,f2J give rai1i stxiviuxu ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY MARCH 20, 1SS1 . C. IBELAM ...Editor. The first through train via the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and Southern Pacific railroad left Kansas city for San Francisco March 10th. In the Carver-Scott match at the end of shooting at London on the night of the 18th inst., the sgpre stoed: Carver, 7,S01: Scott, 7,703. Indians made a raid on a wagon train near Puerto D'Chocolat, New Mexico, on the 1 7th, ami killed thirty men and burned their wagons. Further particulars are not obtainable at present. W. H. Vanderbilt sails for Europe April 14th, and .lames H. Keene is going abroad during the latter part of the same month. This is considered as an indica tion that the market will not feel the influence of their support for some time. The World says: General Grant when asked about a report that he had resigned the presidency of the world's fair commission said: 1 have not sent in m resignation yet. Is it true that you intend to? was asked. General Grant said: 3 think there should be a gentle man at the head of the commission wko can give it ample time and attention. I shall soon leave the country to be absent for an indefinite period, and this fact and suggestion I shall lay before the commission before next Mon dayj so that they may act accord ingly. This is all I can say at present. Late advices from Japan state that the relations between that country and Cnina are strainod, the latter retaliating for Japan's course in the Formosa and Loo Choo affairs, when China was in difficulty with Russia. It is be lieved in Yokohama, that China made a secret treaty with Russia, directly concerning Japan. The second, or Tseng Tseng treaty, has also its secret agreement or compact relating to that country. Terms of settlement with Russia are given out with much ostenta tion, but well informed people re gard those terms as materially qualified by subsidiary compacts, the terms of which are not now even hinted at. The attitude of Russia and the large fleet main tained by that power in Chinese and Japanese waters, are matters of increasing suspicion and anx iety. The hostile bearing of China will tax the resources of Japan to the utmost in defensive prepar ations, at a time when the financial difficulties of the nation are over whelming and the entire specie reserve in the treasury is npt more than 12,000,000 yen. Singular Coincidences. It is seldom that a given number can be found to repeat itself in so singular and significant a manner as in the following case, as dis covered by the San Francisco Examiner: "On the 19th of Oc tober Gee. A. "Wheeler strangled his sister-in-law, Adella J. Tillson, under circumstances unparralled in the annals of crime on this coast. On the 19th day of November he was indicted by the grand jury. On the 19th day of December he was arraigned for his crime. On the 19th of January he was con Ticted of murder in the first de gree, and on the 19th day f February be was sentenced to be hanged on Tuesday, the 19th day of April, by the neck until he was dead." Evidentty 19 is an unfor tunate and unlucky number with Wheeler. Z3TAU subscribers to The Astomax nn very respectfully invited to act a-5 agents for the paper. We know that tbre must be many people who would taj the paper "at sij:ht, if asked by ose friend to do so. We need your as sistance, and will cheerfully pay for it. We will send the paper one full year to any six persons you may name for tbe sum of $10 00. Thus you can act as agent for us and make a profit for your-self. Instinct of Insects and Birds. Thomas Ruwditch in Troy Times. Let us examine the marvelous instinct of the solitary wasp in pro viding for the worm that will issue from her egg after her own death. She brings grubs food that, :is a wasp, she never tasted and de posits them over the egg, ready for the larva she will never see. The life history ol every insect exhibits instincts of this preplexing description. Look at the instinct ive character of bees in their provisions for the future. Witness the caterpillar, how at the proper time it selects a suitable situation and spins for itself a nilken cocoon. Marvelous instincts are met, with outside of tin insect world; every little bird .is its own skillful ac coucheur. We once observed the self-deliver' of the chicken. The prison wall is not burst in pieces by struggles. By a regular series of strokes the shell is cut in two chipped around in a perfect circle some distance from the large end The bird has a special instrument for this work a hard, sharp horn on the top of the upper mandible, which, being required lor no other purpose, disappears in a few days. Obviously, each individual bird no more acquires the art of breaking its way out than it furnishes itself with the little pick-hammer used in. the operation; and it is quite clear the bird could have never escaped from the egg wi hout the instinct. How were eggs hatched before the birds had acquired the the instinct to sit upon them? A fowl which never before willingly shared a crumb with a companion will now starve herself to feed her chickens, which she calls by a language she never before used may have never heard but which they arc born to understand. Detroit Plumbers. Boston Evening Star. A plumber fell from the fourth floor to the cellar through an ele vator shaft in Detroit, the other day, and was uninjured. Plumb ers sometimes die of broken hearts in midsummer, when the butter cups and daisies are blooming in the meadows, when the little song birds are twittering in the trees, and when the water-pipes are working to a charm throughout the city. But they neither die nor can they be killed by any ordinary means in the winter time" A fall of four stories through an elevator shaft simply acts upon the plumb er as a tonic. SETWhat nleasure it is to pay ones debts ! In the mt place, it removes that uneasiness which a person feels from dependence and obligation. It afiords pleasure to the creditor, and therefore gratifies our social affection. It pro motes that future confidence which iso interesting to an honest mind. It opens a prospect of being readily supplied with what you want on future occasions. It leaves a consciousness of our virtue; and it is a measure we know to be right, both in point of justice and sound econ omy . Finally, it is the main supjMirt of si mple reputation. Pay us, that we may pa3 others. 53f"ome say that it is no use for them to advertise, that they have been in the place in business all their lives, and everybody Knows them. Such people seem to forget to take in consideration mar our country is increasing 111 popu lation nearly 40 per cent, every ten years. and no matter how old the place may be. there are constant changes taking place ; some move to other parts, and strangers fill their places. In this age of the world, unless the name of a business firm is kept constantly before the public, some new firm may start up, and. by liberal advertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and be forgot ten. Xo man ever lo.st money by judi cious auveriismg. iSJ-Whenever you want to buy an xrtiele. purchase it from a store-keeper in town. You know them, thev are identified with you in the interest of keeping up the city, which is an organ ization for mutual protection, and if you are cheated you know where to ap ply for redress. When you buy of an itinerant pedlar, whom you may never see again, if you arc cheated you must pocket your own losses. SKThe time has long since passed when mechanical trades provided our sons with a living. Labor-saving ma chinery, patent tools and steam have robbed the trade of tlie future it offered to our boys in the days of the indentured apprentice system. The idlers and do nothings of our metropolitan cities are comprised largely of tradesmen and professional men, and merchandising is -a failure, if the number of bankrupt merchants who had to succumb to the pressure of the times can be taken as a criterion. What the countrv needs is pro ducers, and tlie waste fields of unculti vated laud offers an opportunity to place the rising generation in the way of mak ing comes for themselves arid beite titnb for posterity. NEW TO-DAY. For Sale. mUE SLOOP "GRACE HOIK." Inquire A of A. M. JnhnMm. Atoriti Snil Loll, or of T. .1. Uilkm 011 Ixwrd ncoh hulii-try. co-iltw.lni Notice. "fY WIFE ANNIE SMITH HAVING loft llJL hiv ll and iHKirtl, I will bf n-ixii--ilrff fH-jn tletesfouirarted Iy Her. flrt-il EDWAtfn SMITH. For Sale. milK SCOW HATTIE" WILL BE SOLI) A m reMMMtWe tcn. Fr twrtlailHrs jiirivto .IAMKS P.ELL. 61-1 w t'piKT Astoria. Notice. ALL PERSONS AltK IIKKKRY notified E L Hnv- K wl awtlwriied to incur ilcltt- on hcpmmwI of tin wh "ImluMty" or mi MrvutiMl f Hh MiMlerMSiMHl. CS-illH-HU K. B. MOFFITT Notice. mAX PAYERS OF CLATSOP COUNTY A will take mttfcv that thK i tin lust chII for tRX-N Im- OalMtp county for the year lsH. and ariditMmai cH- Hill be added after ilr-t of April. JiM. A. M. TWOMP.LY. r;-2 Slierttl aihI Tax Collector. Notice of Administratrix Ap pointment, "VTOTICK IS HKUKBY GIVEN THAT the 1.1 umk'rsijrtRMl lias Iki-ii dnlv aiioinlttl ailiHiiitaratriv of the folate of Lyiium P. Hall. lifeaxHl.lv the Hihi. Comity -court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clal Mtp. AH ktoh. having daims aptiirt said estate are reijitirvd to present Hh une to me ilul eriftetl within six months from this date. ' MAHY ANN HA LI Administratrix tf the estate of Lyman P. Hall, cleeeavd. fitl-d'iw Notice. JOHN BENTON. FORMERLY OF LIV J orpool i reoMOtcd to communicate with the imdersisned. JAMES LAIDLAW. fti-lf BntKh Vice Con-ill. Portland. Opn. City Assessor's Notice. CITY TAX PAYERS ARK REQUESTED to fill out their blanks, and hand them tit :ts shhi as xrs-iWe. Also, to he particular if am indelrtediiess i claimed, to state oil the reftim the amount, and jnve the name or names of thci.irtyor names townom tue .same is due. as the law njulre. K.C. HOLDEN, Citv Avssor. tt!2w H. OARTWRIGHT & SON, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. SMOKE STACKS MADE TO OIIDER Vat Lined and Other Cannery Work Ooiip. All reiwirs comitfeted in the lcM stjle on slmrt HoUces. AdfaJiiiq: 3IeLuih1aukvmith s1hji, Astoria. THE LARCE'ST Printing Office in the World !'! IIISTOKY OF THE Government Printing Office. AT WASHINGTON. !.C, KmlKKeiiir mmhv lHten-Uis Incidents, anil Kwnts in tin Workups of this Crent Es- tNMishwteHt. HithiiumeroiLs Ilhtstra- tims-. n. Nlimit 12."itol.7)Nt(;s. I'riws: Im Paper Covers. 75 ets. iKTeopv : iH Cloth. ?1 00. JVNOlSlS OF CONTKNTS : Ciimtkk I. I. Ilrief History of Public Printing from Krfito isSI : 2. Superintend ents or Public Printing ironi 1KV.M0 ISM ; n. Chief Clerks from 1MW to 1W1 : 4. Foremen ami Assistant Foremen of Printinsaml Bind ing from 1J1 to 11 ; '. Present Orgnnlzi tion or the Ollk'e: 6. Duties of the Public Printer, etc CiiAiTKit II. The Printing Department : 1. The Document ItiMim ; , The Job Boom ; X The Press Uoom : 4. The Patent Office Specification Room : 5. The Folding Boom ; G. The Concressional Bcconl Boom, with a brief allusion to theeari publication or the IK'lwitcs of Congress ; 7. The Branch Office In tin' Trr.ir 0iinrtinetit Uiiililm? - R. Other Branch Oik-cs. chaitkk in. ineMcrcotypingana ticc trotypiug Department, C11 aitkr IV. The Binding Department ; t Tlin Oitllncr IPrwk O TIia nu irtf lfiumt a. Tlie Forwarding lUwm ; 4. The Finishing uoom : .. Bnineh Binderies. Ciiaitek V. l. TlieMiichlneaudCann ter Shep: 2. The Vault for Sterntype Ilates ; 3. Pajwr Warehouse ; 4. Warehouse for Binders Materials, etc.. etc, AiTEXDix. 1. Alphabetical I.M of Kni ployes at date of Publication ; '2. AH Laws relating to labile Printing up to tlie doe of the 4th Congress. The auuf work i now read for the prin ter, and will be published in a few weeks, and will be SOLI) BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Tlie manuscriut lias been prepared with great care : the very best sources of in formation c-onsulted : the most interesting feature of the establishment described, and eer thing possible done to make the book readable and reliable. Parties desiring conies of this work .should address, without delav, B. W. KKRB. (iovemtnent Printiuc Office. Washington, D. C. cl-c?AW.lm MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, fflOM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plmiite ani Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON, TIN AND COPPER, Cannery anfl Fishermsiis Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly 011 hand. AllSCELLAIvEOUS GsW. HUIYirc Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC., ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE 1JLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OAKS, FLOATS, MAUI-S, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREGOIV. MRS. DERBY DKALKi: IN MILLINERY GOODS Dr. Warner's Health CORSET r" Ja. x - 1 1MI oil iv ne iniririiaM-u in ii Astona at 1 .11 RS. DERBY'S. tfiM I M-t-rtnie Hall Building, cor r'',ir nerofMain and SfpieniiMriK V-' 1 f- street. Barboiu's IRISH FLAX T1IRE1DS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, Fiax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 51 1 Market Street. S&b Fr&nciKco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. Chas. Stevens & Son, CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELL TQWE, In room lately occupied by Schtneer's Confectionery, Largest aid Est Assortment Of novelties In the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY, GOLD PEN ROODS, ALBUMS. CHKOMOS. FKAMES. STEREOSCOPES, DIARIES. All of which wQI be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. 1. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals coastantly on liand. CHAS.STEVENS & SON. WILLIAM ED GAS, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGO.N DUU'E LI CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Cclchrated JOSEPH RODCRS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE VOSTENHOLM and other Encliih Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of TVatrhe and Jewelry. Muzzle and ltreerk Loading Shot Gun and RIiIcm, Revolver. PIstolH, and ABimnuitlOB MARINE GliASSES. AtSO A WHY. A5V)rtrCJt of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. Sft Sfe THE DAILY AND WEEKLY 1- -t 'ASTORIA. aL. ' OREGON. T) ESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Famiess and Reliability: THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON. TERMS: BY HI A IT,. (I'OsTAOE t'ltKK TO ALL LII.CKIHKI:.) DA1LY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS "WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR WEEKLY, ONE COPY POUR MONTHS 1 00 ea-I'ostniRsters are aiitttorued to act as THE STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, AArD TYPE OF TUB LATES1 STYLES. ear We purehiiM IPaper, Cards, Ink. and other materials of the manufacturers AT LOWEST XXflXCS KATES. And c-.m therefore afford to use, as we always do. the best articles, while enarglng ONLY lWCCI3533E?.aa?EJ PRICES. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING; ROOM AND THE "WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. E. R. HAWES, Jlll2r"w:s: 1 iSK--S5it&!fil E, R. HAWES, TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. TRBNGUARD & DPSIIUR DEALERS IN SM1P 6HAHDLEKV PROVISIONS, mow, STEEL, GOAL, Builders? General HARDWARE, 3sr.a.xx&, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AUENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed, Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER PLAIN AD ORNAMENTAL 3E X1-A.S "37 DES DEL DE3 Xt Orders left at tlie Occident Hotel, or at mv Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. T IME, SAND, BRICK. PLASTER, LATH, y Cement, and all material's in my line, furnished to order. ff-SpecIal attention paid to Furnace work andEanses. Cistern, work warranted good or no pay. "Aeat San Juan and NewTacomaLime. S9 00 3 00 IN ADVANCE 2 00 agents for Th k Astoiiiax ASTORLOT Dealer 111 35, Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Attent for tlie celebrated MEDALLION RANGE, Uish Closets, low Closets, and Plain ltnnscM. IRON PIPES AND FITHNGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED ASTORIA. OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. VARNISHES JKD JAPANS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrive direct from New York English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BARRELS. Turpentine Aspheltum Varnish, IN BARRELS Benzine Aspheltum Varnish, IN BARRELS No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. ALSO ;Siicic Ainmiliate paint, ! F0R 1R0X AD W00D 0ML JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., 1 A" Front Street, Portland. ARNDT & EEECHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only Machine Shop And the best --55fcJ BLACKSMITH y&g j S H O P M I tn Iha nt.. In the city. All kinds of ENGINECANNEEY, STEAMBOAT WORK i'romptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing OAJNfNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. MSSSrMWmfku i?Hf J