m glic Hixl!3 sttrvUm. ASTORIA. OREGON: IFRIDAY APRIL 8. 1SS1 .C.IRELAI... Editor. Tillard-imiinss Talk. "VVe have given through these columns says the Oregonian, the document prepared by Mr. Villa: d, and embodying his suggestions as io relations between the two com panies, together with his views as to-plans of construction and oper ation. Our readers will likewise be interested in a statement of the -views of Mr. Billings, as embodied in a letter to Mr. Villard. By comparing the two documents it -will be seen that the views present ed in them are at variance on a single point. The difference may "be thus stated. Mr. Villard suggests that the Northern Pacific postpone all new construction west of "Wallula, until the main line shall be finished to Ainsworth, with the exception of a short extension from Ains--worth to the Yakima country; but, after the completion of such main Jine to Ainsworth, the Northern Pacific to be at liberty to build over the Cascade range or along the Columbia river, or both, :is the best interests of the company may Tequire. Mr. Billings answers, in substance, that he does not wish to consent by such arrangement to postpone construction of the -western division of the Northern Pacific. The surveys for the Cascade line are not completed, but he be lieves a practicable route will be found. If, however, there is no practicable route, that ends the matter. He argues the case on trrounds wholly different from those stated in Mr. Villard's reason ing, which set forth very strongly the advantages that would accrue to both companies from the ar rangement proposed. There is force in either argument; but it is plain that the plan of Mr. Villard -would hasten the completion of the Northern Pacific across the -continent, and, by saving the pres ent expenditure of many millions on the most difficult pare of the line, where there is no local traffic demanding a line, would prove taking the whole situation into ac count to be the better business proposition The Dalles Mountaineer sug gests that the rapid extension of that city to the south and east renders the present means of communica tion beyond the bluff disagreeable. Fully one-fourth of the citizens -now reside in that portion of the city, and the necessity of opening better facilities for communication between the two sections is daily growing more urgent. You want the elevator railway, Bro. Hand, such as they have about Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 11 The Dalles is to keep up its reputation of a live town which it is now acquiring, you must see that all necessary improvements are made at any rate. You have got started in the inarch of improvements and now keep it up. The proposed Union Pacific ex tension from Granger, Wyoming, to Portland, runs from Granger to .Bear river, thence through Soda Springs, Idaho, down Snake river and to Portland. The line is about SOO miles in length and will be read' for the work of construction at the earliest possible day. Mr. Clark, of Omaha, has charge of the surveying of the first 150 miles from Granger, and expects to be engaged until the middle of the summer or longer. This extension will give a valuable outlet to Ore gon, as well as reaching some valuable points in Idaho. When we passed Granger coming west, on the 25th ult., six days after the final agreement between the Union JPacific and Oregon Railwaj' and Navigation companies, tents of the engineer corps were in the field. The intention is to have the road finished and in complete operation oy the end of June, 1882. It will cross the Utah and Northern about as far north of Ogden as it leaves ithe main line cast of Ogden. The Best Homes. There is much wealth and con siderable culture in cities of Cali fornia and Oicgon, but what is needed is more homes where the talented and accomplished could occasionally meet. Hghics like that of Lady Bessington and the Holland mansion in London, and the late Carey sisters in New York. The houses occupied by these ladies will remain forever famous for the delightful society that gathered there. It was at Lady Bessington's that Lord Ma cauly first met Tom Moore. In fact most of the celebrated authors and men of nonius in England of the past generation have made the acquaintance of each other in one or another of the Iwmes mentioned. At the Carey sisters in New York could be found almost any evening, either Horace Greeley, Bayard Taylor, Bancroft, the historian, Rev. Dr. Chapin, Stedman, the poet, and men distinguished in science or phi losophy, thinkers and orators. It was always regarded a very high honor to be invited to the home of Alice and Phoebe Carey, on ac count of the brilliant compaivy one was alwaj's sure to meet there. Why do not some of our Oregon and California ladies of wealth make her house a rendezvous for men and women of talent? Surely no position in fashionable society could at all equal the fame such a lady would achieve when she had once gathered beneath her roof the gifted people of our coast. It would not be necessary to in vite the bohemian penny lin ers. There are plenty of thinkers and people who write and talk brilliantly, who are ladies and gentlemen as well This most delightful home of the Pacific has yet to be made. It will be the one where cultured and talented peopje can always find a welcome and be kindly en tertained. Thepleasureandinstruc tion such guests give in return for hospitality far exceed the cost and trouble their visits make. What can be more refreshing than to know that at a certain home you can always find some one who has knowledge to impart a place where genial wit meets mellow humor, and where not an hour can be spent without improvement of some kind? XEW TO-DAY. Co-Partnership Notice. l ktici.es of agreement made xlL and entered ;uto this 4t-i day of April, ihSl, by and between JB. Qsboni ana W. II. Abercromble. witneveth : Tne said parties above named hereby aRree to enter lino equal pannerMiip in me business of earning on a' fruit, vegetable. cigar and tobacco .store in Astoiia, Oregon, uutil the 1st day of October. 1881, each partv to furnish during the continuance of saiil partnership an equal jnirtion of the money neciary to carry on the said business and at the end of the tern or the partnership all stock on hand and all protlLs derived from the business to be equally divided between the parties hereto, jm j :lft liabilities on ac count of said busm&ss to be equally shared by the part lex Witness our hands this 4th dav of April, IS.SI. .1. . UMJUU., W. IL ABERCROMBIE Minors Notice. TTXO'vV ALL MEN BY THESE I'KES- V ents, that I, I. M". Williamson, mother of . H. Abrrcrompic. a uiinor. irotler tie aucof 21 j cars, herrbygivr my convent to my said son to transact uuincss in his own name and on his own account w ithout being in any way liable ;o me for auv business he mav do in his name, of -for any of the pro ceeds thereof, upd I also release all persons wun wuoni ne may qo Dusiness irom any liaoiiuy to mo in any manner wnatever, therefor or therein. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April. 1881. ' lhKALJ 1 il. WII.I.lAiUsUA. Witness : , R. Sl'KPDE Nanairao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying U. 8. Halls. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, JAMES CARROLL Commander Wll leave Tort Tovvnseud for the above ports on the first day of each month, 1SS1. l';issengers and freight taken from Port land and Astoiia. En. C. HUGnES. Parser. H. CARTWRIGHT &.S0N, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Vats Lined antl Other Cannery Work Done. All reimlis completed in the best .style on short notice. Adjoining McLeans blacksmith shop, Astoria. WAIt IS IKOIiAItEI) WITHOUT FURTHER XOT1CK And uo terms of ience until ev ery man in Astoria 1ms a new ?&3fer suit of clothes 7t JIAUiS X 311iA.AX. lunik at the prices : Pants to order from - - SS 00 P.-uits. Genuine French Cassimcre - 12 50 Suits from - -- -- -25 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. 1'. J. MEANY, Merchant Tailor. Parker House. Astoria. ow$ sciijgj Tiri CALIFORNIA ONE PEIGE STOKE! Jilt. J. COHEN, FOKMKKLY OP THE I X L STORE, WILL OPEN TVEDNKSDAY, Al'JlIL CTII, 1V11II A FL'LL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS. MY STOCK 1JKIXG XKW YOU AVILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVAN TAGE TO CALL ON ME AS I HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF 1JUYING MY GOODS FROM. FIRST HANDS. AND I HAVE HAD ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF THE LATE DECLINE IN GOODS. Among my Stock I will Sell for a few Days Goods Damaged on Route. TD BARGAIN SEEKERS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. few f hiv poods damaged lv water en mute to this city. Made a settlement with the iiHiiimm at .V) rls on tlie dollar, which I will give the early callers "the advantage. Anion;; them will be found Corsets, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Linen Grash, Quilts. Towels, Linen Suits, Bed Spreads, Summer Ulsters. Remember this is for a few Days Only. CAXUXOEt3STj&. OUSTS PRICE STORE, CORNER OPPOSITE THE TOST OFFICE. MISCELLANEOUS. Ilcury Alireite. Henrj Tictjen. T.V.Borstel. CHICAGO BREWERY, Henry Ahrens & Co.. Proprietors. 14'Z0 to I4;ji Pine Street. SAX FKAXCISCO. rruus brewery is thi: most popu- JL laronthe coast, and have established a branch in this citr and is under the manage ment of .l.STRArSS. who will l,e pleased to rill any onler f mm a dorcii bottles up ton thousand barrels. "I hi beer needs no rec ommendation, as those usin:; it once will never use any other. Order, left -at the Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Foster's will be promptly attended to. All orders Irom a distance will receive prompt attention. Families sunnlied vrith this excellent Quali ty of beer. J. STRAUSS. Agent, j ii.iiui awi-n, iu-i uuui lu jsauurunici s, Astoria, Oregon. Sja.U5TT MARY'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON. a WIS INSTITUTION", UNDER CAKE OF . the Sisters of Chanty, U now readv for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation or any desiring them. Paticntsadmltted at all hours, dav or night. No physician lias exclusive right, every patient is free to anil has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. Tnlted State 3Iariue Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free cure and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Penults must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. .Slstkks ok Charity. Wilson & Fishef DEALERS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for couutry pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenaimts and Hamilton Street- ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL xsv BOTTLE BEER DEPOT CKEfAvrcs Strkct Astoria. The Best of Lager 3 Cts. a.Glass Orders for the ia Brewery BEEB. Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. Jd3r"No cheap Sui Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOOK. Proprietor. rfJi. W. L. X'CAUK, JJ" 'A j. a. nnown j?V AtorU. Portland. BROW.V &. SIrCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria office At K. C. Holden's Auction store. Portland oJuce24 B street. 13-tf MISCELLANEOUS. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer In HUME, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON, TIH AND COPPER, Cannery ani Fisherinsns Snpplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch'. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand. V. T. nAUCLAV. T. II. HATCH HATCH & BARGLAY, COMMISSION" MCRCHANTS, No. 20 California St, San Francisco, Qal. Do you Imagine what is the Finest and Best Enjoyment and Recreation? THE XEW- OK ON" CON'COMLY STREET, Is better than all the pynmastieal and sport exercises In the country. THE TEN" FIX ALLEYS Are in exeat vogue In Europe Just now, and why should Astoria stay behind, as THE TEN PIN GAME Ls the Cheapest, Healthiest, and most enjoy able amusement to be found. THE VEKY BEST OF SAN" FRANCISCO National Brewery Beer. AXD FJtEE IUXCII Will be served, and the grand Concert Organ playing sweet strains to cater to your ear. Co me. Try It, and Enjoy It. C. LK1XENWKBEK. HIRAM 1IH0WX. KSTAIILISHKD 1S65. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AD CMBEBS, Manufacturers and Importers ol A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS' Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES n-Hlgbest cash price paid for ides and Tallow. if. D. KA3ZT. MERCHANT THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR M. D.KANT, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, WHO "WILL GIVE GLAD TIDINGS TO ALL ABOUT THE PRICE AND STYLE OF CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS. ETC., ETC. AS SOON AS HE HAS HIS MAMMOTH STOCK ASSORTED AND DISPLAYED YOU MAY EXPECT LATEST STYLES, LARGEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRICES. E. R. HAWES, II 3flBHS3EiaE9i$M W y JZLJslllSilflSsSil JE3 Ri 33 jL W jS S? TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - ASTORIA. OREGON, MISCELLANEOUS. TRMCHARO & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SBIP CHANDLElll PROVISIONS, IROjY, STEEL. GOAL, Builders Genera! HARDWARE, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AUENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near OIney, ASTORIA. OREHON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Agent for the celebrated MEDALLION' RAiYRE. Ilizh Clowets. Jjqiv CIoHetM. and A'lain .nances. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc.- ALL WORK WARRANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TARNISHES MDJiPMS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrhe direct from New York English Lustre Black Varnish, 1NEBARRELS. Turpentine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARRELS' Benzine Asphaltum Varnish, IN BARREL No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. AI0 Silicic Alnmuinte Paint, FOR IRON AND WOOD V.OliK. " JAMES LATDLAW & CO., 1G X Front "Street. Portland. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KI2TJD8 OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfape on reason able terms. Foot of Benton strept. Astoria Oregon. LETTER HEAD PAPER, )RINTED OR PLAIN, 0 THE BEST Quality at ThbAstokus office. v"