01 (s 1 itI A. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 27, 1881. Vol. xiT. No. 73. Washington Xtcs. Washington, March !Uu Kirkwood comes near being an Ohio man. He lived in the state twenty years. Colonel MeOlure calls Wayne McVcagh the beacoa-ligfet erf the administration. It was George Eliot poori- inan! who wrote, "Notfi isao aood as it seems forehand'' General Grawt has amwged to remove to his Ious Branch cottage June 1st and remain tnere during the summer. Ex-President Ilaycfe and the members of his late cabinet have been invited to participate in the Sclmrz dinner at Boston. Mr. Charles A. Dan feays the new administration is already a failure, and then puts his words into Senator Cameron's mouth. Secretary Robert T. Lincoln -was born iu' Springfield, Illinois, August 1, 18-13. He is married and lias throe children, the oldest a daughter, iemg twelve years ot age. Tildenis .igniti in bad luok. lie no sooner lays aside the cares of office than he is sued heavily for alleged crooked transactions in connection with the Marquette iron company. Mary Anderson has been ap pointed light-house keeper at Round island. This, f course, is not Marv the trajric actress, for she knows nothing about light houses. General Phil Sheridan arrived! in Philadelphia last evening from ' "Washington and will remain a few days as the guest of his father-in-law, General D. II. Rucker, of 2220 Spruce street. Ex-Speaker Randall arrived in Philadelphia yesterdaj' and intends resuming his legal practice, which has been interrupted to some ex tent by his close attention to the nation's business. When the late Senator Matt II. Carpenter was a boy h5 did not like to work oil the farm. One day iiis father left liome, telling him to hoe a patch of iotatoes and giving him two shillings with which to hire iiis help. lie bought a shillintr's worth of whisky and ! secured ait Irishman to lielp him. to -walk. Site was carefully fed He would sun.l at tli etid of ajaitd in t'tne ivcovered her pristine row and give thj man a drink as vigor. M'hilc coverel up she fast as he got around to hii. The j could jrt no food or drink and potatoes were soon hoe!, and Matt j lived nothing hut air. I low saved a shilling. Paul Carpenter, j Ions she had leen on the nest 1 son ot tne late senauir, i& tuett tioned as a child of generous and sensitive nature. Last whiter he was returning home from a short walk through the snow, liaving his overshoes on. He met a barefoot ed colored boy wliom le knew, and Paul asked where his slwes were. TIkj bov replied that he had none. Paul at once sat down upon the curbstone, took off his overshoes and gave them to tle colored boy, and tlien went liome. One Jerome J. Hinds, who has for some time been unsuccessfully engaged in trying to be silenced, furnished to the press of the countiy last night a false and in jurious statement against the Post office department. He has simply revamped some old matter which jas thoroughly exploded in the congressional investigation of win ter before iast, and has given them out at this time for the purpose of injuring a certain officer of the department just at the time the new administration is about to act on the subject of the selection of assistants to the new Postmaster general. Hinds was indicted for frauds on the department some years ago upon a charge of steal ing a die, of forging bids, Jind corrupting clerks. He was acquit ted on the ground that the -witnesses were all purtibep crimmi with him. He lias no basis of truth for his malicious statement, and 1ms been in the market home time for its suppression, with no havers. The GokL-Brick Swindle. N Yotk Tribune. A letter recently discovered i throws light upon the methods of the gang who played the famous "gold-brick racket' in Colorado a year or two ago. Their plan was to seU what was to all appearances a Twick of solid gokl to somegreen lurchaser for far less tlian its ap parent value, pretending that they were agents for some murderer, thief or adventurer who was obliged to sell at a sacrifice to keep out of tlc hands of tins law. Thus, an Ohio man, wanting, con trary to all the precedents of his state, a jjood deal more than lie was entitled to, bought a bogus brick for $14,000 from a murderer hiding: in the mountains near Lead ville. lie thought he was sure to make -40,000 at least, for lie was allowed to cut of the corner of the brick, and it assayed pure gold,. A man who has lost at what he knows to be a sharp game seldom cares to figure in the courts, and so this company of swindlers for a considerable timo escaped recog nition. Four of its members, Lewis, Crock, Iavin and Curtis, arc now known, but hitherto they have avoided arrest. A Fast of Forty-throe Days. PoUsv.'Uc MiiH'is' .leu.. ixl. A correspondent from North Union townslt'p writes to the Journal to tle following eifect: "As the follawing incident is known to few people perhaps" read ers of the Journal will find it interesting, as it is out of the usual run, and is true in every particular: Jacob Liudentnuth, while threshing in the sum mer of 1S7S, covered one of his turkeys with straw while the bird was setting on a nest of eggs in the barnyard. Forty-three days afterward otto of tlie family found tlte turkey, which was itill living, wltere she Imd leei covered over and forgotten. She was so weak as to be unable when eorered i not known. lit only officer of the army in the caiiiitet is Secretary Ltiiooln, who, for a period, was on Grant's staff. The Commercial Bulletin savs: It is understood tlrnt legal pro ceedings will Im begun b tle chief owners of the Oregon Rail wa' and Navigation company, and also by heavy liolders of tlie North ern Pacific railway shares, to re strain the latter company from issuing $1S,000,OOG common stock, which the executive committee of the Northern Pacific board recentlv authorized. Uy a recont postal decision man can actually make money by getting their bills and statements of" accounts printed. Statements of accounts and bills of sale when made out on paper having printed headings, can be ent by mail for one cent, if the envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it is made out on unprinted paper, it will cost three cents. Thus by patronizing The Astouian two cents cao be saved on every bill or statomenC that is sent out through the mail. .Never go shopping without con salting the advertising columns ot" Tiik Astouian. They will tell you where" the best bargains are to be had, and just what merchants are alive and doing business. For a cough or cold there is no reme-. dy equal to Ammen's Cough Syrup. ci:u oy TKert.iiT. A I'relHdc I spread a scanty boanl too late : The Mid-tine gws for wbout 1 wait Cook few and slow, inetaink to-day. Ah ! wtm could hear my ineMiaaes Aam the dim. unsounded seas On which so many bare sailed away. Come, then, old friend, who linger yet And let im meet, as we ban met. once more beneath thb low sunshine ; And. sratef id for the good we've known , le riddles wived, the OK outgrown, .shake hands npm the border line. The favor, asked too oft liefore Front yuttr Indui-rnt ear, once mote 1 crae. ami if delated lati To slower, feeder measure move. The silent sympathy of love To me is dearer now than prai-. Ami ye. 'Mincer friends, for whom Mv hVarlh'and beart keen often mom. Come Ntnilinc through the shadows Ion;. Re with me witHe the sua soe. down. And wiiti yonreheerfn! voters drown l ne rain in my evening l'or. eiial thnmeh the da- and night. The wfce Eternal nerigu And Ue and power and rMcem will Itemaiu ! tlie law of destiny The best for eaeb and all most lie. Ami life its pumuW nhall fuMtl. The TVenr. O. near imrs, dear ones ! yon in whe: right band Our own rests ealm; whose faithful heart, all day Wide oen wait, till hack from distant lands TwHUtbt. the tired traveler, wends his homeward way ! lletpmates and heartniate. ateMcner of sonc years. Tenoer coMtiMUtiom of onr serions day. V ho color with onr kies, smiles and tear's Iife'-t warm web woven ttrcr wonted way. O shut the world out from the heart you cheer! Though 4nall the eircJe of yonrsmiles may be. The world is distant but vonr mHesare near. Which wake yon more than all the work! tome. A .Horn Ins l renin. Above the brackish shallows of the shore JWy thoughts, like ea-Wrds, hover. The liv roar Of tlie nnfellered breakers I can hear. Ami vk'W their Mirf with inwanleye ami ear. Fate drew me inland from the inbehty Ma ; Ihit divams have iower to cheat necessity. IUhokl ! I stread the ocean on (lie land, I shut mv eyes ami aee a lonely strand. te omlcr etnwm chaos in the west MarK how each ldlkiw rean. Its nwlmiit crest ! I I ow soon t he f urnace eooK ! A liarn-n glare Of saffron wmnIn the Idne etherriil air. ulK Ajhhi the moon stins np the dim sea-line. HImiMIid; a ray like light through amiier wine; The sea-wind strengthens as the dark grows strong. And kHMer rings the sea's triumphant MHig. If sweet is ocean, sweet the hmely smut? : Ijiwre adds lit, .sum of sweetness to their -aon. My hned one eames lo meet me, her bright hair llung o'er her Nboubters by tlie freshening XT Though sweet tne sea. and Sweet the lonely smre, O. loved one, add thy sweetness to their store! Adku. my dream ! The ocean is withdrawn Mv casement shows the Hrst f:ttul light o. dawn. -IagWefcb. PUZZLED OM. Although I ant a Httlo word, Of meanings I have ninny; 1? you will place in front of me A letter or two, it any, My little word gets all the news In every land and dime. With I, I am an animal, Or help you through in time; With D, you like tne very much; With F, begins hitman ill; With G, I am on shijw and boats; With II, your knowledge fill; With L, I am a poet's king; With N, I am around you; WUi I I am aMtninerfritii; W 1 1 R, I am alwaya after you; x tth h, I u destroy or pain; With T, I am .ul and mourn; With St, ruiietii shiis ami Ikmuj; With Sh, you get liare 4r shorn; With Sp, I am a weapon ohl; With Sn, you rub a region; With W, you use me rMih; Witji Y, emi many a legion voti:; . Following are answers to puzxles in but week's Astoria. 1. Iloree, maple, store,cioek,hound. 2. Proierity. :. Beamdream, cream, ream, seam, team, steam, stream. IW Nime say tnat it is no use for them toadvertisc, that they have been in the Mace in iiusiitfus ail their lives, ami verybotly Knows them. .Such jieople seem to frget to lak. in consideration that mtr count rj" is increasing in kihi latmn nearly 40 jH?r eenL every ten years, ami no matte? how ohl thedace may be, there are constant changes taking place ; some move lo otlar mrts,and strangers fill their place-. In this age of tlie world, unless tlte name of a bttiness firm is kept constantly lK'fore the public, some new firm may start up, and. by liberal advertising, in a very Jiort time take the place of tlie older ones, and the latter rust out. it were, and be forgot ten. Xo man ever lost money by judi cious advert iMiig. JIarvel not tliat 1 my unto you, ye must pay the printer. Whosoever neglectoth to pa3 the' printor, hath not eternal life abiding in him. Who hath sorrow, who hath woe, who hath the nightmare! They who forget to render unto tlie printer his just dues. If a man live many 3,ears and pa3eth ndt for The Astoklvx, behold he shall not die in peace till he hnth re stored to the printer that which he hath withheld. Circuit Court Blanks. Countv Court Blanks. Justice Court Blanks, Shipping Blanks, Miscellaneous Blanks, Deeds, Mortgages, etc-, for Sale at The Astokiax oflice. Warranty deeds, quit claim deeds and mortgages, for sale at this office. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale. milK SLOOP "C.KACE HUME." Inquire JL- of A.M. .loiin-sm. Astoria Sail Loft, or of T. J. LMttoa on buanl scow Industry. flC-dw.im For Sale. f rTUIE SCOW IIATTIK- WILL BE nO LP For partieulars JAMES KKLL. Trnjer Astoria. JL on reasonable terms. awdrio tl-int Notice. TOHN IttJATO:. FORMERLY OF I.IV- erpool is reoueste.I to eommnnieale with the undcrdsiieri. .IAMES LAIDLAW. 5-tf British Vice Consul, rortiand. Oen. Notice. m.VX I'AYKKS OF tM.VTSOf COfXTY JL will take mrtkv that this is tltelast call for taxes due Clatsop eiHint for the year iwa, and additional nMs will Ite ablel after rt of Aiall, lwi. A. 2U. TWOMItl.Y. -2w Sh nB ami Tax Clleet-. Hotice to Cannerymen. CAXXKKYMKX AUK IIKUKKY informed that lamiweparvd lo fiimLsh Kvtmy any number of i. liline laborers exerienced in the witrk of packing r.xmi. Imlh nwmt, tin shofioraHv iKher wKirtinent ot a cannery. AllaMdicatioHslir)etteroritiHrwL-c will be sHMHied at anv iHiint on i1m river. Aibhess : (ifOXC MAX VA & CO., K-dIW Astoria. City Assessor's Notice. CITY TAX I'AYKKS AUK KKQUKSTKD to rill out their blanks ami hand them in as S4MHI as iMVnilde. AIm. to Ik' itartieiilar if any intleiHcfliu-ss is claimed, to tate on tlie return the amount, and give the name or mvnes of the party or parties to whom the sanH' is due, as the law requires. K.C. HOLD EX. 2-2w (lt .Xessor. Notice of Administratrix Ap p ointment. JVTOTICK IS IIKUKKY CIVKX THAT tlie 1.A iimMtsigiied lias lieen duly aiHoiiited mlmiHistnttrix of tlie estate of I.yiitan 1. Hall, deceased. by tiH'HiHi. Count y-eourt of tlie Statj of OregtHi. f- tlie county of Clat sop. Ah iktmhis having claims against said eMate are reuiiirvd to present tlie sjime to me ditlv verinetl within six hhmiIIis from this date. MA b Y AXX HAM. Administratrix of the estate of I.mau V, Hall, deceased. s-L5w Vest-Sixth Street. JwrOTICE IS IIKUKKY CIVKX THAT tlie Lx asseoment made by onlinance Xo. Mi. Tor the impro; ciiH'Ht of West -sixth street in Shivelys Astona.from iHMlhskkMtf Wall street lo the MHit'i skleof IV-rrj stnet, in tlie manner proided by ordhmHce Xo. -Mil on ewh of tlie folkiwiitg descrilieil kHs of land fntutlng iiimhi that part of West-sixth treet.lietwcen Wall ami Kerry streets is due ami iKtyw& at the oftlee of the City Treas urer in .said city in United States gokl ami sihercMiii. ami unless ikwI within Ave days from the expiration if thK mdieetlie Com mon CiHim'il will order wamuiu i-mcd for the collect Rmi tlKTeof. The asfteaoment is as flkiws : No. ef Yd. ink. Utt. 14 6 It 7 'Si i 2S 7 ki U St 1 1J 2.' 1 15 1 15 12 llyonl Astoria, Oiwr. cHtaatlml. Am'hI. Irs. J. U Adams & S113 -2fl C. W. Shivolv 7s l." l Mrs. Annie l'age Xxv iGS () A. Van I)ucn 1T. ZM Si !:. Itaitli . -V 111 to Jlrs. Xaney Welch 1173 31 fi .Mrs. Xancv Welch Tin 1 dj MKsM.I.'Wokh h74 171 SU 1 W.Cray 23?J 471 W A.Vaiil)ncn 1W7I IIM) A. Van Diik-ii 21 427 nj Kv order of tlie ComnHHi Ctwrn-il. i:. H. CAKDWKLU Amlitora::d Clerk. Astoria, Oregon. March 25. trfl. 71-lotd 580 Reward. mWKNrY D0LI.AKS WILL UK PAIIX JL for the recover of each tlie liodies of fonr Chinamen drowned in Columbia river near ItrookRebi hi Wedncdav last, while going from Pillar rock to UrotdcftcM. oe was twentv-one years rf age. ami liad m his jHrson" at the tiimJt check of $i ami seven ibdlars in sih-r. The scihm1 h twenty-three cars obi and had :i dstid ami seven dollars in sih er. The I hint was tweiily- fonrears old and had 1 hrec twent didlar Xobl)deeeN.a t.eiit-iiveisMit jtiece. ami a 'diver watch. Tne fourth was twent -eight years 4d :"m! had !' ,n pdd. Tlo- aiMive rewards w 11 lieimid bv the iiiidersigncd. CI1IX I.l m:. At Wet f"oat !'.vkim ( o.. Aston.i. lin-oa. 52.U wlm THE LARCEST Printinq Office in the World ! ! HISTOKY OF THK Government Printing Office. AT WASHIXGTOX, D.C.. KmlraeJn manv Inten-JiiifT Inebletits ami livenfs in tm Working of this Creat lis- taUrdinH'nt. with numerous Illnstra- Shtn. ko. alNHit Ii' to 1 jtare-. I'riees: In racr Covers. 75 H.s. iter copy ; in Cloth. $1 to. YNOfIS OK J'ONTKNTS : Ciiaitkk I.!. Brief History of Pubiie Printbnr fnim ITW to iq ; '2. snMrinteud ent.sof Pnldle Prfntini: fnMM itDtfto IS! : s. Chb-f Cb-rks front l to 1km : 4. Porcim-n ami A4!tant Foremen of Pruning ami Itiinl ingfrtMit 1MII to 1nI ; . Pn-ent Orgainzi thHi if the Ornee: . DntU-i of the Piddle Printer, etc. Chutkk II. The Printing Denaitiurut : 1. The Doeunieiu Romi ; t. Tin- .fd IbMiin : :j. The Pro. IbxHu ; I. The Pal. nt OttVv SfMciflcatioii RiWKii : ... nie roi.usu i;o..ni ; . Tne Coiisfesiooil Keoml Koin. witn a brief alittshm to the early imiilieaihKi ot tne Iete of Conns; T. 'Iln' Kraneh (Mttee in tin Treasurv DeartiiieHt ltuiblup;S. Other Itranch orhe. Ciiaitkk III. I'LeStere-itviaieaiMt IHee- tnrtyHog Deiurtineiit, ( til itkk i . ill' ninoing uenannieni ; I. Tlie Ruling Room : i The Sewing Room ; 3. Tin' Korwaniing Room : 4. The Finishing Room : .'i. llram-h Itindcrks. Ciimtki: V. I. Tlie Machine ami Canea ter rdieiis: 'J. The Vault for sterotyne Platis : s. Pajwr Warehouse ; I. Warehou-e for ISuulers Maten.ds. etc . etc. Ai'i'KNiiiN 1. AlidialK-th-al List of hm ploves at date of Publication ; i All I-nws relating lo Public Pnntiiig up to the cIom? of the 4cth Congress. Tlie aiMive work is now ready for the prin ter, and will be imMMicd in a few week. and will he SOLD BY SCBSCIHITIuX OXLY. Tlie maniiscript lias been we;ared wlthercntcare; the very lu-st sources of in forniation ceiisiiltetl: the most interesting feature of the establishment described, and cverytbing povibk do e to make the iwok n.adable and reliable. Parlies desiring copies of this work should address, without dela. It. W. KERR. Rovcnuiient Printing Office. Washington. D. C. f3-t'w.lin H. OARTWRIGHT & SON, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Vats Lined and Other Cannery Work Done. All repairs completed In the best style on short notice. Adjoining McLeans blacksmith i.hop, Astoria. BASKTSG AND INSURANCE. BANKING AHDIH8URAHCL X, W, CASE, IHSURAtlCE AGEHT. - - - OREGON ASTORIA, OFFICE I10U Kb: FKOMS O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Hoae Matial Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. .1. K. HocfiiiTox President Ciias. K. Stokv Secretary t;uo. I. bToav Auent for 0o Capital Ktbl up in U. gold $aeoeo9u eoiu .... I. IV. CASIl. Agent, .Cheuamtte street, Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND 3IERCAtf- TILE OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COiLJIERCLVL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Reprantias a capital of S7.000,000. A. VAX DUSEX. Agent. HOTELS-AND RESTAURANTS. A.J.JUWLKK. C.S.WKIGIIT occiie.t noTi:r MEGLEIt & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. miiE pi:ori:iETOi:s ake happy to JL announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refiinnslieu. adding; greatly to tle cmnfort of its guests ami is now the besl hotel north of Sail Francisco. C. W. KNOWZ.KS. AL. ZlEBEIt. IIOTEl - - ' OREGON cr..iiii:?i"Dtx PORTLAND. - - ZIEBER d KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the Iwuse. iw-Tiir I) ii.y Astokian is on ale at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - -3Irs. S. X. Arrlsoni. - ASTORL. IrorrIetor miiE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL FIND JL the Phmeer Hrst clast, m all respects.and a share of their iKttronage is reiectfully solicited. 23"Boanl and hxlgingby the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their customers from this ate as follows : TEA.. COFFEE.. CHOCOLATE. Eastern Oysters Always on IZaml. And will lie kept as a Hrst class Oysder Sa Ioihi. in Hrst ehwstlc. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind CoiFee Suloon ANI WATER STREET. ASTORIA. Xet door t' Dr. Kmse"-. CoiTee. Tea ami Chocolate, xvith Cake. IO CentM. . C'Iiomh Cooked to Order. 2ie lVIne. Zjiijiiors and iai.s Oftheliestbramb-. Haing just uik-ihsI tin- aboe estaldhta ment weismliany imitetmr friemlsaiHl the pnblkr generall to give us a trial. W-U l'OAKD & EVAN.SOX. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. U MAIX STREET. ASTORIA. miiK cxdersk;xed is ple,vsed to JL announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them,' in Hrst class style, and every stle, OYSTERS, Hir COFFEE. AT THK TEA, ETC. Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Pleae give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor C. H. STOCKTON, kx&tcjse:, sxGrisr -CARRIAGE PAIN7ER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A sPKCIAtTY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ttrShon next door to Astorianj Oflice, in Shunter's building. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or Portland by K-tf I1ALFOUR, GDTiritlE A- Co. Portland, Oaegon. BUSDTESS CARDS. J.Q- A. B01VLBY. ATl'ORNEY AT LAW. Ciienamus Stree.. - ASTOKfA. OKEGON fi W. I'ULTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA - - - 0KMG0X- Oflie over Tape & Allen's store. Cats street T IV. llOUIJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA - - - - OKHGON Owee over Warren Haton's Astoria 3Iar ket. ottposite the Oetbdeut Iftrtel. J7 - HOEiISX.J NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIOXKEK, C03IMISSI0X ANI IX"- Sl'UAXCE AG EXT. A. VAN DUSEN. NOTARY 1'TJBLIC. Ciienamus Street, near Oeehtewt Ihrtel, ASTOIUA. OltEGOX. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. Tt P. HICKS. TENTIST, ASTORrA, - - - - 0REG0N3. Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, come of Ca-vsnnd Sciemocqhe streets. Dk. 31. i. jjexxix;s. PJIYSICIAN AM) SURGEON. Graduate Lniversity of Virginia.. 1868. Physician to Bay View liospltai, Baltimore City, 1SW-T0. Okkh e In Page & Allen's building, up stairs, Astoria. TAY TL'TTIiE. 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON! j Office Over the White House Store. Residence Next door to Mrs. Munson's. warning nouse, ciienaiiius itreet, Astoru, Oregon T C. OltCII.VKI), DENTIST, Dental Itooms SHU5TEi:s Photograph Buildinjr. T A. 3IeIXTOSSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident irotel Iluildlng-. ASTORIA - - OREGOH" Q II. BAH & CO.. DEALEK IN Ooors, AVImlows, Jllinds, Trax sonis. liiimber. Etc. All kinds of Oak Lumber, GIa-s, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Gen evi ve and Astor streets. J G. FAlftFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS rJffifi Portland and Astoria, Orogon. Itofor by permission to RogoH.MoyeraiCc, ' Alien & Lewis, CerbittA: Maelcay, Portland. Oroson. yynr. i-iiliixjiakt. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASfORIA - OREGON. lint. Cold, Miovicr, tenth and Sulphur BATHS. .C3,""hpecinl attention given toladies'anl hihlreirs hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. WITIAK I'BY. PRACTICAL Kt)T A"5 SIIOK MAKER. CurAMi'.s STKricr. opixisiie Ariler's Book store. - A.STOKIA. OKKOON. C Perfect Rls tn:arantced. All work warranted. Che me a trial. AH orders prooyitlv nlk!. Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEH and C E. BARNES TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, J Would like a few piiirtb on eitlier of the. aliove iitstniments. Temm Eight Icsnoiis for five dollars. uir-Orders left at Stevens & Soils book store will be promptly attended to- J. T. BORCHERS, C0XC03ILY bTIIEET. ASTOKIA. Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cu-h pail for f resli BLACK STURGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon put up in tins to ship to any part of the world. Also, trout bait (salmon eggs) put up in cans and warranted to keep any length of time. Depot at Rogers Central Marker, corner Cass and Ciienamus streets. Astoria. To-Right. To-Night, GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. je. -(a.- TTi:Kr:p-r. dealer in FA3III.Y GROCERIES, 5AHS, IrllfcL, FEED AII HAY Cash paid for country produce. SmaX. profits- on cash sales. Astona, Oregon, cor- ner of Main anil Squeniocqhe streets. UJiJiSiiJN pSK tf-YIri QPILES. The undersigned is prepared to I umiak a large number of Spiles and Spars at Ma place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES. Columbia. CSCy