ri) Site tnilx$ gvSlbcrmx, Columbia River Exports. jnSCELLANEOUS C5. . BRYANT. S. A. VrWLLZ. ASTORIA. OREGON: SURDAY... .APRIL 10, 1SS1 COMMERGEAND TRADE. riim:icitil. liver, at iwr. Cats axekaaico on San Prxeue M t et Coin e.bnca New Ywk taring par; solHite. 4 1 iwrwmt. Legal T tMtdara ir. Telegraphic traiwfar Now Ywk 1 ior cent. prmitMHi. FORT OF ASTORIA. JlXAftr PO SKA. (MhmUi. m XX Umw Ram & V. Aurit C n.MVtin. UMr'Wrtit.rMH.YaiMa ta April OrNM . mm. INhhwrn. K K April VMh. WIA.W i . PtKM. Qmwwin th Wiftinul. but. a MM. l4rt.N ! Mcfc 2. ilM la. fcr. bk. tt tone TVtMfwin. Urwynt. ObNML brhk. H Umm. MaatM li ittlttM&S WJ Jt4. T tax ! wMl AmI M0rf "aliiorai. .. tM . iimm. fM K K A IMurfa k. hr bk. IIM Ion. PfcrkiT. Y-mw. April r. (Mm Rtefrfwri. brVfc K Urn. Yukttuumn AH Tertfc Bew4 Wet mm Merry maw r K April I Jbritt) Cknto br bfc "3 ts. llarri. Xort. JhitC. m (JhkytMui Atnl 1 Ttmriaod fwttio. br t l-H Umm. fcluMghai April 1' Kivvl. Ms. S Urn. AdnM. fe. 1'. Marfc SoeUMh Vmtn. br Mi. Yokohama. March 34 Canaea. t. iMM . TnwferMli. N. 'V . rta Jtfo, Match J Kate .mm! A . vleaw -ok. 31 Veins, Lat jb. G rays Il&rtMW J as 24 Smbrtek. IT S Mxht-bount! ttr- ilrrsa, crime Iel I'KSSKLS OA TV HM J'. From American Por$. ViHanwtt. .ym to s V March 2 Spirrow m b March 16 Orient, briff. 112 leas. U'iMuhhk. .S K Merest, sh. 1901 twift. Lowell. N Y Dee lb Gerten. bh Philadelphia. Jan 13 Umpire, sh. 1 1 J! te. N 1'eric. Jaa It Henrv S Sand ford. Am s'.i. tlW tw, Slipper. N Y March 2i Oracle, h IfcSO tHK. Morjmn. Philadelphia Mohtt OIivoS beat hard Ami 6 PhitaieiiAlia Mareb Palmyra. Aw all. iJ1 tow. Mertef N Y Mareh2 Kate DaveuperL Kb Hit tuafl. Aiallett N Y Jan 1 Columbia. Kb 1-JTi tonn. t'Vrnulil. X Y. Jan 20 Carrie Wmstaw. Aw bk. tns. lsnnc. Phila delphia L'eb Si Alien IJucV. Am fch lowlinf; N Y From I-4rcicit IflM. Alilfn B?te.Aiii bk. 812 ton. Xoch. HeDRienc. April Aduha. Spanihh bk .Stinlej K I, Jan 2 ria Victoria Airnes Usurakl. br th. 13jtf tens!. MeUibbon. Cardiff. Dec 10. Adolf, Swe. h. hiS tens. Rinmanton, Gottcn- burc. Oct W Arso. gr Mc fiWtens. Ga7xi Hi Janiero Jan 6 Huston Yale.br 1A. 5b7 tons. BucViGcbam YeLo- haraa Fob 1 Orossfield. Ir bl.. Liverpool. March Vfi County ef Ayr brbk.4W ton. Alexander Cardiff. Kov 9 City of Acra.br bV. 1971 tone. Young. Melbourne. Novo Clan Grant, br bk. HP teas. James, f m Liverpool. JCov 2 Coloma-Am bk8S3 tens. ? oyes. Hongkong Jan 13 Counters of KothM. br bk Gibralter Feb S3 Doiford. br bk. Liverpool MarcJ 3 via Victoria Ethel, br bk. 4SS tens. Grabata. Liverpool. Sov'JO Faderneblandct. bwe bk lterdeanx. Oct 12 Geo Bewier. brsh KU twt. Bewluw. Yokohama Glengabcr. br bk, loading at Liverpool. Lizzie Iredale. br bk H3 tons. JtosKep. Liverpool Aug 13. Ma Honolulu and Victoria Ianon King br bk 93 tens Hio Janeiro Jan 31 Pasitha. br bk SS7 tons. We&t, Liverpool, via Vic toria Oct 15 Kivor Aon. br bk HO llolkor Li verpeal Mareh'3 Selkirkfahire.br bh. llK!tm, Anderson, fm Cardiff ov2o Sidlavr. iSr bk 4W tens MeGlaokan Mtddioboreugh Jan 12 Scottish liard. Ut bk. IlsckhBHiptnn. March 19 Victoria Cross, br bk, MW tea. Ouren. Caloatta. Zoc, br bk Livriel via Yiotona Jan 3 THE MARKETS. Astoria 'Inriiots. Flour. Suporfino Si C); Lxtra $4 75; Corn Meal f, cwu 8 59; Buckwheat cwt 6 00. BuTTEtt Choice roll, 253 cts. V H CuiJKMt.-tJlat'Hjp dairy Lsic Eggs. 1W eU 1 doz Cbiukons, S-l 00. FitRsii .Mkats. Cboico chU. Lamb. 10c; Boor b10 : l'ork 10 ; Muttou b10. By tho carcase be Meats. Breakfast bacon 1H(1" por B; fides lSxli'c; hHiu lt;y17c: shoulders lOftl'ic: smoked bettf l."xU.se: corned beef C10&12 bbl.; txtrnod pork lite . Bkans. k,l ct. Lvrb. In tins ai eaddiee ITfUelMb. IIONKV.-lHfrain4te: in 1rp -He DitiKD Fkoitu. lJluekbwnKK:; l'ntaas 12Jlc. Mua. Frn. Bran ?I"I8V t : elri food S-M: ftk t O : liny cawxu Tfum. Oats. .Acewdinit to tttalkr.iK-ieM nuR frem M&BL ot ix buiLl Vkot-w.(s. Potmoc l' e. Ts ; 0aie6 45e W . San PraiicfM-o 3lrlict.N. KV MAIL AK1) -riUjHOKAl'H.l "VViikat Si 40tgl 45 iMsr cental for good stiiihir. OATh l :x)vl (" ctl. Wool Oregon, Valluv 2730 cte, 3 lb. Eastern Oregon, 1Sjj2I. iliDits llcjivy salted UK:; lijjlit, do 9c; salted calf, ywjlo. Family 1'isovimoxs ISacon, 13013X cts: cluar Oregon sides, I313c; )iaH, 12K13 cts. Baulky Coabt feed 0js cts; lirew inj: Si 051 20 y ctk Hay Wlicat. LTlS, Oat. ll M 14. Barley, $10tl4 V Uhi. Vkoktawlkn l'otat(M'. KTHg!." ct ir 100; Onions, red, Sll 5a iiurlOO; Yel low, $1$1 50 per 109. Egos California. 3747c ff doz; Orfe gon, 40e V doz.- Flouk Oregon extra, $i S"$4 r0; Walla-walla extra, 4 i"K5?4 50. Butteii and Ohkii.sk Evtni fancy Butter, 40 cts, y lb; Fmh roll, rimkI to rholce, 4517 cte; Piekled, 40 cts. lb. Skbos FInx,2K-'Kc 19 ; Canary, 33Kc; Alfalfa, Hlf.c; Timothy, lie -$ . Bags There is a good business in a jobbini; way at fyid&Xc for standard grain. FnuiTS Dried apples, 5G cts. lb forqrs.; 53b' for sliced; rears,8fei0c; Plums. 5(gG, pitted 131j; Peaches, ll 13c; peeled. 17(520. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States CoastSurvey. High Water. Low Water. Sate. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 7 8 0 10 31 12 13 15 36 ... b 25. ... 7 31 ... 8 32 ZlO 31. .'."Z 11 27 !Z 6 22."!n!I 0 52 . 1 27. . 8 07. ... . 8 51)1.... . 9 49 .10 Sflj ... .11 171... -11 SOU. . 0 11... . 1 0o.... . 1 5l.... . 2 3SU.. , 0 30... 1 37... 2 41... 3 46... . 4 40... , 5 42... , G35 7 23 8 07 8 40.. 1 48 2 43 3 37 4 3C 5 11 5.V) C 25 6 58 7 32 ... 8 07 Get your legal blanks at The Asjorian officer A full line of over two hundred styles. DECKM15EE. 13 To Liverpool, per Clilldci. From Portland 12:277 Litis flour.... " Astoria 825 ' .... $56,47K - 3,900 TtU ..13.102 l'row AMiniit 3.219 e salmon..... SCOOTS ic,o TotatalHe cargo S7C.I70 1 T QcentiHcn, per Latta Rwkh. Frm Portland 25.927 il whottt. 1 T Qtect4. per Irvine. FrtHN PtHlbwd 21.311 cite wkont. 2 T IArerptt. per Ijargg. l'rtMH Pwrtbwd lljtSKMiK mr... " AMtHW 1 " " Tt.. . 11.71W STT- tfmvmlmtm. per Ctmmdm. wm Porliaml 2I.W ir wtmtu. 021 551,001 313 As4KtH ,1W " ... TMafc. -ta-s; H Tt (jmremrtmim. par Rutmvrc. 1'pmm PtMlUuMl 2..1U ette vrha( jtTm fturrnttBvm.prr lUmtm lhM. Ftmm lrTjHl3f,47 etis wlwat AIM1 7.WB ..... .flMH tt.7l - ll.tWI Til WJS (CW.7M lAM'AKV. X--T Qnrtmrtnam, per Itmtg MUkm. Vim PMtlMMi22.4tWctiNW(Mt( $3tS0 it-Til rWlnOlHP. JUT qw. Krwn l'Mtlawl 3 rtfc. wtrt...S 12 -71 lAtcrpn, per Star iK XmHh. Ftwm rnrtltM !! M4 duwr. .4.r. H T Lcrji, per iAirt Aer?. Frant I'MrtbUHt r&5S7 MM oir. o fratt " SSr tttlMMI . l'tWM AiltHU 1 - .. 2.VO IIM - 2J&I Ti(m1 -aif . . ..., --ZJ rKfltU'AttY. 1 -TV lAtpL,pr Otter. Vwm VrttiaifA 4 bMsttNwr. ..Mi 4. cup wfcnrt kMa 2gKWWlMMllt I3.IM T0l S4X 2 7V. I'mUiumik, per Prmiud. Knmm Pmtbu4 .' oUk ml $2.127 1 7V lAwrpmt, per Afbnm. KrtHM PwrtbUMl && MstuMonr. -v7 PrtHN I'Mrtltuwl 24 111 ells wheat .2X T lAterpwA, ter I)okp. l'rHH lVNiiaml 17.13ft j-k lkwr.... .VM(rat 184i omwhhhi. . TW 1W,0S T lArerpffH, jcr Durham. Fnm IVrtlaHd 11"m oils wkeat. 8Jri WiK Hir A4rfa tfW cs salHHMi .S1C.OW . 3,4fl0 ..?Mri THal . Tt Jim4iHm, jer CeraMcr. Frwi PoitlHMd i.W! OH wheat 24,ee 23--T Lfmrpt, per Archer. FriHH I'rt!aHl 12.071 ctfe wheat 7.201 irtafc, floar... TiHal SISCO MAKCII. VI T QKXMfiKW, 7KT Dn4irn. Fnmj lSirtlaad 3,441 cll-s wheat .551,000 ...59000 .520V2 33,071 12. io ijiteeHwncm, pereriea. 1'iow Portland 2I.8A6 ctls whont... T Liray!. ycr Uyerak. Fnim Portland 15.01a c4i wheat . . 8.W bW llottr Total f ?5G,022 22 To QucawtmoH, per GlcmenrH. From Portland 21.4 17 ctb wheat .S23.41S 2 To QHCcnticn. per Viola. From PotlluiHl 29.403 clfe$ wheat.....S27,G00 A Pit I L. 11 To IArcrivol, per Scottish Fairy. From Portland 12.23 bWs flour $50.13.1 ' Atona OfM cs salmon . 3.CD0 Total .$53,135 Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Regular meeting every lit and 3d Monday of each ihdiUIi. at "4 p. m., hi the hall of the Young Men Christian Association. J. II. A. BOWI.BY. 1'rcsldcnt TTnic'hr.s nt Ptrhlna - , Aster Lodge, fto. 6. h. of P. mootf; evcrj' WcdnoMlay evening at lZvr o'clock, in tho hall of tho A. O. U. TV . Corner Cbonaoiu and Benton streets. By onlor C. C Astoria Liodge No. 40, 1. 0. G. T. Kosular Mooting every Tuesday Evening at7V't o'clock, attiood Templar'a Ilall, Che n a in us Stroot. Astoria, over C L. Parker's Storo Members of the Order, in good stand Be, are invited to attend. Doproe meeting 1st Moaday each month. B7 order W. C. T. Temple L.odge. No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first andSf third Saturday; in ooch month. at7H V o'clock. ! i.. at tho Hall in Astoria. .iemuor m me uraer, in xeoa standing, aro Beaver l,odcre No. 35, L O. O. F. Moot every Thursday weni&s. at 744 o'ciwsk. in the Odd let IskV Hnll.er. of LVvini Che- nawHs Ftrotr. AMna. Meinhersvf tW Order are iavrt4M ti aUuhd. i.rrder. S.i, Common CounciL XmiUi meriting Kosid and fourth Tu day hiiiijcm of each wrtith. a! 7' - u i lock iUT Vntvm-' dinng io have matters -tci mhmi by UirOtumil. at any regular inc-Mnr m unatt M- -unri t !! Auditor and Clwk wr Wforo th Fiiuay evening prior to the Taiay oa which the Council holds iU ratlr meatincs. k. II. OAK DM' ELL. iitiilor and Clerk. -VJJ UE g f lftiSS?e2ES233 A?i AHTI-BIUQUS HEBIGIRL ij rttz n: i t-uiLiuuu inuu:u!iiiL t& ru.K ciparable. They stimulate th" 1 OILl-LD IiIVSU,xiivigorato the MEP.V O U S SYSTEM, Rtve tone' to the DIGL1S Z.'1VE ORGANS, create perfect djcition aadrcsrularmovementof the boweis. AS AK AHTI-MALARSftL They Itave no oqual ; actiac as a prevent i re aad cure for Bilious, Hemittent, later- r-tont Uyphoid Fevers, and Fever and Arae. TJpoa thohealthyactionof the '. t na'di and Iiivor depends, almost - 'oily, the health of the human raco . DYSPEPSIA. Itiu for tbe euro of this diaeaso and iU at tendants. SICK-TTFi AT)ACH, in3HV OUSinSSS. DESPONDENCY, CON STIPATION, PUiES, . that these Fills have gained such a -wide reputation. ICorrmcdy was ever discovered that acts ac bpoedily end Boatly on tho digesfave or rans, giving them tone and vigor to "as similate food. This accomplished, the NEKVES are BRACED, the BRAIN NOURISHED, and the BODY BO BOST. Try this Remedy fairly and you will gain ft Vigorous Body. Pore Blood, Strong Serves, and a Cheerful mind. Price 25c. 35 Murray St-, N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gaix IUxs oa Wbxskcbs chanced to a Gxxssi BUCK by a 4nfde application of this Drr. Itira- Earts a natural Color, and acts Instantaneously old by Drurruts or sent by express oarecciptotSL Office, 35 Murray St., New York Oil 1 ;f is a rissrs esaxisv' ta King Blood Is not a "cure nW." It is a blood-piirineraud tonic. ImminU of the blood oio!u thesvs tem. deranges the circulation, and tlias In duces niaiiv diordfrs. knov.n b dilfercnt iianicslo distiupnh t Ik in Rrrontingto cl fcts. hut being rcallv lra l.cs or phaMS of that great cciK-rh tUsonler. Impurity or Itlooil. Smh arc Jyr;Hi. HlUiiHMir, Lircr ( w.Viii.0n-iii. AVrrH Dh urtler. Jletftoehr, Jiaeknrhf, General Weak te. lftnri Dimor, lrpy. Kidney ltiac. Vile. Ilhcnnafit. (UUnrrh, SrrofMla, Ski Xj..'yIc nt, 1'imiilc. Lwv. StctUimi. tr.. Ae. ILiuK ol the IJInod pp'vcnt.s aiHl eun-s ili-c 1 altacfciiig the nw . Impurity ofthclilooil. ('licnMsand i4istctainsacreV iu calling it "the iiust genuine and cMclcHt imamihMi foe Uh- punrnac.' Sld 1 Dnn: Icfcd.s.Sl pcrlmttle. IcstiitHaiir.Ls. illtc lioua. He., hi pawphlci . "TrcatKc hi I)lca's it the 1'4mmI." w rati-l ariHiud ai-h lndtrc. I) K)M.M)V.(.i..Pn)r5. Riilialo. N. Y. clxraya Curoa aad novcr disap points. Tho-world'ac-catPain.-llcliovor for Man. ruid Beast, Cheap, quick and ro!ia"blc. PITCHBIfS C.VSTOKLV is not Narcotic. Chihlrcii gro.vr fat :ii)on, 3IetItcr: like, and Physicians rcconiincnd C-VSTORLV. It regulates the Bowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Fcvcrishucss, and de stroys "Worms. fZESOE&ZZGM "WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Curo, a Constitutional Antidoto for this terrible mala dy, by Absorption. Tho most Important Discovery binoo "Vac cination. Other remodiou may roliovo Catarrh, this cures at any stago before Consumption sots in. 40wkYJaA rflii iiri BjHfJ innrms Vitalizes and Enriches tho Blood, Tonef up tho System, Makes the TYcalc Strong, Builds up tho Broken down, Invigorates tho Brain, and CURES Dyspepsia, Hervous Affections, Gen eral Ueoility, Neuralgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and ftLL DISEASES ORIGINATING 1H A BAD STATf OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. Sappbestbe bkiod with its Vital Principle, oi Lifo Hlcment, UtOX, infusing Strength. Vigor and New Life into all parts of the ytcm BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL, its encrgk Ing effects are not followed by corrcspondLg rcae mb, but are permanent. SETH W. FOWLE & SON'S, Proprietor. 81 Uarrisoa Axauc, Boston. Sold by aH DEpsts For Youngs River and Knappa. Tlie Steaincr .tffaw C.TV.ilAMLIX, - - PIASTER TMU iHakc rcjmkw- trip to Youngs Ritcr Bin; i iiuj ntra nniipanci imcshij. .Tlie Magnet h rnlv for charter to any imiut oa the Imy. For freight or i.s apdy on ltoard or at I. V. I ac's. THE ASTORIA Photograph. Gallery CAKI SIZE 1MIOTOUKAPIIS, S2"50 lcr Dozen. CABINET SIZE I'laOTOGiCAPIIg S4 OO Pr Dozen. raSiiecIal rates for families. C.K. JACK1NS. J. A. MOXTOOMEItV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Hagee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA; - OREGON. THIS PAPER may bo found on file at Geo. P. Bowzlz. & Co'a Xcwspapcr Advertising sic? Box Bureau (10 Spruce Stroct),vrhcre adver using contract may be made Tor It In NEWYORK. of the at, cf95si&i.--:,e o o PACIFIC COAST ftGEKTS F01 1 J. 3USCELLANEOUS. MGXDS 0. CROSBY Dealer liJ HARDWARE; IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings. PlHiters anA Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON, TIH AND COPPER, Cannery anil Fishermens SnBDlies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Xone but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand. I. T. BAKC'LAY. T. It. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Do you Imagine what is the Finest and Best Enjoyment and Recreation? THE xnv- or MAX WSaSTEEiS ON CONCOMLY STREET. Is better than all the ?ymnastical and .sport exercises In the country. THE TEX FIX ALLEYS Arc in great vogue in Eurojie just now. and why should Astoria stay behind, as THE TEN PIN GAME Is tlie ClR'aiw-st, Ilcaltbicst. and most eiijoy alric amusement to be found. THE VERY REST OF SAN 1TLVNITSCO National Brewery Beer, A-VI FItEE I.L'XCII TVill lie served, ami the grand CiMK-crt Organ idajiug sweet strains to cater to otir ear. Conic. Try it. and Enjoy it. C. LKlNKMVKUXK. HtKAM KKOWX. KSTAltUsllKD 1S5. Leineiiweher & Co., ASTOltIA, OREGON, TAMERS AHD CURRIERS, Manufacturers and Importers ol A U. KINDS OK AND 1TNDLNGS1 TMtolesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES K3-Highest cash iince paid for ides and Tallow. W. S. 33iEtIMCE3ST,, ASTORIA, OREGON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, - Toilet and Fancy Articlesj PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. GoTrescnptlons carefully compounded at all hours. f-nomeopathlc Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Specifics also kept. 3SSirai!H im a is e s!bci iwwii!aataKiauR!iflE mm K. Ltt-blfS C l-t: - 'H.'" -.' MISCELLANEOUS. 2& The 3Zot Nnerestul Itenietlycver dtsccncred.as it is certain in its effects and tlocs not blister. Also cccllcnt for human flesh. Read proof below. From a Prominent Physician. TYashingtomille. Ohio. June 17. 1SS0. Dn. R. J. Kkndall & Co.. Gents : Read ing jour advertisement in Turf. Field and Farm, of Kendall's Spa In Cure, and haing a valuable and speedy Horse which had been lame from spavin elRhteeu montlis, I sent to jou for a bottle by express, which in six weeks removed all lameness and enlarge ment and a large splint from another liors and Iwith horse are to-day as sound as colts The one liottle was worth to me oue hundred dollars. Respectfully jours. H. A. BEIiTOLETT, M. I. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Harrisburg. Ta.. Nov. IS, 1S?0. Dr. R..I. Kknuall&Co., Gents: I hae a er' line mare that has had a bone spavin for a long time, I tried cery thing man could detso to cure it but all in ainand was about to gie it uji when a friend of mine in thLs city came to me and recom mended Kcndalrs Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, removing that bone clear and clean and then I sent 23 cents to you for one of your illustrated Horse Rooks and I think there is no better book printed on the horse anil his diseases. I have taken great Interest in it and have since sold 18-copIes for you to my neighbors and will try and do what good lean by getting them for others. Yours truly. G. TV. MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX JIIOIAX FIiESH. Rakersfleld, Vt.. Dec, V,, 1379. 15. J. Kexpall & Co., Gents: I wish to add my testimony In favor of your invaluable liniment. "Kendall's SpaIu Cure." In the spring of 1&! I slipped on the ice and sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was very lame and at times suffered tlie most excruciating pain. 1 wore a bandage on it for over a ear. and tried most eery tlung in my reach, but could And nothing that would gl e me permanent relief. TVhen 1 overworked, it would pain me very much. In April 1S7S I began to think I should be a cripple for life ; nut having some of "Ken dall's Spavin Cure" thought I would try It. I used one third of a bottle, and experienced relief at once. The pain left me anil has not troubled me since. I feel very grateful to you and would recommend 'Kendall's Spavin Cure' to all who suffer with spraias or rheu matism. Yours truly, Mrs. J. Boutexx, Kendall's Spavin Cure Is sure in iLs effects, mild nuts action as it does not blister, and yet It Ls penetrating anil iiowcrf ul to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any uony growtn or any oiner enlargement. If used lor several days, such as snavins. snlints. curbs, callous, sprains. swellings, any lameness and all enlargements ot tue joints or umus. or rueumatism ui man and for any purjoseforwhlcJi a liniment Is used for man or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man -ever used, act ing mild and yet certain In its effects. It is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send addressfor illustrated circular.which we think gives positive proof of its irtues. No remedy has ever met with such uiuiunli fled success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man Trice SI per bottle, or six bottles for S5 ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get it for j'on, or It will be sent to any address on re ceipt of price by the proprietors. DR. R. J. KENDALL & CO.. Enosbureh Falls, Vermont. SOLD B? ALL DRUGGISTS. MRS. DERBY HKA1.5-.K IN MILLINERY GOODS fgj Or. Warner's Healih COKSET sfl-S JCiti only be purchased in Astoria ar, MESS. DERBY'S. Masonic Hall Building, cor- ner of Main and Squemoiilie ft streets. S.a.KJS'T HE-SUR.'Sr'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON. THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of anydesiring them. I'atieuts admitted at all hours.day or night. No physician lias exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Illarlne Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United Stares Marines at the Cus tom House. . SlSTEllS OF CUAIUTV. Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carryins: U. S. HaMs. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander TY1H leave Port Townsend for the above ports on the first day ot each month, 1881. Passengers and freight taken from Port land and Astoria. Ed. C. HUGHES. Puner. jgllrf' rvt-WULL 'Q. X. NvlWvL-Z? ?ife4f it i TRANSPORTATION LINES. I Oregon Railway & Navigation C'01flAA"V. ovrjtslnxisioK. For San Francisco. STEAMSHIP LE.VVES EVERY FIVE days at:: A.M.. as follews: "..T AT Columbia. Oregon. Feb 7 Feb. 17 ' 22 Mch 4 Mcli U " 1!) " 21 April 3 April 8 ; is May "inZTs ' "Z.Vs Male California (f.c.s.s. CO.) Feb 12 March 14 April 13 2S May is Right is reserved to change steamers or sailintr days. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEBRUARY 1, 1SS1. Leave Fort" land for 1 Mon Tu. We. Thu. Frl. I SAM 5AM 5AM 5AM SAM SAM 6AM 6AM 6AM 6AM CAM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 6AM 6AM Sat. Dalles. Wal la Walla Umatilla. and up n v er points. Astoria. Ka- 5 AM 6 AM FAJI lama. Taco nixbeattle Vic'na. New est znstr Cathlamet, Kay View, S katnoka- vi. BrooL- teld W e s t D ort. 0 1 i ft on. Knappa. Dayton ..-.. balem. Al bany. Cor valhs. and 6 AM lnterroedi- ate points UKXEICAL OFFICES : Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MrCRAKEN & Co.. Agents State of California. A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co. JOHN M UIR. General Freight and Tassenger agent. T. F. OAKES, Vice President and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go. ZrpFrs Until further no tic o tho Ilwaco sakai Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, WHITCOMB . . MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, At 9 A.M., Fridays at C I- A. 31., and 1 P. M. Fort Sfctens, Fort Canby, and Ilitac Connecting with L. A. Loomis'stacoafor Oya torvillo and Olympia, on Tuesday'3 and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens; . 50cts " " Canby and Ilwaco $i 00 csrllwaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, SJ 00 per ton. K-tTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter apply either at tho office of tho Compuny, Gray'a wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D. GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R Co Kit an alter Oet. 11, issj). train.- will ran aa fol low?, DAlLi' 'Laet Minday), .S7S:iK DIVXslOX. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. MVIL TRAUl LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.RoelHrg.7:eo P. M Ro3eburgJj:00 A. M. Portland 4-25 P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M. Lebanon U.20 P. M Lebanon 4:15 A. M.l'ortland...lO:03 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 A. M.I Junction B:0t) P. M Junction- ...5:13 A. M.I Portland 5:25 P. M Tho Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastiide Di ision. wkstsiuk mviaiox. From Portland to CorvnUis. MAIL TKMX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland b:00 A. M.ICorvaliis .-5:W P. Mi Corvallu b:.!0 A. 3I. Portland 3:20 P.M CI030 connection are made at ROSEBURG with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. &rTickebforaIe to all thoprincipal points in California and tho Eat, at tho Company'a Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn) Storago will bo charged on freight remain' ngatCompanys Warehouse over 2i hours. Freight will not bo rccoivedfor shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, and (J o'clock P. M.on w ostsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Asent Astoria anil Ikiiappton. Regular Mail and Tassenger Steamer ROSETTA, C. BROCK , MASTER BE3-WH1 leave Knappton for Astoria and return daily. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her to carry wood or freight ot any kind. oar-For charter, freight or parage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. . Case's store. Wanted. 1 K AAA POUNDS RAGS OF all kinds JLt)VVV clean and dry, at the Umbrella fc"6" shop, Main street, by J.JOPLIN.