f'l SK Astoria. Oregon, Friday Morning. March 18, 1881. No. 65. Vol. xiv. IDftiLii Statoftftti m CAUSE OF TES TROUBLE. A Nihilist Tells why the Czar was Assassinated. Foreign Trade of New York. Next to the commerce of the Fraud Exposed in Mother Shipton's I Frophecy. Tntt- IIium nation in 1SS0, the foreign trade I . A iwiJ Mother' writes to New Yokk, March l."i. The j or New York is xn object of com- j ywk Tribuie begging it Herald reports an interview with ) inintdiiig interubt. Us magnitude j lQ printing stones about the the nihilist correspondent oi inej Springfield Republican here, than -whom it says tliere arc probably few if any living in this country , more familiar with tlie deep Ji schemes of the nihilists tt over- ami ooostant growth irm e in- j w(jrld aiming to mi end, the con ferred from the fact titat toe touu t- . f . ,linwft.lt nlauete. h mount of foreign imports during tlic seven, months ending January ol, 18S1, including specie, whs I !U6,S."5,S74, against tle follow- . . . . ,1. J throw the Russian government. 1 mg aggregate tor ue correspouu He traces the assassination of thej ing (lericdb ending January 31, in cznr to the latter'.s refusal f de- tliv vtr hereafter iimimqiI. to wit: mands personally made upon him j 307, 123,?o5 in 1SS0, 114,441, bv a nihilist delegation to whom j 820 in 1S7., 1 '76,072.490 in 1S78, lie granted a clandestine interview. I HfH 174,033,759 i" 1S77. For At this meeting he was addressed -J, sime periods of the past three in substance as follow.,: ;Give to veais tlie exports from New York the Poles what you promised, and j to foreign ports, including specie. your father and uncle before yon, a constitution. Ami not omy io the Poles but to the whole nation. An article Uiat is good ftr expor tation ought to be doubly good for home consumption. ltwasjood for Russia in your eyes to spend millions of money and to sacrifice tens of thousands of lives in order to obtain a constitution for Bul garia and independence to Rouin- ania, and it ought to be good for Russia. It is in your power to be come really the father of the peo ple as you are styled. Grant a constitution and you will establish forever the Roiiionoff dynasty and be beloved by your people like the Austrian emperor." In the charac teristic manner of his family he answered: "Not during my life time, or after me if I can help it. Shooting. were, respectively, as iww. S250.7SS.1S4 in 1SS1, 227,330, 137 in 1SSH, and 5205,060,070 in 1S70. The customs receipts at thth port for the seven moots end ing January 31 increased from ,227,700 in 1S79 to 871,231.758 in 1SS0, and S0,1G0,101 in 1S81. These figures speak so eloquently that any comment is superfluous. The foreign trade of New York alone has reached in seven months a total amount of more than $573, 000,000, which is larger than the total foreign trade of the United States in 18G5. It must be borne in mind that, during the last ten years, this city has also grown to be the largeat manufacturing centre in the country, the value of the annual products of her fac tories being now more than $400,- Upon this they left him and you 1 000,000. As regards her trade see the result. Much interest will be felt bv the tobacco grower of this country in the .progress of the scheme de vised by Prince Jjismarck for the establishment of a tobacco mo nopoly in German'. Should he succeed in carrying'out his project in spite of the vigorous opposition which he must encounter, it is claimed by some that the trade of this country would be injured. The argument advanced in sup port of this opinion is that Ger- mauv takes more of our leaf with the interior, we must await the census returns to give correct Jijruros, but we may conceive an idea of its extent from the fact that she occupies, as distribu ter of domestic wealth, a po sition scarcely less command ing than as an agent of inter national exchange. Uefore leaving this subject, we must observe that the severe winter has greatly af fected the movement of goods. Considerable quantities of grain were prevented from reaching this port by early closing of navigation, Mother Shipton's predictions and Professor Smyth's Iwok entitled "The great Pyramid," all pointing to this year as the termination of terrestrial life, which he says seri ously frighten children and credu lous adults. The Tribune sooths the lady as follews: "Astronomers if tlie higliest reputation have pro noun cod tlie predictions based up on planetary conjunctions as ar rant moonshine. Professor Smyth's book contains no prediction that is not based on approximations so elastic as to be little more than systematic guess work. The pyra mid weight and measure can be made to prove anything which an imaginative calculator wishes. For instance, one of the latest treatises, after interpreting a verse from the Old Testament as distinctly fore shadowing the I 'nitcd States, with the national flag accurately symbol ized, makes one of the pyramid measures tlie base of the 'dollar of our daddies Our correspondent probably roads her New Testament, and can find in the gospels the distinct declaratien: Of that day and that hour knoweth no man; no, not the angels which are in heaven, and can surely satisfy herself and her children that Mother Shipton's prophetic intuitions are as the aerial flights of the old woman in the nursery rhyme wla sweeps the cobwebs from the skies.' The Tribune The last issue of the London Graphic contains a 'picture of a man in Ireland sltowing hi wife 'now to slaiot with a revolver. It is a pity some one would not show Americans hmv to work that uni versal instrument in this country. A man in Chicago shot a burglar and took oft' two of his own fingers. A Philadelphia man fired at a mad dog and hit an inoffensive police man sleeping in a doorwav. A man in Galveston, Texas, tried to shoot a runaway liorse, but hit a bricklayer working on the second story. A Baltimore man shot at a cat and shattered a 150 plate "lass window. A New York man sliot at a woman three time, hit I her once, took a spectator in the leg next time, split a kerosene lamp at the third shot, setting fire to the building and giving three fire engines two hours' work. Won't some one teach the vounsr idea how to shoot? The Shoe and Leather Reporter says: "Of course, as Christians we ought all to hope that it is not true that the statistics of the Dominion fisheries were deliber ately and systematically falsified for the purpose of swindling the people of this country in the award, but it would be expecting too much of human nature to ask us not to chuckle inwardly with the hope that it is true. From time out of mind our British cousins have amused themselves with the idea that a certain callous and cynical dishonesty which prides itself in, over-reaching honest peo ple in nuking bargains was a trait DAN KING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AHDJNSURAHGE. X, W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER M INSURANCE AGENT. - - OREGON :VSTOKlA, - OFFICE IIOl'KS. FRO.U S O'CLOCK A. 3L UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK P. .tf. Hie Mntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. BUSINESS CARDS. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LATY. ChcHMHits Street. - ASTORIA. OREGOH Ci IV. FUI.TOY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - ORHGON Ofltce over face &. Allen's store, Ca street J. I'. Hocoiiton ('has. IC. Stokv i:ho. I.. Stouv .....President ... . Secretary ..Agent for 0oh S. gold .. $.100 000 IK) Capital iwiil up in C eo$H ................... IT AV. CASK. Agent. CtieHfcmits street, Astoria. Oregon 867,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF DART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.00O.00O. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. T AV. ROItlt. ATTORNEY AT LAW,. ASTORIA ... - OKEGOJT Office over Warren & Eaton's Asteriu Mar ket, opposite the Occident Hotel. E.v IIOIiIK. NOTARY PUBLIC,: UCTIOXEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AC.EXT. VAN DUSEN. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. a.j. mkoi.f.i:. r.s. witioirr OCCIDENT IIOTFX. MEULEK & WRIGUT. Proprietor. Astoria, Oregon. milE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO X announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of Itsgnestsandisnow the best Inrtel north of San Francisco. A. NOTARY PUBLIC. Cheiiamus Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent Wells. Fargo & Co. -a C V. HICKS. PENTIST, i ASTORIA, ... - OREGONl Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, corn of C;isand Sietuocqhe streets. D" M. I. JKN'NIXUS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. G ruinate University of Virginia. 18i. . rhysician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, lSKi-o. Office In Page &- Alien's building, up stairs. Astoria. of the Yankee diameter, and one might have added that -nnst f for tj,e .xjnfhirbv which the Yankee Mother Shipton's prophecies as now currently circulated are the veriest humbug out. There was a veritable Mother Shipton and she :iiade what was called a prophecy in the last century, when more credence was given to such things than now. A few years ago a Baltimore paper reprinted the prophecy, but a mischievous print er interpolated all that part which relates to 1SS1, and the remarka C. W. KNOWLKS. CLA1tKXo:' PORTLAND. - - AI-ZIKURIC. HOTEL. - - OREGON JAY TUTTLK. M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office Oyer the White House Store. KfsioFJfCE Next door to Mrs. Munsca! boarding house, Chennmus street, AstorI Oregon. while the fearful condition of our f.nh:ieefi thiin miiv other country. I.. i ..:. .n.. :..-rwi ' I Sliei-lS lilts lllitll-i Kill v ijiivii r V" i . . , i Wm- ;.mrtftd frf, the United r., .,... ..,.: r " , v, mvei.Uoiis of tlie present dav ... ;.. i. nJrtMi ,... lS?ol . . ," ,. , . Mnce then tlH' k-,llw " ""' .'" iim exjiorts irom .ew lOTK in 112,098,052 pouiMls, valued at- iHllllHrs exclusive f sjHHjie, were S.10S,S19. Very low prices were I $30,24,919 this yenr agxinst 2-V paid, mid should the manufacture j 435 56(; , jgSO, and $2.1.550 be monopolized by the govert -j , 8ry On tl other haml, the nieiit, competition among Hmj pur- j imiKtj:. includinsr 4,723,4 ii chasers beinjj removed, the prices might be forced down still further. This is a pessimist view that we do not share. With France, where siM-cie, were only 30,08."i,33fl in January this year against S40,SS7, 154 in tle same month of 1SS0. when the imports 'of specie were government monopoly exists, our j f) . $375,038; so that, with nearly trade Ims not assumed tlie same f(lHr. milioii dollars increase of ecoud edition has ween floating around and will pmb- ably continue to floHt until Sl is passed, when it will disappear, to turn up years hetce with still Intel additions to conform it to later eircuiH-taiK-es of tin' world's history. tuition might be known. It must be admitted that we have occasion ally rendered ourselves liable to the imputation, for we certainly did fleece our good friends, the Japanese, in. the indemnity we ex acted for the attack on our gun boats at Siinonosaki, and our atti tude is peculiar to say the least, in the matter of the Geneva award, bavins proved our damages in order to get the money, but being utterly unable t Hud the parties damaged when it comes to jmiv the money. 15atve have never will fully falsified evidence nor based our claims to comensatiou or forzed documents, and if Profess r Hind's statements are true, the recipients of the xward do not oc cupy an enviable position. T C. ORCHARD. i . DENTIST, Deutal Rooms. snu.vr Kit's Photograph Buildin proportions as with German v for! the. simple reason that the fragrant weed among the peasantry is not so much in favor in the first as in the last country, and that the French soil is better adapted to the growth of the inferior grades of leaf tobacco. 13oth in propor tion to its amount, it is certainly more profitable. However that may be, it seems certain now that Prince Bismarck will carry his point, the necessity of raising taxes by' indirect methods overcoming any obstacles that a powerful in dustry, supported by large num lers of the German people, may ndeavor to interpose. i-STfeoine say that it is no use for them toadvertise, that iliey have been in the .place in business all their lives, and everybody Knows theui. Such people .seem to forget totakt in consideration that our country is increasing in popu lation nearly 40 per cent, every ten j'ears. and no matter how old the place may be, there arc constant changes taking place: some move to other parts,and -strangers fill their places. In this ago of the world, unless the. name of a business afinn is kept constantly before the public, some new firm may start up, and. by lilwral advertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and be forgot ten. No man ever lost money by judi cious advertising. specie, the total imports at this j)ort were still nearly five millions less than in January of last year. What has become of the prediction that the balance of trade would soon turn airainst us? The flow of precious metals from Europe to America is as great as ever, and since our mines are constantly pro ducing, there will soon be in this country a plethora of money which will afford the alarmists an oppor tunity to give vent to their elo quence in a direction somewhat contrary to the usual one. The singular phenomenon should, how ever, be noted, that the reserves of our baYiks do not reflect the extent of this increase in our metallic treasure. Most of it apparently finds. its way into the pookets and stockings of old women in the 'western and southern states, and a few years will find our people as well provided with a circulating medium out of circulation as the French peasantry. Warranty deetls. quit claim deeds ami mortgages " k' ' this otttee. Circuit Court Blanks. UiMty Cowrt Blanks. .Justin- Cwri Blank. .Shipping Blanks. MiscelninetHis Blanks, Deeds. Mortgages, etc.. for Sale at TliK AsTOitiAN office. MlSCELLANEOlS. '-.x on;tiMirr .ivi: A news jn..T ..:.'! a ih-wMei .-..hor tliat hiv pie i.:fi i:tlk about and vHitetiitu'.s ho. m- an nulter i.r concern'. The Mte and luui,v- dial an edititr '.,,ic-tiiiM- t-ei it a l:il to del'eiMl at :t risk rtf iMaWlim-fiH-iiiio of aiiK.her cln. ure o:uu Ua- ver first to sIkiw iin;mtitde. Tin editor who exjH.H. to receivi much rharit orgralitiMie will hh mm out hi iuilake: Iml lie should go ahead ami and do what he cHicieiitionly thinksri:ht wit-lamt regard Ut frowns or jwiih-.. For Sale. mil E SCOW IIATTIE" WILL RE SOLO w n-M-mnl4 fH lo l-lH Fr irtirtibrs JAMES RK.LU 1'IHht AMoriM. ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to ami from the home. 3-TilK I vii.v Astoiman N on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STREET. - - ASTORIA .11 rs. S. X. Arrlsoni. Proprietor rilHETRAVELING PUBLIC WILL FIND Jl Uh" rumcer ursi culss hi an resiK'cii.anu a simre of their natronage is resjiectfully solit'ltftl. ST'Itixinl and lodgmgby theday or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will -erve to their ctiMniiier from this ale as follow-. : TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Kntern Oyter Always 011 tlaiid. .hl will lKtvel :ia liiNicla Oyster Sa hoM. in irs vkiss style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind Coffee Saloon A NO CHOP HOUSE, WATER STREET. STORIA. N't dMtr lo Dr. Km.se's. ColTir. Tea ami Chocolate, with fake, IO 'em-. t'hoii- Cooked to Order. Fine Yl'inc-. Liquors and Cigars Or the licst brands. llain just oiH'iied Ihe alMtve CMtalH.sh- ment HeconliaHy invite our friends and the iHiMk gcneralU to give its :i trial. U-U FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS "TTj A. .TfcIXTOSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, Oceldent Hotl Riiilding, ASTORIA - - - OREGON Q II. BAI5 fc CO. Doors, Windows. Blindw. TraJt- Honis. Iiiimlie-r. Etc. All kimts of Oak Luinher. Class. Roat Mx terial. etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Geo eviveand Astor streets. 1 G. FAlPwFOWI'& SOX, STEVEDORES AM) RIGGERS Portland and Astoria, Ore-on. Refer by pcrmesionto RoKerj.MeyersJc Co, Allen &. Lewin, Corbitt A Macleay. eortlanu. Oregon. W.1I. IIIIiKXHART. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTORIA - OREGON. T-Qr-'ftw free Iniids of the west ara lHiug taken tip and settled this year lo a degree most gratifying, in the face of the over-crowded mechanical depart ments of uictroolitnii life. i?everal rail lions more acres of homesteads have been entered for settlement at the var ious laud otliccs this year than in tlie past year, and still the western movement continues in force. And this is the only solution of the labor troubles. Let the unemployed eoineand become producers instead of consumers. Notice. AiH .V.-dH A ACRES Of UW -Lawyers briefs printed in fine style, at Thi Astoriax office. , Warrantee deeds at Ths As toklo( office. jSser-Ve see how life gets coined at our mint, so that the world somehow wears the stamp of the die cut into our hearK e know how a piece of good fortune brightens tlie air: how some im pending evil puts the edge of a spiritual eclipse npon the sun; how suddenly ill fortune in business will seem to make the verj springs of Imauty bankrupt; how the sickness Of a dear friend turni nature pallid; how the death of one whom we love will convert all the trees to cypresses and the music of tlie uni verse ijecomes a requium ; but how can you exjKvt your city lo prosper if you d'liioi patronize the local press? Hotr can ou succeed as & merchant or 1 niee'iauK. and not advertise? ALL PERSONS ARE HERERY ihKiiI E L Hay is nut authorized to im-Hr deWs on acciHOit of the mhw -Imliitrj r h mvoHiit of the tindcr-lsiied. -dl-Hlt E. P.. MOFFITT "" " " Wanted. AC1RL FOi:i;E'ERVLIIlll'SEWoRK: cither t.eniMii or SeaiHliimx ian. at PHHM'er HotH aul Restaurant it MRs. ARRH.'ONL ForSaie. - XvXIJrN CIVTSOP Coi-ui. ipiutitiStHi the ('liolfc nver. mit of siiklJHiHlciHHixHcd of No. I tliiilHTlond. .vfneptlniiakeeMt'lh-iit fanus. and a little 1 suit line fori arst chis-. frog much, ,-ror terms toot etc.. Imiuln-of tf- f A. M. TWOMP.LY. 580 Reward. mWENTY DOLLMW WILL RE PAID JL for the recover, of each of the hodie-. of four Chinamen drowned in Ctluiulin river in:ir Rmoklield on cducxlav last, while eoitis from Pillar nck to Rrookfield. One w'ts twentv-one c:ir. of age. and had on Lis ncrson" at the time a check of fcCu and soven dolbrs in silvvr. The second wjts twentx -three years old and lnd a pistol and seven dollars in silver. The thiol w:ls twenty fonrjears old and had Uirec tvent dollar gold pieces, a twenty-five cent piece, and a siherwatch. The fourth w:is tweut -eight ears old and had!; in gold. Tlie anoie Tew:inN will be paid hy the nndpislgiieil. CHIN LUNG. At Wot Coast lacking Co., Astoria. Oregon. 5i.diwlin Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. rilHE INDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO JL announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City Tlwt he k now prv'iarcd to funiHh for them. 111 ar-H i1hss stj Ie. ami ever' si le. ETC OYSTERS. TEA. nor COFFEE AT TIIK Ladies and Gent's Oystef Saloon, MAIN STREET. Plea-c feive me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor Hot, Cold, shower, strain and Sulphur BATHS. JSSeeial attention given to ladies aatl children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Indies. ATTiiiAiii mi. PRACTICAL KOOT AD SIIOK MAKER. CiiKSA3it.s Sti:kkt. opposite Adler's Boo!c store, - AsTOKIA, OlIKU)N. Perfect HS guaranteed. All vrorJc wsirniuted. (rive me a trial. All orders uromtdlv lilied. C. H. STOCKTON. THE ASTORIA Photograph Gallery CARI SIZE PHOTOURAPHS. Jfti 50 Ter Dozeu. CAB1XBTSIE I'HOTOf.'KAPIiy 1 OO P'r Daren. parSitwIal ntc for faiailir. AND j -CARRIAGE PAINTER,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A 5PKCIAI.TV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. c"Shop next door to Astorian Office, in Shuster's building. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sjde e Warehoiiseat Atria or PortUud Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNES TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on either of the . alHJVe instruments. Terms Eight lcsons for live dollars. 3"Order left at Stevens & Sons hook store will he promptly attended to- J. T. B0RCHERS, CONCOMLY &TKEET. ASTOKIA, Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cash paid for fresli BLACK STUltGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon pot up in tins to snip to any part of the wortt. Also, trout hait (salmon eggs) put up in cas and warranted to keep any length of time. Depot at Rogers Central Market, corner (iussand Chemunus streets. Astoria. To-Xigfit. To-Night- GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. DE3. -rA.- CTJI30"3Sr- dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, NAItS, 31 IIX FF.EI AND HAT Cash paid for country produce. SraaX profits on ca3b sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squemocqhe gtnvts. by -tt BALKOKR.rJTHRIE A- C.. Portland, Oaegon. QPILES. The undersigned U prepared to randsk. a large number 01 Spiles and Spars at hi place on short notice. aC reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES, Columbia Cttr