0) mm. ? i zt i Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jlarck 26, 1881. JFo. 72. Vol. XIY. ACQUlTTEl KwHh, it k Jhl HcYwrnie. AtM j So Fiuxcisco, March M. At a quarter liefore four the jurv in the Kalloch trial signified that tbey bad agreed upon a verdict. Judge TftMinle was at otice nounea an by fire last tiurfet- 1 1 is feared that the defendant was at once brought hnaj more lost their lives. The into the court room with his at torney, Highton. The news spread and although but a few people -were admitted to the court room, a great number crowded the hall ways and the street below. The clerk read the following verdict returned by the jury: "'-NYc, the iurv in the case of the !eoptc of the state of California vs. L Al. THE IWSASTKR AT A'lCE. llarrfMe i-Xirly Oik? IIred Vcrmms Kitrncrf. Km e, March 24, 3 a. m. Up to this hour fifty-nine bodies have been recovered frm the rains of the Italian opera house destroyed fire commenced soon after the curtain had risen for the perform ance of Lucia dt Lantmermoor. rwrrtwr tMNf mf the C.tn-M lslr. New Yoek. March 24. A dis patch from Nice says: The holo caust at the opera liouse last cvhi ing was caused by a gas explosion at the back of the stage, which set fire to the scenery. The audience Cabinet Gossip. KMTORIAL. COKKIGSrOXDKNCE. Wasnixntox, Match 7th. Windom's chief MISCELLANEOUS. TO! Ibe a mw n t 3 i" J IVw La JAfaHiiunf lvaiiocM. oo nn iw wre w-..., , . , it was nugi) " - jjw. ...... r. ...wu lw nlmi f frtiw" ac- "'T -1"" l , , 7 - dred euttUl; seconu, we nnu uic c feidani not guilty.' The defendant sprang to his feet and was at once surrounded by a "roup of friends who shook him vigorously by the hand. The court thanked tlie jury, after which Mr. Highton asked that defendant be discharged, and the court so or dered. The court tlicn adjourned. News of th acquittal spread like wildfire, and on its reception in the pucked corridor below a iniMitv veil rose up. Men slook each other by the hands and hust led each other about'and the crowd poured into the street. On the first ballot tho jury stood eight for acquittal and four for conviction. On the next ballot, nine foraoquit tal and three for conviction. There was no change in this until shortly before the court convened this . afternoon, when tlie three for con viction came over. One juror stated that the ground on which acquittal was found, was self dftfnnse and not insanity. An eve witness reports that when a carriage containing young Kslloch was seen, it was surrounded by a orowd which rapidly became den ser. The feeling manifested was one of delight. . Each individual seemed to make ita personal matter and crowded towards the windows of the carriage to catch a glimpse of the victor in the long struggle and to clasp his hands. Then a murmur arose, "take ofi" the horses," "let us pull him home,"' "catch loM there,' and suit "Ir enes were heard. By th's time the streets and sidewalks were packed, swayed by one impulse, and grasping the carriage, it swung forward by liults jerks and starts, pausing as Kalloch reccgnir.ed one and another of hit. friends and waved his hands to tiietn. Tlie route of the procession s along Montgomery street through New Montgomery to Mission and out Mission- to -Twenty-first street. There was much cheering from the sidewalks and waving of handker chiefs from windows of houses and at tlie Lick, Palace and other hotels. Immediately upon hearing the verdict, Dr. Kalloch started for home to announce the news to his sons, mother, wife and friends, wlto had been waiting for the verdict with agonizing suspense. The scene when Dr. Kalloch told them of the result was intensely affect ing, many present offering out spoken prayers of thankfulness. Shortly afterwards some thousands of residents of the mission gathered around Dr. Kalloch's house, the " news of the result of the trial hav ing spread over that section like wild-fire. . Man' congratulations were offered the family. i i -i were tnrown uown mm trodden under foot. Those who attempted to extricate people hope lessly jammed letwcen the door way and jassages describe the scene as terrible. The shrieks of the wounded mingled with the cries of those in the galleries, wiierc every means of escape was cut off. Mine. Uonadio, the prima donna, was saved, but tlie tenor, Ijfcsso, baritone and a number of the chorus singers were burned. Up to midnight 150 bodies were extricated from the ruins. A man who escaped from the upper gallery declares that with perhaps a dozen exceptions every person in his part of the liouse was burned. Some sailors were lost. A number of American md English visitors rendered signal assistance in saving life. Tlie scene in the town is in describable. One lad' whose hus band was burned to death commit ted suicide. Cotnplaiuts were made respecting the defective means of escape and water sup ply. Altliough tlie Mediterranean washes the shore at tlie foot of the walls of the theatre, no water could be obtained when wanted, and the beautiful opera liouse was a complete wreck. Later Many persons were trampled to death in the stampede to get out. It does not appear at present that any Americans were aniens: the victims. Eleven more bodies are said to be under the ruins. The exits of the tlieater were very narrow and badiy ar ranged. As the curtain was down tlie public were unaware of the danger unt'l the gas exploded, when the smoke iecame suffocat ingly thick. People tried to throw themselves from stnaM windows at the rear of tlie theater. Sixty-nine Inxlies bo far have been recovered. The theater cost in tlie neigh borhood of $3"0,000 and was built without regard to architectural de&iffn. . Mr. J. W. Mackey, of California, has been iu Rome, buying statues and pictures right and left. It is even said that he" thought of ac quiring the Torlonia collection, and talked with Prince Torlonia about the price. S3?"Vsome say that It is no hsc for them U advertise, that they have been in the place in tHtiiiesi6 all their. liv, and everybody Knows them. Such people, seem to forget to take in cnihWenUion that our eiMintry is. increasing in iju iMtion nearly 40 per cent, every ten years, and no matter how old the place ntay be, there are constant changes taking place ; some move to other iarts.aid .strangers fill their places. In this age of tin world, unless tlie name of a business firm is keia constantly before the miblic, some new una may start up, and. il liberal advertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and be forgot ten. No man ever lost money hv judi cious advertising. SIarvt;l not that 1 say unto you, ye must pay the printer. Whosoever neglectoth to pay the printer, hath not eternal lifo abiding in him. Who hath sorrow, who hath woe, who hath the nightmare! They who forget to render unto the printer his just duos. If a man live many years and payeth not for The Astobiax, behold he shall not die fn peace till he hath re stored to the printer that which he hath withheld. Circuit Court Blanks, County Court Jilanks. Justice Court Blanks. Shipping Blanks, Miscellaneous Blanks, Deeds, Mortgages, etc-, for Sale at The Astokiax office. Never go shopping without eon salting the advertising columns of The Astokian'. They will tell 3rou where, the best bargains are to be had, and just what merchants are alive and doing business. 3orsey backer. Every member of the cabinet is married. Only two out of the seven are college graduates. Secretary of the Navy Hunt is living with his fourth wife. There is only one Ohio born mn in the cabinet, Secretary "VVindowi. I Hon. W. E. Chandler, of New Hampshire, will be assistant secre tary of state. Senator Allison was offered the treasuryship, accepted it, and after wards declined it. Postmaster-General James 1ms not yet accepted his offer of a cabinet position, but will. Simon Cameron said of his son- in-law, a few 'years ago, that the best he could say of him was that he was a "snob.' If Senator Allison had taken the treasury portfolio, Judge Grcsham, of Indiana, would have been secre tary of the interior. Congressman Dick Crowley did not want to be postmaster-general, but would have accepted the at torney-generalship. Mac Vcagh bolted the repub roni ofliididate for mavor in Phil adelphia last month, and supported the democratic independent. Secretary Lincoln is married to the eldest daughter of ex-Senator llarlan, of lew. Secretary "Win don married a niece of John S. Oilman, omj., of Baltimore. Blain, James and Hunt were originally whigs, Kirk wood was a democrat, and Windom and Lin coln have always been republicans. MacVcagh was always a kicker. Dr. J. 13. Bowman, of Kentucky, would have gone to thecabinet in place of Judge Hunt if he hadn't been a christian that is, a mem ber of the Christian church. Blaine was a school teacher and editor. James was a printer. Lin coln, Windom and Hunt were law yers. Kirk wood was a farmer and miller, and MacVcagh was and is a dilletauti. At the last cabinet meeting Mr. French, wlio represented tlie treas ury uertmeut, siaicu inai inc national lmnks which had been contracting the currency were de sirous of putting in tlicir bonds again and taking out the legal tenders wliich they had sent on to withdraw the bonds. This means that having bullied, frightened or otlicrwise influenced Hayes to veto the funding bill, the bullying banks are anxious to resume their former status. These creatures of legislation, having shown them selves superior to legislative con trol, are satisfied with the result of their demonstration and want to get their circulation back again. The national bankinsr system has some millions less friends than it had a month ago. The attempt to get up a panic bailled by Mr Sher man, aroused a deep and strong feeling of resentment. "VYc must not have any of the creatures of our government bullying and browbeating the creative power. If corporations will not submit to laws that are necessary to protect the people against sudden and dangerous attacks on the finances, we must enforce submission. There arc many features of our banking system that are popular. The country is disposed to treat the batiks fairly. But they must not "be permitted to bully con gress or induce the executive authority to change front as sud denly as Hayes changed week For Sale. milK SLOOP "CRACK Ill'ME." Inninre X of A. M. Johnson. Astoria Sad Ift. r oCT. J. IHUoo in iNKinl miw In latin. iA-l&.!m For Sale. fBWK SCOW -HATT1E- WILL BE SOLO JL nn rwmaMe fnii. Fr iKirtimlar aunivlii JAMES BELL. Si-im l"ppTAtria. Notice. OHX BEATON. KOKMEkLY OF 1.1 " enxMit is iviiiotl to oNiimnnirate with inwIerUsm-". .JAMES LAI HL.WV. -U Bnttah Vk-c Owotl. I'ortland. igiu Notice. mAXI'AYEXS OF CLVTSO!' COfVTY JL will take notk- that this it l!nla-t i' for taxrs .Iw (1ati nMiiitr for tin- ear Ml.amt atMilumai -r.i.wi;i in' aiit .iut Brstot Aml. 1I. A. M.TWOMBI.Y. SJn-r.n ami Ta Cn!ltfnr. Potice to Cannerymen. SNEKYMEV ABE IIEKEBY lnf OANNEKYMEV ABE IIEKEBY infKHHNl that 1 am jwiMit-ri l funii-li )nniilly any unmtier f t Iiiiwv I iInhvis eiM.riVmnl in thv wrk rf imcIiIiik rxm. lath moui. tin vnA)MH-an imr iriartiiHiit h amniwry. All aHHiUiiHtt Ityletjerw 4heris will lw Mtini at auv jhmiiI ihi Hit rit-r. AiMn-v. : l?l ()t; MAN WA & CO., fiS-aiw' AMorfci. BANKING A"D INSURANCE BAHKIKG AHDJHSURAHGL BROKER, BANKER B IHSURAHGE AOEHT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROX S O'CLOCK A. 51. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. BUSINESS GARDS. y Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT'lfA"W. Chenainus Street. - ASTOKTA. OREGON! Hoe Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. IIOCOKTOX rilA. It. STORV.... GHO. L. STOKV I'mWent StrereUry .Agent for Oon XV. FULTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOBIA - - - OMEGON OtGrv over rape & Allen's store, Cass street j xv. j:ok, ATTORNEY AT 'LAW, ASTORIA - - - - OBEGOK OlBee over Warren & Eaton's Astoria 3Iar ket, opMk4te the Oeetdent lioti. E.c- S. golt , $310 609M CUpital )aW H in U 1. XV. CASK. Asent, Cheiuiniiis street, Astoria. Oregon. City Assessor's Notice. CITY TAX 1WYKBS ABE KEQUESTEI) to fill out their Mank ami b:uHl tliem in a; mh as MMsil4e. ATm. to lie Hartieular it hhv indemetlnevs K iiaimel. to tate on tlie ret'iim the amount, aiwl sive tlie name or namo of theiartyor irtn" toviliom the ame is line, a Uh law ieiuire. lic.IIOI.IlKX. tg.w City A"eor. Notice of Administratrix Ap pointment XTOTICE 1 HEREItY G1YKX THAT the il nnlersi:nel U: Int-n lnl aiHHntel aliHlnKtntn or tin estate of Lyman 1. llull.leeeastl,uv tin Hon. Connty-cmirt ol the State of OreRHi. for the eonntv of Clat Mi. All iktmhis haviiw; elaims avahtst sai estate jkv n-omretl to ireent tlie same to ine lnl venneil within sK months fnn thb ,Iakf. MARY ANN IIALI- AdmmLstratnx K tlie ttate w i.ynmn i: IlMfl.itecea.stMl. iW-dr.w 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIYERrOOL AND LOGO'S AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND 3IERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a caiital of S07.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. BIOI.II35X.1 NOTARY PUBLIC, AL'CTIOXEEB, COMMISSION AND IN- ' Sl'BAXCE AGENT. A. VAN DUSEN. CheitamtiM Street, near OeeMent Hotel, ASTOBIA, OREGON. Agent AYelb, l'argo 5. Co. Tf 1. HICKS, PENTIST, .VSTORIA, - OREGONi, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Rooms In Alien's building up stairs, come of Cits and Stemoc(ihe streets. TK. 31. I. JEXXIXS, 1'ILYSICLVN AND SURGEON. Graduate University of Virginia. 1S68. riiysieinn to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, 1S08-T0. Ofi'ick In Page & Allen's building, up stairs, Astoria. West-Sixtlf Street. -JVTOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT the LH aif4m?nt made by onliimnee Xo. -Kfi, for tne iiniHoreinent of est-siiii MnM'i in Shivelvs Astoria, from nortlishlef all itreet to' the sMith side of J Wry street, in the manner provided by oniitianee No. 4t im i-acli f the following de-erilKMl lots irf lainl fronting upon that art irf "Vest-sitli striMft. lK'tween Wall ami Berry Greets is due amliiavable al the onVe it liieCity Treas iinr in vaul Hiv in United Slnls xold and silver anil, ami nniess iwhl within live days from the expiration of this wKh the Com mon CoiiiM-il willonler arrant i-!mel for ihf eolleetion thereof. The aK?s.,inent te a fwf..: - - N.ofds. HIV. Lot. Owaer. CHtaad all. A"t. 14 fi Mr. t. u Adams M $113 '- ii t c. V. Shivelv Tuo rara s ; Mrs. Annie 1'ape Si0 BW ui H 7 A. VaH Dnsen 1 7 tt9 za ILlhiith v,ci lllNi .- I Mrs. NaiM-y Welch 117;! 2tl .-a i- Mrs. Nanc v Welch 71 11 99 Tl 11 Miss M.I Wekh S7t IT I So Ji I L.W.Gray tST--" 4TI in l A.Vanl)Heii Wl tll mi is VI A.VanDttsen 21 JT S Bv iHiler of Hie Common Council. lClLCABDWELI. Amlitira::d Clerk. Ast.ria. Orejson. March 2T. lSSt. 71-lWd a.j. m kg lei:. OCCIDENT MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietore. Astoria Oregon. mnE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO A announce that the above hotel lias been reimtnicd and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itsfniestsandisnowthe best hotel north of ban t ntnclsco. TIV TI'TTr.R. 11. i i a---- - c.s.wniGUT : t I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; IIOTrJi. t OFKicK-Over the White House Store. C. W". KXOWLKS. AL. ZIKBEIJ. PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. rtB-TiiK I) ii.y Astouian is cm llle at the Clarendon Hotel readiiit; room. Residence Nct door to Mrs. Munson'a iHNirdiiig house, Clienaimis street, Astoria Oregon . S80 Reward. mWEMT DOLLARS WILL BE PAID JL fortlw recovery' f w, f ,K lHlles of finir ChiimHHn drovnied in CoIuiiiIhm river near Bnwiklh'ld on WtMlnestlav ken. while Sdng from Illlar ro-k t'PrfiMllehl. One was iwentHMH ears of ap-. ami had on his person at the f.iwa clirt-K of $viMand sfven dollars its silver. The stMsnid was lwent -three ears oid and had a pistidaml w.titliillai. iii silver. Tin Hunt was twenty- four veais l ami had thnt twenty dollar Sl iileees. a tweiil-neeeiit jnecf. ami a slhernateh. Tlie fonrtu waswfiitj-eiirht earsiland hl?siv.iii gl. in- ainc rewanls will Ite ihl tin- midersKoeiL At West Tints! Paektou Co.. AslfrUu On-Mi. ."J.iU wlm THE LARCEST Printi.ig Office in the World ! ! HISTORY I IF THE Goyernment Printing Office. AT WASHINGTON. D.C.. nmbractn-.: manv lntenstinp Inehlents :uut i:ctits in tin- Workings of ihb Great Ivs- taldishmeut. with numerous lllitara Hon-, mo. alHHit li" to 1"W liaises. Prices: I R Paper Covers. 75 cts. iercopy : in Cloth. Si W. j.YXOI'SIS OF I OXTKXTS : CiiviTKic I.:. Bnef Histitry of PuWie Printing from 171 to lssi : 2. Superintend ents of Public-Printing frn ISSSto l-t ; 3. Chief Clerks fnnn Isfie to I61 : -t. I"":?" .ui tst KiiTfiotHi nf Pnntiiu:aml BiihI- ingfnmi l.sl to lsst ; o. Present (Irpinizi thVli of tlie Omee; . I)utie t Hie Piddle Printer, etc. Chaitkr II. The Printing IVimrtinent i 'iiu. o.wwiit ICihhm : The .loli Botmi 3. 11h' Pr.s Bimhm : I. Tin- Patent OIHre Sneeineation lmtm : 5. Th- Fohlinx Bo.hu : K. The OHigrcssiona! BeeonI Bimin.wlttt a lirief alhem to tlu early uuMlealWHi of the Delmtes of ('.mgress; 7. tin' Br.uih OOiee in th Treasim HerttHent Budding : Is. Otlier Branch mce. Cii itkk in. ineMercoijpini;!Mt rt-v- T C. OItCIIAKI, DENTIST, Dental Itoonis). &IICsTEKS Photograph Builtlin S T a. Mcintosh. AIERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel BuNding. ASTOBIA - - - OREGON Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA Mrs. S. X. Arrlsoni. Proprietor ntHE TRAVELING PL'BLIC WILL FIND jl tlie Phweer first class m all respccts.aiul a sliare of tlK'ir iwtroiiage is respectfully solicited. k3TBard and "otlglngby the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their customers from this ate a f.wlows, : TEA. COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Tlasteni Oy.steiss Alivnj-s, on Hand, And will Ik? kejd :ts a first clas Oyster Sa- wmmi, in a ii ciass si le. DANIEL C.RANT. Manager. fair Wind Coifee S'lloon CJEZ&LK" HOI3TSE, WATER STREET. ASTOBIA. Xett dHr to Dr. Kitisev's. fuB'ee. Tea and Chocolate, with Cake. JO fcat.s. hj- Cunkett to Order. Fine V. t:ie.. Jjlniinrs anil Cigars OfthelM'sthniiids. Haviiu j'st oMnel the alHe estaWish ment weeHsuUI inxiteoiir fniHlaml tlu iHiblie seneralh to gi e its a trial. Srr-u FOARD & EYANSON. Q II. BAIIY ifc CO., DR.M.EK IK Doors, AVindows, Itliiuls, Tram soul's, fjumber, lite. Allkimls of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial. etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel, Cor. Gec eviveand Astor streets. 1 G. FAIRF0 WIj & SON, STEVEDORES AftD RIGGERS Ige Portland and Astoria, Oregon. y permiMion to RoKcrs.MeycrSikCot Hen it Lovvis.CorbittiMaclcay, Refor b; A Portland. Orogos. WM. UIIIiKNUAllT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOBIA - OREGON. Hoi, Cold, Shoucr, Steam and Mtlpliur BATHS. 3r-speefcl attention j:iven toladies'and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. THE t'NDEBSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to tlie Ladies and Gentlemen of this City That he is now reiKired to furnish for them, in Hot cla-js style, and every style, OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE, TEA, ETC. AT TIIK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please stve me a call. R0SC0E DIXON. Proprietor WJI.T1.111 FRY. PRACTIOAL BOUT A'I) S3IOK MAKER. Ci:rMr- stkfi t. opjMite Adler's Book stor - AsT'.KIA. (IKKCON. 3" lYrti-ct IBs Kuantntei'd. xU work warranted. Gie me a trial. All orders promptly tillel. Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNES TEACHERS OK VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on either of the above instruments. Terms Eight lessons for live dollars. ST-Orders left at Stevens & Sous boek: store will be promptly attended to. before last. D. C. I. I'iuiiii . ."; Itntni'h Hinderies. Ciiaitki: V. I. Tlie Machine ami Canen ter Sheiis: 'J. Tli Vault for Sterotyjve Plates; X Paper Warehouse : I. Warehouse for Binders Materials, etc.. etc, Ari-K.vmv.-1. Alphabetical IJt of Em ployes at date of Iliblication : -i All Ijiws relatins lo'Public Printing up to the close of the 46tli Congress. Tlie above work Ls now ready for the prin ter, and will be published hi a '? "JW'jJ and will he SOLD BY SCBSCBIITIUN nvtv Tin. mMtnijritit Ihls been nreiKiPd withsreat care ; the very best sources of in foniiathm censulted: the mt interestitiK r.itnM nT tim (v.tnhllslinient described, and everything ixissible done to make the book readable- and reliable. Parties desinnR nix nr iiii work should address, without delay. B. W. KERR. Government Irintiii: OiMce. Washington. I. t . C3-w-.tm H. CARTWRIGHT &-S0N, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Vats IilncI and. Other Cannery Work Done. All repairs completed in the best style on short notice. Adjoining McLeans blacksmith shop, Astoria. C. H. STOCKTON, o;axxsE, sxesoey AND CARRIAGE PAINTER,- J. T. BORCHERS, C0NC0MLY STREET. ASTOKIA. Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SiVlQKEO SALMON. Cish paid for fresh BLACK STURGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon pat im in tins to ship to any part of the world. Also, trout bait (salmon eggs) put up in cans and warranted to keep any length of time. Depot at Rogers Central Market, comer Cass and Chenamus streets. Astorin. To-Night. To-NigltU GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EJ'EXIXG. RAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SI'KCIALTY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BShop next door to Astorianj Office, in Shuster's building. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN for sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or Portland by 56-tf BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & Co Portland, Oaegon. E3. -. $TJI3STDr- dealer in FA3III.Y GROCERIES, IVAItS, 5IIIX FEED AM) HA1T Cash paid for country produce. SmaJt protits on cash sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor nerof Main and Squemocahe streets. QPILES. The undersigned is prepared to furnish. a larce number of Spiles and Spars at bis place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES. Colunibia.Cltj