jno. Cook and Mr. Charles VioV,.inn nUn in the funniest of funny fun- Mr. .Tames Moriee in new ocal "ems, and Gere in DutchNms. Look out for a new thing, entitled -Ten I'ins, or Set 'Em Up on the Other Alley." Mr. Hill is making acthe prepar ations for more amusements with which to please those of the public who are fond of popular amusements. New orchestral selections by our eflicient orchestra, and new music by our excel lent brass hand on the grand stand at precisely 7 i M. Curtain ri-es at ex actly S r.M. Entrance on Benton street ; entrance to prhate boxes, on Chcnamus street. . mm aociu!:siii3a!sini""i",1,",,",,"M11M,,,lia,I1M,,UMftMa5 I THE NEWS! I- lSSX8IS:3III3IXIIliaHtfItIlUMllMMIIUIUlIUItlUIlMniIMMMMHH ml EL( 'OME TO ALL ! TflE FISHING SEASON HAS OPENED AND SO HAS THE POPULAR BUSINESS CARDS. TAT TCTTXiE, M. B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office Over the White House Store. Residence Next door to Sirs. Mnnson! Iwardins house, Clicuatnus street, Astori Oregon. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Chenarans Street. - ASTORIA. 0REGO SAN FRANCISCO p W. FUI.TOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - OREGON Office over Page & Aliens store, Cass street E.c 3IOLI)K.l NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. 4444B44fl S CLOTHING STORE A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Chenamus Stn'et, near Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. Asent Wella, Fanjo & Co. T P. MICKS. - DENTIST,. ASTORIA, - I Opened the largest and best . selected stock of : o z. orj nie o-ists of Europe held up SchlieraauV discoveries of the ruins of Troy and Mvcenn? as frauds, the very nintnGSiiUe. thro lmrt streets and a canal ftn tlm streets the houses were mncilt. 11 n lmv that one could touch the floor of the second story; most of them built with a gallery and. stairs on the outside. The balustrades of the galleries vcre turned and sawed, etc., and paint-, Mne jUcated gasologists of Atneri ed green, or pink or ' ca and Europe had no words bit walls usually white, and, with the tor enough to denounce the inven red tiles and the brisht colored tions of Edison, which threatened trimmings, they were fine bits f incalculable losses to their gas color. There were shrines to com anies. B,lt the outcome of Viro-tn and most wretched colored . ,. . 'V1U . . -i n ..-.!-. a annears to be that hdison is prints on tn ouisiuc waiib, uhuui, . ;r , Iip mlleries. oriieihans a string of . once more triumphant. It is true . - . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Snow in Northern Iowa Burlington llawkeje. A correspondent who has just made a trip up through the north ern part of the state says that for sixty miles east of Sheldon there is no difference in the appearance of the country from that of mid winter, lie passed fully thirty miles of snow cuts, the walls of which in many places were wa above the tops of the cars. The people of Sanborn, Hartley, Spen cer, Emmetsburg, Algona, and other towns east of Sheldon have been without sugar, kerosene, and in some places even without can dles, for manv weeks. Until within the past few days there had not been a train through that strip of country since the 1st of Janu ary. They had just begun to get sugar, etc., as he passed through. In many places the people have been compelled to burn lumber for fuel. It is a heavy stock county, clothes hung out to dry. AYc stood on a bridge which crossed the canal and 'looked down between the houses. On either side of it some nung over me .n.ui, ii" there weuc little foot-bridges from one house to another, and it was all verv curious and jolly. We made sketches which I will send vou when 1 have time to finish Mr. Hovuk told me that in sum- ..,:!, enn 1in Tvrrtlf5f I coming down the river from the mountains on rafts with their stun ning costumes, and there would be old women along the bank praying for them, for which the men would throw them wood from the rafts to pay them. One oftn sees the old women praying -forn the shrine and telling then- beads, and 3 was told that they are paid for praying in the church es for business men who had not time to pray for themselves. What a saving institution that would be in America! that the question about the eco nomical features of the electric light scheme have not yet been satisfactorily ascertained; but we know this much, that electricity, if operated on Edison's plan, can furnish us a light at night substan tially as good as ordinary daylight; and, furthermore, a light which cannot change into fire. This is one of its greatest recommendations. Ever since Tennyson wrote the pathetic story of Enoch Arden and showed the world how some wan derers mav be unable to return to their homes, even when the want to do so, dozens of husbands who had not been heard from for years have reappeared among the scenes to which they long had been strangers. Some returned with LOST Mav -Mi No fathom of M mesh net, Barbouri No. 'i. 11 ily and No. 3, 10 ply, oM cork ami lernl Hue. no marks, at Hie Great Republic. Finder will please nntii S. I). ADAI R, ami recei e reward. 5-lw L" OST Mav Tth, about flltv fathoms net made of Bnrbours -40-11 llj. Corks and leads marked J. O. II & Co. finder will ba ,ultabl rewarded by JIaSTU0RS CQ Mu slh. Is8i. LOST. Between ,Bir))oroin:li Hill and Sand Kland on : he Alight of the 2tb. 100 fathom-, ofneW teU Barbour -j No. li Corks branded It. . : tye Under will be suit ably rewarded !.y-a. ,, Jo;iS80Jfi dtw-lw nAcrtiiis I'aekitisj Company. FOUXD-NearIlwaco. anoui i o iuuioiii old cork Hub. No luark. Owner can nllljr propenj aim uajHij; J01l l'tTEUSOX. At A- I. Co's Cannery. JC1SS1. - OREGON. Booms In Allen's building up stairs, cornr of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets. TK. 3f. D. JEXXIXGS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (iraduate University of Virginia, issa Physician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, 1S63-T0. Office In Tage & Allen's building, up stairs. Astoria. AND- Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, HATS AND CAPS, T A. JIcIXTOSH. JIERCHAST TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building, ASTORIA - - - OREGON AND THE BEST- iaesnun charges. Astoria.J T710UND. Near X. piece or new : line, web 11 -ply. can lMcKing erty and iay May 2d. 1 ma .3 lliii chflrgefcyy .up PSI. e upuulie wreck a ica Joad line, new cork KitN Anglo-Ainen- er csiii jinne pnni- CHllilltf UK)tl. .T. FEUNAX. ria PaekliitfCtuiiiNiny. CARTER'S GAPE ANN ....i.M. ii3 ; Q H. TtATS fc CO., OEAIJCR IX Doors, "Windows, SlIadB, Traa hoh, LiHHibr, Etc. All kluds ot Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. steam nm near esion noiei. ucr. upi evive and Astor streets. UHIEXHAJtT JL HOHOEXE. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTORIA - OUEGOX. d-lf The King of Greece is in that unpleasant and anomalous position htlv aescnoea as ijewvuuii tu- uu . rm!,rL.hl v , IraWUVd lllli ,,viv- . v....". .. -j ine amuaa-s . better heaits than they took away with them, and some came back with improved tempers, but in one DISSOLUTION NOriCK. Notice Islieiv bv given that the copartnership hereto fore existing between .lonn l)ais:indChtts. G. Koss, in the business or logging, is this dav dissolved b mutual connt. Clia. ij. Ito'ss continues the business, nod will pa nil indebtedm-s of the late "":. CI IAS. t:. 1).S Knappa. Oregon. Maj 1. 1SI. A CARD. Astoria. May .. 11. I desire to give notlco to the fishermen mi the Colummarhcr that the Argonaut." owned bv .1. W. x V. Cook of Cliftou. respects no rights that fishermen hac in common on said rhcr: where the fishermen refuse to work for the price that the Messrs. Cook m-I on fislu Tleald loat has destroed for me a part of three nets, and Ihe owner of it re Iumk to make any restitution to me wliat cver. although I hae repiested them to do so lie sates outer nvus wi-h ".-- I.m.i intna lin PIIK nnrl ll.tmS- SlIIIOlV be- eaiiM' I refused to furnish fish for him a't the price he wished. ANTOINi: X AHAMsAPI'WI. niarJ.. Signature w itnessod. S1a.w 1 w Marian King." Arrr. have now piaci:i this first Y class essel on the IktIIi for salmon loading to lJerpool. For part iculars regard ingrates of JgP l'ortiami, uregon. RUBBER BOOTS, ETC., WHICH WII.I. UK SOI.O AT SAX Fli.VSCISCO WHOLKiALE PRICES. REMEMBER THIS IS NO HUMBUG. 1IAVIXCS MADE ARRANGEMENTS IN NEW YORK AND SAN FRAN CISCO "FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL 31Y GOODS, MY FACILITIES FOR BUYING ARE SUCII AS TO ENABLE LE TO Undersell all Others. I Defy Competition. Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and Salpbur BATHS. S5?-Special attention given to ladles' and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. PRACTICAL BOOT AXD SIIOK MAKER. Chkxamus Stuekt, opposite Adler's Book .store, - Astoma, Oregon. ey-rerfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted. Give me u trial. All orders promptly filled. MTm. W. U M'CAIIK, Astoria. o!33. J. A. BROWN Portland. Facts and Figures ! BCOW.V fc McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria office At E. CHolden's Auction store. Portland office 24 B street. 13-tf To-JS'ight. To-Night. GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. and the deep sea sadors of the powers have decided that the terms of settlement of the frontier dispute proposed by the Porto is eminently fair and practi cable, and the information is sup plemented by :t protocol, in which the alternative is presented of flccentiiir it or incurring the dis and fully two-thirds of the stock pcasurc jf not the actual hostility perished during the winter. Wnere Its Going. Reno Gazette. Geo. A. King, who was one of the first promoters of the Nevada" and Oregon narrow gauge railroad which is to connect Reno and Ore gon, returned "Wednesday. Mr. King is vice-president of the com pany which has the construction of the read in hand. He tells the Virginia Chronicle that cverj--thing is in readiness to rush the work alone, and that nothing hereafter will be allowed to inter fere. This narrow gauge road will connect with the Oregon and Cali fornia railroad at Eugene city, thus forming a direct line of com munication with Portland, and af fording increased facilities for reaching Puget sound in Wash ington territor3T. The nreiudice in Enp-laud against the importation of Ameri can cattle, inspired by British graziers, is dying out. The secre tary of the British privy council recently stated to the house of commons that the great majority of American cattle landed in British ports are in excellent condition. of the governments represented in the conference. The kings sub jpcts weary of these piping times of peace will brook no interference with their manifest desire to pluck the feathers of attenuated Turkey, and threaten levolt if the terms of the porte and the conference are accepted. Upon the heels of this trouble there treads the intimation that the cabinet shares the inclina tion of the people, and the aspect presents the monarch as an object not undeserving ot sympatuy. The Herald and Review says of the Sacramento river that the run of salmon is unprecedented, giv ing employment to a large number of fishermen and some dozen can neries. The quality of the salmon is very superior, "not a whit inferior to those canned upon the Columbia river.1 We can never admit the statement as to quality, but give it up with respect to quantity. The open fact stares us in the face that if things do not improve here bankruptcy is inevitable to many whose prospects were bright a month ago. A fine lot of French candies just ! received at Adler's, alike all of them were impecun ious and quite ready to sink their pride and live on the savings of their wives second husbands. A Pennsylvanian, however, has sud denly wrought an improvement in stories of this kind, for on return ing to the bosom of his family after an absence of fourteen years, he brought with him quite a neat little fortune. This is indeed a nr nattern of a husband. If there are any more of the same kind floating about the country and uncertain whether to return to their old homes they can safely throw doubt to the winds and re appear. No oue will ask where they have been or what they have been doing if only they will come back with plenty of money in their pockets. Fire-brick and fire-clay in lota to suit at if. C. Crosby's. : GREAT SURPRISE AT TILE : a" I San Francisco Store ! I Notice to Consignees PURCHASERS OK TIN 1'L.VTIS AND consignees of merchandise hy tin ' C Ian 1 Grant," will please lane iioiict ih.u uu ves sel commences dLscliarjduK at Hustlers old dock, .Monday, suh insr. All niercluuidlv infr mi tlu iliwlr nftcr o o'clock t. M. Of the ilav of its discharge, will be at owners risk. ROGERS. Ml Kd-tit A'ER & CO.. Consignees of esscl. Shipmasters Notice. BRITISH BARQUE CI AX ORANT. Xcitlter the Captain nor the agents. Messrs. Rodecrs. Mejer i Co.. will he res lKmsible for anv debts contracted b the crew of .said escl while at Astoria. lw Master British baric Clan :raut. HERE ARE VRIGES OF GOODS THAT WILL SURPRISE ALL. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. jEJ. -3u.. 5TJXKT3!r- dealer In FAMILY GKOCERIES, NATLS, MIIX FEED AM) HAY Cash paid for country produce. Small profits on cash sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squemocohe streets. MENS AND BOYS CASIMERE SUlTo FROM S 3 00 EXTRA BEST SUITS 12 00 FINE BLACK SUITS - - 00 DIAGONAL SUITS " 15 00 CASIMERE PANTS " - 2 5 P!VTR TVRKT PANTS" - 4 00 BOYS SUITS. ALL SORTS, FROM : G 00 TO 15 00 " 20 00 " 25 00 22 00 " 4 00 4 5 50 " 12 00 I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. Consignees Notice. BRITISH lSAltpn CI.VS ORANT. Stephen masUfr. njfo" l.hcrpool. Neither the Capmirf nor the nndersiinied consignees of thaftof e named ecl will he. responsible foru llfcbts which may 1k con- 3rtCd hy ,U7Wm-EB3. MO Kit &Co. Consiqnees lotice. BRITISH BAlIQl! C MA1UON KINO. Cal crt master, ftmlf.0. Neither the Cia u vor the uuderaljnietl consignees of Ihf a Mm name vessel will be responsible Tor any eMts which may be con tracted bv the crew 3t ' RflrDOKRS,MKYKR&Co. FURNISHING GOODS. OVERALLS FROM JUMPERS " ALL WOOL SOCKS CHECKER SOCKS. SIX PAIR FOR COTTON SOCKS, TIIRKK PAIR FOR WHITE SHIRTS FROM COLORED " " CASIMERE'- " FLANNEL " BLUE NAVY - FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS FROM 1 25 COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 60 MARINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS "'0 CO CTS. TO 81 00 ... GO ...20 90 75 . SI 50 . 1 00 . 2 00 Uso Nicholas Balm of Gilead oil, for sore or chapped hands. I co criam. at Itoscoea oyter and refreshment saloon on Slain street. Max. Wagner's San Francisco National brewery beer can't be beat. ! Wilhelm. Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. See Max Wagners advertisement of Bock beer, just received by steamer Columbia. Prices for cannery and fishermen's supplies have been slaughtered at M. C. Crosby's For the Genuine J. H. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors, and San Francisco beer call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Gampbell. City Auditors Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY OI YEN T1LVT the City Assessment Roll of the city of As toria, Oregon, as returned by the City Asses sor for the ear lSSl.Ls now on file hi the ofllce or the'Audltor and Clerk of ald city whet? it will remain oiwn for inspection until the l5Ui day or May. 1S31. All anplica tions for corrections or ro lslons of the ame mast be filed with said Auditor and Clerk priorto said ,5th dayofM, Auditor aud Clerk. Astoria. May J, 1&I. td .d&w 1 00 25 1 00 25 1 75 I 50 3 00 1 75 2 50 223 Wm. Houseman ot Portland BEGS LEAVE TO NOTIFY HIS friends and customers that he has opened A FISHERMAN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS STORE Next to G. V. Hume's grocery store. F. nOUSEMAN. Agent OIL CLOTHING. LONG OIL COATS FROM S3 5 TO OIL JUMPERS 4 50 300 HANSEN BROS Contractors and Builders, CORNER ASTOR AND CASS STREETS. Near Congregational Church. And are now ready to receive orders for all kinds of WOOD WORK. Contracts taken to build and repair SniPS, HOUSES, BOATS, ETC., AT LOWEST RATES. -Doors and Window Frames made to order. Proposal for Building Wharf at Ilwaco. W. T. BIDS FOR EXTENDING THE WHARF and roadway or the Ilwaco Aharf company, at Ilwaco.AV.T., from the pres ent wharf in a southeasterly direction, from 450 to G00 feet, will be receuedatthe ofllce or the company uuui ua.ji. jiayjw,ii. Bids should state the price per lineal foot for the roadwav ; also for constructing the main wharf and slip, in accordance with plans and speclucatloas to be seen at the orjlce of J. II. D. Gray. Astoria, Oregon, until Tuesday. May 17. 16S1. after which time they will be In the hands of the secretary of the company at Ilwaco, W. T. The company reserve the rightto reject any orallbTds. jjqq President I. W. Co. Ilwaco, W.T., May 9,161. BOOTS AND SHOES. MENS CALF BOOTS FROM ...... MENS KIP BOOTS - ELASTIC GAITERS -BUCKLE SHOES MESS SLIPPERS BOYS BOOTS ... S3 CO . 2 75 ... 1 75 - 2 25 ... 50 ... 1 25 TO 4 50 4 00 250 3J5 1 00 1 75 P. T. PAKCLA V. T. H. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nc. 20 California St, San Francisco, Cal. I HAVE THIS SPRING STRAINED EVERY NERVE AND USED MY ENTIRE ENERGY AND REST JUDGMENT IN PLACING IN OUR AS TORIA HOUSE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE LINE OF GOODS. CALL AND INSPECT FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE WELCOME. I AVTLL GLADLY SHOW MY GOODS, NO MATTER WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. S. DANZIGER. Saa Francisco Store. Squemocohe streets next door to Pag& Allen's stow, north of Walla-walla Rtstaurant, Astoria Oregon. C. H. STOCKTON, HOUSE, SIQ-XT AX1 - CARRIAGE PAINTER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SrKCIALTT. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. aa"Sbop next door to Astorianl Office, In Shaster'sDuildlnj. rt