CO riii i" i no - MMawaiflHinfHfnn iirgfflattMafcahatoiiiea gte giXB gstarian ASTORIA. OREGON: SATRUDAY- APRIL 16, 1881 B.C. IRELAND. .Editor. Xore Bml&nss Wanted. The actual demand in Astoria to-day for more buildings, both for business and residences, is so great, and the prospect for its im mediate increase so apparent, that steps should be taken to meet it without delay. Private residences are not to be had at any price. This is merely an intimation of what is to come. Many causes are working together, the effect of which will be that our city will be over-crowded in a short time unless more buildings are erected. Ex cellent tenants aie to-day living in cheap and undesirable houses because better ones cannot be ob tained, and the demand for busi ness locations is just as urgent. One gentleman informs us that he was nearly two months in select ing a location for his office, and a residence which was rented on Saturday befoie the prior tenant had moved out. numerous appli cants coming in within twenty- four hours to secure the same although not a desirable one. There is money in this suggestion for some one, and whoever acts upon it will do well. The number of buildings in Astoria has never been largely in excels of the de mand, and now it is far below what it ought to be. Our season for building is so pleasant, that no attempt is generally made to get to work eafty,' but this season greater effort should have been made to erect at once buildings which weie contemplated, and many more which might with safety be constructed. Let us at all events keep abreast of the demand. If Ike Stocktons murderous gang, operating in Colorado, were red skins the whole army would be sent after them before now. Ve are glad to hear the good news for Mrs. Clnistiancy to-day. "SVe believe she has been wilfully and maliciously persecuted, and is innocent of the crimes charged against her. The Wausan Torch says the reason that the Colby fellow, who stabbed his victim eighty or ninety times, didn't do still more cutting was because it was jjretlnijr late and the saloon-keeper wanlod to shut up. Ex-Congressman Johu U. Petti t, who has just died at Wabash, In diana, was a graduate of Union college, and a lawyer of much abil ity. He represented Indiana in the thirty; fouith, thirty-fifth, and thirty-sixth congresses. He "was an intimate friend of Gov. Morton, and it was through his intercessions that the lives of Bowles and Mtlli gan, the notorious knights of the golden circle, wet e saved. Ohio is now the only October state the vote of which will be very significant in presidential years. Three other states, Georgia, Iowa and West Virginia, will vote in that month; Michigan and Rhode Island in Apt il; Oregon in June; Alabama in August, and Arkan sas, Maine and Vermont in Sep tember. The other states, twenty- seven in number, and all the terri tories, vote in November. When Bill Nye, the versatile western humorist, started the Boomerang at Laramie, his intro ductory stated that he would spare his readers the usual programme of what he intended to do here after as a moulder of public opin ion. He did this partly because be hadn't clearly outlined his course in his own mind, and partly because some one might keep a file of the paper and annoy him with it in the years to come A proposition has been made by an electric light company, of Boston, to light the capitol, public grounds, and the whole city of Washington, so that even the full moon will be ashamed to show its face; by means of electricit. The company proposes to belt the dome with one hundred and fifty lamps, and to erect six iron towers in different parts of the city, each to have fifty lamps, so that the aggre gate light will not be less than 2, 500,000, candle power, for the sum of $350,000. After the first year the cost will not exceed $60,000 an nually, whereas the government now pays for the poor gaslight whioh is furnished 155,S00 an nually. Stale tteTenne. "Tabular si&tement showing total valuation of taxable property in various counties of Oregon, re turned to the secretary of state, for the year 1880, together with the amount of taxes levied for de fraying the expenses of the state gevernment: Counties. Baker Beaton Tai'Ie Prop'tj. TeUl Tx. .S 931.130 S 6,517 97 1,7GG:282 12,302 97 13;20S 41 7,952 09 2,130 93 5,826 34 1,333 33 15.742 89 7,016 CO 10,147 36 1,775 15 4,939 61 21.351 29 :,341 35 27,882 19 80,577 40 12,258 4S 650 33 14.603 05 Clackamas 1.8S091G Uiatsop 1,130,099 uoiuiuDia VXiillil Coos... 832.333 219,333 2,248,985 1,038,097 1,449,623 231,594 703.517 3,078,756 4,334.479 3,9S3,170 11,511,051 1,751,211 924)12 2,094,723 1.205.603 2,870,645 2,137,030 2,547,833 Currry Douglas Grant Jackson Josephine Lake Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Tillamook I'mntilla Union Waco Washington Yamhill Total for 1880.. 1879.. 8.859 22 20,04 51 14,963 41 17.831 83 4M8,494;223 .'39,459 35 46,422,817 324,959 59 incr&e over 1879.. S 2,071,406 14.4W 76 We trust that some of our cor respondents will bear with us. Since our return from the Atlantic states we have been literally up to our eyes in busiuess, and must manage to wade through corres pondence as opportunity offers. March, unusually cold nearly everywhere, was particularly se vere in the highlands of Scotland. Drifts thirty feet deep, and walls of snow forty feet high, are spoken of. NEW TO-DAY. Notice of Assessment. As sessment No. i amounting lofS per share, is leielou the capital Mocof the OlMimie WMnn.Lsiuni raauie tunic M'c reiarv from and after date of this rfgcke. Jt order of the Hoard of Direct S.T. McKKAKSecretarj Astona, April H, 1881 Boat Pickei Up. ATI HE OLD voRKfcyrsT l.n UVriAAulnv -LI M0Vl Shilth's, foAit, tin "SVe isdav. April lltl 11 LltW attinkeri bult be jy uiimdrrigued.i It i coKarfd jwir uar locks iersanPiALlfie s-afcic on aiinken built boat w Wtked iyriy cohtainA .n oil Skill Tliefmner or roof7ofnron- OtttU1 ert and pMinetit of c s hvrnllinc at ineresiqeiiceoi MOUrENSEX. diw -1 Cor. of West -sixth and Cedar bts. TIIK Fishermen's ad Workin CLOTHING STOR marcus wise, - - rA0ri:iETon. HAV1XO JUST OPEXEBTHE ABOVE limned store, next door to tin Astoria Bakery and Inning Just received a flrt ila selection of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods And all goods kept hi a well stocked Cloth ing Store Following is x scale of me of my prices : 0rra!Nfroui .. ..7) cts to l 00 Shnker Socks . .20 cis or t) pair for SI oo .Merino Undershirts and Drawers..... SI 00 Ladies Iron Frame Hose 25 cts Ijulies Corsets from .75 cts to $ 1 00 Please look for the sign ot the Fishermen's and Woikmginen's Store. Cheuamus street, next door to the Astoria Bakery MARCUS WJbK, Proprietor AUCTION TO-DAY: Ladies Atlem I ! At ni auction rooms. I am Jiitnuted to sell At 2 P. M Ws Day, An assortment of NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, RIUBOKS, HATS, LACES, BUT TONS AND PARASOLS, ETC., ETC. Also a lot of Crockery and Glassware- II C. IIOLDEX. Auctioneer. For LondojtfDirect. The undersigned Jiae mider J cnarter a nrst class r ' Al Iron Ilarquo LONDON DIRECT. In lots 1 0 SUIT SHELTERS w ill be tal-cu at SEDUCED KATES. For TREIGHT and other particulan,, apply to SIBSOX, chukcii: &. Co- Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Fortlaud, Oregon. MARINE INSURANCE. PACIFIC COAST MARINE BRAXCH. Commercial Union Assurance Co., OF I.OXDOX. Capital, - - 12,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to ISSUE POLICIES To coer shipments of SALMON' or other Merchandise by SAIL or STEAMER from Columbia Ricr to DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN TORTS. Orders by MAIL or "WIRE promptly at tended to SIBSON, CHURCH A. Co., Cor. Front and Ash Streets, I'ortland, Oregon. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot ol Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Mien's lion Due at ASTORIA eat ly in May, which will be put on berth for BANKBSG AND INSURANCE. Cuercial Union Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, 512,500,000 Fire and Marine Insurance. JOHN KAE HAMILTON. ManaRur. 210 Sanoinr St., San Francisco. G. V. HUME, Agent, Astona, Oregon. BANKIHG ANDJNSUBAHGE. r. w. CASE. BROKER, BANKER' AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE imrits: FROM 6 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mutual Insurance Co, OF CALIFORNIA. .T. F. IlOUGnTOK- Ciias. H. Sroitv Geo. L. Stok .. President ....secn'Uir .Agent for P;on Capital paid up in V. S. gold coin S 300 (W0 HO I. W. CASE, Agent, Chcnamus street, Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SO7.0O0.OOO. A. VAN DUSEN, Agent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. ,T. M KG LICK. C. S. WRIGHT occni:.vr iiotkl. MEflLEK &. WUUillT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the aloe hotel has lieen repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guest and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. o. KM LF.n. CLAREXDOX PORTLAND. - - AU7IKKK1C. HOTEL. - - OREGON ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. cs-Thk D ii.v Astoiuax is on file at the Clarendon Hotel rending room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - ASTORIA JJIr-H. S. N. Arrlconi. Proiirletor THETRAVEMXC I'UKI.IC WILL KIND the Pioneer first class in all resjiects.aiMl a share of their patronage is resiectfiill solicited. J3yBoard and lodiiigby the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will ;ere to their customers from this ate as follews: TEA, COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Kustern Ojstrrs Ahiajs on Hand, And will he Kept as a fltstclav Ojter Sa loon, in first ilass stle. DANIEL (5 RANT. Manager. Fair Wind Coifee Saloon AMI CHiaF HOUSE, WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Xext doir to Dr. Kinse '. Coffer. Tea anil Chocolate. iith CaUe. lO Cent.. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine 'WIiicn. IiUiuors and Clears Ofthelxt brands. HaInt; Just nix-ned the aloe istallLsh ment wecordiallj. invite our friemLs and the public ncnerall to gi e us a trial. 60-tf FOARD & EVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE UXDERSIGXED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepnred to furnish for them, in flnt cU.v st j le, and c ery jt le, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE, TEA, ETC. AT TIIK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please gi e me a calL ROSCOE DIXON. Proprietor HANSEN BROS Begleae to notify the public tlmt they luue moed from Upper Astoria to THEIK XE1V SHOP. CORNER ASTOR AXD CASSS TREETS. Xear Congregational Church. And arc now ready to recchc orders for all kinds of waax work, Contracts taken to build and repair SmPS, HOUSES, BOATS, ETC., AT LOWEST RATES. T. T. BARCLAY. T. IL nATCII. HATCH & BARCLAY, COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, No. 20 California St, San Francisco, Cat. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER JJEFOT. CHE.1A.iIC3 St&KFT. ASTOEU. The Best of LagerS Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celelratefl Colombia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. f"No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at place w Jt. xfuuii, Proprietor. ONE PEICE STOKE 31K. I. COHEN, FORMERLY OF THE I X L STORE, WILL OVEN WEDNESDAY, APJUL fiTH, WITH A FULL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS. M Y STOCK BKINC. NEW YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOl'R ADVAN TAGE TO CALL ON ME AS I HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BUYING MY GOODS FRO.M FIRST HANDS. AND I HAVE HAD ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF THE LATE DECLINE IN GOODS. Aniens: inv Stock I Avill Soli for a iVw P:ivs Goods Damaged en TO BARGAIN SEEKERS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. A"ft"AjCtN ofjniv goods dnmaged h water en rout :i - -I a a-ttlwwwt ltk the rompam at .Torts on Hie dollar, whioh 1 wiilgm Ihv trt (tillers' "the advantage. Aiming t hem nih h found Corsets, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Linen Grash, Quilts. Towels, Linen Suits, Bed Spreads, Summer Ulsters, Remember this is for a few Davs Only. CORNER OITOSITE MISCELLANEOUS. G-. W, WU Whuiesale and Retail Dealer 1- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC.. ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE ULOCK. TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COrPEliS, SOLDEKING COPPEKS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES. MANILLA HOPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OAllS, FLOATS, MAULS. HANDLES, MUHIATIC AGED, LACQUEK, VAEN1SII, TURPENTINE. IiENZlN E, COAL OIL, GUM HOOTS, UICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREROX. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, aii sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 511 Market Street. Snn Francisco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. MRS. DERBY DKALKR IN MILLINERY GOODS Dr. Warner's Health 'F CORSET Can only he purchased In ASiona at !? 5I.nsonlcHall Bnlldliijr.cor 1 ner of Main and Squemoqhe J r streets. Chas. Stevens & Soni CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELL XOTftTER, In room lately occupied by Schraeer's Confectionery, Largest ai Best Assortment Of novelties In the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY, GOLD PEN GOODS, ALBUMS. CIIKOMOS. FRA3IES. STEREOSCOPES. DIAJHES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on band. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. & 4s p. ftjsfe? py! 1 HIRS. DERBY'S. Hf lioufr. THE POST OFFICE. MiSCELLANKOlh. A. . AM.hN Alien aee (rfl'IVI&WOKfc. TO K. S. laHSRX.) Groeertes, Provision Or oakery, Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPIOAI AND I)O.MISTIC FRUiTS AND VEGETABLES. TugellMr with fioes.Lipors.ToliaccolCps Tlie largest and imist chhUI stork of g(Mils in tlieir lini'to ! fntHMl III IIh i'it. Corner orCa" and iHemHNthe Streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. PERUVIAN BITTBRS. CHINCHOtlA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. TIIK (Hi EAT EST - MEDICAL DISCOVERY Or THE AGE. See mr heal chiniiK lr jwrt hitter. a:wl as mi VALUE HEALTH, HEAD! IB- -7S7-m BLOOD, tSwcceswr to RhHwl X. CLATSKANII", ... OREGON. Is now prepared to receh e orders for FLOATS, BUOYS Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I hac been engaged in making HohH. etc., fortheia.stfie ears, ami my work has al--as Riey satKfaitMHi. I am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices alwajs uiiUerselhn other factones aeconlins to quality ur goods Onlerslcftwilh TltENClIARD S. CPSHUR. Agents, Astoria, Ornidrus5cd to the uudcrsitnicd. will re ceie prompt attciitiott. 15. AV. RI.OOD, Clatskanle. Oregon. ASTORIA. ORIIGON. W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. 39Trecnptions carefully comiKHimled at all hours. Kfllomeopathlc Tinctures and Tellets, and IIumphre 's Specifics alxi kept. County Treasurers Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN TJIE COUNTY Treasury to pa all County orders pre sented prior to April 2Jth, 1n?0. All such orders ill cease to draw interest from and after thLs date. CIIAS. IIEILBORN. County Treasurer of Clatsop Count . Astoria, April 11, ISSt. dx.w BILL HE.VD PAPER, OP EVERY GRADE AND COLOR, PR1TN ed or plain, at lowest rates, at The Asxoruxs office M. D. KANT, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. -TO- ffl. D. M'n TAILORING-1 T. examine hfc grand M-lcrtlon of SPRINC and SI MMER GOODS, the fimst and lust of quality. o o m K 3 j cil 1 : c 4 --? b 2 H o Z2 5 "V2"k:w"i&j5. i. -; A Yinr HI o-Ic ol Foreis;u u:iI Domestic Cloths, Cassiuieres ami Tweeds. A Tnll Line ol Tailor Trimmings, YAe. The Besi Cutter ami Tailor will Make up his Goods with a Full Guaranty as to Fit and Finish. Ilathigtbeonh first class sHertiotKof .ill sorts of men's apparel, etc., I hope that the HHmi'V HrfHiifnie WHt out of town w ill Ik sjient w ith. iMiisTniIj, 31. 1). KAXT. aTlie hiwj'st market pm-en marked out in plain figures. 3? J&3 n a di.Uia TWO DOOltS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. c-.-JpiL v -'--ji:. .f 4 BSi lEKSS3Hfe.r- ssipiS J 1RH "gS "& JBk mnnm & wmmwmminmmm DEALERS IN P$l PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. ' GOAL, Builders General Efe TTADTiTir ATT? 0 UillvL ) AIUJ, PAIKTS. OILS, ETC. AC1INCY OF TIIC Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREtlON WELCH HILL water -wum:. riiriifeh pure SPRINC WATER to patrons. Custom Solicited, TniAnnil oiipral (Jr water fixtures con- nu on iiHiici. iiimbiu" at rea 'sonable rate's. Office on west- Eighth street near O. R. & N Co s harf. JAS. W. VELC, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. fPS5 v!'Mn KTtWil! - .i.TTI gSyT JL sMPOilJSfe WTj i 5Jgstr- -rv 'ME! CLOTHING EMPORIUM All new. all stjihh, s o o Ul M O ui ii h3 c J o o V. -t J U2 K c i-t ui Q o Ul a o c o o CD Ul . -- ; Ul IS S Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Acent for the celebrated -l MEDALLIOH' RANGE, 5!ish Closets. Low Closets, and Plain It an;;es. I HON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Irass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL T7UKK WARRANTED ASTOKIA, OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. mm: indi:rsigned offers for fi silc on and to arrive direct from New ork English Lustre Black Varnish, IN2RARRELS. Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS Benzine Asphaltum Varnish. IN DARREIN No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Goach Varnishes, in Cases. ALSO Silicic Alummate Paint, FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAMES LATDLAW & CO., KJ 3T I'ront Street, Portland. IV Alt IS IECIiAItEI WITHOUT FURTHER XOT1CE And no terms of peace until e ery man in Astoria has a new suit of clothes HIADK BY JEEAXY. I)ok at the prices : Pants to order from -Pant, Genuine French Cassimere -Suits from -- SS oo 12 50 25 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select rrom. I. J. MEAXY, Merchant Tailor. Parker House, Astona. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale e A.irehouse at Astoria or Portland hi 5C-tf RALiFOUR, GUTHRIE Co. Portland, Oregon. may bo found on fllB et Geo. P. Rotcelx. & Co'a Newspaper Adcrtl3lng Bureau (10 Spruce treetl.'wnere aUTer NEWYORK. tlslngcontractsmay i bo made for it la i R7 lial SS.i' -; sp'&i--?