( glx gnaTB ffUrrimu ASTORIA, OREGON: SATUHDAY MARCH. 26. 18SJ ISSUED BVEP.Y MORNING. Monday Except!). D. C. Xrclfuiil, Editor and Proprietor. AsUirum. BnUditH, (Jos Street. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, iter -efc..............J& Com Sent by mail, four month..... .....$ W Sent by mail, oe year..... ... ...... XI Frco of PoHce tfiMJbecrib&r. S" Advortteen-s meertei by the 3 r at the rate of SI 3 ier square per woNtfe. TnineioDtadr or tiring-, by the &T ar wmIc, fifty conte por square for eaeh iaeertion. The Weekly Aoforian Is a mammo'li slHit, exactly ttouiik the size of the Daily, it i- jut tin; -perforthc fireside. eoiitaininK in addi tion to all the current new, cltoice mis cellany, agricultural matter, market re ports, etc. It is turniblied to single sub scribers at 52 00 per year in advance. 23TA limited niiinoer of miihII adver tisements inserted at established rate.-.. THECITY. Tun Daily astokia.v will lc ecm lv mailatTScentx amnUJi.frccof tHtie. Jfw era wlko c(mlcmpkitcaUcMccfritm the cltu 01 have Tub astohia:.' fallow tlirm. Daii.v or Wkkkly fiditiom to any ptt-'Ke with out additional Graeme. Adarof mr.$lt enanged as often ax aatir&l. Isxir onlrr the counting room. The steamship Oolumbin sailed earty yesterday morning. TJic steamer California has not yet arrived at this port. Miss Molhe Popfe lottves for Portland this morning. See Max Warner's mow advortist ment in another column to-day. The Scottish Fairy, from Yoko hama, arrived on Thursday evening. Old Sol was invisible ye-siortfuy. Persistent Pluvius staid with ns all day. The Glenettrn will be uinon down to bar .".nchorage by the Urui ham this evening. Prof. J. P. Feftbtar'-s writing school is well attended, he having fifty sce1k: at present. Mr. A. .Noltiier, editor of the Standard, made 11s a pleasant cail yesterday. Uc returns to iA-rtlnnd this morning. The barkontine .lane -A. Ft?keii tmrg, Caj)t. L. II. Hubbard, ai rivet; at San Francisco from Honolulu on Thursday Jast. The rattling of cans at the vaiious canneries along the city front are now daily to be heard. Active prepara tions are being made for a busy season. The continued hum of Mr. Mil ler's planing mill is music to the eaiB of Tillamookers. Mr. Miller is turn ing out a fine variety of dressed lum ber, all of which is spruce. Mr. John Fox is overhauling Rescue Engine company's Silsby en gine. A complete neu set of tubes, numbering over three hundred, will be put in. The Silsby is one of the finest engines on the coast. The new steamer being built at South Bend for the Shoalwater bay trade will be launched on Wednesday next. She is a fine steame" and own ed by people on Shoalwater bay. The event will be enlivened by a grand ball in the evening. Max Wagner's new bowling alley will be opened at the Great Eastern to-night. Max invites all his friends to be there. An excellent lunch will be served and the best San Francisco National brewery beer. Music by the grand orchestral organ. Quite a number of horses through out the city are still affected with epizootic We yesterday noticed one horse hardly able to walk, while his snort could be heard for a considera ble distance. This should be classed cruelty to animals and dealt with ac cording to law. Upper Astoria is rapidly increas ing in size. Many new buildings are being erected, while the numerous factories, the Astoria boot and shoe factory, the Astoria box and lumber factor', the hemlock tannery, packing establishments and business houses represent wide-awake and progressive.! citizens. Mr. E. C. Holden, city assessor, is anxious that all the tax-payors who have not handed in their returns shall do so without delay, as the assessment book to be handed into the city coun cil will be commenced in a few days, and if there are any errors in assess ing on account of nonreturn having been made by the tax-payers, it will be much more trouble for them to have to put in an attendance upon the board of equalization, than to hand m a correct return of their assessable preperty now. Columbia River Bar. Ehitok Astoria:;: . Since wo have failed to get an appropriation for the improvement -of the bar, what is to be done? We cannot afford to lot it remain , as it is, ami I aoi ihirfore docitl- j ody in favor of the city of Astoria ! undertaking at its own expense to ! proceed with the Umrir lxgun I by Col. Gillespie. Tle fjwt is thai th drajrffing' twenty days iWntHl the cut-off; three w four feet. Sufxe we' continue that draijjrin a a cost of 1 fifteen humiiiti dollars for twenty J days more? The three or four; feet more that we will vt wiil be sufficient for the temporary im-j proventent. It w ill -rive us twenty-! one feet at low wiuer kimI twenty eijfht feft at hig-h water from Astoria rij-jhl one to &ea. How bliall we iret the 1,500? By city IkmkIs, ten ye-ars to run, bearing1 eight per cent. I guaran tee they will le taken at par. This will only increase the lax one hundred and twenty dollars per year, an insiirnificant amount com pared with the benefit!-. A Taxjwyws. The ittfinnfactuniig capacity of port Blakely mill from M-iy lt next, will lie L'00,000 feet daily. The roaidunceiff Mi. Qniner, near Stoptoe, was totally d.-tr.yed by fire one week ago last Tiu-wlay. Oliver HeHdnckwm, who lives four miles below Vancouver, has a three yar W Norman Clydesdale colt, r.hich now tseitdis 1404 pound1, and a ill growing. The iHMjJ t TiliaMook are ondeHVHrig to iiHriHiate a company rr the Mti pcse of ei eettg a aahi.on eitnry at ('ariitai'li. It. is hoped tey may wec:e in Uie enteiiirise. The Il?Mati Catholic churcli at N-w TWhmh was lr k.n into last oek tmd rl-d : :? chalice and other snered aiticU. Soeml vX him Hys att.li4 the puhlie k!ihi!, nr said t be the x'melals. -Cat. Parkej ltt nt .tie Mie pro gress in tak ng jk tlfr iMachinery f thj wivcked T.fair, notwithstmiding the h4l wtHher. The vin;r heiitur ws taken up to Eutpire unA werk and ither jmrts ar vxwueted .vm to follow. The stone fur filling the cribs to be hereafter ued for Cos bay harbor work will be quarried at .Barker's place at llieky point. It is thought that by so doing the expense of sink ing the cribs will be considerably les3 than would bo the case in taking the rock from Coos river as was done last A correspondent of the Oregonian, writing from the lower Cascades under date of March 221, sends the follow fellow follew ing: "On Saturday, the 10th inst., Charles M. Hecker. foreman of the track on the Oregon side, commenced laying the first steel rail opposite the old garrison on the Oregon side. He will keep up with the gradere, so they can get all supplies on this new road without landing on the Washington torritory side or lower Cascades. The incline is all ready to run on, and en gine No. 1 will be brought over in a few days; also tu fl.it ears.'' Carl. Adler in receipt of a number of first-closa bicycles. Also baby carriages in great variety. Carl Adler is agent for the best musical instruments on the coast. His large stock is excelled by none, and selling fast. Carl Adler has an experienced watchmaker, jeweler and engraver in connection with his well known watch and jewelry store. He will remain permanently for the purpose of attend ing to all kinib of work in his line. All work warranted. For the best Ueor in Astoria, call for the CvlnmlAa liraoery Beer, acknowleJged to be superior to all others. Since the Chinese started to brew "choap San Francisco beer" there is little or no demand r that article any mftre. Call for the Columbia brewery beer, if 3-011 want something god. By :t recent postal decision men can actually make money by getting their bills and stitetnnta ofacoouuts printed. Statements of accounts and bills of sale when made mt on paper having printed headings, can be sent by mail for one cent, if. the envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it ia made out on imprinted paper, it will cost throe cents. Thu by pairouijng Th e Astohian two cents can le saved .n every bill or statement that is .sent ont ii t. it... :i mivuj;" Lite inuii. Lawyers briefs printed in fine style; at The Astoiuan office. Get your legal blanks at Tre: Astoria?? office. A full line of over two hundred styles. FACTS AND SCRAPS. Parw has a blue doctor. In this country it is generally the patients who are blue. The short girl should not cry Ix'cause hes not tall; let her remedy the evil by getting spliced. As you travel around the coun try you are more and more im pressed with the conviction that tlie chief end of man is to paint medicine sigus on the fences. . An exchange contains the mar riage notice of Mr. and Mrs. Carr. We notice it merely as an instance of ear-coupling by a clergyman, wiiich is something unusual. Diana locks is the name of new Iwuigs introduced into fashionable circles. They are called after the arrowy goddess because they quiver when the eeaus come around. "Will you have some cream and glucose in your coffee'"5 is the question now propounded from the maternal end of the breakfast table. "Yes." answers the pater-fainilia-, "and pass the oleomarga rine.' A Hungarian officer named Szerkremesky swam across the Platten sea, a distance of twenty miles, in seventeen hours. The fact that his name followed after him on a steam-tug robs the fact of half oi its eclat, as it were. You may say what 3011 please, but there is Juck in horse-shoe?. A Dallas woman nailed one up against the woodshed a month ago and las: week her husband eloped with the hired girl. The man had not earned a cent for more than two years. "Setb," said .Mrs. Spiccr, "I wish you would go and see to the fur nace; that Kate is pntting in coal as if .-he was firing a locomotive." And when Suicer remarked that the girl was n-rhaps a railway ciuder-ivati Mrs. S. rev warmer than ever. TSie English Ixutse of Lords, in the conteaifd Dysart peerage ease, has d( liwred judgment in favor of William .lhn Mariners, the issue f Lord lluiitiiigtower's Knglish marriage, as against Albert Edwin, the claimant under Lord Hunting tower's previous irregular Scotch marriage. Gilhooly lives in Salem, not far from a milkman. Lately he met the milkman, and, taking him off to one side, asked him serieusly: "Wasn't there a fire in your barn early yesterday? I had a great notion to rush over to your asssis tance.5 '-Why, there wasn't no fire about the barn,"5 said the milk man, his ayes sticking out like door-knobs; "what made you think sol""5 "Nothing, except I saw you pump two buckets of water right quick and rush into the stable with them where you milk your cows." .UU3I Is the word till M. D. Kant returns with his new spring and summer stock of clothing and cloths. Delay your purchases and got something new. To Let. Several furnished or unfurnished rooms at Mrs. Munson's lodging house. Also, a few persons can have board if required, either ladies or gentlmenj J. "V. Munsoa .Is getting impatient waiting for some ot those promises to pay balanc es due on account of steamerMagnet. He don't want to make costs, but is liablo to do so. Tin Plate. Viz Tin, Ktc. Geo. W. Hume keeps constantly on hand, and to arrive a full line of fish ermeiis and cannery supplies, at prices which defy competition. Parties wish ing groceries ami those intending to run mess houses should inspect goods and obtain large discount from regular price. Fresh smelt at Warren & Eatona. Froejh leaf lard at Warren and Eiit m's. Warrantee deeds at The As TOiiiAX ofiice. 321) spavins on Horses all .cured by Kendall's Spavin Cure. Itend their advertisement. -I. .J. Oo"dian. on Chenamu street, has imt receivea the latest and most fashionable style of gents and iauies 0001s, snoes, oic. If yon wa"nt a good big oyster stew in style, call around to Tom Smiths, next door to P. H. Fox, Slain street Astoria, Oregon. Open at all hours. Syphon Sturty "Lamp. Hon. I. W. Case, of Astoria, in placing the new Syphon study lamp on the Mtrket, would call the atten tiutiou of the' trade to some of its merits. Its iUumiuatini; qualities are not equalled by any study lamp in use. It gives a steady, briliiaut light; is free front unpleasant odor;docs not drip either when burning or not , burning; easily lighted and trimmed, ami ia without exception, the most conveni ent lamp to fill ever made. Directions accottiMtn3'ing each lamp. Call upon Mr. Case and buy one. He sells them at remarkable low rates. Cnrtral Stotcl. The Central hotel, near the steam ship dock m uw open for the recep tion of net. ahete the weii known caterer, Mr. Anton i'ehdi will always be found ready to wait on his patron. He has had the .iltov named house thoroughly refitted by Messrs. Pike and Stockton, our well known artists. Call and see him. as he has the finest brands of liquors and cigars to be had in the city. AML'SKMK.S. llit.is Vakiktiks. leo. II H!. proprietor ami manager. Kri'll lir -;t"i nif!S4..r (Klnttulr.r leader of orclie-tra. Ccn. Lambert. leader of brass baud. Mr. Hill invites criti eism. Come ami see for vourself. New orchestral elections and new 1I111CIP nil t!ll "nlliil cfnml milnr Ihe leadership of Mr. (Jeorge Lambert nt l'"J i M Tlu fntfrf9mmntit vil! begin at 7 sw i v. Entrance on J!enton sired, rnvaie ooxes on Liienaiiius. Hurilett's t'oeonine. Kills DandniiY. Allays Irritation, and Promotes the (Jrowth of the Hair. (ientlt'incu. For over two vears I have suffered terriUIy with "scahfliead" in its wort form. A few weeks ago I tried a b'lttle of your Coroaine. Tin first aji plieation eavi- me relief, ami now the disease i- rflivtuallv cured. Yours re spectfully. N. l StfCon-. Demit yMieriff, uiiaw-i, in. Hitmen's Floweri .ring I'xtraeJs aie per- feetly pure. A eouh. c.hl or -sore throat shn:tiil be stop!. XeIii't frequently results in an liMM!ia! lung dwase or consump tion, tirown's Hror.chiai triM-lH-silo not di-ordi-t tin st.niuu'h like cough s nips and liaNhms. hut act direct Sj 01: thr 111 llamci! jiarls. alia;. ins irritation. ive relief in asthma, bronchitis. eourh-j. catarrh, and the throat iroiibie.s which siiigiis.aiid public speaker- ar. -:itect to. For thirty war.s lirownV bronchial troches hai been recommended by ph .",. is. :imi always give perfect satisfaction. Having "lieeii toted by wide a-id coiiManl nc for nearh an eii t:r ueier.it:oji. they have a'tamest well iwrit'd rank among tin- few -taple remedies of the age. Sold at "i"f eet.t.s a !kn everywhere. Ilatfe Wistar's la!aiu of wild elierry always at ham!. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and ail throat and Smut conijilaint. M) cents and 81 a tort ile. -S.ihiMiibulties. at retail, at War ren v. Eilon's. Max. Wagner's San Francisco National brewery beer can't be beat. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel. Portland, Oregon. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc.. in their Sanson. ' A nice lot of eastern oysters at Rescues, arrived yesterday by steamer Columbia. Call around. You will find them first class. Fresh vegetables, parsley, greens, etc., for table use, fresh from the gardens, can be had cheaply at Mrs. Gallon's, Sqtiemoqhe street. For a first-class oyster stew, fry, pan-roast or fancy roast, go to Roscoe's on Main street, opposite N. Loch's. Families supplied by the hundred or the sack, opened or in the shell. Gray's wood yard 13 now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any jiart of the city sawed to any length, diid full measure. For the Genuine .J. H. Cutter old Bourbon, and the he, of wines, liquors, and San Francisco beer call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. When you want a dish of nice Eastern Oysters done up a la mode, or a good steak, or a fragrant cup of coifee, call at Frank Fabres on the roadway, and he will accommodate yon. Open at all hours. Frank Fabur has removed in to Dr. Kinsey's building on Water street. On the road to the steamer dock from down town, before break fast, it will now be handy to drop in and get a cup of coffee. John Rogers lias just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a general assortment of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers at small profit for cash. Harrisburg, Pa., November ISth, 1830. Dr. B. J. Kendall A- Co., Gents: I have a very fine mare that his had a bone spavin for a long time. I tried every thing inan could devise to cure it but all in vain and was about to give it uu when a friend of mine in this city came to me and recommended Kendall's Spavin Cure which I tried with grand results, re moving thit bono clear and clean and then I sent 25 cents to you for one of your illustrated Horse Books and I think there is no better book printed on the horse and his diseases. I have taken great interest in it and have since sold 18 copies for yon to my neighbors and will try and do what eood I can by getting them for others. Yours truly, G. W. Miller. IXL STORE ! ! jSFEW WINTER GOODS ! r AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys, Overcoats and Ulsters, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, and Fancy Goods. I.nIie ax:tl misses "Tinlerwear. Hosiery. TJrcss Goods. Cussimercs Waterproofs, FInm:cis. Canton FlaniicJf.. "Linen Iamslt, IVapIiiiis-. DoySies. Crashes. Towels. FeU Skirts. Trmilis, Valises. Motions. :mil aa Elegant Stock ot Zephyrs and Fancy Yarn, la taut the large-t ami lnt toek in town ami at the lowest )H-ieet. . "3J"Call ai se before Mirchaine. ff vou whh to save money. C. E. COOPER, I X L Store. Main Street, near Parker Ho-fec. Astoria. CHAS. HEILBORN, MAXffFACTDKEB OP FURNITURE 3s BEDDING A'D DEALER IS Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. ASTORIA W. MEYER H AVIN'G EVERY FACILITY FOK HE tide. I am now prepared to furais tno LAGER BEEE, AT SO CKXTS S-KR UAM.O AT 81 GO lKK IOZEft. W idLOXsSliS.A T,xjS3. 3"Familiej and keepers of public ho'W05 M. .MEYER. Proprietor THE COLUMBIA BREWERY I&lM IS .SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND IS JOHN HAHN, CHENAMUS STREET, tnrOnters It-It at the GERMAN1A BEER MISCELLANEOUS. C I.KlKX-VK!'KK. iiiuam isi:nv. RSTAKI.1SIIKI) ISr. Leinemveber & Co., '1 ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMES MD CDEBERS, Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF XjTH Pk 'X'lBCEIEL AND FINDINGS VIlolesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES twrIHghest cash price paid for ides and Tallow. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EfiSGS. miTTKIC. CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POUX.TRY AIW GAIE In the season. CIGARS AST TOBACCO. Best of "WISES AMD T,IQ170RS. AH cheap fr CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opioslte I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. D. K. Wabrei. T. W. Kato-i Astoria Market I OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTE1 , ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. YV'AKKKX &. KATOX. Proprietors. (Sueteatwiio Warren k McGuirel Wholesale and Retail Dealors in Fresh and Cured Meats A fidl line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED "lIAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. ter Butter, E-jks. Cbecso, etc constantly on hand. J"ShijM sjyDlied at tho lowest rat ea. Washington Market, M'tiv Mreet, - - Astoria Oregon BERG3LAX C HEIlItY RESPilCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN. tion of the public to tho fact that tho above Market will always be suppliod with a FULL VARIETY BRST QUALITi' FRESH ANDCURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to suppb nz shiDC BILL HEAD PAPER. OF EVERY UIUDE AND COLOR, PREf cd or plain, at lowest rates, at Tue Astofuax ofnee BREWERY. Proprietor. MAXUFACTTKE OF A FIHST CLASS AR. publicwitii the finest quality, for ensb, BOTTLED BEEE, promptly and rcpularly supplied. ASTORIA. OREGON EXCELLED RY NONE OX 'II IIS COAST PROPRIETOR, - ASTORIA, OREGOET. HALL will bo irm itlj attended to.-n MISCELLANEOUS. ( A Merciful Man S .Merciful to Ills Reast. O.VITV a. CENTS. 650'000 READ S0LD ! ! Atn :iti.. on tlip And his Diseases, by B.J. KENDALL, M.D. Full of Valuable and Practical In formation, and Contain!.:; an IXDKX OF OISFVSES. Which gives the symiitoms, cuise and the Best Treatment of each ; a tabh giving all the principal drugs used for the Horse, with the ordinary doe, etTects. and antidote when apoLMin; a table with an engraving of the Horse's teeth at different ages, with rules for telling the age of tin Horse; 05 engrav ings showing the important points In the structure of the horse, alo illustrating posi tions assumed by sh-k hordes in different dis eases. A valuable collection of receipts, many o which would cost a horse-owner three to live- dollars each. EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN THIS BOOK. Thousands who haeseenit commend it, and many good horsemen have extolled it in the hignest terms, even stating that they prefer it to books which cost 5 00 to 10 00. Do not throw away your money in the pur chase of costly books on the Horse, which are so full of Latin phrases and technical terms as to be unintelligible to the average reader but, BUY KENDALL'S TREATISE, A book of 100 pages, in paper covers, giving you more practical information than is con tained in some large volumes at far higher cost. Having examined this book thoroughly we are satisfied no HORSE-OWNER Would hesitate a moment about investing 25 cents In its purchase. If he did but know the value of its contents. Recognizing the de sirability of having such practical informa tion as our fanning friends daily need in their business, provided at reasonable cost Instead of being obliged to pay the enormous profits demanded by Hie Publishers of most Agricultural Books, we have secured Several Hundred Copies Of this valuable little Treatise on the Horse, single.eopies of which we shall be pleased to mail to any reader of this paper, postage pre paid by us, on receipt of Remittances may be made in currency, sil ver or stamps. Send all orders to J. C. IRIXAXD, Astoria, Oregon I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN 6E9EBAL MERCHAffllS Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTdRlA' - - - OREGO Cedar Floats. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE PRE pared to furnish to order, m lots to suit, and kept constantly on hand, CEDAli FLOATS, MAU, HANDLES, etc., for sale at lowest prices. Address, or call upon PETERSON & ANDERSON, 12.4 Oak Point. W, ri o k s i: