afcO- -arw- 1 f to ntXij IVstovimx. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY MARCH 1G. IBS1 COMMERCEAND TRADE. Financial. Uxor, at par. Otaa exchange n iih Fracit 14. Hret f-remiaui. Cm &caaair a Xw Yark Wyiatr par: aglliBf tut 1 hereout. Local f aadera par. TttfjrailuetruKianMi Xaw Ywrtt I aw . rretaiutb. fiiKTOF ASTORIA. RKABY PVU SKA. sAILJU. IOd ..KW UNMk Mli.fclt !' I.M Ummhm 7Mk 14 Italk S V. Marea It tSM . -". phiw . r waif 4 r ianriri - Wk. a6 tNM Mmih Xante S 2Cck Baa MM lt 'wiTWii. fc I Mate 1 -UBi i fer kk.7 w-. Mercer. lmiBiil. l"ai Jfc IBfMM-rMr h - I Feb v fijw im -s -j) ATM. o TTJeln - M un. Pit. U I. liaaa tataMarab M "- ts W Mafrtt a a ooi.Wfafc. !(. Martta OnMI March 1 JarmfV oil. II ". Tialmapu. X Y. Kfc. .Mate I -. eb. !w im. McAlVepS 1. !" AVewdo. br Mu -IS iw. VilliM . lump'. KitofWAa . tma w. . IjJb. Onw I IUrt-r. JmM afcrwfc. C .' Inwir w. JtM en. w vjt&sKte ujv r . ifji . Krun: AHiii'fiii I'rf-. KniI V. ) tm. A4ihmo. . K. Krt tlnuM. kr 2t WrttMimi. S F MaftW. ch. " v I - 2 Mm. - .3M wJ. !-. Y Iee U vtN.ak MiiliMtHpliMi. J a U ttiiilTrr -1, U3C"- - ' .!! Mr Hfi. Aw . t . Mwr. X Y Uumx 3" U K m- ltt -r 42 ta. MaltMt X Y Jai I Mk. m. IS urn. rrtwM X Y. Jimi CWfH TA'w-Ww. At" .Jt -. lriMC. IW- rmyr. Am i..S Y F43. tMH McV Ami i Ijmc S Y 49tew ft Uurl Aw Pt4liW Mwi J'toni I'orcis" lrt. Am. .frtiOi Hk Un4i 1 1 J 2 -m YMirM jtezne llwaid. Wr 4i. 1 ,MH.ilAi. CartliK. Ooc H. A4K. S". . fli !. KneavMi. Jiti- Avsn. sr bK iMtotiN ;' Ktw Jawifr Jaw Mm H. Am 1V. Mi tMs. Xjk llMgl.c. j UkMMttMZ -tTiuntj ! Ar Ur Kk. W t-. Alexander (m4H, w 0 ef Acrm. r -. Wl ten. Ytrnme. Mttmitrim. 4Aui Onwt. r W. W ten. .Iw. it lAtone4. A'ov 'Jfl .lomt A R-itsX) 13 runtot of 1 (HWrjUtw UeW 3 0n MeLrod. Ur W hlfi tn. Yt4aiHi Mareh I AtieU llmitliM lr 773 toos Harris XnufwH. Urns rut t!frnii ''H fr""wtrtM"4ac . bV !irAtHX.Uet t! ; ISeMlqr. Wr t lH' t. Buii. Ywl(iiltiita A he !. v llH1it rftiit VielHrta 04w4j. kR Hh twM6 lTUTtumt vm Hi)i4iitu .!- ff 9(. tlMlHtful VamUi. br VA ST mi. Vh(. Uitmh(I, viu Vc- OxPWittfctre. lr sk. Htte.Atreii.fHi 0rtHt :SAlftM. Jr hk 4M tow Me(ite4ian .Mt4t4o))orWKi ScwUwti rin. br hk. Y.iVtuw. Oat II - JThtrU4 Ctt44. br ifa l.'U tn. SbttecttM Vtcria . r bk, Nt tow. 0hib. IJalouMa. J2f. br bk lv4r)MMl via VM'twoa .Im 3 THE MARKETS. "Antorlrt JlarkPts. Vmcs. SterttD SI 7; litm 5W; IQm Meal enrt. S ': ItecKwkeel ewt IkrriKi: CJkt) jvll, tep )rko. 32Sr ct ?c wiMt4e?ele; cb4ee HliMMHMtk c CiiRifcK.-OlHtr)i dairy Kfctc ISnss. Afltfi ets dwe ChHskeM, il 1M. Fkksh JIkms-Ch4ee ch. Lamb. lc: KoC Sl'i: I'vrklw; .MhUhi). )ty the ?1i.t. I'roekfk-t bMi 1V41 er ; MS43r : -Moke beef l.'tlfe: ewrtwl beef Si$is "r bW.: HMTtd peril itfc i - lKAN. 3t-4 et. DitiKlt Kih'ITh. itfwrkkerrierStH:: l'rtMp Won r. . - In fnHH ; in tl- . Linn in ttM end c4d.j lr4 'IVV H-. .Mmx hVii. -ikMi iM'aJ: euenrtrs. S Y m: c4mmw ;lr mo : (Ujr tat toi'Zl .': T um. n. Aeperdlmc u ilh.v. brice nrnxn fffMB (.' etr f tMnkel Vx.v-w.t. iuue. il et. T ; tlMiem 2 X ". ?:iii Fi:iMPi-po 3J:it'kPt.. lt MAIL AM TIM.ItltKAl'M.l Viu:ai 1 IT -w'J M iof cental fn paod iiitiiii:. Oat 1 l.w I i' V etl. WtKi. f )nsMi. Valley 27 (. .. F.R-4ptii Oivgon, Itm. Hunt-. II Miti ?ltpi i4p; likl. do c; skIUmI ilf. 10.12. FAMIin I'MOYl-UiX" ItHCfMl.lTHtlia1 Ui: cleur ()rj;m'c. KHfI.".l4P: Iikih U1 ri. KAUI.I.Y I'tiaM food Mbji?l IIT. iH; KrewiHKXT'itfrtiS p ctl. Ha-v Wlifat. fiiMSl': tint. ?ieifir., 15arl;,iby?;i5 'f t. VKt.KTAKI.KN I'tttiitOMB 75t?.S5 l't MT WH: OiiHin-.. hmI. o57c jier HK; Yel low. Krtl ."ill ier KK). E.. t'alifontin.:;?!, ft iler: Ore 9n. XiwAlk' l(r.. Ft.orit lt fauiilx pxtni. 1 7."; Sm pcrriHO, ; 'AWA : linker extra. .." li1: Oregon extra. M 7"ri t)i: Vh11h-hI1h TCtm. M TAMfii 7.".. F it irr Dried apples. 8J!i-el5. f(r iMarters. sliced; l'lum pitted, inti!(l4e; I'phcIh", llwl'i'tc. peeled 18j0c. IIhttki: axi riiKK.K Extra fancy Butter. 4o ct, V lb; Kiesh roll, skmI i choice. 4Ttjtri7t ets: Pickled. 4(i ct. ft. Sbeii Flax, (fjrvc ?) lb: Canarv, 4e: Alfalfa, SKgllc; Timothy. y Bags There b a rikk! business in a X.bbinu way at tyi(&Uv for .standard zrain. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA fjom tables or United States Coast 8urvey. Hisb Water. Low Water. Mam M taara. trMbiwiM ChIwiiiWii C21 tHM- EHte. A.M. F.M.I K. M. P. 31. 10 8 13 a ol( 'J 05 r, .Ti 11 9 10 10 441 3 10 4 : 12 10 07 11 30! 4 13.... 5 17 13 11 01 I 5SI6 ." 59 14 0 03 11 521 6 15 G :7 15 0 33..... 0 351 . 7 03.... 7 10 16 1 05 1 14 7 7 7 ; 37 1 31 1 51 1 8 22... 8 07 18 1 58 2 37 8 57. 8 31 39 ... 2 21...... 3 27 . fl 37... 9 J2 Blanks. Promissory notes, bonds Cor deed, quit claim deeds, ruortjaes ajtd warranty deeds, at this office. Columbia. River Exports. nKCRMUKU. 18 To QH6CCHtair-n,por Ringleader. From Portland lJ).fi.V5 ctls when! SS,4!0 Astoria T.ttals 3S.T12 la- T IAceriA. er CMMor. Prwm Portland l!.jn W4s Hoar... " Ashtrix tt " ... 21.000 SW,V J&GAV XjPtfl Total.. . Fnaa AtHln 1X.HU X21J es saimoa...... Hum T4al Vatapcarjfo S7S.470 13 To jertm. ftr Adam .If. Xfrn. Fnmi Portia 2S4 ffc we4 -.( A-toebt 'J& " " X TtitsH '. $SHJSS Kmm itttltaiMl skjms; rtfc. wheat ?.1,Mm i; T tjivM4cn, per Irrtm. Fpum INwttxiMl 21 .W 1h 1l....r.l - r Mrrrm. per Xxny. Pkmm I'.Mlliu4 ll.Obbb " AslrtlU PB - . 1 TrtiJs H.3M 77 7 VrcaV.w. r CAeaaW. I'rWfcH INttTtbUMf Zi Aw rtl WMTU - jrna S.IW 4 Tntab. Itiwi 19 Tit Qcriu4'rf, r WiriMnm. Fmni rwtfauMl SUt::H!wtMt 31 TV ifrriutm. prr tUimm Xfrrf. Friu l'wrtUuid:tt,irtl"al Atrla 7.. &HJW Jss,Kei M.a .-5te.b .fll.BH .-B.7rt ll.'V T4!K. ... asgw jC.7 4A3WAItr. .1- -r frmMmrm, per Lmdf Mitt. X!A HY frridr, prr mmpmu. Vm IVftUuM a9i 4K wlmrt !. !3-iV .fe. ronf. per Stur rt .Yfc. ttwtn rtartfaud II J. M4 fltMir .-V,i 24 TV L'rriftvt. per kmti linkm 4xtPKimH Ti4ji1 Tniw .- , I'KKHtWIM. I TfV. .Verry arf. yvr Uttrr. If I . ! TI Ytm INtHlMHt WjMk ijft-wtmtt XT- IJimffimit, ptr AfiU. 'fm rortltHtd t,1t WNir .;. Tu frfMt. per Aifiir. ifKi l'MiibtMl ansi in-ks r.ivi Vvni INr(Uwl 17.1a k jtM-. -"SWin Asiiwia lttj7 i" srtHHHi .. H.' T.Hnl 1WS 7' fJrcrf!. tor Durham. Vt IvmlaiHi ILViTirtiHwlMiit WJW .vjr W4h Hhm- !.,w. A4rix 2 e 'ittotmm . 3.4h 1l ,VW5i 'ft V1 4m. ffr i'rrnMrr. V'ntn I'MtllitHd IK.ia: Us wMiwt -!. 2"i - 7V IArcrtA. er A trhw. IVnn I'MrtUtH 12.H.I rl wHi4 l v 7.t 1W. HHir. SI . 'I 4mI . .... . -K.VH MAIU'II. li TV Qrrn4m. prr Vtmlmut, FfMI I'orlUMMl-n HNHHPHt ...?T.I,t 12.- TV (,M(VN4tPH. jW Sfl Irtl. l'tm INtrlUiiiil dtM ptl wttPMt S,,VJ Coiunber of Co:nmurce of Antoriu. Kivnlwr UH'iJHj;i rr ltMMil Jl Minvim) tf eJIPM f 'Mlh.Mt7- I. M.. IH UtP llll f till NMts Mi-m"n (TlirHfcu Avctmiofl .1. 1. A. Iltt Y. l' ii Knights ot Pjthlas, A -iter l.lit9. Ne. t. K. ef 1'. meet, ? ir Watlaltiv yenig at "4l&!Syi 'ph1. ir. tke bull f tbe A. O. I'. . V? CrMrr GftcatmiH- t Keaten ftreett v ler C. C. Astoria bodgro No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Keyuler MeetiRt; ereo 'IneAlNv Krwiiiu at t e'cWk. U TM4arV Hall, Chc HiiHHt) treet. Astoria, er J. 1.. i'mker d'wre M emleo f the Order, in sved tand mz. Mr ier:ei Hi xMend. Uezree Hieetixx It Mm4iiv etteh wMtlt. l7rder W. C.T. Tuple lxage. No. 7. A. F. A. M. lies!" ':efHanieKti firt undfV' lfcirMitMnla.vf ineaefa mhhkm. at 7'. r o'ebxrk. r. m.. Mi the Hal! in Atria Mom bens of the Order, in km1 RiiRff,are tflrttetl te attend. Uy rd-: nf :ke W . M. Baavor Lioder No. 36. L O. O. F. t H&K. rl.uwuu a'caAkLM t 7', .'dk. m tae kW l'l-lir i ii.-ii j i.. a ra.A ' '' ww r iiii.c.n. v mw m ;- auiMM-atreefc-. A-wri. .MeaHerf taeOnlei are i it4 te attend, lifmler. X. (i. Common Council. tegular Mectinay eid aad fonrtli Tac 4m eiii .f eneh Mimth. mT'so ehiek tur l'er.' aVirina t aa e waUe aeltM : bj' theOmneil. atany reenter taeetma muI prerient ta war ( th Adhi and Clerk ea tt r nday p eninx lrkr ! ike Tae-day o which the tWndl hold il rriar Meetino. II. CAKDtf'KLI. A editor ami Clerk. WAlt IS IX'IiA!:i:i WITHOI'T FI KTIir.K .T1('K A id im 'mi h iM!M,e mail !CTi a per hmh It At4tw Imp. a wph ? yv MAK SIV .1IKAXY. IjA t tin iMiri : I'aiit". Ii tHpi fnHi - "hw rant-.. tWn:itiM FnnH-ht'vslMTP - 12 .) its Immp 2 W TIwHikM Jimp f awitk mi Hip enst to -H-i rr.nn. 1 .1. A1F.ANY. Mrrrliaiit l;iibr. i'arker llare. AMna First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, Imp Udwa,iilP tin (Mpihi liall M" hh XafanllH (is HHNlf. Xew BcujgabGllG Table, (The ThliieM irhM ru.) Tb.p i-boicot linnuKof fnrpkj;ii and doiuotic WINKS. laqiJOKSAXO OKIAItS. -IIet H'liipnxo lteer."ci GEKMANIA BKEH HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT Chv.vamo.s Steh-t, Astohu, The liest of LagcvZ Vfs. a Glass Onleis fr the GeleliratBu Colamlila Brewery BEER l:ft at IhU plnee will lie promptly attend ed to. t2TXo chpaii Hmi F.rattneo IJeer sold at this pince: WM. BOCK. Proprietor BLANK .J00KS PIUXTED AD BOUND TO AN oXv.t. and ruled to an order, at luc Astokiix offioo. MISChLLAKEOL. TJS PILLS! AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, .re lDcoraparablc. They stimulate the TOKP1D IJVEH.inviKorate the JJ ER V OUS SYSTEM, Bive tone to the DIGES TIVE ORGANS, create perfect digestion and refjular movement of the bovrela. AS AH ANTIMALARIAL They htvra no equal : actins: as a prevent ive and cure for Bilious, Remit tout, Inter mittent TyplHMd Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy action of the fetosnich and Liver doponds, almost wholly, the health of the human race. DYSPEPSIA. Uh for the cure of this disease and itu at tendants, SICK-HEADACHE, NERV OUSNESS. DESPONDENCY, CON STIPATION, PHiES, &c, that those Pilte have gamed such a vridc roputation o remedy was ever- discovered tlMt acta o vpeedilyand gently ontho dizostive or' toim, RivtoK them tone and vior to as -amiUtc food. This accomplished, the StjitVES are BRACED, the BRAIN NOURISHED, and the BODY RO- BU ST. Try this Remody fairly and ycu will Rata a Vu?rousBody, Pure Blood, etrcDB Nerves, and a Cheerful mmd. I'ripc 2Zc. 3." Inrrny St-, N. V. TUTT'S KATE, DYE. fiaAT Hair or Wbt- i e cbanxed to a (.:: UlACti b-a rnrW ppueatioa ot tins Vr Ir i j:t SiturnJi o:t, and rs Instanfne"asir. Kilh-I). .wst' ' if3 :--1i, rf t Office, 35 Murray St., New York Vitalizes and Enriches the Blood, Tonei up tho System, Makes the M'cak Strong, Builds up the Broken down, Invigorate tho Brain, and CURES r- Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Gen eral Debility, Ueuralgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and ALL DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A BAD STATt OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYRU Suppbcs the blood with its Vital Principle, mi I.ifp Kleinvnt, IKON, infuun Mrpngth. Vijroraad Npp I.ifc into all pans of the system BEING FREE rROM ALCOHOI r, fncrv Jig effects arc not followed by corrcon Ju ,; r k ion, but are permanent. srrn w fowleTson PrKt,, r Jarruoa A-eouc, Boston. Sold by all Druuu ni -- i-ji ail ar.T- uxwip- ilelicvcr' i;r ?Iu anl Beast. Clianp. quick Jisttl i-Iiaole. EsaBee3rs7j I ITCH KR'S C VSTOItLiV is iiit Narrotie. Children, grow f:it tton, Motlier-s like, and Physicians recommend C ASTOIJI A. 1 1 regulates Hie !5ow;L-, cures "Wind Colic, aliny Feverishnos, antl de (rtiN AVorins. WEI DS MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a. Constitutional Aitttiloto for tliis terrible raala dy, V Alisoriition.. Tho most Impoitan.t Uiscovcry sinco Vac cination. Other rcsicdiou may roliovo Catarrh, this cures a any ttags hoforo Consumption kots in. For Youngs River and Knappa. TIht Mpiimht MXtiTShW. C. V. HAMLIN, - - MASTKK Will ntakf tosnlar lrit lo Vttims Khpr p rj Frldax auillHaiwtfprTiivsnu. lite MamiPt i rpad for iluirtcr In any HlHtO!ltlri'lHO. Korfrclpht iirjivispainil on lMmul oral I. W. CupV. DRESS MAKING. MKS.F.W. 1I.LSI.KY, - MAIN STKEET. In JtiMiBfc traddmc. next door to Mr.Derbys Is now prepared to do FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING XNIi PLAIN SEWING OF ALL KINDS. I-ndleaof Atoriaan rcsH.TlfiiHysollfitPd fora4iarc nf their pntrouage. -Accney for KiitlncK.1 latlPtns, r. l jriL jgf j&mmV lite pf IP a:--r Mf?.9fe .-V'.R.tM RT-T G$Zv&gg$ CC V?tt ,-rt CvrfTllJThv..2r .; . MJURLAPS,?' C0ftflH ROPERS lt5 rf u 1 --rtitrA tp-gg?ZZS: PACIFIC COAST j. "WV: MISCELLANEOUS. . V. ALLKN. C. 11. I'AUK. raeos (-t c;k?vuk io k. s. laksbx.) WnrtPMb-Hl retaQ tieHkjsRiUt Qraoorhs, Provisions, Orookery. Glass and Plated Ware, THOI'ICAl. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tosetlier with Wiies, Llanors, Tobacco Cifars Thi lurspt and Miot POHt4otP MtK-k of umhN lthpir liHcti l- fHHHliH tke city. ("HrHtT of Ca- :id SiHeiwcqip Streets. ASTOKIA. OKKCtN. TAT EL HEMENT, a.-toi:ia. oi:e;)N, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. J.-rl,rpMnli PHrpfMH;ptHKHiHtPH' at all hour-. rSHiHiKfUMlkip TiBPtwrps ami IVIkrls. ami llMMhrpy" Sn-eHk Ah. kppt. IB. w . BLOOI5, hpppnt ! K!mI A 1jp. (I.uskwii. - - - oi;ki;o. I-im ipwril ti. rpitivp tkT fr FLOATS, BUOYS - Copper Handles,' Mallets, Etc. I lutp kppn r?apil in Htakiajc Ikial-. pIi ! iIm iwst Rp iars awl my wmrk lias al-a-avs jrtv-H salWaptam. I "jiiii jwpiem-il in lili all mkr rM.itlv. mwl ihi sMrt ihht al Um kmpt ihk-p. alwas lnHk-rsplliiis other faprk appinilinx In Miialit) of phmN ()nk-ts.k'ft with THKNCIIAKIl & riHUIt, AjjphIs. A-lnria. Or aMnstMl to tin uiHlprstsmi!. hIII rt ppip H-iHit attpntHMi. It. W. Kl.()Ol. I laloKaniP. Drvs'Hi. HOSPITAL, ASTOBIA, OBEGON. rnius ixstititiox. exmu: cake of i Uk Mstei-s of Chanty, is now ready for tin reeetkti of patents. 1'nvHlp nwHiis for tla appoiHtaodHlHHi of anx d-slrinj tlhm. i'atipitsartiHittpl at all or night. Xo -rnxsiriHii luis eplitslx-e rkht. even -mtieiit is five to ami has the privilege of pinploj in; an i4i sk-ian Ihej prefer. I'nited States ninrinpj Seamen x ho ni Hontal Dues, are enti tleil to Freecure ami attendant-cat this Hos pital duriislekness. Permits mnst lie ol taiueil for I'nited States Marines at the Cuv torn House. SlSTEK OK I'HAltlTV. C. K. .IACKIN- .1. A. MONTKOMKUY. STOVE AND TIN STORE Snip Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTOKIA. - OREGON'. xr. I- mVark. Astoria. T. A. BKOUT Portland. BROVT.Y 4t McCABE, STEVEDORES ANI RIGGERS. Astoria office--At E. C. Holden'. Auctiou store. Portland office 24 B street. 13-tJ ySOOfil SAflftg fWIIES f G.-J . SSMn. Wfrr' h:tf. o & &Zr&JXJc .-. :-'0?r -5flJ2f?Wf C5V a n. m- z.4ry i yjHiavr4m-f; rv -. c--sv "wwc to f&vjotv. a. . ot r x cj jCj' sx: irjgttisjrm?t- -- - ,v v. - i tr.. n n; i" : smEg&smuasBi23&z& s ifrlfMMifTii fin li 1 i1Tiii T ir imTrri imi " m llmlffnfi3Bffl lligfJi-WilIJOiW sportingsuits" o AaBaHariBISBBHDL 4arfcr. 5nSKv il!riyvir?Un !?MilMSiaSar5 ea&9 Mms-jJm1- T'Yx R. LEESON & CO.. BOSTON. '" - 1. & CRAFTM, ifiASS. 3IISCELLANE0US. -sss: frfiT'r-tif-kftt t'-Hi. . . feviUT. vtPiTAr- IW w ? ruf fl I "V "t- m. - i La-js- I Je-? A Tilt jIiiNt Suppi"s-ltil KfiiiPdypvpr i .-e, 7lKph itiM-mi-rtfl. :t it tspprtaiti in its pffppts ami, "iMpk"" .!- ma in snr. a'.m. p i-lU-iit fitr lininaii i .j, "5 .. :k-li Kta'l 'twt Ih'Iom. .I "a4 ' A irit" From a Prominent Physician. rMtri,Ms;v:; YHlllH"tOHVtllp. oM..Iiiih- 17. s. Iit. It..l. Kfmmu. &t"u. t;pn:s: Kpail- ' ins 'Hir ailvprtiMMiipni ui Turf. FkW ami i I'unu it I. mlullV Siuivtn lnri riinl Imvlii" , ixa:iiaMpanNnpptlx Hnrsfnliipliliadliepii lana- from spaxln i-Uhtppu HHttlis. I sent to xou fur a IkiUIp h pjipv. wIih-ii m i pks rpinoxnl all lampiipss ami tnlargp ihpm .mil a Ian:t splint from another lior ami ImMIi hurst san to-iiax- :i-.soiiim1 a- pnlts. 'file o,ip Iwittip worth in nit mu Iuimlmt dollars. Ursiipptfiillx xnurs. II. A. P.EKTOI.EIT. M I. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREiaxPl-on- . -r -- . . l mini ior H.irrisburj.'. Pa.. nx. 1. S). nJit.-.v-.i-Uk. i: .1. Kk.mai.i.& Co.. t tents. I liaxe s. u-aiu a wrx line man that h.i-s hart a lump sjmixih . Umatilla' for a' Ions tinie. 1 tried exi-rx thinj: man . andnpnr. pld dpvisp tociiri'It hut all in xtisn and i erpoinM .is alMint to pix-p it up xxinMi a friend of Atona Ka- IllllM in tins- euy inline m uir nun leeinii ........1...1 fnr. ivl.t.l. I I ni-ii..-i ... "" -.-I....... v .. ....... . ...v.. , HH "SraiHi rpsmis. rpinmni; in n ihhw .-n-ai i ami Plenii ami tlien l srni i eentt to you ior ihm nf x-Kir ilhistnited i!ore Itooks ami I Ihmk tin re is no iM-tter lunik printril n the linrsp ami his illspasps. i n.ix'p taken great inti-nt in it itn.1 siliii smM is eoiiics ""v."-...."':: :::.:i:r,.:."i ,:ii ; .....I .ii i rj'mii'iii ifij.iii"ij.iiH. ., .urn ui , Hhat2MI 1 iiiii hx iPttnnrtliPin lorotm-r-. Yours tndx. " C. W.MlLI.EIt. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX IIl'JSIAA S'l.KSH. Iakerstipld. Vt.. Hop.. 28. 9. Oil:. .1. K:mxi.i. A. Ol. (JpiiIs; I wish to mldmxlPstimiH.xinfavorofxourhivahwIiIelCofjer Fjont and D Streets, Portland li:iti:ipnl. "Kendalls hpax-M fun." In the '"'"" sjn-me of 151 I slipped- ihi Hip Iih and sprained mx niu tinii.u iip'Kiiei jo-nt. i wat. xi-rx laiiH ami al tinn-s suffered the most .xeriieiatim; ikuii. I wore a hamlace ihi it for nxvr a ear. and tried most exery thmg m ihv reach. Mil emild find nothing that otih! gixe me pennaneiit relief. When I overworked, it would pain ne erj- much. In Apnl 1ST. I liegan to think f should Ik aenpplc for life; hu! hax mg Mime or "Ken-' ilatl'sSnavin Cure" thought 1 xxould tn it I rmiI one third of a IniUIp. and eerienecd relipf at omp. Tin pain left no and has not tnHiided me vnee. I feel x-erx crtiteftil to xon and wiHihl repomniPHdKeiidall'sSKix :i i lire to ail who smier who sjiniois ur rii"ii- i matWm. xours.nii.x .x. ,:...,. i.oiTKi.t.. Kendalls Spavin (Jure Is stire ill its etteeks. mild in Us action as it uih-s not iHisier. ami jet u is peneiraiuig and Miwerfnl to reach an, deep seated pain . or to reaiovp aux !nn growth or anx other enlargement, if itsed tor several days, such as spavins, sptints. curbs eallons. sprains, j sHplliiK-s.. anx lameness and all enlargements . of the jMntsorlinds. or rheiimatt-sfiiin man t lort Met ens. Fori t'anlo. and llttac :uul for anx purpose for which a liniment ls ' . Used for man orheast. It is now known to xojinectinswtth ..A.Loontis'stasesforOys N thehest hnitneiit for man ever used, act- i temllo and Uiymi.ia. en Tuesday's and Sat tnp mild ami x et pertain in its effects. It is ; ardoy .s. Hsed full strength with perfect safetx at all I Fare in Fort Stevens-.. ..... .... SOcta seasons of rhe year. ' Canhv ami nwae!Z""nn SI CO Md ;wlilress for illiistraied Pirenlar. which we Ihink gives MisititpuKit of itstirtnes. mrilw.ieo freieht. bx Hh- tim.iH lots of Xo reim-dx has ex er int w ith shVIi HiKpiali- , ihip ton or o er. j na jer ton. itpd irtir kmiwledgp. for last as iwl'nr Tieket. Tawata er Charter applr well as man I cither at the ook of the CuiniHiny, Gray'a Ira-p ?1 icr Nttlp. or st ttps r.r & wharf. fot of Ran ton street, or t tat Cai.taia AI.I. OKI CGISTS Jtaxp it or can pet it for B bwrd. I'laia . r it vit! 1hsi to anx addn-s oti re- . j. .I). i.KAY Awent plot f iriee hx the ' " dim:. .. ki:mai.i.&co.. . r. ,.. ..-.,-,, Em-stHin-ii rails. vpmwHit. , ( jreon & California R.R Co 50LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nanairao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carry!-!- I". ! niail. jst Til E STEAMaii IP gt CALIFORNIA, JAM& CARR0I.1. Cawmander Will lexe McCrakec' Wharf. Pet ef D .tr. for the ahove M'rts. Ttr KSUA V. 31 ARCH -JU. l. j At 3oriopk A. M. l-r rreirhi or lV-az apidy t Ei. r. HUGH Ea. Purser. WELCH FULL TftTjtvrs:: works Ftiruisit pare SPRING WATER topntroHs. Custom Solicited, P'Pesand general x'wiiir fistiirespon- Miilix on hand. rea sonable rates. Office on xtest- Eiglitl. s.n-t i near O. R. A. N. Co -s wharf. .IA. W. WEI II. Agent. Astoria. Oregon. WlLSOX & FlSHE UKAf.EK- 1 LUBRICATING OILS. COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared . Rubber Packing. PROTOSIONS, MILL PEED. GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or bold at lowest price. Corner Clienamus and Hamilton Street.. ASTORIA: OREGON. LETTER HEAD PAPER. PRINTED OR PLAIN. OF TIIK RESI quality at Thk A3T-ni.Uf oSce. ,-oiHiL, : S. A. V 'r.-JL-E. MILLS AT TK AX S I ORTATH X LINES. Oregon Railvay & Navigation COajPAXY."! 1K'KA. IHVISIO.V. For Smi Francisco. eTKAMHIP LKA KSKVEU V FIVE tluys Ciilnnilihi. I Orpiui. MntpCnlirnrnia ir.r. s.s. p.) FpI. ..i2 Z li March , .11 -20 ......1M Atnl 13 2S Max -. M .. lb May 13 ,,, .. . ..iflr??1"!. rtTffl t changi Moamets or '""'S ""J , S'T.'.l ,,."..,I,.JVI-:i:J sfrt" u a" theprtu- ' ''""' l" " l"' L "'" mps ami unnadiu River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamot and Yamhill Riueis. PKBKl'AKY 1 t?8l. I Mon jn. We. iTiiu. Fn. Sut. I 5AM SAM SAM SAM SAM jSAM hAM SAM HAM 6AM ... . SAM FAM pA.M RAM SAMJ SAM SASl 7 AM 7A3I I. AM I 5AM lama.Taeoi HaaKIPI...1I vie na.rwr w,tifistr Citblanwt.1 la V.., i H.i Wni-' ,."'. P I ".."."' i lilt K B appj. UiVtllll ... alem A I- AM bany !-! I vAlr. annli j IBITW-tlj- atCMHRIS. h.XM i-km-:i:ai. ofuckj.: .1. Mit'KAKKX & Co.. Agents State of California. A. U MAXWELL .IOIIXMi:ifC. T"k-t'.lt.&X.Co. Ceneral Freight and Pnseiispr anent. T. F. OAKES. Ipp rreidpiit and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens ranKtr Ti . "i,wllA lo r oris Stevens, t-anby, II waco, Oysterville and Olyrnpia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Ga. - , mU ,Brt Hee he llwac0 gcJP ! WHITCOMB ..mastrr Will leax-e Astona ob :iiinl:i3 Titesilajs. ami .sialurdax). At 0 A.M., at J-t A. II., and I I. M. a aa alter iet. II, Issn. train tvillrHR aJ fellow-, DAILY ( Except Sundays). 1 VMMIO 1-lVISiOK. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. MVIL TKll.V LKAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7::i A. M.IKo-ehar? 7:Ud P. M Resebur-c ":nj A.M.) Portland 4-UP M A-BANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. I:( P. M.ILcbaiMiB 'Jjfti p. M Lebanon . I:t" A. M.iPortlandin:0. A. 31 FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland K:Io A.M.IJunctien :00 P.M , Junotien 3: 13 A. M. Portland .5:23 P. M ThoOrepon and Caii'ornin Rail read Ferry : make eennection with all Regular Trains on Eattide Dix Won. Ck,Ts. IHVHO'V. From I'ortland to Corxiillis. ! mvil TK.ti.- 1 LEAVE. ARRIVE. I Portland s:i A. M.ICorvallis .t:oO P. M I CorvallL- S:.a) A. M. Portland S:20 P. M Cioe connection arc mado at ROSEBURG 1 with theatajo.s of the Oregon and California ! Stage Company. I it-rTicketsforsaletoallthejiriBcipali.ouiU in California and tho Exn. at the Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will be charged on freight re-nain-ng atCompanys Warehouse over 21 hou3. Freight will not be recoivedfor shipment , after o o clock l. M. on fcastsiuo Diruion, and l o'clock P. M.on H outside Uivision. J. BRANDT, Jr., GenM Sup't. E.P.R0GERa. , Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. ! Astoria and K.napptou. RegtUar Mail and Pas-senger Mteamer ROHKTTA, ' C. P.ROCK . . MASTER j mrWill leave Knappton for Abtoria aad I return daily. I CARRYING THE U. S. 3IAII- j Also have a lighter which enahles her to I carry wood or freight of any kind. ' ata-For charter, freiffht or liv ing rates applr on board, or at i. x. uaae'a store. Wanted. 1 K AAA I"OONDS R.U-S'OFaltkind.s. JL)AAy clean and dry at the rmhre'.la shop. Main street, by J. JOPLIN. r ffi&mfc ?