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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1881)
"W . m toml Vol. xiv. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning. April 10, 1881. No. 85. - r fc5NB---- Ml ;A0t GENERAL EASTERN SEWS. I5V MAIL AND TKLBORAPK. Railroad Klocfcadc Iludcil. St. Paul, April S. The St Paul and Sioux city branch of the Chi cago and St. Paul railroad, was opened at uoon to-day through to Sioux city, having been blockaded since February 3d, and this after noon trains were able to run clear through. Large amounts of freights have accumulated. Doprrado Killed. Jackson, Mich., April S. A desperado named Lynch, in the penitentiary, knocked down the keeper and with three fellow prisoners attempted to escape. He was shot three times, by the ruard who discovered him, and killed. The rest made little re sistance. The lcad-LorK. "Washington-, April S. Demo crats and republicans alike de clare that they don't intend to abandon their position in the senate. Two hundred and sixty five nominations await action, and five treaties. It is stated that there is some probability that the republicans will go into exe cutive session to confirm the most important nominations some time next week, but should an attempt be made to seleet certain men for confirmation the democrats would probably resist and insist upon taking nominations in their proper order. Jobn Brown' Widow. New Yokk, April 8. The widow of John Brown, of Harper's Ferry fame, is in Washington seek ing government position. A Bos ton special to-day says that a sub scription has been opened in her behalf at Use office of ex-Senator Brooks. Significant Straws Standard Sili. About twenty-five or thirty men came down from Olympia yester day en route to the Yakima river rejrion to engage in driving log's on that river to provide timber, ties, etc., in aid of the construction of the Northern Pacific railroad in the direction of the sound. They tvere engaged in this occupation last year, and expected to renew their contracts this season. Gen. Sprague met them in this city and sent them back, informing them that the company will do no driving on the Yakima this year. Several indications point to the fact that the present managers of the Northern Pacific railroad are not j-o confident of winning in their present contest with so powerful an antagonist as Villard. A gentleman of intelligence from Tenino informs us that the people of his section have little hope of a western terminus of the Northern Pacific railroad at the sound, at present at lejist. In its "Wall street gossip, the New York "World of the 22d has the following to say on the subject: "The Northern Pacific project of issuing the remaining $1S,000,00 has a verv strong flavor of speculation about it. A very large short interest has been cultivated recently in these stocks and the impression now is that it was this unissued stock that was being sold, and that this issue comes in very handily to save hose who had sold short. The jstock went off when it became generally known that this block had been added to the stock, which at its best will not be able to represent a paying road for more than a small part of the year." Statistics recently submitted be fore the commercial club of Boston show that the value of the manu factured products annually turned out by Massachusetts is 6000,000, 000, 'against 100,000,000 of all other productions of that state". Word Building. One among the many neatly printed ami vory interesting pamphlet which wc found upon our table for review whun we returned to our sanctum last Sunday, is a report of the fifth annual meeting of the Washington Territorial Teachers institute, con vened in Seattle August 17th, 1SS0. The first thing to attract the attention is the elegance of the work, a fine sample of the Art Preservative, from the office of Sir. J. E. Clark, Olympia, feecretary of tlie Institute. The pamphlet contains one hundred pages, literally cram full of sensible ideas, valuable to tlie fraternity of teachers. Wc regret tliat we have room for an extract only from the address of Mr. lv. C. Kerr, of Port Townsond, upon the subject: Word Building: One of the most magnificent edifices on this continent is Girard's college, in Philadelphia, built entirely of white marble; its snowy walls, its massive 'columns, its marble stairway, its roof of stone and glass, make it a perfect ' model of architectural beauty and use fulness. Suppose now that the pro fessors there, whenever they wanted anything in the college, instead of going in by the doorway, should pull a block or two of marble out of the wall, and go in that way and keep doing this all thoir lives would you not say that they acted foolishly? Well this is just the way we get our knowledge of the English language, under the present system of instruc tion. Webster and other lexicograph ers have built a magnificent structure out of the English language, and every time wo want a new word, we tear the whole side out of that grand building just to sec how it is spelled and defined. The broad open gateway into this palace is the knowledge of the radical or root words; but we unwisely per sist in trying to climb in some other way. To give an illustration of our subject, we will take some words in common use; take the word heart The ancients believed that the heart was the seat of sense and reason; and it may be for what wo know it acts queerly sometimes. Well, thn Latin name for heart is cor, or cordis. Ac means to, con, together; dis, separate; re, again. Hence Ac 1 T'eldine the heart to; agreement. oa I cord i BMrts together; unity, or UarmoBy. Dig ( w" j hearts separate: disagreement. Kc I Uoptitnpen the heart acam: to re- , . member. 1 the heart or center. Cor dial heartily, with the heart. ( date J heart shaped. There are many other words from the same root, as according, concord ance, discordant, recorder, courageous, etc, etc., but these are enough for the illustration. After yon have learned the root, you will always know this word in its different drewes, wlier evor you meet it. Have your pupils learn wqrds in this manner; let them define, or gie yiHi:yms for the words, and wriu- s-eiiieiiee with these words in them, and they will nm be come very jroticieiit in the English language. P.: jHrrhaj; ome uf the pupils may think thetto words t hard for them; then let us take up an easier word.. Call up one of your pupils, Johnny, you will have four or five Johns in your school-room and toll him to write his name upon the black board. Then define it for him; toll him that John means "the gracious gift of God." Now let us see how many words we can form out of this word John. Find how it is spelled and pronounced in the different lan guage. En?litli John. Stmnish J nan. Danish Jan A clc-li Evan, Owen German ilans. French -Jean, Zuan. Russian Ivan. Italian Giovaiia. Mcin Scotch and ap in Welch is equivalent to son in English. Yille is from the French and means a town. Kin means little. John's son Johnson the son of John. Johnstown where the Johns live. Littlejolin a small man named John. Johnny diminutive of John. St. John a good or holv John. Jack diminutive of John. Jack's son Jackson son of Jack. Jacksonville where the Johns'Iive. John km, or Junkin a little John. Jenkins a little John. Junkinson, Jenkinson son of John. McJunkin son of John. Jon or Jones old way of saying John. Jonesville where the Johns live. Evan John. Evanson John's son. Evansville where the Johns live. Ap Evans -Bevens son of John. McOwenMcGowen John's son. San Juan St. Johii. There can be :ts many words formed out of Hans, Jan, Ivan, Juan, etc By this time the boy begins to think there is no end to the words made out of his little name. Now have we any little girls named John They will think not; but really we have some little girls called John, only wc do not pronounce it in that way. Jane, Jean, Joanna, Jean, Joanne, Jennie, and Joannotto, are all feminine forms for John, and moan "the gracioiis gift of God." We have mairy Johns among the girls. There are many phrases in the English language dorived from John; such as, Jack in boots, Jack at all trades, Jack-o'-Lantom, Jack in a box, and many others. Now, the other words of the Eng lish language arc like these; many words are untied from the same root. Whenever the pupil has learned tins root, or radical, he has learned all the words built or formed out of this root. These radicals arc the key that un locks to us this magnificent structure called the English language. As there arc only about one thousand of these radicals, and as it is much easier to remember one thousand words than-it is to recollect one hundred and four teen thousand words, this must be the easiest, the shortest and the best way of learning the English language. Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! ! Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and fjivc rest to the mother, and relief and icalth to the child.operatiuglifce magic It is nerfcctlv safe to use m all cases. and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and nest female physicians and nurses in the uuueu ciaie.s. miiii every wnere. zj cents a bottle. Pimples and other skin disorders quickly yield to that thorough blood lmrifier and tonic, King of the Blood. Sec advertisement. WILLIAM EDGAK, Corner Main and Chcnamus Street, ASTOHIA OREGON. DEALER IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other English Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Bleershaum Pipes, etc. A flue stock of lVatihcN anil .Tewelry. HIuxzlc ami ltrcecli Loading Shot Guiik and Kines, Jlevolvcra. Pistols. and Ammunition MAItlXE . Afs&k! tSTTTm-' "1Ti?q ( -N- -O AI.SO A F1XK Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. GERM AM A BEER HALL AND IJOTTLE HKKR DEPOT. ChKCAMOeS STKKKT. ASTWMU. The Jlest of Layer, 7 ('Is. a OItts Orders for tlie GelMI Colo Brewery Lf ft at this jiiace will be iHttttintly attend ed to. iSTXo cheap Shh Eraaebco Uccrsold at this i&tcc WM. DOCK.Pronrieter. nal w. u mVakk, Astoria. J. a. nnowx Portland. KKO'.VX & IK oCAS 55, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria oHioeAl E. C. Hnhlen's Auction store. Portland oWee24 It street. 13-tf I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND KE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chcnaiuus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGO C. H. STOCKTON, bcoxxse:, sicsisr AND - CARRIAGE PAINTER - PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SrKCIALTV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SSB-Shop next door to Astorian Office, In Shuster's uuildlng. MISCELLANEOUS. SP mi- fir W'd g-?r-VMvgy EEGISTTXED MAECU 2j. 1573. lilBMIli 5Sl,P.JV JKJ"Sr-i"- ' BLOOD IS THE LIFE! For this -oaHi ot the year with changeable climates prevent all Mrt if sickness hm THE VXIVEESAL CELEBRATED OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. This Herbal Kingdom, .scientifically pre pared, is rajtidly gaining in every city on this coat. and ihe many astonishing cures it has effected have now established its efficacy be yond a doubt. Remember diseases of the BLOOD OR LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, A good medicine is always necessary to effect a cure, i ry u ; it win ncip you. For further information and particulars see circular around each bottle. Sold by your druggist. lrice, per bottle, $l Oo or ST. 00 for six bottles. Directions in English. German, French and Scandinavian. Henry Ahroii-s. Henry TIetjen. T.V.Borstel, CHICAGO BREWERY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, 1420 to 1434 Fine Street, SAX FBAXCISCO. mil IS BREWERY IS THE MOST POPU JL Iar on the coast, and have established a branch in this city and is under the manage ment of J. STRAUSS, who will be. pleased to fill any order from a dozen bottles up to a thousand barrels. This beer needs no rec ommendation, as those usini; it once will never use anv other. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster's will be promptly attended to. AH orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Families .supplied with this excellent quali ty of beer. J. STRAUSS. Atent. Walei street, next door to Isaac FoMer's, Astoria, Oregon. WELCH HILL WATER ftTOR5S:S Furnish Mire SPRING WATER to patrons. Custom Solicited, on liaiul- fisS; PIiiimWh: Mt rea t-SP WMiaWe rates. Eighth Matt near O. R. & N. Cos wharf. .TAS. W. WELCH. Axent. Astoria. Orejn. Co-Partnership Kolice. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT MADE and entered into this 4t i dav of AihJI, issi. by ximI iH'tweeu .1. I. O-buni and W. H. AlM.rerHiilie. Hitnes-th : Tae sahl jwrties :i1hvc named hereby agree to enter into etnal jwrtneiviiip in the iHi-im'-vj f irr'inj? on a fniit. vepetaWe. ciptrand tolKttt'o store in .Woiia, Oreyoti. until tlH- 1st day ,f ()ctnler. IJsi, eaeii partv tn fitndsh diirmg the continuance of said partnership an equal portion of the hhhk'.v necessary to carrv' im tlie miiiI bnMnexs. and at the end of the term of ihe imrtnersliiji all stock on hand and all profits derived from the business to la eqtmllv divided between the jwrtles hereto, and all liabilities on ac count of said business to be equally shared by the parties. Witness our hands this lt.Ii day of April, 1S31. .1. It. OSItORN, W. II. ABERCROMCIE. Minors Notice. KNOW ALL MEN' RY THESE PEES cnts. that I, P. M. Williauison. mother or W. H. Abercrombie. a minor, under the ate if 21 years, hereby give my consent to my said son to transact uuiiaess in lii- own name and on his own account without being in any way liable to me for any business he may do in lib? name, oi for any of the pro ceeds thereof, and I al50 release all iMjrsous with whom he may do business from any liability to me in any manner whatever, thereior or therein. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April, 1881. Iskal P.M. WILLIAMSON. Witness : R. R. Sr-KtiDKX. For Sale. ANEW SKIFF SIXTEEN FEET LONG. Spruce lumber well seasonpd. .Parties apply to MCHOLS, At the Parker House. Jt mmSk JKCJifV'i rY'-firs npesaml general irST2LT ?S.-rXT- water fixtures eon- r- ?-71 - -c . I'ij.'S'siaiitlv L-inif i - mt ii BASKING AND INSURANCE. CoraiBrcial lion Assurance Co. OF LONDON. Capital, 512.500,000 Fire and Marine insurance. .I01IN KAE HAMILTON, Manager. 2UjSansomcSt.,Sau Francisco. G. W. IIL'ME. Agent, Astoria. Oregon. BANKING ANDJHSURANCE. X. W. CASE. BROKER, BANKER- AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON OFFICE HOUTiS: F110.U S O'CLOCK: A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Hume Intnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. flouorrrox. Ciias. i:. Stokv... ... President -.....-...Secretary .Agent for 050u Geo. L. Stout.... Capital paid up m U. S. gold coin s 200 000 1)0 I. IV. CASE, Acent. Chcnamus street, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of $G7,OOO,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. HOTELS AND" RESTAURANTS. A.J.JlEOLEn. C. S. WEIGHT OCCIDENT IIGTE. AIEGLER & WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE IIAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itsguestsondisnowthe best hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. 1CNOWLES. AL. ZIEUEIC. CLAItEXDOX nOTEL, PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. ca-TitE Daiia Astorian is on (lie at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA Jlrn. S. X. Arrlsoni. Proprietor THETRAYELING PUP.LIC WILL FIND tlie Pioneer Mrst class in all respects. and a share of their patronage is res)ectfuliy solk'ited. tr-Board and lodging by the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve t their customers from tliK Jtle a floWN : TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Eastern Oj-,tts Always on 2and. And will Ie kejrt as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind Coffee Saloon WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to Dr. Kinsey's. Co fTee. Tea ami Chocolate, -with Cake. IO Cent.-. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines. liquors anil Cigars Of the liest brand-. Ha vini; just itM-ned tlie above establish ment we cordially invite our friends and the iHiMhr generally to give us a trial. -tt FOARI) S EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS TLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he Is now prewired to furnish for them, in first class style, and every" style, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT THK Ladies' and Genfs Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or Portland by BAliFOUK, GDTHHIEdrCo. 66-tf Portland, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. Q. A. BOWLBY. J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA, OREGOR 1 YT. FKLTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOELV - - - OREGON Office over Page & Allen's store, Cass street T "iv. itoui:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA ... . OREGON Office over "Warren & Eaton's Astoria Mar ket, opposite tlie Occident Hotel. E. c homi:xi NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. A. VAN DUSEN. Chcnamus Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. AgentlYells, Fargo & Co. "P 1MUCKS, PENTIST, ASTORLV, - - OltEGONJ. Rooms in'Allen's building up staira, come of Cass and Sqemocqhc streets. TTlt. HI. 1. JEXXIXGS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate University of Virginia, i68 Physician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, 1SC0-T0. Office In Page & Allen's building, up stairs, Astoria. J TAY TUTTJLE, 31. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONi Office Over the White House Store. Residence Next door to Mrs. Munsoalt boarding house, Chcnamus street, Astoria Oregon. T C. OKCIIAIID, DENTIST, Dental .Rooms. SIIL'STEU'S Photograph Ruildin ir a. arcixTosii. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building, ASTORIA - OREGON; Q H. BAIN fc CO., Doorw, Wlndon'.H, Blinds, Ti soms, linniber. Etc. All kinds or Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Gea evive and Astorstreets.- J G. FAIRFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland and Astoria. Oregon. Refer by ponnbsion to Rogers. Meyers &Ce. Allen fc Lewis, Corbitt&Macleay, Portland. Oregon. yr. UIIIiEXIIAItT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTORIA - OREGON. Hot, Cold, Shower, Slrnm and Sulphur BATHS. SP S'-Speclal .attention given to ladles' and i luldren's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Indies. yir.i.iAi my. PRACTICAL coot axi sum: MAKER. CiiKNAsirs stuekt. opposite Adler's Book More. - Ajtokia, Okkcon. 7&r- perfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted. Give ine a trial. All orders promptly ailed. Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNES' TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on either of the above instruments. Terms Eight lessons for five dollars. S'-Orders left at Stevens & Sons book store wilt be promptly.atteuded to- J. T. B0RCHERS, COXCOjILY bTi:EET. ASTOKIA, Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Culi paid for fresh BLACK STURGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon put till in tins to ship to any part of the world. Alo, trout bait (salmon eggs) put up in cans and warranted to keep any length or time. Depot at Rogers Central Market, corner Cass and Chcnamus streets. Astoria. To-Night. To-XigJit GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. 3S. -3l. XJI3503ST- "dealer in FAMLLY ckocekies, UfAltS, MIHL FJEE1 AWD U$T Cash paid for country produce. SmaS. profits on cash sales. Astoria, Oregon, coro ner of Main and Squemocahe streets. s PILES. HI The undersigned is prepared to furatafc a large number of Spiles and Spars at him place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES, Columbia Ctj-