:..J V V k . - '-'-Mv .$. -iit f ; '?&. i3a s i s Vol. XY. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May" 1, 1881. No. 1, Lf i !a0tfftti '1 IT VLAMET Onte more f hail the Jojful irfufc The feather'd songsters sweetlj sing . The ak K clear . the ocean bieeie Plas getitlj. through the tall lir tree. Tlie gloomV winter now has fled ; The fruit tiefc hae their blossoms spiend ; The fliCks are seekiui; tender food, And jjiousc are lieanl in distant wood. Behold the hills and vallejs round, r- infant erdure newlycrown'd ! And veniitl flow 'lets sw eet to v lew ; TU woodlands deck with varied hue ; The service trees aie white with bloom. Which scent the air with rich perfume. And berberry aud currant Mowers Now help to grace the leaf j bowers. The cultured fields of growing grain. And meadows creen we see again : And gardens gav with flowers bright. That are delightful to the sight. The honeysuckles, clothed in green. Around the cottage doors are seen, fragrant flowers their lines w1M gruw. As gentle spring mos on apace The sui: has waked the sluiauoring bees And brooks are gurgling at their ee The children play in happy glee. For spring has come most weteomclv. Her treasures now she dos unfotd. And gnes alike to jonng and old, The iich. the noor. to ill the same : She caretl uaught fjr wealth nor fame ! L'l.niiii ' i .ws are on tue wing . JOB ' irks are caroling, P nnciii: e 'n w here Tr the Iieart that's dull'd with care. PTualamet frieuds we truly ask. To daiiv in the sunbeams bask . "Out, and breatiie the balmy air ." Nature's work is wondrous fair ' Now beauty reigns Tualamet o'er. Beneath the lofty mountains hoar ! Aud nature grandlj asketh the. To share her gifts so jmic und lree : The hills, the ales. the woods and llelcK. Again the sweetest pastime fields ! Then o'er the landscape gail stray, l'oi springtime, soon, will pasaw.n. Mrs. A. Davidson XIKl ipcakti. Nora is pretty, Noia is witt, Witty ami pietty as jiiett can he! She is the complctcst Of girls, and the nentcst, Tlie brightest aud eetest : But she's uot for me! Mavomneen. Xoia.be blill. ou; Nora, why ill you He witty and pretty as prelti can be. So strong and so slemlci. So haughty and tcmk'i. So sweet in yout splendor And yet not for me V "Marvourneen. T. U Aklrioli. Boycotting in California. Argonaut, 23d. In another part of this paper will be found a communication from one of the Mussel flouerh settlers, i elating to the land troubles in that district. This particular settler is not one of those who constitute the "Settlers' Land League," and who banded themselves together for the pur pose of lesisting the lavs of the United States. Ho is one of nine teen settlers who have in good faith gone upon the railroad lands, prepared to pay for them, and to build up homes for themselves. They were prepared to pa3' for their lands, they were prepared for hard and long toil upon their lands, but they were not prepared for outrage at the hands of the land leaguers. These individuals seem to have adopted a course toward the nineteen settlers something akin to the "boycotting" practiced by their namesakes in Ireland. There has been a great deal of nonsense talked and written about the ''wrongs" of these land leaguers. There has been a great deal of sympathy extended toward them. There has been a great deal of odium attached to those who have ventured to think and say that the decisions of our courts and the process of our laws should be respected. There has been a clamorous outcry against ex-President Hayes because he declined to pardon these men when they had .been given a light sentence after a fair trial. And now it would be well for some of their supporters to read the account of this settler, and ask themselves whether it is a good thing for America and Ameri can institutions that the methods of the Irish land leaguers should be introduced into this country. It would be well for them to ask themselves whether, if they went upon railroad land in good faith, prepared to pay for it, the' would like to be driven from it by an armed mob; whether they would like to see their houses reduced to ashes by this land league. We are not talking of Ireland, be it understood; we are speaking of America. And we are ashamed to say that we think that the majority of the men who have resorted to this un-American way of righting what they profess to believe are wrongs, were born upon American soil; that .they are native-born citizens of the coun try whose Jaws they have outraged and whose authority they have defied. The Peruvian syrup lias, cured thou sands who wercsuffennc from dyspep sia,debilityliver complaint, boils, hu mors, fcHaalccomplf -, etc, Pnmph letgjfree to.any.aduV j Seth W.Fowlo fcSos,'Boston. xr$ WALLA WALLA. A LULL IX BUSINESS-DARK TlOUIiS BEFORE THE DAWN OF BRJ OUTER DAYS. A HARD WINTER. WANT OF SHELTER. AND BURNED STRAW STAC1CS THE CAUSE. Watchman, April 9th. Can you peceive the lull, which at present pervades the whole up per country? If you can not, we can, but do not feel alarmed. IVs not the calm which preceeds a storm, but the dark hour just be fore the break of day. For the last two weeks many begun to look dejected, and want to sell ont. Others have sold out and gone elsewhere, to return again in the near future, but what causes the lull? is the question. Certainly not the prospects before us, but the misfortunes wrought by the season passed, when we raised but a half crop, received a half price I for it, 'and to cap the lassitude, a haid winter found us in a hard condition and one half of our stock died for want of shelter and food, in fact every avenue through which money would flow into this country, was suddenly blockaded, cut off as it were, and left us temporarily in the cold, but such things, thank Heaven, happen not every year, perhaps never in our time again; we see no earthly .cause for homc-sickness or despondency, any more than we see the necessity for well men getting the measels or mumps, iu order to feel better after gettingovor the dis ease. True, times are hard and money is scarce. It's neither a mys tery nor a secret. Real estate is also on the decline, all of which for causes above mentioned, but wait and see the reaction, produced by an abundont harvest, with better prices for our wheat, better and multiplied facilities for .shipping it to a market; when stock men will have butter and cheese for sale by the ton, instead of buying it by the pound; when our wool will be turn ed into woolen goods at home, in stead of being sent abroad in sacks and returned to us at an im mense cost, in bales; when we manufacture what we need and ship what we raise in abundance. Look at Utah! With all her faults, she is prosper ous, because necessity has taught her people to be industrious, fru gal aud self reliant, and to day they manufacture, what we import, even are prepared for war and if need be, cast their own cannon and make their own powder. What do we manufacture? We raise wheat, and when that is said, all is said. Well, wheat itself is not bad, on the contrary is good as gold, provided we can get a fair price. So far we never were thus fortunate. We had alvays to take what we could get, for sundiy rea sons, but it's a long lane that has no turns. We have the highest authority for saving to our readers, that our darkest hour is fleeting from our view and dav is breaking. We know this present depression is not confined to a certain class of people. It is general, and affects the business man, artisan and tiller of the soil alike. Clerks stand listlessly "behind counters, waiting for customers; patrons who used to pay cash, ask for an unlimit ed credit, and laborers of every description receive Miiall wages, all of which augurcs poorly for a country prene to boast, but wc arc not alone. Indeed vie sometimes call to our bosom the consoling impres sion that we are among God's favored few, for when people here cry for money wherewith to pay freight bills, people in other coun tries feel compelled to open soup houses to prevent a bread' riot. When we call it cold in winter, people back East in the same lati tude, freeze to death in bed. When our hot spell comes upon us and we seek shady places and read the news, people in other countries drop dead from sun strokes. In fact we never yet noticed times hard in this country, but what we found them harder still, away from here, nor sickness and distress; but what came two- fold upon people in other zones and other climes. Did you ever think of this? And those who now contemplate leaving for the good of their health or to better their condition, will sotne day re turn and say: "There's no place like home," and when we make use of that endearing werd: Home, we mean the place where we can earn our daily bread in peace and ease, and that place is Washing ton territory, if not the entire Pacific Northwest. Banks Himself. Oregonlan, 29th. So it appears that Rev. L. A. Banks of the so-called temperance paper at Vancouver is the same Rev. L. A. Hanks who violated his obligation a a Good Templar in Oregon and had to withdraw from the order. However, he pleads that his offense was "a little one," as he only drank cider. It was "the fresh juice of the apple" that unpleasantly interrupted his rela tions with the society. The brother might as well have made a clean breast of it and confessed that it was the subtle blood of the grape. Wc have given him the benefit of an occasional paragraph lately for the reason that he is bringing re proach on the temperance cause by vilifying those who are better temperance people than himself, and who moreover arc no hypo crites, eithor. Who is the "Wife? Philadelphia Record. The decision of the United States Supreme-court in the Utah bigamy case, that a conviction based on the testimony of one of the wives of the bigamist should not stand because the wife cannot legally testify against her husband, ought to lead to the revision of the law of evidence in Utah. The testimony of the wives of polygam ists should be made competent in cases of this nature. This opinion has long been held by others than the Record. It is competent for congress to pass a law, so guarded as to insure the safety of disgusted polygamous wives, that will make swift wit nesses of them. Again, the ex clusion of such testimony, on the ground that tho wife cannot testify against the husband, raises the in quiry as to who is the wife? Sure ly, it would be strange ruling for American judges to say that a dozen women arc the Vful wives of one man! Peruvian Blttorw. Cinchona Rubra The Count Cinchou was the Spanish Viceroy in Peru in 1G30. The Countess, Ills wife, was prostrated by an intermit tent fever, from w Inch she was freed by tne use or tue native renieuj', the reru vian bark, or. as it as called in the language of the country, Quinquina."' Grateful for her recovery, on her return to Europe in lCrj, she introduced the remedy in Spain, where it was known under various names, until l.innams called it Cinchona, in honor of tlie lady who bad brought them that which was more precious than the gold of thclncas. To this day. after a lapse of two hun dred and lift- j ears, .science has given us nothing to take its place. It effectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks execbshe love of liquor as it does a fever, and destrojv botli alike. The powerful tonic virtue of the Cinchona is preserved in tlie Peruvian Bitters, w Inch are as effectUe against malarial fever to-lay us thev were in the daj.s of the old Spanish Viceroy. Wc guarantee the ingredi ents of these bitters to be absolutely pure, and of the best known quality. A trial will satisfy you that this is the best bitter in tl world. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," and we willingly abide this test. For sale by all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order it. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion, lirown's Bronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the iu llamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public j-peakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown's bronchial troches have been recommended bv physicians, and ahas give perfect satisfaction, naving ucen tested by wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. Did any scientific physician know tlie formula from which Amnion's Cough Syrup is prepared, lie would not onlv recommend, but prescribe it to his pa tients troubled with a cough or cold, or anj disease of the throat and lungs. Try it. It has no equal. For tlie benefit of those who would saj -Another hum bug," a trial 15-cent size is prepared. Ask your druggist to get it for von. In bottles at 15 ct., "JO cls, $1. John Rogers has just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a ijeneral assortment- of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fnuta and vege tables of best quality, which he offers a small profit for cash. Ice cream at Itocoes ovrter and 1 refreshment saloon n Jfiia tret. AIISCELLANEOUS. J VT- 0O3ST !N Wholesale agent for the RED CEOWN FLOUR Made by the ncvvpiocess. Tlie best Flour hi the market. E ery sack guaranteed : if not good as represented ou can return it. Merchants n ill find It to their advantage to sell Ud flour. BK AN. SHORTS AND CHOP FEED Also for ale. Persons wishing Flour or Feed will And me at my new Drug Store, at O IL & N". Cos dock. Astorix J. W. CON'X. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sole e Warehouse at Alor!a or Portland l BALFOUR, KL'THKIK & Co. .'J-tf Portland, OnjRon. Ho for an Independent Fish Boat. The stroiiier Rip Van Winkle Will Ieae Astoria for the Cape at 4 o'clock p. si., dally." Open for all job work. For further particulars Inquire ou board. DON'T FORGET -THK- k r Great Eastern Saloon CONQOM1 i STRF.KT. t I FKESH iVND SHARP San Fraiisco fetioil Brewery " BEER . .J I nw AYS OX lUAC;ilT. I hae two beds laidim the floor So that the lioj s can toll for e ennorr. Until their muscles dp pet Mire, But don't tako the horse shoe from the door. SAINT HART'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, .- - - OREGON. millS lNSTlTUTlON.-L'VDElt CAP.E OF A the Sisters of Charit,is now- ready for the reception of imtients. Private rooms for the accommodation of anrdesiringthem. Patients admitted at all hours, d.iy or night. No phvilcian has eyelash e rijy.t. every patient Is free to aud has the privilege of emplninKany phjici.ui they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital durimr sickness. Permits inustte ob tained for United States Marines at the Cu.- torn House. SlSTF.IW OF ClIAIUTV. TTAR IS WECIiARF.D WITIIOUT FURTHER XOTICK And no terms ot peace until et ery man Iu Astoria has a new suit of clothe MAWK BY JIKAXY. Liok at the prices : Pants to order from Pants, (jenuine French Ujsslmere Suits from - - - - (sou 150 25 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY. Merchant Tailor. Parker House. Astoria. XEOimnED BLOOD IS m LIFE! For this season of the y ear with changeable climate), pre cut all sort or sickness use THE UNIVERSAL CELEBRATED OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. This Herbal Kinplom. .scientifically pre pared, is rapidly gaining iu e cry city on this coast, and the many astonlshins cures It has effected lia e now established its efficacy be 5 ond a doubt. Remember diseases of the BLOOD Oil LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, A good medicine Lsahvays necessary to effect a cure. Try It ; It will help j ou. For further Information and particulars see circular around each bottle. Sold by 3 our druggist. Price, icr bottle, SI 00 or $5 00 for .six lwttles. Directions in English, German. French and Scandinavian. GERMANIA BEER HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. UHK-fAMCS StRKCT, 8TOHU. The Best of lAtgev 5 Cts. a Glass Orders lor the CeleMefl ColnMa Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. BT-No cheap Sn Francisco Seer sold at mis pi 1 place WM. SOCK.Prrirtw. ' V1ZCH.1B. Hi SAN FRANCISCO - 3IlIIMItlHHlHnilIlltUlIIMIIItHlIIHIIlIIHllIMHI i THE NEW llIIIH;HIHlllIi:illIIlllHIMUWIMlllHUtiaiaMlilllUIUIUiUIIU i a WELCOME TO ALL ! THE FISHING SEASON HAS OPENED AND SO HAS ThE POPULAR SAN FRANCISCO " I CLOTHING STORE j MMltMMtaMiallllltlllltiailtMIIMMitaMl a j Opened the largest and best i elected stock of OXOiHllf -AND- G-enis Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, HATS AND CAPS, -AND THE BEST- CARTER'S RUBBER BOOTS, ETC., WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO WHOLESALE PRICES. REMEMBER THIS IS NO HUMBUG. HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS IN NEW YORK AND SAN FRAN CISCO FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL MY GOODS, MY FACILITIES FOR BUYING ARE SUCH AS TO ENABLE ME TO Undersell all Others. I Defy Competition. I Facts and GREAT SURPRISE AT THE j San Francisco Store ! I 11KRE ARK 1'ltICKK OF GOODS THAT WILL SURPRISE ALL. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. MENS AND BOYS CASIMERE SUIT FROM EXTRA BEST SUITS FINE BLACK SUITS " .. DIAGONAL SUITS CASIMERE PANTS EXTRA BEST PANTS" BOYS SUITS. ALL SORTS, FROM FUENISBING GOODS. OVERALLS FROM GO CTS. TO Si 00 JUMPERS " CO " "1 IK) ALL WOOL SOCKS M 20 " ' 25 CHECKER SOCKS. SIX PAIR FOR 1 00 COTTON SOCKS, THREE PAIR FOR - 25 WHITE SHIRTS FROM 90 " " 173 COLORED " 73 " " I 50 CASIMERE" ' SI 50 " "3 00 FLANNEL " - 1 00 u - 1 75 BLUE NAVY - 22W - "2 50 FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS FROM 1 25 JP 2 25 COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS CO MARINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 30 " OH, CLOTHING. LONG OIL COATS FROM OIL JUMPERS u BOOTS AND SHOES. MENS CALF BOOTS FROM MENS-KIP BOOTS - ELASTIC GAITERS - BUCKLE SHOES - MENS SLIPPERS " ..... BOYS BOOTS - I HAVE THIS SPELNG STRAINED EVERY NERVE AND "USED MY ENTIRE ENERGY AND, BEST JUDGMENT IN PLACING IN OUR AS TORIA HOUSE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE LINE OF GOODS. CALL AND INSPECT FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE WELCOME. I WILL GLADLY SHOW MY GOODS, NO MATTER WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. NEW GOODS BY EVERY" STEAMER. S. DANZIGER. San FraMisce Store. Sqneraocqne streevnext door to Fagt'&'Atts&'s stow, with of Walla-wall Restaurant, Astoria Oregon. CLOTHING STORE. imuufcw - CAPE ANN Figures ! S 8 00 TO 15 00 J2 00 "20 00 18 00 " 25 00 15 00 " 22 00 2 50 4 00 4 00 "5 50 6 00 "12 00 S3 30 TO 2 75 4 50 3 00 S3 CO 2 75 175 2 23 50 1 23 TO 4 50 4 00 250 3 25 1 00 I 75 HvHvHf 8! a t&USJQsTESB CABDS. f .Q. A. BOWXBY. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Chenaraus Street. - ASTOKIA, OXGO " ATTORNEY AT LAW; ASTORLA. - OKEQOS Office orerPage & Alleals store, Cassfomf "EJ C. HOLDKA.J NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION" AND lilts- SURAXCE AGENT. A VAN DUSE1T. NOTARY PUBLIC. Ciienamus Street, near Occident Hotels ASTORIA, OREGON. Asent Wells, Fargo & Co, P V, HICKS. "ENTIST, AHTORrA, --- - 0KJEO.c Room In Allen's, building up alr, cook of Ciua ana Sqemocqhe street. jQR. M. o7jEXXIX8. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate University of Virginia, i&i Physician to Bav View hmnltnr RulffsinM. City, 1869-;o. Ofkick In Page & Allen's building, up stairs. Astoria. JAY TUTTIiE, 3J. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFicE-Over the White Houw Store, Rksidexck Next door to Mrs. MnsMa'c boardlns house, Chenamus street, Asteri Oregon. T C. ORCHARD. DENTIST, Dental Roea. SHCSTKR'S Photograph Bulldin- UilTII T A. XcIXTOSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building. ASTORIA --- OREGON C. If. BAIX A CO. DEALRR IN Doers. IVlHdews, Rllads. Trta saws, LmntHT. Etc All kinds of Oak Lumber. Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel, Ccr. Geo evlve and Astor streets. J G. FAIRFOWL & SONf STEVEDORES AHO RIGGERS Portland and Aatoria, Oros. Refer by permission to Rogers ,Meyars&-C Allen & Lemj.CorMtt&Hscley, Portland. Creton. UMLfcXMAXT Jt fcCMOEXE. Occident Hotel Hair 'Dressing Solemn ASTORIA - OREGON. Hot, Celd, Shower, Steam and SHlphar BATHS. t-Speclal attention given toladles'aai children's hair cutting Private jl ntrance for Ladies. W1XMAM. FRY, PRACTICAL DOOT 1HD SHOE MAKER. Chexamus Street, opposite Adler's Book store, - Astoria, Oreqok. "Perfect fits guaranteed. All wort warranted. Give me a triaL All ordew promptly ailed. W. L. M'CABE, Astoria. J. A. BROWX Portland. BROWS 4c MrCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria officeAt E. C. HoldenN Auction store. Portland omce24 B street. 13-tt Music Lessons. T.F.CULLEN and CE. BARNES TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a feu pupils on either ol the above Instruments. Terms Eight le&sons for five dollars. "Orders lett at Stevens & Sons book store will be promptly attended to. To-Xight. To-Night, GRAND BALL, . AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. 0E3. sl. TJx:Kr:Kr. dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, HA1XS, MUX FEED AMD ELLY Cash paid for country produce. SmsH profits on cash salei. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squemocalm streets. I. W. CASE, IMPORTEi: AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEMBAL MCHAEDISE Corner Ciienamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. Wiil. Hsiisemair Padiami BEGS LEAVE TO NOTIFY HIS frieuds and customers that he has opened A FISHERMAN CLOTHING ANO FURNISHDiG GOODS STORE Kext to G. "W. Hume' grocery stare. F. HOUSEMAN, Azit THE DEW WfflP mil !.; Oh, ftshenuen. all hear the good news t A fine saloon Is started-wita best of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AND FINE FREE LUNCH UNGUARDED. The Grandest Caviar aad. Chee. IN SANDWICH THICK AND THIN And will vou spend a pleasant Imut. drapl at the DEW DROP INN on Coaaly stent- j.T.Boneniik 6e MtV V f - Z i w- V - 4: :"-. Sf .. .Vi IV '1 n- -i l-'. " kj - ., V - 4 .- 1 Jft 'V , 5 1 5a -tt & ,ft aSmBR JJB& KSKSKBBnsn " v - ima&at&&mijsmB& mimtigmm