g&s gaxftJ ste&Tg ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY APRIL 13. 1SS1 " COMMERGAKD TRABL rtnnncinl. itver, attwr. Gwn Saa Fraweiaee X r eamt Colnmliia River Exports. DnCEMUEK .. t. .,..., iooTTlUcflniir JKi.4i Astoria. S25 " SA" Gain esefeMMM m So York fcwytaK jaw T-anic tiws b New Yi 1 lw PORT "OF ASTORIA. . . .,.. .CA01KK 'KtUHk . .i.iw.; :v.u; From Aston. 2l mhhi w Taisd vmImc cjtroo STW'Oj 1-7V QMeowpHeH. per Jrrc Frew Portland 2l.3 e whd s7V, IAtvn. prLaty. Vrm lrttotd 11J Vt wv Asiwn TUd ..U.7 7TW Qitreiut, per Ckmm4mt. Fmn Parti . rtH C-t- AsMtna 3,i M,1 MISCELLANEOUS C3. K. 3HVANT. READY FOR SKA. jnY CteapUa. br Wc 721 tcM. Jlatw. - CM-to,rfi. imum. Taca. !" SrG- Wnt. Ita-fl. AH$ r r :-jt . Xlaimara r a. . !. AKAHALA t'UOV SJCA. nail hay April 13 jniiinii br bi- ! Ua. I. VUta iMd. br kV ttf U. VtobM f JKivat. W.. 3 t. A4aa. b. V. Mwefc JIrbr..I2 VKSSXMS OX TtIK tt'A 1 - Total . titf9 7.-1W .....- Ttfmi King of the Blood .. .it ..... t.i.wl.iuinrioralHl SK ir&jV'?r. 5 .t.Sr:, rJESKn" to V,rc, t iwiMs l:stiOKui-U Hum lawnlliwlo ef aSHi.:!imiynr C3 WjW $s,m tUjMI va.TW o o Si .JAJfCAKY. 10 IV $, Jw "P"WV W-T Jifrrpow, ht swrf w" Fvma lcttead lw ww Sr Iterr. ftr rn w I rom liurtfcuMl KAW "- B J - rr From Artfrfct " " TalTaliU' - reuBCAW. r- tJmrnmnJL ncrOlter. Fro Iortian.1 ' Sh .wnT - i9Stf 1 "' '" ..!.. I'lu Van. IfijMM. air.. I M Call! 'I" I iw iwn h - . n u. Itfmr I -3aV tji j s. a. ncwuxe: xat-W MJm "ZSA CJ" ; SiftT. o Dtf .. fcJtr-r ijft: .Cci? 5&aSJ.? P&S2KBKs&n I . Jsjv- 4. ?4b ' ---'r , i vvftL vaas -w TiRrr.-viiM J gJiC g rs&&m$ 2 " . mtot&DC -B'JRIAPS,l .LoSc J tyVSVATLV onnir -rJ?3 - - i z. tut i iiim n r v FACiFiG COAST ftGSMTS FOR 1 J. R. LEESOH I CO., BQSTGF, H!LLS AT Illl'l, ""- ".."! ' i, ,h. iM-i;;l.v.a.u,ca :- ! U '-.. - ' -: '-v: "i ' lXlltlt. - I From American Iort. Orient. br. 2 t. WiMmwm. t Merew. ?h. Wl taap. Ie. ; t Dee Gortea.sh Phlaipwa. . ymsirs.!. teas. New Trk. Jm j,l,rv S SaadlfMd. A sh. 1I5 US MWP. OhveShoBtlwrd Am I'hiladlpb anh .raimyra. A ri.. iWf 1m Merf X -JUtolMwuwt-. lM.Mlkjtt J IS elnmlH. M, J to. trmM. . Y . ? Oarrie Win-Jo. Am bV.HJJ e lnK- -delpbia Feb 2i A bee KucV. Am 5 'h1ibk I'rom Frclc I'ortN. ArUiwald. br . I9W . Mibba. UmW. AdoU. 8e. 1V. t88 I-iBMi. Ortten- bare. Oct 18 . Aree. gr bV Craton Gau Rw Janre Jan G aBlotVde.br bk : UW.BnoliiMlm S- nania t OrossSold. br bk. Liverpool. March -G oI.HntjolAsrbrbk.4se tons. Alexander OUff. cij of Acra.br bk. 1071 tnK YobB. MHKime. jCtanSranU br bV. t. Jiw ' IvenwJ. CrfoLf Am 1V6Mti.X- "fHskiB " Doxford. br bk. L.verrool Mrc..S V1 Bthol. br bk. 1 !. CinlMM. Ul " KadornoSbuMlct. Se bk Bmux. Oct I Geo B.ler. br k WW 1. Kv4r. ekbaa Glonnabcr.br bk.loadiiRttLvtrpeel. - Smo Iredale. br bk (S3 ton.. Slop. VIoleHt, -i.- v.v tiAK lti43 Janeiro Jaa 31 raatba.br bk S7 ten. W-U I-rpol. xia Ic- tona uoi. " . . v.ia tun Ilalker Livri4 March? Hirer AIM". " ' - ... j,- Solkirkebire, br sh UK tMe. Andeten. f m CardiK Si'dla. I5r bk I teas McGliwhan MHldbjberei Jan u . , Scottbh Bard, Br bk. IiockbaHB- -" " Victoria Croi.. br bk. 089 tw. Oir. CaloHtU. Zoc. brbkl.ivnoel Victoria Jan 3 THE MARKETS. Astoria Jtlnruow. BSrXKH-Cheic rj.ll.: SToU. V BKV:W; Mutton bgl. By the SltlS V bbl.: ord irk Mte r IIoxkv.- im trattw "V?. "h.m nKiKiirKi'ri-UtecKberriwate. lrnM6 31ffi!eFKM..IinM 5ZjS.vftir frMC0s& e o bel. m,. CMuona 4t5e-y ' Sun LMUrte 3irkcW. Tjtal.. - Km tVMifcind . P . rL. tim.tj r Jkmmtm. Vwm lVMtfcrtnlJWI Waittr ' Khmh lNwltan! 21 121 rife whtwt - vm. varttwd i7.i r :."j!J35 T.44 SlKm T JJvcrj. ir Dm. . AMrw e;js.HHWi. w ! -WT. I rur:2lItrSISa ! .. " 2jo . --. 1SI BnJ Ci fcii Sanaa 'jy awMW Hi dU&l C4 n lifei. ..J35M2t. If SlL k tit iu&mS flrfx Hew Ck7?rX4as. 5m jsaxn- jGfm&fBEl , . . . . - iv" fCTl ( fp'ri xaa ... . B.riB B'H.S m &tkZ&?&W rsa a a ri.t f t 3: kvsc luv-tn cii sa u eu - .MISCELLANEOU.S. MAGMS'C. GR0SBT; (Valer in TwUil I'WWH rwlllWld 1S.1S2 rts WlMJJt !. -.T-. MmiMKlt. wcr-irKT. fhh. 1-1 g Tr!rrS Ttatl . .... ... ..w MAIHTII. li T QmecJ, per llmlMta. Mr ivwili.Mil a HI otU wheat .1,)0 l.Tu (immtUtwH, icr Serictt. v., v..r!iiMl i.m'.cUt whot SXW T J-fc,7fwF.cr liitcrmk. e.'J"U U"K nrti ............ ." T.1 . ..- - ?f.. IVirtlMiid lil.UTrtkwlwut 5S,116 l'n rortlail2i.4( a-.whl 27, l'roin PortlMid ia bWs ftiwr W Total .SW url PonUiMl 21.H' ctk "beat ?32,000 alirays Curoi asd s:ovGr cliaap poiat. T2i3 -srorld's coat P.ii Xitsliovor for Man ad Beast. Cbsap, qniclc and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTOKTA is not Narcotic. Children gro-.v fat upon, IiIot?:crs lil:c, si'iil l:ivsiciaus rccomnicacl CASTOiUA. Itresulatcsllic 15otc1s, cures AYintl Colic, allays Fcvcrsslmess, and dc strovs YVorins. gyTPv1?v?5i'iiMh f T7EI DS SIJ3"2"3Ii'S CA TAIvRII Curo, a Constitutional AntitToto ov tliis tcrxiblo xaala dj. by Absorption. Tho most Important BiiOOVciT sinco Vac oination. Other rcmediou nlay rolioro Catarrli, this euros at sny Htego Icforo Ccnsumptlon set. iu. HARUW ABE: IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. 1 i Pirate ai- Stem HtteB Goods and Tools, m SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, MISCELLANEOUS. HANSEN BROS lkTjl-avf to nollfy tbt- HtWif that they have moved Jrom L ,ht ,wrei w COKNKU ASTOK ANP CA5ft TKEKTS. Near CHjrttrptona'- fluiri. Awl are how ready to r"io orders for all kmd- of CwtnKlstk. to build ainl rejlr SfllJ'S. orS5, BOATS. I7TC. AT LOWEST KATES. Wilson & Fishei DKAXEIK IX I01i3u:Ei:D'7j&-3ELDE3. TllANSPORTATlON LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation OCEAS WIVISIOX. Fov San Francisco. TE VMSHU LEAVES EVEKY FIVE days at :: A. 31.. as foltow : Colusnbln Feb Oregon. Feb 17 iSTeh 4 1T..1. u ta JUAIK'U Aprtl l ; - 23blHy May slHlel'alirorula y.r. s.s. co.; Feb 12 :r f March 14 ......29 ' VI ..28 ....13 IS April!." "!!ZlS JIay"". Eitclit i resenedto cliHtge Meamersor STllUOU(;il TICKETS sold to all the priu cipal cities in the United States and Canada. ggggKJiTrrTyrrCTiHM LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. SHEET IRON TIHAHD COPPER, htS PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchansedfor country pro .i...An.Lni.i it tintp.t iirire.s. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. UKtbu. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CKK5 IMC3 5TRKKT. ASTOSli. The Jtcst of liigev o Cts. a Glass Orders lor the CeletateS ColniMa Brewery Ielt at this place will be promptly attend ed io, River and Rail Division. Columbia, Villamet and Yamhill Riuers. FEBRUAUY 1, 1S31 Stoves, Tin Vare and House Furnishing Goods. . JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A latvc assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand. I rir.Ti.rt. t III lanii for Monl Tu. -Ye. Thu. Fri. Sat. Pallet Wal- j 1 ta Walla. j Umatilla. I S?pomrs! 5AM 5AM 5AMUaM SAM 5 Ait Astoria. Ka- j ml"el?e GAM GAMpAMGAM SAM GAM Vic'na.Xew -.,. VVen'mstr AM pAl Cathlamet. Bay View. j Skamoka- I wa. Brook- L. m field GAM ISAM SAM W istport. PJJ!.' CAM GAM SAM n..iii 7 AM 7 AM AM balem. AI- I bany. Cor- I I vallis. and I I intennedi- I .,, I ate points. 6 A3! BA3l I nvrVKUAL OFFICES: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. McCKAKEX & Co.. ABu.u ou..u -X il JLVXWELL, Ticket agent O. It. & X. Co. JOHN lUl'IB. Centra! Frefeht and rassencer acent. T. F. OAlvEb, Vice lreident and Manager. Chamber of Conimerce or" Astoria. . .:.... .-.--let -mil "ill Mnnilnv of'SmhrTrfMhUhalloftlie v.uiuc it i'h"-. t'hrUUiui Association. o. ; - v .. ... .v ,..-..- KniElits e: Pythias, f Aster Loao. No. C. K.pfT. moetgJ evory WcAiMeday crenins at 'Sxgg o'clock, in tho hall of the A. 0. 1 . V?a Coraot Cheoainui ana nam su. -By rJcr Astoria Lodge Mo. 40, L O. G. T. Uo-ttlar MootinK ovory Tnosday Evening flt7?re'clock. atUood Templar Hall. Che- nHus Street. Astoria, ovor C. L. Barker's SUo Membors of the Order, in soodstand- ns,araiBVitiwaioBu. vw- .yK'Tp Mopdayoach taoath. B7 order w.ux. I Temple lxdge, N o. 7. A. F. A. M. tkirda.UiMl.yf. i ?k ,Boa th. at .., V o'otocK. r. .. ai w . .- ".""".., ,Tf ivitad to attend- By true: of tho W.M. lBKjHiCaBBa..y YM. BOCK. Proprietor. lav BeftTorLioae No. 35. L O. O. T. 5SS5 MeK evory Thursday .wym al i't PCFKM " -- - .-- 1ok' Ull.-r. 01 w --- BRMIt JWerS AWf.L"-,r- t il l (Vimmnn COIISCll. XMRibu-ne(iBr -end ad , Tae- day ut of m iw. w 1 1 o" uMMby the Council. rtanyraMlMW-eiiiv upon wy "". . . ,.- . .i.,, Ainlilur Mil raMr wmuw-. Auditor aad Clark. Vitalizes and Enriches tho Blood, Tonci up tho System, Mafccs Uic wcau Strong, Boilds up tho xiroucc dovm, Invigorates tho Brain, ana CURES Dyspepsia, JTervous Affections, Gen eral TJeDility, lieuralgia, Peyer ana iigue, jriiiaijaio, wiuwuiw Uiarrhcca, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Pemale Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent ever, ana T. T. 11 VKCLAY. T. H. iwaii. HATCH & BARGLAY, rnf MISSION' MERCILVNTS. XX R APTVTrllGHT & SON, Nj. 20 California St., San Francisco, Cal. BOILER MAKERS AMD SHEET innU UDD'PRS. nun t --' -- Do you Imagine what is the Finest sM0KE STArjKS 3IADE TO ORDER and Best Enjoyment and Recreation? tlu.r Canncry .TTZTr.,,- Work Done. -OF 1 to. , , I Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II-rw-N'n chcan San Francisco Bccrsold at . ...Tr"..,:.. 1 waco. uvsiervme auu uiyiuuio. ia inin-t BY MA"' AMI T10JK;iWrl5M.l Wiikat Si -Wl : ler eontnl for Vfy 1 j ...-- a-5na mII I - mi. o suited clf, 9t?w- .. . , r..wsaSSSK5aiS ''' -- . i:aiAH ijuni.t FAMILY l-wvi- 2iZ.TSii- ON CONCOMLY STKEET. Is lK-tter than all the pvnuuutical and siKirt exerches In ihe cout-try. TilE TE5 PIX AliliKVS Ateinpreat ocne in Eiiroj Jiftt wm. ami v.iiyslioiri Astoria s4ay tiehiml.as THE TEN PIN GAT6E Is the Cheaiest. lIwilthitM. wid MMt enjoj- alde annoemtfitt imb- MHtihi. TilE VERY BE&T OK SAN FK VNCISCO National Brewery Bra a.vi fs:i:k u'Sch V1 ! sn C4l. and th grand C"rt"J? playlnt; trtet strain t csaer to ymr r. Conxv.'Vvy it.ady.M.;oy if. C. I.K1XKNWKIIKIC. m-t kkoh-v. rKTAHMPHKll MB. waco, Oysterville and Olympia. llwaco Steam Navigation Go. -&S Until further notico tho Iltraco Sfi2rg. Steam Navigation Co3 steamer GENERAL CANBY, W HITCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, TueMlnjs, and Satnrday, At 9 "A.M., Frldn sate 1-t A. 3?.. and 1 P. 31. I Fort Stetcns, Fort 4'anuy, and 11m ac AVVIt IS IKCIiAKEI WITHOUT ConaecUngwithL.A.LoomIa'tajresfor07S Trrrrrpu NOTICE terville and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat- .--- 1 uriiava. ,-..! : tl.o lnct vtvlo Oil .,SCAd,KmMeIn;lacfonU SHOP.AMOIUI. pjg, And no terms 01 peace "i m every man in Astoria has anew suit of clothes 3IAIM: BY 3IUAXV. l,ookatthe prices: laats to order from - - -1'anLs. CetKiiue French Cassiroore. - Suits irouj ! M. DISEASES ORIGIHaTIXG HI A BAD STAT: OF THE BLOOD, OK ftiAAmrMtiLu oi DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYROP SHftftJKSS.'SSffBKSS Leinenweber & Co., Vlpor and 'cvv Life ia all part : -ya I BEINU tKtt. fKUJil rtu.unu . .- m ots; clear Ore?HMies, M913!(c , 100: Onions, ml. Slfcl perlW; & low. Sl5l 30 per 10. EGGS-Califonti8,:5747o V dox; Ore- walia-wauu u.no, v -",7, r .,,... BUTTKK ANP CHKUE-Lxtr fellCV to choice, 43rl7K cts; Pickled. 40 cts. 'sros-inivViKtaSKc lb; Canary, 3JK c; Alfalfa, I4i.'cj Timothy, i 21C p 1". ,.,! Itnsinncc in a jobtaSs W a Wfec for standard grain. TtsVBBtSSSB 92. Ag effects are not foHowed Ly correspoadi-g rcac qpth W FOWI.E fc SON'S. Broprktofs, 8 Hanisoa Axauc, Bostoa. Soki by ?11 Druggsls S8 CU Vi50 Si 00 Tli nnt line of samples w the coast to vflVet froi ' iKA-'s x MwlSit Tailor. Parker llse. Aston. MRS. DEKBY I.KALKK I MILLINERY GOODS Fare to Fort Stevens 0ct3 " Canby and llwaco St 00 s-Uwaco freisht. by the ton, in lots of one ton or over. $i 00 per ton. jwrFor Tickets. Towaeo or Charter apply either at tho offico of tho Company, Gray 3 wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captatfl f onboard. ., ,-, ,t J. 11. JJ. UUAl, AilUk! Oregon & California R.R Co iVT35 ln For Youngs River and Knappa. ....... urniinilt. Ml. AH AMTLRllinUS MfcUUR rh" s,,!,,M"r tt- S ia-inarable. They stimiUato VrA 35: I'CH iLD IjIVE,inviccrate the Jji v - r. W. 1 1 AM .;?iET. MI.!. - - ilAMf.U -i-'-"- ? . .. -,.--. -.-a. 1 ...... .... ., .. m v.uittf!s mver .'issvsTSItL Etvetori8toinoxx3A--i nm huki- it-sum.. " " .:.jt1m;. Xljuv.w .-, -- . - -tet Is mmy ior inam-r w j dresularmoremeatofthsbowe.a. L50,lfr t . ,..,., , I. v. . . flf 63 A?lYI.R5fil&RlAL , t nnInii ashnirasaprcvenir- ircanacurcforBiUous, Bomittant, Inter- nutteat-'X!ypnoiaxove, A-e. Upon thohcclthyaon.of Jw .."j"t T.m "arr1a. rilrnOJf -nacii ana jlov g crrrtJ iyt Uiciieaiuioi uwu -- nvPPPSl&. ram- . , , -! n lb Itiaforthocuroonhiatoaisndiaav. ViJ,TTr5nriedaunles,.KwCtS. W .w -?i "... r.? -mrrrTk riTTR. IIEV JL U - ' " . a . . lr1AA f nniSanT rl I inH fiT "' Loriforsl.ccu; 1 .-, nNESS.ESPCr,ENCY,CON- fitim:- iirrf.11. iiillii. xvtuACP -- .w--w-J -w- - : -1 -,, ... iai rrniXi 1700. - tiPA-noN. gi. ? tcaJ- '-' TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of Onited States Coast Survey. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERB AID CMRIER8, ManWswtitrers and Importers oi l I.L KINDS OF xYND FINDINGS'. WTHdc-.de Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. SlANUFACTUREttS OF Br. Warner's Health V& nr.TJfiT?. sfA 3fcOat '.', Astoria at rzaBMtiL'ii 1 3IKS. DKlIlli t it- ....i.. if..il itnltillmr enr- ncr of Main awl bqiieinohe .streeic. ?TTF. ASTORIA Photograph Gallery BOOTS and SHOES Hich Water. p.. "Low Water. A.M. P.M. nolo a.m. o" 7 31 8 C3I 1 37 2 43 lir.ZZlO 31 11 171 4 46 5 U 11 Till 27 H 501 5 42. 5 50 12. u -I- 6 3- g 25 Snz 0 22.:z: 1 osL,... 7 e m 15 ZZ 0 52 1 51 8 07. . 32 lLPBON, gII.ES.&c., that the ,ul3la.70KameaHr.11 " w'u -' I,o remedy was over discovered that oca sJ speedily anaKeauyiiv": T " "I .TmilateTood. TM3aocmpU?hed, th; ifOUBISa. aiidthe30DYIiO- Pt-rhTremedy feirly and you - Zl j r?-r,oTf nl mind. Btroas JM ervea, imu w - - . at? OI nTaml V St it. yrtcogc. " "; j, TUTT'S HAIB DYB. 0 -. Vkltnrli Color, and acts inrjsutuwwr f? rJ. qk Mfinrav St.. Nev York C.VItI SIZE aIIOTOKAPHS. Si 50 Per Dozen. CABlXBTSISSn WIOTOCKAWIS S4 OO Pr Dozen. r3.Serial rates for families. r K. .IAPRIXS. A. MOSTKOMKKV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Hagee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTOltlA, - OREGON. na-IIfchest cash pnee pnkl for. tdes and Tallow. THIS PAPER Xewspaper Advertlsln; Strcct),ivncn; aavcr may bo found on nio at Geo. I. Tiownix. & Co's TJorcau (10 Sprnco SAINT WEAEfST'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - " 01.fc.GUiN. mins INSTITUTION. UNDEB CA11E OF T the Sifters of Chanty, is now ready for C.SUrmsthe accommodation of 3SSaSWL patienPt is fee to and his the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United StatcH Marine . TT tl Tlnao in nntl- ..irgLnffSrentonrathbHqs- new ." k.ww.- ti.ii. mnct nA no Tta 25. Z3iS3?AZ: ASTOBIA. OREGON, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilot and Fancy Articles, PATENT EEEDICIBIES, ETC. eyBrescnptIons carefully compounded at all hours. -Homeopathic Tinctures and relicts, and Humphrey's Specifics also kefbr. ....t your legal blanks at The SgaVVrSE astobSs office, a full lme of over Jg. 35 Murray St., New York g,. for u ta two hundred styles. ' 1 Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carryinc V. S. 3Iail8. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commandet Will leave Port Townsend for the above Oh jmi a'ter Oct. 11, 1. trains will ran as fol low, :Ail. hxeapt tnnday?). FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBUHG. M1L TR.IW r 1UYK ARRIVE. Portland. .1tV: A. 3I.KetelMi.70P. M lSMrs.JiAHI A. M.I Portland 1AP 2,1 ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE ARRIVE. PortlaaS l.l.AM P. M.l Lebftnonn.au P. M LtlMwSZlzlS A. 3I.Portland.-10:5A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. ,,..,rn MTtTVK. .."'h, irir...(i. .KrOOP.M iaBSzS;SA:Si:pi5ffip.M The Oregon and California Kaurowi.r crry makes coanoelion with all RegularTrains on Bastsule tiiviaion. wRSTsinic Divtsrox. rroin I'orXlnnd to CorvnllH. Mill. TKtX ,.,... LEAVE. ARIUE. Portland U:00 A. M.ICorvalh; ..".:00 P. M Corvallu b:30 A. 3I.l'ortland J0 P.JM Closo connections are made at ROSEBURQ withtheStasosof tho Oregon and California Staso Cpuii-ony. u.wrSw;fti ..nini. ; ri;fr.m?a nnd tho Ea-t. at tho Company's OEce. . n , Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, ugnt Storage will bo charged on freight remain- ng atCompanys Warohouso ovor 21 boars. Freisht will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M.onEastaido Pijuion. and o'clock P. M.on)csLnde Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Oen'ISup t. E. P-Kightand PaengerAgentj Astoria and Ei.napiton. Regular Mail and Passenger Htonmcr ItOSKTTA. C. BROCK MAbliis ea-Will leave Knappton for Astoria and return dailj'. ,,.TT I CARRYING THE D. S. MAIL. ..-, . lUMnmhlMi enables her to AiSU llilt: t ri"" ".' ,ii carry wood or freight of any kind. ar For charter, freight orpww, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. w . taso-s store torn House. Sisters of CiiAiUTr. Wanted. i r rrrf POUNDS RAGS'OF all kinds a XO,JUV clean and dryat tne umDreiia Ed. C.HUGHES. Purser, j shop. Main street, by j.JUr-iaiM.