to -.frT'r"j.lf ' m t'tese jE&r BailB ftetmAan. ASTORIA. OKON: TUESDAY MAY 10, 18S1 B.C. IKKLA.t .Editor. A Matter of Facts. "We are printing a newspaper. "We have no enemies to punish, nor friends to reward, by the man ner qL .writing', our .news para. graphs. If we choose to suppress an part of news which niight be damaging to the parties concern ed, it is nevertheless news ; and our act has been prompted by a motive of simple kindness to the persons or person immediately in terested. But when suoh persons or person set themselves up as censors to criticise an act intended as a benefit to them solely, and we hear of it, we shall piobably not be so careful again, to cover their omissions. We have proper re spect for all, disrespect for none. "We, too, must be respected where respect is due to us. Sensible men will be willing to compre hend this status of a newspaper. And, so far as we are concerned, we intend to let them know here after that an item of news on the street is no less a matter of news in The Asiokian but we shall always confine our items to the facts existing. Late rains are said to be bene ficial to Kansas farming interests. A mad dog in Halifax bit seven children on Hut m day. Shoot the doers. Throe children were killed by lightning in Winona, Minnesota, on Saturday. The Northern Pacific railroad is not so flush this week as it was last by about 1 0,000,000. Dis trust. There is said to be a scarcity of sailors at Portland. Portland is too far inland to have everything she wants. James B. Doyle, the notorious Illinois forger, gave 20,000 .bonds on Saturday. He is a high toned rascal, with plenty of scads. Another man has just died who was one of the first to run up the stars and stripes in California. Tommy Patterson of Portland. Officer Minto chased a gang of highwaymen into the brush south of Turners Saturday. Minto and posse only had revolvers; the gang had "Winchester rifles. A bullet was put through the hat on one of Mintos men. Buy the Weekly. 1MB WEEKLY A.STOKIAN lif tills week is full nf just puck infotnmtion and news of the country as your mends m the eat want to see. It has very few mivurii'-.&tiients, and is chock to the muzzle uf information that no family chu successfully queurt along without, iwo doll.tre will buy the whole wad for a yewr, $1 50 for six months, or ton emits per copy. Shipping t'rt l- the thousand, or to order, plain or printed, at The ASTOKIAN' otucc. The roomt u inch we have to let in The Astormn i.nilihii are the tinuit in tlw cit.v for office purposes, and the rate is ery rensonitblo. SfAIl citizens of Oicgon who desire to inform their fueiuU in the states of thp condition and proiriwsof this state, can have no more complete and conipie henshc volume of facts to send them thaifby subscribing for "this journal, and having us mail it weekly to their lricnds. We mail it as dh cried. For $3 00 in advance, we mail tluee copies of Tine Weekly Am out an one year. By a recent postal decision men can actually make money by getting their bills and statements of accounts printed. Statements of accounts and bills of sale when made out on paper having printed headings, can be sent by mail for one cent, if the envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it is made out on imprinted paper, it will cost three cents. Thus by patronizing The Astouiax two cents can be saved on every bill or statement that s sent out through the mail. EsfWhat nleasure it is to pay ones debts! In the fn-,t xcnmvcsihat uneasiness which a person feels from dependence and obligation. It affords pleasure to the 'creditor, and therefore gratifies our social affection. It nro motes that future confidence w Inch is so interesting to an honest mind. It opens a prospect of being leadiiv supplied with what you want on future occasions. It leaves a consciousness of our urtue; and it is a measuie w e know to be right, both in point of justice and sound econ omy. Finally, it is the main suppoi t of simple reputation. Vn us, that we may pay others. STSomc say that it is no use for them to advertise, that thej have been in the place in business nil their lives, and everybody Knows them, bueh people seem to forget to take m consideration that our country is increasing in popu lation nearly 40 per cent, every ten vears, and no matter how old the place may be, there are constant changes taking place; some move to other parts, and strangers fill their places. Jn this age of the world, unless the name of a business firm Is kept constantly before the public, some new firm may start up, and. by ituciai tiuiciiuuiu, ill u via v suun iiuie take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and be forgot ten. No man ever lost money by judi lous advertising. Horse .education. In something written wo have an indistinct recollection of having made Teference to a general disposition among boys in their teens, as well as boys of maturer years, to enlighten ana oiess me wona -nun tneir pro found knowledge of the horse and his history. Our books and newspapers are full of this kind of literature, and it varies in style from the production of the child at school, commencing with: The horse has four legs and a tail; up to the eloquent tribute of the scholar when he quotes from Jeb: That his neck is clothed with thunder and the glory of-his nostrils -js terrible. He smefteth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains and the shouting. Between these two ex tremes of the child at his first school composition, and the professional literature, we have every grade of pre tention, and each professing to have mastered the whole subject. As we approach the close of -this nineteenth century, we begin to look for some thing better in this department of knowledge from those who assume to instruct. "m And it is to be found in Kendalls Treatise on tho horae, sent by mail to any person for twenty-five conts, postage paid. Apply to The Astoman office, or address D. C. Ire land, Astoria, Oregon. The boat stoves made by 3VL C. Crosby, with fire-brick bottoms, are superior to all others in this market. Chewing molass; and chewinjr candiey pVpoppermints if all flavors, at the Astoria candyiaptory, made fresh every day, opposuei the bell tower. NEW TO, T OST. Mav 7th, abnt If ty fathoms net JUL made of Barbour 40-11 plv. Corks and lead marked J. O. If U Qo. Finder will be siiitablv rewarded XI. O. ttANTHOUN & CO. Mjj Stli. 18S1. "Marian Zing. ii AITE HAVE NOW PLACED THIS FIRST cluviMsel oh 11)6 berth for salmon loading to Liverpool. Ipr particulars rcRard inr.itCKof frrlKhy.mdfiasuranco. apply to uyuiiuio. Mbibi: &. wt.. IMJHRS. rortlauu, Oregon. Notice to uonsignees I3URCHASEKS OF TIJt I'LATES AND consignees of merchandise bj the " Clan Grant," will please ttke nutlet that thW ves sel commences dlsciariabR at Hustlers nW dock, llondav. Mb; lusL All merchandise left on the dock Mlcrp o'clock r. m. of the daj of llHdischarf. will beat owners rk. ROGElifc, MEYER & CO.. bd-6t Consignees of Teasel. A CARD. Astoria, May a. 1SS1. I desire to kuc notice to the fishermen on the Columbia mer that the "Argonaut." owned bv J. V. Sc V. Cook of Clifton, respects no rights that fishermen hart: in common on .said mcr; where the ilsbprmcn refuse to work for the price thatsJhe,Me&rs. Cook set on fish. The said boat has Vlestroyed for me a part of three nets, and lh6 owner of it re lumes to inane sinv resuuinoa to riu what ever, although I have requested tuem to do so lie sates other nets. Iwh&n hp flouls them, mine he cuts and destVoyslfsmrply be cause I refused to furnish fish foe him at the price he wished. lim I ANTOINE X ADAMSAPFLE. mark. Signature witnessed. 8d&.wlw Proposal for Building Wharf at Ilwaco, W. T. "OIOS FOR EXTEXDIXG Tilt WHARF -U and roadway of the Ilwaco wharf company, at Ilwaco. "W.T.. from the nres- cnt v.harf in a southeasterly direction, from 450 to COo feet, will be yrcceivcd at the office of the company until II a. u. Mav 20. 1831. Bids should suite the.brice per hueal foot for meroauwav ; also lor constructing the mam wharf and slip, in accordance with plans and specifications to beScen at the office of J. H. 1). Graj. Astona, Oregon, until Tuesday, May 17, 1SS1. afte which thueAlicy will be fn the hands of tho'serretary or the company at Ilwaco, W. T.j The company rescrte the iizm ii' rricciJiii v or an urns. r L. A. LOOMIS. President I. "YV. Co. Ilwaco, w. T., May , 18S1. Shipmasters Notice. BRITISH BARQUE CLAN GRANT. Neither the Captain nor the acents. Messrs. Rodgers, Meter & Co., will be res- poninie ior anj ieoi contracteit ny tne rrett ot sjna t cssei w line at Aonsu .IAS. STEPHEN. iw Master British bark Clan Grant. Consignees Notice. T3RITISH BARQUE TiAX GRANT. juc Mcpuen mnsivr, irom i.itftrpooi. Neither the Captain imr the, undersigned consignees of the abote named tessel will be responsible for an debts which '' be eon- inicieu it uiecrew. :t RODGERS. MEYF.R & Co. Consignees Notice. BRITISH BARQUE-MARIOX KIXC. Cal vert master, Irom Rio. Neither the Captain nor the undersigned consignees of the abotV name vessel will be responsible for any debtn which may be con tracted by the crew. - St ROOGERS. MEYER & Co. "tOUND Near Ilwaco. about lathoms JL old cork line. No marks.- Onner can liave.s.une bt proting property ahd paying cliMrges. JOHN J'ETERSOX. At a. i". r-o i anucry. vstona, jiaj t, ijsm. TriOUXD A skltf about 1C feet lontr. imlnt. i ed liglit blue with strips of tin on out side, was plc&itl .tip near black buov off Fort Steteny. JIAy 3d. Ottner can hate same by pr)iDg property and pating for this adtertifement. J. V. 5: v. COOIv. May 4lli. 18Slf ITOl'NI). Near the RepuUlic tvreck a . piece of new net. new Ie:uf line, new cork line, wen li-piy. -mink IMs J Ansrlo-Ainerl- can l'ackhig Co.'.s, Ottner can nrote nroi- en.t ami pay cna cuyxaumg upon, 1 A.I.FEENAN. Astoria racking Company. Ma 2d. 1S81.' T OST Mav 4th ICi f:illinmsof r,o tnli tmr Jul Barhours No. li, 11 ply and No. 3. 10 ply, urn f-urK ami lean line, no inarKS, at tne !nat Republic. Finder will please notify S. I). ADAIR, and receltc reward. 5-lw T.OST. Between Scarborough Hill and X-I Sand Island oithe night of the 28th, iou laiuoms jq new net, luiuours o. 12. Corks bninde u'.A. : the finder w ill be Mut ably rettarddkicallhigon 1 ROB..IOHXSOX. ditt-lw IUsheniiens Packiug Company. DISSOLUTION' NOTICE Notice is here by giten tliat the copartnership hereto foti evistinir between John Davis and Chas (S. Ross, in the business "nf logging, is this uay dissolved uy mutual caiLsent. Chas. G. Rons continues tlie bnsmess.tiud will pay all Indebtedness of the late flrm.l JOHN DAVIS. CHAS. G. ROSS. KnappH. Oregon, Mny-4rfBl. d-tf For Sale. A NEW SKIFF AxfrEEX FEET lXXO. a Spniee lunibe bll .seasoned. Fartles applt to 1 NICHOLS, f At the Tarker House. Pioneer Meeting. A N ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE 1. rioueer and Historical Societvof Ore gon will be held in Astoria at the rooms of the society, at 2 o'clock p.m.. on the 11th day of Mav, 1&81. to complete the business of the annual meeting. Alt interested are cor dially hit ited. S. T. McKEAN, Secretary. Astoria. Oregon, April 29. 1881. City Auditors Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the In City Assessment Roll of the city of As toria, Oregqjt. as returned by the CItv Asses sor for the j ear 1881. Is now on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city where It trill remain open for inspection until the 15th dav of Mav. 1881. All auDlIca- tlons for corrections or revisions of the same must be filed with said Auditor and Clerk prior to said 15th day of May. 1681. B.H.CARDWELL, . Auditor and Clerk, Astoria, May 2, IS? J. -td .dfcw- MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT I iffiOUNCEMMT; OF THE HOUSE To make room for an Immense stock of goods that are arrit Ing by evert steamer, I will sell for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS AT- Greatly Reduced Prices ! My entire stock, comprising the latest styles --ok- Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ladies and Child rens Shoes and Slippers ALSO: A COMPLETE LINE OF MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ETC. ETC. ETC. Before purchasing your goods elsewhere call In and examine my goods and prices, as It will pay you well for jour trouble. S. SCHLTJSSEL, WHITE HOUSE STORE, Corner Main and Cheti:u.-ms streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. e. w. HuaTE Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC., ETC.. ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAAI1NG COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE. NET LINES, MANILLA HOPE, SAIL CLOTH. ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS. MAill. HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTIN E. HENZIN E, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. BOCK THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE THAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS CITY IS NOW FOR SALE AT THE Great Eastern Saloon ON CONCOMLY STREET, BY MAX WAGNEH. IT IS IMPORTED DIRECT FBOM SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL BREWERY. MAX UNDERSTANDS HIMSELF, AND KNOWING WHAT IS WANTED FOR THIS TRADE GETS IT 'PILES. The undersumed Is nrenaredto furnish a large number of Spiles and Span at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply 10 V. li. U AT US3, Columbia City BEER A WOED OFWAEOTNG! Don't be Humbugged Again by Professed Auction Sales, Gotten up with the Express Purpose of Gain. WHY BUY TRASH WHEN YOU CAN GET MUCH NEWER AND BETTER GOODS AT LESS PRICE. Is is not reasonable that should a person meaning- a square business desire to dispone of their stock at less than market price and without profit at Auction, would he not chose a much larger field than our city.? You all have been taught a lesson a fe- months since by the man "mit a license." Now don't dc misled again, for reference to buyers of Auction Traslyl will jost them in a few of my prices to compare. :e:elio:e2 I I Jnr'm-j I rice EIGHT YDS. PURE LINEN CRASH li " IS CTS. PJ5R YD rEN YDS. PURE HUSSIA CRASH I oi -; - " PURE LINEN TOWELS, KXTR LARGE.. .. -". . Nu&L'ril l.trnxs OFFERED EIGHT TEN rURE LARGE SIZE HONEY COMB TO FOUR LARGE SIZE MORM1E TOW SIX LARGE SIZE MORMIE TOWELS EXTRA LARGE TURKISH TOWELS . .. EXTRA FINE UNBLEACHED TABLE LIffBK PEP. YARD . EXTRA FIXE RLEApUED TABLE LINEN TURKEY RED TABLE LINEN. PER YARD (Warranted fast coWt MARSEILES BED SDREADS . HONEY COMB BEDSPREADS, LARGE SIZE HONEY COMB BED SPREADS, EXTRA SIZE... 1 'Si 2 Wl LADIES SOLID CQLOR HOSIERY' . 1?, LADIES RIBBED HOSIERY .. lit; LADIES PLAIN HOSIERY' .. 10 LADIES BROWN pALBRIGAN HOSIERY 25 LADIES EMBROIDERED HOSIERY J - 25 MISSES MERINO STRIPED, 4 PAIR?. 25 3IISSES ENGLISH SEAM, 2 PAIR...i 23 MISSES FANCY! HOSE. EXTRA ijUALITY. TAYO PAIR-.,'. ,. 1 2.7 LADIES HEMMED HANDKERCHIEFS COL ORED BORDERS, 3 PAIR FORI 2A LADIES LINEN; HANDKERCHIEFS. 2 PA IP. 25 LADIES IMITATION SILK, ALL COLORS 25 LADIES PURESILK. ALL COLORS 5 (Mul hner lines in itoHii:lHi) GENTS CANTON FLANNEL UNDERWEAR...- fi GENTS MERINO EXTRA HEAVY UNDERWEAR r.w GENTS BLUE AND BED FLANNEL UNDER WEAR, ALL WOOL 1 50 2 00 GENTS BLUE OVERSHIRTS I 25 I 75 GENTS OVERALLS AND JUMPERS 50 75 GENTS BLUE OVERSHIRTS 1 25 1 75 GENTK WHITE SHIRTS 1 00 1 50 GENTS PERCALE SHIRTS I 00 1 :A GENTS FULL HEGULAR MADE nOSE 12 BOOTS AND SHOES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. Remember these are all first elav? regular goods ami can be bought st a time ami in any quantity. Yon mmt not imagine because t e man "mil a HceitoC"' offers wi thutns they must be cheap. Look at prices marked in my window, then if ou musteoto auc tion you will at least be itosted. I have also anient; mv Ntovk. SIIA'fii: ri.VTEH WVKK guaranteed not to tarnish in 21 hors. CALIFOENIA STOEE, THE CHEAPEST ONE PEICE STORE! 'IN ASTORIA. X- COHISKT, CORNER OPFOSiTE THE POST OFFICE. AUOT Keelar, the Auctioneer, WILL COMMENCE SELLING HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF TO-NIGHT, AT HOLDEN'S AUCTION ROOMS. The Sale will Continue Every Day, at 2 and 7 P. M., Until all is Sold. Ladies particularly Int Itci) to attend anil call early ami ctamine tlie stoek. E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Assisted by FRAXK K.F.EI.AR, mit a license. j. -vsr. oo kt asr. Vholesale agent for the RED CROWN FLOUR Made by the new piocess. Tlie bc.-t I'loiir in the market. Every sack guaranteed; if not cood as represented you can return it. Merchants will find it to their advantage to sell this Flour. BRAN. SHORTS AND CHOP FEED Also for sale. Tersons wishing Flour or Feed will find me at my new Drug Store, at O. R. & X. Co's dock. Astoria. J. "V. CONN. IV Alt IS DECLVKED WITHOUT FURTHER XOT1CE And no terms ot peace until every man in Astoria has a new suit of clothes 3IADK BY XRAXY. Look at the prices : Pants to order from - - S3 oo Pants. Genuine French Casslmere - 12 to Suits from - -- -- -2500 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEAXY, Slain street, opposite Parker House, Astona, zxst, IWELS ... OWELS L 3 .TO CENTS . -J) CT. EACH 1 r PER DOZEN ' 37"- CENTS I ' .V 7A CENTS 7.'i CENTS :hi i m J iff. 23 15 50 18 Cr.. EACH or. .i u 1." a; 1 w E ARE HERE HAVE CpME TO STAY. Our beginning Is small, but bv making all our goods, ami of the purest and beat mate rial, we ask a sharp of your patronage at the Astoria Canity Factory, Next door to Steven & Sons Book Store, Opposite the Bell Tower. TIN PLATE, BLOCK TIN For sale ex "Warehouse at Astoria orPortland by BALFOUR, L'TIIIUB. V Co. 56-tf Portland, Oregon. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOYETT, Cnenamtu St., next Nicholas' Barber Shop. IONS Afi M.D.KANT, MERCHANT & J lI Si ALL EXHIBIT THEIR GOODS AND PRICES TO BEST ADVANTAGE. SI. B. KM! THE POPULAR JIBUCMRT TAILOR IS AHEAD WITH HIS ELEGANT AND GRAND SELECTED, MAMMOTH CO C5 1 IS c u zL .1 w H 0 r" O c O i d o n 13 5 Zfl 5 A Feito Sioclt of lrig anil Ionxtslic Cloths, Cassimeres and Twrds. A Ftil! I.Jnc ol Tailor Trlnimiugs, Etc. The "itcst i'uttvv ami Tailor itill Malic up his CJoods with a yt:il f.'uaraiiij as to Fit anil Finish. IIa in the only first eUvs seleriiu:i of ail sorts ot men'-; apparel, etc., I hope that the HMue heretofore sent Ht of town will lc sjMnt with. mrs Truly. M. I). KA.VT. uarThe lowest market prices marked t in plain figures. jus 0 Si, q ww XI S ? "' u a,&H TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOl'S. IS k-K . , TRHARi! & iiPS!!!i!i:i:i!F'iSIIEiliD JAPANS dk.vlk::s in HIP eHANDLBRy PROVISIONS, IRON, STJSEL. GOAL, k Builders Genera! tf-Tvv?ST W fc 3 HARDWARE, FAINTS. OILS, ETC. acencyoftiie Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREfiON QBR MAXIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Cec vmus Strwit. Astoru, The Best or latincr Z Cts. a Glass Orders for the fellMsl Colmiia BibWEFT Left at tins place will be promptly attend ed to. , , A 2?"N'o cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK, Proprietor. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. STOCK OF 5 2 o I' - r s er -J. -t -ri 6 " 5 Q 2 2- 1 r t 9 4 2 & ' t- "' CD g 03 9. g? S Q B O h1- S o W CD g W t o o 5 E Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Vgent for the celebrated I I IJ- 1 1 I I I 1 I l J ,1 !l I I W ilLJjjiyiiuuiuix x,iu.vjij, Hisli Closets. J.ow CIOhCtH. and IMiiln IvnnseM. i ron pipes anhfittings-of- ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., vVater Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED niWEs, ASTORIA, OREGON. .MISCELLANEOUS. ilIUlE l NDMKMCXRI) OFFEItS FOK JL ale on hainl anil to arrie direct from Men York Enslisii Lustre Slack Varnish, In IiAuKhLS. .Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS i Benzine Asphaltum Varnish, t t IN BARRELS j No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, j Coacn Varnishes, in Cases. ALSO Silicic Alumiiiate Paint. FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., 1C X" Front Street, Portland. C. LBlXEXWEBER. HIKA3I BROWX. ESTABLISUED 1865. ' Leiiieriweber & Co., astoria, Oregon, j TifflEES MB CURRIERS, .Manufacturers and Importers ot A LL KINDS OF AND PINDINGS Tiolesale Dealers In M r A ATTV m A T "t rTTr VU LU iiiJUijU W . 2UANUFACTHRERS OF BOOTS and SHOES iw-IIighcst cjish price paid forj Hides and Tallow. BLANK JOOKS PRINTED AND BOUND TO A3 i SlZrl and ruled to any ordar, at The Asto&lut oSm. C 4 .-fSSSS"' -&