t K zz& 4T "iiibjii are pw mm ZFrmmffyft "i!Wj5-Tpf-- .C2l gTxc paalB SVstta-lan. ASTOUIA.OKEGOK SUNDAY .'. APRIL 10, 1SS1 Terrors not so Terrible. ,C.IUF,L.tM Kl!tor. The St. Peter&buraj tragedy 1ms proved a incentive to the sensa tion mongers of Europe. Ever since that startling event the news gatherers at the various capitals have been emulating each other in People who use the succor of! the attempt to produce something the French loan as an argument which will excite the tatcd appe tliat this country might borrow all J tite of the public. As samples. -Hip. monev it needs at three per , we lmvc the certainty of England muit. either foriret or conveniently , being dragged into a war with ne-lect to mention the fact that .Turkey, the determination of the; the French loan is issued at fifteen , czar to engage in hostilities against per cent, below par. When the , Germany, bomb-throwing in Mad United States raises a loan it wants j rid, a republican revolution pend lo icceivc one hundred cents on-ingin Spain, a t-onspirncy against every dollar, and we had letter, if' the pope, and groat alarm felt by need be, pay a little more interest the British ministry at the eimet than depart from the statuUry rule ncss of Ireland. This class 0? in laid down. Fcrhapsa three per , telligonce i given oe day, and cent loan would be successful, but! that is the last of it; nothing more there is nothing in tle experience ' i- eard of tli(J U-'r-of France which proves as much.i The affairs of the world go on - in their usual way. The Oriental Following the mass meeting of j War-cloudis dissipating, the under-! the anti-monooly league, at Coop-1 standing between Germany and cr Institute, February 21st, the! RUS6ia is apparently unbroken losEisrraF' oiYi- ONE PEIOE STOKE Is M. D. KANT, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. follow hees! TO B. D. RANT'S TAILORING 1 CLOTHING EMPORIUM 3VE-kX3ST JSiESJEDESI?,. !NeY i'ork Tribune published an editorial condemning in severe terms the purposes of the league, irul stigmatizing them as "befitting the petard-throwing in Madrid is a mere manifestation of disgrunt led gamblers. Alfonso rests se cure in the palace of his ancestors, the reds and communists of a by- lim t eo xnI continues ou in the gone day in Paris, rather than the , evcn tenor of his ways. Glad free citizens of the United States' i stone's cabinet has got over its Reeling that this was eminently fright over the preternatural calm unjust, Mr. F. J3. Thurber. an ofli- ness 0f Ireland, if ever it were cer of the league, sent a commuui-, disturbed. There will soon be an cation to the Tribune controverting j e j to this thing. The bewildcr- the ground taken in the editerial: leo public will cease to believe or "but after ten davs delay it was r,,i-. interest in surmises, and the finally refused insertion. Thomas news-"-atherers will fall back on Jeffeison said: "Error of opinion factS) co jry ractS; which, after may safely be tolerated when as gjvc inost satisfaction reason is lwt irei 31R. 3. COHEN, FORMERLY OP THE I X L STORE, V.'ILL OPEN "WEDNESDAY, APRIL TII, WITH A FULL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, IX ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS. 31Y STOCK HE1XC 'EW YOL AVILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVAN TAGE TO CALL ON -ME AS 1 HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BUYING MY GOODS FROM FIRST HANDS, AND I HAVE HAD ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF THE LATE DECLINE IN GOODS. Aiumi"- niv Stuck L win nmi lor a rev i;av. Goods Damaged on Route. TO BARGAIN SEEKERS FOR ORE WEEK ONLY. A ftti T nt soods lUun-ujcil liv water on nMrte ttln-.eitj. MaltH settlement nit It lite e !iian at .VJ on tin dollar, which I will give the earlj calk rs "the ad.uit.uo. .Milling tliem will Ih found Corsets, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Linen Grash, Quilts. Towels, Linen Suits, Bed Spreads, Summer Ulsters. Remember this is for a few Days Only. CA1.ZFORKIA COTS 35:EXC5E. SXOfc3S, CORNER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. T examine Hi stand election of SPRING ami SUMMER GOODS, tlie finest ami K-si of quality. AH msw.all tjlish, to combat it 35ut when hinistfjr influences ob tain control of a public journal, which ought by all past associa tions to be the defender of public Tights, and a hearing is denied to those it condemns, we feel that the onlv resource left the citizens of a republic who believe in free speech and free institutions, is an appeal to that portion of the press which is still free from the control of coqjorate, ownership, patronage and influence. Although Mr. Thurber does not exchange with us, we shall jrive both the Tribune article and his letter to the public, be cause we are a practical believer in the principles of fair play. the It is very amusing to read comments of eastern journalists; and indeed, for that matter, some nearer home; upon the Billings- "Yillard fight. For instance, as a sample cut, read the San Francisco Chrenicle: "It was the purpose of Billings to run the line of the road from a point near the mouth of Snake river northwesterly through a large and rich agricultural region, and through the most available pass in the Cascade range of moun tains to Tacoma, or some other place at deep water on Puget sound. This, of course, would strike a severe blow at Portland, on the "Willamet, and sooner or later take from it most of the trade it now controls. The blow would fall with equal or greater force up on the Oregon Steam Navigation company also. The road termina ting on Puget-sound, and tapping all the vast interior above The Dalles, would divert from the Navigation company's lines of river boats and its lines of railway leading down the river to Portland most of the traffic they now have and all that they hope to gain eastward by defeating the Billings route of the Northern Pacific." Having said this much the Chron icle draws into its shell with "this is the fight as it stands." The Chronicle ought to know that the most available pass referred to has notbeen found, and that the Oregon -Steam Navigation company was lost about three years since. Mr. Billings has been president-of the Northern Pacific company long enough, surely, to have done some thing more than to avow his pur poses. Mr. Villard has been with us but a brief period of time, yet he has almost finished the accom -plishment of opening a new route across the continent, a continuous line, not from lake Superior to Pu"-et-sound, but from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic. StockmiMi on the Missouri river near Benton, Montana, have been puzzled this winter at the disap pearance of so many of their cat tle. A few weeks ago one of the herders, who was stationed at a point on the river bank where the cattle have been in the habit of drinking, solved the puzzle. At that point ice had formed while the river was high, and after the wa ter had receded there was a long slope of ice, an ice chute, which ended in an air hole in the channel of the river. The herder saw several hundred head of cattle ap- nroach the nlace. The leaders of the herd stopped at the head of the chute, but they were crowded for ward from behind, started down the chute, lost their feet and dis appeared in the air hole. Before the herder could interfere nine of the herd had been sent into the river. MISCELLANEOUS. G-.w.BrcjBE2' i Wholesale and Retail Dealer j i f IN- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, IMBBR. .MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. ALLEN. C. II. PAGE. age (SUOCE.VOIfc TO E. S. LAIISEX.) ETC.. ETC., ETC. Wholesale and retail dealers tn GroGerteSj Ptavisions, GraGkerjn NEW TOjDAY. Piano fo Sjfle or Rent. APPLY AT THE PARKER HOUSE of flRS. C.H.PARKER, A-storia, Oregon. TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PJG LEAD. SEAMING COPPERS. SOLDERING COPPERS. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA HOPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS, MAULS. HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, j GUM BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., The largest ami roast complete Mock ol - - "" J : fcsrf ZH Wm? : i-r : ff?v-if5r hi i f'l : BSfaWiffi-V' ift! - " : K -JT- Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with ilBes.Lipors.TokcolCiars C & 3 (ft 5 P( O a o K - s o o "VvcKSOrirv ta. A Fine Sloclt of roreip;n awl Ioinetie Clotlis. CassiimTes and Twcds. A TuH Jauc ofTailor Triminiuss. Etc. The Best Cutter and Tailor Mill Make up ills Goods with a Full Guaranty as to Fit and Finish. lla ins the onlv first class selection of all sorts ol men's auparel. etc., I hoie that the money heretofore sent out or town w ill he spent with. -,--. lours Truly, 31. 1. IkAXT. oBThe lowest market prices marked out in plain figures. IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. J goods iu their line to be found In the city. i Comer of Cass and Squemocqhc StreeLs. i ASTORIA. OREGON. HANSEN BROS Beglcae to notifj thofyirullt that they hae uio cd from Unjcr Lstoria to TUKIIt X5WsilOP. CORNER ASTOR AM) .t.SSS TREETS. Xear Congrf gatiopal Church. And are now ready to niceh e orders for all lnds)f woaix work:. Contracts taken to build and repair SHIPS. HOUSES, BOATS. ETC., AT LOWEST RATES. Wilson & Fishes DEALEUS IK :o:.a.:o.:dt7,s7".a-:el:ej. LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 511 Market Street. San FranrlKeo HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. - Wm BLOOD, (Successor to Rlood X. Lei.) CLATSKAXIK. - - OREC.OW Is now prepared to reccixe orders for FLOATS, BUOYS Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I hae been engaged iu making floats, etc.. for the past fie ears. and my work has al-vajs- gn en satisfaction. J am prepared to fill all orders promptly, and on short notice at ther lowest prices, alwajs underselling other factories according to quality of good. Order left with TREXCIIARD & UPSHUR. Agents, Astoria, Oraddresscd to the undersigned, will re cei e prompt attention. IJ. V. RLOOD, Clatskanle, Oregon. E.R.HAWES, Dealer In Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Agent for the celebrated HEDALLIOK RANGE, Hicli Closets. X,ov Closets, ana Plain Hanson. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, JBoseTEtc, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED JS, R. HAWES, TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - ASTORIA, OREGON, f H. OARTWRIGHT & SON, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Vats IaneI and Other Cannery Work Done. All repairs completed in the best stle on short notice. Adjoining SIcLeans blacksmith shop, Astoria. WAIt IS IECIi.VKE WITHOUT PURTKKIt XOTICK a n And no tenns ol peace unttl every man in Astoria has a new suit of clothes 3IAIMS 2$Y 2IEAXY. Look at tlie prices : R.uits to order fnim - - - S8 00 Pants. Genuine French Casslmere - 12 M Suits from - -- -- -2500 Tlie finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY, Merchant Tailor. Parker House. Astoria. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCHONA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, MISCELLANEOUS. TRBNCMRD & DPSHDR DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOIV. TtJ .t "sBjLV SSi wm Ghas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STOKE. BROWN'S BUILDING x opposite the SSIUX. TOWER, In room lately occupied by Schmeer's Confectionery. Ltrpst aid Best Assortment Of novelties In the stationary line usuallj found iu a first-class book store, consisting of UOOKR. FINK STATIOXEltY. OLD PEN OOODS. AL15U.MS. CIIKOMOS. FKA3inS. STEREOSCOPES. DIAltlES. All of which w ill be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. Tlie latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS. STEVENS. SON. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE A GE. See our local columns lor particular", and as jo VALUE HEALTH. READ! AGENTS "Wanted for new ROIUSE BOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent from THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and NaIgation Co- wharf. New Bagatelle Table, (TheChinese must ro.) Tlie choicest brands of forelRn and domestic 1VIXES,l.litJOIISAXI CIGABS. 3-et Chicago Beer.-S SBIP 6HANDLEM PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. COAL, Builders Genera! HARDWARE, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AISEXCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamns Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON TARNISnESMD JAPMS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrhe direct from New York English Lustre Black Varnish, INSBARRELS. Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS1 Benzine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Gases. A1.SO Silicic Alnmijiate Paint, FOR IRON AND WOOD UORK. JAKES LAIDLAW & CO., IG 3T I'ront Jstrcct. Portland. A. H. D. OKAY, Who!es.ils and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storace and Wbarfaj:e on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. LETTER HEAD PAPER, Tax Astorms office. "DRINTKD OR PLAIN. OF THE BEST JL quality at