o) gto a&Xxj SEtorlmi. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY APRIL 20, 1SSJ ISSUED EVERY MOENING. (Monday Excepted!. D. C. Ireland, Editor and Proprietor- Asiortan Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription ; Jtood by Carrier, per week .......2o Cents ScnTtjy mail, four months......-.-......-.. 00 Sent by mail, cno year........................... 9 00 Free of Postaco to Subscribers. ear Advertisements inserted by the year at the rato of SI 3" ior square er month. Transient advertising, by the day or weok, 5fty cents per square for each insertion. The Weekly Aslonnn. Is a mammoth sheet, exactly (IonIiIv the size of the Dai v. Jt is just the ia- pcr for the fireside, containing in addi tion to all tiie current news, cludee mis cellany, agricultural matter, market re norts. etc. It is lurnishcrt to single sub scribers at $2 00 ikt year in advance. i-??"A limited nuiiiner of mrhH adver tisements inserted at establi.-JMtl rat. THEJ3ITY. I UK DAU.V AST'WIAN vHt 1 '!(. r.aV.at" cent a tnonih. fnr'tf iMMtage- 'tow er who amtrt1atral)CHef frfm the cUh w have Tmr Astokian rffcr titrm. Daiia or Wkkkia" rt?i mw JW -Hftc with out .uitlttinml cr)tmt. Addrawx nmyltc ciartunl ax tirn at tuvtr&l. Loire mulnrn tl 1 1' ruuntiiHJ riHm. Odd Fellows anniversary. Be at the lodge room early to secure your sent. - Cant. Belts, river pilot, trfmideil the Selkirkslihe at Fen. -The church bells were wringing wet on Sunday in Astoria. -Mrs. George LI. Williams ami Misb Williams isol Omahu on Sunday for Oregon. The olobe law on fishing, from Saturday night till Sunday night, will be strictly enforced. The British bark Barksiielu sailed from Liverpool on the 0th for this port and Portland. The Courier informs us that Mr. J. O. Spencer, of Clifton, has been on a trip to his Yamhill home. Travel is picking up very lively, and Astoria is quite cosmopolitan in appearace on steamers day. Chief Barry Saturday night res cued a portion of a, not stolon from Booth and company. The theif did not show up. The Ocklahama took the Comity of Ayr and Portland in tow for Port land yesterday. Cants. Ferchen and Pease Diloting. The steamer "Willarrot reported as sailed from Rio on the 22d, loft New York on that day for this port and Portland. Mr. Taylor, manager of the As toria Fishery reports that boat No. 13, Mr. Gargon, came in with seventy three Gsh yestcrdaj' mornirg. The steamer Hip Van "Winkle, it will be seon by advertisement, will leave for the snpc daily at 4 r. at. during the season. She is open for all towing. Particclau Notice The steam er Gen. Canby will leave, on her regular trip this morning, at eight o'clock sharp. Don't forget it, or you will bo left. There is now iron enough in sight with the cargoes of the County of Ayr and Selkirkshire just arrived to com plete the Oregon Railway and Navi gation companys line to tho Cascndos from Portland. The funeral notice of the time of the funeral of Mr. Robb, wi'l be given in The Astoriax Wednesday. Friends are expected from Halsey and Forest Grove. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. A. T. Miller returns the com pliment of praises in his behalf for as sistance rendered to the ladies at the entertainment. He felt it to be a duty to lend a helping hand as he has done on former occasions in other places. Cutting and company did not go chasing after their net racks when they were sent adrift from the mouth of Skipanon creek by the wind, but went to the mill immediately for more lumber, and were all ready for the nets again next day. That 's business. The Albany Democrat greeting: The Daily Astoriax has enlarged, and we cordially congratulate it on this evidence of prosperity. Ireland says TnE Astoriax has laid aside all petty jealousies and is for Oregon Portland included. Don't you for get it. Tho finest writing we have ever seen was that of Mr. Brcnham Van Dusen of this city, who yesterday gave us a copy of the Lords praj'er, written in the space of a circle formed by tne lines or a gold, dollar, it is handsomely, ligibly done, but requires a powerful magnifying glass to read it. Whether or not Robeson is the man who did the murderous deed in Warren & Eaton's building yesterday he has certainly made some foolish threats, on account of a law suit he had in which Mr. Robb was counsel on the other side. He is generally re garded as a dangerous, bad man; who should be placed beyond the possi bility of doing liarm. KURDERED. J. IF'. ROBB, J3SQ-, KILLED IX HIS OFFICE Jjr AX ASSASSTX. .). C ROItKSON ARKKSTKD SUSPICION. under The last man m the world that we would evor expect to hear of being as sassinated was J. W. Robb kind obliging, respected and loved by evory bodj the perfect type of a true citi. zen; yet he is killed without a moment's warning by a desperado. The circumstance, as near as can be ascertained, are that the assassin entered Mr. Robb's ofiice yostenlnj afternoon between the hours of three and four o'clock, and deliberately hot h:s victim. Two gentlemen in the ad joining room heard the rejmrt of the pistol, hoard the thud when Mr. Robb fell, ami mimodkteJy entered his office, finding him tlaad. The assassin had then escapeu. There is a train of circumstances connecting .1. G. Kobe son with the tnurdr,aid he was prompt, ly arrested and jriacdd in jail. Th Coroner, Mr. Bonj. B. Franklin, sum moned a jury, and the findings of the inquest arc as follews: We, the undersigned junn-s, sum moned before B. B. Franklin, Coroner of Clatsop county. Oregon, at theallice of ,1. W. Robb, met at aaid otliee on the 25th day of Awil. in Clatsop county, Oregon, to inquire into the cause of the death of aawlJ. W. Robb, whose body lay therein. After being lirat duly sworn as jurors, according to law. we examined the IkmIv, heard the evidence of the attending physician and the witnesses produced, and find that the body is that of .1. V. Robb, lawyer, and resident of Astoria, Ore gon; that he came to his death by a pistol-shot wound in the breast, in flicted about C) o'clock i. v. of mid day, and we believe one .1. G. Robe son to have inflicted ?aid wound, and to have committed an act of murder therein. K. ('. Hoi.ukx. I'otnaan. ClIAK IS. WlCIttllT, .ItTi.irs Srr. av-w, W. E. i:mkxt, It. X. Cak.vaiiax. Wm. K. .tar mx. Jurors. Mr. Robb was a most exemplary citi zen, and his untimely fate has pro duced a shock upon this community not easily described. If an earth quake or a tidal wave had rolled in upon us the effects could scarcely have Ihsou more startlintr. and that such an act could be perpetrated in one of the most central localities, in business hours, in a quiet city like this, is a striking commentary upon the fact that no man knows when his life is in jeopard'. It shakos the confidence of man in man and produces impres sive foelings of unrest in the whole community. Mr. Robb will be almost universally mourned, and to his family and friends, ho loaves a wife, and a son and a daughter in this city; we extend our sincere sympathies. "What Might Have Been. Only a short time before his tragic death yesterday Mr. J. W. Robb left our sanctum to go to his office on Chenarnns siroet, and prepare for moving into The Astot.iax building to-day. ilis assassin probably rc- alized that it would be a difficult job to got out of The Astoriax building after committing such a bloody deed, and if it be true that he laid down the cards where he was engaged in a so cial game, about that hour, with the remark that he had a job to perform, that he was going to kill a man before night, he had perhaps noticed that the painters had just finished lettering tho windows for Mr. Robb in this build ing, and if he did his villainous work he "must do it now," when he did. Thorc is no doubt in the minds of most people but that the fellow ought to be hung, but whether he will or not is another finest ion. Had he waited until Mr. Robb moved boforo doing his bloody work he might have boon killed himsolf before leaving the building, as the tools to fix such as hiin were not very far away. It seems that thore will be plenty of evidence to convict Robeson of the murder, but it is all circumstantial. Ho borrowed the pistol, or bought it, of A. G. Spexarth, and walked de liberately back to Spexarth's place and returned the deadly weapon after committing the deed. Upon examina tion one chamber of the pistol was empty, but one shot was fired. The word boom is now incorpor ated in the English language, and those who have a horror of s!ang can use the word without fear. Among the 11,000 new words added to the last edition of Worcesters dictionary is boom, which Ls defined as follews: Boom In business, a sudden and rapidly increasing demand for a com modity, with consequent rise in price; honce, generally, an enthusiastic and spontaneous popular movement in favor of a person, thing or cause. A Portland paper purporting to be Oregons representative Commercial Reporter says: "Capt. Hubbard, of the Jane A. Falkinburg, was compelled to remain over one trip at Honolulu on account of his wifes illness." With a few trilling errors the paragraph is, in the main cerrect: L Mrs. Hub bard is not now, nor lias not been in Honolulu; 2. Capt Hubbard never yet remained over a trip at Honolulu; 3. He was not compelled to remain over anywhere on account of Mrs. Hubbard's illness. If the Reporter intended to state that Capt. Hubbard is in command of the barkentine Jane A. Falkinburg, it stated a fact. That and nothing mere. Ferils of Pishing. The following account of the capsiz ing of John Bergman's fishing-boat, and drowning of George Miiler, the boat puller, was told our reporter by Henry Warmbolt, the surviver: Left Elmore's wharf, after reefing sail, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon; drifted a short distance with the tide, in a porfect calm; noticed squall com ing round Smith point; then I told Miller to take in the sprit, which he did, the remaining sail being very small. Just then a fearful squall struck the boat i let go the sheet, on account cf her having no headway, to luff her up to the wind. As soon as the squall struck the boat, she bent over slowly until the boom struck the water, when she went over altogether, myself and Miller going under the water. When 1 got my bend above water, I nas about two fathoms from the boat. 1 swam to the stern of her. J When I got there I saw Miller strug-, d wm lhen be Sj far advanced that ghng in the w.tter. A sea came and ,,.-,.. , , , . knocked me off the boat. 1 then swam to j the line to Astoria may be begun; but her again and put my two fingers in the ! not till the main overland line is com-eentre-board hole, and with the other pleted, or nearly so, do we expect to hand I got hold of Miller, who had al- ' sm anvrork done in this direction, scratched me "on the hand. He kept for all piactical purposes, hellering: "Harry, save me." I told j him te keep quiet or 1 could not hld Major Adams of the Columbian, him. lie paid no attention to me. A St. Helens, has irone into the stock big sea then came and washed us both off the boat, 1 then lost my grip of Miller, and swam back to the boat, when I saw Miller drifting away. That was the last I saw of him. I then called forhelp.when Marshall Kinney's boat No. 14, manned by Mr. Stone and Nicadoni Nelson, and two others came up. They had boon pulling for dear life. Thev told me to get in their boat. 1 said never mind me, go and ha3 eome ju erwpM Utl)x have. Thev get Miller, pointing in the direction lj, , . . .. . . . , saw him hrt. They compelled me to j W an "nderb,t " lhc nht earaml get in their boat, which was my only an overbit on the left, made when chance for life, as my boat was totally they were calves. They are two-year underneath the water, the anchor hold- iiig it. We then searched for Miller j for about an hour, but could not seo anything of him. Another boat then came up, and with their assistance, we succeeded in saving my boat and net. Astoria Iron Works. The first meeting of the stockhold ers of the Astoria Iron Works was held at the office of J. G. Hustler, on Saturday, April 23d, 1881. The fol lowing named persons were olected directors for one year: A. D. Wass, John Fox and J. G. Hustlor, and at the first meeting of the directors hold on the same day and at the same place A. D. Wass was elected presi dent, John Fox superintendent, J. G. Hustlor secretary, and I. W. Case treasurer. It was ordered that the stock be collected, and that the neces sary tools and materials be bought so as to commoncc work immediately. Portland Union Depot. The Standard informs us that "it is rumored that after tho new Oregon and Central railroad ownors obtain possession thcro will be great changes made in the operation of tho road in Portland. Within a few years a large depot and shops will be erected on tho company's land south of the city. The west side depot will be removed to the common ocpot buildings, and the Fourth street track will be aban doned. Such a change as this will be a decided advantage, for it is a nuisance to the company to have trains watched by policemen with a view of nipping any unlucky engineer who could n't keep her back to tho ordinance rate of speed. Tin, Silver and Lead Find. An Ilwaco gentloman informs us that a party over there havo discov ered tin silver and lead in paying quantities. He says: "The3' have hit just the thing, directly on the river bank, where a vessel inay lay and load. These gentlemen, are anxious to buy the land on which the precious metal is to be found, but are short of means. They offer to mortgage for the purchase price SG.O00, and give a third interest in the mine to the man or mon who will furnish the money. Tho material is very easily worked and can be smelted in a common black smiths forge. Anidt and Ferchen Jiavo tosted it. Two pounds of rock will produce four ounces of silver, tin and lead. A furnace costing $500 would make a lucrative business. The three claims can be purchased for sir thou, sand dollars and can be worked imme diately, being sufficient rock on surface for months to come. When I speak of claims I mean to infer they are ful ly 1C0 acre claims with one-third rock, and bottom land available for dairy purposes. Provided you should see or hear of any persons inclined to invest, through the request of these gentlemen please notify me." W. D. Ogden has been appointed post-master at Yakima. The Oregouian informs us that the remains of Capt. J. A. Pennellj who was drowned two weeks ago at Taquina bay, will be brought around to Astoria and shipped to San Fran cisco for interment. The body will be brought to Astoria on the steamer Wright, now under command of Capt Denney. By a recent postal decision men can actually make money by getting their bills and statements of accounts printed. Statements of accounts and bills of sale when made out on paper having printed headings, can be sent by mail for one cent, if tho envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it is made out on unprinted paper, it will cost three cents. Thus by patronizing The Astoriax two cents can be saved on every bill or statement that is sent out through the mail. Get your legal blanks at The Astokiax office. A full line of over two hundred styles. The Railroad to Astoria. A Portland eveuing paper says that the labor of making a road bed for tho Oregon Railway and Navigation company's track at certain points be tween the Cascades and The Dalles will be very great. In some places it will be necessary to blast out galleries in the face of solid mountains of rock, similar to Cape-horn on the Central Pacific road. About two thousand men are employed at present, and one thousand more are wanted. The road from the- Cascades to The Dalles will be completed by October, and if a suf ficient number of men ran be obtained, the road between Portland and The Dallas will be completed by the did of 1881." To which we will add, that the connection with the Union Pacific railrond division. from Gruuiier to Baker business. Recently he rescued a sheep of his, and twin iambs, that were where they were entirely sur rounded by water. And he offers that: "If any one will get up our heifers so we can get them into our pasture, we wiil make them a present of a calf. We understand one of them qMj, jw 33 ian.e a? Uieifeueralitv of three year olds.'" ItooniH to Rent. Single or in suites of two, in The Astorian building. Prices reasonable. Accommodation to X-'Hheruicti. Friend fishermen. Get vour tidt tables at Max Wagners. Furnished Itooniw. Mrs. D. Currau has a few good rooms to let at reasonable prices on Cass street, near the Congregational Church. If any druggist will prove by analysis that any patent medicine on his shelves is a bctier remedy than Plunder's Oregon Bluod Purifier, his fortune is made, if he will send for mula to us. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season. -For a first-class o3ster stew, fry, pan-roast or fancy roast, go toRoscoe's on Main street, opposite N. Loeb's. Families supplied by the hundred or tho sack, opened or 111 the shell. For the best Beor in Astoria, call for the Couuiuiu Hrciccry Beer, acknowledged to be superior to all others. Dr. John Welch, dentist, will be at the Occident hotel in this city about the 20th inst., and remain a short time for the practice of his pro fession. For the Genuine ,1. H. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors, and San Fraucisco beer call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and sec Campbell. Prices for cannery and fishermen's supplies have been slaughtered at M. C. Cro&by's. ' Gra3''s wood yard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any part of the city sawed to any length, and full measure. Fire-brick and fire-clay in lots to suit at M. C. Crosby's. The boat stoves made by IVL C. Crosby, with fire-brick bottoms, are superior to all others in this market. Ice cream at Roscoes oyster and refreshment saloon on Main street. P. .1. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Go to M. C. Crosby's and get your lunch buckets, water kegs, bail ers, buoys and boat stovos. Frank Faber has removed in to Dr. Kinsey's building on Water street. On the road to the steamer dock from down town, before break- lost, it will now be handy to drop in and get a cup of cofTee. A fine lot of French candies just received at Adlcr's. Max. Wagner's San Francisco National brewery beer caii't be beat. Since the Chinese started to brew "cheap San Francisco beer" there is little or no demand for that article any more. Call for. the Columbia brewery beer, if you -want something good. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. A Big Lot of Beer arrived by steamship Columbia yesterdaj-, at Max Wagner's. Call around and see him, boys. John Rogers has just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a general assortment of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers at small profit for cash. If you want a good hot cup of tea, coffee, or chocolate after your niglxts fishing call at the Fair Wind chop house where you will get it, andj don t you forget it. When yon want a dish of nice Eastern 0yster3 done up a la mode, or a good steak, or a fragrant cup of coffee, call at Frauk Fabres on the roadway, and he will accommodate you. Open at all hours. Oars, Oars. Oara, eleven feet; caustic soda, gol den lacquer, asphaltum varnish, furni ture varnish, tan baak, etc., in quanti ties to suit at Geo. V. Humes. To Teacher and Pupils of Pub lic Schools. The new school books published by A. S. Barnes & Co., and adopted by the superintendents of Oregon to be introduced the present season, are just received direct from the publish ers, and are now for sale and exchange at introductory prices 3et by the state superintendents. Respectfully yours, Carl Adler, dealer in books and sta tionery. Reward Offered. A liberal reward will be paid for the finding of the body of David Bltrn- side, aged 70 years, who is supposed to be drowned between Tongue point and Knappn on the uth of April, 1831. I His boat was found partially anchored opposite Jir. lUiuaKers, aooutft nines out in the bay. When last seen he was dressed in a white shirt, dark coat, velvet vest, dark checkered pantaloons. Information may be left at Wilson Al- Fisher's store in Astoria, or addressed to D. W. Burnside, Knappa, Oregon. Champion lied. Everybody in Oregon who has used the woven wire beds and lounges, manufactured in Salem by Edes & Dnrkee. pronounce them the most per fect bed or lounge ever manufactured, elastic, clean and durable. Each and every one warranted, and competition defied. Among those who recommend them we notice the names of Rev. P. S. Knight, Dr. Aug. C. Kinney, Col. L R. Moores, K. F. Harding, Drs. McAfee, Chase, Belt, Wade and Adams, Rev. Isaac Dillon and a host of others. Mr. N. Newton of this city has taken the agency for the sale of these beds and lounges in Astoria, and will be pleased toliave all call and seo them at the store of Mr. E. C.Holden for a few days. Central Hotel. The Central hotel, near the steam ship dock is now open for the recep tion of guests, where the well known caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always be found ready to wait on his patrons. He has had the above named house thoroughly refitted by Messrs. Pike and Stockton, our well known artists. Call and see him. as he has the finest brands of liquors and cigars to be had in the city. To liCt. Several furnished or unfurnished rooms at Mrs. Munson's lodging house. Also, a few persons can have board if required, either ladies or gcntlmeu. Xotice to the Public. The poor, unfortunate young man that lost his leg last summer in the Fishermen cannery has now, with the help of friends, started a small store, whore he keeps tobacco, cigars, pipes, cutlery, etc. He is unable to do hard wo'k, and must make out the best he can. Give him a call, boys, he keep3 the best brands of tobacco and cigars. Water street, opposite O. R. !fc N. Co.'s Dock. A.VUSK31EXTS. It!i.i.s Vauikties. Geo. Hill, proprietor and manager, Fred Gere, idage manager, A. Ostrander, leader of orchestra. Geo. Lambert, leader of brass band. New first part with Stalcy as IJruder Bones Xickerson tam bo and Gere interlocutor. Two new acts, one entitled -Thrtt Other Fellow," characters by Miss Lou Cook, Mr. Jno. Cook and Mr. Fred (Sere. The other one called "Who JStold dem Chickens," by Mr. Stailey and Mr. Nickerson. An entirely new olio composed of songs and dances, jig and clog dances, Dutch. Irish and Negro excen tricities. Mr. Hill is making active pre paration? for more amusements with which to please those of the public who are fond of popular amusements. New orchestral selections by our efficient orchestra, and new music by our excel lent brass band on the grand stand at preciely 7 r. m. Curtain rises at ex actly i;.m. Entrance on Benton street; entrance to private boxes, on Chenamus street. LOST AND FOUND. LOST -On C'hltMip spit morning of the istli. Iso fatlioiiLsu'su. -JO moh uew net. Rrand K oh cnr&t. last 4 cork" branded No. 4 ; T K. braniU-iU otrleads. The Under will be suilablv rrwaiilnl by lirinsine the same to ! ASTORIA FISHERY. Anuria, iril 0t. 1881. LOST April Ifitli !(M l- the breakers be low the Republic, 1.7) fathoms of private net, half is new. -tc meshes, the other half Ls 4-", : iinrlHturs No. 12 ; half of the 4", Ls old web. Any information scut to A. Rooth & Co cannery will 1k suitabh rewarded bv CHARLES ANDERSON. April ISHh. 1SSL LOST April IiKh below st eampr Great Re public on a spit in edge of breakers, ISO fathom romesli net.. u implies new, balance old. Corks marked I- G. 11.. corks and lines all new. Any person fiudiut; the .same will hcsuitahlv rewarded bv cnlliUK upon LEWIS G. HAAVEX. April 'JO. ISsI. West Coast Fk-r. Co. IjtOUXD. AlMiiit "iO fathoms of net found ? iiearTany Point. The owner can have the .same by proyuijs property and paying charges. Apply to VASTOIHA FISHERY. Atfona April 16. b?M. 301'XD. A net lias leen found at Badol ? let & Co's. stat ion. Sand Island. Can be obtained by prming property and paying charges, on application to 1IADOLLETT&CO. Upper Astoria, April 19, 1SS1. FOUXD ly Duncan McVcan of Hantborn & Co's canner one piece of cork line and corks, no mark. Owner can have the .same on proof of property and payment of chances by Killing upon DUNCAN McVEAN. At Hanthorti & Co's Cannery. April 22, 1S31. FOUND. About T fathom of pretty new net. some corks marked C. I. Co. Was picked up below Sand Island. In the cut off. on Thursday last by the life saving crew. Owner can have it by paying charges and proving property on application to keeper or Lire Saving Station No. 3. Fort Canby, AV.T. FOUND. On morning or April 23d about 100 fathoms net. 30 mashes deep It ply thread, old web: has new Hues and pair new and old floats, old ones marked A. B. & Co. Owner can have same by proving prop erty and pnving eliargcs. Inquire of Jf. JOHNSON, At Astoria Pkg. Co's cannery. J. H. D. GHAT, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KIXBS OJF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. -OF- JNTEW SPRING- GOODS -AT IXLSTOEE!! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVE READY FOR INSPECTION THE FINEST SELECTION" ASD THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE &LOWEST BED ROCK PR1CES.S HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE TO NEARLY TWICE ITS FORMER SIZE, AND HAVING THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT SEPAR ATED FROM THE DRY GOODS. I AM BETTER PRE PARED THAN EVER TO MEET THE RE QUIREMEMTS OF TRADE. AMONG OTHER THINGS I WOULD CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FINE STOCK AND GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS- esIn all departments I have the latest novelties. Give me a call.5u c. m COOFER, I X I. Store, corner Malu and Concomly Streets. Astoria, Oregon "- . : - -,-,, .-.-.j . . ....- - ; j.. . j CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF ETJBNITURE 55 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. ASTORIA M. MEYER TTAVINO EVERY FACILITY FOH tide, I am now prepared to furnu OF LAGER BEER, AT 3 CKVTM PER GALLON W MOTiTHS A TIE5. " "Families and koepers of public house3 promptly and regularly supplied. II. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON THE COLUMBIA Al. IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND IS EXCELLED BY NONE OX THIS COAST JOHN HAHJN, - - fROPKIETOR, . CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. earOrders leU at the GERMANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to.-sa MISCELLANEOUS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on naiul. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTTJEK, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POUTTRY A WD GAME In the season. CIGARS AXD TOBACCO. Best oriYIXES A5D EIQUORS. AH cheap fer CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite 1. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. D. K. Warriu. T. W. Evros Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEl , ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. WARRE.Y & EATOX, Proprietor. (Successor 10 Warren X- McGuirtl Wholesale andRotail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FI.OUR. FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. aar Butter, Egss, Cheoae, etc. constantly on hand. S" Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. ASTORIA, OREGON. BRICK LAYER PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERE Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. LIME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER. LATH, Cement, and all materials In my line, furnished to order. BfS-SpecIal attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. Qff-Agent San Juan and NewTacoma Lime. Wilson & Fisher DEALERS IN jaLjOOELX W AHE, LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing1. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for couutry pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. THE - BREWERY. Proprietor. HE MANUFACTURE OF A FIltST CLASS AK the public with the finest quality, for cash. BOTTLED BEER, AT $1 50 PKU TOZEft. BREWERY MISCELLANEOUS. THE Fishermen's and Workingmen's CLOTHING STORE, MARCUS "WISE, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING JUST OPENED THE ABOVE named store, next door to tCe Astoria Bakery and having jiut received a first class selection of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods And all goods kept in a well stocked Cloth ing Store. Following is a scale of some of my prices : Overalls from o0 cts to St 00 Shaker Socks .20 cts or B pair for $1 00 Merino UnderMurts and Drawers.- SI 00 Indies Iron Frame Hose .. .25 cts I-idie.s Corsets from .75 ets to SI 00 Please look for the sign ot the Fishermen's and Workingmen's Store. Chenamus street, next door to the Astoria Bakery. ! MARCUS WISE, Proprietor ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only Machine Shop , . J.J.c?si auu iuc urai BI.ACKSM1TH yj. SHOT In the city. r5 AH kinds of iENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY. Wastangton Tffarket, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAX BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion cf the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale andreUil. Speeral attention given to supplj ntr ships. MRS. S. T. McKEAN, DEALKR IX DRESS TRIMMINGS, Allkinds of WOOLS,' ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC., Corner of Cass and Jefferson streets, Astoria. "Stamping done to order. 3&f 5ns2& aO A MSmKSSm l 1 ' .1 MfcMEMHf-rf nHHSriaa -s?S2S