e,-.- , ,-, w-.r. fsz- - f'l f Astoria, Oregoc, Tuesday Morning, March 29, 1881. Ifo. 7.4 Vol. xiv. W t Wamiixgtox. March 1. Cosig.ess ppropritcl $3,379, S?l 45 for the district for the fiscal year ending .Tmie 30, 1S82, of which oue half, or d,GS9t933.74, is to be paid out of the local rev enues. Hon. J. 13. Montgomery is very ill at "Wilbu-ds; Gov. Woods lias returned to tHe Pacific coast, also United States Marshal Waters: Senator x:id Mrs. Corbctt arc here still. Col. Hodges is an active friend of Astoria. oticitte the numerous eircum locutions bv which the mother of President Garfield is alluded to, -vve wish to suggest that the proier and dignified term is Madame Garfield, and trust that in futme this may be used to the exclusion of such phases as "the venerable mother of the president," "old Mrs. Garfield," etc. Wc attended Golden llulc lodge of Odd Fellows last Tuesday even ins: where we met Hon. P. L. Hairison, of Alabama, w1k was counted out last ' summer after bein- elected probate judge of Madison county by a large major ity. He says the inaugural pro cession was as large as the one which attended his political funeral. Among the visitors to Washing ton on inauguration day was a colored man six feet seven and a half inches in hight, who ca:.ic from Harford county. This is almost equal to the altitude of Long John Wentworth, who is, perhaps, the tallest native-born in the United States, and at the same time the heaviest tall man, both in avoirdupois and spondulix. President Garfield is equal to all occasions. The temperance peo ple presented a very nice question to deal with, but the President moved around it gracefully with out jrivinjr a word of offense or committal. And now the Cobden club have sought to take hini in their free-trade doctrines, to which he answers by letter that, while he approves of all possible ventilation of the subject of freet-trade in America, for various patriotic reasons he is unable t carry out all the principles of the club, and they are happy with tliis answer. The woatlier liere the past week has been "variable." Sunday the irrepressible conflict of the moment was whether to wear the seal-skin or the new spring wrap. Either" would briuti; regret that it was not the other. To-day fresh blades of green grass are forcing their way upward under the impulse of com ing spring. A fringe of living green trims up the bare spots of winter with a pleasing contrast. Soon .the trees will send forth their messengers to spy out the summer land, and then the modest wild ilowers. off under the faded and forgotten leaves of the dead year, will hold up their bright faces like diffident children. And then spi li nage will come and gladden the heart of the wretched being whose appetite has increased as his senti ment has vanished, and it won't be a bad tiling to take with his rations of bacon and fresh-laid eggs. Ex-Governor Jewell, chairman of the Republican National com- mittee, is quoted as saying: "It is a good cabinet practical, efficient, able, working men, and by no means lacking in intellect; but if it is General Garfield has enough to supply all deficiencies. I be lieve the present administration will give us republicans in office the country over, m which will give us a republican party the country oyer. In many of the southern states we have had no party for four years, so Iwge portion of the official j)atroage being in democratic hands. This condition of affairs, 1 liope, believe, and ktoo, is going to be chauged. I have had very satisfactory inter views with 1 won't say whom since I have been here, and one thing you can set down as certain that hereafter none hut republi cans will be put on guard."1 The secretary of slate yesterday addressed a 'note to the British legation on the subject of the false reports sent by the acting British consul at Philadelphia iu regard to the prevalence of disease among the swine of the western states. The secretary reiterates the state ments made in Mr. Kvarts note of the 7th of March that all the means of information at the recourse of the department concur in s'nowing the late published report as wholly witliout foundation, but the argu ments prove to us that porlc is un fitor all human food and we would surrender hogs t the Chi nese under legal restrictions in a sanitary sense. However, the sec retary of state suys that all this o-overnment can learn after search- ing inquiry leads irresistibly to the conclusion that the good faith of Her Majesty's representative at Philadelphia has been imposed up on by designing speculators to their own selfish interests and the incalculable injury of legitimate commerce. The secretar further expresses his trust that the British minister will concur with him in the opinion that no steps can be too urgent or too imperative to ovei take and contradict this false statement, and, that this govern ment ootvfidently looks to Her Majesty's legation for an authorita tive denial. n. c i. Facts and Fancies. S.w FrattciNoo l'Milk'tiu. General Gnmt, from being the niofct taciturn and self-containad of men, 1ms become the most talka tive, not to say garrulous. This change has come over l.im since his defeat for a tl,;rd term in the last National republican conven tion. It may, pei haps, be accept ed as proof that lie has laid aside all further olitical aspirations. It certainly establishes that he is no longer in the hands of trainer-. Tlie ether character, however, lic cauic him far better. There wan, beyond question, more power in it. It is true that on most subjects upon which he has Ixjen drawn out General Grant h joke:i well. 33ut no one, a year ago, would have dreamed that lie would be found giving utterance to tin; loose talk which goes by the name of 'gusll.,' This was quite conspicuous iu a late interview with President Gur field, in which the General is repre sented as sa"ing that the people 'if China and Japan are '-turning in their need to the United States." The occasion of their distress was stated to be the alleged ambitious designs of Kussia and England. They are described as rich and fertile countries, "willing to pour their wealth into our arms if we only reach for it." This i only a another version of the old "Orinus and Ind" notion which has so long kept such a powerful hold on the imagination of so many people. But modern statisticans have made sad work of it. The nations, aud especially China, have not any wealth to pour into our arms. The are very, poor countries. The rates of wages run from five to ten cents per day in prosperous times. An energetic laboring man in China in the course of a. year or two might be able to save enough to buy a Connecticut clock for 03, but not much more can be expected from him. He can not afford to use our wheat or bacon, drink our wine or wear our clothes. If such luxuries were within his reach at all, he would raise or produce them himself. The jiouriiig out of the wealth is the other way. The balance of trade, so far as China is concerned, is always heavily against us. W e sell more goods in the little Eng lish colony of Hongkong than wc do in the whole of China. The English trade with China would not amount to much if the Chinese were not compelled to take in ex change, at the point of the bay onet, the drusr that is destrovinir' them. The opium trade about balances the tea. and silk trade. But we are not in that business at all. The feeling among the Wash ington department officials is one of uncertainty. The quadrennial attack of clerical shades is not con fined to any particular bureau or divlsiop, but permeates every de partment. These who have been for years employed in various posi tions, who have escaped former re movals, now feel that their situa tions are by no means secure, and are anxiously listening to every rumor of change, eager to know whether their friends who are higher in official position arc to be retained, and if not, to learn if the coming man can be reached by any one whom they happen to know. There are two classes of clerks who are particularly upon the anxious bench. First, those who, through democrats, have been permitted, through leniency of re- pubKcan cjiiefs to riimauv -u.olfice,5oa'K- - x..iYa. and who have come" to consider that their ositions were perma nent. Second, those who were carried away by the glitter and enthusiasm immediately following Gcnirral Hancock's nomination in to declaring themselves in his favor. These two classes are now thoroughly convinced that Gener al Garfield's administration will be a decidedly stalwart one, and hence their quaking. They have cause to fear, for so far as the new cabient ofiiccrs have express ed themselves, it is evident that they intend to give appointments only to republicans so long as members of "the party competent to fill the Ksitiom can !e found. "bould their le found a &cnrcitY of I efficient republicans then the democrats mip-ht potsibly get ai clKC4k. f. ---l..-.. fl n.. .!. X... England philanthropist, -has given awny $1,800,000. She keeps for Iter own use only S2CD.O00 out of her husband's estate of 2,000,000. Her husband was Daniel P. Stone a Boston merchant, who made his money in the dry goods jobbing trade. Twenty-nine educational institutions and several hospitals arc benefited bv her liberal distri bul'ou. The Yashington Republican says that Chinamen become grace ful pupils at dawncing the lawn cers and other fawncy dawnces, and some of their flirtins jj-lawnccs lawncc the dawncers. We do not beiieve it George. John Holers has just received at the Central market a large invoice-of coal oil, aasortuda brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a cneral assortment of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers a small proGt for cash. For tho best Beer in Astoria, call for tho Columbia Brewery Been acknowledged to be superior to all others. "Sever go shopping without con suiting the advertising columns of Tiie Astorian. They will tell you where the best bargains are to be had, and just what merchants are alive and doing business. 3IISCELLASE0US. For Sale. mitK SLOOP "CKACE III'MK." Inoiure .4. of A. )l. .b4insou. A"ria Sail Loft, or of T. .1. Ditkm mi boanl seomr Indittr . For Sale. milK .COV -HATTIE7 WILL ItK SOLD JL m rwmaaMf term. Kr partirular aw4vt JAMES KELL. 1-1M l'5xr AMoria. Notice. TOHX BEATON. FORMERLY OK LIV 3 erpmt! it rrmtoted to -.mmunlrate with tin-uiMirntteneri. JAMBS LAIPLAW. o"-lf Kntteh Yire Consul. Portland. Ojni. Notice. rjTIAX PAYKKS OK CLATSOP COl'XTY JL will take notice that this i- tht lat call for taxes iIh Clr.tMp rotuityfor the year ln-w. and additional o-t- will lw added after lUM April. 11. A. .M. i u.wki. . OK-Sw Micrin anl Ta Cilleetor. Notice to Cannerymen. CUNN'EKYMKN ARE IrKKKKY informed 'that I am ihv lured to funiKli iironiMly aiiy number of i Iimm-m- laborers ee rieneed in the work of packing room, bath phi:. tin fhoporauv other department ol a cannery. All apHk-a'tiotis b letter or tm rLse will Ik Miwriktl at any nohit on tin river. Addr : iJl'OXC MAN VA & CO.. 66-liw Astoria. City Assessor's Notice. CITY TAX PAYERS ARK REQUESTED to fill out their Irianks ami haml them in as Mon a oil)e. Alo. to lie jmrticiilar it kiiv iiHleiricdiies is eiaimel. to txte on the ret'uni tle amount, ami j-ivi- the name or names of titeiart or iartk- to whom tin? same is line, Hk law require. I-i C. HOLDEX. (t-2w City Assessor. Notice of Administratrix Ap pointment, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIYKN THAT the iiilorvifiuxt li ImwII illllv niHMMIltOll alminitratri-: of the estate of Lmau 1. 11-ul.iIeeea.NCiI.iiy Hie Hon. rminty-eoun oi tin state ot Onifim. for tltccotuitv if Clat sop. AH iKMsons haTiin: claim aaiiiNt .sikl estate are reiiiiireil to prt-Nent Hie same to me duly verined within six montlo fnun HiLn ilate. MAHY AXX 1IALI Admmistratnv or Hie iMatc of Ljman 1 Hall, ilecea-Ned. t-il3w West-Sixth Street. TVTOTICl" IS HERERY HIVEX THAT the Lh aN-vs.NHicut made by ordinance Xo. .. for the imprmement of WcnI-nKIIi street in Shivelys .Woria. frm mtrtliNhleof Wall street to the mhii'i side of lterr street, in the manner provided Iy onliiiamv Xi. -Wl on each of the foUoniiu; docrilK'd lots or laud fronting iiiMHi that jwrt of Wet-Mxth n'et.betvveen Wall ami Iterrv stnn-ts i diK' ami pavattk' at the offitt- of tlieCit Treas urer in" -vaW city in United Stato sold ami silver coin, and unless inW within live days from the esttiration of this mtice the Com- ntou Council will tnler -arntiits iued for the collection thereof. The xisosmcHt is as IHlc. Lt. Oimer. eat anil Ml. AsA'mt. 1 0 Mrs. Q. Ik Adams M-i 11.1 29 ll 7 C. w. shively Si o Mrs. Annie Tage K T A. Yan DiiNen c! A R. liaith St 1 Mr-. Xaney Welch K! rJ Mrs. XancvWek'li z 11 Miss M.I. Welch '21 1 I W.Cray 15 I A-Vanlhisen 15 11 A. Yan Dmniii 7m H!7 saw 1173 710 S74 l.iS m 111 fco StI IK DO 171 SO T71 W 211 Ml 427 t 1(C4 Uy order of the Common Comicil. I'.I!.CARI)WEI.U. Audilorar.d Clerk. Astoria, Oresmi, March "23. 18S1. 71-lWd S80 Reward. njIWEXTY DOI.I.Ai:S W.. RK PAID JL for the recovery of oaeh ivf the ImnIIo of four Chiiiainenilr"niiel in Cohiiiihtn river near IlmokReM on WtiliuIav la.Nt. while goin fnmi Pillar ntck to BrooknVhl. One wa twentj-Mie ear of ape. ami lial on his iktmhi at the time a cheek f " and Neven dllar in v;her. TIk nv.mmI was twentv-three years old aiyl had a ihnIoI ami Novell ilollars in ! ver. TlietbinlHaN twenty fonrveais ohl alwl lul tliree twenty dollar X4d diNPe. x tHenl-Bveeei:t ineee.and a Nil ver watch. The fourth was twenl-ei:rht venrs old and hal in j-ld. The aUive K-wanb will le iaid ly the imler4enel. CHIN I.l'NG. At Vet Ciw-st Paek-.us '.. Astoria. On-;.ii. SiiUwIm. THE LARGEST printing Office in the World ! ! histh:ToI'THK PnimMmorl Pvnfirn Hlfir-Ji UUlOt illlllIU X lliuiuy .iwua .VI ViAMUAl.ilW. m... u ami Events in the orknn-s of Hits t ,rvt I-s- taMHhment. with ihuimtoun Illntra- tHm. ko. alnt 12 to l"i .. Prices:-In Ph.t Cover. 75 et-. -nt cony : in thHh. ?l v. SVNOl's.l-. OI OSTKXTS : Ciiaitkk I.!. Hrief Hi?tor of PnWie PHnliiu: frunn lT- t ll ; 2. Naeriiilend ents of PmWIc Printiws fnn 1STC ti ltxt : a. Cnief Clerks fnun K1 to 1M : 4. PorenK'ii mihI A-NfciKtant Foremen tf Printline ami IMml inefntm IWI to l-'l : "- PreM-nt Orj-an7i-thm t the Onlee: . Dirti . of the Public Printer, etc. CiiAiTKi: II. Tin Printing DeoaitiiH-nt ; 1. The Doeuineiit Kikhii ; ", Tile .btl Kimjiii ; X. Thi- I'n-NS Kinhii ; I. Tin' Patent Offltv SpeeiAeathHi I.Vmmh : ... T1h Fidrtins Khii ; . The ("-MisreNMiHi.il Ki-mm-jI Kiniiii. with a brief allu-hHi to tiieearty iHHMJeaihMioi ine DebatCN of OHi?reN.; 7. Hie P.raneh (llttVe in the Treasim Deiwrtiwent Ihuhluit: ; s. Other llraiK-h ( lliieeN. Ciiaitkk III. ThcStereoty-niisand l'Jcc trotviMo Deimttiueut, Ch itkk 1 V. Tiie IMHdiin: DeimrtiiH'iit ; 1. The irullns Room : 2. The Sewins IUmhii ; a. The Fonranlln? Rhhii ; -1. The FlnhhiiB Rwhii ; ."i. Ilraneli lMniIenc. Ciiaitki: V. I. TIk-Machine and Carpen ter Sheps: 2. TIk' Vault for MerotyjK? Plates ; x PajHT Wan-houe : 1. Warelwure for Hinder Materials, etc.. etc. . Ari'KXiiix. 1. Alphabetical List of Em ploves at date of Publication : 2. All I-aws ri'innns 10 I'uouc inuiin: up i me ctu.- the 46tn Cont-res. Tiie niMire work Is now readv for the prin ter, ami will be published In "a few week.-. and will oe noi.ii ?l ih ii iw. ONLY. Tlie manuenpt ha li-en prcjwred with-:rcat care ; the cry e-i .vmrces oi m rnnnntinti rntiiiltiil the inot interestiiii feature of the establiNlnnent decrilcil. and even-thins iKissluie iioue to nuiKe ui immjk readable and reliable. Partic. desiring copies of Uils work should address, without delay, IL W. KERR. Government ITintlns Ofllce. Wasliliiaton. D. C. ca-r"w.lm H. OARTWRIGHT & SON, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. S1IOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Vats Iilncil and Other Caunery IVork Done. All repairs completed in the best style on short notice Adjoining McLeans blacksmith shop, Astoria. BASKING AXD INSURANCE. "banking ahdinsurahol x, W, case, AN'D INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROJl S O'CLOCK A. 11. UNTIL 4 AO'CLock r. m. ial Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. V. Houghton Ciias. K. Story Gko. I. Stokv President Secretary .Agt for Oraon Caiiital hi t tn U. S. gohl corn .. - s sou WW WJ I. IV. CASK, Aj-ent, Chenr.mits street, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LO-nON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMiLERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Ueirasntin? a capital of S07,000,000. A. VAX DUSEX. Agent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. MKGI.EK. C S. WRIGnT OCCIDENT IIOTfX- MEOLER & WHIG ITT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of iLspuest.saiul isnowthe beat hotel north of San FrancIco. c vr. KN'OWLRS. AUZIKUIUt. IIOTJKL. - - OREGON CIKESIiOX PORTLAND. - - Z1EBER & KN0VLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and Irom the house. aarTita Daily Aoimax i. on file at the ClareinhHi Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. T - ASTORIA Mrx. S. A. xVrrlsoiii, I'rojirletor frUIETKAVELIXO Pl'RLIC AYII.L FIXD JL the Pioneer lirst chi.s in all resnects.and a share or their patronage is respectfully Nolkite.1. 33loanl and lodsingby the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will Nerve to their customers from this ate a follow- : TEA, GOFFEE. CHOCOLATE. KaMer-i 0"'.stei-. Always on Hand, Ami will lekejt aa firNt cIrns Ojster Sa loon, in him ci.tv m ic. DANIEL GRANT. "Manager, Fair Wind Coffee Saloon ND CHOP HOUSE, WATER STREET, ASTORIA. Xet dr to Dr. Kiiwey'i. CofiVc. Tea ami Chocolate, with l'a!;c. IO Out.--. 5nl t'nokeit t -Order. Fine "IVIsii1. Fiiianr am! Cisai. OftlulKwt brands. Havins J!it ownel the almve t-taMish- jiH-nt we eMliany invit'-mir frieinls ami tlte iMtidic -reiera!S to give as a trial. Ss-ti FOARD & EVAXSOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE rXDSRSIGXED IS PLEASED TO announce to-the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City That he is mm pre'mrrd to fiimbh for them. iu nrst eiav siyie, ami every siyie. OYSTER-;. HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN" STREET. l'leaH- ive me a call. ROSCOE DIXON", Proprietor C. M. STOCKTON, BCOX.TSEJ, SXG05T I - CARRIAGE PAIHTER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A Sl'KCIALTV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. tsa-Shop next door to Astorian, Office, in Shustera building. TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN For sale ex "Warehouse atAstoria or Portland by -tf BAliFOCR, GUTHRIE & Co. Portland, Oaegon, BUSINESS CARDS. J.Q- A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAV. ChenamtH Street. - ASTORIA. OREGON 1 "IV. FUIjTO?.'. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - OREGON Ofldee over Iage & Allen's store, Cass street T IV. JKOJJIJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA ... - OREGON OBiee over Warren & Eaton's Asterm mar ket, OMKteite the Oecnient Hotel. "C" C. IIOIiDKX.i NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AXD IN- SUILVXCE AGENT. A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Clieuamits Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. Tjl i HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOW": Itooms In Allen's building up stairs, come of Cass and SCiuocqhe streets. TI-. 31. I. .TEXXIXGS, PHYSICIAN" AXD SURGEON. Graduate University of Virginia. 1863. Physician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, lSoo-70. Okkk'k In Page & Allen's building, up stairs, Astoria. J TAX TUTTXiE, 31. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONS Office Over the "White House Store. Kksidexck Xet door to "Mrs. Munson"a loanUng house, Chennuuis street, Astorl Oregon. T C. OKCIL.VKD, DENTIST, Dental Rooms. SIICaTKK'd Photograph Huilding. TA A. "IIcIXTOSII. MERCHANT TVILOK, Ocehlent Hotel Ruilding, ASTORIA - - - OREGON Q H. BAI9T t& CO., DEALER IX Doors, "Windows, Blinds, Trax. sonis, XiUnibcr. tc. AH Kinds of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Ger. cvive and Astor streets. J G. FAttiFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS rfffjfc Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer by permission to Roger. Meyers k Co, Alien iLowis.Corbitt&Macleay, Portland. Oregon. wai. niiiExiiAitT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTORIA - OREGON". Hot, Cold, Mioiicr, Men ui ami Sulphur BATHS. ttS-SiMjcial attention given to ladles' and hihlren's hair cti'thuj:. Private IliUnuiee for Indies. WILLLU1 FIIY PRACTICAL BOOT A"SIJ Si EOS MAKER. Chkxamu.s STitKirr. opi5i!,ite Adler's Boole More, - Astoria. Oregon. SB"-Perfect ftts tniaranteed. AH worlc warranteti. Give me a trial. AH orders promptly nlied. IViusic Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNES TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on cither of the above instrument. Terms Eight Ies-ons for five dollars. jar-Orders left at Stevens & Soils boolc store will be promptly attended to- J. T. BOUCHERS, CONCOMLY STREET. ASTOKIA, Manufacturer aud Packer of CAVIAR, SffiOKED SALMON. Cash paid for fresh BLACK STURGEON SPAAVX. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon put up in tln to ship to any part of the world. Abo, trout bait (salmon c&s) put up in cans and warranted to keep any length or time. Depot at Rogers Central Market, corner Cass and Cheuamus streets. Astoria. To-Night. To-Xig7iU GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVJEXIXG. IE!. jk.m C$TJI3ST3ST- dealer in FA9IICY GROCERIES, NA1XS, 9IH.E FEED A"I DAY Cash paid for country produce. 8ma! proQts on cash sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor- ner of Main and Squemocahe .streets. s PILES. The undersigned is prepared to foral-. a large number of Spiles and Spars at Ills place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES, ColumblalCttx .isii