'""?. ni gto nijtxj stotfau. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY ...... APKIL 10, 1BSJ ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday Excepted). D. C. Ireland. Kultor and Proprietor. Adorian liuHdhtq, Cats Street. Terms of Subscription : borvod by Cftrrior. por weok .....25 Coms Sent by mail, fr inontLs.....-...i fa Sent by mail, one year .. 9 "9 Froo of Pestazo t Subscribers. c33Adrortieraom ineerted by the year at the rate of SI 50 per square per month. Transient sdv&rtisinj;. by the day or week, fifty cents per square for oach msertiR. The XfceUly A-lormn. Is n mammoth slieet, exactly double the size of the Daily. It is jut the iw ler for the fireside, containing in addi tion to all the current news, cltolce mis cellany, agricultural matter, market im ports, etc It is l innisltcd to single sub scribers at $2 00 per year in advance. 3TA limited ntmioer of small adver tisements in.-erted at established rates. "THEOIT. Tint Daily astokia' rM )e taU tv mail at7R cento a moHth.frccof portage. I.'ooa ers toJto cmtemtlatcalK,Kcr,frm Hie ctiy can haw Tim astokiax foltmo Ihrm. Daily nr Wkkkly sdijw to ijuj pt-it&ce ictOi- out additUtMl txpeiwc. -irfreex nav he enaayeti w of lei: ox uwirod. Ixinrc order it the couHlinu room. The summer resurts about Astoria are busy preparing for an active season. Several canneries will send out boats to-morrow evening. A few go out this evening. The steam tng Tacoma, in this port yesterday from Puget-sound, is a very large, line vessel. Pikes' restaurant building at Il waco, just completed is twenty-two by forty foot in size, two stories high. One of our boys, Thos. H. Crang, first oflicer of the Katata, piloted the tug Tacoma into port yesterday from fort Canby. Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Elboison arrived in the city last evening, and are stopping at Judge Bowlby's, on Court street. The water-works .it Ilwaco will be complete on the first of May. The pipes run 1750 feet from the fountain head, and furnish a fall of fifty feet. --Hanthorn & Co. are now ready to begin the work of constructing net racks to accommmodate twenty boats at Ilwaco. Pishing will begin May first. Mr. Charles Christie is now in charge of the Pendleton Orcgonian. His cotemporary of the Tribune gives him a good send off. Charley is de serving. Several of the Occidont Packing company's boats will begin fishing to night. Their .establishment is now in running order and ready for the first catch. Messrs. Hansen Brothers 'are now prepared for business at their new shop on Cas street for boat building and general work in the line of carpenter ing. See advertisement. Miss Lizzie Norrishas arrived i and is ready to receive limited num ber of pupils fortution on the piano. Call at the OccidcnC for a few days or on F. C. Norris, Astokiax Office. llev. H. iIC Hmes, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, will preach and conduct the quarterly meeting services f the M. E. church in the Baptist church, to-day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 v. m. Love Feast at 10 o'clock. The statement yesterday that of ficer Joo Day got his man off the steamer was a prevarication the man got Day. In other words, when tho officer undertook to find the prisoner, he was compelled to indorse the writ non est inventus. The fellow had skipped. If Sam Gray did lose the tips of three fingers from one of his hands, he has n't lost his grip. Whenever you want a saddle, or a harness, or a bug gy cushion, remember that Sam has a shop in Astoria, and that his tugs are made as strong as the tugs of war al luded to by Howe, Dryden, et a I. The law compelling fishing boats to carry lanterns is denounced in energetic terms hy the fislrermen. They claim that it is not at all bene ficial and that many reasons exist -why the lav,' should not be enforced. If the parties interested will briefly state their grievances wo will publish the communication. The Puget sound tug Tacoma, came over to tow the sliipCanada to New Tacoma, the home of her present owners. The tug "stopped" onDes demona sands to scrapo the barnacles off her bottom. Puget sound is an in'and sea, and barnacles cover the bottom of vessels over there with as much alacrity as the teredo bores down tho wharves erected at those ports. A Mother's Griet Would tliat we could satisfactorily answer the piercing words and pitiful implore of the writer of the following lettor; but alas, none can tell more of the sorrowful story of the ill-fated Lupata than has boon told. Thirteen bodies were all that came ashore, so far as any person can aay, and those were in such condition as to be be yond recognition. Perhaps some readers of The Astokiax may be able to contribute a word of comfort to that poor mothers Iteart; if so, we shall be glad to comniinicaie it to her: Stockholm. March SUi. 11. Editor Atouia:c: Sin: Excuse nt troubling yon. un known as 1 am. with a private afikir, but as I know no other to apply to and it is of a very serious matter to me, I feel quite sure that yon will forgive my boldness, and favor ine with what knowledge you have in the matte". My stepson Carl Peterson sailed on board the English ship Lu pata, which was wrecked off Tillamook rock 3d of January last. I heard of the wreck lately aud wrte to the secretary of Lloyd's for information and he gave me what he knew, which, however, was very scanty, and further sent me a. letter from the managing ownor of the ship. From this I learnt the date of the wreck and that the whole crow were lost together with some other particulars,which, however, appear to have been gathered rather hastily. He told nie moreover that he had part of this from your jmper. As I, however, want to know more about my ill-fated sons end, as 3011 easily can imagine, and my poor wife, the boys mother, still more wants it, I have thought that yon perlmis would be kind and gWe me the particulars about this unhappy accident you can not but possess. 1, therefore, beg that you kindly would toll me all that you know about the wreck, the situation of the place and whether all the bodies there were twenty-three on board have been found. My stepson was twenty-four j'ears old. with oval face, large nose and of a goodly shape. For my probably bad American and for my importunity. 1 once more beg 3'our excuse. In hope an iwwr from you, I sign with greatest resoccr, 3'onr most humble servant. Pf.K Ckokiihoih:. Cfeiefef Detciies Stoelketio. Sve4t-n. How to Stop a Newspaper. An eastern exchange says: You have an undoubted right to p :. newspaper when 3011 feel o uieposeu, upon payment of all arrearages. Do not hesitate to do so on account of "tenderness of feeling' fur theoditor. Don't you &nposc he would stop buy ing sugar of you, or moat, clothing, dr3' goods, etc., if ho thought he was not getting his mono)' worth, and why should you not exeicise the same privilege with regard to him? And when you discon tinue a paper, do so manfully. Don't be so spiteful as to throw it back to the post-master with a contemptuous "1 don't waut it any longer!" and have "refused" written on the margin, and have the paper returned. No gentleman ever stopped it in that way, no mattor if his head was covered with gray hairs that should bo honorable, if 3011 do not wish to longer receive a newspaper, write a note to the editor like a man, saying so and be sure that the arrearages are paid. That is the way to stop a newspaper. The barkentine North Bend will come down to load at Knappton to morrow for San Francisco. The Scottish Fairy cleared for Liverpool yesterday carrying 12,253 baiTels of flonr, and GOO cases of sal mon, valued at $53,135. The shipments of flour in the cargo of the Scottish Fairy are divided up between four mills. Junction, Turner's, Portland and Salem. The salmon is shipped by Hapgood and company. Rev. H. K. Hines, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, paid us a pleasant call yesterday. He will offi ciate to day at the Methodist church services, and returns to Portland to morrow. Our thanks are tendered to Hon. Levi P. Morton, member of congress from New York; Hon. L. F. Grover, Hon. Jas. H. Slater, senators from Oregon, Hon. John Whiteaker, late member from Oregon, and to the live delegate from Washington territory, Hon. T. H. Brents, for congressional favors duly received, and truly appre ciated. The Itocklaud, Maine, Opinion, of tho 25th tilt., contains a lenthy notice of the death of Mr. Wui. G. Hawes, father of our fellow townsman Mr. E. P. Hawes. He was in his seventieth- year at the time oi his death. He was universally respected, and having filled many places of pub lic trust was a representative man in his community for many years. Since Pfunder has put his Blood Purifier on the market, people have stopped using all kinds of watery "Sarsaparillas" and ''Whiskey Bit ters." It gets away with them all. Miss Nora Wilson has returned from Portland and is ready to begin giving music lessons. The Shanghai Mercury of the 3d ult. hits Geo. F. Seward a back-1 handed lick in the face. Review-in the blunders in his book, it says:. "The greatest blunder of all was j his return to Chinu. He should! have resigned. TIip fact that the ! secretary of the treasury has re fused to pay his salary whilo absent from his post attempting to defend himsplf, allowing pay only for the two months necessary for him to reach Washington, is indic ative of the feeling against him 5 not only in that department but throughout the whole country. Ye regret that Mr. Seward should have written a book, so manifestly intended as a slap at Secretary Evarts and his superior, and we repeat that we are disappointed. Instead of a fair and impartial handling of tlie subject, and a true statement of facts and figures, it is the labored brief of a paid attor ney, the carping effusion of an egotistical dogmatist.'' Lewiston is to have an oil fac tory. Mr. James Lovett, sent to gain information respecting the works, was denied admittance to the factory in Salem. It appears to us that the Salem manager did not act wisely iu this respect. Mr. Lovett ascertained the capacity profits, etc., of the Salem factory, from reliable sources. Consider ing the vast slope of country which Lewiston would supply, embracing the territories of Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and Utah, we cannot see how the proposed factory can possibly interfere with the business of the only one now established in the whole Pacific Northwest. Mr. O. F. Dennis, founder, and for some years super intendent, of the oil mill at Salem, will proceed to Lewiston as soon as the building is erected. lie is an experienced :md energetic man, and with his name eonnectcd with the enterprise, success will In; doubly assured. Amnion's Coush Svrup never fails to cure if used in time and according to direction.--. Fire-brick and fire-clay in lots to sua at M. C. Crosby's. Salmon bellies, at retail, at War ren & Eaton's. Go to M. C. Crosby's and get your lunch buckets, water kegs, bail ers' buoys and boat stoves. A nice lot of eastern oysters at Ttoscocs, arrived yesterday by steamer Columbia. Call around. You will find them first class. The loat stoves made by M. C. Crosby, with fire-brick bottoms, are superior to all others in this market. -Lawyers briefs printed in fine style, at The Astokiax office. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. P. J. Goodman, on Chcuamus street, has just receivea the latest aud most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoe., etc. From numerous cases of dyspepsia and constipation, cured by the use of Fellnw'H Syrup of Hypophosphites, after evisry other known remedy has been used iu vain, its efficacy in re storing functions of digestiju and cvacii'iMon is manifest. Ewrliody that has tried Am men's Cough Sjrup, continues itsue: besides they tell their neighbors of it. We were in a drug store the other day and a cus tomer asked for a bottle of Ammen's Cough tvmp, saying ! do not know anything about it myself, but my neigh bor advised me to buy it for mv cold, and tells me that the use of three bottles has entirely cured his cough of two years standing, in fact he says 4lt is the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds and lung complaints,' and that a one-dollar bottle did him more good than all the prescriptions he had from the doctors." For the best Beer in Astoria, call for the Columbia Hrevxry liter, acknowledged to be superior to all others. Max. Wagner's San Francisco National brewery beor can't be beat. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keopail the finest fresh fish, etc., in their Sanson. Impure blood is hvn b' skin dis orders, pimples, swellings ulcers, etc., also by liver ami kidney complaint, con stipation, piles. iiHlii;e-tioTi.!)il!iousnes. dcjjondeney, latitude, general weak ness, aud many other symptoms. Purify with King of the Blood. .See advertise ment. For the Genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the beat of wines, liquors, and San Francisco beer call at the Gem opposite the hell tower, and see Campbell. For a first-class oystor stew, fry, pan-roast or fancy roast, go to Roscoe's on Mam street, opposite N. Loeb's. Families supplied by the hundred or the sack, opened or in the shell. Buy The Weekly Astokiax in post-paid wrapper -for ten cents, and send it to some friend in the east. It is better than a letter. To Our City Patrons. On and after Tuesda3 the 12th inst., Mr. L. E. Selig will have full control of the city delivery in Astoria and upper Astoria of The Daily As tokiax'. Subscriptions must be paid to him. Any neglect on the part of his carriers, if reported to Mr. Selig or tho office of Tm: Astokiax, will lie promptly attended to. Mr. Selig will also act as local reporter for the paper, aud airy favors extended to him will be-duly appreciated and recipncated. I). 0. IitKi.Axn, Publisher. Astoria. April 7. 1SS1. To Let. .Several furnished or mi furnished rooms at Mrs. Munson's lodging house. Also, a few persons can have board if required, either Indies or gentlmen. Tlu t'tate, lMsTlu, Kte. Geo. W. II nine kevps constantly on hand, ami to arrive a full line of iish eriuons aiid cannery supplies, at prices which defy couHLitioii. Parties wisli hg groceries aud those intending to run mess houses should inapect goods and obtain large discount from regular price. Central Hotel. The Central hotel, near the steam ship dock is now open, for the recep tion of tmesis, where the well known caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always be found ready to wait on his patrons. He has had the above named house thoroughly refitted by Messrs. Pike aud Stockton, our well known artists. Call and see him, as he has the finest brands of Iiquor3 and cigars to lie had in the oit3 Peruvian Fitttcrs. Cinchona Ualiri. The Count Cinehon was the bpauish Viceroy in Peru in IKK). The Conntos. his wife, was prostrated bj- an intermit tent fever, from which she was freed by theiiM'of tlH! native rcmetlj'. the Peru vian linrk. or. as it was called in the language of the country, "Quinquina.' Grateful for Ikt recovery, on her return to EuroH in "lEc, she introduced the remedv in Spain, where it was known under various names, until Linmeus called it (. inehona. iu In r.or of tiit Jatly who hid brought them that v.hi-h ujls more jireekms than the xold of the I ocas. To this day. after a lapse- of two hun dred and nfty 3 ears, science has j-Jven us nothing to lake its place. It rffeetu aliy cures s morbid appetite for sliinu-lant-'. by iilorinu the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it !ois a fever, and de-troys lwlli:ilH:e. The powerful tonic virtue of She ".:w-"o;t;i is preserved iu the Peruvian Hitters, which are as effective against malarial fever to-lny as thev were in the days of the old Swinish Vieero- We guarantee the ingredi ents of these, bitters to be. absolutely pure, and of the bet known quality. A trial will satisfy yon that this is the lKst bitter in the. world. -The proof of the. pudding is in the eating.7 and we willing abide this test. For sale by all dnifigists. grocers and liquor dealer";. Ordtri:. jjutrstiJiKyrs. JIilis Vakikties. Geo. Hill, proprietor and manager, Fred Gere, stage manager, A. Ostrander, leader of orchestra, Geo. Lambert, leader of brass band. "New first part with Nickerson is tambo, Stailej' as bones, and Gere iutcrlocntcr. Our new act, arranged and composed by Mr. Sta!ej called "Musical Pastimes,' by Stalc3 and Gere. First appearance 01 Mr. John Cook, the celebrated clog, jig. song and dance artist; engagement of Miss Lou Cook, female song and dance artist and jig dancer. Miss ilattlc Morrison in selected songs. Nickerson will make vou Iatiuh with hi.s fnnnv fun. Staltv In his socialities and Gere in Dutch isms. Mr. Hill is making active pre parations lor more amusements with which to plutse those of the public who are fond of popular amusements. New orchestral selections by our efficient orchestra, and new music by our excel lent brass nana on the granu stand at precisely 7 r. si. Curtain rises at ex actli 8 p.m. Entrance on Benton street; entrance to private boxes, on Chenamus street. I'reruatarc Ij&hh of Hair Nowadays maybe entirely prevented bj" the use of Bumclts Cocoaine. It has been nsctl in thousands of cases where the hair was coining out in haud- fuls, aud has never failed to arrest its decay: it promotes a bealtlryand vigor ous growth, and it is at the same time unrivalled as a soft aud glossy dressing for the hair. Burnett's .flavoring extracts arc the best, strougest aud most healthful. Sold everywhere. The Peruvian S3rup lias cured thou- sanas wno were simenng irom uyspep sia. debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc Pamph lets tree to any address, betn w.r owie & Sons, Boston. Dr. John Welch, dentist, will be at the Occident hotel in this city about the 20th insL, and remain a short time for the practice of his pro fession. Gray's wood yard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wod to any" part of the city sawed to any length, and full measure John Rogers has just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a general assortment of groceries, liq uors, tolxiceo, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers a small profit for cash. Frank Faber has removed in to Dr. Ivinscy's bnilding- on Water street. On the road to the steamer dock from down town, before break fast, it will now be handy to drop in and get a cup of coffee. Since the Chinese started to brew "cheap San Francisco beer" there is little or no demand for that article any more. Call for the Columbia brewery beer, if you want something good. When yon want a dish of nice Eastern Oysters done up a la mode, or a good steak, or a fragrant cup of coffee, call at Frank Fabre3 on the roadway, and he will accommodate you. Open at all hours. -OF- -AT IILSTOREi! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVE READY FOR INSPECTION THE FINEST SELECTION- AND THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE TLOWEST BED ROCK PEICES.'Cr HAVING ENLARGED MY STORE TO NEARLY TWICE ITS FORMER SIZE, AND HAVING THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT SEPAR ATED FROM THE DRY GOODS. 1 AM IJETTER PRE PARED THAN EVER TO MEET THE RE QU1REMEMTS OF TRADE. AMONG OTHER THINGS I "WOULD CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO TTIE FINE STOCK AND GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 3In all t'enartmcuts 1 have the latest novelties. Hive me a sill.-ti a H. COOPER, IXL Store, corner Main anil Coucoiuly Streets, Astoria, Oregon CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUPACTUKER OP FURNITURE 55 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture F ramas and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. ASTORIA M. MEYER H AVUiG EVERY FACILITY FOK HE ticle, 1 am nor prepared to turms the LAQEE. BEER, AT : CKXTS VtZlX. (;a1.3.S J AT J? I 01 I'KSC IM3C:kr rSr amilies awl keeper? of public boac? promptly and rejcnlitrly sui 1 lied M. .MKYEit. i'roprielu ASTQ1UA. OUE; THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND IS EXCELLED PA NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAlffUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. ffB-Onlere left at the GER3IAXIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to.-sw MISCELLANEOUS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock comrtantly on Hand, such as Canned Prnits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTTER. CITEESK, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISn. POULTRY AND GAJXE In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best of TTHTES AND UQUOBS. All cheap fer CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. KODGER8. D. K. Warbes. T.W.Eatoh Astoria Market 1 OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTES , ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. WARREX & BATON. Proprietor. (Sueeetion to irarren fc McGxtirtl Whole3alo and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A fall line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT, VEGE TABLES, irrc. fioButtor, Eggs. Cheese, etc. constantly on hand, ., e tf Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL FJiASTE'RE'R Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. T.IME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER, LATH, "- Cement, and aU materials In my line, furnished to order. erSpeclal attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Ctstem work warranted good or no pay. aAi;ent San Juan aad New Tacoma Dae. THE - BREWERY. Proprietor. JTANTJFACTUKE OF A FlitSI CLASS AB- public witn tho ltncst quality, for casli- I OF B0TTLE3 BEEE,. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale. A FINE BOAT. SUITABLE FOR FISH ins. Apply at the ofllce of A-tl ASTORIA PACKING CO. For Sale. THE SLOOP "GRACE HUME." Inquire of A.M. Johnson. Astoria Sail l.olt, or of T. .1. Dillon on board scow Industry. cc-d&w.lm For Sale. milK SCOW "HATTIW WILL BE SOLD JL on rc:isonabf terms. For particulars apply to JAMES BELL. W-lm Upper Astoria. Notice of Administratrix Ap pointment NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Lyman P. Hall, deceased, bv the Hon. County-court of the State ot Oregon, for the county of Clat sop. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me duly verified within six montlis from this date. MA n Y ANN HALL. Administratrix of the estate of Lyman P. Hall, deceased. GG-d5w ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only Machine Shop l And the best BLACKSMITH ,SHOPIffm All kinds of "'.& ENGrNEL CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TllRlA FISHERY. j Washington llarket, - Malr Street, - - Astoria Oregon BEttGMAX i0 JiERRY EESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to the fact that the above Market will always bo snppliod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANDCURED MEATS! - Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale ud retail. Special attention given to suppb nc Ebisi.