ttj sgft.e Siixtxj gslflKfenj. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY. APRIL , 18S1 GOMMEBCEJUiD TRADE. I'lllKlICIHl. iirar,.at iar. Own exchange on San Francuco M per east IMininm. Oam excaaaga m Xeir York baytetc par: MBiMC'iUl pttTOMli. lt Tsiefs tr. TtaWaiilnc toMttferg on Kmt Yark 1 tr fORT OF ASTOKIA. RBAItY FOB SKA. HAIfjICtt. 9mm aa. 2 MM. r-Waaa. K 1' ArM 1 VWa, fcc bk. 3 taaa. rose, -at-n. laaach ltMtOaUforia. . mm. ftaawMr, fnS 1' Xatc Rg-wafe. br. i. (U toe. WOtiams. MhiimI. JtaciiK riwrira br bk. til Uti. Haatia QiMeaeUMva. XaNklS Ma)N-blciM4toiiQeetttw. Mareh 18 TJfart.jii.aoh.3W fa. McAttafg r. Man 17 irHinrn. br bk. M9K um Lea QaeraatMn! Meh 14 jLHiipr. br bk. tea. Meiwr. liver-atol, F u qiluiVii) m. tfti Um ttmOem 8 F. Aarit X XrnOi Ma4 Met X tasaPatrvasaa. It V Anl a jtaailr bk 73 ton, llarria. XuwMrt, Em, via Uaajtaaa Afc-H 1 fcttrUaa Castle, brafa lJUitis,Saaabai April 1 Yfeal. bk. -am Urn. Adaaa, S. 1. Match 3 Saattiah lair, br fct. Y Aafcaaaa. Ma SI Uaaaaa. . iM Kmm. Trawbrioca. X. Y. via JMa, Ma I Kate aai1ina.icmch.Mia.liHat.Oaya J4aar..la24 Sbabtick. U J.iMaa w. Haacaaa. erataa Dae vkssk oa n; rji. H'iWaatrtut. .. 3a tHM. X Y Mat MbuetMea. Met. StW Manuon Xarb HI fiMTun mA.SK Marefa ) Driout. ne. 21:! to. WiMtame. ti F I4m:.bcU. 4U 1h. -S 1'. Jaa 34. J!ert. sk. 121 toap. Lawdi.X Y Dae 16 C.ertn.sM Phtla4ifhia. Jaa It iteijtire. ii. lltj teas. New Yerk.Jae IS JJpnrv S Saixiferd, Am a. IMS tea, Meaftar. KY Mareh il Kate Uart. sb. 121S ta. Mlbstt Y Jan IS CelaMbia. m. H72 ts. i'fflaM. N Y. Ja 3 Carrie WhwWh. Am lk.U tew;. lra. I'bMa- tMi4twi Fli n Palmyra. Ats!i.;X Y Feb. AM Huelv. Arat4i IoxIhh; X Y Olivo S Seathard Am t PbHadaiphia Marefe From Forcis Irts. Aiaba, 8pami4i IA Stalej F I. Jaa S via Yietoria AtratM OwaUi, Ih- i4i. II toae. .MeUilibefl. Uaraiff. Dec lb. AaoK. S. lik. K5 tons. KiHsmaBH, Uettaa- mtK. Oct S Arse, gr l fiW tea. CJatae Itki Jaatere Jan f AWen Beew. Aw Uk. Wi tea. Xeje. Heafikeae. Jb lSltMMJinc Oressiieltl. br lk. Lirereel. March 2fi Ufmnt- or Ayr br ltic. B tens, Alennder OardHf. Kev a Oitv ef Asta. Vr bk, MTT1 tea. YeaaK. SleJbearae. Clan Grant, lir bk. Wi tea, James, f m I.trarpee). Xov -.M tJeloma. Am bk SB tea. iCeres. Ueagkeat; Jaa l GeuDte of Iletb. br bk. Gibraltar Uob St f.K ton. Yokohama Mareb 3. Doxford. br bk. Liverpool Mare.a 3 via Viotoria Uthol. br bk. 416 tonb. Graham. Livarpeel. Novl Fadornes'andct. hue bk Iterdeaus. Oct 12 Goo Uewlw. br ah WW teBi. lw-tw. Yokohama Glencaber. br bk, leadiaa; at Lirerpeel. lAtsue lk NM tenfi. Mot. Liverpool Auc IS, via Honolulu and Victoria Odnha. br bk 416 tons Liverpool via Uesolulu Ju ly 21. lleabtlal bk S7 tons, Weat, Liverjal. a Vie- teria Oct Id Slkri( h. 1182 teas, Anderfeon. fm Cardiff "ov 25 3Miaw. lir bk 4W tens MeGlaahan Mtddleboroush Jaa li Vioteria Cros. br bk, IM teas. Owen. Calcutta. JZo. br bk i.ivrjl va Vieteria Jan 3 THE MARKETS. Asloriu Markets. 1'louu. Suporfino SI 7.5; Extra S5 00; Corn 3Ioal ft ctvt. SS 50; Duokwhoat cut $6 06. Buttkr Choice roll, top price?. 32J4 ct. S7c wholesale; choice Tillamook 30c CiiKESic-Clatsop dairy 151i18c. Kgos. 2S cts dor. Chickens, S 1 OT. Mkats. Choice cuts. Lamb. 10c; Beef SfcilO : Fork 10 ; -Mutton 8&10. tty the carcaso c . ....... . AIe-vts. Ureakfat baoon 1S41 per H; Side Wfl4,c; hams l-JJiac; shouldors lOftlSc : bwoked beef l"a,lCSc: corned beef S1012H bbl.: corned pork 10c ft. 11KAXS. g! CIS. DuiKi) FuuiTri. Blackberries 3c: Primes "llGNKY. In framet; 3c : is gJ8 JiOe. Lakb. Ib tins awl caddie V U. Mill Fki. Bran ae w : oiwnlry, 2 Dt tan; Shw us $1 ; Hay fcw Wa22 .': ton. Oat. Acowdins to taality. prte6 raaajo fra lHishd. VmcrAM.. i'wUtueo jSI et. V ; OawwMafeacVB'. San t'rxuielsro 3IarlJott. (HY MAIL AND TKLBOKAJ'H.l Whkat $1 471 Zi hst cental for gmA. shii)Hit!. OATS-l 151 2S C-U. Wool OreKow. Valley 2730 ctri. ? . ltestern l)resm, I8ie30. JIidks lleavv siUtml 10c; light, do 20e; salted calf, 1012. Family Pitoviioxs 1hcii.131S ots; clear Oregtmsidc, 1313jc; hamb, 12Jfl.t cts. Baulky Ceast: feed HOtsSl 05 cte; BlftWillf? STJ-a'CSCi V ctl. Hay Wheat, .IS$15, Oal, S9513, .Barley, SSsSl5 V t- Vuksictaklks Potatoes 75i cts lMir 200; Onions red, (XXg70c ier 100; 1 el low, Sl$l r0 per 10ft. Eo!s Caiifonthi,:i747c ft dor; Ore ?mii. 3.40e doK. Fi.ouk Best family extra, S4 75; Su- porfinf,5 30(4; Bakers extra, ST. 12 W; Oregon extra, 4 7."Ti 00; Walla-wal! iMBs uu; waiin-wstna xtra, S-l j0?4 1'ituiTs Dried apples, si cts. for quarters, sliced; Plums jutted,. 1.114c; Peaches ll12c peeled lfil20c, Buttki: AXi) Ciikksk Extra fancy Butter, 40 cts, V B; Fresh roll, good to choice, 4547.J4 els; Pickled, 40 cts. Seeds Flax, 2K-Tc V ; Canarj', 34c; Alfalfa, yllc; Timothy, y 10c lb. Bags There is a Reed business in a 30bbnij way at 8X($9Xc for standard grain. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. Date. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 31 a 2...... a..". L 5...... B 7 r. 8 9 . 0 bC 1 18 1 21 1 an 1 48 2 42 .... 2 22 ..... 3 33 .. 3 43 o 27 .- 4 33 ,0 22 5 27.....I;6 15 ... C 23 8 07 ... 7 3 J 8 59 ... 8 32 9 491 . 7 40., 7 27 . 8 27. 8 00 . 9 07 8 31 . 9 47 9 03 .11 10 10 29 . 0 03 11 24 0 64 - 0 30 1 48 - 1 37 2 43 , 2 41 3 37 Blanks, Promissory notes, bonds for deed, quit claim deeds, mortgages and warranty deeds, at this office. Columbia River Exports. DKCKM11EK. 18- To lAverpvA, "per C7if fderx. From Portland 1277 bids flour... - Astoria 835 " " ... $GC,47T. SfiOQ Totals. 1S.102 From AHtoria S.218 cs salmon.... $00,375 16.U96 Total value cargo IS 7V (MeeMatMtm, per .adorn 3. Slmjnt. From l'mttmtd 3LS01 ctls wheat $25.oO " Astoria 2,2S2 ' ar6 Total MB $ie,3S'i to T QavwaMMwn, jirr LoJJa .'. Prom Portfamd 2S.t27 ctls wheat. $5lrS09 1 3V (jmnntbiwn, per Jrrlmt. From Portland 21 J cUs wheat. HTtt IJvcrpuol. per Ijttrf. Vmm IVntfauMl lljtaUblx gam-. AxturU UD " " Tataja ..H.7aj STTm ifmeetukitm, per CnanaVa. rnaa I'artbiiMl ajm eds wtwac... A.4torta SWW " TaUH AUK Tu QatfHvira, jter Balmtmc. l'row I'ortiaad 2t.l u etls wbjeat.. 31 T QmtMtov, per JUwU Herd. Fnwu PurUaad3S,(( ctli wbrai - A-sUiru T.ias TttaX 3JC5 -JAYt'AKY. 3-;To Mfiwifaaw, fw JViebr. fnai furtlawt SSts etto wfceaL...., ) TV (fverMtim-n, per mmtpmtm. From Pbrttaad 9C,W ells wtmO. 0.7W susm .geajow l-rr Uverptm, par Atar Ihc JYwt. From I'Mttbted llW aUfi Hmr. 24 T Jtrrpml, per fatri feray. .uar Fiom ttrttMt wjes VMn Otmr.. wlnut, 1 Km AxUMte 4 " Tatal ralw . . FKIWtCAHY. J V livrfffft, per Otter. Frem rtHtimaa 4J W daax.. 4w etl irlasat t,mlvf Trta' r FttumU, per Ittnkml. Vram Vmikutd lM eUs wltent 1 Ta lAoerpa. per Aglmm. Vnnm FwtUwl 361 ItfkstaWmr. S"j57 TV ?MMMtoMtjt, r Aierlemm. From FtHilaiMl 21 421 ctts wiieMt 5 Ta IAtrpi, tr iMtrrttkg. FnM 1'ortlaiHl 17.1.N sks tWwr... A.s4ri I7 o.!iHH. .J T.ilal .SI 7V lAnrp'fit, per Durham. Fnmi rorttaiMi 1 1JVK rtli wiieal. S.H2 libte lawr. " A-l4fj )2 Cn SMltHH . ?, s.nso .Tri'i Ti ! T ijMcrM'ttrti, fter fVrwWcr. Fww l'4rtiaM4( IS.1K ctls whuat $21,QU 25-T IArcrpA, cr Archer. Fmhh lVtrriatMl 12.W7I 'tis wteHt. 7Ui IiUIh H4Hr.. ..?l.Vi(x . JM,ui TaUl M.i:cir. 12 TV Qf&trtwH, per llvdmrn. Fhhm 1'mliaHil 3S.111 ctl Hkeal 12. TV Qhch4wh, ;r .Serftw. Fhhm 1'orUatHl 2Bi5 ct!- 'vvtWHt IS.560 $51,000 $38 JM To JAverftwd. ycr Ilycmie. FrotM Portland 13.0JO vH wheat ... S.008 bl4- Hr 22 T (jitttittrtrn. er GkncnrM. Fixhm PortUnl 2l.417e:h wlwnl 'XTi (jHml4nru. tcr I'f'rfn. FMHMTWliJMlJ(,W.t etls hIhtmI .5;,22 ?2S.11S --7,iO0 Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Itefralnr meeting every island 3d Monday of each month. :it 7Vt r. M., in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. President Knieht3 ot Pvtliias. IS.' Aster LodRO, No. C. K.pi P. mectfe every ucunosuay ureninR at tW o'clock, in tho hall of the A. 0. V. VTS Cornex Cuonamus and Benton streets. By ordor C U. Astoria LiOdjre No. 40, L O. G. T. Kocralar Moetinit overi Tnosday Ereninir at7Vi o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Cho namus Street. Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in sood.tand- ntr, are invited to attend. Dosreo raoetin? 1st Monday each month. By ordor V. C.T. Temple LiOflge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Rezal&r Communications i first andYY Jth. at 74 V third Saturday in eaoh iaoa o'clock, r. .. at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Ordor, in good etandinc.aro invitod to attend. By erde: of tho W. M. Beaver liOdtro No. 35, L O. O. F. Mtwtt MArr l hurtlav omaui. -Oirfl at 7S o'cloek. in the Odd Pel- 1w's Hull Piir nf nsaml Chet- 'T"W naataa stream, Astoria. Mewlwraof the Order are iarHod to attend. By order. X,ti. Common Council. Kaeularmeetinip cal and fonrth Tm da vnin of each month, at 71 2 o clock :Peronsde'trine to have matters acted KfMi by theOwneil. atanyrecular meetinc amat prevent the fame to the Auditor am. Oterk an or before the Friday ereuin? prior to the Taeday on which the CoMnciI holds u ropalar meeting. It. 11. CAKUM'EI.L. Aaditor and Clerk. THE LARCEST Printing Office in the World ! ! HISTOKY OF THE Government Printing Office. AT WASHIXGTOX, D.C.. EmbraciiM; many Intert'sttng IiirHk'it aiul Kveats hi the VYih kings of this tSreal ll- tjUdisliimHit. with nmHniLs lllitstnt- thm. s o. alfotit 12"i t 131 ltape. Prlce.:-lii l'aiKr Covers, 75 ct. iH?rciy ; hi Cloth. l to. avxopsi.s or contexts : Chaitki: I. I. Brief HWorj' f Public Printing Iiihh 17S to 181 : 2. SweritttiMl ciito of PiiMic Printing from 1S32 to KS1 ; x Chief Clerks from 1852 to 18S1 : 4. Freen ami Assistant Foremen of Print iitgainl Bind ing irom lasi ; o. iivm.mii urgamzi tiiHi of Uie OWce ; G. Duties of tlH Piilrfie ranter, etc. Chaitkk II. The Print ing Deimrtiaent ; 1. The Document Boom : The Job INkhh : 3. The Press Boom ; 4. Tlie Patent OlMcc Specincauon Boom : 5. Tlie 1' owing Boom; C. Tike Cntrresskinal Becortl IUkhii. with a brief allusion to the early nublicatiou of the Delnilcs of Congress ; 7. The Branch Oflkre la the Treasury DepartiHcnt Building ; 8. utuer jtrancii uaires, Chaitkk IIL The Stereotyping and Elec trotyiing Department, CiiAiTun IV. Tlie Binding Department; 1. The Ruling Boom : 2. The Sewing Boom ; 3. Tlie Forwarding Boom; 4. TlieFinishiut; BiMini : o. nmucn lunuencs. Chaitku V. l. TheMarhlneandCann ter Sheps: 2. Tlie Yault for Sterotype Plates ; s. Paper Warehouse ; 4. Varchouse for Binders Materials, etc, etc ArrKXUix. 1. Alphabetical List of Em ployes at date of Publication ; 2. All Laws relating to Public Printing up to tlie close of the 4Gtli Congress. Tlie above work Is now ready for the prin ter, and will be published In a few weeks, and wilt be SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Tlie manuscript has been prepared with great care ; the very best sources of In formation censulted: tlie most Interesting feature of the establishment described, ana everything possible done to make tlie book readable and reliable. Parties desiring copies of this work should address, without delav. It. W. KEBB. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. a CWtw.lm 11.' u MWMW 1 GH3R5I8 Ul C3C.127 xC"3k f& MISCELLANEOUS HOSTTTEuj SHooIIlX 4'hillw own the Kark. lnll lOill III l'l-l.H.V. JI.IP-M. '..II.iiUSJK-, attsiiiitoiii.ifi:iirMrliiiis( i ratal ague. Use antlMHit M.-n IIiittT"' Ittt Ivt, ti!n-n M.IJitlx lrl!w ml -irqi-tiMi vi.ial wanutli. rjti":a'.- U.- stmarU auil iiiinart.t 1m ! tlu ltv:-r. Tin- ImiwpK llw mu-'i ..iui lit iH.:tr- inp rr-1 tnnil to n ln:il:h (miKUiMt. i'i iiix-asfKi rlHUTfl :' Mi-ii:i!wL rK ilnijsdMs aii.l iUm' r :-ti'-i.tU . !.? all ifTWgg MoiHors liio and Physicians reoomiaontl it, IT IS HOT PARC0T1-:. CEXTAUR lillsTuiLENTS; the "World's grrcafe Pain-Kc-licYing-remedies. Theylical, sootlie and cure Burns, "Wounds, "Weak -5ack and Rheumatism upon IMan, and Sprains, Galls and .Lameness spoil Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. reaggSaSFJtaBgrajSta SPURTS of dibgubtiiis Mucus, SnuiHos, Craclding Pains in tho Head, Fetid Breath, Doafnoss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, con ho exterminated hy "WciDo Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, "by Ahsorp tion. Tho most Important Dis covery since Vaccination WL.I J,BlLi& JUL W DNE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Broncliitis, ' Influenza, Asthma, wliooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including OOWSUMPTIOW, A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause bemad, as is the case with most preparation. bat loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation, thus removing the causoof coraplakt." DO NOT E DECEIVED by ankles bear kg suc3ar saaes. Be sure you set P.R. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, viththeigaatUFeof"I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. CO Cents and SI. 00 a BotUcl" Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Bo QSjMaas. Sold by druggists aad dealers nenerall For Youngs River and Knappa. TIm Steamer r-.iznm- C. W. HAMLIN, - - ' MASTER Will make rvpttlar trips to Youngs River ev ry inaaj ami ttMpjm every imwulny. Tlie Magnet hs ready for c barter to any lHtinton t tie bay. For freight or tAsa?cxply tai lnmrd or at I. W. Case's. THE ASTORIA Pliotograpli Gallery CARD SIZi: PHOTOKHAIMIS, JSjJ 5t) IVr Dozen. cabixittsikz: I'liorotiitAi'iis S OO It Dozen. CjySlecial rates for families. a K. JACKIXS. J. A. JIONTGOMKttV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA, - OREGON. c? i- i rnw ii ki -i- . .- - wi i ii i iiaBiwiMi i 1 1 ni in t:- . i . vw - ii,iiv -v.Vl- zz.vr a r- t i i i ' i i imii i hi aaaaiaaiin i i i wiai i i ggMk. 5? i i hi ii "MFrHwilil ' i IT 1lWMiirr i 'MWStm f ,A&&EE?s. j 7 -v ? 1 1 r i a tar ; ; ??JfJfnSKmMKBMMm' ixwh&lSt&XftaByR '?mmmm rsrfflsaE m&J'&&fm 5 'rCOTTQRflOPECsSaiffflSill WMMIWalMMfcwi fgrsssa o s7rvrc,Avsaffi ttttf gm$mmti&m& . e.:sBTt MZk. : sSXL 2Ss m --x r,J"P TwnAf -'wiwi wij f -rf ; TFiirv -'-- -wi vTafeswfe, r . . jsh - Za5m$m$$mam mm wfflmms rr 3 -ySCWCH Sl&ill fWIIIS' K i$fcaBS2i PAGJFIC GQAST ( , n i r . !& A6ERTS F , - - -- MS dlll-.. ... ,". h. ii n w ! fj-r n M xLmfftaV G. H. ITP.YANT. M. ir-acy.M ?0RKift-5iM s?iu .r sa : a j ssr , v.rvs-Tssrr-SRs--:" J'Afyr.. "- "b-" b i AtfdMA.risr - .or,- 'j srs-iy, v.v i i .jimds."', ., so. r-- rf3- . Jii'irv-s.'wo . r . (rrriiusiyGcvVC. rCi S&l'zrrtLun x i6S.N nr a &- - fcOJ-i x cjt jtv fi r r TTJaair m' '".LV-is. v. AUSCELLAKEOUS. A. V. ALI.KN. . H. f.c: .SCCCKSSOR-S TO K. S. LARSKK.) U'ttoteviK ami rutnit itoMiitr la' 'Q&en&B pmsian9 &rw&k&?y Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPICAI. AXI) DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wiis,Liprs, Token! Cigars Tlie largest and most oniHidete stock of giMMis In their Hue to be IohihIIh the citj. Comer of Cass and Squciwoefjht' Streets. ASTOKIA. OKEUOX. .33- W, BIiOOB, (Successor to Blood & Lee.) CLATSKANIE, ... OREGON. Is now prepared to receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been engaged in making tkwts. etc.. for tlie past five years, anil my work has al ways given satisfaction. I am pre iKircd to fill all orders nnimntlv. and on short notice at the lowest prices, always uiMlersellirg oilier factories according to iiality of gMLs. Orders left with TRENCHARD & IIHFR. Agents, Astoria, Or addressed to the undersigned, will re ceive prompt attention. It. W. BLOOD. Cktl.tkaiiie. Ort-gon. Su&.XJXTX BE-alf'S HOSPITAL, ASTOKIA, OKEGOX. millS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARK OF X the Slaters of Chanty. Is mm ready for the reeepikm of path-uts. Private rooms for the a -ntimodati'a of any desiring them. 1'atieiitsmlmnti'd at all or night. No pnshian lias erinsi. right. eerv jratlent Is free to ami 1ms the privilege of emidoying any idiysieiau they jirefer. Vuitcil States Marine Seamen who paj Uortpital Dues, are enti tled to Free care ami atteudanee at this Hus jdtal during sk'kiu'ss. Permits must le ob tained for Uniteil States Marines at the Cita tum House. Sl.sTKRs OK ClIAKITV. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, (iHtsiu tlie Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co's wharf. New Bagatelle Table, (The Chinese must go.) The emneest bramls of foreign ami tlomestk WI.I1S. I,IiU01tS AXI CK.'AllS naISet Chicaso Ilecr.twt GEIliLVNlA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEl'Ol. CHE5AMU3 STEF.CT. ASTORIA. The Best of Layeri Cts, a Glass Orders for the Celeiratei! ColmMa . Brewery Left at this phice will be promptly attend ed to. HyNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. W. L. JI'CARE, Astoria. BROW.V & McGAJlE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria office At E. C. Ilolden's Auction I store. Portland office 24 B street. 13-tf Page Sz Allen 'V J. A. BROW Z&ZSjg Portland. SDM & CO., BOSTON. IIt 1 LLIOI. The 3Io-t S'trrex-.if t.entcdy eer i iliM.o-ifd. a it - T"ii ;s. its i-Kffts and) ibtes not biistt-r. 1 " ' at for human j llsh. R.4tJ ;rMi- N !v . iTnnm o Cr.ntM;i-4 Phircini'in i I i uili c . iuii-.iii(.ii -. i.t.....-.. . .. i t.. it..... 1- hau 1 tltt it .1 Kvmhi: r-i. 5itS! IIkmI-t ing or .:dwrlsnii-iit nt Tun". K.r'd and F:vnti. -t Ki uit.ill's miji :ti Cure, r ml hanug a valimbh i.d s "' lior- nhh'iihmt lHen bune fnmi sntvin ighteen immths. I sent to vi for a bottle b express, which hi -ix weks rewHn d all" lamwsjL ami enlarge ment and a large sjdmr from another horv, la4h IorMs an to-day a snund a? entts. Thf imii- Ihi;:!" was worth "to i.n mtf hundred mdlar. KiMHV!full ours. H.-A. BEItTf )LETT, M 1). KENDALL'S SPAViH CURE ! Pa.. Nov. IK 1M). I)K. IS J. KrM'At.LYvfO.. ;.Mlts: I ll.ue a verv ine man- that h.ts h;:d a lxme spavin for a long time. I tnHl even tiling man timid driiM to ciin' if but all in '.ain.uitl wa a'nut to sie it ui v.In-na friend of mine in t'n-. -iv eann to me awl tvcoin-J ni-mlcd KctHlallV Spavin Cure whirh I trlfd with grand reilts. removing th-'t lione elear and el':iii ami then I s"iit 2"i eents to you for one of jour iiha.tnted Ilorsi' Books and I think t!nrt i hi ln-ttt-r !n.k printed on the iHrs- and liK d:-iaM,. I nave taken gteat lnli-n-.; in . a,id hai siin-t s4d is t'o'des for-ioii ti litjichlMirHaml v.ill try and do ahatgoid I -m o getting th-iii forothiT. Yours ;r . t;.V". MILLER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX MV3I.VX I'IjKMH. Bakersfield. Vt.. Dee.. 2:, IS70. B. .1. IKXI.U. & Co.. Gents: I wish to add mv testimou in favor of mir iiivrhiaMe liiuuieiit. Kendall's spavin Cur" In tlie spring of isi.2 I siipi-d nit the lee anil sprained my right limb at the kne; joint. I was er tamo and at tine.-, suffered tin . " ..:...: ... i -.. .. I.... ..I...... .... :t r.. ...-..-.. ...:.- ,.i ii,.,r .,.,.r u...M-. in- ii i. "ri a .i....i.w ...T.. ...... ..... . th:ng in m rriieh. but rouhl n'nl no'hingl la..t .. aai, . ft... .. .ft., t..f L t .. li.f W1.J. lllllM. I I overworked, tt would jwin me verj- nitteh. In April 1S7S I began to think I should be a cripple tor life; but h.ivnig some of"Ke:i hiir SiKivm Cure" tliouElit I Mould tn-It. 1 used me third f a iMittle. and experienced I relief at once. The pain lett me ami lias not troulHed me since. I feel ver grateful to von and would recommend 'Kendall Spav n 1'iire to all who suffer with sprains or rheu matism. Yours truly, Mk.J.Boctell, Kcndairs Spavin Oure Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, and yet it L peuetrating and imwertul to reach an deep seated pain or to 'remove auy bony growth or any other enlargement, if used tor .several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swelllncs. :ui lameness and all eiilargemetits of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any mintnsefnr whirh a liniment is used for man or lieast. It Ls now known to Ik the bst liniment fo-mnu ever used, act ing mild ami yet certain in its effects. It ts used full .strength with perfect safety at ali seasons of th j ear. Semi addnsfor illustrated circular, which we think ghes Native pioof r its irtues. No reiwdv has ever met with swell unquali Htil sncjvs. ti Mir kr.uwleiiKe.for bea. as well sis man Price 51 Tr lM)ttle. or six bottles for S3 ALL DRUGGISTS hove it or can get it for ymi. orit will lH-si-Ht to an mid rest, on re ceiid of price b the monr.etors. DR. P. .1. KENDALLS CO.. Enosbut h Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WILLIAM SB GAB, rr r Iair .iro .mB5trwb, ORKt". Asf. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, T..eC lebniteil JOSEPH ROD'CEBS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENHQLA1 and other Enslbh Cutlory. s2a,xxox&E:orx FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Mesrshaimi Pipes, etc. A line sti-ek of "VVatehes. and Jewelry. Muzzle ami Itreerh I.nnilin Shot Gu ami KIRcs. JlevoIverM. l'Lstols. anil IiASSE.S AIO A FIXK Assortment of Rue SPECTACLES aud EYE GIVSSES. " Wilson & Fishef DKALEILS IX" LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED. GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country uro duceorsoldat lowest prices. Corner Ctienamus'and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. BLANK J00KS PRINTED AND BOUND TO A Sfi.r.. and ruled to any order, at Ihk Astoria office. S$2 TilfcEavDAw I ar2 s v oi wTrKinzii r.qk. - -'sr.tsx:rr::rrV--,'ts tATjyrlVVLjUWC. -7 . ' Anunniiiiion vT-s. 3IARIXK o o cr 3! L?:,c Ca-i'l. vQsi4Kc CO &MgLVM.B!z C&SVASGl ' msmm SRQPuTINSUlX- c o ..'iuvv -syj-r; csf - ?X6tH5S5 gSPfira ap i-s:.'Yx MILLS AT JOHNSTONE, SCOT'D. .& GRAFTS, MASS. TltAKSPORTATlON LI'ES. Oregon Railway & Navigation i-osirAirv. Sail Francisco. TFAMMIIl I.E.VVESEVEKY FIVE lays A. M.. aNfrthw : Cnlumbin. AC - "V, n. Oregon. Mnte California .. 7 Feb 17 Pel 12 22 Men 4 " -.27 S " 19 March 14 ....21 April " 29 S " .lSl.pril 13 23 Mav .. " 23 " 18 Mav 13 Feb.... jp.jt J AiiriL May Right i reMrrveil to ehanee steamers lor sailing davs. THROUGH TICKETS sW to all the prm cinal cities in tlie United States ami Cuaada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Villamet and Yamhill Riuers. FEBRUARY 1. ISSt. Leave Port- I f land for MimTn. We. iTliu. Fru Snt. Dallas, Wal- l I !a Walla. Umatilla. and up riv er points . AM 3 AM 5 AM 3 AM .5 AM 5 AM Attoria. Ka- lania. Tacot Hia.iittJepiA.M SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM Vic'ria. Xewl West'mstr GAM PAM Catl)lawt,' Bar A'law.i Skaiuk- wa. Itrouic-' tieM SAM jf AM SAM Wetport. i ( ' 1 1 f t on. Knappd. SAM AM SAM Dartort . - . 7AM 7AM 7AM Salem. Al bany. Cor- vallfs. aRJi intenDedi-j atppoiHta.ltiAM SAM UKXKItAI. OFFICES : Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. McCRAKEN & Co.. Agents State of California. A. K MAXWELL. Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co. '""' .Hiil. !mi..t-il l.Voiulif an.l I..uo.....,r.....t -W..V... ..-.... ...... ...TW.-.,.. ..,. .... T. F. OAKES. Vice iTCsident and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olynxpia. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go. rpfrk Until further notice tho Ilwaco - Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, WH ITC0MB MASTER Will leave Astoria on llonil.ijs, Tuesdnjs, anil Saturdays, At 9 A.M., Fridays at fi 1-t A. 31., ami 1 1. 3l'. fort Mctcns, Fort t'anliy, ami lliac Connectim: with L. A. Loomi3'staRes for Oys terville and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens 50ct3 " " Canby and Ilwaco.......... $i oo fta-llw.ieo freisht. by the ton, in Iot3 of one ton or over, $2 oo per ton. awrfr'or Tieket. Towaso or Cha'rter apply either at the olKce of tho Company, tiray's wharf, foot of Bnnton streot, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY. Agent, Oregon & California R.R. Co nnnHeftt. 11, 3fM), trains willrKH a fl-loa-.. AlL L.eit Mtadaya), ! srs;i k nvisio.v. FROW PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. V1L TK.V1N- LKAVK. ARRIVE. i'ortmml 7:-Ha A. M.Eo?ebrc7:iO P. M ltoslHirg.-jV A.M.lFortland iriJP M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland l:ao P. M.ILebanon .2t) P. M Lebanon 1:1". A. M.Portland.lU:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:15 A. M.IJunction tfiOO P. M j Junction 3:15 A. M. I Portland 3:25 P. M I Tiro Oregon ami California Railroad Ferry raak o. connection with all Regular Train on I E.isU ide Diriskin. triuSTSimc iuvisio.v. Trom IortIantI to t'orvallls. ilML TKVIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland :00 A. M.ICorvallis .:) P. .M Corvallw .s:3 A. M.ll'ortlaad 3:20 P.IAI Cloe connections aro made at ROSEBURG with the stages of theOresoaand California Stage Comiany. rTicketsforalo to all the principal points in California and the rlvt, at tho Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will be charged on freight remain as atCompanys Warehouso ovor21 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, and i o'clock P. M. on U estside Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen-1 Sup't E. F. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent, Astoria anil Knappton. Regular Mall and Passeuger Steamer ROSETTA, C. BROCK MASTER C3-WI11 leave Knappton for Astoria and return dally. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her to carry wood or freight of any kind. Bar For charter, freight or passage, at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. W. Case's store. Wanted. 1 K AAH POUNDS RAGS OF allTcinds, Jl.OjJJ clean and dry, at the Umbrella shop. Main street, by J.JOPLIN. r