01 fyz gsxiXB Qsk&xXnn. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY. APRIL 30, 18S1 B.C.IRELAND, Editor. Clipper freights in New York are dull. Ruling rates in San Francisco continue too high. Fourteen passengers were drown ed by the upsetting of a ferry scow at Elgin, Illinois, on Thursday. The bark Emma T. Crowell has been chartered for a cargo of rails to Portland on account of the Oregon Railway and Navigation comp any. San Diego is becoming quite a focus for seal hunting. It is esti mated that this industry was worth 100,000 to the place during the past year. Mrs. Garfield speaks German and French fluentlv and is the first presidents wife able to ialk with foreign diplomats in the court language of Europe. "Washington territory is divided into twenty-five counties, no one of which is smaller ilian the state of Massachusetts, where there are several each of which is larger than the state of New York. To be able to recognize real lace at a glance is one of the qualities on which ieal ladies pride them selves. It is not so easy a thing to do as might be imagined, for there are more than a hundred varieties of the imitation. The Astorian makes another prediction. That after the gang who are now so clamorous for a ratification of the treaty with Chi na secure its ratification, if they do so, they will be disgusted with both themselves, the treaty, and their clamor. Secretary Kirkwood, of the in terior, has abolished competitive examinations in his department for the reason that it is merely a cover for favoritism in appointments, and declares that appointments shall be made of those who appear to be best fitted for the particular work expected of them, and that a probationary term of a month in the duties of the ofiice is a much better test of ability and fitness than the so-called examination. There seems to be something unfortunate about the name of "Washington in connection with the monuments. The shaft erect ed to his memory, at the capital of the Nation, which was commenced nearly a half a century ago, re mains still in an uncompleted con dition. Some time since, a few public-spirited citizens of New York set on foot a subscription to erect a monument, or statute, to Washington, in front of the sub- treasury building. Over 23,000 of the required amount has been raised, and the matter is now at a standstill. The indifference mani fested on the subject has given rise to a discussion in the commit tee having the object in charge, as to whether it ought not to be abandoned. One more effort is to be made to increase the fund be fore this resolution :s finally adopted. The G. Washington business is overly cooked. Four public scool boys were killed by a bolt of lightning in Louisville, Kentucky, on Thurs day. As the flash strtuck the earth, the boys were, for a moment, obscured from sight, so vivid was the lightning. Two other boys, stunned, lay near their compan ions. IHie spot of earth which bears marks of the bolt could be covered by a bushel measure. The surface of the ground is but little disturbed and resembles a hole which might be driven in by a crowbar. On the ground, two or three feet from the spot where the bolt entered, could be seen pieces of clothing, parts of shirts, draw ers, suspenders and fragments of a boot, all burned and blackened by electric fire, resembling a mass of chopped up rags ready for the manufacture of paper. One body was burned to a crisp and black ened and scarred in a horrible manner. By a recent postal decision men can actually make money by getting their bills and statements of accounts printed. Statements of accounts and bills of sale when made out on paper having printed headings, can be sent by mail for one cent, if the envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it is made out on unprinted paper, it will cost three cents. Thu s by patronizing The Astokian two cents can be saved on every bill or statement that is sent out through the mail. msw TO-DiS TOTTXTJ. Alimit nfT of lead line M. nicked 11 n lielnwYl works, no marks. Otvne.r ran tin ie by -nrorine property and paying c hv fnrlirlrir In M'HEAS"LEY. lw Next house i . Utll of Capt. Babbidge. Notice to Fishermen, Cannery- men ana uwners-ot JNjens. A ITER THE FIRST OF MAY THE ca. steamer Gen. CanlA'will run direct on ber course from Astoria to Fort Steveats, Fort Can- by, and Ilw&co arfd Return. The reasons for mis are that In trying to avoid one net in Vfie course of the steamer Is liable to run into half a dozen out of the course, l bus injuring men who are trying to prevent trouble themselves, and loss of time also. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. C ATABBH ! THOSE SUFFERING FROM THIS DIS EASE AND WISHING TO BE CURED, obtain immediate relief which is maucnt by calling on At the Occident Hotel, where he -will be o from 1 to 5 P. M. All iufferinc from Catarrh are respectfully invited to gaII and see his testimonials of positive cures, and his mode of treatment. Unless patients are treated there will bo no charge. Any one wishing to have him call at private residence will please leave address at tne uotei. Pioneer Meeting. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE Pioneer and Historical Society of Ore gon will be held in Astoria at the rooms of Hie MteictN.air oviock p.m., on ine uui d.i of Mav, 1881. to complete the business of tin annual meeting. All interested are cor diallv Invited. S. T. McKEAN, Secretary. Astoria, Oi egon, April i. 18S1. J. 7S7m O O 3KT UST, Wholesale agent for the BED CKOWN FLOTJR Made by the new pioccss. The best Flour in the market. Every .sack guaranteed: if not good as represented you can return it. Merchants will find it to their advantage to sell this Flour. BRAN, SHORTS AND CHOP PEED Also for sale. Persons w ishlng Flour or Feed will find me at inv nen Drug Store, at O. R. & N. Co's dock. Astoria. J. W. CONN For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying U. S. 31nlln. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander "Will leave Portland for the above ports, from Inlander's Dock At A. 31.. Friday, April 29. 1KS1 N'o freight for Alaska taken after 12 o'clock the d:r previous to departure. For Freight or Passage aniilv to Ed. C. IltJGHES. Purser. Ho for an Independent Fish Boat. The steamer Rip Van Winkle "Will leave Astoria for the Cape at 4 o'clock j. 3i., daily. Open for all job work. For further particulars inquire on hoard. TIN PLATE, BLOCK TIN For sale ex "Warehouse at Astoria or Portland 1 5f.-tf BAliFOrit, ttCTIIIUE Co. Portland, Oregon. DON'T FORGET -THE- Great Eastern Saloon OX COXCOMLY STREET. FRESH AND SHARP San Francisco Moral Brewery BEER ALWAYS OX DRAUGHT. I have two bed laid on the floor So that the boys can roll for evermore. Until their muscles do get sore. Rut don't take the horseshoe from the door. HANSEN BUGS Reg leave to notify the public that they have moved from Upper Astoria to TIIKIR XEW SHOP. CORXER ASTOR AXD CASSS TREETS. Near Congregational Church. Andaie now ready to receive orders for all kinds of WOOD WORK, Contracts taken to build and repair snips, houses, boats, etc.. AT LOWEST RATES. sxxsrir ra.flL:R"3rs HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. THUS INSTITUTION. UNDER CAItE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for me reception oi patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patients admitted at all hours, da v or nieht No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any pnysician tuey prexcr. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are entl- uen io tree care anu attendance ac tins iios- talned for United States Marines at tlie Cus tom House. SlSTKKS OF CHAKITV. WAR IS DECLARED WITHOUT FURTHER XOTICE And no terms of peace until every man in Astoria has a new suit of clothes MADK BY XEA.W. Look at the prices : Pants to order from - - $8 00 rants, Genuine French Casslmere - 12 50 Suits from - -- -- -2500 The finest line of samples on the coast to Merchant Tailor, Parker House, Astona, I fnhnt XfMA fat, ILL! A iNh&b BAlsKTNG A2SD INSURANCE. Coinrcial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, 512,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN RAE HAMILTON, Manager. '.MO Sansome St., San Francisco. G. W. HUME. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MARINE BRANCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF LONDON. Capital, - - 512,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to issrE POLICIES To cover shipments of SALMON or other Mcrcliandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia River to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN TORTS. Orders by MAIL or WIRE promptly at tended to HinSON. CIII'RCII & Co.. Cor. Front ami Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon BANKING AHDJHSURAHGE. BROKER, BARKER1 AXI INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON OFFICE HOURS: PROJL8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL -1 O'CLOCK P.M. Home Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. Houghton Chas. R. Stoky Geo. L. Srouv ...President ........ .Sectttary .Agent for O-ou Capital paid up lu U. S. gold coin 5 300 000 HO I. W. CASE, Agent, Chenamus .street, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, A2fD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Represontinca capital of SO7.OOO.O00. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.J.MRGLEK. C.S.Vi"IUaHT OCCIDENT nOTEL. MEQLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE FKOPJHETOKS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel lias been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itspuestsandlsnovvthc best hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. KNOVVLES. AL. ZI KltKlt. .CLARi:XD()X nTKr.. PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KNOWLESj Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. ea-Tim Daily Astoiuan is on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA MrH. S. X. Arrlsoni. Proprietor THE TRAVELING" PUBLIC WILL FIND the Pioneer Cnt class in all respects. and a share of their patronage is respectfully solicited. EBoard and lodging by the day or week. THE POST-OFFICE RESTAURANT, JOHN MATTHEWS, - - PROPRIETOR. Is now ready to Supply Fishermen with Lunch, Put up in buckets. Abo keep on hand PIGS FEET AND SHEEP TONGUE Ready at all times, and all the delicacies of the season. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. A good square meal for 23 cents. Open qua :ut. aay ana nig The New York Oyster Saloon "Will serve to their customers from this ate as follows : TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Eastern Oysters Always on Hand, And will be kept as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind Coffee Saloon AXD C3GE0 3P HOiysE, WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kinsey's. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, with Cake, 10 CentH. Chops Cooke to Order. Fine "Wines, Iilqnore and. Clears Of the best brands. Having Just owned the above establish ment we cordially initeour friends and the public generally to give us a trial. &-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOFS FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon.. 3IAIN STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies1 and Gentlemen of this City Tliat he is now prepared to furnish for them, in nrsi ciass siyie, anu every style, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT THK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Tlease give me a call. KOSCOE DIXON, Proprietor SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST QUALITY, WILL BE SOLD by tho hundred, or by the box, printed or plun, to lait customer?, at THE Astokuk office. War! War!! War!! Not a Bloody Wz?3 Bui a War in Prfoest Tlie News Sqiiesd, ! THE CHALLENGE SENT, AND 1 WILL BE THE FIIJsT TO ACCEPT. CALIFORNIA ONE PEICE STORE! CORNER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. In confluence of my successful opening a je;.ii" ha aritii. aiui I lntll strive to rlv inv rnllpncniff n oiiik fnrvm-li sinl t!ii iiulillfM ItPlwlir of lied itook E'ril'Ps. Re member this Ls no catch nennv advertisement, founder of a strictlv one price More will lack my orf kmi. Am:e miv tiK-V win always be found a full Hue m the latet st!e Dress Goods, Shawls. Sacquos. Notions. Liulu'.s Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods. Look at our prices, as they are no Mirpriie to dealers in one pruv lm- GOOD SUITS OF CLOTHING FROM 00 DIAGONAL SUITS OF CLOTHING FROM 12 30 EXTRA QUALITY FINE SUITS. DIFFERENT STYLES. FROM IS t FINE LINE OF CASSIMERE PANTS FROM :. I 23 BOYS SUITS FROM " CO ETXlXSSSEISC GOODS, OVERALLS FROM J CENTS JUMPERS FROM W CENTS "WOOLEN SOCKS. 3 PAIR FOP. 5 CENTS COTTON SOCKS. EXTRA HEAVY. .".PAIR FOR .25 CENTS And 'Woolen Underwear at equally low prK-..alt marked in Joijt !iMi. PURE RUBBER RUBBER-BOOTS, AND BLANKET OVER-SHIRTS At prices to defv competition. 1 invite the public to a fair inspection of my one i nice .svstem. Having a resilient buyer lu MISCELLANEOUS j S.W. HUME Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN- GROCERIES,! PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC.. ETC., ETC., ; TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, oars, kloats, j MAULS. HANDLES,! MURIATIC ACID. : LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS. RICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTOIUA, - - OKECSOX. MRS.. DERBY ItKAI.KK IX MILLINERY GOODS Dr. Warner's Health CORSET knCin only be purchased in J Astoria at MRS. DERBY'S. Masonic Hall Building, cor- unrnf ATifti ntnl VCittrtmvlin A streeLs. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BLL TOWER, In room lately occupied by Schmeer's Confectionery, Largest ai Best Assortpt Of novelties in the stationary line usually found lu a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY, GOLD TEN GOODS, ALBUMS. CHROMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. IB. XT, BLOOD, Successor to Blood & I.ee.) CLATSKANIE, - - OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been engaged in making tloats. etc.. for the past five years, and my work has al ways given satisfaction. I am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, always underselling other factories according to quality of goods. Orders left with TRENCHARD & CTSHUIt. Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to the undersigned, will re ceive prompt attention. B. "V. BLOOD, Clatskanic, Oregon. OPILES. The undersigned Is prepared to furnish a larce number of Spiles- and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES, . Columbia City i?.iU.5S M rna-amv JHU mM$ . ifijf'ifvrS fuihr 1 but my former rcputatkm in Astoria a the stMk tid priees, :.! i- ulc atvielf Mon my ivtu rramtMti i know 1 eannot be inwersofcl. C:Uifoniia (mm Price store.".;iHsJtr the 1'iwt-uMiee .MISCELLANEOUS H. l'ACR. A Allen aye at jt (Sl'iimftTtlCS TO K. H. UV1WR.V.) Provisions? Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, TKOI'IGAI AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Ml,r,,h Wines, Liquors, Toliacco ft Clears The lurgiM ami Mt eHH4ete stock of KimhK in tSk'ir Um.-'.o be found in tho rity. Comer ufCa-v ami StR'iHoejHc Street. ASTORIA. ORKCON. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, TJTR OllI'LlTEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF T1IF. ACrll. See our hx-al column Inr particular, and as tii VALUE HEALTH, READ ! Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 511 market Street. San Frnuclsco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. W 32L BEM 3E29n ASTORIA. ORHftON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. J3F Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. "Homeopathic Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Speciflcs also kept. BLA2JK JOOKS PRINTED AND BOUND TO AN SlZr:, and ruled to any order, at Ttrc Astoeux ofiice. M. D. KANT, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. SPi -io ffl. i). RANT'S TAILOMG T e-amlie hfc prnu.1 Section o SPRING and the IIik r and lct ZJ2 ai Zfl "S O o a 4 Hi 4 a a o C2 O zr C pq o i-H c o O VVl. iB-V4ix -.uc i.w A Fine Slock of Foreign :m! Domestic Cloths. Cassimeres and Tvm1.. A Fis!1 I.inv afTaUor Trimmings, F.to. Tin I?-si 'ifi mul Tailor -will !31alii up his floods with a Fui uar:inl3- as to Fit and Finish. IhiMits IInMHtH first i-iass M'let-tifif ailMrt of men's aiiarel. ete., I hope that the 1ihiiu' heretofore ent out of lowii will 1k- sjM'iit with. Yours Truly, If. I. KAXT. jssI'he lowest iwarket prices markeit out in plain figures. , M.M."WEi 1K5 "R TO IS iOtUxa TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. &a 2h TREMRD & UPSBEITAMISEBSMDJAPINS DEALERS IN SHIP OHANDhBRY PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders f-General IIAEWARE, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AUENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. oreon WELCH HILL WATER WaSLS to patron. Custom Solicited, PiiKwmul fnfral v water flxtnres con- fc - T'liiinhlnf nt Tra -55011:11110 rates. Office on West- Eighth street near O. R. & N. Co's wharf. JAS. W. WELCH, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. r ) jyfpyFc' -Jk CLOTHING EMPORIUM UMMKR liOODS. All new. all stylis-h, of iuaht. &? w S3 h3 a c cc I g en c O i i-i CD a C rrt W J?' H O gr o erf CD CO rt- CD Zfl - Dealer hi Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. gent for the celebrated 1IEDALLI0K RANGE, llili 'lo.ets. I,ov Closets, and P'nin itaiiKcs. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets. Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL TVOPvK WARRANTED ECS ASTORIA, OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. ifpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR jl saie on nana aim io arrive tureci irom New York English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BARRELS. Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS' Benzine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS' No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. ALSO Silicic Alumiiiate Paint, FOR IRON ANT WOOD YIORK. JAEIES LAIDLAW & CO., 1G X Front Street, Portland. Do you Imagine what is the Finest and Best Enjoyment and Recreation? -TILE XEW I on coxcomia- street, i Is hetter than all the gymnastical ani1 spott I exercises in the countrj. THE TEX PIX A.T;EYS Are in reat vogue In Europe just now, and u hy should Astoria stay behind, as I THE TEN PIN GAME FurnLdi pure Is the Cheapest, Healthiest, and most enjoy able amiibement to be found. SPRINt; WATER THE VERY BEST OF SAN FRANCISCO !iaxionai .Brewery seer, AX1 FKEEjLUXCH Will be served, and the grand Concert Organ playing sweet strains to cater to your ear. Come, Try it, and Enjoy It. Wanted. "1 Cff POUNDS RAGS'OF all kinds lyUU clean and dryat the Umbrelia shop, Main street, hy J. JOPUN. f