i glxc gilB gtatesu ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY MAY 1. 1831 .C. IRKLAM1 .Editor. Gas and Electricity. The effect of the electric light upon the gas companies and their ability to control the price of street lighting is to be tested .sooner than was generally anticipated. The advertisement for proposals to liht the btreets of New York has brought gas and electricity into competition; and the bids fur nished indicate that the latter is the cheaper light of the two. The bids for lighting with gas ran from 18 per lamp, per year, in the down-town wards,, to &:S per lamp in the Twentv-fouith ward. ThcH bid of the eieetrie-light company was to furnish lights of 2,(W0-can-dle power each in A Vail street Broadway etc., and two elevated groups of six lights of 0,000-candle power in Madison and Union square, all for $:W,000.' Their bid also contemplated the furnish ing of light in other localities, which would enabh' the city to dispense with ."500 of the present street lamps, for $7,400 more. The estimate is that the whole amount of light furnished b3' the electric company is a brilliant sub stitute for 2,400 of the lamps now in use. This makes the electric companys bid f 1 (50 less than the lowest bid of the gas companies. Those bids do not show, however, the comparative cobt of electricity and gas with the defiuiteness which is desirable. There is scarcely any room for doubt that the bids of the gas companies were made in combination. Probably when Edison and the other incandescent lighters get to work, competition between electric lighters, as well as between electricity and gas will be developed, and then a figure will be reached considerably lower than any thus far hinted at. The test has been staisfactorily made in favor of electricit3r at Menlo park, at Salk Lake city it will soon be tested fully, aud the wires and lights for Portland, Oregon, are en route from the east. Mr. Jasper Douglass, of Indiana, and Miss Tupper, of Mississippi, were married at Memphis, on the 2d, though they had never met till twenty-four hours befoie. The courtship had been conducted by correspondence and an exchauge of photographs, ending in an ap pointment to meet, tln lady being accompanied iiy her parents. "Both weie embarrassed on being intro duced; but this feeling soon wore off, and the marriage followed, after one of the shortcut courtships on record. A correspondent of the Hartford, Connecticut Times says: "The history of a cow rais.ed on the farm of the late Erastus ElKwoith, of East "Windsor Hill, is jo remark able that it is worthy of record. The cow Is not of any one breed, but is about three-fourths Durham, and I hardly know what to call the other quarter. April 10. 1877, she gave birth to twins one. male and one female; March 11), 1878, she ga.YC birth to triplets two males ami one female making five calves in eleven months and three da's; July 0, 1879, she gave birth to twins both males; Oc tober 7, 1880, she gave birth to triplets two males and one fe male making ten calves in three years, five months and twenty-one days. The calves liavc all been of good size, healthy aud hand some, and have been raised on the farm." There was considerable excite ment and much adverse comment in Philadelphia over the failure of Miss Anna Dickinson to appear as Claude Melnotte according to ad vertisement. A large placard on the box-office announced that Miss Dickinson would not appear; that another play had been substituted, and that all who so desired could get back money paid for tickets in advance, of which about 400 worth -had been sold. About fifty persons returned their tickets, and received their money. Mr. John Stetson, Miss Dickinson's man ager, states that the lady broke her written contract with him without one word of explanation or apol ogy, and that he would sue her for damages wherever he found her. Mr. Stetson will in turn be sued by the proprietors of the opera house, and interesting legal complications will undoubtedly Arise out of the ladys caprice. In Michigan tho men who -were formerly undertakers how have their windows painted in mournful black, -with the words, "Funeral Conductor." Nicoll The Tailor. 2f icoll the Tailor has the finest chain of first class business houses in the wnrld. We found them in San Fran cisco, Chicago, w York, Brooklyn, Washington, in fact wherever we went, llis only authorized traveling salesman for San Francisco, MrvL G. Johnson, arrived in Astoria yesterday by the Oregon, and may be found at the Occident for a tew days with a choice line of samples, prepared to take measures for suits, wholly or in part. Call upon him. To Teachers andJPupils of Pub lic School. The new school looks published by A. !3. Barnes & Co., and adopted by the superintendents of Oregon to bo introduced the present season, are just recoived direct from the publish ers, and are now for sale and exchange xt introductory prices 3et by the suite superintendents. Kespectfully yours, Carl Adlcr, dealer in books and sta tionery. NEW TO-DAY. LOST Sat -Krtween Scarborough Hill and JLl Sand Island on tlii' night of the S8$Ji,-J loo fathoms of new nift. Hnibour'.s No. 12. Corks branded K. .).: uie iniucr nui oesuu alH rewarded by calling os HUB. JOHNSON. dtw-lw Fishermen lucking Company. CLEANING and' REPAIRING NF.AT. CHEAP AN d tor ICK. BY UKOICU E JL.OYETT. Chenainus St., next Jieholas' Barbershop. HANSEN BROS Contractors and Builders, CORNER ASTOK AND CASS STREETS, Near rongivgatlonal Church. And are now ready toiecene orders for ajl kinds of woaxx wamis:. Contracts taken to build and repaii snips, houses, boats, etc., AT LOWEST HATES. J2T"loors and Window Frames made to order. Notice to Fishermen, Cannery men and Owners of Nets. A ITER THE FIRST OF MAY THE steamer (Sen. CanbyuIU run direct on her course from Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Can by, and Ilwaco and Return. The reasons for lids are thut in trjInR to avoid one net in the course of the hteamer Is liable to mil into half a dozen out of the course. Urns injuring men iho:ire trying to prc cut trouble themseh es. and loss of time also. .1. 1L 1). C RAY, Agent. C ATAKRH ! THOSE SUFFERING FROM THIS DIS EASE AM) WISH 1XO TO HE CURED, Can obtain immediate relief and be per manently cured by calling on .&., SECORIX, At the Occident Hotel, hre he mil be rrom l to 5 r. m. All suffering from Catarrh are respectfully united to call and .see his testimonials of posithe cures, and his mode of treatment. Unless patients are treated theiewill be no charge. Aitv one wishing to hate him cull at private lesidenee will incase leave address at the Hotel. Pioneer Meeting. AX ADJOURNED MEETIXO OF THE Pioneer and Historical Society of Ore gon will be held in Astoria at the rooms of the sot'ict,at2 o'clock v. i on the 11th day of Ma , lfeSl. to complete the business of the annual meeting. All interested are cor dially invited. S.T. McKILVX, Secretary. Astoria, Oiegon. April iS. 1M1. A Merciful Man is Meiciful to his Beast. O.VIjY 2." CENTS. 650.000 ALREADY SOLD ! ! Aticitiseontlic HOBB1 And his Diseases, by B.J. KENDALL, JII.D. Full of Valuable and Practical In formation, and Containing an IXli:X OF DISEASES. Which gives the symptoms, cause and the Kest Treatment of each; a table glvlug all the principal drugs used for the Horse, vith the ordinary dose, effects, and antidote w hen a poison; a table with an engraving of the Horse's teeth at different ages, vwth rules for telling the age of the Herse: C5 engrav ings showing the important points in the structure of the horse, also illustrating posi tions assumed by sick horses in different dis eases. A valuable collection of receipts, many o which would cost a horse-owner three to five dollars each. EVERY FARMER. SHOULD OWN THIS "BOOK. Thousands who have seen it commend it and many good horsemen have extolled it in the liignest terms, even .stating that they prefer it to books which cost $5 00 to 10 00. bo not throw away your money in the pur chase of costly books on the Horse, which are so full of Latin phrases and technical terms as to be unintelligible to the average reader but, BUY KENDALL'S TREATISE, A book of 100 pages, in paper covers, giving jou more practical information than is con tained in some large volumes at far higher cost. Having examined this book thoroughly we are satisfied no HORSE-OWNER "Would hesitate a moment about investing 25 cents in its purchase, if he did but know the value or its contents. Recognizing the de sirability of having such practical informa tion as our fanning friends daily need In their business, proidcd at reasonable cost instead of being obliged to pay the enormous profits demanded by the Publishers of most Agricultural Books, we hae. secured Several Hundred Copies Of this valuable little Treatise on the Horse, single copies of which we shall be pleased to mall to any reader of this paier, postage pre paid by us, on receipt of Remittances may be made in currency, sil ver or stamps. Send all orders to D. C. 1KELAND, Astoria, Oregor BANKING A2D INSURANCE. Commercial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, - - $12,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN RAE HAMILTON', Manager. nioSansome St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MARINE BRANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500.000. The undersigned are prepared l ISSI'E POLICIE To cover shiMiients of SALMON or other Merchandise 1 SAIL or STEAMER fnmi Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN POUTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE promptly at tended to SIIKSON. CIIUIM'II &. Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. BROKER, BANKER' xi INSURANCE AGENT. astoria, - . - oiiegon officeTTeurs: from 8 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. Hone Mntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HouonTON Chas. R. Stoky . Gko. L. Stoha . .......PrlnVnt .. Secretary Agent for 0-on Capital paid un in U. S. cold coin $ 500 000 no I. IV. CASE, Agent, Cheiiamus street, Astoria. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA PIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.O00.O00. A. VAN DUSEN. AsenU HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. MEG LEI:. P. S. W1IIOHT occide.t noTcr.. AIEQLER & WHIGUT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE ritOritlKTOKS AKE nAPl'Y TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its gucsU; and is now the beit hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. K0 WLE-s. A L. ZI KISK1C CLIRKXDOX IIOTEI,, PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON Z1EBER d KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. es-TiiK Daily Astokiax is on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. "" - ASTORIA Jlrn. S. A. Arrisoni. Proprietor ThetravelinTTVuklic WILL KIND the Pioneer first class m all respect s.and a share of their patronage Is respectfully solicited. Er7Bonrd and lodging by the day or week. THE POST-OFFlOE RESTAURANT, JOHXMATTHEWSA- PROPRIETOR. Is noT teiJIy to Supply Fishermen' with Hunch, Put up ill buckets. Klso keep on hand PIGS FEET A D SHEEP TONGUE Ready at all timZs. aid all the delicacies ofAhe season OYSTERS IN. EJTERY STYLE. A good square meaE for 23 cents. Open day and night. The New York Oyster Saloon Yill sent to their customers Iroin this ate as follows : TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Eastern Oysters Alwa3H on Hand, And will he kept as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class stj le. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind Coffee Saloon AXD- CHOF HOUSE, WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kinse 's. Coffee. Tea and Chocolate, -with Cake, 10 CentH. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine 1VIne Liquor and Clears Of the bet brands. Halnx just owned the above establish ment we cordially lniteour friends and the public generally to give us a trial. &-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. J MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to Uie Ladies7 and Gentlemen of ihis City That he Is now prepared to furnish for them, in first class st j le. and e try style, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT T1IK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIX STREET. Please give me a calL ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST" OUALITr. WILL BE SOLD by the hundred, or by tho box, printed or plain, to suit customer, at The Astoeias oSce. War!War!!ar!! Not Bloody Wzr3 hut u War in Prions I Tibe News Squasixecl ! THE CHALLENGE SENT, AND I TVILL BE THE FIRST TO ACCEPT. CALIFORNIA ONE PKIOE STORE! CORNER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. In consequence of inv successful owning a jealous )ir arisen. hikI I shall stmeto gie my colleagnesa cause for such, and the public h benefit of ilet Itock I'riee-n. i: member this Is no catch penny advertisement, but ia former reputation in Astoria as tin founder of a strict! oue price store will back mv asnimis. Aiming hi -tH-k will always be found a full line in the latest style Dress Goods, Shawls, Sacq ms. Notions. Ladies Underwear. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Clothing. Gents Fur:ri.sliiu; Goods. Look at our prices, as they are no surprise to dealers in one pnee stor.. GOOD SUITS OF CLOTHING FROM ? 3 (Hi DIAGONAL SUITS OF CLOTHING PROM 12 SO EXTRA QUALITY FINE SUITS, DIFFERENT .VTYLKS. FROM ir Of) FINE LINE OF CASSIMERE PANTS FROM 1 'S BOYS SUITS FROM- r K OVERALLS FROM .. 30 CENTS JUMPERS FROM i0 CENTS WOOLEN SOCKS. 3 PAIR FOR- so CENTS COTTON SOCKS. EXTRA HEAVY, 3 PAIR Koli CENTS And Woolen Underwear at equally low nv.xll marked in plain tigitrvs. PURE RUBBER RUBBER-BOOTS. AND BLANKET GVER-SHIRTS At prices to def competing) 1 inlte the public to a fair inspection of my stock and priee, an-l im1i inself niioii im one price s stem. Ilaiuxa resident bueriu San FranriMit 1 Kkovi i camtot beuHd-mdd. X. oo:s:e:ds, Califonim I'm-e store, pplte tla Posi-lhce MISCELLANEOUS. j e.W.mJBfiFJESi Wholesale and Retail Dealer l t t - IX- I ! GROCER. J E8, PROVISIONS, LUMBER.; ETC. ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LLNES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH,! ANCHORS, j OARS, FLOATS, j i 31AULS, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GU.M BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. MRS. DERBY IlKAI.KK IX millinery'goods Dr. Warner's Health CORSET da only he purchased m Astoria at niKS. DERBY'S. Masonic Hall Building, cor ner of Main aud Squemoqhe streets. Chas. Stevens & Son, CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELL TOWEKl, In room lately occupied by Schmeer's Confectionery, Largest and Best Assortment Of novelties in the stationary line usually found In a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY, GOLD PEN GOODS. ALBUMS. CHROMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of which w ill be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. 3S. -7T. BLOOD, (Successor to Blood & I.ee.) CLATSKANIE, - - OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I hae been engaged in making floats, etc, for the past five years, and my work has al ways given satisfaction. I am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, alwas underselling other factories according to quality of goods. Orders left with TRENCUARD & UPSIIUR. Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to the undersigned, will re cei e prompt attention. B. "V. BLOOD, Clatskanie. Oregon. s PILES. The undersigned is prepared to famish a large number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES, Columbia City MISCELLANEOUS. Pa&-e & AI Lent (sreotboKS'io h. . i,aksun) Whoh-saleamt n-tttil ticridtT-ilu Groceries, Provisions 6 rookery. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICA! AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with WiBes,Lipors, Tobacco ICiprs Tlie largest and mot complete tiK-k of goods in their lim to be found in tin city. Comer TC:iss and SjiH'nuK.i!i Streets. ASTORIA. ORKCON. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, THE GJIEATJ2ST MEDICAL DISCOVERY or THE A GE. See our local columns lor particular, and as jou VALUE HEALTH, READ! Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 511 Market Street. Sau Francisco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. S ASTORIA. ORECON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all nours. GyHomeopathIc Tinctures and Pellets, anu iiumpareys aficciucs aiso Kepi. BLANK JOOKS T)RJD TED AND BOUND TO AN i SIK, 3DND TO A nler. at J and ruled to any order, at Thk Astobuux offioe, 11. D. KANT. MERCHANT &2.0'p liS? ALL EXHIBIT THEIR GOODS AND PRICES TO BEST ADVANTAGE. M. D. KMT THE POPULAR HEMHMT TAILOR IS AHEAD WITH HIS ELEGANT AND GRAND SELECTED, MAMMOTH STOCK OF Ul bf. ft i I .5 9 Sf 5 in a tS n -? o ffl f a m q t . s XvWUlw'SXv i&.v1 i. A I'iiw Stuok of rori-in :xI Doiuostic Cloths, CavImereR aud TmIs. A Full Line ol Tailor Triiiuuiiis, TAv. The n' Cutter ami Tailor Mill Make up his Cioodv with a Full Guaranij as o Fit ami Finish. Ha ing the onl Mrst elas etcctpm. of ad Mtrls of men's apparel, etc., I hope that the money iicreioioreoeiii nui oi iowii win ik? eyriie lowest market prices marked mit m, F, HAWES, U sam ilfa? fiKrt?? El iS3U8yrc3 H 315233 to . -- gV dbxVUa AtEa TWO DOOKS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. x4aCgpleSa 'gra "k2 "ss1 TRBKCUAUn & UPSUijRlVAUMSIIES AiD JAPANS DEAI.ERS IN SHIP GHANBLERY PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders General IIARWARE, 3STAIJDS, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AUEXCY OF THE I Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. unenamus street, wear umevii r.t r. . f1 ASTORLV. OREGON WELCH HILL "WTTESL WORKS Furnish imre &i-i;i.m. A i r.ii toiwtnins. Custom Solicited, &: PmfKniul nnpr?il ilA """" r.- ----.-- K"fctlCU llrjj lUCl II itlll Villi- K JCstantlj- on hand. s5$? fF l'lumblnu at rea Cca ,- ,g- Ai?7 souable rates. ' x- omce Qn West. Eighth Mreet ne:ur O. R. & X. Co's wharf. JAS. W. WELCH, Agont, Astoria, Oregon. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. R H 02 a o c I o ft U2 o S3 ; o en 83 I I o S3 S5 t-. m at PI O XJ1 JIT" t- a o o -: O 4 a K o I ft W ert- Q I o Zfl - .. speui unit. Yours Trulj , 3f. 1. KAXT. in plain figures. Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. ficnt for Hie celehnited : MEDALLIOiS1 RANGE, II Iul 'loscts. JCow CIosetN. and I'luin JtanCN. IKON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., water uiosets, batn iuos ttc. ALL WORK WATvRANTED llf W7 3L25m m IB MmJFm - - ASTOEIA, OPvEGON. .MISCELLANEOUS. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale Mil hand and to arrive direct from New Vork English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BARRELS. Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS Benzine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS' No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. ALSO Silicic Aluniiiiate Paint. FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAKES LAIDLAW & CO., 16X" Front Street, Portland. Do you Imagine what is the Finest and Best Enjoyment and -Recreation? -TIIE XEIVJ- , -4of HAX WGeCtfERLS I I i onconcomly IEET. j . i is iH-tter man au tne gym tical aud snort everciics in the untry. THE TEX PiXAMiEYS Are in great voJuc in Eiirppe just now, and wuy Miuuid jvsiona siay oeumu, as THE TEN PI GAME i Is the Cheapest, Ilealthilfct, and most enjoy j able aiiuseinentlo be found. j THE AERY flJEST OF A3f FR.VKCISCO : National Brewery Beer, AXD FJIEEOLTJA'CII HI be se A ed, and the grahd Concert Orcan playing sWeet strains to cater to your ear. CoiAe. Try It, and Enjoj- it. Wanted. 1 5 OOO pt0DXDS ItAGS'OF all kinds "yW clean and dry4attheUmbrella shop, Main street, by J.JOPUX l. Sal .w vr . tf ei ' -S r '"v J